elfy | good day channel, I'm trying to install with the mini iso for a test xubuntu, it's failing to find kernel modules - from tty4 it appears to be looking for 3.16.0-6 still - not really sure who to talk to about that :) | 08:40 |
infinity | elfy: Where did you download said mini.iso from? The current one in utopic would certainly be looking for -10 | 08:45 |
elfy | infinity: mmm - probably one I had from the other day ... | 08:45 |
elfy | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/utopic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ | 08:46 |
elfy | infinity: no - I got it again from there ^^ | 08:47 |
elfy | on saturday | 08:47 |
infinity | Well, 336 (ie: current) was definitely built against -10, so I'm not sure what to say, unless you have an angry proxy between you and the real file. | 08:49 |
infinity | Or a failure to actually write it to your media? I've made that mistake before. :P | 08:49 |
elfy | nope - no angry proxies - and I'm as positive as I can be that I wrote it to media, which is just a partition here - booting with a vm | 08:50 |
elfy | I'm just running through a trusty one to get the testcase right, then I'll have another go with the utopic one - which I am completely sure I've just written to the partition :) | 08:51 |
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elfy | infinity: ok - well that's all conspired to make me look daft as a brush ... thanks anyway :) | 08:56 |
bluesabre | infinity: can you add menulibre to the xubuntu packageset for trusty/utopic? I thought it had already been added, but I guess I've just been doing debian syncs all cycle | 10:35 |
Mirv | I wonder what's up with proposed migration of libaccounts-qt, libaccounts-glib and ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts? I'm not seeing them even in update_output, and they were published in proposed >1h ago. | 11:32 |
Mirv | ok, that was an useful complaint, now they are there. odd delay. | 11:39 |
Wellark | who could take care of these | 13:09 |
Wellark | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libhud-qt/+bug/1360671 | 13:09 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 1360671 in libhud-qt "drop from archive" [Undecided,New] | 13:09 |
ubot93 | Launchpad bug 1360671 in libhud-qt (Ubuntu) "drop from archive" [Undecided,New] | 13:09 |
Wellark | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/share-app/+bug/1360670 | 13:09 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 1360670 in share-app "drop from archive" [Undecided,New] | 13:09 |
ubot93 | Launchpad bug 1360670 in share-app (Ubuntu) "drop from archive" [Undecided,New] | 13:09 |
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sconklin | Lately I've been having a lot of problems with the US archives, yet there are no updates on the Ubuntu Status twitter account (since June). Is there a problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8141244/ | 14:49 |
stgraber | sconklin: to be accurate, that's the EC2 US East archive (hosted in EC2), not the US archive (hosted by Canonical in 1SS) | 14:51 |
stgraber | utlemming: ^ | 14:51 |
sconklin | stgraber: yes, but the reason I switched to the ec2 archive is because I was getting repeated errors from the Canonical one a couple of weeks ago | 14:53 |
sconklin | I no longer have those error logs | 14:53 |
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stgraber | sconklin: rcj just escalated this issue to #is | 14:54 |
sconklin | ok, thanks | 14:54 |
sconklin | what's the appropriate reporting path for archive issues? Not IRC, I would hope | 14:55 |
utlemming | sconklin: the reporting path would be to drop into #ubuntu-mirrors | 15:08 |
sconklin | utlemming: thanks! | 15:08 |
utlemming | sconklin: however, to address the repeated errors, we have engineering on that problem. It is an absolute requirement to have rock stable mirrors. We're aware and working on it. | 15:09 |
utlemming | sconklin: what I think you hit was a problem where S3 is "eventually consistant". In repeated launches, it looks like the issue is cleared. You may need to purge /var/lib/apt/lists/* and run "apt-get update" | 15:10 |
sconklin | utlemming: if I wanted to set up an official full mirror, sponsored and maintained, where would I start - is asing in #ubuntu-mirrors also approriate for that? | 15:10 |
utlemming | sconklin: that would be the place to start, yes | 15:10 |
infinity | rtg: Dude. If you're going to upload packages I maintain, at least version them correctly. | 15:57 |
infinity | rtg: (or ask...) | 15:58 |
rtg | infinity, which one ? utopic or trusty ? | 15:58 |
infinity | rtg: Yes. | 15:58 |
infinity | rtg: utopic was wrong, which leads to trusty being more wrong. :) | 15:58 |
rtg | hmm, no good deed goes unpunished | 15:59 |
infinity | Quite. | 15:59 |
infinity | rtg: An upstream version rev ahead of Debian should be -0ubuntuX | 15:59 |
infinity | rtg: So Debian's -1 will trump it. | 15:59 |
infinity | rtg: Or, again, just ask me and I would have updated it in Debian and synced. | 15:59 |
rtg | infinity, same for powerpc-utils ? | 16:00 |
infinity | rtg: Oh no. | 16:00 |
infinity | rtg: What did you do to powerpc-utils? | 16:00 |
rtg | nothing yet, but was planning the same buthery | 16:00 |
rtg | butchery* | 16:00 |
infinity | rtg: Yeah, please don't. | 16:00 |
infinity | rtg: And please don't take IBM at their word that all of these should be wholesale SRUed back to trusty either. | 16:01 |
rtg | I was just cleaning up bugs with the ppc64le tag | 16:01 |
infinity | rtg: Kay. The userspace stuff, I'd prefer if you assign it in my direction, and I can sort out who should own it (though ppc-*-utils and librtas really are me, in that I maintain them in Debian too) | 16:02 |
rtg | infinity, so, do you wanna reject trusty librtas ? | 16:02 |
infinity | I will, yes. | 16:02 |
rtg | I will slink away and do something else | 16:02 |
infinity | I can probably yank the utopic one too, before anything ends up depending on it. :P | 16:02 |
infinity | Aww, dang, it migrated. | 16:03 |
infinity | rtg: Sorry, not trying to be a jerk about it. And if you'd just versioned with -0ubuntuX, I'd care less, cause I could just overwrite it with a Debian upload. | 16:05 |
rtg | ok, lesson learned | 16:06 |
infinity | rtg: So, please do remember proper "we're ahead of Debian" versioning in the future. :) | 16:06 |
zul | can someone have a look at oslo-config i think its stuck in the proposed-migration or something | 16:24 |
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infinity | zul: Or it no longer produces half its binaries. | 16:37 |
infinity | out of date on i386: python-oslo.config-doc, python3-oslo.config (from 1:1.3.0-2ubuntu1) | 16:37 |
infinity | zul: It looks like you completely reverted the Debian merge you'd done earlier. | 16:39 |
zul | infinity: yeah it got superseeded by a newer requirement for keystone | 16:48 |
zul | infinity: ill see what i can do | 16:48 |
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robru | is anybody around with the power to nuke queuebot? it is flipping it's shit in #ubuntu-ci-eng | 22:52 |
robru | it has somehow become stuck on a single message and is repeating it every time it polls. I even changed the status and it won't report the new status or stop reporting the old status. | 22:53 |
DalekSec | I presume stgraber isn't around? | 22:54 |
robru | oh, just noticed he's in this channel. he isn't in ci-eng channel | 22:56 |
robru | stgraber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8144951/ so that's a thing | 22:57 |
wxl | we close to beta1 testing yet? | 22:58 |
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