
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
absk007how to mount extfat partition? i tried http://askubuntu.com/questions/100278/how-do-i-install-and-mount-an-exfat-partition Didn't work. Error: the pkg key not verified.06:40
absk007using lubuntu 14.0406:42
=== wipi is now known as winb
=== absk007 is now known as Guest87576
=== absk007_ is now known as absk007
qkzoo1978Hi.  Using PCManFM I connected to my private FTP server.  Lubuntu asked me for a keyring password and I gave it.  Then, PCMan asked me for the ftp password, and whether or not I wanted it to remember the password forever, I checked yes.  Whenever I connect though, I now have to enter the keyring password and the ftp password.  There a way around this?13:35
qkzoo1978a Hi.  Using PCManFM I connected to my private FTP server.  Lubuntu asked me for a keyring password and I gave it.  Then, PCMan asked me for the ftp password, and whether or not I wanted it to remember the password forever, I checked yes.  Whenever I connect though, I now have to enter the keyring password and the ftp password.  There a way around this?14:47
qkzoo1978a Hi.  Using PCManFM I connected to my private FTP server.  Lubuntu asked me for a keyring password and I gave it.  Then, PCMan asked me for the ftp password, and whether or not I wanted it to remember the password forever, I checked yes.  Whenever I connect though, I now have to enter the keyring password and the ftp password.  There a way around this?15:10
phillwqkzoo1978a: you may be better asking on the mailing list. I don't use PCManFM for ftp stuff (I have filezilla for that)15:14
qkzoo1978aOh, do you have a link to the mail list?15:14
phillwqkzoo1978a: lubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com15:15
qkzoo1978aThanks :)15:15
wxlqkzoo1978a: if you can handle the command line, if you use `ssh-agent` with `sftp`15:27
wxlqkzoo1978a: sorry for the second if. i was providing another solution. `ssh-agent` can store your key for a particular shell session. and of course `sftp` does the actual connections.15:31
phillwthanks walter, as I said.. I chicken out and use filezilla most of the time :P15:32
wxlphillw: i don't like adding things unnecessarily to my lightweight distro XD15:32
qkzoo1978ahehe, I usually just use PCMANfm which is fine, and I can still connect, I just have to reauthenticate everytime which is a hassle :)15:32
phillwI use scp more than ftp, TBH15:32
phillwTo Be Honest :)15:33
qkzoo1978ato be honest15:33
wxlscp is nice, too, depending on the situation.15:33
qkzoo1978asorry, my chat lingo isn't so hot15:33
wxlssh-agent is sort of like the command line keyring for anything that uses ssh to connect (ssh, sftp, scp, rsync, etc)15:34
phillwwell, we're not supposed to use these lingo things in the support channel for that very reason :)15:34
qkzoo1978aI'm a quick learner :)15:34
wxli'm a little surprised that pcmanfm doesn't behave right though15:35
wxlor rather perhaps that gnome-keyring doesn't15:35
wxlwhat version of lubuntu are you on, qkzoo1978a ?15:36
qkzoo1978a14.04.1 6415:36
wxllts, so it should be current15:36
wxlwhy don't you do `ubuntu-bug pcmanfm` and report it?15:37
qkzoo1978aGood question15:39
switchtehbeatsorry, I'm always here with questions! how can I take a screenshot?15:59
maxvihow can I switch sound output in lubuntu ? like in ubuntu16:09
maxvisystem settings -> sound16:09
ianorlinswitch sound output meaning between hdmi and headphones16:09
ianorlinin which program are you using for sound output to play or say all if multiple16:10
maxviI want to switch output to radio headphones16:10
ianorlinand those headphones plug in where to the computer?16:10
maxviheadphones has usb radio to connect to computer and yes I put it to usb and enable headphones16:11
maxviit works in ubuntu 14.04 I just switch "play sound through" in "Output" tab in ubuntu16:12
maxvifrom Speakers to another output16:13
ianorlinlubuntu doesn't have sound settings but you may need to install pulseaduio16:14
ianorlinif you are using audiacious under file prefrences it has a way to select output that way but only for audacious16:15
maxviI want to switch it for all system not for a programm16:16
ianorlinthere is a program not installed by default that I think does tihs easier is called pavucontrol in the pavucontrol that does selecting output16:20
ianorlinthis brings in additional dependencies that would make lubuntu heavier if it was installed by defualt16:21
maxvithanks! I got it!16:25
switchtehbeatI still can't figure out how to take a screenshot :/16:57
silverlionswitchtehbeat : just hit "print" on your keyboard and have a look in /home/$UserName17:01
switchtehbeatthat easy?17:03
switchtehbeatthanks it worked17:03
silverlionswitchtehbeat : that's easy ;)17:04
switchtehbeat:D thanks again17:04
switchtehbeatodd question, where can I find nice linux "design" wallpapers?17:04
silverlionswitchtehbeat : you can take any png or photo for wallpaper17:06
silverlioni dont understand your question17:06
silverlionswitchtehbeat : http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Linux+Design+Wallpapers ;)17:08
switchtehbeat:) thanks.17:15
pleia2silverlion: saw your msg in -news and it'll be in the newsletter :) is there any way the blog can be fixed to output the whole article to planet.ubuntu.com ? It gets chopped off now18:01
silverlionpleia2 : thanks for feedback ;) regarding the blog you should talk to rafaellaguna who's in charge18:02
pleia2looks like this is what needs to be changed: https://support.google.com/blogger/answer/42662?hl=en18:03
pleia2rafaellaguna: ping :) see comments ^^18:03
rafaellagunayes, I'm checking :)18:03
silverlionpleia2 : if you got a second I'd like to discuss another idea of mine18:03
pleia2silverlion: sure18:03
silverlionin private or in -offtopic18:03
pleia2offtopic is good18:03
silverlionchoice is yours18:04
rafaellagunapleia2, done, thank so much18:05
pleia2rafaellaguna: yay!18:06
rafaellagunanext PLlanet entries will be complete18:06
rafaellaguna*Planet (damn new keyboard)18:06
rafaellagunaanyway, pleia2, have you submitted your own wallpaper? ;)18:10
pleia2rafaellaguna: I'm not much of a photographer :)18:10
pleia2(and certainly not an artist!)18:10
rafaellagunayou can draw or paint it18:10
onlais there any open source linux version website where you can stream your desktop like ustream and twitch but that where you can set password and is like good reputation among linux ppl21:20
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
KlubuntuWhy are am sometimes get an errormessage "system program problem detected" ?23:45
anarkhosupon starting x?23:47
Klubuntuyes mostly23:48
anarkhosyou've tried something that failed. do you get a message with possibilities to "report.." or "cancel"? if so, choose the former and the message will disappear next time you start x23:49
KlubuntuYes i have done that.. it happens even after the first start after installing.23:50
KlubuntuIs everything ok with lubuntu and i dont have to reinstall or do something changes ? i have snet the report and something cancel the messages.23:53
anarkhoscheck dmesg23:55
KlubuntuI dont know what happens.. it happens before with the old installation also monts after i started to use it and when i cnacel the messages sometimes it dissaphere.23:56

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