
inetprogood morning 03:58
nuvolario/ oh hi Trixar_za, inetpro, Tonberry_, and others05:13
bduk1More almal06:25
nuvolarioh hi bduk1, ThatGraemeGuy 06:46
ThatGraemeGuyhey nuvolari 06:47
Cantidehi everyone~07:15
nuvolarioh hi Cantide, sorry, missed you :P07:18
Cantideunderstandable as i don't chat much these days ._.07:19
Cantidetoo busy...07:24
Cantidelife does that to us07:24
nuvolariI'm going to make a definite attempt to not let life pass by me at my new job - a conscious attempt07:36
Cantidespeaking of work... i have to go back .-.07:38
Cantidebye  bye~07:38
Kiloshi Squirm  nuvolari  inetpro  ThatGraemeGuy  charl and others07:52
ThatGraemeGuymorning Kilos 07:56
nuvolarioh hi oom Kilos 08:09
Kilosone general question today,08:15
Kilosim running unity in 64bit and kde in 32bit, is that why unity is so much faster08:15
Kiloschose to get kde in 32bit because then i can use it on 32bit pcs as well08:16
KilosTelkom Internet will be extending its Free Night Surfer data by an hour from 1 September, giving subscribers free data from 00:00 to 07:00 (12am – 7am), MyBroadband has learnt.08:20
Kiloseish no more 11pm08:21
Kilosmorning bushtech  08:26
inetprouh 08:27
inetprogoeie more Kilos08:27
bushtechmorning kilos08:27
* Kilos waves08:27
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: Telkom Internet is ADSL, not 3G08:28
ThatGraemeGuythat artible applies to DSL users08:28
ThatGraemeGuythe article too08:29
Kilosoh yay ty ThatGraemeGuy  08:32
Kilosi didnt know adsl did night surfer as well08:33
nuvolarioh this is nice09:22
nuvolaribitlbee's own service is somehow busted09:22
KilosMaaz  tell  alphaG Just hang around if no one answers you immediately , sooner or later someone will get to see your message, and best of all if you have a problem then state it and hang for an answer14:22
MaazKilos: Righto, I'll tell alphaG on freenode14:22
Kiloshi StonedAlchemist  15:04
StonedAlchemistHello Kilos 15:04
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za15:05
StonedAlchemistThanks, I'm feeling wanted already :)15:05
Kiloswhy does dominic sound familiar15:06
StonedAlchemistDo you read vampire novels?15:06
Kilosmy sister lives off them15:06
Kilosive read a few15:06
Kilosi mainly read instructions on how to fix my ubuntu15:07
StonedAlchemistLol luckily ubuntu doesn't need fixing that often.15:08
Kiloshehe not for me i always need help15:08
Kilosbut lately we been minetest mad15:09
StonedAlchemistWhat's minetest?15:11
Kilosits a free clone of minecraft15:11
Kilosgreat to play online if you have uncapped data15:11
Kilosexpensive if you use 3g15:12
StonedAlchemistOh I see. Looks exactly like minecraft actually.15:12
StonedAlchemistBet someone is going to get sued for it..15:13
StonedAlchemistA few sandbox games have sprung up lately.15:13
Kiloslast night we went through the route of setting up a local server on our pcs for day time and family to play and after 11pm we go online to one of our guys server15:14
Kilosi think they have got past all that because its even in the ubuntu repos15:14
StonedAlchemistStill it can't be completely legal. It looks like an exact copy of minecraft beta.15:16
StonedAlchemistNevertheless I'm gonna get it anyway.15:17
Kilosthere is a better one than the one in the repos15:17
Kilosadd the ppa15:18
Kiloswe even have an irc channel15:18
StonedAlchemistI'm on arch. I downloaded the source file from the website.15:18
Kilos #minetest-za15:18
Kilosbut the c55 one hey15:18
Kilosthat one i think15:20
Kilosthe clever guys are either still working or on the way home15:20
Kilosor let me look in notes somewhere15:21
Kilossudo apt-get install minetestc5515:23
Kilossudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/stable15:23
Kilossorry they should be other way around15:23
Kilosoh you on arch15:24
Kilosyou fight it out then15:24
StonedAlchemistI'm just digging down.15:26
Kiloswith or without ladders?15:27
StonedAlchemistJust straight down. 15:27
Kilosya we do too but then use tp commands to get back15:28
Kilos join #minetest-za15:28
charlwhoops sorry17:19
charljust greeted you on the wrong channel :D17:19
charlwhen i saw all the familiar names i thought i was in a different channel17:20
charlhi Kilos 17:26
Kiloshi charl  17:26
Kilosso whats the right name for the song ai yai die jy scroomba17:30
Kilosah its ska-rumba17:38
charlsounds like my vacuum cleaner17:39
Kilosvery catchy song17:39
Kilosby juanita du plessis17:40
charlooh i made a mistake of googling it :(17:40
charlit's true... south african music is indeed even worse than dutch music17:40
charlfinished listening... in NL we believe we have the absolute worst of music in the world but i think we need to revise that statement17:41
Kilosi think thats a very catchy tune17:41
charlif you want catchy then rather give me caramella or gumibaer17:42
Kilosi dont know them17:43
Kilosdont use data for music17:43
charlit's some real crapmusic pop from sweden and germany17:44
charlah no now you have me watching all the wrong stuff17:49
Kilosshe sings well man17:50
charli just watched caramelldansen and i am overcome with a strange sence of epic win and epic fail simultaneously17:50
Kiloslisten to some of her other songs17:50
Kilosnot your foreign stuff17:50
charlsorry but i just put on a clean pair of jeans this morning, don't want to dirty them17:51
Kilosi spose you say the same about tara's singing17:52
charlwho's that ?17:53
charlwait isn't she your daughter ?17:54
charlsorry maybe got stuff mixed up now, been a long day17:54
charlshe was in australian idols or something right ?17:54
Kilosxfactor ya17:55
charlah ok lemme search17:55
Kilosill get you the link17:55
charlthere is a populair band called tara but that's korean17:55
Kiloshi divanvisagie  17:55
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za17:55
divanvisagiehi, thanks17:56
Kilosgoogle tara-lynn sharrock on xfactor17:56
charlKilos: https://www.youtube.com/user/TaraLynnSharrock/videos ?17:56
charlyeah just found it :)17:56
Kilosthat is her ya17:56
charlwhow she's pretty ! and classy appearance too, not like that other juanita17:57
charlsings really good as well17:57
Kilosi think thats the best 17:57
Kiloswas the first i heard her sing as well17:58
charlshe's good !17:58
charlhas an angelic voice17:58
charlman that's your daughter :D amazing17:59
Kilosshe is busy trying to make up her own album17:59
charlshe should17:59
charldidn't get any record deals yet ?17:59
charlor staying independent17:59
charlstrange, just hear the crowd shouting for her17:59
Kilosshe missed out on xfactor because of visa probs to the states18:00
charlbah :(18:00
Kilosnow she is trying to do it on her ownm18:01
charlstaying independent is a good thing these days18:01
charlrecord companies are made of evil18:01
charlbut yeah i don't know how easy it is18:01
charlyou have to have some money to do good shoots for youtube18:01
charlit's not just good enough to sing these days, you have to do a performance18:01
charllook at people like linsey stirling18:02
Kilosya but she records at home with poor equipment so not the same as pro recording18:02
charlnah precisely18:02
charland to go pro you do need some funds18:02
charlunless you have enough money in the bank it's hard to get started18:02
charland these days youtube is totally crowded with good talent even18:02
charlyeah tough one ...18:02
charllinsey stirling made it big on youtube but she is not only very good on the violin but her videos are made really professional as wel18:03
charlthese days people have high expectations... not just good enough to be good anymore18:03
Kilosand everything is expensive18:04
charlyeah entertainment is tough18:05
charlalso because the one moment you're in and next moment you're old news again18:05
charli actually don't think i would ever want to be a professional entertainer18:05
charlthere is a dutch guy that made a song now that is based off a song by kurt darren18:05
charlboth the original and the new versions are cringeworthy though18:06
charlit's a song called "lekker lekker"18:06
Kiloslol i dont like his singing18:06
Kilosim too old fashioned i think18:06
charlwell this particular one was cringeworthy, i don't know about the rest18:06
charli was like "this fails so hard..."18:07
charlepic fail is all you can call it18:07
charli was almost like "you fail at failing" :D18:08
Private_Userhi everyone, anybody here know what could be the issue when one tries to use the radio function on a phone and continues requesting one to connect a wired headset when it has already been plugged in?18:38
magespawngood evening18:47
Kiloshi magespawn  18:48
magespawnhi Kilos18:49
magespawnon two channels18:49
charlhi magespawn 19:10
magespawnhi charl 19:10
Kilosnight al sleep tight20:45

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