
derekvmy fileserver  wont' post.  or even beep.  =[  there's one led on the MB, "sb", which lights up, and the network activity lights flash normally, holding in power works to shut power off16:23
derekvgot everything disconected, tried clearing cmos, removing all but one dimm, switching that dimm, looks bad16:24
derekvgoing to reseat heatsink and see if I have another psu around16:24
derekvOK only extra PSU i have is at a friends16:26
derekvturns out there's no speaker on the mb for beeping, case had no speaker, connecting speaker from other case gave no beeps.  Have tried everything now but new PSU18:43
derekvits dead jim19:15
brouschcmaloney: If you'd like to see the titles of all of the talks from barcampgr 2014, http://www.reddit.com/r/BarCampGR/comments/2egvri/final_session_grids_for_fri_sat_morning_and_sat/20:15
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/xgQqLk - Final Session Grids for Fri, Sat Morning, and Sat Afternoon at BarCampGR 2014 : BarCampGR20:15
brouschcmaloney: I am embarrassingly far behind on OMC. That said, the interview with Patient Zero is brilliant.22:15

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