
inder_gthey guys, whats the better way to do indicator applets, pygtk or pygi?00:58
SaviqWellark, well, yeah, it was top-approved, and I asked mterry whether it was ok to land...07:39
CimiSaviq, do we have anything to review?08:40
Cimialt nav but I thought you were doing shader?08:41
SaviqCimi, yeah, you still didn't get me the shader code though, anpok_'s solution didn't work...08:41
SaviqCimi, but there's plenty in https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/+activereviews08:41
CimiSaviq, there's only two08:42
SaviqCimi, huh>08:42
Cimi"reviews I can do"08:42
SaviqCimi, there's also "I am not actively reviewing"08:42
Cimione is no lock during call08:42
CimiSaviq, but that means someone else is already reviewing08:43
SaviqCimi, yeah, tsdgeos's hijacking everything by just doing "conflicts"08:43
CimiSaviq, and we assign ourselves reviews for a reason08:43
Cimihah, he loves karma we know...08:43
Saviqtsdgeos, I think you shouldn't put a vote up when reporting conflicts08:43
tsdgeosSaviq: i'm not hijacking anything, i go back to abstrain when conflicts are fixed08:44
Saviqtsdgeos, that still marks you as the reviewer out of "unity team"08:44
Saviqtsdgeos, so there's no longer a request for the team to review, so it doesn't show up in "reviews I could do"08:44
tsdgeosSaviq: i don't think i've marked any of those that wasn't already reviewed by someone and if i had i followed it up08:45
tsdgeoshttps://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator-polishing/+merge/228700 you08:45
tsdgeoshttps://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/fix-1348092/+merge/228090 Daniel08:45
tsdgeoshttps://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/alt_nav_support/+merge/230782 Cimi08:45
tsdgeoshttps://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/prompt-surface-model/+merge/230813 Gerry08:45
tsdgeoshttps://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/interactive-while-locked/+merge/231253 me, haven't followed up yet08:46
Saviqtsdgeos, I'm not blaming you :)08:46
tsdgeoshttps://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/no-lock-during-call/+merge/227996 You08:46
tsdgeosSaviq: well you are suggesting me a behaviour change when i don't have that behaviour08:46
Saviqtsdgeos, just talking in general, I think there's no need for a Needs fixing vote when you're just seeing a conflict, is all08:46
Saviqtsdgeos, since then you need to take it back... dunno08:47
tsdgeosbtw why is the unlocker so ugly now?08:47
Saviqtsdgeos, you mean it's pretty now?08:47
Saviq[...] and it might cause confusion that you're actually reviewing08:47
tsdgeosand besides being ugly is wrong08:48
tsdgeossays "Enter your PIN"08:48
tsdgeoswhen it's not my PIN08:48
tsdgeosSaviq: i'll stop doing conflict comments08:49
tsdgeosif you want08:49
tsdgeosi thought it was useful08:49
Saviqtsdgeos, *comments* are useful, sure08:50
Saviqtsdgeos, although I'd rather LP do them ;)08:51
Saviqdandrader, /build/buildd/unity8-8.00+14.10.20140825/tests/qmltests/Stages/tst_SurfaceContainer.qml: bad whitespace in line 14408:51
Saviqgreyback, so, bad news redux08:51
Saviqgreyback, we had to pull initial surface size, it (seldom, but still) caused deadlocks08:52
dandraderdang it08:52
tsdgeosSaviq: now serious, is the new locker considered to be more beatiful?08:52
greybackSaviq: feck08:52
tsdgeosthat x in the middle of nowhere is totally weird08:53
Saviqgreyback, check thread 9 http://paste.ubuntu.com/8117691/08:53
CimiSaviq, so how about alt nav?08:53
dandraderSaviq, fixed08:53
CimiSaviq, why do we need a shader first of all?08:53
CimiSaviq, I'd like to understand which situation is broken for us now08:53
Saviqtsdgeos, that's the new design, yes08:53
Saviqtsdgeos, to be more in concert with the dialer08:54
tsdgeosmakes my brain unhappy08:54
tsdgeoslost X in the space08:54
Saviqtsdgeos, there's a corresponding ✓ when it's a SIM PIN08:55
Saviqtsdgeos, but for device PIN there's autoconfirm08:55
Saviqtsdgeos, and mzanetti put a greyed-out one in that case, but design was adamant that it shouldn't be there08:55
Saviqwoohoo 5.5GB free on krillin08:56
Saviqthat's much better08:56
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, more cases me and design disagree then :)08:57
Cimitsdgeos, yup, not liking it08:58
Cimitsdgeos, what is this X?08:59
Saviqtsdgeos, although I'm not sure the missymmetry itself was thought through08:59
SaviqCimi, cancel08:59
tsdgeosit's design by discoverability08:59
tsdgeosyou have no clue, click on it, and then you see what it is08:59
tsdgeosit's what i did :D08:59
CimiSaviq, tsdgeos so it should appear when I actually start typing09:00
Cimiso I have a visual clue it must be to clear or delete the typed char09:00
tsdgeosCimi: no, that is "Cancel last keypress" and does show on top when you actually start typing09:00
tsdgeosthis is "cancel cancel"09:00
tsdgeosi.e. go back09:00
Cimitsdgeos, clear all you mean09:00
tsdgeosi mean go back09:01
Cimigo back where?09:01
tsdgeosto the locker locker09:01
tsdgeosinstead of locker enterpin09:01
SaviqCimi, a bit extreme, but conceivable http://imgur.com/Xezpv3B :P09:01
tsdgeosi.e. the round thing09:01
Saviqtsdgeos, welcome screen09:01
Saviqtsdgeos, greeter09:01
tsdgeosthat thing09:01
Cimilet me setup a pin and see09:02
tsdgeosbtw it's *not* a pin09:02
tsdgeosthat's the other bug09:02
tsdgeosit's a passcode09:02
Cimihow do I add one?09:03
Cimiif I tap on security in system settings nothing happens09:03
tsdgeostap on the thing below09:03
Cimiouch, tapping on "lock phone after 1 minute" reveals the passcode09:03
CimiI would never had guess that09:04
CimiI thought it was to change the time09:04
Cimifiling a bug09:04
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Cimihow do I screenshot?09:15
SaviqCimi, phablet-screenshot09:15
Saviqtsdgeos, PIN vs. passcode is another one into the same bucket, kemmko was confident it should say PIN09:16
tsdgeosthen make the system settings say ping09:17
tsdgeosnot passcode09:17
tsdgeosyou can't ask me for passcode in one place09:17
tsdgeosand pin in another09:18
tsdgeosi'll go crazy and return the phone09:18
Cimithe tool says FACTOR to resize the image, while is not a factor but the width09:19
Saviqtsdgeos, sure, that I agree with09:19
Cimiphablet-screenshot that is09:19
SaviqCimi, huh?09:21
SaviqCimi, don't think that option is used tbh09:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1361127 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Change phone security (passcode) is undiscoverable" [Undecided,New]09:25
Cimigonna file a suggestion for our lockscreen soon09:25
tsdgeosSaviq: so what's going to happen when i have a SIM PIN and a passcode?09:26
tsdgeosi get the enter PIN dialog twice in a row?09:26
Saviqtsdgeos, or even three times if you have two SIMs09:26
Cimitsdgeos, at first boot, yes09:26
Saviqtsdgeos, but it will say "SIM PIN"09:27
Saviqtsdgeos, and ideally even the name you gave to that SIM09:27
Cimithen I suppose your sim is unlocked for the session09:27
Saviqyeah of course09:27
Saviqtsdgeos, Cimi, there's a twist... the X means "skip" in the case of a SIM PIN dialog :|09:27
tsdgeoswell, it means cancel09:28
tsdgeosyou can cancel sim pin09:28
tsdgeosbut not unlock pin09:28
Cimiwe should put it in the header09:28
Cimia back button like in our UI09:28
Saviqtsdgeos, well, the result is different, with device PIN you're taken back to the lockscreen, with SIM PIN you're let through...09:30
Saviqtsdgeos, you and me know the difference, it's not common knowledge09:30
tsdgeoswhich would be pretty obvious if it said "Cancel" instead of "X"09:30
Saviqtsdgeos, IMO for SIM PIN it should say "Skip", not "Cancel", if it allows you to go through09:31
tsdgeosor that09:31
tsdgeoswhat's the package that gives me the apps scope?09:31
tsdgeosi can't seem to find it09:31
Saviqtsdgeos, unity-scope-click09:31
tsdgeosah yes09:32
tsdgeosthat thing that wants to install urfkill09:32
tsdgeosthat's why i don't have it installed09:32
tsdgeosit's very strange, on the phone there's 3 icons from the click scope09:33
tsdgeosthat don't work with the sourceSize Item i'm coding09:33
tsdgeosi don't see why09:33
dandradergreyback, I'm a bit confused about the structure of qtmir tests. They're all under "modules" and it's one directory per class.09:34
dandraders/class/class under test09:34
tsdgeosobviously i don't get those on the desktop09:34
tsdgeosin case i thought it'd be easy to debug09:34
dandradergreyback, could we at least skip the "modules" subdir. It doesn't seem useful. at least as it is currently09:35
tsdgeosSaviq: do you know where's the image://theme code?09:39
Saviqtsdgeos, UITK09:39
Saviqtsdgeos, themeimageprovider09:39
tsdgeoslooks like they have a bug :/09:40
* tsdgeos checks09:40
WellarkSaviq: as long as this gets dealt with ASAP I'm fine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/136070309:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1360703 in Unity 8 "internal Ubuntu.Connectivity module has a name clash with the public module" [Critical,Triaged]09:41
WellarkI will postpone the announcement of the API09:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1361132 in Unity 8 "New lockscreen design is not consistent with our UX patterns" [Undecided,New]09:41
SaviqWellark, I'm really not sure what's the rush?09:41
SaviqWellark, if it's unity8's private plugin, and we're not using Ubuntu.Connectivity09:41
SaviqWellark, what does that mean for you?09:41
WellarkSaviq: once the public plugin is installed on the system09:43
Wellarkunity8 fails to load Shell.qml09:43
Wellarkas the public path becomes before the private one09:44
Wellarkwhen qmlengine is resolving it's plugin paths trying to find "Ubuntu.Connectivity"09:44
Wellarkit takes the first one09:44
Wellarkwhich is the public09:44
Wellarkwhich does not provide "0.1"09:44
Wellarkand fails09:44
Wellarkand does not keep searching if it could find another "Ubuntu.Connectivity"09:44
Wellarkthat provides 0.109:44
Wellarkit's an import name clash09:45
pstolowskitsdgeos, hey, there's a conflict of your resetMeansCountChanged with my https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity-scopes-shell/favorite-scopes/+merge/23082409:45
WellarkSaviq: so as soon as qml-module-ubuntu-connectivity gets pulled to the image, unity8 stops working09:45
Wellarkso, let's fix this before the package gets seede09:45
pstolowskitsdgeos, and i think that your change is not needed anymore; could you please take a look at my branch and confirm?09:45
CimiSaviq, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1361114 wontfix?09:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1361114 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Says "Enter your PIN" when i have no PIN (there's not even a SIM card on the phone)" [Undecided,New]09:45
Wellarkat it will get seeded as soon as somebody depends on it09:45
tsdgeospstolowski: it is needed09:46
Wellarkand dekko package is already working for the support09:46
Wellarkactually, dekko will use the c++ binding, so we are good there09:46
CimiSaviq, we should just say enter your code or sth else09:46
Wellarkbut really, this needs to be fixed09:46
tsdgeospstolowski: writing why is needed...09:46
CimiPIN is another thing09:46
SaviqWellark, oh, that seems wrong, our private path should be first09:46
pstolowskitsdgeos, hmm, only if m_results is empty at the beginning of the mehtod09:46
tsdgeospstolowski: no, and in the bottom too09:47
WellarkSaviq: well, you can fix it right that. and hope no component inside unity8 will ever want to use the public module09:47
tsdgeospstolowski: count is *our* property09:47
tsdgeosqabstractitemmodel knows nothing about it09:47
SaviqWellark, sure, I agree we should rename it anyway, just didn't know that's the fallout09:47
tsdgeosso if you insert rows you have to say the count changed too09:47
WellarkSaviq: the real fix is to place the private unity modules inside Unity.Private. module import space09:47
tsdgeospstolowski: another option is this09:47
SaviqWellark, it should probably be Unity.Connectivity anyway09:47
SaviqWellark, yeah, something like that09:48
tsdgeospstolowski: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8139241/ in the constructor09:48
WellarkUnity.Private.Connectivity would do it just fine09:48
Wellarkor even. Unity.Private.Ubuntu.Connectivity09:48
SaviqWellark, they are installed in a private import path so I'm not sure prepending everything with Private is overly useful09:48
greybackdandrader: original idea was to distinguish the qml module tests from the QPA plugin tests09:48
SaviqWellark, "Unity" should be private already09:48
pstolowskitsdgeos, ah, makes sense then. ok, i'll keep Q_EMIT at the bottom09:48
tsdgeospstolowski: and in the if branch09:49
SaviqWellark, anything that's public should be Ubuntu09:49
WellarkSaviq: no, we also have unity API's coming from unity-api-team09:49
pstolowskitsdgeos, good point!09:49
WellarkSaviq: like Unity.Action09:49
Wellarkwhich is a public API09:49
SaviqWellark, well, that should be Ubuntu IMO09:49
SaviqWellark, which, btw, conflicts with Ubuntu.Components' Action already09:49
SaviqWellark, IMO things should integrate with Ubuntu, not with Unity09:50
WellarkSaviq: no it does not. Ubuntu.Component action actually inherit Unity.Action09:50
SaviqWellark, then Unity.Action shouldn't be public09:50
dandradergreyback, ah, ok09:50
WellarkSaviq: ok, we need to have a meeting about module namespacing after the RTM.09:50
Wellarkit's a wild west right now09:50
SaviqWellark, yeah we do ;)09:50
greybackdandrader: we just don't have QPA tests yet. There is that MR by racarr though09:51
SaviqWellark, I'll prep a fix and land it asap09:51
WellarkSaviq: thanks!09:52
pstolowskitsdgeos, could you ack this change? https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity-scopes-shell/favorite-scopes/+merge/232050 (it was already reviewed by Saviq)09:56
pstolowskiSaviq, ^ i had to re-submit that MP to resolve conflicts with tsdgeos' branch09:56
tsdgeospstolowski: r147 has lots of diff changes beside the emits?¿09:57
pstolowskitsdgeos, these came through your branch (trunk changes), apparently mine branch was behind trunk. the diff looks fine10:02
tsdgeospstolowski: ah, i see10:03
tsdgeospstolowski: approved10:04
pstolowskitsdgeos, thanks10:04
WellarkSaviq: the automatic unlocking is causing troubles10:06
WellarkSaviq: do you have any unity8 brances going in that could carry a oneliner to disable it for now?10:06
WellarkSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/unity8/disable_automatic_pin_unlocking/+merge/23205410:11
SaviqWellark, why is it causing troubles?10:15
Saviqmzanetti, greyback, tsdgeos, would like your opinion on bug #136114910:16
ubot5bug 1361149 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8's private QML import path should take precedence" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136114910:16
WellarkSaviq: it was prematurely landed10:16
Saviqdandrader, ↑↑10:16
SaviqWellark, yeah, but while the interface's not there it shouldn't matter?10:16
WellarkSaviq: the interface is there10:16
SaviqWellark, or are you saying that you're adding the interface but it's not good enough yet?10:16
Wellarkand they are not working properly together10:17
SaviqWellark, "is there" or "will be"?10:17
tsdgeosSaviq: no opinion on what should take precedence, imho we should simply not collide and that's it :D10:17
Wellarkand the idea was to land the dual sim unlock dialog with that call in unity8 together so that they are also tested together10:17
WellarkSaviq: the dbus interface is there10:17
SaviqWellark, ok, so comm fail10:18
SaviqWellark, I'll squash that change into my plugin rename10:18
WellarkSaviq: ok, thanks! as long as it lands today10:18
Wellarkas I'm going to get a lot of heat as it seems indicator-network is totally broken atm :)10:19
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... I guess that's valid10:19
mzanettibut didn't do extensive research :)10:19
Saviqtsdgeos, it *could* give us a way to override system-wide imports for $reason, too10:20
tsdgeosSaviq: i don't see $reason10:20
Saviqtsdgeos, while I know we shouldn't have anything like that, having a way out seems useful10:20
tsdgeoseverything there would be bad10:20
Saviqtsdgeos, I know10:20
tsdgeosCimi: the two comments you did in https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/croppedImageMinimumSourceSize/+merge/232043 are the ones for unwanted space changes?10:23
tsdgeosthe in line comment thing in launchpad is still a bit confusing sometimes10:23
SaviqWellark, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/rename-connectivity/+merge/23205810:23
Saviqmzanetti, can you ↑10:24
mzanettiSaviq: why are you disabling the unlockallmodems?10:25
dandraderSaviq, what did I do?10:27
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, the sourceSize texture image reduction is up for review, unfortunately i stumbled upon a SDK bug, so it's not easy to land10:28
Saviqmzanetti, because that doesn't work yet10:30
Wellarkmzanetti: it's because https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/unity8/disable_automatic_pin_unlocking/+merge/23205410:30
Saviqmzanetti, at Wellark's request10:30
Saviqmzanetti, undoing the Unity qmltypes change now...10:30
SaviqWellark, btw, put it in silo 4 already, will release asap10:34
Saviqmzanetti, there's a new commit from dandrader on the lifecycle branch if you could have a look10:34
tsdgeosSaviq: is it you that wrote "scrolling up in a scope causes a lot of clipping areas to kick in, are they all needed? (QSG_VISUALIZE=clip)" ?10:35
greybacktsdgeos: was me10:36
tsdgeosdamned colors :D10:36
tsdgeosgreyback: i can't see that many10:36
greybacktsdgeos: I'm unsure of the impact of all those clipping areas. I'm told some GPUs can deal with it easy, some not10:36
tsdgeosotoh maybe i'm misinterpretting the thing10:36
greybacktsdgeos: the more reddish, the more overlapping clipping areas10:37
tsdgeosgreyback: i only see 1 clipping are to kick in on scroll10:37
tsdgeoswhich ones did you see?10:37
tsdgeosare -> area10:37
greybacktsdgeos: gimme a minute, I'll try on the phone, I can't recall clearly any more10:38
greybacktsdgeos:  initctl set-env --global QSG_VISUALIZE=clip <- you use this so it turned on for both dash & shell?10:40
tsdgeosgreyback: i'm only having a look at the dash10:41
tsdgeosgreyback: and only on the desktop, didn't think clip areas would be different on the pohne10:41
greybacktsdgeos: ah ok. Well on phone, there's a red rectangle being shown always under the panel (might be part of shell). Then if I scroll the dash, I see up to 2 levels of red - mostly when scrolling it up10:43
tsdgeosok, two levels10:44
tsdgeos"lot of clipping areas" seemeed like 10 to me10:44
tsdgeoswell that's lvwph10:45
tsdgeoscan't make the header come back without clipping the other stuff10:45
greybacktsdgeos: sure I know some clipping has to be done, but wanted to question the 2 levels10:46
greybackof all the suggestions I made, it would be one I'm least expecting a big improvement from though10:47
tsdgeosnow when changing from scope to scope10:49
tsdgeosthere's really weird stuff happening10:49
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Cimitsdgeos, we need to limit whitespace changes11:07
Cimitsdgeos, I thought I pressed enter before :)11:07
CimiI left the reply on the entry box11:07
tsdgeosCimi: yes yes, i am asking if the two comments are just about the whitespace changes or if there's something esle11:08
tsdgeosfind it hard sometimes to find all the inline comments11:08
Cimitsdgeos, just whitespaces11:08
tsdgeosoki :)11:08
Cimitsdgeos, grep for Cimi on the launchpad11:08
Cimiafter showing diff comments11:08
tsdgeosbut then there's various revisions11:08
tsdgeoswith the combo11:08
Cimiyeah too11:08
tsdgeosand can never be sure if i got them all easily11:08
Cimiwas thinking if we can avoid two boolean for the cropped image component11:09
Cimimaybe not though11:09
Cimionly thing we might do is having a status instead two boolean11:09
Cimi"none" "processing" "processed"11:10
* Cimi wish we could have enums in qml11:10
Cimitsdgeos, ok when you comment for conflicts then you abstain11:13
Cimitsdgeos, please remark it to unity-ui-team?11:13
tsdgeosCimi: don't worry i won't do needs-fixing anymore11:14
Cimitsdgeos, your needs fixing is fine11:14
Cimitsdgeos, as long as later we see it needs review11:14
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
CimiSaviq, yeah I think way to shade the color correctly is converting to a different colorspace11:29
Cimior actually, from wikipedia "new intensity = current intensity * (1 - shade factor)"11:31
Cimiintensity is each R G B value11:31
Cimiso color.r = color.r * (1 - shadeFactor)11:32
Cimiwe should try to see how shadeFactor relates to changes in V or L for HSV and HSL colorspaces11:32
CimiI guess I could try a test app for that11:33
Saviqgreyback, so, any idea about the deadlock?12:05
greybackSaviq: not a clue. It's not the first time I use a blockingqueuedconnection12:06
greybackit's as if the receiving thread event loop isn't spinning, which can't be the case12:06
Saviqgreyback, yeah, and it was quite a difficult thing to pinpoint, like say it was happening reliably for 5 ap runs of a certain test12:06
Saviqgreyback, and then suddenly everything became fine12:07
greybackhmm yeah, as I'd tested it by hand and never hit it12:07
Saviqgreyback, so race12:07
Saviqgreyback, I wonder if autopilot has anything to do with it12:07
Saviqgreyback, like if introspection could cause it to go into the deadlock12:08
greybackonly thing I can think of is AP sending sigstop to u8 at critical time, just while u8 is shutting down and hasn't told Mir to shut down yet12:08
Saviqgreyback, no, it's not on shutdown12:08
greybackso u8 event loop stopped, while Mir still running12:08
Saviqgreyback, and ap never sending sigstop, only sigterm/sigkill through upstart12:08
greybackerr, sigterm I meant12:09
Saviqgreyback, but in any case, this was just happening in the middle of a test, not at the end of it12:09
greybackwell I'll keep digging12:09
greybackbut the change isn't a critical feature, so might postpone it a bit12:10
Saviqyeah, if it doesn't have to do with the wrong surface size on emu / restart, we should12:10
greybackI'm certain that can be fixed in another way, so I don't see this blocking it12:11
greybackbut the visual glitch on startup makes me sad12:11
CimiSaviq, bzr branch lp:~cimi/+junk/color-shades12:24
Cimiqmlscene ColorShades.qml12:25
Cimihere we see the limit of the RGB intensity play... if you cap the intensity you should reduce the saturation of the other color components imho12:26
SaviqCimi, yeah, and where's my shader code?12:26
CimiSaviq, you can do shader code by converting to hsv12:26
CimiSaviq, but I'd much rather do in rgb12:26
SaviqCimi, *I* can't12:27
CimiSaviq, thus I started this playground12:27
CimiSaviq, why you can't? it's just expensive12:27
Cimiwe don't want that, I agree12:27
SaviqCimi, I mean *I*, *Saviq* cannot12:27
CimiSaviq, what you cannot?12:27
SaviqCimi, do what you said in shader code :P12:28
SaviqCimi, and yes, would not, either12:28
SaviqCimi, converting every pixel to hsl/v really doesn't seem like the right thing to do12:28
CimiSaviq, http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/28782/hue-saturation-brightness-contrast-effect-in-hlsl12:29
SaviqCimi, by "give me the shader code" I really meant "give me the shader code"12:30
CimiSaviq, ok12:30
CimiSaviq, first we need to find algorithm for rgb shading12:30
SaviqCimi, it doesn't make sense for us both chasing this12:30
CimiSaviq, I am on this rgb shading12:30
Cimiwithout conversion12:30
Cimiotherwise plain semitransparent bright line12:31
SaviqCimi, but you really should find someone who knows about glsl rather than trying to come up with the algorithm yourself12:32
CimiSaviq, glsl isn't like in rgb?12:33
SaviqCimi, there's better ways to do things in shader code than just multiplying r,g,b values or something12:33
CimiI see12:33
SaviqCimi, faster, more convenient12:33
CimiI will study shaders then12:34
SaviqCimi, no12:34
SaviqCimi, what part of "find someone who knows about glsl" did you not get?12:34
CimiSaviq, I am way less scared to study shaders than C++12:34
Cimiit's math after all :)12:35
Cimiat least sth I studied in uni12:35
SaviqCimi, you might be less scared12:35
SaviqCimi, but we still do not have time right now for you to be doing it12:35
Saviqdandrader, do we really consider lifecycle branches fixing bug #1359819 ?12:43
ubot5bug 1359819 in qtmir (Ubuntu) "no splash screen when restarting app killed by lifecycle manager" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135981912:43
Saviqdandrader, it feels like we should only mark ↑ fixed after we have the desaturation and things12:43
dandraderSaviq, I think it does fix as the report is not asking for a specific splash screen. It just asks for something instead of that black flicker12:53
dandraderSaviq, but either way works for me12:53
WellarkSaviq: FYI: bug #136107412:55
ubot5bug 1361074 in unity8 (Ubuntu RTM) "Dual-SIM support for PIN unlock dialog" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136107412:55
WellarkI will get that done this week12:55
Wellarkwe just need to coordinate the landing to the RTM image once we land to trunks12:56
WellarkI will also debug and fix bug #1336675 on the same go12:57
ubot5bug 1336675 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "SIM unlock - UI hangs when user enters wrong PIN" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133667512:57
SaviqWellark, I'm not doing 1:1 RTM landings, so yeah, just let me know when12:58
WellarkSaviq: ack.12:59
Saviqmzanetti, pushed a commit to rename-connectivity, please re-review13:03
SaviqCimi, settings re-reviewed, not complete, will complete after you've replied13:09
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CimiSaviq, yes, I would have them separate for the overview cases13:10
SaviqCimi, but why?13:11
Cimidoes it hurts?13:11
SaviqCimi, yes, there's like 6 or 7 places where they're duplicate13:11
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Cimianyway will be back in one hour, starving -> pasta time13:11
SaviqCimi, why wouldn't overview use the same SubPage mechanism?13:11
SaviqCimi, sure, it might not ever use settings, so waht13:12
dandradergreyback, are qtmir tests run automatically by CI?13:20
cwayneSaviq: is there any way to trim down silo 17 to land some stuff faster?13:21
greybackdandrader: I think yes, as they're run during package build13:21
Saviqcwayne, it should be ready to land tomorrow latest13:21
dandradergreyback, hmm, so all tests run by "make check" should not do any fancy thing such as creating a window etc (like unity8's qmluitests)13:24
greybackdandrader: right, else they'd fail on CI13:25
greybackuntil we get test harness in place for that13:25
greybackwhich is a longer term TODO for me13:25
greybackas I want to write a bunch of integration tests for qtmir13:25
dandradergreyback, ok. so I will sitk with a strict unit test then13:26
Saviqmzanetti, that test failure is what I just fixed13:34
Saviqre: rename-connectivity13:34
mzanettiah, I c13:34
Saviqis what I asked you to re-review13:34
tsdgeospstolowski: should i reject https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-scopes-shell/resetMeansCountChanged then?13:40
kgunn: ) i see lifecycle still didn't make it yet13:41
pstolowskitsdgeos, i don't think so, i merged it into my branch, but set yours as a prerequisite13:42
tsdgeospstolowski: ah, ok13:42
mhall119thostr_: ping14:04
kgunnSaviq: are we testing silo4 ?14:05
Saviqkgunn, oh it built14:06
Saviqkgunn, it's tested, I only added a small test fix14:06
Saviqmzanetti, can I get ACK on https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/rename-connectivity/+merge/232058 then?14:07
mzanettiSaviq: wanted to wait on jenkins... but if its urgent, I guess its fine14:07
Saviqmzanetti, you could always just test locally ;)14:08
mzanettiSaviq: true. but didn't think this is urgent14:08
tsdgeosso it's interesting14:10
tsdgeosi removed the UbuntuShape from teh dash art14:10
tsdgeosand i can still scrooll and see icons poping up later14:10
mzanettitsdgeos: yeah, its the async loading14:10
tsdgeosmzanetti: async loading just means its async, not "make it slow"14:11
mzanettitsdgeos: it kinda does14:11
mzanettiin some circumstances14:11
tsdgeosif you see it happening it's because it's slow14:11
tsdgeosnot because it's async14:11
mzanettitsdgeos: in that game I'm writing for instance, I create a bunch of enemies. having their images load sync causes the ui to freeze for ~0.25s14:12
mzanettitsdgeos: having the images load async causes some enemies only to load after >2secs14:12
tsdgeoswell, that's a bug then ;)14:13
tsdgeosi see no reason for that to happe14:13
mzanettidifferent priorities/queuing14:14
tsdgeosnot buying it :)14:14
tsdgeosi mean not saying you're liying14:18
tsdgeosjust that i don't see why making it async should make it 10 times slower14:18
mzanettitsdgeos: well, the total time of the operation might be the same, just happening "10 times later"14:19
mzanettibecause there's other, more important things to do before doing the queued async things14:19
Saviqtsdgeos, it might be they get scheduled for later as they're async14:19
tsdgeoswell if they get schedule for later14:19
tsdgeosis because there's something else to schedule14:19
tsdgeosthat something else is not being scehduled then on those 0.25 secs?14:20
mzanettibut visually its not necessarily the order we want14:20
tsdgeoswhere did it come from?14:20
Saviqtsdgeos, for scrolling in dash though, we probably don't have enough cacheBuffer is one, two is that we should not be destroying the category delegates (or any delegates even?) until we "unfocus" the scope14:20
mzanettiwell, in my example the first enemies start running, which consumes some juice14:20
Saviqtsdgeos, as we discussed before, I think we should commit memory to the scope you're looking at14:20
Saviqtsdgeos, only defer loading images until they're not on screen to reduce data usage (but for apps we should probably be more aggressive even and just load them all and keep them in memory always)14:21
mzanettiand in the scope example I guess the queing of more async operations already slows down the execution of the queued ones, besides other things14:21
Saviqaaand then if any provider comes into play, only one image is loaded at a time....14:22
tsdgeoswhich doesn't make any sense14:23
mhall119is there any documentation on customizing a scope's header?14:24
tsdgeosthey have a threaded flag, no?14:24
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah14:24
Saviqmhall119, check out http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.10/cplusplus/unity-scopes/index.html#deployment14:24
tsdgeosbut it's only to not block the main thread14:24
Saviqmhall119, not everything's implemented yet, but real close14:25
tsdgeosnot to run various at the same time14:25
Saviqmhall119, i.e. it's in silo 17 already, just we need to tweak a few things and land it14:25
mhall119Saviq: ah,thanks, didn't know it was in the .ini file14:26
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mzanettidandrader: hey, do you have an idea why the OSK won't work with run_on_device?14:33
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dandradermzanetti, let me read that script. I can't remember the last time I used it14:40
dandradermzanetti, it was working fine before qtcomp?14:40
mzanettidandrader: yes, iirc14:41
dandradermzanetti, iinm, maliit-server should be started after unity8. not sure if it's happening there14:42
mzanettidandrader: ah, probably doesn't... but then, I guess that's a bug in maliit's upstart script14:43
Saviqmzanetti, dandrader yes it is14:44
mzanettidandrader: hmm... reading /usr/share/upstart/sessions/maliit-server.conf everything looks fine14:44
thostr_mhall119: pong14:45
dandradermzanetti, Saviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8141277/14:46
mhall119thostr_: I was going to get an update on the work to allow running scopes form Qtc14:46
dandraderto me it reads like "start maliit-server first, then unity8"14:46
larsuQT += svg14:47
mhall119zbenjamin updated me on some of it, that marcustomlinson has code ready to land which I think enabled the debug mode for scopes14:47
larsuProject ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: svg14:47
Saviqdandrader, the "start unity8" is there for going back to the system wide unity814:47
mhall119but he's still waiting on some dash work to allow loading them from Qtc14:47
larsuanyone know what happened to the svg module? ^^14:47
Saviqdandrader, the maliit- ones shouldn't be necessary really14:47
Saviqdandrader, but yeah, that looks wrong14:47
thostr_mhall119: we got all the code... we "just" need to get it landed... fighting this right now14:47
mhall119thostr_: even the dash stuff that Saviq and tedg are working on?14:48
dandraderSaviq, I would expect line 2 to come after line 314:48
dandraderSaviq, actually, nevermind14:48
thostr_mhall119: there are two silo's full of changes14:48
dandraderSaviq, as script will be stuck on line 3 until unity8 quits, right?14:48
Saviqdandrader, yes14:49
thostr_mhall119: but we're having build failures we don't see locally...14:49
mhall119thostr_: ok, thanks for the update14:49
Saviqdandrader, but that's when maliit shouldn't be running any more anyway14:49
Saviqdandrader, that's why I'm saying line 2 and 4 should not be needed any more14:49
dandraderSaviq, run.sh summons maliit somehow?14:49
Saviqdandrader, run.sh runs unity8 with upstart14:50
Saviqdandrader, and maliit starts on unity8 started14:50
tsdgeoslarsu: you don't have it installed?14:51
dandraderSaviq, ah ok. then removing lines 2 and 4 should fix it14:51
Saviqdandrader, shouldn't really fix it, it actually shouldn't matter ;)14:51
Saviqdandrader, as maliit should've started and stopped itself during line 3 anyway14:52
Saviqdandrader, ah but maybe14:52
Saviqdandrader, the start actually makes it go into a broken loop14:52
Saviqdandrader, and then it doesn't get the updated env when unity8 starts again14:52
larsutsdgeos: oops you're right, the -dev was missing15:00
tsdgeoslarsu: easy one :)15:00
tedgSaviq, Random though, when I process a scope:// URI do you need me to request a focus for the dash?15:01
Saviqtedg, yes15:01
Saviqdandrader, mzanetti, btw, I've a branch lp:~saviq/unity8/tweak-runscript that does a thing or two to try and make the run scripts behave again15:06
Saviqbut didn't finish it15:06
mzanettiSaviq: ah ok... cool. I volunteer to review when you finish it *hint* ;)15:07
Saviqmzanetti, seems dandrader is interested to take over, I didn't have time to investigate why it didn't work on device ;)15:10
mzanettiah, great too15:11
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CimiSaviq, you ask me to reinitialize initialIndex16:12
CimiSaviq, but this is a binding from the Loader, it will break the binding16:12
SaviqCimi, and?16:13
SaviqCimi, if it switched to the initialScope, it should not switch any more16:13
SaviqCimi, the binding makes sense in case it changes outside still16:13
SaviqCimi, but once it switched, there's no point16:13
CimiSaviq, so it should not be a binding from the loader16:14
CimiI should just copy the value over, no?16:14
SaviqCimi, no, it can be a loader16:14
SaviqCimi, the thing that breaks the binding is when the onCount kicks in16:15
SaviqCimi, in case the original value still changes between onLoaded and onCountChanged16:15
SaviqCimi, you want the binding16:15
Saviqtedg, do we want a bug to track scope:// progress?16:34
tedgSaviq, Uhm, okay. I've got a post-it, which is enough for me, but if we need more visibility that's fine.16:35
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CimiSaviq, currently preview and settings tests fail moving open inside onLoaded...16:41
Cimitrying debugging16:41
Cimithat's why I am quiet16:42
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CimiSaviq, that initialIndex change messes up things17:00
Cimidon't ask me why17:00
Cimimaybe because the binding breaks17:00
Cimijust fixed, I like ideas flowing when I speak17:01
SaviqCimi, you need a #Cimi channel ;P17:02
CimiSaviq, good idea17:02
Saviqmore tomorrow o/17:02
Cimisomeone to join my channel pls17:03
CimiSaviq, pa pa17:03
CimiSaviq, pushed and fixed17:06
larsuSaviq: finally got this finished today. Fixed the lookup-bug as well. Review is appreciated: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/custom-icon-lookup/+merge/23211517:11
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mzanettitedg: what was the reason again why the launcher's dbus interface needs a countVisible property instead of just displaying everything > 0?18:36
tedgmzanetti, So that it can have negative counts. For instance temperature.18:37
mzanettiah right... that was it18:37
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Saviqtedg, ah, the long-promised bug #136134920:06
ubot5bug 1361349 in url-dispatcher (Ubuntu) "Should open scope:// URIs through unity8-dash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136134920:06
tedgSaviq, Are you going to put bug tasks there for adding the FD.o interface in dash, or has that landed?20:07
Saviqtedg, right, lemme20:08
Saviqtedg, done20:09
tedgSaviq, Actually, let's leave the url-dispatcher in that file.20:10
tedgSaviq, I'll just custom handle the unity8-dash part, then you can configure other URLs if needed.20:10
tedgurl-dispatcher file in that MR.20:11
tedgWhat I meant :-)20:11
Saviqtedg, ah ok, can you comment on that then?20:12
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tedgSaviq, I expect that branch to work, though it needs tests. If you guys want to play with it.20:15
Saviqtedg, awesome, I know Ben will be thankful20:16
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