
cjwatsoncyphermox: can certainly try a test package if you point me at it02:19
MirvUnit193: hellos04:42
pittiGood morning05:00
pittidoko__, cjwatson: so perl isn't held by autopkgtest failures now, just by uninstallability05:10
YokoZarcjwatson: Would a sync of new libcdio (for multiarch compatibilty) be appropriate?  (Debian includes new upstream version as well)05:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1151565 in libcdio (Ubuntu) "Please transition libcdio to multi-arch" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:17
dholbachgood morning07:02
jibelpitti, I've 2 machines running utopic that hang on shutdown or reboot. One hangs on unmountfs, the other I don't know. DO you know how to debug that?07:20
pittijibel: did you already try without "splash quiet"?07:36
kdeuser56pitti: have you got my mail about apport?07:36
jibelpitti, yes, and it stops at unmounting file systems ...07:36
pittikdeuser56: yes, Harald already answered it07:36
jibelpitti, and stays here forever07:36
kdeuser56pitti: what does he mean by faking the dr.konqui accept file?07:36
kdeuser56pitti: how would I make that automatic at every crash?07:37
pittikdeuser56: not sure -- I don't know drkonqui or Kubuntu's current crash handling at all, I'm afraid07:37
jibel(not really forever but I waited like 10min before hard rebooting the machines)07:37
kdeuser56pitti: yeah, but why is there not way to always invoke apport?07:37
pittijibel: hmm; can you still switch VTs at that time? maybe there's some error on VT8 or so07:38
kdeuser56pitti: does apport simply not detect the crash when drkonqi is invoked?07:38
pittikdeuser56: as apachelogger wrote, it was designed like that07:38
jibelpitti, it happens on every shutdown/reboot. I can switch VTs but there is no error07:38
kdeuser56pitti: apport or dr.konqi?07:38
pittikdeuser56: yes, if KDE programs themselves intercept the SIGSEGV, then it doesn't go to the kernel and thus apport07:38
pittijibel: hmm, I'm afraid I have no idea at that point :/ perhaps jodh has some trick up his sleeve to make upstart more verbose on the console07:39
kdeuser56pitti: oh, that means dr konqi would need to be patched if I wanted that behavior ...07:39
jibelpitti, okay, thanks. I'll ask when he is online.07:40
pittikdeuser56: I suppose it's too late in drkonqui; the signal needs to be re-raised after invoking the KDE crash handler and deciding that you also want apport (or a proper core dump)07:41
apacheloggerclass KCrash in kde4libs is the thing that needed patching07:41
kdeuser56apachelogger: oh damn, since I think I can't patch that myself, can I workaround that issue with a shell script being invoked?07:43
kdeuser56apachelogger: could you explain me how you meant the dr.konqui.accept trick?07:44
apacheloggerour KCrash will raise the signal to the kernel iff a drkonqi-accept file is present07:44
apachelogger+    sprintf(filePath, "/var/crash/%s.%d.drkonqi-accept", buf, uid);07:44
apacheloggerbuf being the url of the binary that crashed with / exchanged for _ and uid is, well, the user id07:45
apacheloggerso what you could do is write a wrapper script around drkonqi that always creates this file07:45
kdeuser56apachelogger: ah damn, now I see another problem: I have my custom patched version of apport, where I changed the file format to include a date07:46
pittiI hope just the date, not the time07:46
kdeuser56pitti: I included hours, thats restrictive enough for me07:47
apacheloggerin the file name?07:47
kdeuser56apachelogger: yeah, otherwise apport would overwrite existing crash reports of the same application07:48
pittionly if you already saw the previous one07:48
kdeuser56pitti: what do you mean by "saw"?07:49
pittiwell, if you got an apport window which told you about the crash and let you decide whether to report it07:49
pittiit won't overwrite "unseen" crashes, just increase the "CrashCounter" to avoid flooding with repetitive crashes07:49
pittito limit to 3 crashes per executable and day07:50
kdeuser56pitti: ah okay, thats too often the case for me, so I prefer my time patch07:50
kdeuser56(that I get the windows, or a cron scripts autoretraces stuff for me)07:50
kdeuser56pitti: why does apport-retrace never modify the original file? why do I have to print to stdout or to another file?07:51
pittikdeuser56: you can tell it to update the original file;  in fact, that's the default07:52
pitti-s → stdout, -o → other file, -g → gdb session; none of those: update original file07:52
kdeuser56pitti: i am afraid it never does for me .... it always tells me to use either s, o or g07:52
pittihm, that could be fallout from a bug fix last week07:53
pittibut it at least had worked before07:53
kdeuser56pitti: when was before?07:53
pittilike, until two weeks (or so) ago07:53
pittianyway, bug report appreciated07:54
kdeuser56pitti: are you sure? I can't confirm that07:54
pittishould be simple to fix07:54
kdeuser56pitti: okay I will investigate and when I am sure it does not work, I'll report a bug, but I am already pretty sure07:55
kdeuser56apachelogger: does the diff you linked also apply to the frameworks version?07:55
kdeuser56apachelogger: deleting lines 26-30 and 36-38 should do what I want, right?07:57
apacheloggerkdeuser56: it's not ported to frameworks but generally yes08:00
kdeuser56apachelogger: does the yes also apply to the line deleting in the diff?08:01
kdeuser56apachelogger: I mean sure the class name "possiblyRaiseForApport" would not make sense any more then for me, but that should not hurt08:02
apacheloggeryou really could just replace possiblyRaise with raise(sig)08:02
kdeuser56apachelogger: you mean in KCrash::setCrashHandler?08:03
kdeuser56apachelogger: what does the "KCrash::setCrashHandler(0);" do then?08:03
apacheloggerprevents it from looking in on itself08:04
kdeuser56apachelogger: so it makes sense to set it before raise(sig), right?08:04
kdeuser56apachelogger: so what I am expected to get then is both, dr. konqui and apport, right?08:06
kdeuser56pitti, apachelogger: thanks for your great help, I'll try it!08:07
* Mirv hugs pitti for pygobject (virt-manager)08:13
pittiMirv: heh, no worries :)08:14
pittiI broke it, I fix it08:14
pittiMirv: ah, you use virt-manager?08:15
Mirvpitti: yes nowadays. I felt so outdated on ordinary manually qemu + vnc, that I finally installed it and also started using SPICE. now the lxc folks tell me I'm still totally outdated :(08:16
pittiMirv: ah, I always just use qemu from the command line; I didn't quite like all the extra overhead and daemons of virt-manager; but I suppose it's quite a bit easier to use?08:17
pittiMirv: (FAOD, not saying that virt-manager is bad, I just don't know many people who use it)08:18
Mirvpitti: well the same I wasn't sure what benefit setting it up would be, but now running VM:s on remote machine works pretty nice anyhow08:18
pittiMirv: yeah, I guess it's quite a bit better for someone like a server hoster where you have permanent VMs and need to manage them08:18
MirvI think I just saw xnox using it a long time ago or something, and it seemed cool08:18
pittiI only have temporary ones or boot images for testing08:19
Mirvright. I've permanent 14.04 LTS and Debian VM:s on another machine.08:20
MirvQXL/Spice don't make Mesa+LLVM Unity 7 fast, though, but it's usable08:20
pittiMirv: ah, and now you want to move most of them to LXC containers? :-)08:21
Mirvpitti: probably I should do that, yes :)08:21
pittiMirv: depends on what you want to do; for the most part, containers are faster and nicer, but you can't test different kernels or do low-level stuff (graphics etc.) with them08:22
Mirvyes, I'd probably want to be able to pass the GPU to the VM eventually too, since I eg. test Qt and others which are nicer with accelerated 3D08:24
Mirvnot sure thouh which year that's coming to qemu/gallium3d, but probably eventually08:25
pittiMirv: testing newer Qt is easier with schroot or LXC08:25
pittiMirv: as they use the same kernel/hardware as the host; testing fixed kernel drives also doesn't make much sense in QEMU; so it sounds like indeed you want containers or schroots08:25
apachelogger(if you manage to setup networking for LXC that is :P)08:29
pittiapachelogger: err -- there's exactly zero work involved in that08:39
apacheloggerpitti: that's improvement then. I tried to replace our neon build infrastructure schroots with LXC in feburary and networking was not working at all ;)08:44
pittiodd, that has worked for ages08:46
mlankhorstdoko__: odd, I do not get the LLVM failure here..08:55
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mlankhorstmaybe it's cpu specific code triggering?08:55
dokomlankhorst, welcome to debugging jits generating code for different processors :-P08:55
mlankhorstcan I 'downgrade' the code generation?08:56
Mirvpitti: as a baby step I installed lxc on that remote machine and I can now connect to that too via virt-manager.08:59
pittiMirv: hah, cool!09:02
mlankhorstoh colored dmesg.. my eyes..09:02
mlankhorstok my crap system can reproduce that error:-)09:05
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Mirvany core-dev around to ack CI Train debian/ changes? this time libaccounts-glib/qt + online accounts. the three links containing the diffs are at https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-015-2-publish/ - two are just version bump changes.09:22
Mirvand even the libaccounts-glib just adds one file to be installed09:23
pittiMirv: LGTM, ack09:24
Mirvthis is the official "thank pitti" day09:24
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mlankhorstdoko: found a testcase11:29
mlankhorstpiglit with DISPLAY=:0 LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 bin/ext_transform_feedback-change-size  range-shrink11:29
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mlankhorsthm, works with more recent mesa..11:55
mlankhorstI'll do a full test to be sure..11:57
mlankhorstok ubuntu-ui-toolkit doesn't seem to fail either..12:30
mlankhorstdoko: well if I file a FFe for mesa 10.3 I should be able to enable llvm, pending the remaining piglit tests12:59
cjwatsonYokoZar: I don't know, haven't investigated.  If you want to take responsibility for it don't let me stop you :)  (My Ubuntu change can certainly be synced over now)13:07
cjwatsondoko: thanks for working on the perl transition; FYI I'm working on libguestfs, it's requiring me to fix up gfs2-utils first13:08
dokocjwatson, ahh, I have a libguestfs package13:09
dokodropped the libguestfs-gfs2 b-d13:09
cjwatsondoko: shouldn't be necessary13:09
cjwatsonI almost have gfs2-utils fixed ...13:09
dokocjwatson, what do you propose about the unreadable kernel images?13:10
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cjwatsondoko: that isn't what's blocking it, is it?13:10
dokocjwatson, fails later trying to run the tests. disabled for now.13:11
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cjwatsonroaksoax: so Fedora gfs2-utils has dropped the init script entirely, which is broken at the moment because it requires cman in order to start.  Do you think I could just drop that init script from Ubuntu too and rely on mounting being done in other ways?13:11
roaksoaxcjwatson: +113:13
cjwatsondoko: there appears to be a SKIP_TEST_SYSLINUX_PL environment variable available, at least13:13
cjwatsonhm, maybe it's not that test13:13
dokocjwatson, http://people.canonical.com/~doko/tmp/libguestfs.debdiff13:14
dokostill with the gfs2 disabled13:14
roaksoaxcjwatson: if they have dropped it, then it would be good for us to do it. Although, are we looking to merge a new version from Debian? Has Fedora dropped it in the same version we have?13:14
cjwatsonbuild-depending on grub2?!13:15
cjwatsonroaksoax: there's no new version from Debian to mereg13:15
dokothat was already in Debian13:15
cjwatsonstill evil :)  should probably be grub-something-bin13:16
roaksoaxcjwatson: ok. Yeah we should definitely not need cman as a dependency for the initi script, so I think it is safe to drop it13:16
cjwatsonbuild-depending on grub2 installs something that will own the system's boot sector13:16
cjwatsondoko: so if I fix gfs2-utils can you try restoring libguestfs-gfs2?13:17
dokocjwatson, but I'm afk again, so I'll leave the packages on p.c.c13:17
cjwatsonroaksoax: I guess the alternative is dropping cman and gfs_controld from Required-{Start,Stop} in the init script rather than dropping the whole thing, but I don't know enough about gfs213:20
roaksoaxcjwatson: I'll investigate and take care of it. Thanks for point it out!13:21
cjwatsonroaksoax: Cool, thanks.  Could you start with http://paste.ubuntu.com/8140684/ ?13:21
mlankhorstdoko: I can't reproduce the crasher with llvm 3.5 and mesa 10.3-rc1, I will try to upload mesa 10.3 before flipping the switch..13:21
roaksoaxcjwatson: will do! thank you!13:21
mlankhorstI've ran over half the mesa tests now, and tried the ubuntu-ui-toolkit tests on it13:27
mlankhorstboth had failures before13:27
dokocjwatson, how is your ocaml foo? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/183130799/supermin_5.1.9-1ubuntu1_5.1.9-1ubuntu2.diff.gz  this might require a proper fix in src/kernel.ml13:48
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kdeuser56pitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/136124214:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1361242 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-retrace does not modify the original report as expected with no option specified" [Undecided,New]14:47
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pittikdeuser56: thanks15:13
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kdeuser56is noninteractive boot option still recommended for preseeding?15:59
hallyndoko: hi - slof is failing to build in utopic-proposed.  When I build it in a trusty container (using older gcc-defaults-powerpc-cross) it builds fine.  that package (gcc-defaults-powerpc-cross) is a bit of an enigma :)16:18
dokohallyn, -> porter-powerpc.canonical.com preprocessed source, and how it is called. the build log may please your eyes, but it doesn't help anybody else16:20
hallynnot sure how to parse that.  where on porter-powerpc.canonical.com is it?  I was thinking i'd try building 4.9.2 of gcc-defaults-powerpc-cross16:22
hallynon porter-powerpc.canonical.com am i supposed to use schroot?  (no dchroot htere)16:22
hallynhm, 4.9.2 was mentioned in email ubt don't see it avail16:23
shadeslayeranyone know how the autologin setup happens in ubiquity?16:33
hallyndoko: hm, I see that porter-powerpc.c.c:/home/doko/gcc/log shows segvs as well16:34
hallynguess that's 100% unrelated16:35
lullisHey guys... I have a quick question regarding how to register new indicators to be displayed on the panel from either unity-greeter or gtk-greeter.16:40
lullisI see that the conf files from the greeters have an entry to list which indicators to be active, but how do I add a new one? I was trying to find for .desktop files, but nothing showed up.16:41
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hallyndoko: shnickities porter-powerpc.canonical.com has the exact same behavior - utopic fails, trusty builds17:05
hallynmaybe it's a core gcc bug17:05
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marvin-hhWhy doesn't AppArmor work after installation for Firefox? Alternatively, why is /bin/kmod executed by firefox?18:01
sarnoldmarvin-hh: on-demand loading of a network protocol is most likely; did you compile your kernel with ipv6 support as a module?18:04
marvin-hhsarnold: I am using -generic.18:04
sarnoldmarvin-hh: hunh. can you paste your DENIED line?18:05
gatoxhi, i'm having issues to be able to cross-build ubuntu-system-settings for arm.. could anyone help me?? this is what is happening: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8140373/18:06
Laneygatox: it's busted since we added the qt dbus mock thing18:07
marvin-hhsarnold: http://paste.kde.org/pxpqrbpse/kogntk18:07
seb128Laney, :-(18:07
gatoxLaney, ahhhhh.... any other way to do it?? i'm not being able to build it on the phone because installing only de u-s-s dependencies i run out of space18:07
marvin-hhsarnold: why would on demand loading of modules in -generic be any reason at all for apparmor complaining?18:08
marvin-hhsarnold: I mean: this is not something which should ever have ended up in a release.18:08
Laneygatox: porter machine or a PPA which builds arm18:08
sarnoldmarvin-hh: there's a reason why the firefox profile isn't turned on by default :)18:08
Laneybtw AFAICS it comes down to this https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=755874 which is something I want to work on18:09
ubottuDebian bug 755874 in gobject-introspection "gobject-introspection: [patch] use multi-arch pathes for the .typelib files" [Wishlist,Open]18:09
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sarnoldmarvin-hh: maybe firefox is trying to load some kernel modules for ati-based glx or gle or similar? could be you're the first to use our firefox profile with an ATI video card18:09
marvin-hhsarnold: in that case, I would like to disable the profile.18:09
sarnoldmarvin-hh: aa-disable /usr/bin/firefox  ought to do it18:10
marvin-hhsarnold: after an upgrade it was on.18:10
marvin-hhsarnold: Profile for /usr/lib/firefox/firefox.sh not found, skipping18:10
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marvin-hhsarnold: in short, that didn't work.18:11
sarnoldmarvin-hh: hrm, try aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox   ?18:11
sarnold(I can't recall if it happily takes paths right to profiles or not..)18:11
marvin-hhsarnold: that seems to have worked.18:12
sarnoldmarvin-hh: nice18:12
marvin-hhsarnold: I don't understand how it was ever enabled otherwise.18:12
sarnoldmarvin-hh: me neither.18:13
marvin-hhsarnold: are you sure that upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04.1 cannot magically enable it?18:13
sarnoldmarvin-hh: it really should take some effort to turn on firefox..18:13
marvin-hhsarnold: it's not important now. Perhaps I turned it on a long time ago and am I only getting the messages in my face now.18:14
sarnoldmarvin-hh: could be that newer X drivers supported features that older releases didn't.. (I'm still guessing it was ATI drivers, though the evidence is pretty circumstantial)18:14
sarnoldmarvin-hh: if you want to investigate some time, try lsmod before running firefox, run firefox, visit whatever website kicked this off, then re-check loaded modules18:15
sarnoldsee what's new18:15
cjwatsondoko: really pretty minimal, I'm afraid18:22
dokocjwatson, ?18:26
cjwatsondoko: you asked how my ocaml knowledge was18:27
cjwatsonI don't have much :)18:27
cjwatsonML classes from 15 years ago at university18:27
dokohallyn, sure, I'll look at it next week. won't get to it before without command line parameters and preprocessed source18:27
dokocjwatson, ahh, the supermin thing. yep, they do some string matching in src/kernel.ml, but I don't understand it :-/18:28
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JanuszHello. I don't want to code today, but need a good lecture to be better in Linux developing. What could You recommend?18:44
marvin-hhJanusz: there is no point in learning details about Linux unless you are optimizing something specially for Linux (which is still a bad idea, unless you are working for a >10B USD company).18:45
marvin-hhJanusz: and in that particular case, you wouldn't be asking this.18:46
marvin-hhJanusz: just learn the fundamentals.18:46
Januszmarvin-hh: Like?18:46
marvin-hhJanusz: like the top 5 of books on algorithms on Amazon.18:47
marvin-hhJanusz: don't waste your time on 'agile' methods.18:47
marvin-hhJanusz: you can better also not waste your time with Ubuntu.18:47
marvin-hhJanusz: Ubuntu only tolerates newbies.18:48
marvin-hhJanusz: Ubuntu's only goal is to make you dependent on their corporate support once you start using it for anything important.18:48
marvin-hhJanusz: Ubuntu is not designed to last.18:48
JanuszThank You.18:49
Kangarooohow to subscribe to wiki pages? i just want to know is there some place where i can remoe my subscritions? Somehow im subscribed to every wiki page and i want it to stop19:12
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rwwKangarooo: log in to wiki.ubuntu.com, then go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Home?action=userprefs&sub=notification19:52
Kangarooorww: there everything is empty19:53
Kangarooorww: but still i get the emails19:53
rwwKangarooo: the "subscribed wiki pages" box is empty?20:04
Kangarooorww: yes20:04
rwwDo you have any other wiki accounts somehow? (multiple email addresses forwarding over, etc.)?20:04
Kangarooorww: nope20:05
rwwand they're notifications for wiki.ubuntu.com and not help.ubuntu.com/community ?20:06
* rww just remembered that both of those exist...20:07
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Kangarooorww: theres empty but was ticked some checkboxes on. i removed them.20:18
Kangaroooemails still comming20:25
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hallyndoko: ok, thanks, i don't think there is a rush, but i can point you to exact commands and source in a bit  - thx20:33
Kangarooorww: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/136136120:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1361361 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Receiving all Wiki.Ubuntu.com changes bulk mail for 7 years." [Undecided,New]20:44
roaksoaxcjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8143984/20:48
roaksoaxcjwatson: seems that it is safe to remove the init script20:48
cjwatsonroaksoax: Cool, please do.  Do we need a debian/gfs2-utils.maintscript or something to do rm_conffile?20:49
cjwatson(Not sure how that interacts with the other init script stuff, e.g. if you need to imitate /usr/share/debhelper/autoscripts/postrm-init20:49
roaksoaxcjwatson: I'll look into that!20:50
roaksoaxcjwatson: and yeah I do not think we need postrm-init logic, as there really no daemon that we are running. The init script was just looking at /etc/fstab to mount/unmount21:00
roaksoaxcjwatson: but I don't think it would hurt adding it21:00
cjwatsonok, whatever's easiest then21:01
cjwatsonI don't really know gfs2 at all :)21:01
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roaksoaxcjwatson: ok.. this does it... http://paste.ubuntu.com/8144463/ I'll upload21:51
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cjwatsonroaksoax: rock, thanks22:16
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