
dholbachgood morning07:02
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
corei77how can i register a username in IRC?21:37
Rhondacorei77: /msg nickserv help21:38
RhondaBut that's not really motu related, is it? :)21:38
corei77how can i use it? :D21:40
Unit193corei77: You can also see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup for more instructions.21:40
corei77oh ok21:40
corei77sorry im new to IRC21:41
Rhondacorei77: The help should get you started.  If you need specific questions, please ask it specificly. :)21:41
RhondaYou send messages to nickserv, and it responds to you.21:41
corei77oh ok thx21:41
corei77Rhonda you are so fantastic21:41
Rhondajust don't forget that you will need to authenticate to nickserv on every new client start.21:43
corei77Rhonda, did you register your nick name?21:43
RhondaWith freenode, there is this hack that you can send it as server password, which should be explained in the link Unit193 gave21:43
corei77im reading the link that you send21:44
corei77this is very hard to register :D21:45
RhondaI think it's only something like /msg nickserv register password … or something along that lines, not?21:48
Unit193/msg NickServ REGISTER password email@domain.com21:49
corei77if i register that everythime i must introduce it to NickSrv?21:53
Unit193corei77: pidgin has a Password field that you can enter your password in, and have it log you on when you connect.21:57
corei77oh ok21:57
Unit193https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin#Configuring_Pidgin_for_Ubuntu_IRC something like that.21:58
corei77how you found that i use Pidgin? :D21:58
Rhondayour ircname is set to purple21:59
RhondaWhich is a good hint. :)21:59
Unit193The client provides a way that I can request it's version, and Pidgin sets the irc name to purple, yeah.21:59
corei77oh ok21:59
corei77sorry im new :D21:59
corei77i did that22:02
corei77NickSrv said:22:02
corei77NickServ: (notice) You are already logged in as corei77.22:02
corei77i typed: msg NickServ REGISTER22:03
Unit193corei77: Don't forget to check your email and complete registration.22:03
corei77oh ok22:03
corei77did it22:06
corei77what is that? "You have taken steps in ensuring that your registrations are not exploited."22:06
corei77finally i registered that :D22:10
corei77but now i can still login without password22:10
corei77hi again22:16
corei77Hi unit22:17
corei77can i send you PM?22:17
Unit193corei77: Howdy.  So you didn't seem to autologin, and seems you'd like to enable Enforce on your account?  (/msg nickserv help set enforce)22:18
corei77i enter the password in pidgin22:19
corei77and login22:19
corei77what is wrong?22:19
* Unit193 waves to Rhonda too.22:42
* Rhonda goes to sleep. ;)22:47
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek

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