
huwshimihatch: Yeah, it'll be nice to move out of the bedroom :)00:01
hatchhaha, yeah - I've been thinking of adding a furnace into my garage and turning it into an office so I can get out of the house....so far that plan has not worked out :)00:02
huwshimihatch: Yeah, it's nice to have a nice separate space. I'll actually have to walk out the front door to go to work now :)00:06
hatchhaha, that'll be nice :)00:07
huwshimiyeah :)00:07
huwshimiok, I'm going to ship this00:15
bachola huwshimi00:20
huwshimibac: Hello!00:20
bachuwshimi: how's it going?  all wintry?00:20
huwshimibac: Not so wintry today: http://www.rosebay.tased.edu.au/webcam/medium.jpg00:21
huwshimi(that's a semi-live shot)00:21
huwshimia little snow left, but 18C today00:21
bachuwshimi: very nice!00:30
bachobart sprint!00:31
hatchhuwshimi:  also, you probably noticed - I added a ton of new cards into Project 1 from lucas qa 00:31
hatchlots of ux'y bits there, some of which can probably be combined00:31
huwshimihatch: Yeah, no problems.00:31
hatchbac, I agree!00:31
hatchhuwshimi:  one comment on review, just doing qa now05:10
huwshimihatch: Ah thanks, I haven't even finished typing up my qa notes!05:10
hatchhaha, ok I'll wait05:11
hatchI just finished this weeks homework so was just about to shut down before I saw your branch :)05:11
huwshimihatch: Just added05:12
huwshiminothing complicated05:12
hatchon it05:14
hatchhuwshimi:  qa issue, posted in the review - I'm not sure what the mockups say about this05:17
huwshimihatch: Are we really doing custom radio buttons!?05:17
hatchhuwshimi:  well we do custom checkboxes...so why not radios!05:17
huwshimiI guess...05:17
hatchthe technique is the same at least :)05:17
hatchhuwshimi:  tbh that's probably low priority, I can ask luca about it in the morning if you like05:18
huwshimiit's ok, it's just potentially a whole lot of work05:18
huwshimihatch: The more menu exists in the mockup for an empty container column05:18
hatchyeah? Kind of odd, no?05:19
urulamamorning all05:19
huwshimiurulama: Morning!05:19
urulamahey there, huwshimi05:19
hatchurulama:  morning!05:19
huwshimihatch: yeah, it doesn't seem ideal05:19
hatchhuwshimi:  ok if that's in the mockups comment as such in the PR then it's gtg05:20
urulamahatch: you still up? :)05:20
hatchurulama:  heh yeah - just finished homework, and saw huw's branch up05:20
hatchlistening to the Chillout channel on di.fm05:21
urulamahatch: :)05:22
huwshimihatch: Thanks a lot for the review05:23
hatchhuwshimi:  np, should be good to land - but someone else should probably review it in the am as well05:23
urulamahatch: that's a mongo class, right?05:24
huwshimiyep np05:24
hatchurulama:  yeah, second week05:25
urulamahatch: ask if you pass it, if you implement proper n-grams :) 05:25
hatchurulama: haha05:26
hatchwell patterns are this coming up week05:26
hatchso we'll see05:26
hatchdoes that link work if you're not logged in?05:26
urulamahatch: no05:27
hatchahh darn05:27
hatchwell yeah, doesn't look like they dig into any advanced querying 05:27
urulamanp, let me know if n-grams pop up in class, please :)05:27
hatchyou bet05:28
hatchso far I'm at 100%05:28
hatchpressure is mounting05:28
hatchI have to now maintain that05:28
* urulama goes hunting for food05:28
* hatch goes hunting for sleep05:29
hatchnight all05:29
rogpeppemornin' all07:35
urulamarogpeppe: morning07:35
rogpeppeurulama: hiya!07:35
urulamarogpeppe: hey. how was your double-weekend (4days)? :D Hope you managed to catch a breath and re-energize 07:57
rogpeppeurulama: good, thanks.07:57
rogpeppeurulama: definitely needed it :-)07:57
urulamarogpeppe: great to hear! 07:58
urulamajujugui: need to jump out for 10min10:28
jcastrourulama, you can post what you mailed me as an answer!11:54
urulamajcastro: done12:05
jrwrenmorning all12:30
jrwrenUpdated: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/77  Needs review, especially rogpeppe.12:31
rogpeppejrwren: cheers, will look12:31
urulamajrwren: morning12:31
jrwrenurulama: good morning12:31
urulamajrwren: how's quickstart going? let me know when you're finished with revision API and quickstart. I've added some cards for the CS search if interested.12:44
jrwrenurulama: quickstart is done. revision is in review, hopefully with not too much left todo12:45
urulamajrwren: good news :)12:45
rogpeppewhile i'm looking at jrwren's branch, here's nice little algorithm problem i came across when writing some tests for the PutMeta stuff. Here's some code: http://play.golang.org/p/1rUf8iNBhq . The challenge is to fill in the body of Reorder. I think it should be trivial, but I haven't quite worked out a nice method yet.12:46
rogpeppeurulama: ^12:46
jrwreni was always terrible at that.12:47
urulamarogpeppe: saved it for the evening :)12:47
urulamacrap. i managed do bork my juju environment.12:50
rogpeppeurulama: how's it borked?12:58
urulamarogpeppe: without any evironments, juju status hangs in the air, have to terminate it. Also, can't destroy environments. strange. I'm on another VM currently, but will have to look what happened13:03
rogpeppeurulama: is this using ec2 or local?13:03
urulamarogpeppe: local13:03
rogpeppeurulama: do you know what you did to bork it?13:04
urulamarogpeppe: i'll do history revision later, will try to reproduce on the new one.13:04
* urulama lunches13:20
kadams54guihelp: looking for reviews on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/50914:03
kadams54hatch: when you have a moment, let's talk about https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/51014:04
hatchsure, gimme a few14:06
urulamarogpeppe, frankban: how do i upload someBundle.zip using /archive API?14:06
rogpeppeurulama: POST to /archive/id14:07
rogpeppeurulama: with an appropriate content hash14:07
urulamanot working. posting mediawiki.zip fails as it expects series, and if series are added, it expects a charm and therefore metadata.yaml14:07
rogpeppeurulama: e.g. /archive/precise/foo?hash=4544f44f33f3f4f4314:08
frankbanurulama: series is "bundle"14:08
rogpeppeoh sorry, i missed that it was a bundle14:08
rogpeppewhat frankban says14:08
urulama{"Message":"cannot read bundle archive: archive file \"bundle.yaml\" not found","Code":""}14:09
urulamabut there is bundles.yaml :)14:09
frankbanurulama: heh, we don't like plural14:10
urulamafrankban: indeed, there shall be only one!14:10
hatchkadams54:  ok wassup? 14:11
hatchdid you make sure you were running on the new version?14:11
rogpeppeurulama: are you expecting it to work with bundles.yaml ?14:11
kadams54hatch: So the problem I ran into I *think* is different from what was fixed earlier…14:11
urulamathe first bundle that i took from LP (mediawiki) has bundles.yaml inside14:11
hatchcan you add steps to reproduce in the PR?14:11
urulamarogpeppe: also all docs reference bundles.yaml not bundle.yaml14:12
hatchwithout steps to a qa issue, the issue is basically useless 14:12
kadams54hatch: It's the same steps you outline for QA.14:12
hatchyeah when I follow those on any os the tokens never leave the UI14:12
kadams54hatch: After I click on deploy, the tokens disappear. Old behavior was that the uncommitted state was removed, but they didn't disappear.14:12
hatchtbh I don't even think it's possible for them to do so 14:13
hatchare you using ec2?14:13
kadams54That's running in Chrome/Ubuntu on a local lxc.14:13
hatchand you're sure you're running my PR?14:13
hatchwhat if you switch to develop? Same?14:13
jcsackettkadams54: i'm doing QA/review on your branch now.14:14
kadams54jcsackett: thanks14:14
kadams54hatch: I'll verify against develop14:14
rogpeppeurulama: unfortunately the recent bundles specification doesn't mention the name of the bundle.yaml file...14:14
jcsacketthatch: i've pushed up my changes to the branch of omg; i think it resolves everything now.14:14
hatchjcsackett:  cool thanks, I'll take a look14:14
rogpeppeurulama: but i'm pretty sure that "bundle.yaml" is correct14:14
rogpeppeurulama: the old format allowed a bundle to actually define several bundles14:14
urulamarogpeppe: this makes old bundles incompatible with new CS14:15
rogpeppeurulama: that's definitely true, yes14:15
rogpeppeurulama: that was a deliberate decision - there are quite a few differences14:15
urulamarogpeppe: aaaaa, ok. 14:16
rogpeppeurulama: we simplified and generalised some aspects of it14:16
hatchjcsackett:  when you get a moment can you also QA #510? kadams54 is reporting a qa issue that shouldn't even be possible :) 14:18
jcsacketthatch: sure, i'll see if i can reproduce.14:19
jcsackettit'll be a few, though.14:19
hatchyeah no rush14:21
hatchjcsackett:  hey you have a real failure in your update14:28
hatchtest failure *14:28
jcsacketthuh. that doesn't come up locally.14:29
jcsackettthat'll be fun to sort.14:29
hatchheh make sure you try test-prod14:30
jcsackettdoesn't make check run that?14:31
jcsackettor does check only do test-debug?14:31
hatchhonestly I have no idea14:33
hatchI run `make lint test-debug test-prod`14:33
hatchI'm sure it does though14:33
hatchI've just noticed some of the test failures come from running under prod lately14:33
* jcsackett nods14:37
jcsacketthatch: seeing if i can reproduce kadams54 qa error on your pr now.14:37
hatchsorry it's got to be on a real env.....but at least lxc is pretty fast :)14:38
hatchjcsackett:  I'm doing my mongo U stuff in an lxc....lovin it, it's not cluttering up my primary machine :) I can't believe I didn't do this workflow before14:38
jcsacketthatch: lxc's are nice. :)14:39
jcsacketthatch: you should also check out vagrant-lxc, which i've heard good things about if you like vagrant.14:39
jcsacketthatch: i can't reproduce his error, but i've found a different one.14:40
jcsacketti'll add notes to the PR.14:40
hatchjcsackett: oh very odd issue14:43
hatchkadams54_:  there's the internet I expect....14:46
kadams54_:-) Not my internet - I walked away while waiting on juju-gui-source to take and forgot to plug my laptop in.14:47
kadams54_Power settings kick in and turn off network after so many minutes of inactivity.14:47
kadams54_I suspect most of my timeouts are due to inactivity/working on my Ubuntu desktop + forgetting to plug in.14:48
hatchohh haha I gotcha14:48
hatchI have this mac mini that's not being used I was thinking of turning into an Ubuntu box....not sure about it though because I love the portability of my laptop14:49
hatchjujugui call in 1014:50
urulamafrankban: i can get bunle into the CS (meaning that charms have been validated), however, /ID/meta/bundles-containing always returns [] 14:54
frankbanurulama: what's ID in that request?14:55
urulamafrankban: so the bundle looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8150598/14:57
urulamafrankban: and id is either mysql or /precise/mysql or even /precise/mysql-014:58
urulamafrankban: and id is either mysql or /precise/mysql or even /precise/mysql-114:58
* hatch pats jcsackett on the back...."It'll be ok....it'll be ok" ;)14:58
frankbanurulama: ok will check after the call14:59
* jcsackett holds up sign at hatch. the sign says "NO"15:00
urulamahatch: did you try to diagnose it yourself?15:09
hatchurulama:  yeah it's a broken thunderbolt port15:10
hatchthey need to run their own diagnosis though, then order a new logic board15:10
hatchthen next week I'll need to take it in again to get it replaced15:10
urulamahatch: nice :)15:10
hatchurulama:  yeah the good news about apple products is that I can go somewhere, sit there while they fix it, then take it home15:11
hatchany pc stuff you have to leave it there for a while and such15:11
hatchor ship away15:11
jrwrenunless they say "we need to keep it."15:11
urulamafrankban: i can get meta on any of the charms in the bundle so all are there15:11
frankbanurulama: and the bundle is there, correct?15:12
urulamait is15:12
hatchjrwren: heh, I made it very clear that I need it to work15:12
urulamafrankban: get on /archive returns a zip15:12
urulamafrankban: with proper content15:12
frankbanurulama: bundle-metadata?15:12
jrwrenhatch: thanks for the tip. I shall remember that next time.15:13
hatchjrwren:  yeah I called last week and booked the appointment for thursday morning so I will wait and they can fix it then return it15:13
hatchif I would have dropped it off then yeah15:13
urulamafrankban: all there15:16
urulamafrankban: {"Services":{"haproxy":{"Charm":"precise/haproxy","NumUnits":1 ... 15:16
urulamafrankban: /v4/precise/haproxy/meta/bundles-containing returns [] though15:17
frankbanurulama: is it empty if you specify any-series=1 and any-revision=1?15:21
urulamafrankban: no, just tried15:21
urulamafrankban: having both =1 returns the bundle15:22
urulamafrankban: two revisions even, which is ok!15:22
urulamafrankban: any-revision=1 must be set to get results. 15:23
frankbanurulama: it should work with just any-revision in theory, if the id is precise/haproxy15:23
urulamafrankban: it does15:24
frankbanurulama: this is because the bundle does not include a full URL15:25
frankbanurulama: services specify unrevisioned charms, so no full URL match succeeds15:26
frankbanurulama: this is the current behavior, we can change this so that the last revision of the charm matches the bundle, but this also mean what's valid today will be no longer tomorrow.15:27
frankbanurulama: generally speaking, I believe those kind of bundles are broken by design ;-)15:27
frankbanurulama: could you please double check passing a bundle with fully qualified charm urls?15:28
urulamafrankban: on it15:28
frankbanurulama: thanks, that bundle should be included in the results without specifying any-revision15:29
urulamafrankban: charm with revision returns the bundle without any-* flags15:30
urulamafrankban: man, this will be PITA to use in real life :) 15:31
urulamafrankban: esp. if bundles will specify "hand-made" charms15:31
frankbanurulama: I am not sure about the real uses of that api call, but if you think there are use cases that can be helped by the different behavior, then we can discuss that and change the spec15:33
frankbanurulama: but there is a cost server side15:34
urulamafrankban: looking from the GUI perspective, if a bundle is "neat", than charm will show it's bundles. but not all of them (when revision is not set), so we need another check if the charm is the latest one, we should not care about revision and show also the bundles with /bundles-containing?any-revision=115:36
frankbanurulama: ok, so the server should check if the current charm is the last revision, and in that case, also include the bundles with revisionless charms. this is doable, would you like to make a card?15:38
frankbanurulama: we can also decide whether this is something we tackle now or later, if the need for this is demonstrated15:39
urulamafrankban: i'll think about it for a sec ... i don't see any problems with it and we do get results consistent with the behaviour of the system15:39
urulamafrankban: for now, i'll just add a comment to the doc15:40
frankbanurulama: sounds good15:40
hatchjcsackett: so your bug that you found in my branch.... does the icon show up on the machine? and not the token? Or just doesn't show up on the token?15:44
hatchAnd you were saying on develop it shows up once you click on the token? Where does it show up on?15:44
urulamafrankban: naaa, it's not ok. any-revision will of course also include all bundles that reference old charms, which should not be shown. 15:46
urulamafrankban: so latest charms should only show bundles that include charms without revision, but not behave as any-revision=115:46
jcsacketthatch: one you commit changes (1 machine with 1 unit on the root container), the machines show up as committed with no units. on develop, once you click on the machine (not the root container), you see the service unit icons.15:47
jcsacketton your branch, when i click tokens, i still see no units.15:48
jcsacketthatch: develop is *also* wrong, i think, but it's less wrong.15:48
hatchyeah - so do the squares show up and no icon?15:48
hatchor just nothing?15:48
hatch(I'm spinning it up atm) 15:48
hatchI THINK the tokens aren't being updated properly and my changes exacerbate the problem 15:49
* rogpeppe grabs a bite to eat15:50
frankbanurulama: IIRC that's what we discussed in London. the behavior of that call should really depend on the goal/where it will be used. the meaning can be either what you propose or "give me all bundles that references (or used to reference) this charm"15:50
jcsacketthatch: nothing shows up.15:51
jrwrenrogpeppe: how generic do you need this? can you use sort.StringSlice or sort.IntSlice instead of sort.Interface ?15:51
jcsacketthatch: no squares, no indication of units at all.15:51
frankbanurulama: I haven't a strong opinion, so if you want I am +1 on changing that15:51
frankbanurulama: so +1 on adding a card. that said, I still feel this is a corner case and we should discourage publishing bundles with revisionless charms15:53
urulamafrankban: let's leave it for now as it is15:55
urulamafrankban: charm-related might need a fix though ... the results contain old revisions of the same charm16:01
urulamafrankban: ah, and that is in both requires and provides ... i'll add a card for that 16:03
frankbanurulama: I am not sure that's an error16:03
frankbanurulama: old revisions of the same charm are still related16:04
urulamafrankban: i'm not sure if i'd like to see such results as user.16:05
frankbanurulama: clients can further filter their results, but they can't if we don't provide them16:05
frankbanurulama: if in the spec we state that the api call "returns all charms that are related to the given charm", then not including old revisions can be condusing from the client perspective16:06
rogpeppejrwren: i want it like i described, because then it's generally applicable16:07
urulamafrankban: ok, it might make sense if i want to se what other revisions of the same charm have this, true. 16:08
frankbanurulama: indeed, we also have a test specifically checking that we return multiple revisions of the same related charm. 16:08
urulamafrankban: added this comment in the doc "We currently return all revisions of the same charm as well. Depending on the ranking of the results, we might add a flag "[&not-self=1]" to filter such results."16:12
urulamaso in case top 10 related charms are just revisions most of the time, we might drop them ... 16:12
frankbanurulama: perhaps only-latest=1?16:13
frankbanurulama: for what charm are you seeing the same charm to be related?16:14
urulamaand apache216:16
urulamafrankban: other charms don't seem to have this, indeed16:16
frankbanurulama: that's because they both require and provide http I guess16:17
urulamafrankban: yes16:17
frankbanurulama: so technically they are related to self16:17
urulamafrankban: and technically it's ok to return themselves :)16:17
frankbanurulama: yeah16:18
frankbanurulama: and I know, relations stuff is horrible ;-)16:19
urulamafrankban: :)16:20
urulamafrankban: as long as we know what to expect and when, all is fine. 16:20
hatchheh parsing relations....oh I remember writing the code for that in the GUI16:21
hatchI hope they don't ever change the rules because I never want to touch that again16:21
rogpeppeit's fine for a charm to both require and provide the same interface. it's a bit like a func(int) int16:22
urulamarogpeppe: sure, it's just a matter what user expects to get from "which are related" ... something we'll measure and correct if needed :)16:22
rogpeppeurulama: yeah. we could just exclude self from the results if necessary.16:23
jcsacketthatch: i've pushed a testfix for my PR, all seems well now if you get time to review.16:28
jcsacketti'm grabbing some lunch16:29
kadams54guihelp: anyone else run into this error when setting juju-gui-source? http://pastie.org/private/syp0svijdtezstyc4t9amg16:41
kadams54I seem to get it pretty frequently and today I can't seem to shake it.16:41
hatchkadams54:  look into the logs to see what the error is16:46
hatchkadams54:  are you trying to change the repo on precise?16:47
hatchjcsackett:  I've found a number of issues around dragging units to newly created machine containers16:55
hatchtbh I'm not entirely sure wth is going on heh16:55
hatchsometimes the image src is just 'src' 16:55
jcsacketthatch: on your branch, or QAing mine?16:55
hatchon develop 16:55
hatchjust switching to my branch now16:56
hatchyou can even get into a place where it'll deploy the service but no units16:56
jcsacketthatch: yeah, unit icons on tokens are kind of a mess.16:56
hatchthen you can't delete the service, ever16:56
hatchthis is a little frustrating 16:56
hatchjcsackett:  ok now I see the issue with my branch vs develop17:01
hatchwhat to do, what to do17:02
frankbanurulama, rogpeppe, guihelp: I need two reviews for https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/81 (charmstore). no rush and thank you!17:03
kadams54hatch: http://pastie.org/private/ipvckjbsobugmfnmaiw - just seems to indicate the git process died with a non-zero exit code.17:07
kadams54I'm changing the repo on trusty.17:07
hatchkadams54:  what did you set the config to?17:08
hatchcan you paste the line?17:08
kadams54hatch: juju set -e local juju-gui juju-gui-source="https://github.com/juju/juju-gui.git develop"17:09
hatchtry `juju set -e local juju-gui juju-gui-source="develop"`17:09
hatchthere might be an issue in specifying the same repo as the default repo17:10
kadams54So re-running `juju set` doesn't seem to do anything. I don't see any more entries in the log files… how do I force a retry/restart and get it out of the error state?17:22
hatchkadams54:  you have to resolve the issue17:23
hatchthen re-set17:23
hatchjuju resolved juju-gui/017:23
hatchjuju set ...17:23
kadams54My juju education continues.17:23
hatchjcsackett:  so I'm proposing that I land my branch as is and then do a follow-up to fix the icons wholesale for the tokens17:24
hatchthey are so broken I really don't know what to do wrt my branch if that's the blocker17:25
jcsacketthatch: works for me.17:30
jcsackettmarking as so on your PR.17:31
hatchsounds good thanks17:33
* rogpeppe is done for the day. finally solved my algorithm problem; i'm still sure there's a nicer solution!17:41
rogpeppeg'night all17:41
hatchnight rogpeppe17:42
hatchgood luck with the algo :)17:42
rogpeppehatch: perhaps you could do better? here's the code: http://play.golang.org/p/paZzZJYZdd17:43
hatchrogpeppe:  what is it supposed to do?17:44
rogpeppehatch: order one slice according to the ordering in another17:47
rogpeppehatch: i tried to make the comments explanatory, but perhaps not well enough :-)17:47
hatchhaha ok I'll take a look if I get some time18:01
kadams54hatch: Finally was able to get a full real env re-test done on #510. I wasn't able to reproduce the original bug, but I did encounter a new one. Since you shipped that PR, not sure where I should report it?18:14
hatchkadams54:  is it caused by my branch?18:14
kadams54Didn't see it on develop18:14
hatchok then yep file it on that PR18:15
hatchpost it on the PR18:15
kadams54hatch: Well, never mind. I can't reproduce it consistently. Only happened once in 5 tries. When I autoplaced a unit and then deployed, it flipped back over to an unplaced unit while waiting for juju-core to ack, then on ack (correctly) became a deployed unit on a deployed machine.18:18
hatchoh that's very odd18:19
hatchthis was on a real env?18:19
* Makyo -> appointment 18:21
kadams54hatch: Yeah, lxc.18:27
hatchkadams54: that's very interesting, I'm not even sure how that's possible tbh18:27
kadams54I'm fine with dropping it for now, since I can't get it to happen more than once.18:28
kadams54Just something to watch out for18:28
kadams54See if it starts happening more18:28
hatchyeah definitely - this mv is a mess18:28
hatchnot anyones fault heh18:28
hatchjust been modified and stuff so often18:28
hatchwe'll have to go back and reorg it afterwards 18:29
kadams54Makyo: (For when you get back) Is PR#508 ready for another look?18:34
=== urulama is now known as urulama-afk
hatchjcsackett: +1'd18:55
hatchkadams54:  do you still need another?18:55
jcsacketthatch: thanks!18:57
jcsackettjujugui: i could use one more review (no qa needed) of https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/50518:57
kadams54hatch: on #509? Nope.19:00
hatchkadams54:  ok then, lets get it shipped :)19:00
kadams54hatch: Yeah, working on changes right now based on the feedback :-)19:01
hatchohhh ok ok19:01
hatchsorry I thought it was done-done19:01
kadams54Hold your horses19:01
kadams54guihelp: I have a question about the bug I'm currently working on. Some places in the UI machine constraints are displayed as CPU/memory/architecture. Other places its CPU/memory/disk. Anyone know which it should be? Disk? Arch? Both?20:03
hatchkadams54:  so...this is an artifact from old juju to new juju20:10
hatchas far as what's correct and what's required20:11
hatchI have no idea20:11
hatchkadams54: probably best to send an email to peeps20:11
hatchcpu-power cpu-cores mem arch tags disk20:13
hatchI think those are all the ones from core20:13
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kadams54hatch: done20:22
hatchkadams54:  great20:30
hatchtags are something to do with MAAS btw20:31
hatchnot sure what though heh20:31
hatchjcsackett:  are you going to rebase and ship your branch?21:15
hatchMakyo:  do you need any reviews or anything for your branch?21:15
Makyohatch, just got back.  Yeah, I think I do21:16
hatchok looking again21:17
hatchMakyo: so is something supposed to happen when I click the button?21:23
hatchI have mysql, wordpress, relation, extra units, extra machines, extra containers21:23
hatchwhen I click the button nothing happens, no errors21:23
MakyoAnything in the ECS should be wiped out.21:24
MakyoConfirming on my end.21:24
hatchand the deployer bar should update, remove all the stuff from the canvas?21:24
hatchyeah, nothing is working... lemme try clearing the cache21:24
hatchMakyo:  yeah can you check locally again? updating develop21:25
hatchbecause the button clicky no worky21:25
jcsacketthatch: i am still waiting for a second review.21:26
hatchI can add it to the PR but I just want to be sure there isn't something totally weird going on heh21:26
Makyohatch, I see what happened.  Will fix that in a second.21:26
MakyoGive me two minutes.21:26
hatchjujugui jcsackett needs one more review (no qa) 21:26
kadams54hatch: I'll take a look21:27
hatchthanks sir21:27
Makyohatch, pushed21:31
hatchok re-testing21:31
kadams54hatch, jcsackett: done with review, looks good.21:31
hatchMakyo:  thanks - all good except one template issue21:33
jcsackettkadams54: cool, thanks.21:34
Makyohatch, yeah, I'm breaking from designs already per kadams54, so it doesn't really make sense there (probably why the designs didn't have it there).  I'll see what I can do, I guess.21:36
hatchMakyo:  I meant the message didn't make any sense 21:36
hatchit's saying things will be committed but it's clearing them21:37
Makyohatch, because you aren't even supposed to be able to clear them at that point.21:37
MakyoThat wasn't in the designs at all.21:37
hatchoh haha - that's where it should be imho21:37
MakyoI added it there when kadams54 brought it up.21:37
hatchhaha gotcha21:37
MakyoYeah, same21:37
MakyoI'll see if I can do something nondestructive.21:38
hatchok cool21:38
hatchmight be worth sending an email to luca/peeps about that21:39
hatchkadams54:  I don't see your timeoff in the calendar, did you put it in hr. ?21:39
jcsackettah man, i synced with upstream and now i have test errors.21:44
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hatchmorning huwshimi23:04
huwshimihatch: If you set a default value for an ATTR on a view it automatically sets that value correct? e.g. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8154026/23:06
huwshimiOr do you have to set it on init?23:06
hatchnope that's correct23:06
huwshimiwell that's no help then :)23:06
hatchlol what's the issue?23:06
huwshimihatch: It's undefined!23:07
hatchcan you show me some code?23:07
hatchlike maybe push up what you're working on23:07
huwshimihatch: Yeah, just pushing it up23:07
hatchhows the new floor? Probably take a couple weeks to be completely cured?23:08
huwshimihatch: I'll head down later and try walking on it :)23:09
hatchhaha, well it should be easily walkable by now23:09
* hatch has poured a few garages and driveways in his day23:09
huwshimihatch: Here it is undefined: https://github.com/huwshimi/juju-gui/compare/toggle-hardware#diff-947e688a9f9e23383a48af542be63bbfR9823:10
hatchhuwshimi:  lol, one sec23:11
hatchhuwshimi:  the machine view panel uses an incorrect syntax for Y.Base.create()23:12
hatchthe ATTRS needs to be in the statics argument, not the prototype :)23:13
hatchwant me to wip up a quick diff for you?23:13
huwshimihatch: Ah, I thought it looked a bit funny there actually23:13
hatch:) yeah so you should probably do that in a separate branch23:14
hatchjust in case it causes issues23:14
hatchit 'shouldn't'23:14
hatchbut...ya know :)23:14
hatchI can review and qa if you want to do it now23:14
huwshimihatch: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/51223:25
hatchon it23:25
hatchhuwshimi:  done!23:27
huwshimihatch: Thankyou, happy for me to shipit?23:28
hatchyup letrrip23:28

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