
* InHisName wonders if ChinnoDog is yawning again loudly04:29
ChinnoDogYes. And brewing tea.12:17
teddy-dbearlate morning peoples, dogs, turkeys, hamsters and everything else14:11
ChinnoDogI finished setup of DD-WRT on my router yesterday. I missed having a full featured router.14:41
ChinnoDogMy old router also supports DD-WRT now so I have a router to take on trips now. :D14:46
pleia2woo travel router17:20
ChinnoDogMore internets for all.19:33
jedijfUbuntu NJ LoCo team leader needed. PM Joe_CoT if interested.20:07
InHisNameI need to borrow a USB keyboard and USB mouse,   OR  USB to ps/2 keyboard & mouse adapter from anyone near Warminster for 5 days.23:31

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