
pleia2woo, made it home01:30
pleia2team meeting in 10ish minutes01:51
* eps glances at the clock01:59
pleia2ok, meeting time02:00
darthrobot`Meeting started Mon Aug 25 02:00:04 2014 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.02:00
darthrobot`Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired02:00
darthrobot`Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14August24 - Ubuntu Wiki]02:00
pleia2so I added the item02:01
pleia2#topic Upcoming events, are we participating?02:01
pleia2we have two big things coming up:02:01
pleia2UbuntuGlobalJam September 12-1402:01
pleia2Software Freedom Day September 20th02:01
pleia2so far I haven't heard much about us doing either02:01
pleia2I think jyo was thinking about doing something for the jam though02:01
pleia2(I'll be on the wrong side of the country during it)02:01
pleia2any thoughts?02:02
RoguehorseWhere is the SFD going on?02:02
DonkeyHoteiany coordination with fedora folk regarding 9/20?02:02
pleia2California seems empty UbuntuGlobalJam September 12-1402:03
darthrobot`Title: [SFD 2014 Map: Find an event in your area!]02:03
pleia2not to say none exist, but on the official site where events can register, there aren't any02:03
DonkeyHoteisounds like a first02:04
RoguehorseJust found that..thanks02:04
pleia2DonkeyHotei: no coordination with anyone so far, if you know of Fedora folks doing something, please do chat with them :)02:04
RoguehorseSo we would have to host one?02:04
pleia2yeah, unless we find a LUG or other group already doing something02:05
DonkeyHoteiRoguehorse: it might be nice02:05
RoguehorseI'm always game for doing stuff I just stink at the coordination02:06
nhainesRoguehorse: find a friend and help out with coordination.  You'd be surprised how quickly you learn.  :)02:06
* nhaines vaguely remembers SCALE6X....02:06
DonkeyHoteii attended scale6x02:07
Roguehorsenhaines: Everyone in my LUG says they're too busy to help with anything...thus very slow progress02:08
DonkeyHoteiyour lug meets in a busy area02:08
RoguehorseI guess02:08
nhainesRoguehorse: any LoCo members nearby?02:09
RoguehorseDon't know.....I've only made it to one gig so far...14.04 launch. I think Grant lives nearby though (or not far)02:10
grantbowSFSU usually does an SFD event02:11
grantbowI'll ping sameer02:11
Roguehorsespeaking of Grant02:11
pleia2grantbow: thanks02:13
pleia2anything happening in socal?02:14
nhainesNot that I know of.  I need to check with OCLUG on the status of the next installfest.02:15
Roguehorsegrantbow: You want to work together to put on a SFD?02:16
pleia2nhaines: sounds good02:16
pleia2philipballew: anything in SD?02:16
philipballewpleia2, for sfd?02:16
pleia2philipballew: or ugj02:17
grantbowRoguehorse I'll help coordinate if you want to lead up an effort and attend.02:17
Roguehorsegrantbow: Ok..we can talk after the meeting02:18
philipballewI am planning a ubuntu hour that I will call a ubuntu global jam where I show people how to report and file bugs. As for Software Freedom Day, I am speaking on open source stuff at the one in Tijuana Mexico, just over the border.02:18
pleia2philipballew: cool02:18
philipballewI'll try to remember to take pictures or both and shoot out a blog or two02:19
pleia2philipballew: please do!02:19
DonkeyHoteiRoguehorse: if you were at the 14.04 launch, we probably met02:19
pleia2#topic Any other business02:20
philipballewQuallcomm still will not put up my ubuntu meetup flyer's at their office.02:20
pleia2that's all we had for agenda items, anyone else have anything?02:20
epsUtopic release party planning?02:20
DonkeyHoteii think it's a bit early02:21
epsDonkeyHotei: trust me, it isn't02:21
pleia2not early, we need to pin down a venue pretty early, it's only 2 months away02:22
pleia2October 23rd is release02:22
pleia2I'll be in the wrong part of the world again02:22
Roguehorse...don't you have some sort of assigned "second" for when you're traveling?02:23
DonkeyHoteiRoguehorse: how 'bout he.net as a venue?02:23
RoguehorseI think we probably could...I would have to ask first (obviously)02:25
DonkeyHoteianother possibility might be noisebridge02:26
pleia2I stopped doing them there because the feedback wasn't great (venue was hot, dirty)02:28
pleia2but it's been a while since I've been02:28
pleia2citizenspace.us has offered us space, and we can always ask Mozilla or AdRoll again02:29
pleia2so I think we have a lot of options in SF, just need folks to coordinate something02:30
Roguehorseooh...I'd like to look inside Mozilla, that would be cool02:30
pleia2they have a pretty cool community space at their office on the Embarcadero02:31
pleia2I reached out to them for our 14.04 party, but they took forever to reply so I gave up on them for that event, but have since been promised prompter replies ;)02:31
pleia2so I'm happy to put folks in touch as needed, even if I can't attend myself02:32
Roguehorsewell, between parenting, school, eblug and working with Grant on SFD - I'm pretty tapped02:32
nhainesRoguehorse: Definitely better to pace yourself.  :)02:33
Roguehorsenhaines: I like to be community active but it's not fair to the wife for me to be gone all the time ya know?02:33
nhainesRoguehorse: or the kids.02:35
nhainesAlthough we always made SCALE a family event.  :)02:35
epsSCALE 13x info available at http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale13x -- it's scheduled for *four* days this time.02:35
darthrobot`Title: [SCALE 13x | scale13x]02:35
pleia2eps: wow :)02:36
Roguehorseyeah, he wants to come with Daddy but he gets boired real easy02:36
Roguehorsestill owrking on that02:36
Roguehorse:-( fat fingers02:36
nhainesAw.  :)  Well, nothing a 3DS can't fix once he's participated a bit.02:36
pleia2it's ok, I bring my 3DS too02:37
Roguehorsewe'll see, it's almost time to start bringing him too02:37
nhainespleia2: StreetPass tags!  \o/02:38
pleia23DS speak02:39
pleia2ok, anything else?02:39
epsPlanning for SCALE?02:40
RoguehorseYeah, think it was just those two topics02:41
epsPut it on a future agenda. ;-)02:41
DonkeyHoteiscale does take planning02:41
pleia2eps: wfm02:43
pleia2next meeting we should also chat about leadership elections for the coming year too02:43
pleia2but I think that's it for tonight :)02:43
pleia2thanks all02:44
darthrobot`Meeting ended Mon Aug 25 02:44:06 2014 UTC.02:44
darthrobot`Minutes:        http://ihas.5cat.com/~darthrobot/ubuntu-us-ca/2014/ubuntu-us-ca.2014-08-25-02.00.moin.txt02:44
DonkeyHoteitroyready: you missed it02:44
troyreadyAlas :)02:45
* Roguehorse has been there02:45
nhainesI plan to be at SCALE next year.  :)02:45
nhainesRoguehorse: did we meet?02:45
RoguehorseLOL! no, was response to troyready missing the meeting02:46
Roguehorsenhaines: would love to though if I ever make it that way02:46
nhainesIt's a brilliant event.  Feels like a fan convention, talks range from fun to super professional, and all booths, speakers, and attendees are just super friendly.02:47
pleia2it's probably my favorite one in the world02:47
RoguehorseHmm...sounds like a "must plan" type thing02:47
DonkeyHoteii may actually attend this time, finances permitting02:48
DonkeyHoteithe hotel bill is the big obstacle at this point02:48
Roguehorsewhat's that run?02:48
epsDepends how many ways you split it.02:49
pleia2120 or so a night if you stay at the conference hotel02:49
DonkeyHoteiand where you stay02:49
RoguehorseI could sleep in a bathtub02:49
nhainesI demonstrated Ubuntu on my phone to everyone, helped a 12yo kid who was trying to set up a dual boot but having uEFI issues, gave out DVDs to college kids... shamelessly offered sticker sheets and buttons to little kids.02:49
nhainesThe conference hotel is worth it, but the Travellodge across the street is also very adequate.02:49
DonkeyHoteii used to do those things *sigh*02:49
nhainesI usually don't sleep at the conference hotel unless I'm speaking.  Then I figure why worry about one more thing?02:50
Roguehorseso travel, food and lodging could be $500?02:50
epsLodging will probably be your major expense.02:51
DonkeyHoteiaccommodation of choice for me (finances permitting) would be the cockatoo inn, which is actually closer to the previous venue02:51
grantbowanyone else interested in working through http://codeschool.io ?02:51
darthrobot`Error opening URL: [Errno -2] Name or service not known02:51
grantbowbot bug02:51
grantbowoops, no, brain bug. http://nodeschool.io02:53
darthrobot`[R: nodeschool.io] Title: [nodeschool.io]02:53
nhainesI need to do the EDX Linux course still.03:03
Roguehorsenhaines: I'm through 6 but haven't made it back03:11
RoguehorseIt's cool...pretty simple03:12
nhainesI think I read the first chapter just to see how it started but intended to get back to it and never did.03:13
Roguehorsewell, it doesn't expire so no worries03:15
nhainesYup.  I'd just like to be able to recommend it more efficiently.  And hey, I might learn something!03:22
RoguehorseI think it's worth doing as an introduction thing...it's not a kernel class or anything like that..but for people just getting into Linux or have only been a short time it's good03:24
nhainesThere aren't enough of those simple beginning introduction classes. :)03:40
Roguehorseright ;-)03:41
RoguehorseI was going to start my CompTA A+ but the guys in my LUG said forget that I go after the LPIC1 instead03:42
nhainesThat would definitely be more focused.  I did A+ back in... 2001.03:47
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Website: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: September 7th at 7PM PT | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic
RoguehorseI was torn between the two but the A+ looked novel and intriguing. I've never studied for a cert of any kind before except refrigeration recovery03:56
RoguehorseThese days there are a lot of certs I want to achieve03:56
nhainesWell, A+ can be good too.  But they don't always count for much.  Depends on the job.03:59
ianorlindoh forgot meeting04:34
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
ianorlinah having 5 hours of battery life on a 5 year old laptop is nice too bad I can't seem to find any with 12 cell batteries anymore19:45
ianorlinwith a modern like haswell processor it would get better battery life but still be heavy19:45
ianorlinI find the problem is places like hospitals aren't built big enough for the laptop not the laptop is too big19:46
nhainesI miss 12-cell batteries.19:48
DonkeyHoteibatteries of any kind are the devil's work19:48

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