
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
lordievaderGood morning.06:18
apacheloggerRiddell: did you not clean up staging after 5.1?07:42
apacheloggerwhy was that in staging anyway when it didn't land in next?07:42
valorieI've added a link to our notes to the Bof page07:45
valorieand added a note in the notes about sune vorela wanting to meet with us in the morning07:45
* valorie goes back to watching a very old doctor who ep07:46
Riddellapachelogger: why was what?08:00
apacheloggerRiddell: kf5.1 is in next-staging and I do not compute why08:03
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sgclarkhmmm yeah what is the deal with next, some of the versions are 5.1.0 and some are 5.0.1 and none made it to next ppa08:20
* sgclark is going to need gallons of coffee for this schedule08:21
Riddellhmm I'll take a look08:23
apacheloggersgclark: it's because 5.1 should not have been in next-staging as it never was supposed to go to next and when it was then uploaded to the archive staging didn't get cleared which didn't help either08:42
* apachelogger thinks we might have to get more staging repos soonishy08:42
sgclarkapachelogger: ok, I guess I don't understand why it wouldn't go to next, is it a beta release or something?08:53
apacheloggersgclark: no, because frameworks go to the archive08:55
apacheloggerwell, until release or as long as we get feature freeze exceptions anyway ^^08:55
sgclarkso it needs to go to ninja staging to prep for archive or ?08:57
apacheloggerI do not think we have a PPA were it should have been preped, ninjas would have been more appropriate though08:58
sgclarkOk, my apologies then.08:58
apacheloggernot your fault really08:58
apacheloggermuchos complicated08:58
* apachelogger puts figuring out stage ppas on todo for CP08:59
sgclarkRiddell: apachelogger: any idea why the mix of 5.0.1 and 5.1.0... seems that would bugger up depends...09:00
yofel_sgclark: that should be plasma and kf5, no?09:02
yofel_they don't have matching versions09:02
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sgclarkyofel: yep that is it, thanks09:03
apacheloggeras I said yesterday... good thing upstream decided against year.month versions, that'd have been way too reasonable :P09:05
yofelisn't that going to be used for the applications? :D09:05
apacheloggerkubotu: order jaegermeister for shadeslayer09:06
* kubotu slides a glass of Jägermeister down the bar, shouting 'Jogdzeit is!'.09:06
apacheloggerI really think this used to be different09:06
apachelogger    when "jaegermeister" then09:08
apachelogger      "throws out cough syrup! whoop! whoop!"09:08
apacheloggerit's a good thing the bar plugins has like 300 forks all over the place because I cannot be bothered to use the feature I built to override and add random stuff09:09
shadeslayerRiddell: I am not coming today BTW, feel quite lightheaded and sick :(09:14
Riddellshadeslayer: I did tell you to rest yesterday!09:15
Riddellbut oh no, like the alpha male you are, you came in and did useful things all day long!09:16
shadeslayerYeah :(09:16
shadeslayerShould have listened09:16
shadeslayerDid not get a wink of sleep last night too09:16
Riddellshadeslayer: you can watch the independence debate on bbc iplayer, salmond kicks darling's eyebrows into cedeing to become a new state09:17
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - ¡My eyebrows are going to cede! | https://trello.com/kubuntu
Riddellapachelogger, sgclark: kf5 5.1.0 is not in next ppa because it is in the utopic-release archive09:22
sgclarkright. cleared up thanks09:22
shadeslayerRiddell: mind reserving a bof room for Kubuntu dev days at  Akademy09:22
apacheloggerRiddell: it shouldn't be in next-staging though09:22
apacheloggeras that is staging for next09:23
sgclarkRiddell: apachelogger: safe for me to delete from staging ?09:23
apacheloggersgclark: yeah, be careful though I think there's other stuff lingering in there09:23
apacheloggere.g. I think usbcreator should have a staged build09:23
Riddellshadeslayer: we have one do we not?09:24
Riddellsgclark: yes but there's stuff in staging we want kept09:24
shadeslayerI did not put it on the wiki09:25
Riddellsgclark: extra-cmake-modules that shadeslayer uploaded, although it breaks stuff in /etc09:25
Riddellso maybe delete it if it causes problems09:25
sgclarkRiddell: I also noticed mkspecs are being installed in wrong dir again09:25
shadeslayerI would have fixed it today :(09:25
shadeslayersgclark: ecm again09:26
RiddellI uploaded a plasma-workspace09:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: is ecm in archive or just staging?09:26
sgclarkI am only going to delete 5.1.0 frameworks09:26
Riddellsgclark: right so just delete that extra-cmake-modules09:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: staging09:26
shadeslayerFor full context09:26
apacheloggeryeah, drop it from stage -> bad package  :P09:27
apacheloggertier1 branches should be reverted to building condition with present pkg-kde-tools09:27
shadeslayerRiddell: I am expecting mail today btw09:27
sgclarkRiddell: kde-runtime 4:4.13.97 in next staging?09:30
Riddellsgclark: la la la, delete that09:30
Riddellhttp://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-frameworks-devel/2014-August/018572.html woo kdepimlibs split 30 different ways09:32
kdeuser56shadeslayer: sorry about yesterdays rant ... was not meant to be at you09:32
apacheloggerthy shaltn't rant at my shadeslayer09:33
apacheloggerhe's not well, plus only I get to rant at him09:33
sgclarkshadeslayer: you uploaded a few 5.1.0-0ubuntu2 frameworks, are those needed?09:33
kdeuser56apachelogger: wont happen again, and it was more a rant about ubuntu installer 09:34
shadeslayerkdeuser56: its alright :)09:34
shadeslayerIt is a bug09:34
* apachelogger even knows where the bug is :P09:34
shadeslayerSomeone more knowledgeable needs to look at it09:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh? fix it !09:35
shadeslayerSddm init script ?09:35
shadeslayerThat's the only other place I can think of ?09:35
shadeslayersgclark: nuke em09:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah09:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: it doesn't handle text cmdline IIRC09:36
apacheloggeror well, to put it as usual: it should just replicate what lightdm does09:37
shadeslayerkdeuser56: I will look at it tomorrow then09:40
sgclarkapachelogger: Riddell: ok so next ppa, frameworks in archive don't need to be in next ppa correct?09:41
sgclarkok removing09:41
apacheloggeryeah, plus the version in next is outdated anyway :)09:41
Riddellthey should all be in the archive so you can remove them all from the ppa09:41
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, since you were asking about usbcreator ... they are in next, except usbcreator is currently outdated09:41
apacheloggerfeel free to test the autobuild waiting in staging09:41
apacheloggerif good please move to next09:42
kdeuser56apachelogger: and thanks again for pointing me to the source yesterday, I have modified the patch and it works as expected09:42
kdeuser56apachelogger: I have updated your diff for kcrash framework, but I guess it does not make much sense yet, since drkonqi needs a patch too, right? (the button you can check/uncheck) to report the problem09:43
Riddellapachelogger: even kubuntu-driver-manager is in next?09:44
apacheloggerkdeuser56: yep09:45
apacheloggerRiddell: might be, or maybe that was waiting on qapt/kauth/polkit09:45
kdeuser56apachelogger: which package is that patch in? I'll happily try to apply it to the frameworks package, compile and test09:45
apacheloggerRiddell, sgclark: shouldn't we also nuke plasma5.0.1 from staging?09:46
sgclarkit is in ppa so i am thinking yes09:46
kdeuser56apachelogger: i though kde-runtime since it contains a drkonqi binary but it does not seem like that09:46
apacheloggerkdeuser56: kde-runtime in 4.x, plasma-workspace in 5.x09:46
apacheloggeror maybe plasma-desktop for 5.x09:46
apacheloggerworkspace says dpkg09:46
apacheloggershadeslayer, yofel: when are we moving the patch list page to qa.kubuntu?09:47
kdeuser56apachelogger: ah thanks, i know why i did not find it: because i am still on a saucy box 09:47
kdeuser56i know EOL09:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: someone just needs to set it up09:48
apacheloggernever going to happen then :'<09:48
kdeuser56btw: does someone know an apt-file equivalent that can search source files? (like for exmaple if I wanted to find the package that contains kcrash.cpp)09:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you change the -j'ness of ctest in pkg-kde-tools?09:50
apacheloggereither that or threadweaver has a new test that doesn't like -jN a lot09:50
apacheloggeractually I think the test is crap09:50
Riddellwow our bindings are screwed, smoke all sorts of broken and then the new perl adds to perl's issues09:50
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:50
Riddellall for bindings that nobody much uses :(09:51
* shadeslayer puts on some music09:51
sgclarkRiddell: baloo-widgets5 needs a review when you have a moment09:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAPjTHA19Kw09:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: also I told you to go back to sleep :@09:53
apacheloggerbugsies https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33856809:53
ubottuKDE bug 338568 in general "master test not compatible with ctest -jN" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:53
shadeslayerI am in bed :(09:57
Riddellsgclark: oh yes, what is it you're packaging it for?10:01
Riddellsgclark: are you becoming a test suite maestro? cos that's still mostly black magic to me10:02
sgclarkRiddell: I have been working on packaging some frameworks branches eg kde-baseapps etc and the baloo-widgets we have done is very old.10:02
sgclarkRiddell: yes I am studying the mysteries of autopkgtests10:02
Riddellwell done10:03
Riddellsgclark: I think these packages will need to go into experimental rather than next10:03
Riddellelse apachelogger will get grumpy10:03
sgclarkRiddell: yeah10:03
sgclarkI also had to package a snapshot of kio10:03
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe we should make next-experimental?10:04
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sgclarkThat sounds like a good idea to me10:05
sgclarkpkg-kde-tools 0.15.15 in staging... story on this?10:06
apacheloggerkick it out10:06
sgclarkok staging mostly clean. last bit of stragglers need to be looked out to see if they shoud be there or somewhere else.10:07
sgclarkRiddell: baloo 4:4.13.97 in next? :)10:09
yofelsgclark: if you look at the ppa page, anything that's dark-grey can be deleted10:09
* yofel wonders if we could write a janitor for that10:10
sgclarkyofel: ok ty10:10
Riddellsgclark: um, you can probably delete that10:13
kubotufeed branches-next had 20 updates, showing the latest 610:21
Riddellsgclark: baloo-widgets comments: I tidied up some formatting ↑10:21
Riddell baloo-widgets5 -> rename to baloo-widgets-kf510:21
Riddell why comments in "No tests were found!!! I guess tests are not ready... Uncomment when they are" but then tests are in "testsuite.xsession"10:21
sgclarkRiddell: testsuite.xsession will not get called while it is commented.10:23
Riddellsgclark: so should it not just all be deleted or do you expect it to be used in future?10:23
sgclarkRiddell: I would think tests will be functional in the future... one would hope. Can remove for now to avoid confusion if you like10:24
Riddellsgclark: if it looks like they will be functional in future then great, keep them10:24
sgclarkRiddell: yeah the tests are there and seem to get built but do not seem to be called.. dh_auto_test results in the No tests found10:26
sgclarkRiddell: I can fiddle with it to see if I can manually call them 10:27
Riddellsgclark: leave it for now and I'll ask vishesh what he expects them to do when he wakes up10:28
Riddelldebfx: can you give me a summary of your understanding of the smoke issue?10:38
apacheloggerany thoughts on how to fix the test https://launchpadlibrarian.net/183197397/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-i386.kcoreaddons_5.1.0%2Bgit20140826.0941~9a623f9_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:41
Riddellsend in a crack debugging coder?10:44
apacheloggerrmdir: failed to remove ‘debian/man’: No such file or directory10:50
apachelogger/usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/2/debian-qt-kde.mk:80: recipe for target 'cleanup_manpages' failed10:50
apacheloggerI have a feeling like pkg-kde-tools is still broken 10:50
apacheloggeroh no10:50
apacheloggerthat's ignored10:50
apacheloggerI am a bit surprised by the amount of test fail due to integration issues11:09
apacheloggermakes me doubt the usefulness of running tests to begin with11:10
Riddellapachelogger: kubuntu-driver-manager : Depends: libqapt3 but it is not installable11:36
Riddelldo you know where I can find that?11:36
Riddellapachelogger: nothing in next-staging or staging PPAs with libqapt311:42
apacheloggerRiddell: someone deleted it then11:42
Riddellapachelogger: usb-creator-kde is just as broken in qt5 version with scary dbus errors, did it work for you?11:42
apacheloggerwhich is another problem with how we stage things right now11:42
apacheloggerRiddell: that's from the backend11:42
apacheloggerbut yeah I have seen it last I used it11:43
Riddellso it's pretty much useless :(11:43
Riddellapachelogger: do you know who might have a copy of the missing libqapt3 packaging?11:44
apacheloggerI think launchpad should11:45
debfxRiddell: the c++11 feature definitions in qglobal.h have been shuffled around. now the smokegen preprocessor activates Qt c++11 features but it can't parse them.11:45
debfxfor some reason smokegen thinks "# if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) || __cplusplus >= 201103L" evaluate to true.11:45
apacheloggerRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-staging/+packages?field.name_filter=qapt&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=11:45
debfxthe "|| __cplusplus >= 201103L" part has been added with the latests Qt snapshot.11:45
debfxwithout the debian patch in smokegen it works fine.11:46
Riddelldebfx: you are truely elite11:47
Riddelldebfx: so smokegen_load_system_defines.diff is to blame?11:48
debfxpossibly. at least you only hit the bug when that patch is applied.11:51
debfxI haven't dug deeper than that.11:51
Riddelldebfx: do you know the fallout from removing the patch?11:52
* Riddell lunches11:53
debfxcould break the build on some architectures.11:54
apacheloggerwhat part of the build tooling uses debian/tests?11:55
apacheloggerthe jenkins ruby api is perfectly horrible12:47
* apachelogger shivers12:47
lordievaderIs Project Neon Kubuntu or not? (See the discussion in #kubuntu)12:47
* apachelogger aint in #kubuntu12:48
tsimpsonis that the question, or is the *real* question "do we offer support for it in #kubuntu"?12:49
ikoniatsimpson: more a line of who supports the project provided resources on kde.org12:49
ikoniaspecfically in this case the neon.iso from the kde.org website12:49
ikoniawhere is the best place for a user to get help using/developing against that iso12:49
apacheloggersupport is a strong word there :P12:50
tsimpsoneither #kubuntu or #project-neon I'd say12:51
apacheloggerthere's a neon channel, not that I am in there, so I guess this here channel would be most appropriate12:51
tsimpsonNeon is strongly linked to Kubuntu12:51
apacheloggersure, that's why support is a strong word, you get a support for the base system, you wouldn't for all the neon bits12:51
apacheloggerfor the neon bits one may get *help* if there's a specific question to do with how to use it, but due to the nature of neon one really shouldn't talk about support with regards to it ^^12:52
ikonia#project-neon looks good12:52
ikonianice one12:52
tsimpsonI suppose if no one can help in #kubuntu or here, then it's #project-neon or just #kde12:52
BluesKajnot a whole lot of supporters in #project-neon12:53
tsimpsonbut I don't have a problem with people asking general questions in #k12:53
ikoniatoo late he went12:53
tsimpsonsure, but the question remains :)12:53
tsimpsonif someone's using Neon and has a problem, where it' clear that it's a Neon-specific problem, then they'd get better help elsewhere12:55
ikoniait looks like pointing people wanting to develop against neon/use the kde resources the #project-neon looks like a good starting point12:56
Riddelldpkg -L libqapt2-runtime12:58
ikoniauseful info12:58
apacheloggerRiddell: This would not have happend with Konversation.13:01
Riddellwell feel free to package konversation frameworks branch and put it in the seed13:04
apacheloggerwhy do we need the frameworks?13:04
Riddelljust a nice excuse13:05
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer, yofel: thoughts on jenkins for CP orchestration?13:05
Riddellwhat would jenkins do?13:05
Riddelland which jenkins install?13:05
apacheloggerour own jenkins13:06
apacheloggerit would poll our packaging branches for changes and trigger builds accordingly13:06
apacheloggerpossibly also do daily builds in orderly fashhion13:06
Riddellisn't that what launchpad build receipies should do?13:06
apacheloggerexcept they require bzr for everything, are not dynamic enough as you cannot define arbitrary stuff, have no nice status pages, cannot aggregate tests data (lintian etc.), sometimes take long to build, take forever to build....13:08
Riddelland where would the builds take place?13:09
apacheloggerRiddell: launchpad13:09
Riddellseems interesting13:11
apacheloggerthe way I imagine this right now is that the actual build job would do what our neon builder does right now except jenkins takes over the trigger part... the jobs themselves then get the sources, put them together in a source package, upload to launchpad and then poll launchpad every other minute until the build either fails or succeeds13:11
apacheloggeron success we could then go ahead and grab the build log and tear out lintian data, symbol data and whatnot to make our jenkins job fail accordingly13:11
yofelI'm fine with jenkins for that but I've never configured it so can't help13:18
* apachelogger puts an lxc in another lxc13:19
Riddellapachelogger: libqapt, kubuntu-driver-manager and kubuntu-debug-installer seem to be working, I'll copy to next ppa and seed13:22
Riddellusb-creator I'll just remove from the seed I guess13:22
yofelbroken beyond salvation?13:27
Riddellyofel: dunno but it gives me scary dbus errors and hasn't worked for me for ages13:28
yofeltrue, go ahead13:28
soeesince few days i have a strange issue - not sure if it is keyboard or system problem: for some reason from time to time apps stops to recieve keyboard input, i have to switch to other app than back to previous and all works fine13:34
apacheloggeroh my 13:34
apacheloggerW: Failure trying to run: chroot /var/cache/lxc/utopic/partial-amd64 mount -t proc proc /proc13:34
apacheloggerapparently you mustn't put an LXC in an LXC 13:34
apacheloggerwhat madness is this13:34
yofelif all you need is a container "lxc.aa_profile = unconfined" might help13:35
Riddelllooking at all the gtk3 themes I think orion-gtk-theme is the one that fits in nicest with breeze13:45
* Riddell seeds13:45
apacheloggerRiddell: aren't we getting a breeze theme for 5.1?13:50
Riddellshrug, maybe for qt5, no sign of a gtk2/3 or qt4 one yet that I know of13:52
apacheloggercurious, I thought I saw commits somewhere13:54
Riddellmaybe I've not been following13:54
Riddellbut for now better to go with something than default uglyness13:55
apacheloggerRiddell: should be implemented upstream though? ... setting as default or whatever13:55
apacheloggeryofel: apparently it doesn't care much for that13:55
yofelnot sure then13:56
Riddellapachelogger: um, how?13:57
apacheloggerRiddell: dunno, somehow we set the gtk2 theme, so somehow we should set a gtk3 theme13:57
apacheloggerunless the upstream intention is to have ugly gtk3 in which case we shouldn't really do anything about it downstream13:57
Riddellapachelogger: what makes you think we set a gtk2 theme13:58
apacheloggerwas pitched to me way back when as a feature and why we want to use qtcurve14:00
apacheloggeralas, I personally never have seen it work in neon xD14:00
Riddellright, qtcurve is recommended but nothing sets it for use14:00
apacheloggerRiddell: at any rate, breeze needs an upstream runtime check for the gtk3 theme or something14:00
apacheloggerrandomly picking a theme without also suggesting it as the upstream default pick for gtk3 seems inconsistent14:01
Riddellruntime of what checking for what to do what?14:01
apacheloggercmake runtime dependency check for whatever gtk3 theme upstream wants as gtk3 theme14:01
Riddellwho wants to be the co-contact for plasma5 ISO?  ScottK? shadeslayer?14:02
apacheloggeryofel: http://s3hh.wordpress.com/2014/03/31/nested-lxc/14:03
apacheloggergives me a headache14:03
kdeuser56apachelogger, Riddell: maybe some should write a mail to hugo pinheiro about his intentions regarding the theme situation14:05
Riddelljens would be the dude these days14:05
Riddellnot heard from him in a bit14:05
Riddelland he likes to use forums which is a bit non-hackery14:06
kdeuser56Riddell: yeah but hugo pinheiro implements the theme ... so I think it would better to ask him, because he can tell if the time is enough to patch the gtk themes too14:06
apacheloggerthere's no such person, you are mixing up two names there :P14:07
kdeuser56apachelogger: lol ... sry you are right14:09
Riddellapachelogger: so you see, in #plasma, upstream has no recommendation for gtk3 and is not very sure about gtk214:10
kdeuser56apachelogger: Hugo Pereira Da Costa  ... now I got it14:10
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, so that's a bug :P14:12
Riddellupstream is a bug?14:12
apacheloggerRiddell: not having a theme14:13
apacheloggerlook at it this way, if I install plain kde from source I have shitty gtk14:13
apacheloggerso instead of making it not have shitty gtk in kubuntu we should make it not have shitty gtk upstream14:14
kdeuser56Riddell: I think hpereira on #oxygen channel should be him14:14
apacheloggerwhat with designer involvement and our visual experience being the one from upstream14:14
apacheloggerkio ftbfs :'<14:15
apacheloggermany a new symbols have been had14:16
apachelogger  #MISSING: 5.1.0a+git20140826.1344# _ZN3KIO7CopyJob13aboutToCreateEPNS_3JobERK5QListINS_8CopyInfoEE@Base 4.96.014:19
apacheloggerwhy this aint good now is it14:19
yofelso much for upstream ABI checks14:22
shadeslayerThere are none14:23
shadeslayerSomeone needs to setup abi compliance checker14:24
shadeslayerABI Check as a Service14:25
yofelwell, do that then? AFAIR that has been planned for ages14:25
yofelanyway, someone go complain14:25
apacheloggerit's a good that I started CP testing isn't it :P14:32
yofelwe would've caught that in the usual process anyway, but this has it's nice edge to it14:33
apacheloggeryofel: no we wouldn't14:35
apacheloggerwe would have after kf5 went out14:35
apacheloggerbecause until we got to kio even building it would have taken longer than the embargo :P14:35
yofelwe would have after kf5 tars are out, or does it not have pre-release testing?14:35
apacheloggeryofel: it does, alas a short one I think14:35
yofelhm, right14:36
apacheloggeruh nice, lxc nesting with the cgroup mount stuff works nicely14:37
apacheloggerand lxc-start-ephemeral works as well14:41
Riddellok this is spooky, colin has made the .install files in perlqt be perl scripts14:53
Riddell!testers | beta 1 candidates!15:17
ubottubeta 1 candidates!: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket  for information15:17
lordievaderOehh, fancy :)15:24
BluesKajhope nobody asks me for beta2 Plasma 5 info because I have no clue where it is15:27
sgclarkbeta2 plasma 5?15:28
BluesKajoops beta115:29
sgclarkwasn't that like back in June?15:29
Riddellthat was plasma beta, now we're onto ubuntu betas :)15:29
BluesKajalpha was I think15:29
RiddellBluesKaj: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/15:29
sgclarkOh. I can break from beating my head against autopkgtest and test. Where might I find this ubuntu beta to test?15:30
BluesKajRiddell, the last plasma image from a few days ago was too unstable to run on my laptop/intel graphics...hope this one runs at least15:33
BluesKajand had no power control whatsoever...brightness etc was totally maxed15:35
Riddellright, who has a linkedin account?15:37
Riddellsgclark: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/15:37
Riddellthen report results on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/322/builds15:37
sgclarkRiddell: I have linkedin account15:39
Riddellsgclark: I just set up a kubuntu "company" on it15:48
Riddellsgclark: can you see if you can find it and follow it?15:48
sgclarkyou bet15:48
MichaelPkubuntu 14.10 kde 4.14 plasma 5... after installed plasma 5 power management configuration module not be loaded... The power management service apears not to be running... ..system seetting startup and shutdown.. background services.. says power management is running...  but under power management it is gray out15:50
kdeuser56Riddell: could you change "tester56" to "kdeuser56" in the tester call? 15:51
Riddellkdeuser56: Tm_T if your dude for that sort of thing15:51
RiddellTm_T: ↑15:51
RiddellMichaelP: yes I've come across that, not investigated it yet15:51
RiddellMichaelP: what did you upgrade from?15:52
MichaelPfresh install of 14.10 lastnight15:53
RiddellMichaelP: fresh install of plasma 4 or plasma 5?15:53
Riddellyep, same as I saw15:54
Riddellnow I wonder where we track bugs in plasma5 ISO15:54
Riddellapachelogger: got a policy for that? ↑15:54
RiddellMichaelP: yep, sorry I doubt it'll be fixed for beta 1, but if you want to be super helpful you can test the beta 1 candidates :)15:58
BluesKajRiddell, is that plasma 5 image different than the one from 4 days ago ?15:58
MichaelPRiddell: downloading kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live.... 26-Aug-2014 14:41 right now16:01
MichaelPwas not a plasma image.. was utopic lde live... from 3 weeks ago... then added ppa16:02
RiddellMichaelP: if you can test this and report back on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/322/builds it would be much appreciated :)16:09
MichaelPRiddell: will do16:12
Riddellbah, everyone says hootsuite is a better social media management tool but seems very limited unless you want to pay a tenner a month16:24
nixternalwhat all are you trying to manage Riddell ? hootsuite sucks unless you are some giant corporation, and even then I heard people complain16:25
Riddellnixternal: I want to be able to type an announcement once and it to go out on the facebook page, twitter account, g+ and linkedin 16:27
nixternalahhh, yeah then there isn't much out there that will doo all of those at the same time. then again I haven't really looked into it16:29
nixternalI know with WordPress at least, you can do that, but that's about the only one I know16:29
Riddellnow that would be awesome in the new site16:30
Riddellif someone finishes the new site16:31
sgclarkyeah wordpress your best bet16:31
nixternalWordPress Jetpack does all of that16:32
Riddellovidiu-florin: let's get that! ↑16:38
Riddellok I think I got it set so that hootsuite can post to g+, linkedin and twitter, and twitter posts onto facebook16:48
Riddellnow I need some news to test it all16:48
kdeuser56Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8151581/ when building kcrash17:11
MichaelPRiddell: That link you gave me... I downloaded Kubuntu Plasma 5 i386... burnt to dvd.. booted into desktop... nothing is plasma 5.. looks just as kde 4.1417:11
kdeuser56Riddell: note the "make: *** [debian/dhmk_binary] Error 2"17:11
sgclarkHmm, I am in Live ssession of that dvd and it looks like plasma5 to me17:12
shadeslayerSomehow your DSC disappeared kdeuser56 17:13
sgclarkHowever, unfortunately ythe Power management is broken17:13
MichaelPsgclark: from here http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/322/builds17:13
kdeuser56shadeslayer: ah right damn, thanks a lot17:13
shadeslayerThat seems odd BTW :p17:14
sgclarkMichaelP: yeah17:15
sgclarkMichaelP: did you create a bug report for the Power Management non-functionality?17:15
MichaelPi downloaded Kubuntu Plasma 5 i386 burnt to dvd booted into live session and get kde 4.14.017:16
kdeuser56kded5 is known to cause a lot of headache17:16
sgclarkodd, I am amd64, but that should not make a diff? definitely plasma5 on mine17:17
MichaelPit plasma 5 had no power management problem in 14.10 with kde 4.13... after kde 4.14 is when it started17:17
shadeslayerMichaelP: what makes you say its KDE 4?17:18
MichaelPshadeslayer: im just saying kde 4.14 with plasma5 was when power management problem started for me17:19
MichaelPkde 4.13 with plasma i had no power management problem17:19
MichaelPnow is there a config file to edit by hand to screen don't go black17:21
kdeuser56MichaelP: please make a screenshot and upload that17:22
RiddellMichaelP: only plasma5 bits on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/20140826/utopic-desktop-i386.manifest17:22
RiddellMichaelP: double check the md5sum and then double check you put the right thing on the dvd17:23
RiddellMichaelP: and do you still use dvds? not usb drives?17:23
MichaelPkubuntu plasma 5 only has http and ZSYNC... the other kubuntu kas a few more17:27
RiddellMichaelP: you can still use the others but surely you only need so many ways of downloading the same thing?17:32
Riddellah ScottK, you wake up just in time to fix perlkde :) 17:34
MichaelPZSYNC not downloadable17:35
Riddellgrab the file from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/20140826/17:36
yofelzsync seems to work for me17:36
Riddelllink from iso.qa looks correct too17:38
Riddellok I'm out for the day17:38
MichaelPmd5sum 57e74de3632b925ec195b49763cc771b17:38
MichaelPthat what k3b gives17:39
Riddell1871f401945c9f3c1e108969346cc42b *utopic-desktop-i386.iso17:39
Riddellsays http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/20140826/MD5SUMS17:39
Riddell57e74de3632b925ec195b49763cc771b *utopic-desktop-i386.iso  is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20140826/MD5SUMS17:39
Riddellwhich is also useful to test17:39
Riddellinstall it and report on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/322/builds/76708/testcases17:40
Riddellthanks :)17:40
lordievaderRight, time for beta testing :D18:13
lordievaderI suppose both the regular and the Plasma5 iso's need to be tested?18:15
lordievaderIs it know that the Plasma5 iso miss a install icon on the desktop during a live session?18:35
lordievaderAllrighty ;)18:36
ahoneybunping valorie 20:17
valoriepong ahoneybun22:31

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