
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
* SuperEngineer watches Kung Fu Panda - [well, one has to do something before it's Penguins of Madagascar time]09:08
SuperEngineer...but why do the keep classifying them as kids' programmes - that's just stooopid ;)09:09
* bigcalm shakes fist at SuperEngineer09:09
* SuperEngineer shakes big toe at bigcalm 09:10
SuperEngineerenjoy the meal?09:12
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHl24Kjp5Vs ?09:12
bigcalmIndeed so. Good eats in there09:12
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: good one!09:13
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:24
SuperEngineerhmmm... reciept from a certain payment company "You sent a payment of $15.00 USD to Canonical Limited"...09:29
SuperEngineer..what /why is wrong that I daidn't/couldn't pay in £ ?09:30
zmoylan-piwell since we all seem to be subject to american law no matter where we live...09:32
* SuperEngineer checks noscript settings09:33
popeySuperEngineer: it only lists $09:34
popeySuperEngineer: also, thank you.09:34
SuperEngineerpopey: thanks - saves me hunting for something I got wrong!  :)09:35
SuperEngineerwhoopee! only 2 more hours until start of vroom vroom coverage!10:05
SuperEngineer& only 1 hour till the pre-coverage :)10:06
brobostigonsilverstone was more interesting, as you could almost hear them in the wind, from where i live.10:06
SuperEngineerbrobostigon: "in the wind"? - sounds smelly ;)10:08
MartijnVdSooh vroom vroom is today?10:11
MartijnVdSSpa right?10:11
brobostigonin android FB messenger, in the contact list, whats the difference between your contact having a staus of "web" rather than "mobile"?10:13
SuperEngineerit means your contact is a spider10:14
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: "Web" means they're on the website, from their computer10:14
MartijnVdS"Mobile" means they'll get the message on their phone, I guess10:14
brobostigoni see, makes sense, ok, ty MartijnVdS10:15
brobostigoncould that also apply to using fb from a web browser on said mobile device?10:15
popeybrobostigon: using a browser on a phone shows as web, not mobile10:32
popeymobile means mobile app10:33
brobostigonah, i see, ty popey10:33
SuperEngineersssh... it's pre-race vroom vroom coverage time :)11:11
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
mappsthink il watch the new need for speed14:11
Myrttiping timeout20:43
foobarrythats what i thought20:44
foobarrynobody in since 15:0020:44
penguin42shhh you might wake them20:45
foobarrytoday was AMAZING20:46
shaunoI call shenanigans - that's not an airfix!20:50
popeyoh you went to wings & wheels?21:11
shaunokinda bummer about richard attentborough.  but can I admit the first thing I did was double-check it was richard not david?21:17
zmoylan-pishiny vulcan21:27
zmoylan-pisure can't they just clone him now?  what could possibly go wrong? :-p21:30
diddledanhe'll start eating children?21:32
zmoylan-pii was sure he was in ice cold in alex.  i was wrong.  only 2 films i have with him in it are ghandi and a bridge too far.21:39
StevenRhmm.... bit of a puzzler. I've an LTS 12.04 VM, running on an LTS14.04.1 host (KVM)... when I do-release-upgrade on the VM, it proceeds, everything appears to work... but when I reboot, I just get a big flat cursor (doesn't flash) and the VM won't go any further.... thoughts on how to start troubleshooting this?21:48
StevenRI've rolled back the changes (I love rsnapshot for last week's version of the VM).21:48
StevenRbut I'd like to get it updated to 14.04.121:48
penguin42StevenR: which video type have you got chosen as the video card to be emulated?21:54
penguin42StevenR: Whatever your answer, I'm going to tell you to chose one of the others21:54
StevenRpenguin42: Cirrus22:01
penguin42StevenR: I'm fairly sure it works with vmvga so try that or qxl22:01
StevenRok. powered off, switches to vmvga and powered on again... lets see what happens to do-release-upgrade now :)22:03
StevenRit's a tiny little VM with very few packages, so updating doesn't take long22:04
diddledantypical. some folk are up-in-arms about the lesbian "let me breathe for you" aka kiss featured in last-night's dr who22:31
zmoylan-pisome people will look for a reason to complain and complain if they can't find one22:43
penguin42StevenR: Did it help?23:22
StevenRpenguin42: nope23:41
StevenRpenguin42: gonna have to come back to it another night. Thanks for the suggestion though (restored the virtual disk again)23:42
penguin42no problem23:45

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