
=== thelionroars is now known as Guest26124
lotuspsychjemorning to all04:34
lotuspsychjeany news on meizu and bq?04:40
=== Guest26124 is now known as thelionroars
M4dH4TT3rany port for nokia lumia 630? it has nice hardware for cheap but windows 8.1....06:52
tbrand all WP phones have a locked boot loader AFAIK06:54
tbrespecially nokia06:54
M4dH4TT3rya so need a rom06:58
M4dH4TT3rlike cwm/cyan would be nice06:58
tbrwhich part of _locked_ boot loader did you fail to understand?07:00
tbrif you want to run on a Nokia device, look at Nokia X07:00
M4dH4TT3rthe part where my phone had a locked bootloader and i unlocked it ;)07:06
M4dH4TT3rtbr you act liike a locked bootloader is something new?07:13
tbrM4dH4TT3r: short of JTAGing lumias and a hand full of lumia 800 with a factory loader, I am so far not aware of ways to unlock the boot process on a Nokia windows phone08:22
tbralso it's much much easier to start with a platform that has working drivers and is fairly close to AOSP. Nokia X devices are such AND they have an open bootloader08:28
pittiWellark: sure, feel free to move the MPs around; the "not building" should be fixed again though, as LLVM was reverted (will look into this tomorrow)09:09
Wellarkpitti: thanks-09:11
* M4dH4TT3r needs $300000000 USD09:38
M4dH4TT3rsorry wrong chan09:38
Wellarkpitti: if you are around, could you ack silo12 packaging chnages09:53
faLUCEhello, I installed the devel image for my |deb| nexus 2013 LTE from http://system-image.tasemnice.eu , but it is very buggy and unstable. Is there anything better and stable for my tablet? thanks10:27
molluscSo, pretty vague question: Has anyone attempted to port Ubuntu Touch to the LG G2 and run into any issues? I've got one and I'm considering attempting a port for it.11:17
popey!devices | mollusc11:17
ubot5mollusc: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices11:17
popeynot listed there so probably "no"11:18
molluscpopey: Yeah I assumed as much. Thought I'd just "put some feelers out"11:19
popeymaybe ask on xda?11:22
molluscpopey: As far as I can see there are just requests for it. Guess I'll just give it a crack, maybe I'll make some other people happy too!11:30
vitimitiWhen creating an XmlListModel, can I use it in several, different ListViews or is it necessary to use one listview per model? I'm having this problem where the console.log is actually showing the parsed xml, but the label in which I'm delegating only works for the first ListView11:31
nik90vitimiti: you can use it several listviews12:05
nik90vitimiti: got a link to your code?12:05
vitimitinik90, sure12:06
vitimitinick90, this is the code https://github.com/HealthNux/CheetaHCS/blob/master/tabs/HospitalTab.qml and the XML file is in /master/XML/HospitalTab.xml12:06
nik90vitimiti: I am doing some debugging on qtcreator12:27
nik90vitimiti: btw I recommend you move the individual page definitions to separate files for better code clarity12:27
nik90right now it is one big file12:27
vitimitinik90, I will move them, then, I have to go lunch, but will leave the nick12:29
nik90vitimiti: ok12:30
vitimitihi again13:52
=== kido` is now known as kido

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