
LiamWAsking again, sorry: Is there a "better" way to check if a bazaar branch is bound other than grepping for "checkout" in bzr info?04:21
wgrantLiamW: It depends what you're trying to do. If it's for a script, consider using bzrlib directly. You could also just check for the presence of .bzr/branch/location.05:08
LiamWwgrant: I need a choice of 'bzr pull' or 'bzr up' depending on whether the branch is bound05:09
LiamWThat is all05:09
wgrantBut in what context?05:09
LiamWAn OS X packaging script05:09
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deheinHi i try to build a package based on this guide. http://elementaryos.org/docs/code/packaging But i get build errors. Can somebody check my buildlog and or my code: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/183134639/buildlog.txt.gz  https://code.launchpad.net/~dehein/+junk/hello-packaging13:32
geserdehein: you have a syntax error in your debian/control: there is an extra newline in line 4 (the > from line 5 belongs to line 4)13:37
deheinit still seems to have a problem: new changelog: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/183135102/buildlog.txt.gz13:42
wgrantdehein: You're missing a newline after line 813:45
wgrantAnd your changelog is badly formatted.13:45
wgrantYou may wish to read the relevant sections of the Debian Policy Manual.13:45
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pnormanI'm trying to fix building a package for Ubuntu 12.04 for a PPA, and one of the steps the maintainer has outline is copying a clang-3.4 package into the Ubuntu PPA. Is it possible to pull in packages from http://llvm.org/apt/, or does it need to be a PPA on launchpad?16:46
pnorman(references https://github.com/mapnik/debian/issues/2)16:46
rocketninehey guys, quick question.  i'm creating my first ppa, i might have a few unrelated packages hosted on launchpad in the near future, should i create individual ppa's or is a single ppa for these packages alright?16:47
dobeypnorman: launchpad can only copy from an archive it knows about to another archive it knows about (so, official distro archives, and PPAs only, not arbitrary archives on the internet)16:47
dobeyrocketnine: it depends on how you want to support them and the users you expect to use them, but one PPA is usually fine16:48
pnormanAny suggestions for clang-3.4 to copy from? The maintainer found https://launchpad.net/~h-rayflood/+archive/ubuntu/llvm/+packages as a canidate16:49
dobeypnorman: 14.04 has clang-3.4, so if it's in precise-backports you could use that one, or you can do a backport yourself16:49
rocketninesweet, thanks16:49
dobeyi don't know the owner of that ppa, so can't say how trustworthy the packaging might be off hand. and i certainly don't have time to check and see. backporting from official ubuntu packages when available is generally the best thing to do though16:50
pnormandobey: not in precise-backports, but is in precise-updates16:51
dobeyoh, if it's in -updates, then you should be fine without copying even, i think16:52
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pnormanTrying to get software running that depends on the latest versions is always fun16:56
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dobeywell, that's why lts->lts upgrades are supported17:15
pnormanI'm trying to get travis-ci going, which still runs on 12.04, so I'm kind of stuck with that version17:21
dobeytravis-ci lets you add arbitrary archives to pull deps from?17:35
pnormanyes. the issue is that my software depends on a recent version of mapnik, and that PPA hasn't been building on 12.04 since it needs g++-4.8 or clang++-3.4, as well as being quite resource intensive. I could compile mapnik myself, but it's the type of compile you start then go for coffee on17:44
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pkernHey. Will I lose anything if I deactivate an OpenPGP key and hence lose the Code of Conduct sig? I can't sign the CoC before deactivating the old key.18:25
pkernI.e. if that drops me from groups or anything if the CoC goes missing.18:25
pkernPlus the other key is actually "sign only" which is now untrue and LP does not seem to reimport the key with the actual encryption subkey.18:50
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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