
holsteinDavid-A: ? i didnt mean to imply that you could dd copy the iso from the stick to the stick..02:56
sadhashHolstein: I figured out cp command, all well there02:57
holsteinsadhash: the !install link i gave should explain it all clearly, regardless02:58
sadhashI'm going to try to create a new user02:58
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#mkusb_-_dd_image_of_iso_file_to_USB_device_safely for example02:59
sadhashI'm having errors. I was able to make a live usb using instructions way above02:59
sadhashBut, my bios returns an error saying it can't locate isolinux.bin02:59
sadhashWhich, I checked, is there. I checked the md5sum hash and it was solid. I'm downloading another distro to try next03:00
holsteini would simply take the stick i make to another machine.. if it boots on the other machine, then its likely something with the bios or hardware on the first machine03:01
sadhashI am living in the boondocks with only one functioning machine that had boot from usb. Old old drives03:01
holsteinsure. you just cant assume its the stick, or the stick you are making that is the problem03:02
sadhashI literally bought two sticks off amazon and had two others. I've tried all 403:02
sadhashEr received the 2 today from fedex03:03
holsteinsure, but on the  *same* hardware03:03
holsteinif the motherboard is bad, or the bios.. or usb ports.. then, *any* stick you use will have an error03:03
sadhashIt's a new chromebox03:03
holsteinthere's your problem03:03
sadhashTwo months old barely used03:03
holsteinthose are tricky03:03
cfhowlettsadhash, very tricky - doable though03:04
sadhashThe bios is seabios/coreboot03:04
holsteinits not intended to just be booting USB sticks like that03:04
holsteinsadhash: sure.. but, you *are* having issues.. and that is why.. its not the stick03:04
sadhashWell I know, that's why I flashed the bios03:04
holsteinsadhash: i would put money on, if you take those sticks to other hardware, they work03:04
cfhowlettsadhash, http://blog.laptopmag.com/chrubuntu-transforms-199-acer-c7-chromebook-into-a-cheap-linux-laptop03:04
sadhashIt worked from a stick like this just last week when I changed from i386 to amd64-bit03:04
holsteinsadhash: ok.. then, change it back03:05
sadhashCan't, apparently. Now whatever usb I make isn't bootable03:05
holsteinsadhash: i would ask the manufacturer how you are intended to do what you are doing.. otherwise, i say, the issue is with that particular hardware03:05
sadhashOf course I turned off write protect and was warned I could brick the device. But seriously?03:06
holsteinsadhash: yes.. seriously03:06
cfhowlettsadhash, of course, seriously!03:06
holsteinsadhash: you pass lots of warnings when doing what you are doing.. bricking, or making the machine not boot usb, for example03:06
sadhashI believe you're right, don't get it twisted03:07
holsteinsadhash: i hope you get it sorted, or at least, can get it covered by warranty if you need to get it "Fixed"03:07
sadhashI have a feeling if I use another device to create the usb since the best I can tell is i broke my kernel and can't fix it03:07
holsteini think, having another machine around (at least one other) when you are seriously going against the grain, is a great idea.. mandatory03:08
sadhashYou're right. What do you recommend?03:08
holstein*any* cheap-o pentium 4 from a thrift store, for example03:08
cfhowlettholstein, I like virtualbox for exactly that reason03:08
sadhashI have two pentium 4s03:08
sadhashNeither have boot from usb so they're useless to me right now03:09
holsteinsadhash: then, use one to make the stick. and test the usb boot03:09
holsteinsadhash: plop03:09
holsteinhttp://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager/ allows booting USB on "legacy" devices03:09
sadhashSigh. They are pulled apart. Replaced ribbons. But fair enough.03:09
sadhashBut here I have disposable income what do you recommend I do for a daily reliable device03:09
holsteinsadhash: system7603:10
holsteincomes with ubuntu on it.. just get the machine with the operating system already on it.. and with a warranty, and support03:10
sadhashI'm impatient but I'll check their product line now03:10
sadhashNo bloatwares?03:11
holsteinsadhash: im not following03:11
holsteinsadhash: ?03:11
holsteinsadhash: im not at or working for system76.. they ship ubuntu03:11
holsteinyou want ubuntu, try buying a machine with it on there.. with support03:11
sadhashUseless programs installed from them03:11
holsteinsadhash: ask them.. i dont work there03:11
holsteinsadhash: it ships with ubuntu03:11
sadhashHow much support? I don't normally need tech support. Lol oh well03:12
sadhashI'll Google them now03:12
holsteinsadhash: you are trying to do something right now that is not supported at all.. and its not something i would do if i were "impatient".. i would, if i were into experiementing, and compromise03:12
holsteini have no doubt, that given plenty of time, i can get linux installed on that chromebox.. but, it wont be an example of something that happened easily.. or in a straight forward way03:13
sadhashI am and are but after 7 days of it being in this state my patience is thin03:13
holsteinsadhash: sure.. but, the issue is, nothing is broken.. everything is working "as advertised".. if you are impatient, try doing something more "Stock" with support03:14
sadhashI understand what you're saying.03:14
holsteinotherwise, i would get one of the p4's out, and get xubuntu installed there, so i could use it to work with the sticks.. i would want them to have usb 2.0..03:16
holsteini would get the mini iso's, so that i could more quickly manage juggling a few iso's and testing the sticks i make03:19
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:19
holsteineven if i dont actually install using the mini, but, just see what works, and then get a normal iso from there03:19
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
icecreamicefor some reason my battery indicator is stuck at "charging 97%" even when I remove the AC cable, what's the cause?08:25
cfhowletticecreamice, battery is wearing down08:27
icecreamice<cfhowlett> is that a battery problem? It shows no warnings from my windows partition though.08:28
icecreamiceAlso, acpi shows "discharging" when the AC cable is out, but the one on the menu does not08:28
cfhowletticecreamice, but does it charge > 97% on windows?08:29
icecreamice<cfhowlett> a couple of minutes ago when I removed the indicator and added it back, it was  on 100%08:29
knomethe charge levels are estimations anyway08:29
cfhowlett^^^ true08:30
icecreamicewell yeah, but I donno why it's getting stuck like that saying "charged" even when I'm not charging lolz08:30
icecreamiceshould I just reinstall or reinstall the indicator plugin somehow?08:31
icecreamicebecause I think it happend the day the updater broke some packages08:31
icecreamicebut then I was able to reinstall these packages08:31
cfhowletticecreamice, drastic measure.  try this:   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:32
icecreamiceI've done that a lot but ok08:32
knomeif an update recently broke it, it's likely that an update recently will fix08:33
icecreamicehmm, well that time it recommended me to do a "partial upgrade"08:34
icecreamiceand then after that it asked me to remove some old packages which I realized I had Krita in there, which deleted it08:34
knomethat's okay if it succeeded with no errors08:34
knomeor, in most cases, is okay08:34
icecreamicebroke the packages for that, but after a day or two I was able to get it back somehow08:34
icecreamiceoh I have added this PPA for a specific program08:36
icecreamicefor gtk3 I think08:36
icecreamicealso the fact that from day 1 of installation, the power settings weren't working for some reason in 14.0408:37
knomewell.. it's possible it's breaking things here and there, but it doesn't seem likely it's affecting the power status... but who knows.08:38
icecreamiceI'll try to reinstall some time to see what happens and if the xfce power manager will work again08:38
knomeit's not a small pack of replacements, it's likely replacing few dozens of packages at least08:38
icecreamiceI set the monitor settings to "Never" and it still dims or goes to sleep lol08:38
icecreamicebut for now, do you think there's an alternative power/bettery monitor that I can replace with the indicator?08:39
icecreamicenot sure if acpi has a menu plugin but hmm08:39
knomeif you do a clean reinstall, try if it all works without any PPA's, and if not, file a bug for it08:39
knomethe xfce power manager should really work, it sounds like you have a problem with fetching the battery data08:41
icecreamicedonno why it isn't working though, it was back in the 13th version, but after I did upgrade to 14.04 I did do a clean reinstall of 14.008:47
icecreamicebut still didn't function for me so I lived with it lolz08:47
brainwashicecreamice: you should open a terminal window and run "upower -d"08:57
brainwashand compare the output to the values shown by the indicator08:57
icecreamiceit says "percentage:          76%" but the indicator says 97%08:58
brainwashyou could enable the xfce4-power-manager tray icon and/or install xfce4-battery-plugin and add it to your panel09:01
brainwashand see if they also report false values09:01
icecreamiceit does nothing, I tried --restart and --quit, nothing09:02
icecreamice`xfce4-power-manager --restart` or `xfce4-power-manager --quit`09:03
icecreamicenot even the command itself ran anything09:03
brainwashtry "killall xfce4-power-manager"09:04
icecreamice"xfce4-power-manager: no process found" lolz09:04
icecreamicedoesn't show anything when I run it either, it just nextlines to a new input09:05
brainwashcheck the process list09:06
icecreamiceok killed it from htop09:07
brainwashso it was running09:08
brainwashstart it and then run xfce4-power-manager-settings09:08
brainwashnow enable the system tray icon09:08
icecreamicethe tray icon is still there09:09
icecreamiceeven after it's killed09:09
brainwashthat's most likely the battery indicator09:09
brainwashcalled indicator-power09:09
icecreamiceok Ill kill that and rerun it?09:10
brainwashxfce4-power-manager is able to show its own tray icon09:10
brainwashbut it's hidden by default09:10
brainwashyou can have both battery icons in the panel09:10
icecreamiceI don't have indicator-power09:10
icecreamicebut there's only one09:10
icecreamiceeven after the xfce4-power-manager is not running09:11
brainwashhow do you know that you don't have indicator-power?09:11
icecreamice"indicator-power: command not found"09:12
brainwashnah, you can't just run it that way09:12
brainwashcheck "ps aux | grep indicator-power"09:12
icecreamice"/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-power/indicator-power-service" ?09:13
brainwashso, "you could enable the xfce4-power-manager tray icon and/or install xfce4-battery-plugin and add it to your panel"09:14
brainwashto check if the alternative battery indicators are also showing false data09:15
icecreamiceI guess I'll install xfce4-battery-plugin09:15
icecreamiceok this one shows the right %09:17
icecreamicethanks lolz09:17
brainwashok, indicator-power seems to be somewhat broken on your system09:17
icecreamiceI think the Indicator is broken somehow because I can't even hide the power indicator from its setting09:18
icecreamiceits "Performance" won't even work right09:18
brainwashyou can uninstall it09:18
icecreamiceis there a way to reinstall it somehow?09:18
icecreamicejust indicator-power?09:18
icecreamiceIll check from Synaptic09:18
brainwashsudo apt-get install --reinstall indicator-power09:18
brainwashand you'll to relog once after doing so09:19
icecreamiceah alrighty09:19
=== slumlord_ is now known as Slumlord_
xenolyseguys, how do I change sound output device? I got a tv with hdmi that I would like to have the sound routed to.10:28
bazhang!info pavucontrol10:30
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-2 (trusty), package size 111 kB, installed size 962 kB10:30
bazhang!info padevchooser10:31
ubottupadevchooser (source: padevchooser): PulseAudio Device Chooser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1.1 (trusty), package size 22 kB, installed size 107 kB10:31
bazhangtry those10:31
zleaphow do i install the additional drivers tool11:10
SlitHi! Why my laptop doesn't shutdown when I click to shutdown and after that I close the lid of laptop. It goes to hibernate state instead. I have to wait to shutdown then I can close lid.12:00
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
js_doodeHello. I am trying to tweak my terminal via ~/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc file, but the path /terminal/terminalrc does not exist. Why is my terminal directory missing?16:08
js_doodeBy the way I am running xubuntu 14.04 lts16:16
brainwashjs_doode: you'll need to change something via the preference window of xfce4-terminal first16:27
brainwashotherwise this user config file will not exist16:28
js_doodebrainwash: ok. Do you know what is that "something"?16:42
drcjs_doode: Any change...font/size, colors...anything to make a change to the terminal16:43
js_doodedrc: gotcha. ;)16:44
js_doodedrc, brainwash worked like a top. thank you.16:45
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
schockyhey there19:11
xubuntu004hi all19:11
schockyguys, I am experiencing a trouble w/ migrating to xubuntu19:11
schockyppa is not working / !working properly19:11
xubuntu004i have a question when i install xubuntu i have an partitions from ubuntu19:11
schockyif there is anyone who is fam. with ppa stuff and packaging on xubuntu, ping me back plox, thx19:12
brainwashschocky: please ask your question, maybe someone can help you after reading it19:13
xubuntu004schocky i work on xubuntu and i have not seen any problems with ppa from ubuntu on uxubuntu19:13
xubuntu004maybe i have small part of ppa19:13
schockyxubuntu004, brainwash: for instance, try to get ppa:finalterm/daily19:14
schockyit shows 404 for me on apt update for some reason19:14
xubuntu004but my question is i must mount partitions on uxubuntu any time when i install xubuntu?19:14
brainwashcontact the ppa maintainer19:14
schocky brainwash, imo the trouble is not in ppa, but in my linux here19:15
xubuntu004schocky look for another ppa because on ubuntu i have an same problem19:15
xubuntu004maybe ppa is old or broken19:15
schockybrainwash: am i right, that we can't use precise ppa on trusty, right?19:15
brainwashjust checked, yes, the mentioned ppa does not offer packages for trusty19:16
knomeschocky, you can force that, but in a vast majority of cases it's not a good idea.19:16
schockyknome, well what would I do if I really need this one?19:16
xubuntu004ok guys did i must mount anyt time my partitions when i install xubuntu or i automatic ?19:16
schockyknome, building from src gonna take time, deps and all shi, not rly interested in that point19:17
schockybrainwash: ^19:17
knomeschocky, the first thing to do is to contact the maintainer anyway, and ask if they'd be willing to create a trusty PPA.19:17
brainwashyou can download the deb files from the PPA and install them manually19:17
knomeschocky, please watch your language, this is a family-friendly channel19:17
schockyknome, oh yeah, I am really sorry, m819:19
xubuntu004ok guys i need an answer19:20
xubuntu004about partitions19:20
schockybrainwash, knome: thx for your help, gonna look for a maintainer and compile it in the meantime, thx again19:20
knomeschocky, good luck19:20
knomexubuntu004, if you install xubuntu on a machine that has an ubuntu installation, and you want to reuse the /home (and/or other partitions), you should set them to mount at specific mount points on installation time19:21
knomexubuntu004, you can do that from the custom partitioning selection19:21
knomexubuntu004, you can make them automount to the right places after the installation, but it's easier to do it at installation time19:22
knomexubuntu004, note that you need to select that a partition is not formatted if you want to use reuse it19:22
xubuntu004ok know i must reisntall xubuntu but when i set a mount point my data files is lost or not?19:22
knomedepends if you set it to format or not19:23
xubuntu004i dont whant format19:23
knomeand as always, even if things should work, take backups of important files19:23
xubuntu004ok thanks guys for infos. have a good luck for you19:25
=== LazyUser69 is now known as LazyUserBNC
=== LazyUserBNC is now known as LazyUser69
ARM9is there any common reason why suspend/hibernate/whatever would be broken?21:41
knomeARM9, badly supported hardware.21:46
ARM9I must've used some really obscure/shitty computers in my days then, not once have I had a working suspend feature21:46
knomeplease remember this is a family-friendly channel and adjust your language based on that21:47
ARM9maybe I'm the only linux user who doesn't leave their box running 24/721:47
knomei can assure you are not21:47
ARM9my bad21:47
Unit193One computer suspends fine, the other is a bit weird at times.  Close the lid and it's off, even after successfully suspending, but leave it open and it'll resume fine.21:47
drachesI also have tons of problems with anything power-related on my Asus K550C laptop21:54
ochosifwiw, that is the promise of systemd, it's supposed to take over all of the power management. it's a bit less configurable though21:56
Unit193(The netbook with suspend issues uses systemd.)21:56
ochosisystemd plus xfpm or just systemd?21:57
Unit193xfpm is installed, yes.21:57
ochosiright, so then that's not what systemd intends21:57
ochosixfpm inhibits parts of systemd21:58
ochosibecause it tends to just execute actions like suspend upon closing the lid (which is generally fine, but leaving the user without a way to configure it, other than opening a config file with root rights)21:58
whyameyesomething is triggering a screen blanking earlier than I have set and I can't figure out what it is22:11
whyameyexscreensaver and gnome screensaver are uninstalled22:11
whyameyelightlocker is also disabled22:13
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
tc__I'm new to linux and was wondering if anyone is around to help22:57
HedgeMagetc__: please just ask your real question so we know if we can help you :)23:00
HedgeMagetc__: Asking to ask is kinda rude on IRC, counterintuitive as that may seem if you're new.23:00
tc__My apologies. I just started using ubuntu, but found that it runs to slowly on my laptop. I found it easy to install linux on my ex-windows machine, but I'm a little confused as to how to install a different form of linux on an already-linux machine.23:05
Unit193Could just install Xubuntu overtop of the other one, just how you installed Ubuntu the first time.  That'd be the cleanest way at least.  What's the system specs?23:06
tc__AMD Phenom II (2.2 GHz), 4 GB DDR3 memory, 500GB HDD23:07
Unit193Ubuntu/Unity doesn't run on that?  Well huh.23:08
tc__It does, just a little sluggish with some things23:09
tc__i want something that zips around23:09
Unit193Sure.  Well I can say I personally like Xubuntu of course. :)23:09
tc__:) ok, so before, when I installed ubuntu on my windows 7 machine, I used something called a linux USB pendrive installer. When I try to use it the same way I did before, it says that an error occured with the archive23:11
tc__I'm guessing that it must be built to run on windows.23:11
CajunTechieHave you tried downloading the archive again?23:14
tc__I have not. Honestly, I don't even know what the archive is. I'm not entirely tech savvy. :)23:16
CajunTechietc__, you were trying to install Xubuntu from the pendrive, right?23:20
Unit193Yes, if you used it on Windows the exact same program won't work on Linux.23:20
tc__I have a screenshot of what I have downloaded to do a reinstall, if that would help. Link: http://postimg.org/image/qpbu5z1et/23:23
CajunTechieThat does help. The installer was probably written for Windows and will not work under Linux. Some Windows programs will work under Linux but some won23:24
CajunTechietc__, It looks like you are trying to isntall Xubuntu from within Ubuntu, right?23:24
tc__Yes, just want to replace Ubuntu with Xubuntu (or any other linux system if it all works the same way)23:25
CajunTechieProbably the easiest way to do that would be to download the same .iso files and use a burning program to burn it to a dvd. From there, you can easily install it over Ubuntu23:26
CajunTechieBut you should also read this if you want to pursue the pendrive option still: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick23:27
tc__Thank you very much, CajunTechie. I'll give that a try. If you don't hear back from me, then it must've worked. :)23:31
CajunTechieGood luck tc__. Hope it all works out :-)23:32

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