
=== edsoncanto is now known as ecanto
=== ecanto is now known as edsoncanto
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
marvin-hhCan someone explain (with a reference to some piece of text to the man page of apt-get) why apt-get remove should be allowed to *install* packages?08:44
marvin-hhI am not asking what the rationale might be to allow this.08:44
marvin-hhI am asking, based on the documentation, why it should be allowed for it to do that.08:45
=== mapreri|holiday is now known as mapreri
kdeuser56pitti: how can I make apport dump the crash data independent from drkonqi? currently drkonqi only invokes apport when I select upload the crash data09:10
=== faust_ is now known as faust
Unit193Mirv: Hellos.21:13
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
=== rockerball is now known as rockerball|away
Unit193I suppose LP 992068 isn't a good enough reason for an unseeded sync?  (It can be a sync now as Debian has uploaded it to unstable.)22:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 992068 in torsocks (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] broken in 12.04 and 12.10: libtorsocks: many symbols not found" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99206822:58
cyphermoxcjwatson: I wonder if the issue with Kirsten's wifi might be related to the version of wpa23:32
cyphermoxcjwatson: I remember now there are some known issues with it in weird cases; specifically in Trusty; I have a package in my PPA that's available to test and make sure it doesn't break more things than it fixes, but I haven't yet been able to give it enough of a poke on my end to be confident to upload a SRU23:33

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