
=== mapreri|holiday is now known as mapreri
tewardwho manages the old-releases.ubuntu.com site/repository?  Is that the release team or the mirror admins or canonical sysadmin?21:40
cjwatsoncdimage team21:47
cjwatsonthough we don't have control over the machine, we just push content to it (which sometimes fails ...)21:48
tewardcjwatson, who do i have to poke to get info about it?  there's a question on askubuntu about how quickly/soon data gets moved for EOL releases21:50
teward(i.e. archive.ubuntu.com still has saucy, and old-releases doesn't, the question was when it moves over)21:50
cjwatsonerr, basically when we get around to it I think :)  it's unfortunately a manual process right now, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EndOfLifeProcess has the gory details21:51
cjwatsonusually me or infinity, but we're both at debconf atm21:51
tewardcjwatson, 'tis fine, I don't think there's a huge rush, it was a general question.21:52
tewardcjwatson, thanks for the information.  :)21:56
infinityteward: I intentionally helf off on getting our sysadmins to mirror saucy to old-releases as we pushed a naughty post-EOL apt update to saucy.23:11
infinityteward: But it'll get mirrored "soon" and removed from archive sometime after that.23:11
tewardinfinity, right, that's what I assumed, since all my stuff is either Precise or Trusty already I'm less affected, however some people actually were wondering (on askubuntu).23:12
tewardthanks to you and cjwatson though for providing the info needed to provide an answer to those people.  :)23:12

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