
netlareeee: I just cannot find a comprehensive guide for the Dash00:01
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snotchnetlar: it's a dock.00:01
netlarsnotch: you talking about the launcher panel?00:01
eeeenetlar: the sources are pretty self-explanatory00:02
eeeenetlar: to be honest it's the first time i've used it00:02
eeeeyou write the search, and then click which source and it shows the results00:02
snotchnetlar: u want cartoon instructions?00:02
netlarsnotch: Stop it, do not be like that00:03
netlarAnyway, someone in a bad mood00:04
eeeenetlar: if you want it to always search specific sources, you can select them first00:04
eeeejust noticed that00:04
eeee(search field has to be empty)00:05
netlareeee: Well I will just keep experimenting with it00:05
snotchI some times00:06
wafflejockhehe netlar think we just can't point you somewhere like you said no single clear doc that just focuses on the Dash, it's a nice to have for those who like it but don't think anyone has taken the time to do a full on document it's usage... if you're a heavy user perhaps it's something you could post online at least as a starting point to get other to contribute thoughts/info on it00:06
wafflejockhttp://www.howtogeek.com/113330/how-to-master-ubuntus-unity-desktop-8-things-you-need-to-know/ <-- here's an article that covers some basics but sure you probably already know all this00:07
netlarwafflejock: Thanks, I may look into do that00:07
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TJ-netlar: This developer documentation may help you: http://developer.ubuntu.com/scopes/00:09
netlarTJ-: Thanks00:10
GlycanHow can I activate a display with xranr?00:10
HikaruBGhi guys!00:10
GlycanCan someone help me?00:11
snotchSure Glycan00:11
HikaruBGwhen I log-in to Ubuntu, the log-in screen dissapears and only the background image remains on, but no task-bar, no icons, no menus nothing. Only the background image and the mouse pointer.00:11
cynicallemonGlycan: theres a gui tool for that to make it "easier" - arandr00:11
Glycancynicallemon: it doesn't work00:12
tortibHello everyone!  How can I disable SSH forwarding in sshd_config ?00:13
GlycanIt does not actually activate the display00:13
HikaruBGI have Desktop machine with i7 CPU, 16 GB Ram and NVIDIA EVGA GTX 590 Classified vireo card. with the NVIDIA DRIVERS version 331.6700:13
HikaruBGI had no problems like this before00:13
TJ-Glycan: "xrandr --output $OUTPUT --auto"00:14
HikaruBGanyone on the ubuntu login problem?00:16
HikaruBGthe ubuntu version is 14.0400:16
wafflejockHikaruBG: TJ is trying to help respond to TJ-00:16
wafflejockHikaruBG: oh sorry was talking to Glycan my bad got this troll messing up my brain00:17
teololtoywhat's the default gtk program for making kde apps look like gnome apps?00:17
teololtoyie running kde stuff in gnome and having them look more gnome00:17
HikaruBG:) its ok wafflejock, i just need some help here00:17
wafflejock!nomodeset > HikaruBG00:17
ubottuHikaruBG, please see my private message00:17
wafflejockthat might help00:17
wafflejockat least to debug some00:17
eeeeHikaruBG: maybe try to reinstall lightdm ?00:18
HikaruBGeeee, how do I do that? sudo apt-get purge lightdm && sudo apt-get install lightdm ?00:19
eeeeHikaruBG: sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm00:20
HikaruBGthanks, eeee00:20
Glycanwafflejock: doesn't work00:20
jcoglanHikaruBG: fyi I installed gdm and have so far not had a problem logging in. Previously my login screen on 14.04 would block keyboard and mouse input. However, locking the screen and suspending the machine still use the original login screen, which I am told is Ubuntu’s clone lookalike of the lightdm login, and that consistently fails and I have to hard-reboot.00:20
eeeeHikaruBG: you might have to do it from the terminal, sudo service lightdm stop00:21
eeeeinstall --reinstall , then sudo service lightdm start00:21
jcoglanAcutually, I mispoke, screen lock used something that looks like lightdm but it works, whereas resuming from suspend I’ve never been able to log in.00:21
HikaruBGI am on it eeee. thanks. I will let you know what is going on in a sec00:22
GlycanTJ-: doesn't work00:22
scratchyHikaruBG: it's a bug. Use a PPA to upgrade00:22
OerHeksrm -rf .compiz-1 Source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears00:22
TJ-Glycan: "doesn't work" is not helpful; show us the output of commands and pastebin the output of "xrandr -q" in particular00:23
HikaruBGeeee, same thing after stop/reinstall/start of lightdm00:23
scratchyHikaruBG: it's a bug. Use a PPA to upgrade00:23
HikaruBGscratchy, which ppa to use for upgrade?00:23
HikaruBGI have all updated and upgraded00:23
HikaruBGno new upgrades pending00:23
scratchySearch for unity PPA00:24
GlycanTJ-: the command you gave me has no output00:24
Glycanand does nothing00:24
HikaruBGscratchy, how to see which version of unity i currently have?00:25
OerHeksscratchy, proposing a ppa, tell him it is not supported here, and i posted a solution for some users >  rm -rf .compiz-1 : http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears00:25
OerHeksHikaruBG, ^ ^00:25
jcoglanscratchy: Does this mean that Ubuntu 14.04 is not going to fix this issue, or is PPA a temporary solution?00:27
scratchyHikaruBG: I have ati graphics card00:27
scratchyHikaruBG: do u have ati graphics card00:27
GlycanTJ-: the output of xrandr -q (the same as just xrandr) is http://paste.ubuntu.com/8135835/00:28
OerHeksscratchy, he started with the specs of his machine, nvidia00:28
scratchyHikaruBG: Try:00:28
scratchy...$ sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager00:28
scratchy...$ ccsm00:28
tortibDoes anyone know why I'm receiving this error when running `apt-get install zsh` ? update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/share/man/man1/rzsh.1.gz because associated file /usr/share/man/man1/zsh.1.gz (of link group rzsh) doesn't exist00:28
tortibit's not installing the man page for zsh00:29
scratchyHikaruBG: in the manager window go to Preferences (left pane) in the profile section select "unity" instead of "Default" in the drop-down menu.00:29
HikaruBGOK I am trying it now00:29
HikaruBGsomehow I can't see the manager screen00:30
HikaruBGdo I have to be logged in?00:30
OerHekstortib, known issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsh/+bug/124210800:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1242108 in zsh (Ubuntu Trusty) "all zsh manpages and inline help files are missing" [Low,Confirmed]00:30
HikaruBGGTKWarning: could not open display00:31
tortibOerHeks: thx00:31
TJ-Glycan: The other displays are disconnected, so they can't be enabled00:31
scratchyHikaruBG: Did you install compiz00:31
fridaynexthere's my /etc/exports, but when I try to connect to my shares from OSX 10.9, it's slow to connect. Any idea why? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=9hPvZDgX00:31
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HikaruBGscratchy, i have installes it.00:32
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HikaruBGwhen I type $ export DISPLAY:=0 it returns -bash: export: 'DISPLAY:=0' not a valid identifier00:35
scratchyHikaruBG: it's easier to upgrade nvidia using PPA00:36
HikaruBGscratchy, check this out http://pastie.org/949988400:37
OerHeksHikaruBG, please see this post, it is so easy https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsh/+bug/124210800:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1242108 in zsh (Ubuntu Trusty) "all zsh manpages and inline help files are missing" [Low,Confirmed]00:37
scratchyHikaruBG: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates00:37
scratchysudo apt-get update00:37
OerHekserr http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears00:37
OerHeksscratchy, no need for that, as it have worked.00:38
eeeeOerHeks: his issue is with lightdm00:38
eeee( before he logs in theres no window for logging in )00:39
OerHeksno, after logging in00:39
scratchyOerHeks: he cannot run the gui for compiz. He needs to install unity 2d. Its to much00:40
eeeeoh, i thought he said something else00:40
eeeeHikaruBG: try OerHeks suggestion00:41
HikaruBGthanks guys, I will try OerHeks suggestion then00:41
scratchyUpdate to nvidia PPA then upgrade00:41
Ben64ppa is not necessary at all00:42
HikaruBGok Guys, here is the result of the ccsm command: http://pastie.org/949989300:44
HikaruBGand still no manager screen00:44
eeeeHikaruBG: try dconf reset -f /org/compiz/; setsid unity00:44
eeeethat'll reset unity00:44
eeeeHikaruBG: just to be sure, cause you're saying no manager screen, you're talking about after you login right?00:45
eeeemeaning you get a manager screen, then you login, but theres no launcher or anything right?00:45
TJ-eeee: "Greeter" is what presents the log-in00:46
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HikaruBGno, no manager screen appears. just the login screen. The ccsm command comes back with the message I pasted http://pastie.org/949989300:46
HikaruBGI am trying to reset unity now as you told me00:46
HikaruBGI will create another pastie with this errors.00:46
HikaruBGit says Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0"00:47
eeeeTJ-: unity-greeter ?00:47
scratchyEverybody shut up for a moment.00:47
TJ-eeee: lightdm-greeter mostly00:47
scratchyHikaruBG: Did this happen after you installed nvidia proprietary driver00:48
TJ-eeee: on KDE its lightdm-kde-greeter00:48
HikaruBGyes scratchy, AFTER that00:48
HikaruBGscratchy, but I have installed the NVIDIA drivers long ago00:48
HikaruBGand it was running fine00:48
TJ-HikaruBG: "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"00:49
scratchyHikaruBG: Did you just upgrade ubuntu then to a newer version.00:49
scratchyHikaruBG: is that when the problem started00:50
HikaruBGTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8135980/00:51
OerHeksi have seen this before just after a regular update with kernel00:51
TJ-HikaruBG: "(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module; please check in your X"00:51
HikaruBGOerHeks, this is exactly how it have to be happened...00:51
HikaruBGTJ-, I have no idea what is this means....00:51
TJ-HikaruBG: You've got a bad xorg.conf is my guess: "pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"00:52
OerHeksloggin in: ctrl alt F1, then perform rm -rf .compiz-1 #logout & login again00:52
TJ-OerHeks: It's more fundamental than that; GLX is being shot down by bad config00:53
HikaruBGOerHeks, I will do it now00:53
TJ-HikaruBG: "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup"00:53
TJ-HikaruBG: And then "sudo service lightdm restart"00:54
scratchyHikaruBG: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates00:54
scratchysudo apt-get update00:55
fridaynextI have "rw" in my nfs share, but I can't write to the share - how do I enable the ability to write to it?00:55
HikaruBGTJ-, it dodn't work backing up the xorg.conf and restarting the lightdm service00:55
TJ-HikaruBG: That's fine, we're trying to reduce the possibilities. Show me "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" now we have a new one00:56
HikaruBGjust a sec00:56
scratchyHikaruBG: can you get into a terminal or command line00:56
scratchyIt's a nvidia problem.00:57
HikaruBGscratchy, yes00:57
inder_gtcan any1 please tell me what the better way to do indicator applets is, pygtk or pygi00:57
scratchysudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa00:57
scratchysudo apt-get update00:57
scratchysudo apt-get upgrade00:57
scratchyThen reboot00:57
HikaruBGscratchy, CTRL+ALT+F1 and also SSH from my laptop work00:57
TJ-scratchy: Installing a PPA is *not* the way to fix an existing issue. First, sort out the existing driver fault00:57
scratchyPut them commands in then reboot. Problem solved HikaruBG00:58
HikaruBGOK scratchy I am doing it. and will let you know in a bit00:58
scratchyTJ-: Yes it is. He wants a working system00:58
odsenthey there, im having a keyboard problem01:00
HikaruBGscratchy, it didn't solve it01:02
odsenti just got a new keyboard, meaning i have  to go  through  the old tradition  of rearranging  the keys  for dvorak01:02
HikaruBGsame thing01:02
TJ-HikaruBG: The problem is you've got a manually installed nvidia driver version 331.67, rather than one of the Ubuntu-packaged drivers, and the manually installed driver hasn't correctly installed the core GLX X server driver01:02
odsentbut the damn F key doesn't  fit01:02
HikaruBGTJ-, if I reinstall the NVIDIA driver will it fix it?01:03
HikaruBGit wirked when I first installed it?01:03
odsenthelp plz01:03
scratchyHikaruBG: u need to install gnome 3 then. Unity is trashed on your system so you can finally get the compiz gui working01:03
HikaruBGscratchy, how to see which version of gnome i currently have?01:04
TJ-HikaruBG: The best way to tackle this is to first de-install the manual nvidia package, and then remove any stray ubuntu packages that may conflict so the system only has the open-source nouveau driver in place, *then* install the official ubuntu package "nvidia-331-updates"01:04
scratchyHikaruBG: ubuntu does not install gnome it uses a pig called unity.01:04
TJ-scratchy: There is nothing wrong with Unity, please don't give out misinformation. The problem is clear in the Xorg log-file: GLX driver not loaded01:05
TJ-HikaruBG: Let's first discover what Ubuntu/nvidia packages there may be installed: "dpkg -l 'nvidia*' | pastebinit"01:05
HikaruBGOK just a sec TJ-01:06
eeeeHikaruBG: can you please ls -l /etc/X11 | pastebinit01:06
HikaruBGI went ahead and started reinstalling the NVIDIA 331 driver...  maybe stupid of me, but let me finish that and I will do everything you guys say01:06
scratchyTJ-: get him running so he can run the gui for compiz. Tell him how to install gnome fall back 2d and how to log in with it at log in screen01:07
HikaruBGscratchy, so you suggest I don't use unity anymore, but GNOME?01:08
HikaruBGisn't that possible using tasksel ?01:08
odsentwhat is a good channel for general techh support?01:08
HikaruBGreinstall completed - now let's see results01:08
OerHeksTJ-, i wonder about his kernel  3.13.0-35-generic, as my current kernel is 3.13.0-3401:08
somsip!alis | odsent01:08
ubottuodsent: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:08
wafflejockodsent: what kind of help are you looking for it sounds like you have a hardware issue with rearranging your keys?01:09
odsentits taking me a long time to type so bear with me01:09
OerHekstry ##hardware01:09
HikaruBGOK guys - after NVIDIA Drivers reinstall the result is: When I login - it displays the background image AND the desktop icons, but still no taskbar01:10
HikaruBGTJ-,  I am with you again01:10
odsentyou know how on your QWERTY keyboard, the J and F keys have the tiny ridge on them?01:10
HikaruBGuninstall the NVIDIA driver say you?01:11
odsenton my logitech keyboard, those keys don't fit into other spots01:11
HikaruBGTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8136123/01:11
odsentthis world is not dvorak friendly01:12
OerHeksodent that is beyond the scope of this channel, try ##hardware01:12
HikaruBGcheck the result of the dpkg -l 'nvidia*'01:12
wafflejockodsent: hehe yeah I don't think so... but seems worth it to just buy a dvorak keyboard anyhow if that's your preference, why spend the time fiddling with keys? either way as OerHeks said you'll have more luck if you need help on the hardware in a channel focused on it01:12
scratchyHikaruBG: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/install-gnome-classic-desktop-in-ubuntu-14-04/01:13
HikaruBGThanks scratchy, I will look into that, just let's see what TJ- will say about the nvidia packages01:13
TJ-OerHeks: Yes, It's from trusty-proposed01:14
TJ-HikaruBG: sorry about that - had to visit the bathroom :)01:15
HikaruBGTJ-, "The best way to tackle this is to first de-install the manual nvidia package, and then remove any stray ubuntu packages that may conflict so the system only has the open-source nouveau driver in place, *then* install the official ubuntu package "nvidia-331-updates"" How do you propose we do that?01:15
HikaruBGsudo apt-get purge nvidia-common ?01:15
HikaruBGsudo apt-get purge nvidia*01:15
TJ-HikaruBG: Well, the good news is there aren't currently any Ubuntu/nvidia packages so as long as we can cleanly remove the nvidia package you installed manually, it should be plain sailing to install the Ubuntu package afterwards01:16
HikaruBGTJ, so purge nvidia * should do it?01:16
kerrickIs upgrading from 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS supported?01:17
kerricknot mentioned at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:17
veryhappykerrick: would say it01:17
TJ-HikaruBG: No, as I said, there are no official nvidia packages to remove. Just the package you installed manually01:17
eeeekerrick: yes, sudo do-release-upgrade will get you there01:17
TJ-HikaruBG: Is the nvidia-331.67 installer ".run" file in your "~/Downloads/" directory?01:17
hescoDoes ubuntu have a scheme for providing consistent uid and gids to application users?  Or do they get assigned in the order in which they were created?01:17
HikaruBGTJ-,  i just ran the NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-331.67.run file from the terminal and it installed it01:18
HikaruBGis there a script to uninstall it?01:18
scratchyTJ-: big chance header files are not installed.01:18
veryhappyhey guys, today i made an installation of ubuntu 14.04 on an external drive, unfortunately due to the installation type that i find more clean (minimal system) i just have command tools to get me into the wireless network (wpa), this is not my home place, i'm in vacations now.01:18
kerrickeeee, thanks01:18
TJ-HikaruBG: OK, go to the directory that contains that file, then you need to do "sudo ./ NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-331.67.run --uninstall"01:19
hescoLost my connection, so trying this again:  Does ubuntu have a scheme for providing consistent uid and gids to application users?  Or do they get assigned in the order in which they were created?01:19
TJ-scratchy: kernel headers are always installed, to support DKMS; do you mean some other headers?01:19
scratchyTJ-: use wild cards. Multiple drivers he installed.01:20
malachi_constantHi all. I have an HP Proliant DL320 Gen8 v2 with ubuntu installed, and the damned thing will not take an IP address.01:20
malachi_constantI mean, I can assign one statically, but the link says NO-CARRIER even though the link light is lit on both sides.01:20
HikaruBGTJ-, uninstall is done01:20
HikaruBGnow reboot or install the new packages?01:21
TJ-HikaruBG: OK, now lets do a search for any stray or unexpected nvidia versions, too01:21
scratchyTJ-: not true. Headers we're a bug concerning nvidia01:21
HikaruBGTJ-, ok let's do it! :) how? :)01:21
TJ-HikaruBG: "sudo find /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ -type f -name 'nvidia*'  "01:21
HikaruBGOK thanks01:21
TJ-HikaruBG: hopefully you only get the 1 line?01:22
kerrickeeee, is the process any different for Ubuntu Gnome?01:22
HikaruBGyes - this is it01:22
TJ-HikaruBG: Next check - the X org drivers: "ls -d /usr/lib/nvidia*"01:24
HikaruBGTJ-, one line again: "/usr/lib/nvidia"01:24
TJ-HikaruBG: Good :)01:25
TJ-HikaruBG: Now, last check before we install the Ubuntu/nvidia driver packages:  "grep '^deb ' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*} | pastebinit"01:26
Basketballis it safe to tell someone on google plus my uname -a01:26
HikaruBGsorry I have added these ppa-s that was proposed to me earlier01:27
HikaruBGdo you want me remove them?01:27
eeeeBasketball: only if it the second date ;)01:27
Basketballeeee,  no random person asked for us to share it01:28
Basketballon g+01:28
HikaruBGTJ http://paste.ubuntu.com/8136215/01:29
odsentf.lux turns you screen orange to help increase melatonin at night01:29
odsenti'm also wearing orange glasses01:29
odsentthe word "orange" looks weird now01:29
odsentbecause i'm looking at it so much01:30
TJ-HikaruBG: The xorg-edgers PPA is fine, don't worry. We're going to install the latest driver from there: "sudo apt-get install nvidia-343"01:31
TJ-HikaruBG: this will cause a new kernel driver to be compiled by the DKMS system; after that we'll see if we can get it loaded without the system needing to be rebooted01:32
HikaruBGTJ-, OK I am doing it01:32
TJ-HikaruBG: whilst that is running, if you can get to a 2nd terminal, can you do "lsmod | grep 'nvidia '" and tell us the last number on the output line, if there is any output01:33
TJ-HikaruBG: that's "lsmod | grep 'nvidia '   "  ... note the space after the word "nvidia"01:34
HikaruBGTJ-, no output lines on that01:35
HikaruBGI have noticed the cpase as well TJ-01:35
HikaruBGTJ-, the install have completed01:35
TJ-HikaruBG: no output means no existing nvidia driver stuck in memory, means we can easily load the new module01:35
HikaruBGTJ-, I am listening01:35
TJ-HikaruBG: OK ... "sudo modprobe nvidia-343"01:36
HikaruBGthe sudo service lightdm start ?01:36
TJ-HikaruBG: Then "lsmod | grep nvidia" and you should see it listed01:36
HikaruBGmy bad - immediately TJ-01:36
HikaruBGTJ-, lsmod | grep 'nvidia ' -> nvidia              11108654  001:36
netlaranother dumb question, is there an application that helps you change application a single application icon?01:36
TJ-HikaruBG: looking good ... go ahead and start lightdm01:37
TJ-HikaruBG: if it fails, then "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"01:37
eeeeBasketball: it displays info about your kernel, architecture, and hostname, and some other stuff01:38
netlarThe icons for application shortcuts are always so blurry01:39
HikaruBGTJ-, after I ran the lightdm, login screen appeared - I logged in, now I have the desktop icons and the background screen, also the myWeather ICdicator loaded and dosplayed it's message but no taskbar and no sidebar with launchpad icons01:39
HikaruBGbasically - I have only the icons now, TJ-01:39
HikaruBGTJ-, and eclipse starts .... when I start it from the desktop icon01:40
eeeenetlar: no idea about the application, but you can change icons in /usr/share/applications/ the .desktop files contain the icon info01:40
TJ-HikaruBG: OK, the main thing is the 3D accelerated driver is working which was the primary issue.01:40
HikaruBGTJ-, OK, now how to understand what is not working?01:41
TJ-HikaruBG: Now lets ask OerHeks to come back in, he is knowledgeable on how to kick Unity/Compiz when they need reseting01:41
netlareeee: Ok, I saw that, was hoping for a simpler way , thanks01:41
HikaruBGOerHeks, still here? :)01:41
TJ-HikaruBG: This was the link OerHeks provided earlier:01:42
TJ-    nvidia-173:i38601:42
apb1963I've NFS exported my root filesystem (from host/server blue to client orange), which of course includes /mnt/  which itself mounts a secondary drive; i.e. it's a different filesystem than /  So orange sees the mount as /mnt/blue/. Although I'm able to see the directory tree under /mnt/blue/mnt/ which has additional subdirs (i.e. /mnt/blue/mnt/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/) the files that should be under ../h/ are not there.  server is ubuntu 12.04, client is ubuntu 14.0401:42
TJ-HikaruBG: This was the link OerHeks provided earlier: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears01:42
apb1963Hey TJ- :)  Figured out my wireless problem.01:43
HikaruBGyep - TJ- do you want me to try this again?01:43
TJ-HikaruBG: Yes01:43
TJ-apb1963: Well done - what was it?01:44
apb1963TJ-: firmware upgrade01:44
HikaruBGOK TJ- I have the manager screen running01:44
HikaruBGnow what?01:44
apb1963TJ-: it's even _almost_ stable.  I get dropouts from time to time, but at least I'm on wireless.01:45
TJ-HikaruBG: Can you see the CCSM on tty7?01:45
TJ-HikaruBG: According to the guide, its' then step 5: "Find the Unity plugin. Enable it."01:46
Basketballeeee,  no personal info right01:46
eeeeBasketball: no, other than your computer's hostname01:46
TJ-apb1963: firmware? oh wow, that isn't something you expect these days!01:46
HikaruBGyes, TJ- , i have done the steps of the screen and now rebooting01:46
eeeewhatever hostname is01:47
Basketballactually Linux harris-HP-Pavilion-dv6000-RP296UA-ABA 3.13.0-34-generic #60~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 13 15:57:32 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux01:47
eeeewhat a lovely hostname01:47
apb1963TJ-: Well, it wouldn't be the first time.... so I'm not overly surprised.01:47
eeeei hope you have unlimited scrollback...01:47
Basketballeeee,  i want to change my icon for spotify manually i was able to change the locaton of the icon for the dash and side launcher but i cant figure out how to change it in the panel01:48
malachi_constantHi guys. I'm running 14.04 and I seem to not be able to get an ip address.01:48
TJ-apb1963: For the symptoms I am - being able to ping over wlan0 whilst eth0 was up, but lose it as soon as eth0 went down - that's crazy!01:48
TJ-malachi_constant: Wired or Wireless network?01:48
malachi_constantTJ-: Wired.01:48
TJ-malachi_constant: Using Network Manager, or a manual entry in "/etc/network/interfaces" ?01:49
apb1963TJ-: yeah, they were bizarre symptoms.... which is kind of what doesn't surprise me that it was firmware01:49
malachi_constantTJ-: Manual entry, no network manager to my knowledge.01:49
TJ-malachi_constant: Can you "pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces" ?01:49
malachi_constantTJ-: Yessir.01:49
LoshkiTJ-: eth0 going up and down will mess with the routing table, so it's plausible...01:50
TJ-Loshki: R.T. was fine, that was the weird part01:50
TJ-Loshki: We spend several hours diagnosing it last week01:50
malachi_constantTJ-: http://pastebin.com/mZnGcYVQ01:51
malachi_constantThe second part is stuff I commented out because it failed.01:52
TJ-malachi_constant: syntax error: "iface dhcp inet dhcp" should be "iface em1 inet dhcp"01:52
malachi_constantLet me see here.01:52
Loshkigood catch, TJ-01:52
apb1963TJ-: well, it wasn't exactly fine.... I had to adjust it.  This was why bringing eth0 back up did not restore the connection... until I adjusted the default gateway.01:53
malachi_constantTJ-: should I do /etc/init.d/networking restart now?01:53
TJ-malachi_constant: "sudo ifup em1"01:53
malachi_constantOkay, dhclient is sending out DHCPDISCOVERs.01:53
TJ-apb1963: We had metrics on the routes didn't we? wlan0 should have kicked in when the eth0 default disappeared01:54
HikaruBGTJ-, bad news. Unity Plugin is Enabled and still only the background image AND the desktop icons.01:54
HikaruBGnothing changes01:54
HikaruBGnothing changed01:54
eeeeHikaruBG: can you please ls -l /etc/X1101:54
TJ-HikaruBG: OK... don't worry, we'll work through the log-files to figure it out.  "pastebinit ~/.xsession-errors" please01:54
malachi_constantTJ-: It seems not to be working. ethtool shows 'Link detected: no'01:54
malachi_constantThis is extremely odd to me, because it's the second cable I've tried, and everything else seems to work.01:55
TJ-malachi_constant: Does the interface kernel driver need firmware?01:55
apb1963TJ-: Right.  But my only point is that the routing table didn't fix itself... it had to be manually adjusted.01:55
malachi_constantTJ-: Ooh, possibly, it's a broadcom netextreme.01:55
TJ-malachi_constant: check /var/log/dmesg for clues01:55
HikaruBGTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8136358/01:55
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HikaruBGeeee, just a sec....01:56
malachi_constantTJ-: Thank you!01:56
apb1963oh I was just reading less than flattering things about broadcom on the openWRT wiki.01:56
malachi_constantTJ-: Hmm. The driver seems to be loaded. This server, incidentally, was working fine before I brought it out here to the installation site. tg3 driver is loaded.01:56
HikaruBGeeee, here is your request: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8136365/01:56
TJ-malachi_constant: Really? Is the switch port alive?01:57
malachi_constantdmesg also says: "IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): em1 link is not ready"01:57
malachi_constantTJ-: Yessir, shows a link light.01:57
TJ-malachi_constant: can you "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg" ?01:57
=== zymurgy is now known as sourball
TJ-HikaruBG: OK, nothing to show in that log-file... hang on whilst I figure out where the other one is01:58
malachi_constantTJ-: Thank you so much :))))01:58
malachi_constantTJ-: I can, will be a minute, sneakernetting it.01:58
=== sourball is now known as grimace
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HikaruBGok TJ- I am waiting01:59
TJ-malachi_constant: hehehe01:59
TJ-HikaruBG: OK, can you try restarting lightdm so you're at the Greeter log-in, then try logging in as Guest?02:00
TJ-HikaruBG: We need to isolate whether this is a system-wide issue, or just your regular user account profile settings02:00
Basketballeeee,  i want to change my icon for spotify manually i was able to change the locaton of the icon for the dash and side launcher but i cant figure out how to change it in the panel02:02
HikaruBGTJ-,  the Guest User logged in as normal - all works02:02
TJ-HikaruBG: That's great - we now know it is something in the user profile02:03
HikaruBGI tried this a while ago but it didn't work... apparently when we installed the new driver we fixed something02:03
HikaruBGTJ-, OK - where do you suggest we look ?02:03
TJ-HikaruBG: "sudo pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log"02:04
HikaruBGTJ-, just FYI I have backed up just now .Xauthority file and restartes the lightdm....  still nothing.02:04
TJ-HikaruBG: I'm flying blind now because I use KDE not Unity, but I'm looking at how unity can be made to generate logs02:05
HikaruBGsudo pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log02:05
HikaruBGjust a sec02:05
malachi_constantTJ-: http://pastebin.com/dKGgycSr02:06
* apb1963 takes a number while standing in line.02:07
TJ-malachi_constant: are you sure it's not em2 the cable is plugged into?02:07
purevulcanCan anyone help me troubleshoot minecraft being funny02:08
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cynicallemonpurevulcan: we can all be funny about that02:09
TJ-HikaruBG: show me "sudo pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log" please02:10
purevulcanlol everytime I try to start it, it says something about liblwgjl.so and stack guard02:10
malachi_constantTJ-: I will make sure.02:11
cynicallemonpurevulcan: try downloading and reinstall mc client02:11
tortibHello, I wanted to know what's the best method to protect my system from fork bombs?02:11
HikaruBGTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8136475/02:12
purevulcanI did that already and I also already updated my libs02:12
tortibpurevulcan: what's the problem?02:12
malachi_constantTJ-: well, I just switched the ports, so let's find out. :-)02:12
TJ-HikaruBG: Well, we've found all the errors!02:13
purevulcantortib: It will start then crash and give something about liblwgjl.so and stack guard02:13
malachi_constantTJ-: !!02:14
tortibpurevulcan: is this minecraft client or server?02:14
purevulcanftb client02:14
malachi_constantTJ-: When I plugged it in, it said in dmesg: "Link is up at 1000Mpbs, full duplex"02:14
malachi_constantI haven't seen that before!02:14
TJ-malachi_constant: Sorted :)02:14
apb1963malachi_constant: isn't TJ- awesome?02:14
TJ-malachi_constant: You just need a stanza for em2 in 'interfaces'02:14
tortibpurevulcan: are you running mods?02:15
HikaruBGTJ-, I can see them as well...  how do you want to proceed?02:15
malachi_constantapb1963: TJ- *IS* amazing!02:15
malachi_constantTJ-: THANK YOU!02:15
purevulcantortib: yes, im trying to run the unleashed pack in the ftb client02:15
apb1963malachi_constant:  I'm starting a fan club... hmmm.... maybe even a channel :)02:15
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tortibpurevulcan: can't help you there, but you can try irc.esper.net there is tons of minecraft channels there for help such as #minecrafthelp02:16
malachi_constantTJ-: I added one! It works! :D02:16
malachi_constantTJ-: You're fantastic.02:16
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malachi_constantI've spent so much time on this that this server room has become my office away from office.02:16
apb1963purevulcan: You might also want to get the exact error message as that would be very helpful.02:16
TJ-HikaruBG: I'm trying to figure out which are the critical ones and which are fluff we can ignore02:16
HikaruBGTJ-, I see...02:17
apb1963TJ-: don't knock fluff.  Some of my best girlfriends are fluffy.02:17
wafflejockhah nice02:17
TJ-apb1963: Same here.... but rabbits :)02:18
apb1963TJ-: I'm not big on beastiality... not that there's anything wrong with that.  *cough*02:18
wafflejockyou mean furries? not fluffies02:19
apb1963TJ-: I used to train guard bunnies, since you mention it.02:19
rwwback to support, folks02:19
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Beldarso many offensive parts to so many ;)02:20
TJ-HikaruBG: I'm reading the Unity source-code now, to figure it out02:20
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Basketball i want to change my icon for spotify manually i was able to change the locaton of the icon for the dash and side launcher but i cant figure out how to change it in the panel02:21
HikaruBGTJ-, OK...02:23
HikaruBGTJ-, thank you for trying02:24
HikaruBGTJ-, i will wait for your solution02:24
malachi_constantTJ-: For the record, I would like you to tell you that I called the guy who did this network, a Harvard graduate, and he wasn't able to figure it out.02:24
TJ-HikaruBG: Can you log-in as your regular user if you aren't already, then Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a VT, then "ps -efly | grep unity | pastebinit" ?02:24
TJ-malachi_constant: I have a mantra: 1st thing to check: cables, 2nd thing to check: the bloody cables!02:25
malachi_constantTJ-: Hah!02:25
kuldudhow do i boot ubuntu from usb drive02:25
wafflejockBasketball: how'd you change it in the other places? editing the .desktop file?02:25
Beldarkuldud, What is the problem?02:26
HikaruBGTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8136552/02:26
Beldarkuldud, Just load the iso to a usb with an app, there are a handful available.02:27
kuldudI have windows 7 i want to boot ubuntu from usb drive - im using a really old computer and it has no dvd rom02:27
kuldudwhat app02:27
Beldarkuldud, Be sure it can boot a usb is all.02:27
carlosquesokuldud: unetbootin is what I use02:28
Beldarkuldud, unetbootin is one, pendrivelinux has others.02:28
Basketballwafflejock,  i went to user share applications then right clicked edit with gedit and changed the line icon = to icon= place where it is saved02:28
TJ-HikaruBG: OK, and now "dconf dump /org/gnome/ | pastebinit" ... you may need to do "sudo apt-get install dconf-cli"02:31
Beldarkuldud, The bios should have a change drives area put the usb as first read.02:31
wafflejockBasketball: yeah thought that would do it? I installed a few programs myself (as in from source) and created the .desktop file, in gnome taskbar at least it appears to use that icon02:31
HikaruBGTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8136595/02:32
Basketballwafflejock,  nope panel doesnt change02:32
apb1963NFS anyone?02:32
HikaruBGTJ-, i have 14 packages waiting to be upgraded02:32
HikaruBGTJ-, would you like me to run upgrade?02:33
HikaruBGThis is after we installed the new NVIDIA Drivers02:33
HikaruBGmight be some fixes and patches there....02:33
apb1963If I can get my NFS working, I can finally move off my 12.04 machine.02:34
aeropausecan ubuntu do everything windows 8 can?02:34
aeropausei'm thinking of switching as long as i don't lose any functionality02:34
carlosquesoaeropause...ubuntu does a lot of things, but almost all are done differently02:35
Beldaraeropause, Windows and Linux have their strong points, you will have to investigate.02:35
carlosquesoaeropause, what functionality do you need?02:35
aeropausehmmm well i have to work in an office02:35
TJ-HikaruBG: Yes :)02:36
aeropauseour documents are word and excel02:36
kuldudwhen i install ubuntu in oracle virtual box and i do full install does it wipe my whole hard drive or just the parition02:36
Beldaraeropause, This is direct Ubuntu support, dual boot and see what can be cross used.02:37
aeropausewhole hard drive, kuldud02:37
aeropauseyea you would think the virtual box would compartmentalize the OS but it will wipe your entire drive02:37
aeropausebest to just use windows, because it works02:37
HikaruBGTJ-, "sudo apt-get upgrade" returned 14 not upgraded. I need to run dist-upgrade02:37
aeropausei think that's what i'll do02:37
apb1963kuldud: it doesn't wipe either one.  A virtual computer is simply a file created that helps to emulate the OS.02:38
carlosquesoaeropause, well there isn't MS office for ubuntu, but you can use libreoffice for simple documents and spreadsheets, and skydrive (or whatever they're calling it)02:38
TJ-HikaruBG: OK ... I'll keep reading :)02:38
eeeevirtualbox doesn't touch the partitions02:38
eeeeaeropause: ^^02:38
Beldarkuldud, You can dual boot ubuntu on the HD.02:38
aeropausesomebody told me that libreoffice isn't compatible with microsoft office02:38
aeropausei need compatibility02:38
HikaruBGOK TJ-, when I upgrade - just to restart lightdm or the entire machine ?02:38
eeeei mean kuldud: ^^02:38
carlosquesoaeropause...it's mostly compatible, but will chew up complex formatting02:38
eeeeim sleepy02:39
Beldaraeropause, So far your half troll half bad advice, what is the deal?02:39
apb1963aeropause: It depends on how complex your documents are.  It can do simple documents, but forget about macros.02:39
aeropausehmmm i need macros02:39
aeropausewhy can't libreoffice do macros?02:39
eeeebut yeah virtualbox doesn't wipe any partitions, unless you explicitly make a file that represents the raw hard disk02:39
apb1963aeropause: It CAN do macros.... it just won't do MS macros.  It does macros differently.  You can write macros for libreoffice.02:39
HikaruBGTJ-, upgrade done, nothing changed - still same issue02:39
aeropausewhy does it do macros differently?  don't they want to be compatible?02:40
apb1963aeropause: they do them differently because the intent is to do them better.02:40
carlosquesoaeropause, it can do its own macros, but not MS Office's...FWIW, MS Office won't run LibreOffice (or WordPerfect) macros02:40
aeropauseoh.  ok i guess i won't switch to linux then02:40
aeropauseI see why nobody uses linux02:41
TJ-eeee: Are you using Unity?02:41
carlosquesoaeropause...probably good plan for you02:41
aeropausegood plan02:41
eeeeTJ-: what's up?02:41
apb1963aeropause: If you write your macros in libreOffice they'll work just fine.... and then you'll understand why nobody uses MS Office.02:41
aeropausehmmm too bad that won't happen02:41
aeropausebecause nobody uses libreoffice lol02:41
aeropausemaybe they should have tried being compatible rofl02:42
cynicallemonapb1963: do people still use ms office?02:42
TJ-eeee: can you "sudo pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log" so I can compare?02:42
carlosquesoaeropause...this is the wrong place to say that kind of thing....a chat room full of libreoffice users *sigh*02:42
apb1963cynicallemon: I'm not sure.... I forget what it is.02:42
eeeeTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8136661/02:43
cynicallemonapb1963: best ms office creation was clippy, libre office would be good with that02:43
TJ-eeee: and also "ps -efly | grep unity | pastebinit" ? thanks :)02:43
LostNvaaeropause,  libreoffice works well and replaces Mic Office, but bare in mind some colleges businesses etc. reject it.02:43
apb1963cynicallemon: and even if I could remember, I wouldn't want to pay thousands of dollars for it, train all my staff and then have to buy it all over again a year later and retrain all my staff again for thousands more... and lose all that productivity when I could have simply gotten LibreOffice for free and trained my staff once and then never again.02:44
aeropausesome?  you mean all, LostNva02:44
aeropausei feel like linux is for neckbeards and not for serious adults02:44
apb1963cynicallemon: omg, I hated clippy with a passion.  lol02:44
aeropausewho have work to do, and don't live in their mother's basements02:44
expungecynicallemon: obligatory: http://www.vim.org/images/vimassistant.gif02:44
LostNvaaeropause,  no its microsoft politics for money, but the software works well, in some cases better.02:44
eeeeTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8136672/02:44
expungeaeropause: I feel like people who shave daily aren't very serious02:45
apb1963aeropause: You have something against mothers too?02:45
aeropausethe software works well?  by not being compatible with anybody else?  being useless?02:45
expungeaeropause: nah02:45
cynicallemonapb1963: lol02:45
apb1963aeropause: what you mean to say is that MS is incompatible with everyone else by being proprietary.02:45
carlosquesoaeropause...you're right, MS Office, unlike LibreOffice, OpenOffice and a bunch of others isn't compatible with anyone else02:45
cynicallemonexpunge: love that gif02:46
aeropausecarlosqueso, you're right that I'm right.  None of that bullshit is compatible with the other 99% of the market02:46
aeropausetherefore it's fucking useless02:47
cynicallemoni send stuff created in libreoffice everyday to ms office users - no issues02:47
carlosquesoyup, got through the second half of undergrad and all of grad school on OpenOffice (it was pre-Libreoffice)...now my work is a pretty much complete Google Docs shop02:48
cynicallemonin fact i could send the same stuff from office 4.3 too02:48
TJ-HikaruBG: I'm not sure how we do this if you have no way to launch a terminal from the GUI session; maybe Ctrl+Alt+F1 then "DISPLAY=:0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity-scope-home/unity-scope-home&". If errors are reported to the terminal, let me know, otherwise Alt+F7 to check if you've got the dash02:49
MrJoestarWhen I come back from suspend my keyboard starts to have a delay when I press a key. What can I do?02:49
cynicallemonoffice 4.3 to office 2013 - difference?, a heck of a lot of money02:49
kuldudhi, sorry i have to ask again if i install ubuntu fully in virutal box would it delete anything outside the virtual box02:50
cynicallemonkuldud: no02:50
carlosquesokuldud...nope, that's the beauty of VirtualBox02:50
kuldudok thank you02:50
carlosquesocynicallemon...office 4.3? Did that run on stone computers?02:50
aeropausei wish somebody here was articulate enough to convince me that linux wasn't a complete waste of time02:51
cynicallemoncarlosqueso: yeah02:51
TJ-!ot | aeropause02:51
ubottuaeropause: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:51
carlosquesoaeropause...if MS office is your primary need, then linux is a complete waste of your time....it's not a complete waste of ours02:51
cynicallemonaeropause: the doors that way >>>>>02:51
apb1963aeropause: if you do nothing but word processing and spreadsheets, then you don't need the power of linux.02:52
LostNvaaeropause,  My computer works well and has for years, I have no virus protection, I get free software, I don't do scans for malware, everthing works...........02:52
aeropause!ot | TJ-02:52
ubottuTJ-: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:52
aeropause!ot | TJ-02:52
aeropause!ot | TJ-02:52
aeropause!ot | TJ-02:52
aeropause!ot | TJ-02:52
aeropause!ot | TJ-02:52
aeropause!ot | TJ-02:52
unopasteaeropause you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted02:52
apb1963I remember when MS purchased hotmail.com ....  they tried to port it to MS and then finally gave up.  Last I heard it was still running on Linux servers.02:53
LostNvawow I was entertained a little by him.02:53
TJ-apb1963: hotmail was Sun + Solaris02:55
apb1963TJ-: was it?  The gossip vine said Linux02:56
HikaruBGTJ-, [1] 304602:56
HikaruBG(unity-scope-home:3046): unity-scope-home-WARNING **: platform-info.vala:112: Unable to read SIM properties: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.ofono was not provided by any .service files02:56
carlosquesoI've never understood why liking one OS means you have to hate all others; I use Windows, Mac and Linux and they all do some things nicely02:56
HikaruBGTJ-, and hangs there02:56
expungecarlosqueso: that's just osomania02:56
apb1963carlosqueso: It's true, I'm a closet XP user.02:56
carlosquesoexpunge...when you have to support users on all of them, you have to02:56
senn558i use Windows ME exclusively02:57
TJ-HikaruBG: That's good - it means the process is running in the background - that's the [1] 3046 telling you the process ID02:57
expungecarlosqueso: ew02:57
carlosquesosenn558...I think there's therapy for that02:57
apb1963that's funny02:57
=== ConnorM is now known as WalterWhite
HikaruBGTJ-, it is good...  but still no taskbar... :)02:57
TJ-HikaruBG: So it isn't failing then... check with "jobs"   - it should list [1] as "running", not "stopped" or "exited"02:57
=== WalterWhite is now known as Walter-White
TJ-HikaruBG: I know, I'm trying to force one of the components to give us the clue as to what it is missing02:58
HikaruBGTJ-, yes, jobs displays one job running02:58
HikaruBGTJ-, OK02:58
TJ-HikaruBG: OK, now let's poke the thing! "pgrep unity-panel-service && pkill unity-panel-service && sleep 2 && pgrep unity-panel-service"02:59
HikaruBGnothing happened...03:00
HikaruBGor maybe something on background, TJ- ?03:00
TJ-HikaruBG: did you see some numbers listed by the pgrep commands?03:01
HikaruBGTJ-, nope - it gave me nothing03:01
TJ-HikaruBG: Right, we must have git the 15-character comm (process) name limit. Let's lose the last 4 characters. Try this instead: "pgrep unity-panel-ser && pkill unity-panel-ser && sleep 2 && pgrep unity-panel-ser"03:02
HikaruBGstill nothing, TJ-03:03
* TJ- raise an eyebrow03:03
HikaruBGTJ-, wait -03:03
HikaruBGmy mistake03:03
HikaruBGI thought you wantme to remove only last 403:03
HikaruBGI got numbers03:03
HikaruBG2411, 310503:04
HikaruBGthat's it TJ-03:04
TJ-HikaruBG: Good :) ... that means we killed the existing process and started a new one... is there any change on the GUI desktop?03:04
HikaruBGTJ-, nope - still the same03:04
TJ-HikaruBG: Grrr :p03:04
HikaruBGTJ-, I feel the same03:05
HikaruBGneed this computer running03:05
eeeeHikaruBG: this is a stab in the dark, but try rm -rf ~/.compiz/session/*03:05
HikaruBGeeee, and then restart lightdm?03:06
TJ-HikaruBG: eeee go for it :)  ... I'm reading the unity-panel-service.c code since it is responsible for the menus and taskbar03:07
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HikaruBGnice try eeee...  nothing happened though. same old thing03:07
eeeeoh well...03:08
TJ-eeee: keep going :)03:08
apb1963TJ-: where is it located?03:08
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TJ-apb1963: where's what located?03:10
apb1963TJ-: source code03:11
HikaruBGTJ-, still the same issue ....  aggrivating03:11
apb1963TJ-:  I figured I'd take a look, just for the fun of it.03:12
=== zealotnagah-4441 is now known as ahem
TJ-apb1963: Oh :)   "apt-get source unity" then "UnityCore/GnomeSessionManager.cpp" and "services/panel-main.c" and "services/panel-service.c03:14
=== sirtrout is now known as sirtrou
apb1963TJ-: Odd.... there's no GnomeSessionManager.cpp03:17
trismHikaruBG: maybe some interesting errors in ~/.cache/upstart/gnome-session-Unity.log or unity-panel-service.log? didn't see that in the scrollback03:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1310762 in linux (Ubuntu) "[HP ZBook 15 Mobile Workstation] Ubuntu 14.04 random freeze and lock up" [Low,Expired]03:18
apb1963TJ-: unity5.20.0 ?03:18
DoYouKnow^ that bug is affecting me and I'm not on a laptop03:18
DoYouKnowit's a precision 390 desktop03:18
DoYouKnowwhat should I do? it's been closed/expired03:18
DoYouKnowsomeone decided to vigilante murder this bug report03:20
HikaruBGTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8136870/03:20
trismDoYouKnow: you are better off filing a new bug03:20
OerHeksNvidia Quadro issue ?03:20
DoYouKnowyes, OerHeks03:21
HikaruBGand TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/8136877/03:21
HikaruBGthe second one03:21
OerHekslike trism says: file a new one03:21
eeeeHikaruBG: try sudo apt-get install unity-greeter03:22
eeeeHikaruBG: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall unity-greeter03:22
HikaruBGeeee, same old thing03:23
eeeenevermind, i thought it has to do with the indicators, just read the man03:24
TJ-HikaruBG: I did see several mentions that "sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop" solves it... at this stage, that is worth trying!03:24
eeeecause in dconf editor, under com > canonical > unity > unity-greeter , theres something about which indicators to load at startup03:24
* TJ- hates log-files that don't timestamp entries!03:24
eeeei guess those are for the lightdm03:25
eeeeand unity-greeter calls something else to load them?03:25
HikaruBGOK TJ- I am going for it!03:27
HikaruBGTJ-, it is done.... so fast03:27
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apb1963He's dead Jim03:38
expungenot a doctor03:38
apb1963since it's all quiet now....03:39
apb1963I've NFS exported my root filesystem (from host/server blue to client orange), which of course includes /mnt/  which itself mounts a secondary drive; i.e. it's a different filesystem than /  So orange sees the mount as /mnt/blue/. Although I'm able to see the directory tree under /mnt/blue/mnt/ which has additional subdirs (i.e. /mnt/blue/mnt/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/) the files that should be under ../h/ are not there.  server is ubuntu 12.04, client is ubuntu 14.0403:39
ax562any ubuntu 12.04 lts firewall recommendations?03:41
angularhello, any one know how to upgrade firefox 29 in ubuntu 14.04?03:42
expungejust update03:42
angularexpunge: there is no update option in the firefox 2903:43
OerHekssudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade # firefox should be v31 then03:44
expungeangular: ^03:44
expungeupdate your system03:44
angularok i am running software updater. let's see03:45
OerHekssudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade # can do fun stuff too03:45
Falloops, this isn't bash ;)03:49
expungeFall: it'd be neat if it was, though03:50
gabriel_i am having problems installing ubuntu to a vaio pc03:50
expunge what problems03:50
HikaruBGTJ-, could you please tell me what was the command to list all installed nvidia packets?03:50
Fallexpunge: :D03:50
gabriel_anybody can help me03:51
NordomCan someone point my in direction of a good Grub guide for tweaking graphic settings?03:51
TJ-HikaruBG: "dpkg -l 'nvidia*'  "03:51
gabriel_it takes me to set the location but it a square  pups up with lots of interrogation marks and sends me back to the installation type option03:53
Bashing-omNordom: Try : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaintenanceFreeCustomGrub2Screen .03:54
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joe7dusthi guys would someone mind helping me install ubuntu 14.04 on my desktop?03:59
expungejoe7dust: what's the trouble?03:59
joe7dustI made the usb boot disk and it boots with purple screen then goes to purple background that says ubuntu 14.04 and white/red dots... then after about 30 seconds it goes to black background with white/yellow dots for about 10 seconds before I lose signal from the video card04:00
joe7dustwaited a couple minutes tried hitting keys nothing helps just have to power cycle04:00
joe7dustI used Universal-USB-Installer- to format and create the boot disc of image ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso04:01
joe7dustsaid all successful... maybe its loading a default video drive that is incompatible with my system?04:02
lotuspsychjejoe7dust: what are your system specs?04:02
joe7dusthp a500n04:02
expungejoe7dust: maybe; you could try the 'minimalcd' image instead04:02
expungewhich eschews loads of unnecessary graphics04:02
lotuspsychjejoe7dust: you can also try lubuntu, just to test what it does on your system04:03
joe7dustsounds great i planned on using unity2d anyway04:03
joe7dustis this really going to install ubuntu? its only 31 mb04:03
joe7dustUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty Tahr" Minimal CD 31MB* (MD5: a2502844750ecb6477d8fb4ff6b9aaf8, SHA1: d17c34ce716f13396040ccdc02d32482ed6b01a1)04:03
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:04
joe7dustok great04:04
joe7dustwill try it out!04:04
joe7dustoh but wait04:04
joe7dusti doubt its going to get my usb wireless driver automatically04:04
lotuspsychjejoe7dust: thats why i would go for lubuntu04:04
joe7dustethernet not an option04:04
joe7dustim glad to see it has torrent available cause the regular was capped at 135kb/s, same on full ubuntu 1404:06
joe7dustyay for full speed04:06
joe7dust<3 the cloud04:06
kuldudi set up a virtual box which is running ubuntu how do i remote desktop to it from windows 704:06
joe7dustI've never heard of remote desktop in ubuntu... probably exists tho04:07
kuldudthe resolution is so small i cant install teamviewer04:08
HikaruBGTJ-, still here?04:08
joe7dustcan't change resolution?04:08
expungekuldud: install/configure a vnc server on the guest04:09
expungekuldud: install/configure a vnc viewer on the host04:09
expungekuldud: s/host/system you want to view from/04:09
expungekuldud: tigervnc04:09
joe7dustgl man ill be back later if i have trouble04:09
kuldudim a ubuntu noob that just started today04:09
HikaruBGkuldud, welcome to Ubuntu :)04:10
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kuldudwait can i not simply remote desktop to ubuntu?04:12
kuldudor teamviewer04:12
TJ-HikaruBG: Yes04:14
HikaruBGTJ-, NVIDIA 343 driver is BETA and not tested04:15
HikaruBGthat is why I went with 331 on a first place because it was tested by Ubuntu04:15
TJ-HikaruBG: I'm running 343 here, it's not shown any problems, and I've got 3 GPUs and 6 monitors04:17
wigirckuldud: use vino04:17
wigirckuldud: and on windows use whatever vnc client04:17
lotuspsychjevnc is a security danger04:18
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:18
kuldudok thx04:18
expungelotuspsychje: it needn't be04:18
HikaruBGwow... :) TJ-, nise setup! I thought that my EVGA 590 Classified is an awkward card to start with and linux don't work well with it ....04:18
cynicallemonlotuspsychje: any remote management system is a security danger04:19
lotuspsychjecynicallemon: true04:19
TJ-HikaruBG: Generally, the newer Nvidia drivers fix bugs and perform better04:19
kuldudhow do i download vino04:20
lotuspsychjekuldud: sudo apt-get install packagename04:21
lotuspsychjekuldud: or check the software centre04:21
Bashing-omkuldud: Version: 3.8.1-0ubuntu1 _. sudo apt-get install vino <- for termianl way.04:23
HikaruBGgot it TJ-04:24
HikaruBGjust experimenting ....04:24
HikaruBGTJ-, I think to finish dealing with this problem for now....04:25
HikaruBGThank you for your help!04:26
TJ-HikaruBG: Good luck with it; hope we find out what causes it04:26
HikaruBGTJ-, thanks again! :) I will keep you posted if I find out where the problem lays!04:28
kuldudok i installed vino server and vnc client how do i connect now04:31
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alphabravoHey guys.04:35
alphabravoHey kermit04:35
kuldudhow do i connect to my vnc server?04:38
bipulfind! NIVIDIA GEFORCE04:39
bipulI would like to know which NIVIDIA products are having an issue, with ubuntu. Can any one know?04:40
nrdbtrying to get deluged daemon to start on a headless server .. but it isn't ... there is no output to any of the log files... can anyone help?04:43
wafflejockkuldud: typically just input the IP in the client app04:45
wafflejockkuldud: the ports need to be opened/forwarded on the server side though, to do it more securely you can use an SSH tunnel04:46
wafflejockkuldud: what's the relationship on the network between the client/server, same LAN, across the net?04:46
tortibsomeone help, I just installed dovecot-imapd and dovecot-pop3d and it didn't create a /etc/init.d/dovecot script04:51
tortibit says the service is running but I can't connect to it04:51
tortibports are opened on the firewall04:52
nrdbtortib, does "netstat --tcp --listening" indicate that the correct ports are open04:53
tortibit does not04:53
tortibnrdb: what do I do?04:55
tortibI need email services04:55
nrdbtortib, at least we know it is not a firewall problem etc atm ... have you looked in syslog?04:57
tortibnrdb: why is the init.d script missing?04:57
cjrhi. i would like to upgrade from Quantal to Trusty, but there are so many 404 errors in my sources.list that the software updater program won't start properly (it thinks i have an internet error)04:58
nrdbtortib, no  idea ... it seems to be running ... is xinetd starting it?04:58
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tortibnrdb: no04:58
tortibxinetd isn't installed, inetd is though04:59
cjri can see that all of the "http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal" links are broken now that 12.10 is not supported, but i'm not sure what to change them to (i tried archive.canonical.com, but that didn't seem to work)04:59
nrdbtortib, ok ... any hints in the logs?04:59
tortibnrdb: not really :(05:00
nrdbtortib, is the a file in /etc/defaults for it05:01
tortibis a SSL cert valid if the IP address changes?  Or is it based on the hostname?05:01
tortibnrdb: no :(05:02
karstensragetortib, based on hostname05:03
karstensrageip address would be ridiculous05:03
nrdbtortib, I would expect it to still be listening on the ports even if the ssl certs weren't correct05:03
tortibokay that's what I thought05:03
tortibnrdb: true.05:03
tortibbut my postfix install is saying it can't find a sasl authentication mechanism05:03
tortibwhich is weird because the dirs are correct05:03
nrdbtortib, I can't think of anything else atm.05:04
tortibthis sucks!05:04
tortibwhy is it doing this!05:04
rww!eol | cjr05:04
ubottucjr: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:04
rwwtortib: 1) SSL is unrelated to SASL, 2) do you have an SASL daemon running (like the one that comes with dovecot...)?05:05
tortibrww: I don't think so05:05
tortibrww: the dovecot install didn't work properly05:05
tortibi don't even have a init.d script for it05:05
tortibokay i did a purge and reinstalled05:07
tortibit's there now LOL05:07
tortibsmtpd isn't working though05:07
tortibAug 24 22:07:17 tortib postfix/smtpd[12058]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms05:08
cjrrww:  ahh, old-releases.ubuntu.com  .. great, thanks! i'll read the rest of that05:08
tortibany idea guys & gals?05:10
rwwcjr: http://wiki2.dovecot.org/HowTo/PostfixAndDovecotSASL https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixDovecotSASL05:10
rwwerm, tortib ^^05:10
rwwcjr: no problem :)05:10
cjrheh, sorry i messed up your tab :)05:10
Neuromequick questionaire05:11
Neuromeufw isn't working05:11
Neuromeive blocked an ip address but still see an active connection05:11
Neuromefrom & to XXX ip address meanwhile its still showing an active connection in another program, so i decided to due a quick reload, and status of UFW  reloaded successfully"status : ACTIVE"05:13
Neuromeam i suppose to clear my dns cache or something ? or does it only work upon future connections & not terminate current connections05:14
rwwI think it doesn't terminate current connections. not 100% sure, though.05:15
Flannelrww, Neurome: I believe that is the case.05:16
cjrrww: quick question - i have an scp session open with a job running that I should have started in screen, but didn't, so i don't wan't to disconnect before it's done. can i start the upgrade process now and be assured that it will prompt me before it reboots or disconnects me, or should i wait till my job is done? :)05:17
Neuromerww, Flannel, well i just d/c from the pool05:17
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rwwcjr: I'd wait. Upgrades tend to disconnect me halfway through.05:18
Neuromeof several ip's reconnected and still see that ip handshaking my computer05:18
cjrrww: ok, thanks!05:18
tortibrww: I never had to do that before...and i just added that to /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf and it still doesn't work :(05:20
NeuromeFlannel, there still a connection between me & that ip address even after manually terminating and attempting to reestablish to that server05:20
toqozcan anyone help me install bar under ubuntu?05:20
Beldartoqoz, Try to detail what you're looking to do for help.05:22
jpkbedduCan i hav unity launcher disabled? I use Plank dock and apps when minimized jump to unity launcher even if its in auto hide mode..05:22
FlannelNeurome: If you terminated the server, verified the connection was indeed closed, and then restarted the server and the identified external server re-connected, then that suggests that the firewall rule is not working properly (which likely means you didn't set it up appropriately)05:22
tortibrww: I"m getting this error with dovecot: Aug 24 22:21:50 tortib dovecot: imap(tortib): Error: open(/var/mail/tortib) failed: Permission denied (euid=1000(tortib) egid=1000(tortib) missing +w perm: /var/mail, we're not in group 8(mail), dir owned by 0:8 mode=0775)05:23
tortibI don't want my mail in /var/mail I want it in ~/Maildir05:23
toqozbeldar, when running make i get the error "bar.c:11:21: fatal error: xcb/xcb.h: No such file or directory" , might be doing it wrong in the first place (new to linux.)05:23
Beldartoqoz, What you need is probably in the repos, rather than a downloaded tar, again describe the end goal the channel, not me.05:25
Beldarto the*05:25
Flanneltortib: You need to set your mailbox location in the config file.05:25
tortibFlannel: which config?05:26
NeuromeFlannel I did it shows the rule under status,05:26
NeuromeTo                         Action      From05:26
Neurome--                         ------      ----05:26
Neuromexx                      ALLOW       Anywhere05:26
Flanneltortib: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf (or something similar, conf.d or whatnot).  But dovecot.conf has a line for it, under "mailbox locations and namespace"05:26
Neuromexx/tcp                  ALLOW       Anywhere05:26
NeuromeAnywhere                   DENY        171.*.*.*05:26
unopasteNeurome you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted05:26
tortibFlannel: k thx05:27
tortibFlannel: I don't see that in dovecot.conf05:27
Flanneltortib: You should probably go through that entire config file, there are some things that you'll want to set up that need to be (they've got appropriate notices around them)05:27
toqozi want to install bar (bar aint recursive) under xubuntu but dont really know how, could somebody instruct me?05:27
Flanneltortib: Pastebin your conf file then, lets take a look.05:27
NeuromeFlannel, However the port i opened is open but the ip isn't blocked05:28
Flanneltortib: What version of Ubuntu is this?05:28
tortibFlannel: 14.04 LTS05:28
Flanneltortib: I imagine it's in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/* then05:29
tortibwhich one?05:30
toqozim assuming i need to use make as there is a makefile in the folder, though get this error when running it: bar.c:11:21: fatal error: xcb/xcb.h: No such file or directory (lf) #include <xcb/xcb.h> (lf) compilation terminated.05:30
tortibit isn't in mailboxes Flannel I just checked there05:30
Flanneltortib: Probably 10-mail or 15-mailboxes05:30
tortibfound it05:31
tortibit's in mail.conf05:31
FlannelSo, you should probably go through all of these (which basically make up the dovecot.conf file) and make sure there isn't anything you need to do before running this for real (again, it'll be appropriately noted)05:31
tortibFlannel: what should I do about my smtpd though it isn't working :(05:32
tortibi can't connect to it05:32
tortibAug 24 22:33:06 tortib postfix/smtpd[13940]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms is the error I receive.05:33
tortibhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8137644/ is my postfix config05:33
FlannelAre you running this? or connecting to a third party?05:33
tortibFlannel: i'm running it05:33
LostyJaihey guys, how much data roughly do you have to download to upgrade 10.04 to 14.04 ?05:34
LostyJaii know you have to upgrade to 12.04 first05:34
Neuromeif i block an ip address thats connecting over a port that ive opened would the rules conflict ?05:34
tortibNeurome: not if you keep the block rule below the open rule05:35
tortiber block rule above the open rule05:35
toqozhas anyone gotten bar (bar aint recursive) working on ubuntu? im getting an error during make05:35
tortibthat way it blocks the IP first then it's open to everything else05:35
Neurometortib is there a way to move the rule through command line or do you have to re order it in the config file ?05:36
tortibNeurome: you can use iptables -D05:36
tortibto delete it05:36
tortibiptables -D INPUT -p tcp etc etc05:37
tortibNeurome: or by line number works too *i think*05:37
tortibi haven't tried it that way05:37
tortibbut it should work05:37
Neuromeam too tired to be figuring this out05:39
Neurome: P O :05:39
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tortibFlannel: any ideas?05:40
Flanneltortib: I don't know much about postfix, but googling that error gives a number of interesting results, including one that says setting smtpd_tls_auth_only to yes may be related.05:41
tortibFlannel: it is set to yes05:43
Neurometortib thank you though05:43
Neuromei've just remembered another issue i couldn't find a solution for in google05:44
Flanneltortib: right, that's what the websites says is your problem (although it may be in conjunction with other settings).  As I said, I don't know a lot about postfix, so ask the internet, it seems this is a reasonably common issue for people.05:44
Neuromefor some reasoning in youtube i get no lag while watching a video but downloaded or otherwise (from most other siteS) the video lags alot, & even when i stop the video the timer and frams still go05:45
Neuromeand when i skip ahead in a downloaded video or in about any site other than youtube the audio cuts off even though i know the files good05:45
Neuromei also tried vlc media player05:46
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Neuromedefault media player lags also05:47
Neurome: \05:47
joe7dusthey im back... still having the same problem05:49
joe7dustubuntu 14 and lubuntu both don't seem to work with my integrated graphics05:49
joe7dustget black screen during early phases of install05:49
toqozwhat intergrated graphics do you have?05:50
joe7dusts3g unichrome igp05:51
joe7dustsystem is hp a500n05:51
joe7dustits a via chip05:51
joe7dusti tried doing a search for a500n linux/ubuntu but it would seem I'm the first ever person to try linux on this model loll05:52
Neurometoqoz i know you were askin joe but anyways my graphics is , Intel® 945GM x86/MMX/SSE205:52
toqozneurome hahaha05:53
toqozjoe7dust ive never heard of those before05:53
joe7dustits like the installation splash screen comes up, language selection etc. but then I get zero signal from the video output05:54
joe7dustits a pavillion05:54
joe7dustthey're very common actually05:54
joe7dustthis a500n might not be but the pavillion series is05:54
tortibFlannel: I got it working05:54
tortibFlannel: I installed the mail-stack-deliver package and it worked :p05:55
tortibmail-stack-delivery *05:55
PC_GuyHello ppl!05:56
ubuntanyone know how only from the command line you can see images?05:58
joe7dustwhat do i do if both ubuntu 14 and lubuntu dont work with my s3g unichrome igp?05:58
Neurometoqoz, whats funny i have a old graphics :?05:58
nrdbtortib, still having trouble?05:58
joe7dustcan anyone help?06:00
lokoumubunt: you want to convert your image in ASCII to see it into the terminal ?06:00
joe7dustI guess I'm never going to be able to use linux on this machine then...06:02
lokoumdid you try crunchBang ?06:02
Neuromejoe7dust you could always try different distros06:03
Neuromejust put it on a boot usb or disk first 2 see if it works06:03
ubuntno in ascii-image no i remember that only exist msdos without GUI , exist a program pqv that i can see images from command line , the same is posible to exist in linux system no?06:03
lokoumubunt: sorry don't know06:04
alukardhola como estan06:07
wafflejock!es | alukard06:07
ubottualukard: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:07
wafflejockalukard: estoy asi asi, pero no puedo habla espanol muy bien06:07
wafflejockubunt: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/aview.1.html <-- is that what you're looking for06:08
lokoumwafflejock aview looks awesome but doesn't support png format :/06:11
wafflejocklokoum: you can use convert from imagemagick06:12
lokoumi'll try it now06:14
tortibnrdb: yeah06:14
tortibnrdb: I'm not able to connect to my roundcube webmail service06:14
tortibit says DATABASE ERROR!06:14
tortibbut there isn't anything helpful int he logs06:14
tortibis the only thing it says06:14
elkytortib: did you set the database up?06:20
tortibelky: yeah I ran dpkg-reconfigure roundcube-core06:21
tortibeverything went fine, no errors.06:21
Space-DuckCan someone please help me with a PS1? The smiley is always true, because of the directory cmds called prior. How can I the cmd I entered, but keep the placement of the smiley? http://pastebin.com/a33rRq3z06:22
ubuntwafflejock: I install aview but when i want to see image output --> Invalid magic-not p?m family format06:22
wafflejockubunt: yeah wrong format... I just tried it too for fun... you need to grab imagemagick06:22
wafflejockit has a program convert, then do convert orginalfile.jpg output.pgm06:23
rwwSpace-Duck: save the value of \$ to a variable at the start, test the variable instead of \$06:23
wafflejockthen you can do aview output.pgm06:23
rwwerm, $?06:23
lokoumit works only with pgm format ?06:24
wafflejocklokoum: yeah think so says it was written a while back06:24
wafflejocklokoum: http://aa-project.sourceforge.net/aview/06:24
alphabravoOh! I had a question.06:24
alphabravowafflejock, What's aview, btw?06:25
cfhowlett!aview | alphabravo,06:25
wafflejockalphabravo: nothing really just a program to open pictures as ascii art06:25
cfhowlett!info aview06:25
ubottuaview (source: aview): A high quality ASCII art image viewer and video player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0rc1-9 (trusty), package size 27 kB, installed size 124 kB06:25
Flannelubunt, wafflejock: if you install caca-utils, there's a "cacaview" program that'll view a good number of image formats.06:25
ubunti only see image , i want not see image in asciimode, it's possible?06:25
alphabravocfhowlett, Do I need to type that?06:25
alphabravoASCII :D06:25
alphabravoI remember someone once ported Quake to ASCII. I wanted to play but never did.06:25
rwwubunt: sure, if you set up a framebuffer and then use one of the various framebuffer utilities, but that's rather annoying to do last I tried06:26
rwwand rather more involved than I'd want to get into in #ubuntu06:26
wafflejockubunt: oh sorry thought the ASCII thing is what you were looking for... didn't know why but figured I'd check06:26
alphabravorww, maybe it would be a good candidate for a virtualbox vm.06:26
alphabravoA lot of hard to setup things can be made easy for people with fast computers by putting it in a vm.06:27
* rww blinks06:27
alphabravoNice eyes.06:27
alphabravoAnyone know which USB soundcards work well in Ubuntu?06:28
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:28
alphabravoI've been there.06:28
alphabravoI'd like to know what's a know good one. Like, definitely.06:28
tortibelky: any ideas? :\06:28
alphabravoI'm using a cheap one that I had to use one of the fixes with.06:28
alphabravoIt is asynchronous, which seems to be the issue.06:28
ubuntexist a help ? what do framebuffer need to install for to do possible a view image in command line?06:29
wafflejockalphabravo: probably a good thing to check on the forums for, or reviews if possible06:29
alphabravoIf you personally have one that works exceptionally well that would be welcome info.06:29
alphabravowafflejock, yeah, did that.06:29
alphabravoThere's nothing like a review or a batch of testing.06:29
alphabravoMostly I can find ones that *don't* work.06:29
alphabravo"Asynchronous" you can find on packaging, but you don't see "synchronous," because it's considered a negative (but it isn't if you want it to work with Linux).06:30
alphabravoWell, that's my understanding.06:30
alphabravohey sudoku06:32
alphabravoI never got good at sudoku.06:32
alphabravoFor example, this page says "works": https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCardsCreativeLabs06:33
alphabravoWell, mine "works," but not very well.06:33
lokoumhave you try to turn it off and on ? :P06:34
wafflejockalphabravo: this might help http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/hardware_support?redirect=106:34
wafflejockor this http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/hardware_matrix06:34
alphabravoHaving a look.06:35
wafflejockcould always get something with a penguin on it http://www.ebay.com/itm/Penguin-USB-2-0-Audio-Adapter-Card-for-Linux-Ubuntu-/27079192728006:35
wafflejockthat's gotta be  good right :)06:35
tortibokay I got roundcube working06:37
tortibI purged it and reinstalled06:37
tortibbut the plugins I installed with apt-get install roundcube-plugins roundcube-plugins-extra are not showing up06:37
tortibunder settings06:38
Space-Duckwafflejock, how do you set \$ to a variable? I'm using http://pastebin.com/LCFsZqLA06:38
wafflejockSpace-Duck: sorry man no idea what's going on there06:38
cynicallemontortib: have you purged and reinstalled the plugins?06:38
wafflejockSpace-Duck: I don't do much bash programming myself06:39
tortibcynicallemon: good idea :)06:39
alphabravowafflejock, 8-| I have a c-media one. Maybe mine's a different version.06:39
alphabravoMine says c119. I wonder if that's the same as CM119.06:39
wafflejockalphabravo: well was mostly joking about that though it does say it's for linux, either way would use the linuxaudio site as reference instead06:40
wafflejockalphabravo: seemed to have more info there06:40
tortibcynicallemon: that didn't help :(06:40
wafflejocktortib: you can check what the roundcube-plugins package installs06:41
wafflejocktortib: dpkg -L roundcube-plugins06:41
wafflejockor whatever the package name is06:41
wafflejockit probably extracts some stuff to /etc/apache2/something06:41
wafflejockor maybe just into the existing roundcube folder06:42
tortibah I thought it would install a calendar :(06:42
tortibbut it doesn't look like it does06:42
wafflejocktortib: yeah I have roundcube but haven't tried any plugins06:42
tortibit did install the address book though so that's cool06:42
tortibthanks wafflejock06:42
wafflejocktortib: np, I personally just use GMail for the calendar bits, use Thunderbird to bring everything together06:43
tortibwafflejock: i'm on OS X06:43
tortibso I use mail and Calendar06:43
alphabravoYeah, wafflejock, it's odd. No problems in Windows, but both of my usb soundcards have issues in Ubuntu, though different-sounding glitches.06:43
tortibcalendar integrates with google mail though so it's fine06:43
* cynicallemon blames pulseaudio06:43
tortibbut I wanted my users to have a calendar as well06:44
alphabravocynicallemon, OK, should I kick pulse to the curb somehow?06:44
alphabravoOr, rather than should, could I?06:44
wafflejockalphabravo: well it's not too odd if the manufacturers only have windows device drivers but I'm no audio gear expert06:44
alphabravoAs you might not want to be held responsible for my own errors.06:44
alphabravoYeah, it's a bit funky.06:45
cynicallemonalphabravo: no doubt pulse is tied into ubuntu somewher06:45
alphabravoBut it was only like $5 or something.06:45
wafflejockalphabravo: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture <-- found this helpful in debugging sound issues at various times06:46
alphabravoDo I understand correctly that JACK could be used to replace Pulse?06:46
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions06:47
wafflejock!info jackd06:48
wafflejockk I give06:48
ubottujackd (source: jackd-defaults): JACK Audio Connection Kit (default server package). In component universe, is optional. Version 5 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB06:48
wafflejocko there it is06:48
alphabravo"Sound skipping while using dynamic CPU frequency scaling" This may be my problem.06:49
alphabravojackd means jack daemon?06:49
alphabravoI've installed it.06:49
wafflejockalphabravo: think so forum I found said "jack" package is something altogether different06:49
alphabravoaha, good to know.06:49
wafflejockalphabravo: yeah just read it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165143506:50
alphabravowafflejock, When using jack do I need to do something to pulse? I just launched qjackctl.06:51
HyrulianHeroHello everyone I have a question about a flash drive not working.06:51
HyrulianHerothe best summary of my situation is I used umount to unmount a flash drive and now I cannot seem to find it after plugging it back in.06:52
HyrulianHeroany quick tips you can throw me?06:52
UbubeginI am testing for corrupted files using bzip2 -t corruptedFile.tar.bz2.. how do I log only those files which dont pass this test06:55
jnhghyin ubuntu 14.04 I saw I can choose while installing the os something like "photo editor" where the install process asked me if I want to include photo editing software (movies and sound editors also) is there a list with the default software that the installer will add to the os if I choose to install them?06:57
alphabravoHyrulianHero, What happened after you rebooted?06:57
wafflejockalphabravo: no idea just guessing on this stuff, like I said only read up on it a bit myself and no USB hardware here... though I'd like a USB mic07:00
HyrulianHeroalphabravo, It won't show me that the flash drive is present when it is physically plugged in. I used the command dmesg | tail and it says that there is a 16.2 G drive attached but I can't find a way to mount it.07:00
alphabravowafflejock, totally understood. It looks like it's kind of the luck of the draw.07:00
alphabravoToo bad there's nothing certified.07:00
HyrulianHeroalphabravo, even after rebooting.07:00
alphabravoHyrulianHero, what does Disks say?07:01
HyrulianHeroalphabravo, "should I pastebin the output for you?"07:02
a_p3rsonLooking for help installing HIDPoint on 14.04.1, kernel 3.13.0-34-generic. The installer is complaining of an unsupported kernel version - is it really a problem?07:02
alphabravoHyrulianHero, check Disks. I'm not the guy to give a pastebin.07:02
alphabravoBut Disks will list mount points.07:02
alphabravoDisks is the name of the program.07:02
alphabravoIf there are multiple volumes you can click on them. There's a hyperlink to open the mount point.07:03
HyrulianHeroalphabravo, I don't know anything about the Disks program but II can't seem to find it on my system.07:05
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HyrulianHeroalphabravo, Howver the thing I suspect that may be my flash drive has a message that says /dev/sdb: sdb107:06
alphabravoHyrulianHero, oh. You have 14.04? If you just type Disks after hitting the Ubuntu button it will come up.07:07
alphabravoI'm not sure about other versions.07:08
iscorpionhello friends please help in joining windows workgroup using linux help me in configuring samba server config file07:09
cynicallemoniscorpion: take a look at this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba07:13
alphabravocynicallemon, Do you have a usb soundcard?07:13
cynicallemonalphabravo: no07:14
iscorpioncynicallemon: thanku will follow d tutorial ryt now wish me luck :)07:14
trex_let me know to install live help messenger to ubuntu.07:14
cynicallemoniscorpion: good luck, just take your time and understand it07:15
alphabravocynicallemon, know of one that works well with Ubuntu?07:17
Aienado ubuntu and debian pacckages always follow the same naming ?07:18
HyrulianHeroalphabravo, I got Disks and used opened it however I still do not see the drives in my file  manager.07:21
HyrulianHeroalphabravo, Note I can see them in Disks07:21
ArahaelHow do I fix this error? dpkg: error processing package libapache2-mod-wsgi (--configure):07:22
geirhaAiena: Ubuntu copies debian's packages. Adds some packages of its own, and modifies some of them, but for the most part, they are the same.07:22
ArahaelI am attempting to get wsgi workign in ubuntu by using aptitude install libapache2-mod-wsgi, but it isn't working (and there isn't much diagnostic feedback)07:23
AienaOk thanks.07:23
trex_let me know to install live help messenger to ubuntu.07:23
ArahaelWEirdly, when I attempt to reinstall it, I get: E: Internal Error, No file name for libapache2-mod-wsgi:amd6407:26
HyrulianHerohey hey be back l8r07:28
Vladimir_Is there an irc channel for HP (Hewlett Packard)?07:30
somsip!alis | Vladimir_07:33
ubottuVladimir_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*07:33
alphabravoHyperbyte, interesting. What's the mount point?07:34
alphabravonevermind, Hyperbyte07:34
ArahaelFound my issue. Seems that if you have /etc/apache2/mods_enabled/wsgi.conf, then that *breaks* libapache2-mod-wsgi07:40
ray1I am having trouble setting usbhid mousepoll=2 in 14.0407:50
ray1has anyone had issues with mousepoll in 14.04?07:50
sadistic1hearthi all07:51
sadistic1heartany one into BDSM?07:54
ray1no but I'd like some help07:54
somsip!ot | sadistic1heart (though that is waaaaay off topic even for #ubuntu-offtopic)07:54
ubottusadistic1heart (though that is waaaaay off topic even for #ubuntu-offtopic): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:54
cfhowlettsadistic1heart, wrong channel - WRONG07:56
saju_mI have an expect code like below. When executing it spawn VPN process and disconnect/kill the VPN process after except block. I want to keep that VPN process running even after except block. How to do this ? See http://dpaste.com/27D17Y407:56
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ray1how can I save and default to specific xrandr modes that I created  with cvt07:58
cynicallemonperhaps sadistic1heart wanted a bsd room...07:58
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trex_How to MySQL Optimization at server ?07:59
Vladimir_what does this command do: ~/bin/rancid-cvs ?08:02
ray1it fucks up the base :(08:03
cfhowlettray1, no profanity = family friendly discussion channel.  thanks.08:03
cfhowletttrex_, might want to discuss @ #ubuntu-server08:04
ArbitionVladimir_: Well it is in your home directory (~) so whatever rancid-cvs is08:04
Arbitioncvs being concurrent version control08:04
Arbitionfor managing code08:05
Vladimir_Arbition: well I follow a guide and it tells me to run that command but I get an error "no such file or directory"08:05
Vladimir_Arbition: this is the guide: http://havermyer.com/?p=1808:05
ArbitionAh, so you start by changing to the rancid user's home directory and then execute that command in it08:06
Arbitionseems odd to me08:06
Arbitionbut I guess thats how its been packaged08:07
Arbitionlooks like a recent tutorial08:07
ArbitionVladimir_: Do you know what the su command does?08:08
Vladimir_Arbition: it changes changes user?08:08
Vladimir_Arbition: But nowhere in the guide does it say to create a user rancid08:08
Arbitionit should be made automatically during install of the software. There are plenty of system user accounts08:09
Vladimir_Arbition: so what's the problem in my case?08:09
Arbitionif you "less /etc/passwd" you'll notice a lot of users you didn't add and many match system utilities08:09
ArbitionI still don't know08:09
Vladimir_this is in the passwd: rancid:x:111:121::/var/lib/rancid:/bin/false08:10
Arbitionwhat version of ubuntu are you using? Same as the guide (12.04.04)?08:10
Arbitionwell assuming the su - rancid command works (which seems unlikely as the /bin/false "shell" is not a shell) the file /var/lib/rancid/bin/rancid-cvs does not exist08:11
Vladimir_it's a bit older, 10.04 Arbition08:11
ssrepflerhi, I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 on a PC which has two network connections only one of them connected to the LAN and getting an IP address over DHCP (the DHCP only gives addresses to specific MAC addresses). Can I somehow bridge the first network interface with the second and then make it possible for a computer to connect directly to the second interface and be able to navigate?08:11
ArbitionOh well, the packaging of that package may be different on that version08:11
Arbitionso that file may not be in the same location08:11
ArbitionI don't have that version on hand so I can't confirm for you08:11
fribi'm trying to mount usb disk but it's not showing up in fdisk -l or blkid -- what can I do?08:12
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Arbitioncheck lsusb and see if the system recognises it as a USB device at all first08:12
ray1hi, I'm trying to set mousepoll=2 on ubuntu 14.04. I have tried setting it with grub conf and /etc/modules, like I did on 12.04, but with no results.08:13
onrWhat do you use to upload music to Apple iPod?08:14
k1l_onr: apple stuff is tied to prop. itunes08:14
onrk1l_: wrong08:15
Arbitionyeah iDevices are moving targets. Something is made to make it work, then apple changes it with new firmware and projects08:15
onrhmm, obviously rhythmbox support ipod just fine08:17
redwalkssrepfler: change net.ipv4.ip_forward=0 to =1 in/etc/sysctl.conf08:17
fribhow can i fix this error? FAT-fs (sdb1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.08:17
cfhowlettonr, apple (possibly deliberately) breaks linux hacks with every update.  IMHO it's not worth the frustration to spend so much time/effort on a hack that will be useless within 6 months.  YMMV.  OLDER itunes/ipods may still be viable, but the newer hardware/itunes is almost always a generation or 2 behind.08:17
onrcfhowlett: ah, thankfully i'm using an old ipod and ios08:18
cfhowlettonr, that's why your stuff works.  :_)  rhythmbox is your friend08:18
Arbitionfrib: run as root (or with sudo) "fsck /dev/sdb1"08:18
cfhowlett!ipod | onr08:19
ubottuonr: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod08:19
ray1I cant set mousepoll=2 please help!08:19
Arbitionray1: Sorry, I don't know anything about that08:19
fribArbition: says No such file or directory -- Possibly non-existent device?08:19
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!08:20
Arbitionfrib: What is it that is telling you that the volume was not properly unmounted?08:20
onryay firmware replacement08:20
fribArbition, dmesg08:20
onrdanke cfhowlett08:20
cfhowlettonr, bitte08:20
Arbitionfrib: Does /dev/sdb exist?08:21
fribArbition, i don't think so, but somehow dmesg mentioned it08:21
Arbitioncould you copy your dmesg to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?08:21
ArahaelWhy is my /tmp directory writable only by root?  How did that get changed?08:23
fribArbition, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8138692/08:24
Arbitionfrib: [    2.636850] usb-storage 3-4:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected [ 1380.613964] usb 3-4: USB disconnect, device number 208:26
Arbitionfrib: looks to me like the system thinks its disconnected08:26
fribArbition, even though it is?08:27
Arbitionsomething might have failed, plug it in and out again08:27
fribArbition, even though it is?08:27
fribsorry repeat.  ill try08:27
fribArbition, still nothing in fdisk08:28
Arbitiondmesg again if you could08:29
Arbitionthats the same one08:29
fribbecause i did the same thing twice in a row08:30
ArbitionNo I think the issue is there is a limit to the pastebin length08:30
fribill just tail it then08:30
Arbitiontail -n 500 should do it08:30
boozohey folks I'm trying to install mint on some computer at work and I'm having problems (Yes I know it is no ubuntu but I know you can help me with debug)08:31
Arbition996 is a strange line limit though08:31
k1l_!mint | boozo there is the mint support and they will help you08:31
ubottuboozo there is the mint support and they will help you: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:31
Arbitionoh dear08:32
Arbitionif you did actually plug in and out the USB drive and nothing else changed, that flash drive or your USB controller is a bit stuffed08:32
yell0wi'm on xubuntu 12.04. I tried https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/power-hibernate.html but hibernate still does not work from the menu. pm-hibernate works from terminal. any suggestions ?08:32
Arbitionassuming it isn't dmesg failing that is08:33
fribArbition, i broke the drive?08:33
Arbitionthey can break on their own08:33
Arbitiontry it on a different computer08:33
Arbitionif you can08:33
fribi just connected it back to my rpi08:34
Arbitioncould you dmesg that?08:35
fribArbition, my rpi recognized it phew08:36
Arbitionok so either something funky is going on in kernel land or you've got a trouble controller in your computer08:36
frib:\ but its a new laptop08:37
fribusb3 is reverse compatible right08:37
Arbitionthough actually USB is basically a different system completely, they just merged both into one connector08:37
Arbitionthe USB2 lines aren't even in use in USB3 mode08:37
fribwell it should work basically08:38
fribill try a different port08:38
Arbitionif you can, try a non usb3 port08:38
fribi dont know if there ar eany08:38
Arbitionbecause all the USB3 ports would be connected to one controller08:38
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Arbitionhmm, unforntunate08:38
ArbitionBeing USB3 though, might be a software issue08:39
ArbitionTry restarting the machine, plugging it in after power up and see what happens08:39
Arbitionif you are able to, try a different live disk distribution, in case there are kernel issues08:40
fribArbition, could it be a bios issue?08:42
ArbitionI guess it could be, but I'd put it further down on the likelyhood list08:42
ArbitionUnless you mean experimental firmware on the controller itself rather than the system bios/efi08:43
Arbitionthough USB3 should be rolled into the PCH by now (assuming intel, I know little about AMD systems)08:43
fribArbition, i have a usb2 stick that is recognized08:43
fribbut this disk not?08:43
Arbitionactually, do you have a USB2 only extension cable?08:44
Arbitionor USB2 only hub08:44
fribi think i have a hub yea08:44
fribbut i don't know how old it is08:44
Arbitionshouldn't matter unless you know the hub doesn't wor08:45
fribi dont know that08:45
fribnor do i not not know that08:45
Arbitionyou have another USB2 stick you can test the hub with08:45
fribcan't i just use the cable from the hard disk08:46
fribi assume that's what you're thinking might be the issue?08:46
ArbitionNo it isn't08:46
Arbitionby using a USB2 only tansport, you force the disk into USB2 mode08:46
Arbitionthus isolating whether it is a USB3 issue08:46
friba usb2 stick doesn't do that?08:47
Arbitionoh I thought you implied the one that doesn't work was USB308:47
fribno it's usb2, whereas i have another usb2 small stick that works08:47
fribthe non-working one is a 2tb08:48
Arbitionok I'm just going over your dmesg08:48
Arbitionthe one that doesn't work is 2TB you said right?08:49
Arbitionok that was never recognised by the system08:49
Arbitionsdb was an 8GB device08:49
fribah ok08:49
Arbitionsda is a 250GB device08:49
fribthat was my other usb3 stick08:49
fribArbition, btw if a usb device is not mounted i can safely unplug it right08:50
fribso what is the conclusion then?08:50
Arbitionthe unmounting procedure is entirely about ensuring that cached writes are written to the disk,08:50
ArbitionI'm still reading your dmesg08:50
friboh it's recognized now ithink08:51
ArbitionSo the 2TB device is USB2?08:51
fribi changed usb port and somehow now it's recognized08:51
fribeven though before it wasn't recognized in this port08:51
ArbitionNot especially suprising08:51
fribfor normal logic it is rather surprising actually :\08:52
ArbitionI might add I have had a friend who had nothing but trouble with his HP Envy, but it was a very early generation08:52
fribArbition, at first when i got it i was a little bit wary but actually it hasn't given me much trouble08:53
fribother than my mom broke the touchscreen while transporting it and i can't find a damn replacement part that works08:54
fribno srsly they are selling the touchscreen for more than i paid for the laptop08:54
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fribthanks for the help08:58
ubuntwhy when i put who -q output 3 users and in home i only have one user?08:58
boozoso I tried ubuntu's installer and there is the same problem09:01
boozowhen I try to install the ubuntu on the system the installer doesn't find/list my hard drive09:01
boozoI can manually mount it without a problem09:02
hackalHello do you know any good screencap tool for creating gifs?09:05
IamTryingI am taking a Dedicated server its offering me to have CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 12.04. But i specially need Apache package which has built in ECDES_RSA chipper support09:06
fribhey Arbition, I'm also noticing that my swap and root partitions are not showing up in fdisk either .. any idea why?09:06
IamTryingUbuntu 12.04 - apt-get install apache https  does it have built in ECDES_RSA? or its not ?09:07
dragosubuntu is cool09:08
dragosi will never spam09:08
Capprenticeikonia, Can you help me in configuring SQUID! I need to know few things ...09:09
boozoAnyone know how do I get the installer to list my /dev/sda? :(09:09
CapprenticeHi Im trying to configure a Transparent Web Cache. What I have installed so far is the HTTP Proxy Server Module and Two NICs. eth0 has the IP:, NM: and GW:, now how do I configure the eth1 NIC so that traffic passes through SQUID and the WEBcache starts working?09:10
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fribwhy doesn't fdisk -l list my swap partition?09:14
tomodachifrib: perpahs its not on the device you specified, or perhaps its a swap file , not a partition09:15
tomodachifrib: or perhaps its within an lvm09:15
fribtomodachi, no it's a partition that i specified while installing ubuntu09:15
fribtomodachi, it should be /dev/sda209:15
tomodachifrib: are you using lvm?09:15
fribwhat is lvm?09:16
tomodachilinux volume management09:16
fribi dont know09:16
tomodachitry lvdisplay as root09:16
tomodachiif it spits out lot of output then yes09:16
dragosubuntu dosent find my bluetooth adapter09:16
fribtomodachi, command not found09:16
tomodachiok your not using it09:16
fribdragos, you should check the product/vendor id09:17
fribtomodachi, the partition shows up in parted -l but it doesn't give me the uuid .. but why doesn't it show in blkid and fdisk -l ?09:17
dragosno with fedora worcs09:18
unopastedragos you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted09:19
tomodachifrib: perhaps our partition is of the type GPT instead of the old format MBR09:19
Ben64dragos: that surely isn't the way to get help here09:19
tomodachifdisk does not support GPT partitions09:19
fribtomodachi, how can i confirm that?09:20
guy312_can somebody help me with AP Dumb mode?09:22
Farvagood eveing09:23
FarvaI am trying to get a handle on linux perms, and this just drives me crazy09:24
FarvaI have a dir that is in my name and group, I can enter it via my shell, but not my SFTP with the same user09:24
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Farvaso how do I tell this directory to always listen to me, and to stop uploading new files as root09:25
tomodachiFarva: sounds like a permissions mask set in your sftp server09:25
Farvayou mean my filezilla?09:26
Abhijitno. thats just a gui client.09:26
hateballFarva: The FTP daemon you're using09:26
Farva3rd day into all this, not sure what that means09:27
unimatrix9is there a good terminal webcam view way ?09:27
Farvaif you mean for me to check my ssh_config?09:27
Farvado you mean...*09:28
hateballFarva: Oh my bad, you said sftp and not ftps09:28
Farvaso how do I resolve this issue? I did not setup a perm mask that I can recall09:29
t4nk042I am using ubuntu 12.04 LTS version for my server ....I always check partition space using "df -Th" command ....Today when I checked space using "df -Th" so it is showing a particular parition is full but when i checked using "du -sh"09:31
t4nk042it is not completely full.09:32
t4nk042is there any way to find out what is eating space on partiton ?09:32
t4nk042I have also tried to check open files on partition using "lsof" command but no use.09:33
redwalkuse du09:34
redwalkOr better yet du -sh09:34
typdu -sh *09:37
typdoes list dirs with size09:37
typin current folder09:37
redwalkdu -sh /thefolderyouwant09:37
hateballt4nk042: also per default, 5% of partition space is reserved for root09:37
redwalkdu -sh /* will give you the usage starting at root.09:38
SrRaven-workso, lets say I have two servers running Ubuntu Server, can I simply copy all relevant postfix files to the new machine ?09:39
cfhowlett!server | SrRaven-work,09:40
ubottuSrRaven-work,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server09:40
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t4nk042but it's 1000GB partition and it's showing 80% used but du -sh shows 343 GB used.09:41
SrRaven-workthanks and sorry cfhowlett09:41
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cfhowlettSrRaven-work, no worries, just trying to see you find your answer.09:42
tortibdoes anyone know how I can fix a mail looping error?09:47
tortibI just tried to send a message to one of my users and I got the mail looping error :\ undeliverable.09:47
antivirtelhello all! I've 12.04 LTS 32 bitsinstalled, and I want to upgrade to 14.04 LTS and at once, I want to change OS to amd64 architecture... can I do it without reinstalling?09:47
hateballantivirtel: No.09:48
hateball!clone | antivirtel09:49
ubottuantivirtel: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate09:49
cfhowlettantivirtel, nope.  torrent the 14.04.1 iso and clean install.  use the above to replicate your packages.09:49
cfhowletthateball, does that apply with 32 > 64 bit repo change????09:49
hateballAnd backup your ~/ and other data you may have09:49
* cfhowlett assumes that backup of ~/ goes without saying ...09:50
hateballcfhowlett: I *think* all package names are the same, just :i386 if 32-bit09:50
antivirtelhmm... thank you hateball and cfhowlett, can't I do the debian-upgrade way, that change the source's list i386 to amd64, and than dist-upgrade?09:50
cfhowlettantivirtel, sort of what I was wondering.  hateball?09:51
hateballWell, it's *possible* to switch archs, but it's certainly not supported or recommended afaik09:51
antivirtelyep, mee to09:51
hateballAssuming you have backups, you can give it a go09:51
antivirtelwhy? could it be problematic, or what?09:51
cfhowlettantivirtel, all things being equal, strongly suggest clean install first, then add packages.09:52
P3n7u5I have two packets conflicting on one file09:52
akamHello all! Is it possible in ubuntu to start window app iconify with defined size(e.g. 50x50)?09:52
P3n7u5ruby and ruby-rdoc09:52
P3n7u5how can I get rid of it ???09:53
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P3n7u5 09:54
P3n7u5    dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/ruby-rdoc_3.12.2-1_all.deb (--unpack):09:54
P3n7u5     trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/rdoc', which is also in package ruby 1:
P3n7u5    Processing triggers for man-db ( ...09:54
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antivirtelthank you again hateball and cfhowlett, I've found a how-to for debian, I'll try to do it... thanks!09:58
=== antivirtel is now known as antivAway
olspookishmagushello, does the LiveCD of 14.04 contain system-config-lvm thingy?10:10
ray1Hey everybody!!10:13
ray1I'm looking for some help10:14
ray1I can't get my usb to poll at 500hz10:14
^^x^^__ray1: just ask, somebody may help10:14
ray1but the usbhid parameters show mousepoll=210:14
ray1everywhere. in grub cfg10:14
ray1kernel modules10:14
ray1I've tried all the methods I could find instructions on how to do10:15
ray1adding the parameter to /etc/modules worked on every other distro that I've tried10:15
ray1This is on 14.04 fyi10:15
ray1what can I do10:18
ray1make a post on askubuntu or something like that10:19
ray1where should I look for help on this, if not here10:19
Kaapahey there10:24
Kaapahistorically, /etc/resolv.conf gave me the dns provided by dhcp10:25
Kaapain latest versions it's always pointing to
Kaapawhich I assume is a local dns daemon10:25
cynicallemonKaapa: dnsmasq10:25
Kaapaok... any way to make it reload / refresh / whatever? Cause I can't resolve an IP address the guy sitting next to me can10:28
cynicallemonsudo service dnsmasq restart ?10:28
MonkeyDustKaapa  want to manually change the dns (nameserver)?10:29
Kaapano service with that name10:29
KaapaMonkeyDust: actually, I just wanted this to work10:29
KaapaI have no idea what dns server is using10:29
Kaapacause it's not resolving10:29
MonkeyDustKaapa  do the following, i wonder why it has changed too... sudo -e /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base ... then add 'nameserver [IP]' and save ... then run: 'sudo resolvconf -u' (that's -u for update)10:31
MonkeyDustwithout the quotes10:31
Kaapawhy would I have to manually add the dns server that dhcp gives me in order to have a system that works?10:34
Kaapawhat's the point of dnsmasq?10:34
cynicallemondnsmasq is a forwarder10:35
Kaapausing connection information, I see that the dns server returned is <DNSIP>10:35
Kaapaif I do nslookup <IPIWANT> <DNSIP>, I get an address. If I just do nslookup <IPIWANT>... no10:36
Kaapaany tips on how to make this flush / whatever?10:43
KaapaI really don't want to fix this issue by having to manually add to a confnig file every possible dns server I eventually get10:43
MonkeyDustKaapa  is that a server?10:44
Kaapait's my laptop10:44
MonkeyDustKaapa  why "every possible dns server"? why not just 1 ?10:45
KaapaMonkeyDust: I plug my laptop in my office network. I get a dns server. Doesn't work. I manually add it. What guarantees do I have that this won't happen ever again?10:46
Kaapathis is dhcp10:46
Kaapashould "just work"10:46
MonkeyDustKaapa  using the procedure i just suggested, i guess you can add multiple nameservers, that of your office and that of your 'private usage'10:51
KaapaMonkeyDust: you realize there's no 'private usage' here, right?10:52
Kaapait's just the standard dns server10:53
MonkeyDustKaapa  ok, great, then add your office's name server address10:53
Kaapathat's just insane10:54
Kaapawell, I just edited  /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and disabled dnsmasq10:54
Kaapaand now things are working10:54
KaapaI can't believe it's normal having to add the dns info that dhcp returns to me to have a working dnsmasq10:55
Guest86417hi guys I used this command to search for cannong CR2 and jpg images. and I have some questions. find /home/josh/Desktop/test -type f -name "*.CR2" -o -type f -name "*.jpg" | wc -l > file.txt 1) this finds four images, 3 in the folder in question and one in a sub folder inside that. - how do I get it to only operate the files in the immediae folder?11:00
hateballGuest86417: use the --max-depth option11:01
Guest86417Oh amazing. Thanks And 2 ) how do I get it to ignore case of the file extention .e.g. jpg vs .JPG and to count both as part of the search?11:01
Guest86417thanks hateball !!11:04
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ray1usbhid mousepoll is set to 2 but it's not working11:07
ray1where could the problem be?11:07
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Guest86417hateball, thanks - i am confused what exactly does -maxdepth 0 do?11:10
mate-MuuuHi everyone i am on ubuntu 14.10 mate, ehen trying to run sopcast i get this:11:19
mate-Muuu(sopcast-player.py:5001): libglade-WARNING **: unknown attribute `swapped' for <signal>.11:19
mate-Muuu(sopcast-player.py:5001): libglade-WARNING **: unknown attribute `swapped' for <signal>.11:19
mate-Muuu(sopcast-player.py:5001): libglade-WARNING **: unknown property `ubuntu_local' for class `GtkMenu'11:19
mate-MuuuAttempt to unlock mutex that was not locked11:19
mate-MuuuAborted (core dumped)11:19
unopastemate-Muuu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted11:19
hateballGuest86417: like it says in the manpage, it just searches where you tell it to, no subdirectories11:20
k1l_mate-Muuu: for 14.10 please use the #ubuntu+1 channel since its still in development. and please do use pasteservices to not spam the channel.11:20
mate-Muuuubuntu+1 ok11:20
th3hosthow can I upload my app to software center?11:24
MonkeyDustth3host  you can't, make it a PPA and hope someone picks it up11:24
k1l_th3host: see http://developer.ubuntu.com/11:25
th3hostgot it.11:25
MonkeyDustth3host  and when it's tested and approved by the ubuntu team, they can add it11:25
psih0manhello! I got a driver error on a Ubuntu 14.04 system: "[2053776.131961] mptbase: ioc0: LogInfo(0x30030108): Originator={IOP}, Code={Invalid Page}, SubCode(0x0108) cb_idx mptctl_reply" and I cannot find good documentation about it using Google Search... can anyone help me debug it, please?11:34
MonkeyDustpsih0man  is this very old post useful (2004!!!) http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/mandriva-30/no-module-mptbase-found-for-kernel-174226/11:38
psih0manMonkeyDust: I actually just found something by truncating the log line here (2009-2012): https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1483111:40
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 14831 in Other "mptsas - Use of ATA command pass-through results in unreliable operation - drive / controller resets" [Normal,Closed: obsolete]11:40
Vladimir_I can't install packages with apt-get install, i get packages have unmet dependencies11:41
k1l_Vladimir_: pastebin the output please11:42
Vladimir_I just installed ubuntu 12.04, it's a fresh install so I wonder11:42
hateballVladimir_: have you done "sudo apt-get update"11:42
Vladimir_hateball: yes but it fails11:42
Vladimir_k1l_: I can't copy paste since i go through a vmware machine11:43
Vladimir_I need to install openssh-server11:43
k1l_Vladimir_: apt-get update fails? why does it fail?11:44
* hateball guesses networking issues in a VM11:44
Vladimir_k1l_: I get: openssh-server: Depends: libwrap0 (>= 7.6-3) but it is not installabe11:44
k1l_hateball: yep, me too.11:44
k1l_Vladimir_: do a sudo apt-get update first # to make sure you got the latest list of packages11:45
Vladimir_it's no ´problem to ping google.com or other connection11:45
k1l_"sudo apt-get update"11:45
Vladimir_I'm doing the update now and it's downloading stuff and later there's a bunch or lines saying. W: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib...../se.archive.ubuntu.com_...11:46
Vladimir_and the last line is "E: some index files failed to download. They have been ignored or old ones used instead"11:46
k1l_try the main servers then. maybe the se servers or your route to the se servers is corrupt11:47
k1l_if you have a outdated package list (like you have when there is an error with apt-get update) one package will say it needs other packages versions than you got on your system.11:48
Vladimir_k1l_: I think I solved it now11:48
Vladimir_I just typed "sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*11:49
Vladimir_yes, it works now, thank you :)11:49
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thomaschaafHello I installed utopic on a trusty vm and now that vm wont boot up anymore: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5910/Jing/2014-08-25_1348.png the vm is based on xen 4.1 (debian)11:53
MonkeyDustthomaschaaf  utopic isnt ready yet, support in #ubuntu+111:54
k1l_thomaschaaf: since 14.10 is still in development please see the #ubuntu+1 channel for support.11:54
Vladimir_k1l_: thank you=)11:54
thomaschaafthanks will try there :)11:55
femtacHi, what is the best alternative to notepad plus plus text editor on Ubuntu. It needs to absolutely have the FTP plugin to list files and edit them directly on the server.11:56
Farvaokay, I am having a very odd problem that is detrimental to my work today11:59
FarvaI am locked out of my main directory even though I am logged in with the right user and I have ownership of the directory12:00
FarvaI ran chmod -R farva:farva <dir>12:00
Farvaand it locked me out12:00
k1l_which dir? and what is your actual real username on that system?12:01
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MonkeyDustFarva  try bluefish12:04
MonkeyDustfemtac  ^^^^12:04
FarvaI am a linux newb, I have no idea what that is12:04
Farva3 days in12:04
MonkeyDustfemtac   try bluefish12:04
Farvato any shell commands of any sory12:04
Farvaso I don't know if you are telling me to run 'femtac' or 'bluefish' or both...12:05
femtacMonkeyDust: thanks, will try it now12:05
Farvathere is a person lol12:06
superlouI'm trying to set up the Openfire XMPP chat server on a company intranet on an Ubuntu precise server, and by default, XMPP uses port 5222.  Our IT guys say they're not blocking any ports, but when we try to connect on port 5222, we get timeouts.  If I change Openfire to listen on a different port, it is successful.  I can use a local XMPP client to connect to the server at localhost:5222 but not across the network at myserver:5222.  We have12:07
superlouhostname resolution working for other services (apache2).  Is there a definitive way to determine if Ubuntu is blocking the connections, or something else on the network?12:07
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FarvaHow can I change the permission of my directory when chown is denied?12:07
eeeeFarva: chown is denied?12:08
eeeemeaning what?12:08
FarvaI wanted to gain ownership of a dir and a tech guy said to run: chmod -R ,dir>12:08
Farvaafter I ran that, I was deneid access to the directory12:08
geirhaFarva: You're saying your homedir is no longer accesible to you? what does    ls -ld ~    output?12:08
Farvawhen I ls -l it shows I have ownership of the entire dir and all its contents12:09
FarvaI am logged in with the correct user12:09
Farvaeven when I root the command I am told access denied12:09
linuxподскажите а правда что ебунту хуета редкостная ?12:09
eeeeFarva: chmod -R <dir> wont do anything, as you didn't specify any permission's12:10
linuxтак и думал12:10
eeee!rs | linux12:10
k1l_!ru | linux12:10
ubottulinux: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.12:10
ubottulinux: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:10
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Farvaoh sorry, it was chmod -R farva:farva dir12:10
Vladimir_a tiny problem with rancid, I'm running this guide: http://havermyer.com/?p=18 and very early when I run ~/bin/rancid-cvs it says No such file or directory :/¨12:10
Farvawhich put all the perms into my name and group12:10
geirhaFarva: Do you really mean chmod, or did you mean chown?12:10
Farvabut when I try to access it in any way I am told denied12:11
FarvaI really mean chmod12:11
geirhathat's invalid12:11
Farvathat was what I was told to run earlier by some one else12:11
eeeeFarva: that also doesn't do anything, it should be chown -R <user>:<group> <dir>12:11
Farvawell, it changed the ownership of my files and dir into my name12:11
geirhaFarva: what are the permissions now? ls -ld /the/dir12:11
k1l_what dir is it anyway?12:11
geirhaFarva: chown changes ownership, chmod changes mode12:11
Farvad-wx-wx--x 14 farva farva12:12
geirhaFarva: there you go, missing read access12:12
Farvahow can I add that?12:12
geirhachmod 775 /the/dir12:12
k1l_what? no read allowed?12:12
eeeeFarva: what are the permissions you would like?12:12
Farvaall, I am the core user12:13
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eeeeFarva: what about others?12:13
k1l_what dir does get such permissions?12:13
geirhado not use -R with that though12:13
eeee( not the user or group )12:13
FarvaI have one other guy, but I haven't set up much for him yet12:13
Farvaits a small server12:13
Farvafor now, I just need to be able to access thi12:13
Wiz_KeeDhey guys, how do I find all the folders that start with theme* in a certain path?12:13
Farvaoutside of root of course12:13
geirhaFarva: It's dangerous to use chown and chmod when you do not fully understand how they work. I recommend taking a step back and learn it properly. Here:  http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions12:14
Farvaty geirha12:14
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  try   find [path] -name "theme*"12:15
Wiz_KeeDjust did that it worked, thank you!12:16
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pasbarahi i need help to fix this nvidia bug in ubuntu there are so many posts about it but i can't get it to fix12:21
pasbarawhen i install the nvifia driver, ubuntu crashes after loggin in it doesn't work, the desktop is very odd icons are different can't set the brightness it's like the vga is not installed12:22
pasbarahow can i fix this and install the driver?12:23
femtacMonkeyDust: Thanks, bluefish works pretty good for my purpose, with autcompletion as well.12:24
Kaapa /wc12:25
DelianHi All . how can i check what gpu driver i have and if there is better one ? i am not sure if that is my problem but all the time when i try to watch some movie ,the pic stack and sounds go on normally .any advice please?12:39
Deliani have acer extensa 5420 with vista before12:40
DelianHi All . how can i check what gpu driver i have and if there is better one ? i am not sure if that is my problem but all the time when i try to watch some movie ,the pic stack and sounds go on normally .any advice please?12:42
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
DelianHi All . how can i check what gpu driver i have and if there is better one ? i am not sure if that is my problem but all the time when i try to watch some movie ,the pic stack and sounds go on normally .any advice please?12:44
DelianHi All . how can i check what gpu driver i have and if there is better one ? i am not sure if that is my problem but all the time when i try to watch some movie ,the pic stack and sounds go on normally .any advice please?12:45
cfhowlett!patience | Delian12:45
ubottuDelian: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:45
IdleOneI think if you try repeating it a few more times per second you will get an answer a lot faster12:45
ikoniaDeihmos: best to leave it a while before repeating the question12:45
IdleOneor you'll get 3 people telling you to stop repeating so quickly :)12:46
Delianok i am crawling here :) forgive me please my ignorance12:46
Delianiv got it sorry12:46
Deliani have mint 17 kde if thats help to help me12:48
riffraffhi everyone12:48
riffraffI'm trying to upgrade a server from 12.04 to 14.0412:48
cfhowlett!mint | Delian, perfect!  here's your answer: you're in the wrong channel.  Ask for mint support from mint.12:49
ubottuDelian, perfect!  here's your answer: you're in the wrong channel.  Ask for mint support from mint.: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:49
PiciDelian: We don't support Mint at all here.12:49
fajunghi, I'm on 14.04,, I have set my keyboard to spanish, so [Alt Gr] + ['] = ? but sometimes it does the _, and from time to time, the numpad light get off without me switching it12:49
riffraffbut something seems wrong with my cgconfig.conf file12:49
Picioops, too slow :)12:49
* cfhowlett still doesn't understand why so many thing ubuntu is the spot to ask for mint support12:49
riffraffnamely: "Cgroup mounting failed"12:49
riffraffmy google fu fails me12:49
Delianok since i am very new on linux and on irc coul some one give me a tip how to go to the right place please?12:50
cfhowlettDelian, same way you joined this channel.   /join #linuxmint-help12:50
HaaPutDelian: I guess u can get driver info using  lspci12:50
eeeeDelian: /server irc.spotchat.org12:50
Deliani just open irc12:50
Delianso here i am12:50
eeeethen what cfhowlett said12:51
Deliani dont know how to use it12:51
IdleOneDelian: in this window you will type /server irc.spotchat.org and then /join #linuxmint-help12:51
Delian /server irc.spotchat.org12:51
Deliannothing !12:52
IdleOneDelian: no space before the /12:52
andyfieddon't put a space at the front12:52
andyfiedof course, typing /server tends to close the current connection instead of just opening a new one...12:53
fajunghow can I prevent the keyboard to auto switch to english, I need to be on Es ub14.0412:59
MadLambI press the chrome button in my laucher, it blinks for a while and stops blinking, chrome doesnt open. Then i search for chrome in the dash search, and click there, it opens. what might it be?13:01
luifconfig wlan down doesn't work?  Any ideas?13:02
luifconfig wlan0 down doesn't work?  Any ideas?13:02
himansurathii had installed tlp with flgrx driver and my whole ubuntu screen was flickering when i rebooted the computer. Any ideas why tlp did not work?13:04
himansurathiHow can i prevent overheating of my computer in ubuntu?13:06
pgar23MadLamb: Try checking /var/log/syslog for errors related to Chrome13:06
pgar23himansurathi: monitor /proc/cpuinfo - snapshot of processes13:07
VoyageHow can I see the running processes by user id?13:08
Voyagehow can I see each user ID and name on my system?13:09
himansurathiActually I had to reinstall ubuntu again.So i cannot give a snapshot but The screen was divide into two halves and the screen did not refreshed on clicking any application although there was no such effect observed in windows.13:09
himansurathiI just wanted to know the reason because i installed tlp on ATi AAdeon graphics card to prevent overheating of my laptop in ubuntu13:10
pentatonichello all! my computer is driving me crazy. I thought I solved this when I got help a few days ago, but it is happening again. the helping user said it had to do with wifi power savings, and it really had helped meanwhile. but since last night the browser/cursor freezes with absolutely there is nothing to freeze (when 1 tab is open).13:10
himansurathiAnd what software should someone install to prevent overheating in ubuntu and extend battery life?13:11
Amozhimansurathi, there's not much you can do there except installing proprietary drivers (which usually has more power-saving features implemented) and maybe powertop13:14
vorsprungjust "upgraded" to 14.04 from 12.04 and I have a breakage13:18
vorsprungI had to install and run boot-repair to make it come up at all13:19
vorsprungnow if I boot normally it seems to run a lot of init scripts / upstart stuff but the graphical screen login doesn't appear13:20
himansurathiWill Installing powertop will not hamper the computer like tlp did?13:20
vorsprungctl-alt-f1 etc works that's what I'm using now13:20
himansurathiSorry for above comment Will powertop not hamper ubuntu like tlp?13:20
Amozhimansurathi, maybe powertop doesn't apply to you, it's an intel-developed tool.13:21
pbxis there any way to get the "type your command" feature (which comes up when i tap alt) to show keyboard shortcuts along with the command names? or anything similar to it that does?13:21
Vladimir_I get one problem with Rancid, when I run clogin to a switch it says that the .cloginrc file does not exist in the /home/rancid/.cloginrc directory. Why does it look in that directory since I created that file in /var/lib/rancid/.cloginrc ?? very strange, how do I change where clogin looks for that file?13:22
k1l_Vladimir_: i am not sure if that much users have a clue of rancid. i think you are better off with asking the rancid guys.13:25
pbxfor a second i thought there was a new release coming, like Rancid Raccoon13:26
CombatjuanI have build-essential and make installed but when I try and use it "The program 'make' is currently not installed....".  Sure enough "locate bin/make" and "ls /usr/bin/make" confirm it does not exist.  Ubuntu Precise Server 12.04.13:26
eeeeCombatjuan: i think it should come by default13:27
eeeesudo apt-get install make13:27
Combatjuaneeee - Right.  It claims to already be installed.  It's obviously not.  I removed build-essential and reinstalled it which did not help.  I just remove make (and build-essential by dependency) and reinstalled and... it did work?  So, I guess that's good.13:29
veryhappyhey guys - trying to install ubuntu minimal on a system without an ethernet but only wifi access, installation finished without errors and i had access once on the AP but since the install of unity in my new installed system with ubuntu 14.04 x64 everything changed. it always says13:36
veryhappysession failed, and i wanted to fix that but now i always get with the usage of wpa_supplicant: 4-way-handshake failed and the message ssid not found, anyone who can help?13:36
alinmearveryhappy: did you configure NetworkManager?13:40
veryhappyalinmear: no, its not configured yet and also not configurable, i dont have a possibility to even log in into Unity, because this one is broken.13:43
lord4163I want to run Prestashop on my Ubuntu Server, but I'm having weird issues, the installer stops at 23% Create default shop and languages13:47
amanthakurHi guys, any body using eclipse IDE for c++ programs???13:47
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tomodachiamanthakur: nope, but its doable I hear13:48
VoyageHOW to get rid of my local language text (put into every app), ? i just want english only13:48
amanthakurtomodachi, i have downloaded the eclipse cdt package and extracted it on my ubuntu 14. But when i am trying to run it. It is not working. Java is installed on my machine already13:49
mushergot to write own xorg.conf13:50
musherdefault xorg.conf?13:50
=== Pharkas_ is now known as Pharkas
Matt3o12I’m seeing a lot of these messages in my log. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8140905/ What is this user trying to do?13:53
alinmearamanthakur: yes, used it for 2 projects on univerity; but intellisense lacks a little bit, compared to visual studio or qtcreator (like the last one much more for c++ coding)13:53
ronaldsmazitisunity is having problems with delays on taskbar13:53
VoyageHOW to get rid of my local language text (put into every app), ? i just want english only13:54
getseclectic_anyone familiar with how the default dns setup works? every time i try to get help with it people tell me they just disabled it because they hate it13:54
amanthakuralinmear, visual studio is meant for Windows applications mainly :P not linux....and i am gonna run device driver programs on it. So was trying to figure it out, why it isn't running.13:54
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alinmearamanthakur: kk (btw. i was talking about intellisense and code completion; that's why i mentioned vs); did you check your JAVA_PATH?!13:56
amanthakuralinmear,  i have downloaded this one http://archive.eclipse.org/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR2/eclipse-cpp-ganymede-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz13:56
amanthakuri have setted up JAVA_HOME13:56
veryhappyAlright, to make things clear: Hey guys, i'm doing a fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.04 x64 (minimal installation) on my notebook with an external disk. The Linux system that this is all about is on an external disk, so that every internal systems are secure and thus usable in emergency cases. I finished the installation successful and connected myself with wpa_supplicant successfully the...13:57
veryhappy...first time. After the installation of unity wpa_supplicant was not usable anymore. I get error messages like "4-way-handshake failed" and "no ssid was found". Please only helpful and serious comments. Helpful answers are appreciated. Thank you.13:57
simpleuserI can’t add my Gmail account on Geary. "Impossible to validate"13:58
getseclectic_trying to get my work vpn to work without routing all my traffic through it but adding the dns server under 'additional dns servers' doesn't work13:58
simpleuserI checked many times my email and pass. I even copied and pasted it. But no way. Any idea?13:58
getseclectic_i've been manually editing my resolv.conf after every time i connect and it sucks13:59
amanthakurveryhappy, if you gonna use it in emergency situations only. Then, i would rather recommend to use a light windows manager like Fluxbox. That works great in this type of scenarios13:59
amanthakuralinmear, any ideas ??14:00
veryhappyamanthakur: Read twice next time please: This system i'm using right now is my internal system that i use everyday and i just use the external system to experiment. OK?14:00
getseclectic_being a dick isn't going to get you any help14:01
getseclectic_good luck14:01
alinmearamanthakur: can you pastebin some debug informations about eclipse please14:02
amanthakuralinmear, when i am doing ./eclipse after extracting the eclipse cpp package, i am getting an error "No such file or directory"14:04
kuldudhow do i burn ubuntu on a disk so i can install it on a computer14:08
cfhowlettkuldud, disk?  not USB?14:08
alinmearamanthakur: slow down with an old man dude :P ... (1) you are using ubuntu? (2) you installed java and eclipse with apt? (3) your downloaded the tarball and extracted it? (4) you tried to start some kind of binary or shell script called ./eclipse?14:08
kuldudyea usb doesnt work14:08
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cfhowlettkuldud, download ISO.  burn DVD with netbootin.14:09
kuldudill try that thanks14:09
amanthakuralinmear, lolzz....you seems to be an Old Man :P (1) yes i am using ubuntu 14 (2) i have installed Java with apt but not installed eclipse (3) i have downloaded and extracted this eclipse pack http://archive.eclipse.org/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR2/eclipse-cpp-ganymede-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz (4) i am trying to run eclipse executable from the extracted package14:11
leotri! I have python script that executes and controls another executables. When i add it to .xinitrc file and startx (startx is in my .profile) it hangs and ps -ax shows me that all processes are in T start. If i cleanup .xinitrc and startx and then run my python script manually from xterm it works fine. What can be a reason of that?14:11
pltyleotr, fork it into the background (append &)14:13
kuldudunetbootin tells me how to boot with usb i want to boot with cd14:13
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nashantHey guys, my system keeps beeping but there's nothing in syslog. Could this be due to my power supply not being powerful enough?14:14
getseclectic_amanthakur, what files are in the directory after extracting the tarball14:14
cfhowlettkuldud, brasero = you're right. sorry.14:15
cfhowlettkuldud, "burn an image" (that would be your ubuntu.iso) to disk14:15
kuldudcan i do it with windows or a 3rd software14:16
cfhowlettkuldud, of course.14:17
amanthakurgetseclectic_, http://s8.postimg.org/ci1lbqzid/screen.png14:18
cfhowlettkuldud, lots of options.  https://duckduckgo.com/?q=burn+image+disk+windows&t=canonical14:18
NeuromeHey would someone point me in the right direction to repairing my video driver14:19
elmaestrohi guys, what is ubuntu equivalent of windows paint? want to edit an image14:19
getseclectic_ok so there's definitely an eclipse binary in there14:20
amanthakurelmaestro, i think xpaint14:20
amanthakurgetseclectic_, yes :)14:20
leotrplty: if i fork it to background then xinitrc finishes execution and X restarts again and again14:20
Neuromewhy does video lag in vlc, & in the bundled media players, but in youtube plays fine14:20
getseclectic_do an ls -al in that directory14:20
amanthakurgetseclectic_, yes did14:21
getseclectic_what does it look like14:21
amanthakurgetseclectic_, output is somewhat similar to ll14:21
getseclectic_can you paste it14:22
logicalguyhello, I have ubuntu 14.04 on my home server.  I use it as a test platform for my web apps.  I also have ubuntu as KVM OS on my laptop, so I can have a mobile version of my home server.  Is there any tool to make sure these 2 ubuntus are identical?  Thanks.14:23
amanthakurgetseclectic_, http://pastebin.com/Y8eq1Q8k14:23
getseclectic_ok do ./eclipse and paste exactly what comes out14:24
getseclectic_it seems like it must be something silly going wrong14:24
eeeelogicalguy: you can get a list of all packages installed, dpkg --get-selections > packages14:24
amanthakurgetseclectic_, bash: ./eclipse: No such file or directory14:24
Neuromelogicalguy, im not sure of an app, but your general direction should be something along the lines of, "syncing between two ubuntu computerS"14:24
Desuamanthakur: file eclipse14:24
Desuamanthakur: uname -m14:24
getseclectic_i'm guessing it's a script14:24
eeeelogicalguy: and then on the other machine do the same with a different filename, and then use diff packages packages1 , and see the differences14:24
logicalguyeeee, yes, but I'd like to automate it14:25
eeeeautomate it how14:25
amanthakurDesu, getseclectic_: eclipse: ELF 32-bit LSB  executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, not stripped14:25
logicalguyNeurome, yes, perhaps a config management tool like chef, but I was wondering if it will be overkill, for just two OS instances14:25
amanthakurDesu, getseclectic_: x86_6414:26
Desuamanthakur: and uname -m ?14:26
Desuamanthakur: well, there is your problem14:26
Neuromelogicalguy, maybe this helps , http://askubuntu.com/questions/88991/sync-completely-two-ubuntu-machines14:26
Desuamanthakur: install a 64bit build of eclipse instead14:26
amanthakurDesu, oh ok sad14:26
Desuamanthakur: why are you using some binary from a random site instead of the ubuntu package btw?14:26
getseclectic_yeah i would probably just install the package14:27
getseclectic_or switch to intellij :P14:27
Desus/intellij/gvim/  fixed14:27
amanthakurDesu, thanks for pointing that......actually i was trying to setup a device driver development environment....so i was following a guide....but i think i should install it from the apt now that would be better and easier :)14:27
logicalguyNeurome, thank you14:27
NeuromePor NAda14:28
fribi can't seem to get icons to show up in my file manager .. using fluxbox .. any suggestions? thanks14:28
logicalguyNeurome, thank you14:28
amanthakurgetseclectic_, intellij ???14:28
pltyleotr:you should finish xinitrc with calling your window manager14:28
pltycheck the man page14:28
getseclectic_it's a different ide14:28
amanthakurgetseclectic_, is it having the autocompletion functionality?14:29
getseclectic_haha yeah14:30
getseclectic_i like it a lot better than eclipse personally14:30
getseclectic_our whole team switched at work14:30
getseclectic_but if you are following a guide it might be easier to just do what they say14:31
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NeuromeGr, why is my video lagging in anything but youtube14:31
amanthakurgetseclectic_, i was just using a guide to setup environment but it doesn't matter if i switch to another IDE14:32
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amanthakureven i would like to give it a try if it free14:32
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unopastegetseclectic_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:33
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unopasteamanthakur you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:33
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NeuromeGr, why is my video lagging in anything but youtube >?14:34
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Cuppa_coffeeneurome, install the propietary (sp?) drivers for your video card?14:34
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Neuromeshouldn't the update feature automatically *update* my drivers?14:34
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Cuppa_coffeethey are developed by your graph card developer14:35
Cuppa_coffeeand thus closed source14:35
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Cuppa_coffeewhat vid-card do you have in your system?14:35
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NeuromeVideo Card:   Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (Up to 224MB shared5)14:37
NeuromeThe GMA 950 graphics core is an intelligent and responsive graphics engine built into the chipset that is on the motherboard. This integration provides incredible visual quality, fast graphics performance and flexible display options.14:37
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Cuppa_coffeeNeurome, check system settings - software & updates - additional drivers14:41
Cuppa_coffeeif you have multiple options, try the proprietary driver14:41
NeuromeCuppa_coffee it says no proprietary drivers in use14:42
cfhowlettNeurome, I installed the new intel linux gpu drivers.  immediately expanded my gaming options to include games that previous didn't run.14:42
Neurome"no additional drivers advailable"14:42
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cfhowlettNeurome, https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/2013/intel-linux-graphics-installer14:42
cfhowlettNeurome, new page:   https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads14:42
leotr|2i! I have python script that executes and controls another executables. When i add it to .xinitrc file and startx (startx is in my .profile) it hangs and ps -ax shows me that all processes are in T start. If i cleanup .xinitrc and startx and then run my python script manually from xterm it works fine. What can be a reason of that?14:43
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netlarWhen I try to update, it just say "Waiting for headers", is that a ppa problem?14:44
NeuromeThank you cfhowlett14:46
cfhowlettNeurome, happy2help14:47
netlarNevermind, looks like Steam was hanging it up14:47
NeuromeAlthough, this computer /netbook is a Latitude D30 despite the 2gb rap upgrade i don't think it's good4gaming14:47
Neuromeram *14:47
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Neuromecfhowlett, maybe you might now of updating the drivers for the processor (possible increasing performance? )14:48
Neuromemight know of *14:49
cfhowlettNeurome, updating your bios is almost never a bad idea14:49
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cfhowlettNeurome, specifics depend on your system.  I believe Dell makes this pretty much caveman easy ...14:51
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Neuromecfhowlett, thats something i never tried doing, i've configured some dozen computers @ my school during an internship, did ram upgrade , removed video cards ,& reformatted countless computers but never did an upgrade on the bios14:51
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cfhowlettNeurome, I'd say ... learn!  updates to fix lots of stuff14:52
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Neuromecfhowlett, the bios driver/update for this specific netbook from the dell website is a EXE : \ idk how2 use that for updating14:54
alketHi , im trying to "ppa-purge" something , but its stuck at "Calket@alket-gt:~$ sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers \n Updating packages lists"14:54
dcajacob05_workHi, I just re-installed ubuntu 12.04.4 on a remote machine and I am getting apt-get update errors: Reading package lists... Done14:55
dcajacob05_workW: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com precise-backports Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>14:55
EriC^^!badsig | dcajacob05_work14:55
ubottudcajacob05_work: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »14:55
cfhowlettNeurome, check the website for install instructions and/or for a linux alternative.  of course, if you dual boot, no need.14:55
dcajacob05_workI tried removing /var/lib/apt/lists folder structure and recreating a clean one and running sudo-apt-get clean and update, but still same error14:55
dcajacob05_workEven tried forcing an fsck and several reboots14:56
cfhowlettdcajacob05_work, the problem is not on your end, it's the package key needs updating.  see the link from ubottu14:56
Neuromecfhowlett, no im using this box for learning, & some pleasure/fun14:57
Neuromeits a dedicated for linux ubuntu14:57
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Neuromei've 3 other computer with windows14:57
dcajacob05_workI also tried sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B5, but same problem14:57
EriC^^dcajacob05_work: try a different server14:58
cfhowlettNeurome, fair enough14:58
Neurome1 with linux mint, & and another box(the same netbook as im on now with 1gb ram but running ubuntu) with nothing installed14:58
dcajacob05_workThis is a remote machine in Dubai, so that's prob a good idea14:58
Neuromecfhowlett, I've found the resource https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DellBIOS14:59
dcajacob05_workTried a different key server: pgp.mit.edu, same problem15:00
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EriC^^i meant the server as in main > us main server15:01
EriC^^dcajacob05_work: if you don't have a gui, you'd have to sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list , and edit it15:01
dcajacob05_workyou mean the apt server?15:01
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fribdoes anyone here use fluxbox? can't seem to get icons to show up in folders etc.15:03
amanthakurfrib, fluxbox is a light version windows manager15:04
fribamanthakur, ok but icons are possible15:04
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EriC^^frib: did you try enlightenment?15:04
fribEriC^^, no what's that?15:04
amanthakurfrib, i never seen icons in that...15:04
EriC^^it's a lightweight de15:04
gavinguoif there is anyone know how to disable built-in driver using kernel parameters?15:04
fribEriC^^, no ihad icons working before in fluxbox but i think it's because I previously had cinnamon installed before that .. but I don't want to install cinnamon just on a hunch that it might make icons appear in my folders15:05
amanthakurfrib, it just runs the application and uses only right click menu i belive15:05
fribamanthakur, it's not like that15:05
EriC^^frib: what file manager are you using?15:05
fribEriC^^, thunar15:05
EriC^^try to reinstall thunar then15:05
fribEriC^^, ok i'll try15:06
fribi.e. apt-get install --reinstall thunar15:06
EriC^^are you talking about icons in the file manager, or desktop?15:06
fribfile manager15:06
EriC^^ok, did you use sudo15:07
EriC^^sudo apt-get..15:07
fribof course apt-get doesn't run without sudo15:07
getseclectic_i'm having some trouble getting networkmanager to use the right dns when i connect to a vpn, any idea how to debug it?15:07
ubottuTo set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/dns.html15:07
EriC^^frib: so it did reinstall, but no icons15:07
getseclectic_i am not trying to set up a domain name service15:07
fribEriC^^, exactly15:07
fribEriC^^, there are awhole bunch of threads on google which all say basically the same thing which is to create this .gtkrc2.0 file or something but i tried that and it doesn't change anything15:08
getseclectic_setting up bind is easier than getting networkmanager to do what i want :(15:09
fribgetseclectic_, have you tried dnsmasq?15:09
getseclectic_i think networkmanager uses dbus to configure dnsmasq doesn't it?15:09
fribno clue just thought it might give you an idea15:10
getseclectic_ubuntu uses dnsmasq as a local caching dns server by default15:10
getseclectic_which is why resolv.conf just has 127.0.01 in it15:10
friboh ok15:10
getseclectic_but i think networkmanager uses dbus to configure where dnsmasq sends requests to15:11
getseclectic_and i have no idea how to debug that15:11
dcajacob05_workgot the same problem (bad keys) with archive.ubuntu.com (instead of us.ubuntu.com)15:12
getseclectic_i put the dns server i want it to use into the networkmanager config for the vpn, but it doesn't work15:12
fribEriC^^, also exaile doesn't have icons not just thunar .. so what controls icons in programs ?15:12
EriC^^dcajacob05_work: ok, you used us.archive.ubuntu.com though right?15:12
dcajacob05_workEriC^^: that was the original setting15:12
alive4evergetseclectic_: You may find which configuration file dnsmasq use by issuing 'ps aux | grep dnsmasq'15:12
getseclectic_there are multiple dnsmasq processes, one conf file is empty, the other says it is autogenerated and not to edit it15:14
dcajacob05_workEriC^^: this is a pristine install, btw only ssh and vim packages added15:15
getseclectic_it says something about using virsh to edit the configuration but i'm kinda lost15:16
fribfigured it out .. just had to add gnome-settings-manager & to fluxbox startup to get icons in folders15:17
EriC^^dcajacob05_work: when you removed /lists did you remove /lists/partial too ?15:19
dcajacob05_workEriC^^: yes, rm -r and or mv lists15:20
AlexPortableWhere does ubuntu-tweak stores the backgrounds from love hd wallpapers?15:24
AlexPortableI'm running it as sudo15:25
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X^Is it possible to install linux on an external hard drive, such as a USB?15:31
EriC^^X^: yes15:31
Footyno linux wll only install on HDDs with odd number of bits15:31
Footyusb hdds have even numbers of bits15:32
X^EriC^^: how? I can't find the option to install on it15:32
MonkeyDustFooty  try to be helpful and not confuse15:32
FootyMonkeyDust sorry15:32
* X^ is now confused15:32
cfhowlett!behelpful | Footy,15:32
ubottuFooty,: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.15:32
cfhowlettX^, yes you can install to a USB15:32
X^Ok, so I boot, and choose "Install Ubuntu"15:33
EriC^^X^: i've never looked into it, but you could install as any other installation i guess, partition the usb hdd and select the "/" to install15:33
EriC^^( i guess, don't quote me on it )15:33
k1l_yes, load the live system and choose the usb hdd as target15:34
EriC^^X^: also where it says "where to install the boot loader" choose the usb15:34
k1l_yes, but then you need to make sure the system boots from usb first to get to boot into that ubuntu15:35
EriC^^yeah X^ i was assuming you want a standalone installation on the usb15:35
EriC^^( which you can use on other pc's )15:35
AlexPortableWhere does ubuntu-tweak stores the backgrounds from love hd wallpapers? I'm running it as sudo15:36
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  ubuntu-tweak is 3rd party, ask the maintainer https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-tweak-website15:36
X^So what now? https://i.imgur.com/9ltFxpD.jpg15:37
X^"Something else"?15:38
EriC^^X^: yes15:38
zorgborghi all, how much space is recommended for the root partition when manually partitioning free space during installing?15:38
cfhowlettzorgborg, plain vanilla ubuntu runs about 7 GB15:38
X^So now I choose the USB for both the install and the bootloader?15:39
EriC^^zorgborg: ^^^ so you'll want a bit more like 10-14gb, for /var and /usr stuff15:40
zorgborgcfhowlett: so 20 GB is more than enough?15:40
X^"No root filesystem defined"15:40
cfhowlettzorgborg, I'd say so ... remember that 7 GB is without data included ...15:40
zorgborgI'll probably be installing a fair bit in /usr/bin yeah15:40
X^"Please correct this from the partitioning menu"15:41
X^So what do I do now?15:41
zorgborgcfhowlett: without what data?15:41
MonkeyDustX^  define a root filesystem15:41
EriC^^X^: do you see your usb?15:41
cfhowlettzorgborg, YOUR data ... files, docs, vids ...15:41
X^Yeah, I chose the USB for both the install and the bootloader15:41
EriC^^X^: you have to partition it15:42
X^Although I'm running the install from te USB I'm15:42
EriC^^lol, what?15:42
X^I'm running the install from the USB I want to install it on15:42
X^Does that matter?15:42
* EriC^^ rofls15:42
zorgborgcfhowlett: ah ofc, but what if I'm creating a 'separate' home partition?15:42
X^Clearly, yes15:43
cfhowlettzorgborg, I've got ubuntustudio + restricted extras = 11 GB + 4 GB for swap. the rest is my /home15:43
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zorgborgcfhowlett: ok, I'll probs be fine then I guess, annoying that windows 8 won't shrink itself below 230ish GB though (half my drive!)15:48
karab44I don't need ctrl+shift+up,dwn,left,right arrows to switch between workspaces... these are terrible shortcuts15:48
karab44Most of programs uses these shortcuts15:49
karab44but ubuntu prevents from doing it15:49
karab44I always disable shortcuts in settings/keyboard/shortcuts but they always come back! Help15:49
X^EriC^^: and I pick the USB for both install and bootloader?15:53
X^It still says no root filesystem15:54
X^What do I do?15:54
X^Should I make a "New Partition Table"?15:55
k1l_X^: make sure the usb hdd is fully powerd up when you try to boot from it15:55
MonkeyDustX^  from the drop down menu, select / and then specify a mount point (/dev/sda...)15:55
X^There is no /15:56
Trudkoguys anybody have an idea why this happened to my screen (ubuntu 14.04 Radeon 7850 , dual monitor) http://oi61.tinypic.com/334n4ma.jpg15:56
MonkeyDustX^  you have to click and define it15:56
Trudkoit kind of fix its self and I have no idea what triggered it15:56
X^MonkeyDust: https://i.imgur.com/2F6Lxb2.jpg15:58
EriC^^X^: if there's no "free space", you have to make a new partition table, then click on freespace > and partition it15:58
X^Partition it with what options?15:59
Delta706are there quality problems with HDA-Intel sound card?15:59
X^Primary or Logical?15:59
X^Or just leave as defaults EriC^^ ?15:59
anth0nyAt my work, we're setting up a bunch of machines (now and in the future) with Ubuntu Server (probably) and possibly Puppet to configure the machines.  Can anyone recommend a way to automate wiping the machines when they're conntected to the network and then installing our preferred OS configuration and with preferred applications?  I know there is some Ubuntu network installer, but haven't really used it...16:00
X^"Use as" what?16:00
X^EriC^^: what options do I set for the partition?16:01
MonkeyDustX^  minute 24'25" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_trEVXBgLg16:02
MonkeyDustX^  minute 2'25" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_trEVXBgLg16:02
musherwhat do i have to write in xorg.conf for SiS?16:02
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dcajacob05_workEriC^^: I just commented out backports for now, but let me know if you have any other ideas16:03
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EriC^^dcajacob05_work: ok16:04
MonkeyDustX^  so click on a partition you want to use, then click Change (Modify)16:05
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X^MonkeyDust: yep, got it, thanks16:07
X^Yay installing16:08
MonkeyDustX^  partitioning is the hardest part when you learn linux16:08
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X^MonkeyDust: it seems so :P16:08
psilo2In 14.04 Desktop, I can't seem to get network-manager to use the same default ethernet connection.  If I unplug the cable and plug it back in, it cycles to the next connection and uses that.  Is there *anything* I can do to make it default to the most recent connection?16:08
DrMax_how do I restart gnome's keyboard switcher applet?16:09
DrMax_it crashes and keeps returning my windows to one of the locale (obviously, the one I do not want)16:09
MonkeyDustDrMax_  system settings > keyboard layout > layouts ... click on the layout of your choice en then click the up arrow, until it's on top of the list16:12
DrMax_it already is16:12
piyush1911Hi, anyone has any experience in using a kickstart to install a fakeRAID(0) ubuntu 12.04 system, I am having lot of issues in being able to partition and then install the grub, please I need a little help.16:13
DrMax_even selecting from the menu doesn't switch keyboards16:13
DrMax_the toggle short cuts still does, however16:13
DrMax_but if the window looses focus, it reverts to the other keyboard16:13
=== AlphaBeta is now known as PsiOmega
kuldudhow do i boot from cd using hp compaq nc420016:16
=== EriC^^ is now known as eeee
frivI installed tuxonice and now the pm-hibernate command only works 1 time.  how can I get it to work again?16:18
* alive4ever I'm off.16:18
DrMax_kuldud : F2 at boot for boot menu?16:18
kuldudits not working16:19
eeeekuldud: try esc16:20
DrMax_kuldud : it's usually one of F1, F2, F10 or even ESC16:20
kuldudf10 takes me to motherboard16:20
DrMax_if F1 brings you to BIOS, then navigate to boot order16:20
DrMax_it should be there somewhere16:20
DrMax_(then again, I never had this specific model, so...)16:20
kuldudhp compaq nc420016:20
Delta706on some machines, it says press X to go to bios16:21
kuldudok then what16:21
kuldudim in the bios16:21
frivwhy when I run pm-hibernate nothing happens at all?16:22
DrMax_storage -> boot rive ->16:22
DrMax_then select what you want16:22
DrMax_boot drive*16:23
kuldudi dont find storage16:23
musherhow do i kill xserver?16:24
mushersudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop16:24
eeeemusher: pkill X16:24
frivis it easy to unencrypt home folder?16:24
igurddefine easy16:24
frivigurd, takes less than 5 minutes16:25
DrMax_maybe a tools menu ?16:25
DrMax_that's your computer's user manual16:25
DrMax_p.33 "advanced menu"16:25
igurdfriv: as in by someone who doesn't know the password, or when you get bored of encryption? :V16:25
frivigurd, i want to go back to not having an encrypted home folder16:26
kuldudok thx ill try16:26
frivever again16:26
DrMax_kuldud : download it for further reference16:26
DrMax_the manual16:26
DrMax_bbl; gotta eat something16:27
musher@eeee was kicked out of terminal; went back in and tried sudo X -configure; result was fatal server error. Server is already active for display 016:29
kuldudi went to advanced annd then boot options and changed under muiltiboot - USB CD-ROM- FIRST16:30
kuldudboot order^16:30
PeanutHi, I have a machine with 36 disks. Sometimes when I boot, my bootdrive is sda - sometimes, it is sdal or sdak or whatever. What is a stable interface that I can use that if a drive fails, I can go from the device name all the way back to the controller and slot the drive is in?16:30
igurdPeanut: /dev/disk/by-uuid16:31
bazhang!blkid | Peanut16:31
ubottuPeanut: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)16:31
PeanutI'm already using blkid but it is of no help once the drive has failed.16:31
eeeemusher: what do you mean went back in?16:32
musher@eeee strg+alt+f216:33
musher@eeee opened terminal again16:33
PeanutHow would I find the physical slot of a drive that has failed, so I no longer have access to the blkid stored in the filesystems or partition table? How do I at least find out what controller it is on?16:33
musherwas kicked after pkill X16:33
eeeemusher: ah, what are you on ? unity?16:34
musher@eeee yes16:35
eeeemusher: sudo service lightdm stop16:35
musher@eeee okay. terminal says "lightdm stop/waiting" now16:36
kuldudi changed boot order for cd-rom first but it still starts windows 7 from harddrive?16:36
Trudkoguys anybody have an idea why this happened to my screen (ubuntu 14.04 Radeon 7850 , dual monitor) http://oi61.tinypic.com/334n4ma.jpg16:37
eeeemusher: ok16:37
eeeemusher: you're good to go16:37
kuldudwhat the f16:40
fribi deleted the .ecryptfs file in my home folder is that going to have an impact on something?16:40
LinuxGuruzbalder Thanks for that Linus like that was awesome.16:42
darrenrIs it possible for me to network boot my laptop to install ubuntu from a ubuntu 14.04 laptop?16:42
=== twau_ is now known as twau
Peanutdarrenr: if your laptop supports PXE booting, then yes, and it's quite easy.16:42
MonkeyDustdarrenr  sounds like a pxe installation16:42
MonkeyDustPeanut  was faster16:42
darrenrYeah we do them at my work, but htats in the windows world and i dont know how to set up, just how to use it16:43
LinuxGuruzwrong channel but this is that link https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/comp.os.minix/dlNtH7RRrGA/SwRavCzVE7gJ16:43
Peanutdarrenr: However, you might be better of burning the small netbootmini.iso to a USB stick, which is just enough to boot off, and then have the laptop use the network to pull in the OS.16:43
darrenrhow do i check if the laptop supports PXE... check in bios?16:43
LinuxGuruz25 years ago today linux was announced16:43
=== carlos is now known as Guest57886
darrenrI have no USB stick at the moment16:43
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic LinuxGuruz16:43
Peanutdarrenr: Yes, go in the bios, and check if you have an option to 'enable boot rom' for your Ethernet device, is usually under PCI/PCI-E in your bios.16:44
darrenrYEah okay ill take a look at that now16:44
kuldudi used windows image burner to burn ubuntu onto a disk.... and it shows its empty when i connect it to the computer i want to install ubuntu on16:44
darrenri must admit. ubuntu has really impressed me... i used it a few years ago but now ive come back its amazing16:44
darrenrkuldud did you finalies the burn?16:45
jhutchinskuldud: Did windows finalize the disk?16:45
darrenr^^ that16:45
jhutchinskuldud: You also need to make sure it's burning from an image file, not just writing the file to disk.16:46
kuldudi dont see any finalize thing16:46
kuldudthere is a verify option which is enabled16:46
kuldudcan any computer boot from usb?16:48
MonkeyDustkuldud  if the bios allows it16:48
jhutchinskuldud: Newer ones can, I would say pre-2007 might be iffy.16:48
jhutchinskuldud: If you don't have the option you can look for a BIOS update.16:49
kuldudwell mine is hp compaq nc4200 any way for you guys to check?16:49
jhutchinskuldud: Easier for you to.  Check the options in the BIOS or boot menu.16:49
MonkeyDustkuldud  go into the bios settings (f10 or so during boot) and look for the boot order16:49
IanGriffithsI've just installed Ubuntu (clean install) and it won't accept my password. Is there any way of hacking it without reinstalling?16:49
=== PsiOmega is now known as AlphaBeta
kuldudok i found boot order16:49
kuldud(notebook hard drive - second) (USB floppy) Third)16:50
wafflejockkuldud: do you have the flash drive plugged in right now?16:51
kuldudUSB  superdisk fourth USB CD-ROM  first USB HARDDRISK fifth NOTEBOOK Ethernet sixth16:51
sudormrfhey guys, how is support for QHD+ screens coming along in ubuntu?16:51
kuldudno i have cd-rom16:51
darrenrah crap my minibook broke its screen16:51
kuldudit seems to not be booting it tho16:51
darrenrwell i probably broke it16:51
SonikkuAmericaIanGriffiths: Head for recovery, run "dpkg (Repair broken packages)", accept mounting read/write, let dpkg complete, select "root (Drop to root shell prompt)", and run [ passwd $USERNAME ], where $USERNAME is your user name. Then reboot.16:51
kuldudi checked what was in the cd that i burned it shows a bunch of files which is correct16:51
piyush1911Hi, anyone has any experience in using a kickstart to install a fakeRAID(0) ubuntu 12.04 system, I am having lot of issues in being able to partition and then install the grub, please I need a little help.16:52
IanGriffithsSonikkuAmerica: Do I need to boot from a livedisk to enter recovery?16:52
SonikkuAmericaNo. From GRUB select "Advanced options for Ubuntu", then "Ubuntu, with Linux 3.XX.X-X-generic (recovery mode)"16:52
SonikkuAmerica(X represents arbitrary kernel version)16:52
SonikkuAmericaIanGriffiths: ^16:53
wafflejockkuldud: best bet for guaranteeing everything works is to md5sum the download to be sure it matches the md5 sum supplied online for that ISO, then have your burning software do a verification pass, lots of BIOSes allow you to choose a boot device at boot time using another shortcut too (one of the Function(F) keys typically)16:53
post2137kickstart | piyush191116:53
post2137!kickstart | piyush191116:53
ubottupiyush1911: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning16:53
kuldudhow do i do it wafflejock16:54
IanGriffithsSonikkuAmerica: It couldnt download any packages. It didnt give me a chance to connect to a wifi network16:55
sudormrfhey guys, is QHD+ working on 14.04 or no?16:59
MonkeyDustsudormrf  what's qhd?16:59
sudormrfMonkeyDust, very high resolution screens.  3200x180017:00
sudormrfnobody? :D17:03
sudormrflast I read the support wasn't there yet17:03
sudormrfbut that was a while ago17:03
sudormrfand all the threads I am finding are from late 201317:03
Beldarsudormrf, Have some patience.17:03
sudormrfBeldar, yes mr. conehead :D17:04
Beldarwe mean you no harm. ;)17:04
sudormrfconsume mass quantities17:04
Beldaryes, always.17:05
zaltekkI'm no longer able to access NetworkManager unless I run access utilities as root. I get the following error output: http://codepad.org/i3kWw9GX17:06
zaltekkit seems like a dbus permissions issue, but they seem to be configured to the defaults in /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager, with almost everything set to <allow_access>yes</allow_access>17:07
zaltekkany ideas what to look at next?17:07
=== ekaljuk is now known as ebk
prainworkercan some help me for a sek with my camera17:19
expungetime expired =)17:19
SonikkuAmericazaltekk: Alt+F2, type "nm-applet"17:20
zaltekkSonikkuAmerica: uh...17:21
zaltekkit doesn't connect to NetworkManager17:21
SonikkuAmericazaltekk: Oops. And Ouch.17:21
SonikkuAmericazaltekk: This is 14.04?17:21
SonikkuAmericazaltekk: Updated?17:21
zaltekkwith the 14.04 kernel("hwe"17:21
prainworkerwhen connecting my olympus cam ubuntu gets really slow up  to allmost free ! are there any known issues with big sd cards17:23
kuldudi burned ubunto desktop iso file to a cd and im trying to boot it on the old computer17:25
kuldudwhen i put a windows 7 cd it boots through windows 7 when i put ubuntu cd it doesnt17:25
SonikkuAmericakuldud: Did you use Brasero? K3b? Xfburn? Some Windows program?17:25
kuldudwindows program17:26
SonikkuAmericakuldud: Or did you just copy the ISO file to the DVD?17:26
SonikkuAmericakuldud: Which one?17:26
kuldudwindows image burner17:26
kulduddo you have a solution?17:27
th3rtCan anyone tell me the best way to get a diff of two repos that are not in my /etc/apt/sources.list?17:28
SonikkuAmericakuldud: I've had problems with Windows Disc Image Burner in the past, but is there a one-time boot menu you can access when your computer starts up?17:30
musher@kuldud try to change boot order17:30
expungekuldud: is it a DVD or a CD?17:30
kuldudnot really i just press f1217:30
kuldudmaxell dvd+r17:30
lu_Is anyone here familiar with the basics of Upstart?17:31
kuldudso i believe its a dvd17:31
musher@kuldud if u got a usb stick, burn ur image with lili usb creator and change boot order in bios17:33
musher@kuldud never had problems with that way17:33
kuldudmusher my computer is old - hp compaq nc420017:33
kuldudi can try tho17:34
ianorlinthere is plop boot manager if you can only boot off cd and need to boot from usb17:35
KrandoHow can I use Ubuntu?17:35
SonikkuAmerica!details | Krando17:36
ubottuKrando: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)17:36
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang17:37
DJonesKrando: Don't do that17:37
k1l_Krando: what is going on?17:37
KrandoHow can I install Ubuntu 13.04?17:37
lu_Does anyone here know the basics of Upstart?17:37
Krando!ops how to install Ubuntu 13.0417:37
ubottuKrando: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:37
Krando!ops how17:37
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang17:38
dhruvasagarKrando: just download it and install17:38
yanokraiskil: please stop that17:38
ianorlin13.04 is not supported anymore Krando but 14.04 is and same with 12.0417:38
dhruvasagarianorlin: I though .04 versions are supported for ~5yeas17:38
dhruvasagarianorlin: thought*17:38
iceroot_dhruvasagar: not all17:38
SonikkuAmericadhruvasagar: Only $EVEN_NUMBER.04 versions are LTS.17:39
iceroot_dhruvasagar: 6.06, 8.04, 10.04, 12.04 14.04 were lts releases17:39
dhruvasagarSonikkuAmerica: oO, didn't know that, thanks :)17:39
SonikkuAmericaSo 16.04 would be the next LTS.17:39
sarhnaAnyone around to help me with removing ubuntu and installing WinXP?17:40
igurdxp installer should handle removing ubuntu17:40
Exagone313sarhna: else boot to live cd, open gparted, remove all partitions17:40
sarhnaxp installer crashes at "setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration ubuntu"17:40
SonikkuAmericasarhna: Also see ##windows17:41
k1l_sarhna: winxp is not supported anymore. and you can just remove the ubuntu partitions and install a windows-bootloader. its easy as that, but please see the windows support about the winxp issues17:42
sarhnaif i went into ctrl alt t and did a sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda will that give me a response or just go straight into zeroing the drive?17:42
=== kandrew is now known as macsnowball
k1l_sarhna: it will just start17:43
expungesarhna: it won't give you a prompt back until it's done17:43
sarhnaok cool17:43
sarhnaso canceling the window was a bad idea?17:43
expungesarhna: I suggest using bs=1024M or something17:43
expungesomething less than your RAM17:43
expungesarhna: how do you mean?17:43
expungeif you cancelled it before you got a prompt back, it didn't finish17:44
sarhnai mean i ran cmd prompt or whatever you call in in ubuntu, started the zero and then since i didnt think it was working, closed the cmd prompt.17:44
expungethere are some other dd implementations that give progress output, or you can do something like while(true); do kill -USR1 $(pgrep dd); sleep 30s; done17:44
expungesarhna: if you cancelled it before you got a prompt back, it didn't finish17:44
expungesarhna: giving this drive to someone?17:45
sarhnaok one more question about gparted. when i go tot device> create partition table it prompts with a "select new partition type" option.  which one do I choose?17:45
sarhnatrying to install it for wow for my wife.17:46
sarhnaok one more question about gparted. when i go tot device> create partition table it prompts with a "select new partition type" option.  which one do I choose?  msdos?17:46
expungesarhna: trying to install what now?17:47
expungesarhna: you don't need to wipe it with zeros17:47
sarhnathat was a last resort if i couldnt get it to work.17:47
expungethe only reason to wipe an entire drive with zeros is if you are giving a drive that had sensitive data on it to a stranger17:47
expungesarhna: oh, well you can just wipe the beginning, sometimes that is indeed useful17:48
expungesgdisk -Z will wipe the partitions17:48
expungedd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/foo# bs=10M count=100 will wipe just the beginning17:48
mrvadonhello everyone17:48
expungehi mrvadon17:49
sarhnabut in gparted, when i create a partition table, it tells me it will erase all data on disk and asks to select a new partition type17:49
sarhnado i select msdos for that?17:49
sudormrfany word on the QHD+ question?17:50
sudormrfI have been AFK17:50
expungesudormrf: what question?17:50
expungesarhna: you don't need to create a partition for Windows' installer17:50
expungeempty space is enough17:50
sudormrfexpunge, last I read about QHD+ screens was that they weren't fully supported in linux.  This was a while ago and all the threads I am finding are from late 2013.  I am wondering if, ubuntu for example, now supports them.17:51
sarhnai didnt think so either, but the xp install disk hangs at the start, and everyone has told me it has to do with an existing ubuntu install17:51
expungesudormrf: I think things like that are less an issue of "support" and more an issue of configuration expectations17:52
expungesudormrf: for example when the first retina macs came out, it wasn't configured quite right, but did not take like... development of whole new software systems to support it, just slight configuration alterations17:52
sudormrfexpunge, ah.  configuration alterations on whose part?17:53
expungegraphics driver, X, your own17:53
trismsudormrf: if you search instead for high dpi instead of qhd there are quite a few articles about 14.04 support for it (plus a spec for 14.04 on the ubuntu wiki), although the only specific feature I found mentioned was System Settings/Display/Scale for Menu and Title Bars17:53
=== yggdrasi1 is now known as yggdrasil
sudormrftrism, will check17:54
sudormrfexpunge, doesn't seem to be a driver thing, at least in my eyes.  my own?  not sure what that means17:54
bazhang!upstart > lu_17:54
ubottulu_, please see my private message17:54
expungesudormrf: I just got done saying it isn't a driver thing...17:54
lu_bazhang, that is not helpfull because ubuntu does things different17:55
sudormrfexpunge, sorry, confused as when I asked about the alterations you mentioned graphics driver17:55
expungeconfiguration of17:55
bazhanglu_ then ask a detailed question.17:55
sudormrfexpunge, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/02/ubuntu-14-04-high-resolution-retina-screen17:56
sudormrflooks like it is still a WiP17:56
lu_I'm trying to test a simple script with initctl emit testscript17:56
lu_It's not working.17:56
sudormrfas of Feb, anyhow17:56
expungesudormrf: I don't see how it can be, since people are already using it...17:57
sudormrfexpunge, they are using it but certain pieces are not supporting the native resolution of their screen and that is why they have to use scaling.17:57
sudormrfso it works17:57
=== Guest94481 is now known as hxm
=== Brandon_1 is now known as bblindy
lu_bazhang, http://pastebin.com/FKvCp4Zs18:01
bazhangaddress the channel please lu_18:02
lu_bazhang, That is my step by step process, I'm just trying to make a dir to test upstart18:02
lu_bazhang, How do I address the channel?18:02
bazhangby typing in it18:02
lu_channel, http://pastebin.com/FKvCp4Zs18:03
=== Sleepnbum is now known as Guest56391
lu_channel: need some help with making a directory: http://pastebin.com/FKvCp4Zs18:03
lu_bazhang, is that addressing the channel?18:04
treats_I think I disabled swap space on a VM hosting ubuntu when I installed it.  Will this be a problem going forward?  I see a message about swap space when I startup and assume I am loosing a lot of perf because of this.  Any thoughtS?18:04
laserstreats_: You can turn it on (or create a swap file).18:04
lu_Does anyone here know ANYTHING about Upstart?18:05
lu_I'm not interested in the useless links at upstart, they do not address my simple question.18:05
sarhnacould anyone please tell me when im deleting running gparted and need to reformat, which type i need to select to wipe and install XP?18:06
MagicSpuddoes anybody know whether this bug is fixed or not? http://askubuntu.com/questions/513157/unresolvable-problem-error-when-upgrading-from-12-04-to-14-0418:07
lu_sarhna, reformat with a ntfs18:07
sarhnathats not an option in gparted18:07
MagicSpudwell not quite a bug but lack of info18:08
jon-workdoes gvfs-smb exist in 14.04? I can't find the package and I can't seem to mount samba shares anymore18:08
lu_sarhna, try vfat18:08
MagicSpudit doesn't upgrade but telling no reason18:08
lu_sarhna, fat will be recoginized18:08
sarhnaim not sure what you mean? im a complete newb to ubuntu18:08
=== DarkG is now known as TonyL
juan__Hi. I'm having some problems trying to install ubuntu for the first time. I would be very thankful if someone could give me a hand with that.18:08
lu_sarhna, formatting is a little more than a beginners thing.  Be carefull with it.18:09
malkauns_juan__: just ask your specific question18:09
juan__i'm using a live DVD but can't boot18:09
sarhnai dont care about any data, just need to install XP, and remove ubuntu18:09
laserssarhna: Just delete the whole thing. The WindowsXP should find the uninitialized drive and walks you through it. WindowsXP is also outdated, no?18:10
MagicSpud32 or 64 bits¿18:10
sarhnalu, is this like a pm?18:10
sarhnaxp is dated but the only option i have at this time18:10
malkauns_juan__: can't boot the DVD or cant boot after installing18:10
sarhnait hangs at "setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration"18:10
juan__me? x64. I can open the advance booting menu with boot parameters18:10
sarhnawould w7 disc just work better?18:10
juan__but after clicking INSTALL UBUNTU i get a blank screen with a tilting underscore18:11
laserssarhna: Try it and see w/ W7.18:11
juan__and nothing else after that, just the underscore18:11
sarhnaok, do box stores still sell 7? or do i need to order online?18:11
MagicSpudjuan__ which version of ubuntu and what computer?18:11
lu_sarhna, http://askubuntu.com/questions/145812/how-to-make-a-partition-windows-can-read18:12
juan__the latest ubuntu, just downloaded it form the official website18:12
sarhnalu_, thanks! i will give that a shot18:12
lu_sarhna, step carefully!!18:13
MagicSpudjuan__ did you burn the ubuntu iso?18:13
juan__verified the disc too18:13
juan__and the checksum18:13
sarhnai dont care if the drive is cleared. any other warnings other than that?18:13
lu_sarhna, unplug every other drive18:13
sarhnano other drives other than CDROM18:14
lu_sarhna, what was on the internal drive before?18:14
sarhnabefore that it was zero'd18:14
juan__http://puu.sh/b7xRC/0416c10d51.png here are my specs18:14
lu_sarhna, you probably want to erase the entire drive not just partitions.18:15
cpined greetings tech friends.  I have ubuntu as a guest OS.  How can I set things up such that when I browse the internet on the host it goes through the guest?18:15
sarhnazero it again? or is there better way?  i know sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=dev/sda18:15
lu_sarhna, you don't have to do that unless you are trying to secure it18:16
lu_but sdmem would be better for that18:16
sarhnawhats the faster way then?18:16
sarhnajust type that into the cmd prompt?18:16
lu_sarhna, the fast way is to create a partition tables18:17
sarhnawith cparted?18:17
sarhnaerr gparted?18:17
jak3000i want unzip all .gz files but not work mi command: find /var/www/html/calidad/ -name *.gz -exec gunzip -d {} \;      seee please:   http://pastie.org/950182118:17
MagicSpudjuan__ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=212205918:17
lu_sarhna, create a new one, a msdos one18:17
lu_sarhna, yes with gparted18:18
MagicSpudjuan__ there they suggest it was the bios settings18:18
sarhnaok gparted then device > created partition table, then msdos> apply ??18:18
juan__I was thinking about that but I didn't know how to set the BIOS18:19
lu_sarhna, yes18:19
juan__I'll read the thread and get back to you later18:19
MagicSpudjuan__ you need to disable quickboot/fastboot https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:19
sarhnaok ill give that a try, thank you so much for the help18:19
juan__thank you very much for your help18:19
juan__I'll see to that. Thanks to all18:19
MagicSpudjuan__ youre welcome18:19
frojndHi there. Any advanced ubuntuoeres here? I've set up wifi hotspot with kde-nm-connection-editor but I don't know where is the file that tells how many users is connected to the wifi hotstpot. Also I'd like to block some pages and I don't know how all this works since it's gui app? Any help appreciated18:19
sarhnaalso how do i do that thing where it pings the person im trying to talk to and show the name in orange?18:19
lu_sarhna, that will remove all your partions for that drive.  Then create an ntfs partion.  That will help xp understand how to install.18:19
jak3000sarhna any advice?18:19
lu_Upstarts sucks!!!!18:20
MonkeyDustlu_  mind your language, please18:20
lu_MonkeyDust, you mean that I think Upstart sucks Dick!!!???18:21
sarhnaok lu, i rebooted after your advice, and windows install disk gets to "setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration" and then it hangs and reboots PC18:21
sarhnai hit f1 to continue and the cycle repeats18:21
geniisarhna: I had to temporarily remove them for bad language. They may or may not return.18:22
MagicSpud does anybody know whether this lack of info when the upgrade stops is fixed or not? http://askubuntu.com/questions/513157/unresolvable-problem-error-when-upgrading-from-12-04-to-14-0418:22
sarhnagenii, does that mean you will take over for him?18:22
lou_MonkeyDust, hey MonkeyButt!!18:23
sarhnalou dont get kicked out! i need you're help18:23
lou_I'm having fun!! Upstart sucks!!!18:23
sarhnamy XP install still doesnt recognize the partition18:23
lou_sudo gksudo -u lou xchat&18:23
geniilou_: Be civil to other users and watch the profanity.18:24
lou_sarhna, good luck.18:25
fribHI, i tried to install tuxonice to try and fix hibernate but it didn't work and it changed my kernel to something else .. but i don't know how to get it back to the original, can anyone help? thx18:25
geniisarhna: As I understand, you are just trying to wipe everything and install some Windopws version again?18:26
sarhnayeah trying to remove ubuntu and install XP, but it hangs at "setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration"18:27
geniisarhna: This is on the XP install CD?18:27
geniisarhna: So this is more then a Windows installation question rather than an Ubuntu removal question.18:28
geniisarhna: The pre-exisiting filesystem should not matter at all, if it does not recognize it then will usually assume there isn't one and just format ( default Windows install behaviour)18:29
geniisarhna: The "inspecting computer's hardware configuration" stage can be an extremely long time18:29
sarhnagenii, its not taking very long at all, about 10 seconds and then it hangs and immediately reboots the entire system18:30
=== AlphaBeta is now known as PsiOmega
aratwho can help?18:31
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expungearat: various people18:31
geniisarhna: This seems to be some other issue besides partition/filesystem being other than something Windows likes/dislikes. I would seek help in the ##windows channel right now because it is the Windows installer you are experiencing problems with18:32
sarhnayeah, i tried, they are not very helpful over there in ##windows.18:32
geirhaTo be fair, XP is ancient18:33
sarhnaill take it over vista and 8 any day.18:33
aethersishello, is it possible to use some kind of noise cancellation for ubuntu?18:33
fribwhat can I do about this error? Package linux-image-3.13.0-33-generic is not configured yet.18:33
ooelHello Everyone18:35
ooelI have a huge issue with the latest version of apache18:35
ooelit seems like the php do not work anymore18:35
ooelPHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.3 (cli) (built: Jul  7 2014 16:36:58)18:36
ooelany ideas why ?18:36
AlexPortableHow many GB should I reserve for swap and grub?18:38
AlexPortablewhen installing18:38
geniisarhna: If you want the hd to seem to the installer to be fresh without partition or filesystems of any kind, you can boot to an *buntu livecd and wipe the MBR  in terminal with: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1    (might need sudo but livecd should require no password for it)   ... then try the XP install again.18:39
theadminAlexPortable: Swap - around 4GB is more than enough, not sure what you mean by grub.18:39
theadminAlexPortable: A separate /boot is pointless18:39
WizardAlexPortable: Swap - depends on RAM. /boot.. depends on RAID/FS.18:39
sarhna@genii, thank you so much i will try that18:40
AlexPortable2 gb ram, but i will be extending it18:40
AlexPortableFS is dual boot windows/ubuntu18:40
sarhnai tried that command ending at dev/sda and it said there was no dev/sda18:40
arati made a command to extract passwod from webpage, so i want to have a script which loads firewall fules 1, connects to that web page and extracts and writes the password to vpn-auth.file then loads firewall rules 2 and then establishes openvpn connection using that vpn-auth.file18:40
sarhnathe bs=512 and the count=1 will fix it?18:40
AlexPortableWhat is recommended swap size?18:41
JanuszHello. Which is the address for Ubuntu dev?18:41
AlexPortableAlso how do I install lib32-libxml2 on ubuntu?18:41
WizardJanusz: ?18:42
JanuszWizard: irc18:42
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aethersishello, is it possible to use some kind of noise cancellation for ubuntu?18:42
WizardAlexPortable: Current Ubuntu supports debian-style multiarch.18:42
WizardSo it will rather be libxml2:i38618:42
WizardJanusz: #ubuntu-dev or #ubuntu-devel18:43
geniisarhna: No, the dd part is the actual command, the bs=512 count=1 part is just options to the dd command. Do you know how to use pastebin?18:44
AlexPortableWizard: ubuntu says libxml2:i386 is already instlled18:44
geniisarhna: A pastebin of the result of: sudo fdisk -l    ..would be useful to see.18:44
sarhna1 sec18:44
AlexPortablebut office keeps saying it's missing MSXML18:44
WizardAlexPortable: :|18:44
JanuszWizard: Thank You. Let God give You plenty of children.18:44
* genii suspects Dell auto-naming thing in effect18:44
WizardJanusz: NOOOOOOOO.18:44
WizardI hate children :/18:44
genii!hate | Wizard18:45
ubottuWizard: hate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy18:45
roninwhat kind of upload script would be good for uploading big files to a server?18:45
fribmy apt-get is blocked and i cant fix it :( can anyone help? this is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8143048/18:45
Roper_can i disable journaling during install?18:45
sarhnait is a dell18:45
WizardAlexPortable: There is some kind of script which installs all these ms stuff.18:45
WizardMSXML for sure isn't available in repo - sorry.18:45
WizardAlexPortable: winesetup or winepackages.. I don't recall, I keep away from wine.18:46
AlexPortablewhy do you keep away from wine?18:46
WizardBecause it allows running windows software.18:47
WizardAnd that means it allows running some windows viruses.18:47
geniisarhna: Ping me when you have the pastebin output of sudo fdisk -l  please, work requires me for a couple/few minutes18:47
WizardAlexPortable: Why would I need that?18:47
AlexPortablebecause other people give you documetns in .docx format18:47
sarhnai dont know how to ping, ubunut is loading from disk right now18:47
AlexPortableand opening in libreoffice messes up the format18:47
WizardAlexPortable: Oh yeah :)18:47
WizardAlexPortable: I find LyX superior to anything ;D18:48
tirengarfioI a machine with 16GB of memory, since I don't have many opened apps, why Im consuming around 13GB? http://snag.gy/rNVxb.jpg18:48
Wizardtirengarfio: Disk caches?18:49
tirengarfioWizard, sorry, I don't understand18:49
AlexPortableWizard: the partition format in use on your disks normally requries you to create a seperatre partitionfor bootloader code. This paartition should be marked as for use as a 'reserved bios boot area' and should at least be 1 mb in size.'18:50
tirengarfioI mean, what should I check or do?18:50
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AlexPortableWizard: also can windows virusses do any harm in wine/18:52
WizardAlexPortable: It depends. I bet things like Cryptolocker could.18:53
user2_hello, I need your help. Do you know how to install skype because it is not listet in the software center18:53
WizardAlexPortable: I recalled, it is called winetricks.18:53
WizardIt is in repo, afaik.18:53
bazhanguser2_, in the partner repo18:53
bazhang!info skype partner | user2_18:54
ubottuuser2_: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)18:54
user2_I am a kind of cunfused right now. I have used linux mint and it worked out well18:56
bazhanguser2_, enable the partner repo in software sources18:56
user2_When I change to "calaconial partners" nothing is listed. How to ?18:57
sarhna 1 l18:57
bazhanguser2_, apt-get update first18:59
user2_doesn't work19:00
geniisarhna: The original command I gave to you should work, perhaps try it again: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=119:00
user2_I have typed in :" apt - get update"19:01
geniiuser2_: remove the spaces19:01
aethersishello, is it possible to use some kind of noise cancellation for ubuntu?19:01
bazhanguser2_, sudo apt-get update   no spaces19:01
geniiuser2_: No space between apt and - and no space between - and get19:01
user2_It worked out19:02
geniisarhna: Plase also, just use my name and then the message to me in here, the main channel, instead of /msg genii message or /query genii   message just use  genii message19:02
sarhna genii message i tried that and it returns "dd: failed to open 'dev/zero': No such file or directory19:03
user2_what to do now?19:03
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geniisarhna: There is a sloash    there, like:  /dev/zero19:04
wafflejocksarhna: in IRC you can start typing a nick and hit tab to complete19:04
sarhnagenii: oh whoops19:04
geniisarhna: I triple-checked what I wrote and there is no typo on my part, so it must be on your part ;)19:04
sarhnawafflejock: thanks19:04
wafflejocksarhna: np19:04
sarhnagenii: you are correct19:04
geniiwork, afk19:05
juan__i changed the bios settings19:05
juan__but i have some doubts19:05
juan__I found an option in my BIOS about EFI and non EI booting19:06
sarhnagenii: 1+0 records in, 1+0 records out 512 bytes coped, 0.0383789 s, 13.3 kB/s19:06
juan__it said EFI, non EFI and auto19:06
user2_I have done the update, but I still cant find skype in software center19:06
juan__just to make sure, which one is the correct for ubuntu?19:07
user2_is there a way where you can change your computer's name?19:09
geniisarhna: Good. Now go try the Windows install CD again.19:10
sarhnagenii:  ok brb19:10
gr33n7007huser2_, hostname name19:11
Trudkoguys anybody have an idea why this happened to my screen (ubuntu 14.04 Radeon 7850 , dual monitor) http://oi61.tinypic.com/334n4ma.jpg19:11
user2_how to get root access because I can't change without root access19:13
user2_Sorry I am new here19:13
Desuuser2_: sudo -h19:13
Desuuser2_: https://www.edx.org/course/linuxfoundationx/linuxfoundationx-lfs101x-introduction-162119:14
=== lucid1 is now known as Awoken
jiridoHi whats up with sipwitch for latest ubuntu? does anyone know19:15
wafflejockuser2_: Google will answer lots of the simple questions too, just include the ubuntu version you're on so you get relevant results19:16
wafflejockjirido: can you be more specific http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sipwitch&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all ?19:17
sarhnagenii: didnt work, still the same thing crashing before setup starts19:17
peloverderemmina didn't exit cleanly and now when I try to launch it I get "Failed to register: Timeout was reached" which appears to be a gio/gapplication problem. Is there a way I can clear whatever crud it left behind? [14.04 LTS]19:18
quemi mourn my printer, which has worked without any effort from me in all previous versions of ubuntu.19:18
wafflejocksarhna: really sounds like it might be a corrupt install CD, you can try disconnecting the hard drive, usually on laptops there is one or two screws holding the hard drive in the bottom of the case, you'd want to pull the power/battery first then you can pop out the hard drive and see if the CD still fails at the same step19:19
geniisarhna: I would suspect then a corrupted install CD, or else bad hardware of some kind. Your computer should not just spontaneously reboot when the hardware is being probed. If you can boot again to Ubuntu livecd, install the pastebinit application, then issue:  dmesg| pastebinit  ..and give the url please19:19
wafflejockquem: what kind  of printer some of them actually have linux drivers available on their sites19:19
sarhnagenii: im doing it on a desktop, but i just used the install cd on a different pc and it worked fine19:19
sarhnagenii:  oops wrong tell19:20
sarhnawafflejock: iim doing it on a desktop, but i just used the install cd on a different pc and it worked fine19:20
sarhnagenii:  ok booting to the ubuntu cd19:20
wafflejocksarhna: desktop disconnecting the drive is even easier... probably worth a shot to either narrow it down or eliminate that possibility19:20
sarhnawafflejock: but if there is no drive what will it try to install to?19:21
wafflejocksarhna: not to actually install just to see if it's causing the problem19:21
sarhnawafflejock:  ok ill give that a shot19:21
wafflejockif you're doing things to the hard drive in order to make the install disk work but you don't know that the hard drive is causing the problem it might be a red herring19:21
quemwafflejock: it's a samsung ml-1630w, previously i've relied on the printer tool automatically downloading and installing the splix driver, but that doesn't work anymore.19:21
juan__guys, ubuntu usues EFI, UEFI or BIOS?? I've read the forums and the official tutorials but i can't understand that point19:22
geniiwafflejock: This is why I asked to see the dmesg output :)19:22
juan__are BIOS and EFI/UEFI the same?19:22
wafflejockgenii: for sure not saying that's a bad option either19:22
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:23
jiridowafflejock: yes. Im slow. i get you the linkis this some ubuntus repository? becauce we look in gnutelephonys own and there it looks diferent19:23
wafflejockquem: appears they have a driver for linux on the site if all else fails that might do it http://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/product/ML-1630W/XAA?19:24
quemwafflejock: yeah, your answer made me look there and i'm currently trying to make sense out of its tarball. :)19:24
sarhnagenii:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/814335319:25
juan__OK, OK, so uefi is like a new BIOS, so I can't have both in my system right? I need to check which one my pc has19:25
juan__because i think I have a BIOS setting, not EFI nor UEFI19:26
KangaroooBUG! Im recieving all emails about changes in wiki. How to unsubscribe from all wiki pages? HEEEEEEELP! #HELP19:26
wafflejockKangarooo: typically e-mails include an unsubscribe link in the bottom19:27
wafflejockKangarooo: believe it's federal law in the US19:27
frib hi, how can I get to the grub menu at boot time? i tried pressing shift to no avail19:28
wafflejockfrib: you tap shift don't hold it down19:28
wafflejockfrib: some BIOSes will disable a key if it's held down19:28
fribwafflejock, i tried that too :\ but iwill try again19:28
wafflejockfrib: if that doesn't work out19:28
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:28
fribok thanks19:28
wafflejockyou can update the grub config to change the timeout and a few properties then sudo update-grub19:29
unitypunkany reason why i shouldnt upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04?19:29
bazhang!notes | unitypunk19:30
ubottuunitypunk: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Thar) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes19:30
Kangarooowafflejock: this isnt tyoicall thing. this is ubuntu wiki page19:30
unitypunki dont want notes.19:30
unitypunki wanted a human response.19:30
unitypunklike " yeah its great"19:30
unitypunkor " no dont do it it sucks"19:30
bazhangunitypunk, please dont poll here19:31
unitypunkthats why i came to a chat room19:31
unitypunkfull of people19:31
unitypunkthat chat.19:31
unitypunkabout ubuntu19:31
bazhangunitypunk, this is not the place for it19:31
unitypunkwhere is?19:31
bazhangwatch the language unitypunk19:31
unitypunkwhere is the tplace to talk about ubuntu?19:31
unitypunkwhat language?19:31
unitypunki didnt cuss anywhere dude?19:31
grobe0baunitypunk, yes you did19:31
grobe0bayou understand what it stands for, no?19:32
unitypunksorry supernazi19:32
sarhnagenii:  did i do it right?19:32
grobe0baunitypunk, if you want to poll, join #ubuntu-offtopic19:32
grobe0bathis channel is for support19:32
unitypunkbut.. buntu topic.. is ubuntu?19:32
wafflejock!ot unitypunk19:32
wafflejock!ot | unitypunk19:32
ubottuunitypunk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:32
geniisarhna: There's a bunch of warning-type stuff in there but nothing dire that would indicate bad hardware failure like input/output errors, etc. What you could try:    sudo fdisk /dev/sda       .... and hit n  to make new partition. Hit enter key for the defaults of what partition, how big, etc.  Then after it makes the partition:  t  to change the type, and put there 7  as partition type.    Then put  w   to write and exit.19:32
geniisarhna: Then install ntfstools and do: sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sda119:33
geniiwork, afk19:33
sarhnagenii: cant find ntsftools in the ubuntu software app, do i need to look on a website?19:37
bazhangsarhna, ntfs19:38
sarhnabazhang: thats what i meant, typo in chat19:38
geniisarhna: 1 minute19:38
sarhnagenii: no problem19:38
OerHeksmsg ubottu ntfs19:40
OerHeks!info ntfs-3g19:41
ubottuntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read/write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 431 kB, installed size 1521 kB (Only available for linux-any; kfreebsd-any)19:41
OerHeksis part of restricted extra's AFAIK19:41
=== antivAway is now known as antivirtel
kriskropdwhy doesnt elinks store my config in ~/.config/elinks instead of ~/.elinks ?19:42
sarhnagenii:  ok i think i got it rolling, Initializing device with zeroes: 1%19:43
juan__I need some help with the EFI/UEFI problem, please. I have a PC with Windows7 installed and wants to wipe it all to install ubunutu, but I get a blank screen after pressing "install ubuntu" from a live DVD19:44
geniiOerHeks: Thanks, work is needning me a lot right now19:45
juan__I'm pretty sure that it's a bios setting problem, and I've read the forums and tutorials but I still can't make it work19:45
geniisarhna: I will be away for extended periods and then back, etc. Please excuse lag, I'm not ignoring you, just at work and being asked to actually work :)19:45
jhutchinsStabbyMc: Doesn't seem to be working on rhel5: second line of system.auth is auth        required      pam_tally2.so deny=3 onerr=fail unlock_time=1800, failures are logged to /var/log/secure but faillog is empty and user isn't locked out.19:46
sarhnagenii:  no problem at all, i appreciate the help so much.19:46
GasshoHow do I increase volume above 100%?19:47
bryantHola alguien que hable español y me pueda ayudar gracias.19:47
jhutchinsHm, that's interesting, su failure isn't tallying either.19:47
bazhang#ubuntu-es bryant19:47
bryantThanks bro19:48
bazhangtry /join19:50
peloverderemmina didn't exit cleanly and now when I try to launch it I get "Failed to register: Timeout was reached" which appears to be a gio/gapplication problem with dbus registration. Is there a way I can clear whatever crud it left behind? [14.04 LTS]19:51
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mehdi007 hj,h,19:54
mehdi007cv tous le monde19:55
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:55
Gasshoje suis une petit singe avec une penis poilu et je deteste la fromage!19:55
Gasshoje desole19:56
bubbelyis there an xwindows channel20:01
bazhangbubbely, xorg?20:01
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juan__APCI=OFF did the trick20:10
juan__thanks everydoby20:10
kuldudi installed ubuntu onto a dvd and its not booting20:11
kuldudi cannot boot from usb since my bios doesnt support it20:12
aratpm me20:12
arati will help you20:13
dtyleHow would people feel about a mixture of Arch-Ubuntu?20:15
xangua!ot | dtyle20:15
ubottudtyle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:16
wafflejockgone but true20:16
patateshi might be off topic, but important. where to report GNU/Linux GPL violations? kernel.org?20:23
OerHeksi think launchpad20:25
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:25
TJ-patates: GPL Violations Mailing List: http://lists.gpl-violations.org/mailman/listinfo/20:25
TJ-patates: The "legal" list20:25
patatesThanks! TJ-20:26
txxtany tips to have my keyboard on ubuntu just like if I was using my macbook with os x ? thx!20:27
kuldudcan someone help me -ubuntu isnt booting up from cd and i cannot boot from usb since my bios cannot support it ?????!???20:30
OerHekskuldud, how did you create the cd? i guess dvd, as the iso doesn\ t fit anymore20:31
kuldudi burned the image onto a dvd20:31
ianorlinif you need to you may need to check out plop which is a work around on usb20:31
kuldudthe iso*20:31
ianorlindoes your computer read dvds20:32
kuldudi have windows 7 on the same type of dvd but different one and it works fine20:32
kuldudive tried both ubuntu 64 bit and 32 bit20:32
ianorlinalso may want to check the downloaded image20:33
eeeekuldud: did you remove secureboot?20:33
kuldudhow do i do that20:33
ianorlinits windwos 7 so may not have secureboot20:33
OerHekstell us why it does not boot?20:33
eeeekuldud: was your pc originally windows 8 ?20:33
kuldudits a old laptop20:34
kuldudhp compaq nc420020:34
kuldudwindows xp20:34
kuldudbut ive installed windows 720:34
kuldudnow i want ubuntu20:34
eeeekuldud: try using a usb20:34
OerHeksuh oh Intel Pentium M 760 / 2 GHz20:34
OerHeksno PAE error ?20:34
ianorlintry force pae?20:34
kuldudi dont think my bios supports it20:34
kuldudhow do i force pae20:35
OerHekskulud give us full info about the errors you have.20:35
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kuldudok well when i put the cd into the computer it starts i press f12 to boot from cd and it doesnt do anything for a while then it goes to windows 720:36
ianorlinmight be a bad burn20:36
OerHekskulud you can try Xubuntu 12.04, which uses no PAE and is still supported.20:36
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Like2HlpU-Laptophey i went and took a ubuntu20:45
havarkaLike2HlpU-Laptop, good, welocome20:45
=== brad_ is now known as sencha
SienteHello guys, do I still need to compile a new kernel with the current version of ubuntu? I got i7-4770K and gtx 760 with asus maximus vi hero mobo20:47
MonkeyDustSiente  what makes you ask that?20:53
Sientebecause when I've built my new PC back in September 2013 I tried to install Linux, but the version of the kernel was not supporting my hardware20:55
Sienteand I've had to compile, but I didn't want to compile and so on20:55
Sienteand also the kernels were not yet stable releases I guess I am not sure20:55
Sientebut now I want to install Linux20:55
optrustyI installed Ubuntu 14.04 and now my computer is bricked!!!!20:55
optrustyThis is in CSM MODE20:56
MonkeyDustSiente  and how is your question ubuntu related?20:56
trijntjeI have an external drive. I can acces and copy files as a normal user, but not as root. I need to copy files as root because I don't have write permissions on the destination, what is going on that I can copy files but sudo cant?20:56
Sienteis the kernel of Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS supporting my hardware?20:56
trijntjeoptrusty: less caps lock, more details please20:57
MonkeyDustSiente  did you try it with a live dvd or usb?20:57
Sientenot yet20:57
optrustySattilete P855 w/ CSM Mode enabled20:58
MonkeyDustSiente  guess that would be the easiest way to find out20:58
optrustyIt only has 4 partitions I deleted all partitions except EFI the EFI Partition has windows and clover and Ubuntu efi boot files21:00
trijntjewho can tell me whats going on here: http://pastebin.com/sdFyX2wP ? 'cp file here' works, 'sudo cp file here' fails21:00
TJ-Could someone with 14.04 amd64 do an "apt-cache policy libprotobuf8 | pastebinit" please?21:01
optrustytrijntje Can you translate it to english for me plz21:02
eeee( @ TJ- )21:03
trijntjeoptrusty: http://pastebin.com/sYpwUxBE21:03
TJ-eeee: Thanks :)21:03
eeeenp :)21:03
optrustytrijntje Which user did you format from21:04
trijntjeoptrusty: what do you mean format from? That drive was formatted years ago, I dont remember21:04
TJ-eeee: My package manager appears to have its knickers in a serious twist! "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" => "E: The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: field for package libprotobuf8." and http://paste.ubuntu.com/8144139/  !!21:05
optrustytrijntje: Lets ake it easier for you How many users do you if one that means you formatted it from that one21:05
trijntjeoptrusty: I don't understand what you are saying, I've reinstalled ubuntu many times since I formatted that drive21:07
optrustyOk go to Properties21:07
maxviwhat different between ubuntu 14.04 and ubuntu 14.04.1?21:08
optrustyand to the Security tab21:08
eeeeTJ-: yikes21:08
optrustymaxvi: I thing they are a minor update21:08
TJ-trijntje: "f92255f6-7eb0-40b2-aa5b-35efbc7fa60d" is a removable-media file-system we assume, probably not using Unix permissions (FAT32 or NTFS maybe?)21:08
trijntjeTJ-: no, its using ext421:09
maxviso if I install ubutntu 14.04 and update it I will get 14.04.1?21:09
havarkamaxvi, correct21:09
TJ-eeee: Yeah, that's what I said :) I cleared the apt lists/ directory and redid the 'update' but it remains the same; something is very weird21:09
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xanguamaxvi: Point releases are just security updates up to date21:09
eeeeTJ-: try to reinstall libprotobuf8 , won't harm i guess21:10
Trudkoguys anybody have an idea why this happened to my screen (ubuntu 14.04 Radeon 7850 , dual monitor) http://oi61.tinypic.com/334n4ma.jpg21:11
TJ-eeee: It's not installed at all on Kubuntu. I only discovered this when I tried to install CCSM to do some tests for a user last night.21:12
optrustyTrudko: PC?21:12
havarkaTrudko, its $#*#ed up21:13
TJ-Trudko: GPU video RAM corruption, possible overheating21:13
dingusDoes anyone here know a program that will automatically change the mp3 tag for a song title to the file name of the mp3?21:13
TJ-dingus: "mp3rename"21:13
optrustyTrudko: Daul like 2 or more and How many gigs does the GPU have21:14
TJ-dingus: See additional tools in "libid3-tools"21:14
optrusty©optrusty 201421:14
Trudkooptrusty: 1gb , but I have suspicion now21:15
optrustytrudko: Why21:15
TrudkoI guess TJ- might be right because I am running boinc manager on pc and thit set it up much21:15
trijntjewho can tell me what is going on here http://pastebin.com/sYpwUxBE ? 'cp file here' works, but 'sudo cp file here' fails with permission denied. What can cause this?21:15
TJ-trijntje: apparmor profile?21:16
TJ-trijntje: Look in the auth.log21:16
eeeeTJ-: sorry i meant, to try to install it, won't harm i guess, did you check the manifest? maybe it was deleted somehow?21:16
TJ-eeee: Can't install it because there's no Filename: field to show the package-manager where to fetch it from :)21:16
OerHekstrijntje, what does " ls -la /media/trijntje/f92255f6-7eb0-40b2-aa5b-35efbc7fa60d/backup/home/test  " say?21:17
trijntjeOerHeks: -rw-r--r-- 1 trijntje trijntje 39 aug 10 13:02 /media/trijntje/f92255f6-7eb0-40b2-aa5b-35efbc7fa60d/backup/home/test21:18
ariel__hey im ariel im bord21:19
trijntjeTJ-: this is from auth.log, though I cant really see an error: http://pastebin.com/TVcE3rDr21:19
MonkeyDustariel__  switch off your pc, then go out and play21:19
OerHekstrijntje encrypted home?21:20
* eeee just remembered dude wheres my car, (the hot chicks, aliens)21:20
ariel__i cant to much gota do online but its boring me21:20
eeeeariel__: do you want the trans contiuuum transfunctioner ?21:21
trijntjeOerHeks: hmm, half. ..../backup/home is encfs, I'm trying to move my files out of it. Ill try mounting the encfs as root, see if that helps21:21
trijntjeOerHeks: nice, that did the trick21:23
OerHekshave fun21:23
th3hostguys do you know how ti install flux capacitor on ubuntu ?21:23
trijntjeso I guess that is ment to make it harder for root to sneak a peak at a users encrypted files21:23
OerHekstrijntje it should not, indeed21:24
OerHeksls -la  ~/tmp/21:25
TJ-With encfs/ecrypts each user attaches their decryption key to the per-user kernel key-ring, so another user without the key won't be able to access an encrypted FS21:26
cefexhello everyone! I'm getting browser freezes with a few tabs open. what could be wrong?21:27
MonkeyDustcefex  which browser on which system?21:27
cefexMonkeyDust, firefox on 14.0421:27
trijntjeOerHeks: remounting the encfs as sudo solved the problem, I'm copying the files now21:28
MonkeyDustcefex  and what kind of websites? videos sites?21:28
trijntjeTJ-: is that actually secure against a malicious root? Provided it doesn't snoop you typing in the password21:29
cefexMonkeyDust, no, any site.21:29
MonkeyDustcefex  and did it 'work' normally before?21:29
cefexMonkeyDust, I've been having this problem on and off for 2 months now. before it didnt ever happen. I checked my RAM, 16 passes, no errors. I was recommended to apply some wifi-related command, it seemed to work for a few days (no freezes) but then it started again.21:31
cefexthe guy who gave me the wifi command said it could be a wifi power saving issue.21:31
brian1001hi people21:31
brian1001not directly an unbuntu (only) question but does someone here has experience with an indoor Wifi position server / client (linux based)21:32
elichai2can someone please have a look: https://askubuntu.com/questions/514190/how-can-i-prevent-the-wifi-to-auto-disconnects-when-idle thanks!21:32
optrustyCan anyone help me21:32
OerHekselichai2, i remember a setting "for all users" to fix that21:33
MonkeyDustcefex  and not too many additional plugins?21:33
serverhorrorhmm when using the /etc/cron.d/apt stuff is there a setting to only keep 2 or 3 kernels? my disk just went full and I had to actually read the manpage of dpkg again because it was so long I forgot how to remove packages with dpkg when apt won’t do any more....21:33
elichai2OerHeks, nope, the problem is when the laptop get idle the wifi just turned off until i reconnect, and that setting is already set21:33
cefexMonkeyDust, not at all21:35
cefexas a matter of fact, I had more plugins before, and it didnt happen21:36
cefexMonkeyDust, I was advised to reboot after applying this command 'echo iwconfig wlan0 power off | sudo tee /etc/pm/power.d/wireless'  this helped a few days without problem, and now it helps for an hour or two, and then freezes come back21:40
chili555cefex: cat: /etc/pm/power.d/wireless: No such file or directory21:41
Pixel91Hello, can someone please help me with installing a game from an .iso that was intended for windows?21:42
cefexchili555, there is an output at the end?21:43
Pixel91Hello? Anyone? Lil help here?21:43
myjobisgopPixe you choosed incorrect room for your question21:43
BeldarPixel91, Details are needed for help including the game and whether known to work in linux.21:43
Pixel91it's the default from xchat, I'm new to linux, sorry, where should I go?21:43
chili555cefex: on my 14.04 system,there is no such file, so you are creating it from scratch, but how or where does it get referenced and used??21:44
BeldarPixel91, Ubuntu has use of wine and playonlinux for .exe stuff, any of this sound familiar?21:45
chili555cefex: You might look at making some changes to /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/wireless21:45
cefexchili555, I was asked to run  rfkill list, iwconfig and then this command. and reboot21:45
cefexchili555, I have no clue about wireless21:46
chili555cefex: are you trying to get power mgmt off at all times or what?21:46
MonkeyDustcefex  do you have the same issue with a cable, instead of wifi?21:47
cefexMonkeyDust, I havent tried it yet, dont have a cable21:47
MonkeyDustcefex  always have a cable at hand21:48
leotrhi! i want to make customized install usb drive. What is the best way to do it?21:48
Beldarleotr, there are a few multiloaders, yumi for loading from windows this or just a grub install for ubuntu. leotr21:50
juan__i managed to finish the installation process of ubuntu but now i can't boot! I get a black screen21:50
Beldarleotr, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/tag/multiboot/21:50
juan__I used an option called ACPI Workarounds to get the installation process to work21:51
Beldar!nomodeset | juan__ try this boot,21:51
ubottujuan__ try this boot,: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:51
TJ-eeee: Fixed the package list; it was a new script I have processing them that was at fault (I need grub-pc and grub-efi installed at the same time but they're listed as Conflicts, so my script removes those to allow the packages to be installed at the same time)21:52
juan__I have a ati amd radeon hd 645021:52
Beldarjuan__, That link gets you the kernel tweaks info on install, besides the nomodeset option.21:54
cefexxchili555, MonkeyDust, sorry. I had to restart after freeze. as you see, it is impossible to work21:55
juan__I just tried nomodeset, I get a lot of lines like "[      0.293325] ACPI: Added_OSI (Processor Aggregator Device)"21:55
cefexxchili555, checking power mgmt now21:55
juan__and the computer is now still on those lines21:55
chili555cefexx: what are you trying to solve? Freezes?21:55
cefexxchili555, yes21:56
ubottualberto_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:56
MonkeyDustcefexx  somehow get an ethernet cable, so you don't have to worry about wifi21:56
eeeeTJ-: great! :)21:56
cefexxMonkeyDust, I am not on a fixed connection, so cable wont help anyway21:57
MonkeyDustcefexx  every pc has an ethernet connection21:57
cefexxthe other guy had advised to change cpu frequency to 'performance', too..21:58
cefexxMonkeyDust, yes, but I have no internet on  the other end of the cable21:58
cefexxto connect to21:58
jhutchinsMonkeyDust: Not true.21:58
MonkeyDustcefexx  what do you connect to, with wifi?21:58
cefexxMonkeyDust, yes21:59
chili555cefexx: what in the log suggests its related to wireless? It may be, but how do we know?21:59
cefexxchili555, in which log can I see it?22:00
iu08dsAnyone ever used cryptsetup-reencrypt? I started a process that will take 702 hours and I would like to revert to the original :)22:00
sarhnagenii:  still around?22:00
chili555MonkeyDust, many ppl have wireless included as part of rent and no ethernet jack is in the apartment22:00
geniisarhna: Marginally22:00
sarhnagenii:  haha, so that last process is at about 90%. when it finishes so i just try the xp install again?22:01
jhutchinscefexx: I think someone probably thought your wifi was going into power saave mode and gave you a command to disable that, but obviously it wasn't the problem.22:01
geniisarhna: Yep22:01
jhutchinscefexx: What browser are you using?  Have you tried different ones?22:01
sarhnagenii:  ok thanks so much again for the help22:01
geniisarhna: If it does the same reboot thing it's nothing to do with the hard drive or what's on it22:01
jhutchinscefexx: Does it happen every time you open the fourth tab, or just happen to usually have four tabs open when it freezes?22:01
chili555cefexx: in /var/log/syslog but you'll need to scroll back and forth to see the time of the freeze. You might also see if the wireless driver is mentioned in the log22:01
sarhnaok cool, that would make it a install cd problem?22:02
jhutchinscefexx: There also might be info in dmesg after the freeze.22:02
chili555cefexx, cat /var/log/syslog | grep iwlwifi  <---or whatever your wireless driver is, if not iwlwifi22:02
jhutchinscefexx: Is it just the browser that freezes, the whole GUI, or the console as well?22:02
geniisarhna: It can be many problems. The CD itself or the reader would be suspect. The CD might not be for same kind of computer you are trying to install on. The reader might be failing. There may be some BIOS setting which is making it reboot. Etc.22:03
TJ-iu08ds: How large is the block device that is being re-encrypted?22:03
cefexxjhutchins, I'm using firefox. but when the freeze happens, it affects the computer in general. I don't know if it'd happen if I started using another program instead of the browser. after this guy's wifi suggestion, I could amazingly use two browsers with at least 10 tabs together, and I thought it was solved, this was 2 days ago22:04
sarhnagenii:  ok cool, ill give this a shot and then look into other options22:06
cefexxjhutchins, it happens sometimes with even 1 tab22:06
cefexxjhutchins, the cursor freezes, too, or at least becomes very slow to move22:06
chili555cefexx, so you were advised to turn power management off and it seemed to help?22:06
expungehi star22:06
star_pronedoes anyone use a sticky notes app on ubuntu 14.04 with Unity?22:06
expungestar_prone: probably someone does22:06
MonkeyDuststar_prone  try tomboy22:06
ferramentai need to recover some data or a partition, is this the right place to ask for advice ?22:07
MonkeyDust!recover | ferramenta22:07
ubottuferramenta: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:07
LucasTTis it safe to reboot the computer with programs running?22:08
cefexxchili555, I was advised to apply rfkill list, iwconfig and then 'echo iwconfig wlan0 power off | sudo tee /etc/pm/power.d/wireless' and reboot. also set cpufreq to 'performance'22:08
cefexxlike I said, I was freed for about 48 hours after that22:08
star_proneI tried a lot of apps, xfce-notes (I know Unity != xfce but it worked under cinnamon), indicator stickynotes but this doesn't work and the bug I'm experiencing seems to have been reported but never fixed, and so on...22:08
LucasTTand also indicators22:08
ferramentathank you22:08
iu08dsTJ: 6TB22:08
chili555cefexx, right now, is power mgmt on or off? iwconfig22:08
MonkeyDustcefexx  what does your wifi connect to? a router?22:09
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TJ-iu08ds: I hope the coffee pot is large :)22:10
cefexxchili555 I have the output of the command with grep iwlwifi, what should i look for in it22:10
star_proneMonkeyDust: tomboy has a comment which states that the app will not work under Ubuntu 14.0422:11
chili555cefexx: is iwlwifi your wireless driver?22:11
=== MrHeavy_ is now known as MrHeavy
jj995after upgrading from 13.04 to 14.04, pip isn't working right.  e.g. "pip list" ends in an Exception.  How can I fix this? should I apt-get purge python-pip; apt-get install python-pip?22:12
cefexxchili555, I have many lines that have iwlwifi in it, so it seems it is?22:12
jj995here is the exception: http://pastebin.com/HRAUMQWX22:12
erebus^doesnt "make startup disk" work?22:13
chili555cefexx, seems so. Can you paste the output here and give us the link? http://paste.ubuntu.com22:13
erebus^i need to create a bootable sd card for my raspberry pi :(22:14
jj995I'm going to try pip install --upgrade distribute22:14
expungeerebus^: so do it22:14
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erebus^expunge, i cant, "startup disk creator" doesnt work :(22:15
expungeerebus^: I've seen instructions for that before, and you don't need a special app22:16
expungealso, don't frown on the internet unless you want to be mistaken for a little girl22:16
cefexxchili555, sure, it's here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8144637/22:16
ferramentaI was cleaning my computer insides and apparently the cmos battery got disconnected, which made the bios reset. My asus motherboard has two special ports where two disks can connect to make a raid called drive xpert. So, in the motherboard I have 2 disks of 500 gb connected, and before, when every was working fine, this was recognized by the bios as being one 1TB disk. I guess the information is intact but my computer no longer recogni22:16
ferramentazes those two disks as one disk. Will i have problems of having data of same file in both disks. Its nfts file system. The thing is that at the moment i don't have much free space to recover the files.22:16
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chili555cefexx, not a thing remarkable there. I'd wait till there is a freeze, make a note of the time and check /var/log/syslog at that timestamp.22:18
erebus^expunge, its not a special app22:18
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expungeferramenta: you'll need more space eventually anyways, no harm buying more22:18
expungealso, don't use hardware solutions when software can do it22:18
chili555cefexx, is power mgmt on or off right now? iwconfig22:18
expungealso, the likelihood you're using raid correctly is quite low22:18
expungeyou probably want to use jbod or something else22:19
expungeerebus^: hrmm?22:19
cefexxchili555, it is stated as off22:19
chili555cefexx, I suggest you wait for a freeze and check the log after reboot. I don't see anything that points to wireless so far22:20
erebus^expunge, you need to create a bootable disk in order to copy the pi os to a sd card, and to do that you use "startup disk creator", which isnt a special app, its a default program that comes with ubuntu22:21
expungeerebus^: you don't need that22:25
expungeespecially if it doesn't work22:25
OerHeksformatting to FAT32 will do the trick22:25
cefexxchili555, the logs of the interval of freeze refer almost entirely to regular wireless status info, like this updated, that changed..22:26
cefexxas if nothing else was done in the meantime22:27
erebus^OerHeks, yeah, the "noobs" thing probably work22:27
erebus^OerHeks, but i want to run the initial setup via ssh22:28
erebus^OerHeks, but i guess it's an acceptable solution if all else fails22:28
erebus^OerHeks, just hurts me that I need to boot up windows to create linux boots22:29
ferramentathanks expunge22:29
OerHekserebus^, it is an raspberry pi iso, if usb-creator does not do the job, use unetbootin22:30
treatstrying to check what version of ubuntu is loaded up onto a live cd... any sneaky ways?22:30
l_rwhat's the latest version of gcc in ubuntu 14.04?22:30
OerHekstreats look at the date of the files22:30
TJ-!info gcc22:30
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.124ubuntu6)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 41 kB22:31
OerHeks!info gcc22:31
treatsearlier today22:31
TJ-treats: Look at the metadata directory22:31
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expungeyou don't need some mystery app to put a raspberry pi image on an sd card...22:32
cefexxin a 30 min, interval there are only lines referring to wireless logs22:32
expungeit's not an install image, it's a system image22:32
expungeit's already setup22:33
expungeyou just copy it over22:33
erebus^OerHeks, yeah im actually trying unetbootin right now!22:33
expungeerebus^: don't...22:33
TJ-treats: Specifically, look at "/.disk/info"22:33
erebus^it wrote some files, but it doesnt look right22:33
expunge...because it's wrong, read up22:33
expungewhat're you reading that says to use unetbootin for this? I'm guessing nothing22:33
treatsTJ-: thanks!  but it was the wrong version :(22:35
erebus^expunge, dont think i follow you, the raspbian image is a system image, right?22:35
expungeerebus^: it's a whole OS that's already installed22:36
expungeyou don't have to boot it like a live OS22:36
expungeit's not live22:36
expungeit's already installed, you just copy it over22:36
expungeany instructions for using it will tell you this22:37
erebus^expunge, i know its installed, but what do you mean "just copy it over"? its a huge .img file, no good on its own22:37
erebus^needs a boot partition, for one22:37
expungelord in heaven22:37
andrejIs there a list available anywhere that gives me the names of system accounts installed by packages?22:37
expungecat /etc/group22:38
andrejGoogling gives me ways to see installed users (I've been using Linux for 15+ years, I know how to find present users).22:38
andrejI'm trying to build a system that verifies that only permissible users are present on a system22:39
expungeerebus^: you can just use dd, usually, just be careful22:40
expungeandrej: that does what now?22:40
andrejexpunge: it's not about one single system. I'm looking after a fleet of currently ~ 60 ubuntu machines, with varied roles (and hence different accounts)22:41
andrejI need to make sure I find (and remove) users not in my list of permitted users.22:42
andrejOn all of them22:42
expungeandrej: /etc/passwd22:43
andrejYes ... that gives me currently installed users22:43
RedheadedCupcakeCan someone help me with an error I am getting?22:44
andrejI'm looking for a list of users which are (or might be) installed by packages22:44
expungeyou want users that packages you haven't installed yet will setup?22:44
expungearen't those irrelevant if they aren't installed?22:44
expungeRedheadedCupcake: someone can, yup22:44
RedheadedCupcakeexpunge can you? lol22:44
andrejKind of. Someone (either another team member, or an attacker, if a box was had) might create a new account.22:45
expungeRedheadedCupcake: how should I know, you haven't said what your problem is22:45
sarhnagenii: yeah still same problem22:45
andrejI'd like to a) get a notification of that event and b) find out whnce the user came from22:45
expungethat seems a bit like coming at it backwards22:45
andrejRedheadedCupcake : that will depend on the error22:46
expungewhy not look into AIDE or something22:46
andrejAIDE is ok stand-alone, doesn't offer itself for a centralised approach very well22:46
andrejI looked at Samhain, but had no luck with the freebie centralisation in terms of updates, and given ubuntus patch-cycles maintaining this would be a full time job22:47
RedheadedCupcakeexpunge I don't even know what it is. I have a little red icon up top and it says to run the package manager (is it talking about Synaptic PM or what) and the error code is Unknown Error: <class key error> the cache has no package named wine-compholio-i38622:47
expungeandrej: so random people can install things?22:48
andrejA team of 8 people has access22:48
expungeandrej: through sudo?22:48
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andrejnot exactly random - but I need to be able to audit it easily enough22:48
cefexxfor ex. I have 10 tabs and 4 programs open, without problem now22:48
expungeRedheadedCupcake: yeah that's from your netflix thing, was that through a PPA?22:49
RedheadedCupcakeexpunge what is PPA?22:49
teward!ppa > RedheadedCupcake22:49
ubottuRedheadedCupcake, please see my private message22:49
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge22:50
geniisarhna: Yes, so the hard drive or whatever's on it is not the problem. It's something else.22:50
BuZain!ppa > BuZain22:50
ubottuBuZain, please see my private message22:50
expungeholy spam22:50
sarhnagenii:  hmm..i know the xp install disk just worked yesterday for a different pc22:50
RedheadedCupcakeexpunge how do we fix it?22:51
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geniisarhna: If it is an install disc for a specific computer model like say an Acer and you try to install it on another kind of computer like say a Dell, this issue can hapen also. I already said before there are many possibilities what the issue can be.22:52
expungeRedheadedCupcake: you might ask #wine-compholio or #pipelight, even though it's an Ubuntu problem they might know the fix22:52
OerHekssarhna, what is the issue, xp disk does not see hdd?22:52
sarhnagenii:  yeah i think im just going to purchase win722:52
geniisarhna: But we know now that it is not an Ubuntu support issue any longer, but either a Windows install issue, or a hardware issue22:52
sarhnaOerHeks:  yeah it stats to check the systems hardware and then locks up and reboots22:52
expungeif you're trying to install Windows XP on much-later-than-XP-era hardware, that isn't necessarily surprising22:52
expungeyou just going with XP 'cause you had it handy?22:53
sarhnagenii:  well thank you for taking so much time to help me today22:53
OerHekssarhna, maybe you have a SATA hdd, set to AHCI, in the bios22:53
sarhnaOerHeks: would that affect the ability for ubuntu to install? because it did just fine22:54
OerHeksand should be an IDE compatible mode, as XP has no satadrivers onboard22:54
MyWayhello, I'm having some problem with dimensions/resolution, I have to set scaling factor to 0,5, or my windows are too big! I never had this problem before, I'm using an amd 7770hd video card, any idea?22:55
sarhnaOerHeks: it says Sata 0,  bios = this drive is controlled by the AHCI BIOS22:56
CrypticByteQuestions guys and gals, has anyone else had a problem with apps like xchat or hexchat not showing tray icons?22:56
OerHekssarhna, that is fine for ubuntu, not for xp, so choose one of them.22:57
sarhnaOerHeks: im not sure how to change that in the bios22:57
RedheadedCupcakeexpunge thank you i love you22:59
sarhnaOerHeks:  is that option changed in the stat operation settings in bios, i see raid auto/ahci, raid auto/ata, and raid on23:01
OerHeksi think auto/ata23:01
sarhnaOerHeks: changed to that and still wont work.23:01
OerHekssee if you can boot xp cd now, and get to the point partitioning good luck23:01
sarhna"setup is inspecting your computers hardware configuration >>>>crash reboot every time23:02
expungeRedheadedCupcake: what'd I do?23:02
capoderra0I can't seem to move files into a directory that I create. I did sudo mkdir wallpapers. Then when I type sudo mv picture1 /wallpaper it says it's not a directory.23:03
capoderra0Then when I type rm /wallpaper it says "It's a directory".23:04
capoderra0How can it not be a directory and be a directory at the same time?23:04
OerHekscapoderra0, sudo picture mv ~/wallpaper # "~" stands for /home/$user/23:04
capoderra0OerHeks, I'm not moving it into a home folder. I'm actually in the same folder that I'm issuing the commands. Do I have to type the absolute path to use mv?23:05
OerHeksyes, for destination , /home/<you>/wallpaper or use the short ~/wallpaper23:06
OerHeksfor scripting i would use full paths, less chance of mistakes23:07
capoderra0OerHeks, that worked, thanks for the tip23:07
capoderra0Unrelated, but what is the user www-data?23:07
expungeor $HOME23:07
expungebut I prefer to wait for a problem before abandoning something as problematic =)23:08
wafflejockcapoderra0: www-data is used by the apache process23:10
expungeRedheadedCupcake: someone in one of those chans knew what to do?23:10
wafflejockcapoderra0: I actually just found out in here the other day the main apache process runs as root but there are child processes it uses for handling the requests and they are run as www-data23:10
wafflejocksarhna: you try disconnecting the disk too? wasn't around for all the debugging you were trying23:11
sarhnawafflejock: yeah tried taking it all apart still said the same stuff23:14
Yui_can anyone explain me, why  my hard drive is not recognized by the bios after the installation finished and asked me to restart? this is the second time ubuntu does this to me23:15
bao_anyone here work with openstack?23:16
wafflejocksarhna: you don't by chance have any other copies of the XP install disc do you?23:16
anarkhos|2Yui_: it somehow worked with a different operating system?23:16
sarhnawafflejock: nope =(23:16
sarhnawafflejock: but i just used this one on a different pc yesterday and it worked just fine23:17
Farvalinux newb here, I have a teamspeak and game process running on my server and I don't know how to switch to the process. it is not showing up on my screen -r (which my startup script should have made a new screen for automatically)23:17
wafflejocksarhna: yeah just trying to narrow things down as much as possible seems if it still does that without the disc connected then it's borking when probing some other hardware23:17
Yui_yes it had windows before but i decided to change23:18
sarhnawafflejock: ran ubuntu great,just cant install xp23:18
wafflejocksarhna: I would strip it to bare essentials disconnecting any hard drives and just try to run the disc that way you may have to fiddle with BIOS settings to see what stops XP from failing23:18
anarkhos|2Yui_: what's the exact error message?23:18
sarhnawafflejock:  only other thing it could be is the graphics card i suppose23:19
wafflejocksarhna: if XP doesn't find a disk it generally just tells you that23:19
netlarHow do you check the boot logs again?23:19
wafflejock!grub | netlar23:20
ubottunetlar: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:20
sarhnawafflejock:  it just seems like something is killing the install process, because it just cuts really suddenly with no error message or anything23:20
Yui_none, my pc is stuck at the bios unless i disconnect the drive, ubuntu didnt show any error it installed just fine, askmed me to reset and this happened23:20
wafflejocksarhna: yeah if we have no HDD connected though we eliminate the possibility of something Linux changed on the drive or otherwise23:20
wafflejocksarhna: taking out the video card if you have on board is a good idea too23:20
eeeenetlar: /var/log/syslog23:20
wafflejocksarhna: if it works then you can add components one by one to see what is causing the problem23:21
sarhnawafflejock: ive tried with the drive out, ill try with the drive and video card out too23:21
netlareeee: thanks23:21
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Yui_it happened to me like 2 years ago but i thought it was a normal drive failure but happened again now with a new drive23:21
wafflejocknetlar: ah sorry thought that troubleshooting page had it but don't see it there23:22
wafflejockYui_: drives actually typically die early after shipment if they have a problem, that said is this an internal SATA drive or...23:23
Yui_first was an ide drive this is was sata.... im afraid to try again and lose another Hdd23:24
donc3I have a problem with the microphone in my ubuntu 14.0423:26
netlarwafflejock: that is ok, think I found what I am looking for, it is the dmesg23:26
donc3I want to use the micro of the headset, but it only works  the netbook micro23:26
donc3could somebody help me??23:26
wafflejockYui_: never seen or had a problem like that so not sure where to point you, maybe someone else knows23:26
wafflejockYui_: my BIOS is touchy about USB devices but never had problems with the internal drives23:27
wafflejocknetlar: ah k yeah dmesg is generally helpful for the boot up and shut down info23:27
TJ-Yui_: Does the system have UEFI firmware?23:27
netlarwafflejock: Just like to look at that, see if any problems crop up23:27
Yui_no, its an old intel 865G mobo i was trying to make use of it with a new os...23:28
sarhnawafflejock:  so i tried it without the video card or hard drive, and still the same problem.  then i tried it with an old hdd that had xp on it. it went to the loading windows screen then blue screened and crashed out23:29
wafflejocksarhna: with the old HDD in did you try booting off the CD, any difference?23:29
anarkhos|2Yui_: what bios?23:30
sarhnawafflejock: yeah tried booting off the cd and it did the same thing, started loading, blue screen. reboot23:30
Yui_lastest available23:30
wafflejocksarhna: also you might want to try the ubuntu live CD memtest to see if RAM is being finicky perhaps, but I'm about out of ideas on what else to try23:30
anarkhos|2i don't see why BIOS wouldn't recognize the hard drive just because ubuntu is on it23:31
sarhnawafflejock: im willing to try just about anything23:31
anarkhos|2Yui_: have you looked throught the bios settings?23:31
sarhnawafflejock:  but im probably about to just go buy win723:31
anarkhos|2Yui_: how was the drive partitioned?23:31
wafflejocksarhna: yea XP is EOL anyhow and 7 isn't bad23:31
wafflejocksarhna: it is a strange problem though23:31
Yui_i fully formated it and partitioned it with a guide i found, and I  cant get in the bios, the hdd led is always on when trying to boot23:32
TJ-Yui_: If the BIOS Setup storage devices page doesn't show the device, nor the boot-menu config page, I'd suspect the power supply if we assume the drive didn't just die.23:33
TJ-Yui_: This is a SATA drive?23:33
TJ-Yui_: Have you done a complete power off reset (pulled plug from wall) so there's no 5V stand-by even?23:33
FKLinguistaHowdy!  I have a problem with my LO that is actually quite Ubuntu related.  I accidentally caused this error (http://askubuntu.com/questions/302103/font-messed-up)23:34
sarhnawafflejock: yeah i just dont know where to find a box, and dont know who to trust to buy from online for instant download23:34
FKLinguistaBut none of the solutions work enough to get my fonts back to normal in LibreOffice23:34
wafflejocksarhna: can always go through the microsoft site, or Amazon or some other bigger retailer23:34
Yui_yeah i tried that, i can boot with a live dvd if i disconnect the drive...23:35
FKLinguistaThe entire forms of the fonts are messed up. Compare my font in LibreOffice to its PDF render (http://oi58.tinypic.com/2r6cub4.jpg)23:35
sarhnawafflejock:  ive looked on microsoft and it seems they only sell 8 now23:35
anarkhos|2Yui_:  would it be possible to boot a live-cd/-usb, prepare a disk check program, connect the troubled hd and then check it for errors?23:35
anarkhos|2Yui_: no, it would still not be detected...23:35
wafflejocksarhna: yeah probably just marketing that you can get it on Amazon (along with everything else under the sun...23:36
TJ-Yui_: Does the mobo have different sockets for different types of SATA device? Some will have sockets on controllers that can't do ATAPI for example. Some have sockets assigned for fake-RAID configurations23:36
sarhnawafflejock: yeah just only available through hard copy in the mail on amazon, i just dont wanna wait to get this pc running, haha23:36
FKLinguistaAnybody have an idea about my problem?23:37
Yui_it has just 2 sata ports near each other, i can try switching them too....23:37
Yui_I'll try find someome to test it on other pc... thanks anyway for help23:38
TJ-Yui_: It's a long-shot seeing as the drive worked fine during installation, but stranger things have happened23:38
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Yui_ thanks to you all :) bye23:39
anarkhos|2Yui_: bye23:40
wafflejockYui_: good luck23:40
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FKLinguistaCan someone please help me/23:47
popeyFKLinguista: wassup?23:48
FKLinguistaSuffering from this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pango-graphite/+bug/117602223:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1176022 in pango-graphite (Ubuntu) "Pango-graphite changes default UI font in Ubuntu 13.04" [High,Confirmed]23:48
FKLinguistaAll of my fonts are broken23:48
FKLinguista(in most programs except for firefox and a couple others)23:48
FKLinguistaI'm mostly concerned about them being broken in LibreOffice23:48
FKLinguistaI work a lot with non-roman scripts, and tried to see if installing pango-graphite would help the OS support my script (before I knew about the bug)23:49
popeyyou're running 13.04?23:49
FKLinguistaNo wait23:49
FKLinguistaBut the bug affected me, too23:49
OerHeksFKLinguista, best thing to do is to confirm that issue on launchpad23:50
FKLinguistaOk, OerHeks, I will23:50
popeythat bug hasn't been touched23:50
FKLinguistaBut what should I do about my OS?23:50
FKLinguistaDo I have to reinstall Ubuntu to fix it?23:50
FKLinguistaI tried purging the package, and it didn't fix it23:50
FKLinguistaI tried reinstalling every font package and manual font on my system and clearing the font cache23:51
FKLinguistaNothing has worked so far23:51
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popeythe package doesn't look to have changed ever23:51
popeyso likely it's an issue elsewhere23:51
FKLinguistaThere's a side-by-side comparison23:51
popeyoh, thats mint23:52
FKLinguistapopey: I use the MATE desktop23:53
rwwon Mint23:53
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:53
OerHeksFKLinguista, good last comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pango-graphite/+bug/116612523:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1166125 in pango-graphite (Ubuntu) "Broken fonts for Gtk based applications" [Medium,Triaged]23:53
OerHekslibgraphite3 should be removed from any dependencies and from the repos. The replacement (libgraphite2-3, yeh I know it's a funny order) integrates with harfbuzz-ng"23:54
popeyFKLinguista: i just installed the doulos Sil font on ubuntu 14.04 and it looks fine..23:54
popey(in libreoffice writer)23:54
FKLinguistaI had doulos installed before and it wasn't broken23:54
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FKLinguistain attempt to have graphite fonts more supported, I installed both pango-graphite and libgraphite3 to see if it would improve23:54
OerHeksi see libgraphite2-3 installed on my system, see if you still have libgraphite3, even you removed pango-graphite23:55
FKLinguistaI recently purged both packages23:55
OerHeksmaybe put 2-3 back ?23:55
FKLinguistaOerHeks 2-3 was never removed23:55
FKLinguistaI think it must have broken another package23:56
FKLinguistaMaybe there are other packages I have to reinstall23:56

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