
Gtownspartanhow do I register my nick00:02
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:04
valorieGtownspartan: ^^^00:04
valorieI love to see new kubuntu users in IRC00:06
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skinuxIs there a widget that will put a wireless monitor on lower-right area of desktop panel?00:39
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lordievaderGood morning.07:32
Ossidolordievader, yesterday valorie helped me out some more. The installation of kile was completed without any error, only lots of warnings complaining about pre-existing configuration files08:17
lordievaderOssido: Good to hear, you latex works like it should?08:18
Ossidothen in trying to install the recommended packages for kile, we found a problem because one of the recommended packages does not have a candidate08:18
Ossidowell, tex-common does, but it's not enough for me08:18
OssidoI can compile a very bare document08:18
Ossidobut not my work files08:19
lordievaderOssido: What package has problems?08:19
Ossido texlive-doc-base08:20
Ossidothe error is08:20
OssidoPackage texlive-doc-base is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:20
OssidoThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:20
Ossidois only available from another source08:20
OssidoE: Package 'texlive-doc-base' has no installation candidate08:20
lordievader!paste | Ossido08:20
ubottuOssido: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:20
OssidoI even filed a bug report on launchpad08:20
lordievaderOssido: What is the output of "apt-cache policy texlive-doc-base"?08:21
lordievaderBy the by, it is documentation, it should not matter.08:21
Ossidocan I paste it?08:21
Ossidohere it ishttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8129209/08:22
lordievader!info texlive-doc-base08:23
Ossidodon't ask me why it's in Italian08:23
ubottuPackage texlive-doc-base does not exist in trusty08:23
Ossidomy system is in English08:23
lordievaderOssido: Hmm, wonder why it is referenced. But that is a bug indeed.08:23
lordievaderOssido: Anyhow, what are you missing for your work?08:24
Ossidovarious packages08:24
OssidoI don't really know where they are located08:24
lordievaderOssido: Could you try installing them one by one?08:25
Ossidohow do you do that?08:25
lordievaderOssido: Well I suppose you have some idea of what needs to be installed, just go one package at a time.08:26
Ossidosorry, I mean LaTeX packages, not ubuntu packages08:26
Ossidothey are all thrown into some big ubuntu packages, like texlive08:27
Ossidoor texlive-full, which is the one I usually install08:27
Ossidoif texlive-doc-base is the one that causes the problem, I assume all of texlive is to be avoided for now08:28
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lordievader!info texlive-full08:33
ubottutexlive-full (source: texlive-base): TeX Live: metapackage pulling in all components of TeX Live. In component universe, is optional. Version 2013.20140215-1 (trusty), package size 14 kB, installed size 91 kB08:33
lordievaderOssido: Texlive-full is still available.08:34
Ossidommh, is it? Because when I purged tex, and then proceeded to install texlive-full, I got the landslide of errors that made me come here, yesterday08:35
OssidoI can try install it again08:35
Ossidowill it pull in texlive-doc-base ?08:36
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Ossidolordievader, sorry to bother you more, but do you have any idea why Quassel, that was in English before the upgrade, is now in Italian, and how do I switch it back to English?08:41
lordievaderOssido: It should not.08:46
lordievaderOssido: Seems to me like you switched your system language as apt was also in italian.08:47
Ossidowell, how do I put it back to English?08:48
Ossidobecause from the control panel, the language is already english08:48
lordievaderOssido: System Settings -> Locale -> Country/Region & Language -> Languages08:48
Ossidoyes, it's already English08:49
lordievaderOssido: English is also on top?08:49
Ossidoyes. I have three languages, from top to bottom: British English, American English, Italian08:49
lordievaderOssido: What is the output of "locale"?08:50
OssidoI don't want to take Italian completely away, because it's convenient for me to have the dictionary and sometimes use the spellchecker08:50
Ossidobut I want all applications in English08:50
OssidoI must say, this has been an issue for me since many years. As soon as the system realises that I am doint the installation/update in Italy, I find Italian popping up here and there in random applications, despite the main language being set to English in the System Setting08:53
lordievaderOssido: Run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locale08:53
Ossidousually every single application has a little switch to change the language of the application, but this time I can't find it08:54
Ossidolordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8129430/08:55
Ossidoin any case, apt-get and dpkg were in English, yesterday night08:55
Ossidothey switched to Italian while the computer was off...08:55
Ossido(it says that "locale" is not installed)08:56
lordievaderOssido: Err that should have been: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales08:58
Ossidook, done08:59
Ossidoshould I restart the computer?08:59
Ossidoor maybe just logout and log in again?08:59
lordievaderOssido: Log out and log in should suffice.09:05
OssidoI guess it cannot hurt09:05
Ossidolordievader, I logged out and the logged back in (just that). Not only is Quassel still in Italian, but now it doens't even log in on freenode any more09:15
OssidoI didn't change anything in the configuration, yet it says * Connessione non riuscita: Network unreachable09:16
lordievaderOssido: Err, wut. How is that possible?09:16
Ossidolordievader: I had to reboot. Quassel wasn't working, I was talking from the freenode webchat, but after my first post the keyboard started printing nonsense instead of what I was printing09:26
Ossidonow I've done a reboot, I'm inside Qualles, and it seems to work09:26
Ossidoit's still in Italian, though09:27
lordievaderOssido: Pff, strangeness.09:27
Ossidothe output of locale is still the same one as the first time09:28
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lordievaderOssido: Hmm, would it have to do with the kde language bug. There was a bug once where the order of languages was ignored.09:31
Ossidobut apt-get?09:32
Ossidothat one is in Italian too09:32
Ossidostarting from today09:32
lordievaderOssido: KDE has the ability to change the system locale09:32
lordievaderBut it is very strange though.09:33
Ossidoand this is a standing bug?09:33
lordievaderOssido: Not sure.09:33
Ossidoso should I try bothering somebody else, or just give up and enjoy my Babel?09:34
Ossidogood thing I didn't install German as well. I would need it for the spellchecker, but I couldn't cope with an application in German09:35
jubo2What software would you recommend for capturing from the webcam ?09:49
jubo2I'm on Kubuntu14 if that matters09:49
lordievaderjubo2: Cheese.09:51
jubo2'sudo apt info cheese' ? or is this a joke I'm not getting ..?09:52
jubo2looks like a program .. I'ma install it09:53
lordievaderjubo2: No, it's the name of the program.09:54
jubo2I wish it was possible to boot same OS on HW and in VirtualBox09:55
jubo2I currently have a Linux in my Windows and Windows in my Linux09:55
* jubo2 is waiting for the MaidSafe Storage app to come out09:56
jubo2could use a shared partition but MaidSafe Storage much cooler and safer09:57
Ossidolordievader: I have I have deselected Italian from the installed languages and rebooted. Thankfully, now Quassel is in English09:58
OssidoI'm going to add Italian again in the third position, and see what happens09:58
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Ossidolordievader: quite strangely, I still have the Italian spellchecker dictionary even after I deselected Italian as a system language10:04
jubo2Now I'd like a way to trigger Audacity rec and Cheese rec simultaneously10:04
OssidoI'm not going to add it again, then10:04
Ossidoand this problem is hopefully solved10:04
lordievader Ossido That is likely true, setting a new language also installes a few packages, one of which is the dictionary.10:04
Ossidomaybe I'll try doing the same for German, but another time :)10:05
Mamarokjubo2: try Kamoso, Cheese is not a KDE app10:06
jubo2Mamarok: but it runs fine.. fine, fine I install both10:08
Mamarokyou were asking for a webcam capturing app, and this is Kubuntu, hence my suggestion to use Kamoso, which is KDE10:09
Ossidolordievader, before trying to install texlive-full, which will take a lot of time, there is still one issue that I have noticed10:10
Ossidowhen I log in, for about 1-2 seconds between the login screen, and the splash screen, the screen becomes very glitch10:10
Ossidoshowing a patchwork of images10:11
Ossidoincluding ones from the websites that I have browsed10:11
Ossido(you see that this has a potential for being a big problem)10:11
MamarokOssido: which screen saver do you use?10:12
Ossidoon my first login, it was a corrupted form of my custom splash screen, so I put the standard splash screen10:12
Ossidojust a blank screen, Mamarok10:12
OssidoSystem Settings > Display and Monitor > Screen locker is set to "Simple locker", if this is what you meant10:14
lordievaderOssido: What graphics card + driver do you use?10:15
fishii10Hey everyone. KMixer/general sound question.10:15
Ossidoanyway, after I changed the splash screen to the default one, the first time I logged in the glitch was very fine, like a screenshot of static noise, and in all the subsequent logins, there is this mosaic of images that I've seen here, like images from the browser, or random screenshots of my acrivity10:16
fishii10All I can hear is Clementine. No sign of Firefox audio.10:16
Ossidothe card is an nvidia geforce GT 425M10:16
fishii10My KMixer's split into four sections by default: two Playback Devices and two Capture Devices tabs.10:17
fishii10It's weird.10:17
Ossidothe drivers, from Sistem Settings > Driver management is NVIDIA binary driver version 331.38 from nvidia-331-updates10:17
lordievaderOssido: Could you pastebin the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA'?10:18
Mamarokfishii10: check that all sound channels are activated with alsamixer10:18
Mamarokfishii10: and KMix only shows what pulseaudio provides, that is the engine taking care of the various sound in-and outputs10:19
Ossidolordievader:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8129945/10:19
lordievaderOssido: Driver is loaded correctly.10:19
fishii10Oh, okay...10:20
fishii10I'm still sorta confused, though.10:20
fishii10I'm guessing this is PCM we're talking about and not HDMI, right?10:21
Mamarokwell, that totally depends on the basic sound settings you have enabled, see system settings -> Multimedia10:21
fishii10Alsamixer from terminal is pretty confusing. I don't really know what all of the channels are and I don't want to be completely earraped...10:21
Mamarokno risk, just enable all of them10:22
Mamarokso at least Pulseaudio has all available10:22
Mamarokquestion of levels, Alsa is the basic level, if something ismuted there, the higher level sound engies can't access them10:23
fishii10Ah, alright.10:24
fishii10So, if all other tracks are full volume, will they be at the volume of the master track?10:24
jubo2#mmm. Kubuntu14 still booting in 9 s flat10:24
jubo2I'd really like to see the startup texts scroll up instead of splash screen but the GRUB configuration thing didn't appear to do anything10:25
jubo2something something "nosplash"10:25
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fishii10Just unmuted a track, hugest jumpscare ever10:25
fishii10And I just turned up the Mic track and it sounds like a squealing animal10:26
lordievaderjubo2: Remove splash from the kernel parameters,10:26
fishii10Again, jumpscare10:26
fishii10;_; Why can't these things be simple?...10:27
Mamarokwell, turn down the volume on kmix, but unmute all alsa channels, doesn't mean you have to crank them up, just make them available to PA10:27
Mamarokthey are not available if muted10:28
fishii10Oh, okay. That must explain it, 'cause I have everything except master track on full volume on there...10:29
fishii10TagPro still isn't making any noise.10:34
fishii10And I'm getting strange nearly-unnoticeable echoes.10:35
fishii10Ah, got it.10:37
jubo2lordievader: where do I do that ( remove splash screen from Kernel .. parameters ? )10:44
Ossidolordievader: I have tried to change something in System Settings > Login screen (LightDM). I have changed the theme, and I have set up a custom "background image" and a custom "welcome image", in hope that one of them would replace the glitchy screen10:47
Ossidowell, after a reboot nothing happened10:47
Ossidothe theme was the same as before10:47
OssidoI didn't see any of the two custom images that I had selected10:47
Ossidoand the glitchy screen was still there10:47
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Ossidommh, I have installed iotop11:18
Ossidobaloo_file_extractor is crunching at 99.99% IO11:19
Ossidowhich is probably the reason why everything is so unresponsive11:19
jubo2LibreOffice Writer says "wiki" isn't a word in the English language11:20
Ossidois there something I can do about it?11:20
Ossidolordievader: texlive-full was installed with a bunch of warnings, but without errors12:06
OssidoEverything that I need should be in here12:06
OssidoThank you very much for your help12:06
BluesKajHiyas all12:16
yossarianukhi - I am tring to use a 2nd GPU on my Desktop - as well as my normal GPU (Nvidia) I would like to use the motherboards built in one (intel) - how do I go about do this ?12:24
yossarianukat present I have the Nvidia going to a DVI connection (my main monitor)12:24
yossarianukand the 2nd monitor going to the intel integrated GPU12:24
yossarianukthe nvidia GPU is seeing my deskop - the 2nd GPU has the kubuntu logo.12:25
yossarianukthis may also help12:26
yossarianukxrandr --listproviders12:26
yossarianukProvider 0: id: 0x2b5 cap: 0x1, Source Output crtcs: 2 outputs: 4 associated providers: 0 name:NVIDIA-012:26
yossarianukProvider 1: id: 0x49 cap: 0x2, Sink Output crtcs: 4 outputs: 6 associated providers: 0 name:Intel12:26
yossarianukhow do I use the intel one?12:26
yossarianuki.e how can I get anything to display on it?12:27
yossarianuk(other than the kubuntu logo)12:27
BluesKajyossarianuk, I'm not sure how one enable 2 different gpus simultaneously. The BIOS setting for the nvidia PCI gpu probly takes precedence so enabling the intel onboard is an interesting question12:40
BluesKajI'd like to know the answer if you find it:)12:41
yossarianukBluesKaj: ok  - just so your aware it is 'active' but only showing the kubuntu logo12:54
yossarianukmy 'idea' was that it would be great to test things like wayland/kde5...12:55
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lordievaderOssido: Good to hear :)13:33
OssidoI have disabled the desktop search13:34
Ossidobaloo was making the system completely unusable13:34
OssidoI wanted to try it, but it's unusable13:34
Ossidonow I'm left only with the login glitch13:35
Ossidowhich might be related, actually, to some kind of problem with LightDM13:35
lordievaderBaloo allways crashes on me.13:35
Ossidobecause LightDM doesn't obey to the System Settings at all13:36
lordievaderOssido: ?13:36
OssidoI've tried changing the settings from the System Settings13:36
* BluesKaj just disables baloo, i have nor real need for it13:36
Ossidobut they have no effect13:36
lordievaderOssido: They should...13:36
Ossidowell, they don't :/13:36
Ossidoneither changing theme, nor changing the background images13:37
BluesKajOssido, I have to ask the obvious question, after changing your settings are clicking on apply?13:37
BluesKajOssido, have you updated and upgraded with apt or the software manager lately?13:38
Ossidoyes, a lot. Yesterday I did the upgrade from 12.04 to 14.0413:39
Ossidowhich gave me many problems13:39
OssidoI've spent the last day hammering at them13:39
Exagone313what problems?13:40
Ossidowith the great help of lordievader and valorie13:40
Ossidoat first the graphic login didn't work at all. I fixed it by manually adding the package that the error message asked me to add13:40
Ossidothen the latex installation was messed up13:41
lordievaderOssido: You aren't accidentilly using kdm?13:41
Ossidommh, well, I can't say I am sure13:41
Ossidoit's possible13:41
lordievaderOssido: What is the output of 'apt-cache policy kdm'?13:41
Ossidohow do I check? I thought kdm had been unistalled13:41
Exagone313dpkg -l kdm (to check if installed)13:42
Exagone313or check update-alternatives (i don't know the command for)13:42
Ossidommh, I don't understand the output of dpkg -l kdm13:43
lordievaderOssido: It is not installed.13:44
Ossidoyes, I thought so because that's the one that I used in 12.04, and I saw it being unistalled during the upgrade process13:44
BluesKajOssido, the new DM is called lightdm13:45
Ossidoincidentally, the managers of Ubuntu pastebin should add a link from the pasted lines back to the homepage13:45
Ossidoyes, BluesKaj, that's what I understood from finding "Login Screen (LightDM)" among the System Settings13:46
Ossidoonly, the settings I set there have no effect13:46
OssidoBluesKaj: my real problem is not with the login manager, but with an annoying graphic glitch that happens right after the login13:49
Ossidofor 1-2 seconds there is a glitchy screen with a patchwork of random recognisable screenshots from my screen13:50
Ossidothen the splash screen animation kicks in13:50
Ossidothe glitch is a definite bug13:51
BluesKajOssido, were you using a background pic at the login screen previously on 12.04 ?13:51
OssidoI was using a kdm theme13:51
Ossidowith custom login screen, picture and splash animation13:52
Ossidothe first time I got the glitch, it was a corrupted version of this custom theme13:52
Ossidoafter that, I changed everything to the default13:52
Ossidoand now, I have set a new picture, but it had no effect13:53
BluesKajOssido, but this glitch doesn't impede the transition tot the splash screen and then the desktop?13:53
BluesKajis the picture showing up?13:53
Ossidono, no picture shows up at all. after the splash screen the screen goes briefly all black, then briefly all white, and then it displays my desktop13:54
BluesKajOssido, which graphics card/gpu ?13:55
Ossidonvidia geforce GT 425M13:55
OssidoI'm using the nvidia drivers13:55
Ossido NVIDIA binary driver version 331.38 from nvidia-331-updates13:56
BluesKajdid you choose the updates over the recommended 331?13:56
Ossidommh, is that bad? the updates were what I had in 12.04 before upgrading, and they worked13:57
OssidoIn trying to solve the issue, I tried switching to the xorg drivers13:57
Ossidobut then I went back to these13:58
Ossidoshould I try the 331?13:58
BluesKajOssido, not necessarily, the recommended driver just the 331 not from the 331 -updates, that's all ...doubt the driver is any different13:59
Ossidoanyway the driver shouldn't have anything to do with the fact that LightDM isn't obeying to my settings13:59
BluesKajOssido, i think you have a minor glitch that will probly go away after an update/upgrade or 214:00
Ossidowell, this minor glitch is quite a serious problem, actually14:01
Ossidoas it exposes random screenshots from my activity14:01
BluesKajOssido, do a dist-pgrade to bring your install right up to date14:01
Ossidoand the problem with LightDM is a problem anyway14:02
Ossidoyou mean I should run apt-get dist-upgrade ?14:03
Ossidoit didn't do anything and it pointed out a small list of packages that could be removed with autoremove14:04
BluesKajthen autoremove them, they're no longer required14:05
Ossidoas I'm here, how do I reinstall chromium? is apt-get install --reinstall chromium-browser the right command?14:12
BluesKajOssido, I'm running 14.10 and do dist-upgade, autoclean and autoremove everyday14:13
BluesKajno just install14:13
Ossidoalso if it's already installed?14:13
Ossidoafter the upgrade the fonts were messed up14:14
Ossidoand it doesn't respond to its own font settings14:14
Ossidothe tabs and menus use an ugly monospaced font14:14
Ossidowhich is neither of the three fonts I have selected14:14
BluesKajrecommend removing then installing14:14
Ossidoapt-get remove chromium-browser?14:15
BluesKajfonts always need reconfiguring after upgrading to a new OS14:15
Ossidoand it didn't help14:19
OssidoI removed and reinstalled, and the menu and tabs still have the wrong font14:20
BluesKajOssido, have you tried resetting them in the browser options/preferences ...chromium no longer uses the gtk settings afaik14:28
Ossidoyes, there are 4 preferences (default, serif, sans-serif, monodpace), and the font that I see int he tabs, omnibar and menu is a monospace font that is not the one that I put in the preferences14:29
Ossidowhat should I do? purge it and reinstall it?14:34
lordievaderOssido: Try making a new (Chromium) profile.14:40
Ossidommh, how do I do that?14:40
lordievaderOssido: Chromium has support for multiple profiles somewhere.14:41
Ossidook, I have created a new profile14:43
Ossidosame problem14:43
Ossidothe font in the tabs, omnibar and menu is an ugly monospaced font which is neither the one I set int he chromium settings, nor the one I set in the System Settings14:44
Exagone313Ossido: did you try to use this police in another program?14:50
OssidoExagone313: what police?14:50
Exagone313the one you want to use in chromium14:51
Exagone313not police sorry14:51
Ossidoyes, it's the one I use everywhere14:51
Ossidobut the point is, the settings in chrome control the font used in rendering the webpages14:51
Exagone313and what font do you want?14:51
Ossidowell, not a monospaced one14:52
Ossidomy issueis with the font in the UI14:52
Ossidothat font is not supposed to change14:52
Exagone313what font did you tried to set?14:52
Ossidofreesans, freeserif, freemono14:53
Ossidobut this setting is for the rendering of the webpages14:53
Ossidois doesn't, and it shouldn't, change the font in the UI14:54
Ossidobecause the font in the UI is not supposed to change14:54
Exagone313try to recompile this with the good settings hehe14:54
OssidoI don't know what should be the default, but certainly it wasn't an ugly monospaced font14:54
OssidoI just tried to remove and reinstall, with no effect14:55
BluesKajOssido, purge it14:55
Exagone313but copy profiles before this14:55
Ossidommh, whee are the profiles stored?14:56
Exagone313go to ~/ and check masked directories14:57
Ossidonone of them looks like a chromium directory14:57
Ossidono .chromium, in particular14:57
Exagone313check a search website14:58
lordievaderWasn't it in ~/.config somewhere?14:59
Ossidoyes, I found it. Clearly I am doing something wrong15:00
OssidoI copied the .config/chromium15:00
OssidoI purged it with apt-get remove --purge chromium-browser15:01
OssidoI reinstalled it15:01
Ossidoand I opened it *before* putting back my  .config/chromium15:01
Ossidoand yet my profiles and favourites were already there15:01
Ossidotogether with the faulty fonts15:01
OssidoThis it my worst upgrade since I started using kubuntu with faisty15:02
Ossidoapparently purging chromium does not remove .config/chromium15:05
OssidoOk, I purged it, removed the folder in my home, and reinstalled it15:06
Ossidonow I get a brand new profile, with the wrong font15:06
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Ossidothis system is full of bugs everywhere, I should have never upgraded15:20
OssidoI have tried the nvidia 331 drivers15:41
Ossidothe glitch disappeared, but the only available resolution appears to be 640x48015:41
BluesKajOssido, check the gpu driver15:47
OssidophoneI'm putting back the update15:47
OssidophoneHow do I check the gpu driver?15:48
BluesKajOssidophone, lspci -knn | egrep -A 3 'VGA|3D'15:49
BluesKajKernel driver in use: XXXXX15:51
OssidoIn this moment I have again the 331-update, and that command gives Kernel driver in use: nvidia15:52
Ossidowhich I assume to be the right one15:53
Ossidoand on login I had again the graphic glitch, and the login manager doesn't respond to the settings15:54
Ossidothe font in chromium are still the wrong ones, and I have fond a new weird bug15:56
BluesKajdo you have an Xorg.conf file?15:56
Ossidoif I have Firefox and chromium open, with chromium on the forefront, and I minimize it, the screen glitches15:57
Ossidoinstead of showing me the firefox window below, it shows the title bar of firefox, but the window is still the one of chromium15:57
Ossidountil I go there with the mouse15:57
OssidoBluesKaj: I don't know. Where should it be?15:58
BluesKajOssido, then you probly don't have an Xorg15:59
OssidoIs it possible/feasible to use a different login manager16:01
Ossidogiven that my installation of lightDM is bugged, anyway?16:01
Ossidoor maybe I should try to reinstall it?16:01
BluesKajtry system settings>desktop effects>advanced, make sure you're using composting type OpenGL 2.0 or 3.1 and qt graphics raster16:02
OssidoComposing type OpenGL 2.0 Qt graphic system Raster16:03
Ossidobesides, in the General tab, it says that all desktop effects are disabled16:04
Ossidobecause OpenGL compositing (the default) has crashed KWin in the past16:04
Ossidoin 12.04 I could choose which login manager to use. Here I don't see the option to change it16:07
Ossidoin /etc/lightdm/ there are two different configurations files16:12
Ossidoand lightdm-kde-greeter.conf16:12
Ossidois it possible that  it is using the wrong one?16:12
Ossidoin lightdm-kde-greeter.conf there are the settings that I put in the System Settings16:13
Ossidobut they are not executed16:13
BluesKajlightdm is the default16:14
Ossidoyes, but it doesn't accepts my settings16:15
BluesKajdo you have separate / and /home partitions?16:15
OssidoI think so, yes16:15
Ossidoare you about to suggest a clean reainstall?16:15
BluesKajyes, to /only and in ubiquity make sure you don't format /home but set it's moutpoint as /home only, but do format / then install16:18
OssidoI won't do it alone16:18
BluesKajuse manual partitioning for the settings16:18
OssidoI'm not sure I know how to do it16:18
OssidoI won't do it without somebody here in flesh and bones beside me16:19
BluesKajwell you can check your partitions in the partition editor in kmenu apps>system to see if you have / and /home16:20
Ossidomaybe I don't have 2 separate16:22
OssidoI see two partitions for windows (dual boot)16:23
Ossidorecovery, and its own16:23
Ossidothen an extended partition containing 3 more16:23
Ossidoone is a small partition for data16:23
Ossidoone is linuxswap16:23
Ossidoand there is only one big partition other than that16:23
Ossidothough the numbering doesn't match16:24
OssidoI have sda1, sda2, sda3, sda5, sda6, sda7 and no sda416:24
Ossidothis is puzzling, I thought I had a separate partition of /home16:25
Ossidono, it seems I don't have a separate /home partition16:30
Ossidowhich seems a very pad policy16:30
WalexOssido: it is inconvenient more than "bad"16:31
Ossidowell, I've always had two separate ones, in my older laptops, and the friend who helped configure this one the first time always said it's better to have them separate16:32
Ossidoanyway, is it sensible to try to remove lightdm and to reinstall it?16:33
jubo2It there another screen recording SW than recordMyDesktop16:40
jubo2I find this unrealiable and not much good16:40
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OssidoIt seems that I have solved the issue with lightdm and the login glitch17:02
Ossidothe systems settings were writing on /etc/lightdm/lightdm-kde-greeting.conf17:03
Ossidobut lightdm was using a different greeting theme17:03
Ossidoso I edited a line in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to tell him to use the kde one17:03
skinuxHow can I set Kubuntu to open/install deb packages using App Grid instead of Ubuntu Software Center?17:04
Ossidonow it obeys my settings, and in particular the background image stays on until the splash screen is displayed17:04
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Ossidothe only issue left now is the font in chromium17:06
jubo2I tried Istanbul Screen Recorder but that's shitty and brokeh as well17:10
Ossidothere is xvidcap, jubo217:16
Ossidobut I've never managed to record the audio with it17:17
jubo2Ossido: there isn't an apt package for xvidcap... what to do ?17:20
Ossidoyes, there is17:21
Ossidommh, or not?17:22
jubo2what is it called ?17:22
OssidoI see it17:22
Ossidobut maybe I have added some other source17:22
jubo2'apt show xvidcap' says there isn't a package17:22
OssidoI'm not really the best person for giving indications17:22
Ossidosorry, I don't know what to say17:22
BluesKaj!info xvidcap17:25
ubottuPackage xvidcap does not exist in trusty17:25
kimmern25been trying out linux for some time now and really love it..but there is something whit windows that have a hold on me i really dont know what. anyone that had this filing?17:26
Unit193!info xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod17:28
ubottuxscreensaver-screensaver-bsod (source: xscreensaver): BSOD hack from XScreenSaver. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.15-3ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 143 kB, installed size 506 kB17:28
Unit193Otherwise, do you tend to do a fair amount of gaming, kimmern25?17:28
jubo2I'd just like one screen recorder that works ok and is ok with having arbitrary area of screen being recorded17:29
jubo2recordMyDesktop supports only capturing one window17:29
skinuxWhat exactly is KTimeTracker's auto-detection feature?17:30
kimmern25Unit193: i play some games but not mutch17:31
jubo2Istanbul does allow arbitrary capture size but it doesn't stop by hitting the "stop"-icon in the task bar17:33
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marvin-hhI get: plasma-desktop: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libakonadi-kde.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN7Akonadi21NotificationMessageV217registerDBusTypesEv17:56
marvin-hhCan you perhaps release a version of KDE which does work?17:56
BluesKajmarvin-hh, what action prompts the error?17:59
marvin-hhBluesKaj: executing plasma-desktop on the command line.17:59
marvin-hhBluesKaj: so, startx -- :4 and then opening konsole and then executing plasma-desktop.17:59
BluesKajmarvin-hh, try sudo service lightdm start first18:00
marvin-hhBluesKaj: I am using xdm.18:00
marvin-hhBluesKaj: I start kde by doing exec /usr/bin/startkde.18:01
BluesKajthen you're on your own18:01
marvin-hhBluesKaj: by what logic?!18:01
marvin-hhBluesKaj: the dm is not supposed to matter.18:01
BluesKajxdm isn't supported loic18:01
BluesKajsays who \18:02
marvin-hhBluesKaj: ok, I switched to ligthdm, but I am still starting /usr/bin/startkde.18:02
BluesKajmarvin-hh, best to take you case to #kde they might help you18:03
marvin-hhBluesKaj: why!?18:03
BluesKajoh I see you're already crossposting18:04
marvin-hhBluesKaj: you are the one distributing Kubuntu, no?18:04
BluesKajno, we're support for kubuntu18:05
BluesKaj can you login from lightdm ?18:05
marvin-hhBluesKaj: the "login" will give me a black screen.18:08
marvin-hhBluesKaj: in this black screen I can do Alt-F2 and start myself a konsole.18:09
BluesKajmarvin-hh, have you tried updating then upgrading in the vt/tty18:09
marvin-hhBluesKaj: yes18:09
BluesKajwhich graphics card?18:10
marvin-hhBluesKaj: my graphics is working.18:11
marvin-hhBluesKaj: I already gave you the real error above.18:11
marvin-hhBluesKaj: the problem is that whoever uploaded the software cannot program.18:11
marvin-hhBluesKaj: a *symbol* is missing.18:11
marvin-hhBluesKaj: it means that the machine tried to look for it and then aborted execution.18:12
marvin-hhBluesKaj: in particular the run-time linker.18:12
BluesKajwhich plasma version?18:12
marvin-hhBluesKaj: perhaps something goes wrong there.18:13
jubo2Finally a screen recording program that actually works: SimpleScreenRecorder18:13
jubo2and it does audio:D18:13
marvin-hhBluesKaj: I suspect that's not the latest.18:13
marvin-hhBluesKaj: no, I am not able to install anything newer.18:14
BluesKajmarvin-hh, haven't seen that error before, 14.04 ?18:14
marvin-hhBluesKaj: 14.04.118:14
marvin-hhBluesKaj: it's hard to miss.18:14
marvin-hhBluesKaj: I even completely removed and reinstalled all kde packages.18:15
marvin-hhBluesKaj: that too didn't help.18:15
BluesKajok, got some errands to run .... BBL18:16
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jubolog2I run19:26
jubolog2sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-baert/simplescreenrecorder19:26
jubolog2sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install simplescreenrecorder19:26
jubolog2the lower line I understand but what did the upper line do19:26
jubolog2I don't think this Maarten Baert guy is out to verb me over but before I develop the habit of 'add-apt-repository'19:27
jubolog2The screen recorders that were available out-of-the-box from normal apt didn't really work19:31
jubolog2so I decided to add repository. also: this irc in white is hurting my eyes.. jubo2 black irc19:32
BluesKajjubo2, the upper line adds the ppa repository to your package manager, which looks in /etc/apt/sources.list.d for any ppas you might add19:37
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ubottuGuest52445: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:11
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193

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