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mokmeister | Hello Everybody! | 18:35 |
andru183_ | hey mokmeister | 21:55 |
mokmeister | Hi andru183_ ! | 21:55 |
mokmeister | well done on putting yourself forward as the new poc for ubuntu ie | 21:56 |
mokmeister | Just reading latest issue of linuxvoice at mo. | 21:58 |
mokmeister | Great mag, I have to say | 21:58 |
mokmeister | have been listening to some of the podcasts too. | 22:01 |
andru183_ | I'd like to do it but more important I'd just like to see the comuinty staying active. I love this place and it's ubuntu hours and release parties and stuff so happy to do it | 22:02 |
mokmeister | Yeah, I agree. I think we all need to get together at some point and agree on some kind of plan, things have gone stale at the mo IMHO. | 22:20 |
mokmeister | A rebot of the reboot, as it were! :D | 22:20 |
mokmeister | *reboot | 22:20 |
mokmeister | I personally think that if we had some kind of schedule that revolved around the six month release cycle we might get some more involvement in the community. | 22:22 |
mokmeister | Hopefully get more people interested etc. | 22:22 |
mokmeister | There hasn't been a Limerick Ubuntu hour in a while, maybe we should organize something? | 22:23 |
andru183_ | there hasn't been in limerick for a while, there was a few where there was no one but if there's any intrest at all I'd set one up and have UL compsoc pass out the info too | 22:37 |
andru183_ | I like the idea about the schedule for cycles alright | 22:37 |
andru183_ | there will be a release party for the next one. I just focus on them because people seem to come to them over the UH | 22:38 |
andru183_ | the geeknic is a great idea I'd do again with good weather | 22:38 |
andru183_ | or since a know a bit more of the programming side and how to work on open source projects the bug jams are cool | 22:40 |
mokmeister | My problem with the UHs is I'm either working late, or I'm away and miss them or I forget! prolly need to set better reminders for myself in that regard! ;) | 22:41 |
mokmeister | I think a plan around the cycles is the way to go alright | 22:41 |
mokmeister | Looking forward to the release party. Pity we couldn't organise something more for 14.04, but sure hey, now is now and all that. | 22:43 |
mokmeister | Good weather makes everything seem good ! ;) | 22:43 |
andru183_ | yea, we had a plan but got bogged down with study because I left a load of work late but 14.10 will have one | 22:45 |
andru183_ | if good weather made things seem good not much would ever seem good in Ireland :p | 22:45 |
andru183_ | but I know what you mean about the UH, wonder if a weekend might be a good time for one. Very hard to find a time for them | 22:45 |
mokmeister | hahaha! Ah, now, we've had a few good days here and there this summer! | 22:46 |
mokmeister | hmmm, yeah, maybe a Saturday morning might be a good time to try? Generally a quiet time that most people would have nothing else on (apart from a sleep in....) | 22:49 |
mokmeister | Even though I suppose alot of people may travel on the weekends as well. | 22:49 |
andru183_ | I'm just messing, we have our good days :p | 22:50 |
mokmeister | indeed | 22:50 |
andru183_ | I'm not sure whats a good day/time but I'll try them again and see if I can find one sure | 22:50 |
andru183_ | although I shouldn't be planning things in here with drink in me (I'm not back to college till next week so enjoying my nights off while I can) | 22:51 |
mokmeister | hahaha! Indeed, tis never a good idea to plan things with drink on you! :D | 23:04 |
mokmeister | Anyway, tis time for me to hit the sack. | 23:05 |
mokmeister | Talk to you again | 23:05 |
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