
TheMasterkeruton: Hello, is there anything we can help you with?02:46
kerutonah ... thank you for asking. I am okay though. my apologies. I didn't realize that idling wasn't allowed in here02:47
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (trololololo, ban this fool)03:32
ubottuBasketball called the ops in #ubuntu (trolololol)03:33
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (cxmu)04:38
ubottutrijntje called the ops in #ubuntu ()08:52
popeythis isn't the first time we've had marvin-hh unable to accept answers09:12
FlannelI'm removing him the next time he's standoffish (I expect the next thing he says)09:12
phunyguyand there it is09:14
FlannelI wish it wasn't during a conversation with me09:15
phunyguyhow can we help you, marvin-hh?09:15
marvin-hhphunyguy: I asked a perfectly well defined technical question regarding the behaviour of apt-get and its documented behaviour, which I believe don't match. In return I got a bunch of illiterate people responding.09:16
phunyguy^ like that?09:17
marvin-hhphunyguy: in the end they grew tired of me (I was already tired of them).09:17
* phunyguy wanders off to bed.09:17
marvin-hhI am not even banned.09:17
marvin-hhI was basically kicked for persistence and short attention span of some people in #ubuntu.09:18
kloerimarvin-hh: if *everybody* else looks to be wrong you should really consider the possibility that you might actually be wrong and not everybody else09:21
marvin-hhkloeri: that's a meta-argument. Please don't waste my time.09:22
* kloeri shrugs09:23
kloeriyou're only wasting your own time by continuing this way and certainly not getting the help you ask for09:24
FlannelAlright, I cant be quiet any longer.  marvin-hh, this isn't about you being 'right' or 'wrong'.  You were removed because you were not cooperating with the people who were trying to help you, and then you were being indignant about not being helped (by those same people, the ones you weren't cooperating with).09:25
marvin-hhFlannel: that's how a nazi would phrase it, I believe.09:25
FlannelYou flat out refused to provide real details of your situation, which would help us in determining exactly what you /were/ seeing.  For all we know, you found a major bug!  We'd have no way of knowing that.09:25
Flannelmarvin-hh: Excuse me?09:25
marvin-hhFlannel: you heard me.09:25
marvin-hhFlannel: just read the logs.09:26
marvin-hhYou are doing everything to not answer the question at hand.09:26
marvin-hhYou are the anti-thesis of providing support.09:26
kloerimarvin-hh: harssing users is against freenode policy fwiw so kindly refrain from that09:26
Flannelmarvin-hh: Alright.  Have a good evening, I won't be speaking with you again.  But if you continue to be rude to the people trying to help you in #ubuntu, I will be banning you.09:26
marvin-hhFlannel: do not misrepresent the facts; nobody tried to help me.09:26
kloeriFlannel isn't misrepresenting anything09:26
marvin-hhYes, he is.09:27
marvin-hhYou just cannot read.09:27
kloeridoes harassing people ever result in you getting any help?09:28
ubottuwafflejock called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:13
DJonesDealt with17:14
bazhang<qjqqyy> sorry, script misfired17:14
DJones"Sorry, wrong channel"17:14
bazhangwhat a horrible script17:14
DJonesfreenode/staff, freenode/developer, idoru, eir & dircbot have ops theirs so I'm assuming its not a channel thats meant to be offensive17:20
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
bazhangthats insane17:41
bazhanghe 'uh wrong channel' in about 6 channels17:41
bazhang<marvin-hh> wafflejock: yes, I can read. What I want is someone to start releasing working software for a change.18:00
bazhang@random kubuntu hurd18:01
DJonesHeads up on martin-hh in #ubuntu, I'm about to go out, but users are already calling as a borderline troll18:07
bazhangany reason to let that continue?18:07
bazhangI am happy to spend time with him here18:07
bazhangseems to have stopped, at least for the moment18:37
FlannelI just got online, figured "I'm going to check to see what happened while I was gone", and now he's banned.  Just FYI.18:38
FlannelI told him last night if he continued to be rude to volunteers, he was going to be banned, he was, therefore he is.18:39
bazhangthanks Flannel , sorr y I missed that18:39
FlannelNo worries.18:39
bazhangsorry even18:39
FlannelI actually hadn't even checked this channel beforehand :)18:39
marvin-hhikonia has been trigger happy again.18:56
marvin-hhPleas undo his/her behaviour.18:56
marvin-hhI have better things to do.18:56
IdleOneI'll get right on that19:11
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193

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