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cariboubdrung_work: FYI Laney had asked to postpone the meeting by one hour15:00
cariboubut even with that, looks like there will not be enough people available today for the meeting15:00
bdrung_workmoving the meeting by one hour would be okay for me.15:01
cariboubdrung_work: Laney just left for breakfast. He should be back right after (he's in Portland)15:01
cariboubdrung_work: he told me that stgraber & Scott would not be able to make it today15:02
bdmurrayI believe xnox is in Portland too, so may also not be able to make it.15:03
bdrung_workwhere is micahg_?15:05
cariboubdmurray: I thing he was ok with the 1 hour delay as well, let see what Laney knows15:06
* xnox o/15:08
xnoxthe queue for breakfast is really long =)15:08
cariboubtw, Laney has changed the agenda thinking that the meeting would not happen. I'm still available for today if possible15:09
ubottubdrung, ScottK, Laney, micahg, xnox, bdmurray, stgraber: DMB ping15:11
xnoxwe need 4 - we have 3 so far, with laney we'd have 4 right now.15:11
* xnox goes to hunt for Laney15:11
micahg-workDo we need a meeting?  is there anything on the agenda?15:12
cariboumicahg-work: I'm here for PPU application15:13
micahg-workah, the agenda said sept 8 when I looked :)15:13
micahg-workhi caribou15:13
cariboumicahg-work: Laney changed it because he thought nobody would show up15:14
cariboumicahg-work: I just reverted it back15:14
cariboumicahg-work: hello btw15:14
xnoxso, Laney doesn't have irc client handy15:20
xnoxbdrung_work: micahg-work: shall we do meeting now with three or post-pone to later in the day given that we all should still be available (including applicant)15:21
caribouLaney's initial proposal was to postpone the meeting by one hour. I'm fine with it or even later if needed15:22
micahg-workI can wait an hour15:22
bdrung_worki could wait until 16:0015:23
micahg-workoh, hrm, I have a meeting until until 16:15, I can do it after that15:23
bdrung_worki will have to leave around 16:45 (latest 17:00) and will be online again around 19:3015:25
MirvI'd be here too, although as noted I only added my MOTU application today so probably too early and the meeting on Sep 22 is better that way15:26
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caribouso what is your decision ?15:31
xnoxmicahg-work: bdrung_work: caribou: let's meet later today. How later, I'm not sure. monitor pings =)15:34
micahg-workI"m mostly free until 18:0015:36
bdrung_workas i wrote, i am free until around 16:45 (and then after 19:30)15:37
caribouI don't see much overlap in all of these timings15:38
cariboumaybe better if I postpone my application until Sept 8th 190015:39
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* sbeattie wavews16:44
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Aug 25 16:45:23 2014 UTC.  The chair is jdstrand. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:45
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:45
jdstrandThe meeting agenda can be found at:16:45
jdstrand[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting16:45
jdstrand[TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report16:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly stand-up report
jdstrandI'll go first16:45
jdstrandI'm on triage this week16:45
jdstrandI've got an openjdk-7 regression sponsored update today16:46
jdstrandthen it is doing whatever I can to help with the apparmor landing16:46
jdstrandsbeattie: you're up16:46
sbeattieI'm on apparmor this week.16:46
sbeattieI'm also doing whatever I can to get apparmor to land; currently that means I'm digging in to why networking permissions are not working correctly16:47
sbeattieafter that, I'll be looking at the python utils to make them not throw a fit over the af_unix rules.16:47
jdstrandsbeattie: that dhclient one I mentioned?16:47
sbeattieI think it's also the source of some of the qrt networking failures.16:48
sbeattiebeyond that, it's testing and stepping wherever needed.16:49
sbeattiethat's it for me. tyhicks?16:49
tyhicksI'm helping to land apparmor, as well16:49
tyhicksI'm currently updating the regression test suite to test the new functionality16:49
tyhicksthen I'll sync up w/ jj to figure out what to do nex16:50
tyhicksthat's it for me16:50
tyhicksjjohansen: you're up16:50
jjohansenI'm working on apparmor as well, there are still several kernel bugs to be fixed, and of course a few outstanding userspace issues as well16:51
jjohansenoff the top of my head16:52
jjohansen- the tools, and log parsing haven't even been touched yet16:52
sbeattiejjohansen: yeah, log parsing is on my list.16:52
jjohansenI am off tuesday and wednesday this, I will actually be around for some of them but I am not sure of the schedule yet16:53
jjohansenoh and I am off next monday, but I expect most people are16:53
jjohansenI think that is it for me16:54
jjohansensarnold: you16:54
jjohansensarnold: you are up16:54
sarnoldI'm on community this week16:54
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sarnoldI'll be reviewing some apparmor patches, doing some security updates, hopefully saying 'hello' to some of the debian apparmor users who are in town for debconf16:55
sarnoldif there's much time left over, it'd be nice to finish up a MIR that's been in progress for a while16:57
sarnoldI think that's it for me, chrisccoulson?16:57
chrisccoulsonIt's a public holiday here today, although I've been working because the weather is absolutely awful. This week, I'm finishing off the SSL status API for oxide - I pushed some bits to here last week: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/oxide/ssl-status-api16:59
chrisccoulsonI'm still working on the notification part of the API (which will give embedders the option to override SSL errors or display blocked content)17:00
chrisccoulsonI've also got some tests to write17:00
chrisccoulsonI'm expecting a new chromium release as well (which means a new oxide release too)17:00
chrisccoulsonthat's me done17:00
jdstrandjeez, we just had one :)17:01
jdstrand[TOPIC] Highlighted packages17:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Highlighted packages
jdstrandThe Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so.17:01
jdstrandSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.17:01
jdstrand[TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions17:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Miscellaneous and Questions
jdstrandDoes anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?17:02
jdstrandsbeattie, tyhicks, jjohansen, sarnold, chrisccoulson: thanks!17:07
sbeattiejdstrand: thank you!17:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Aug 25 17:07:45 2014 UTC.17:07
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-08-25-16.45.moin.txt17:07
sarnoldthanks jdstrand :)17:07
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