
dedAL0salguien latino02:29
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:29
XylimI have a new install of 14.10 going. Video hardware acceleration seems to be fine but OpenGL is reporting to be 1.2 for a game that needs 2.0. Any thoughts?03:17
XylimOops, I have 14.04 not 14.10...03:20
XylimIs there a reason why OpenGL is at version 1.2 on Kubuntu 14.04? Am I missing an optional package?03:43
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BlackDevili want to know some alternative to truecrypt ecryption software ? do you have any idea ?05:40
BlackDevilhi to all guys05:40
BlackDevilno one ?05:40
Unit193BlackDevil: To encrypt files or the whole drive?05:45
BlackDevilUnit193 to make ecrypted container or virtual drive05:46
BlackDevillike truecrypt05:46
BlackDeviland i search something also multiplatform05:46
Unit193!info tc-play05:47
Unit193!info cryptsetup05:47
ubottuPackage tc-play does not exist in trusty05:47
ubottucryptsetup (source: cryptsetup): disk encryption support - startup scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.6.1-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 113 kB, installed size 346 kB (Only available for linux-any)05:47
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory05:47
Unit193!info tcplay05:47
ubottutcplay (source: tcplay): Free and simple TrueCrypt Implementation based on dm-crypt. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (trusty), package size 40 kB, installed size 123 kB (Only available for linux-any)05:47
rostamHI I want to create a local repo of some debian packages with their dependencies what tool would be the best and easiest to do this task? thanks06:04
valoriehmmm, there is a way to make some local repos06:07
Unit193I'm lazy and use mini-dinstall, but there's also reprepro.06:07
lordievaderGood morning.06:18
lordievadervalorie: Reprepro is nice :)06:18
valorieI will such things to those who need them06:18
valorieI mean, leave such things06:19
valorie!info reprepro06:19
ubottureprepro (source: reprepro): Debian package repository producer. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.13.1-1build1 (trusty), package size 452 kB, installed size 1094 kB06:19
lordievaderAh, rostam was the asker... +1 for reprepro ;)06:19
lordievaderLets see if I can find that guide about signed repo's.06:20
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:20
lordievaderrostam: http://blog.jonliv.es/2011/04/26/creating-your-own-signed-apt-repository-and-debian-packages/06:23
lordievaderSigned repo gets rid of annoying 'this repo is untrusted' errors.06:24
rostamthank your for the help. I am planning to use info to create a personalized  debian repo.  the repo will be accessed from a remote site through apt-get command.06:33
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ropeistI have a question about Skype 4.3 (repository version).09:02
ropeistI'm using Kubuntu 14.04.1 on two notebooks. The first one is a workstation with the 64bit version, the other one is a less powerful netbook with the 32bit version.09:02
ropeistOn the 32bit installation, Skype looks just fine, well integrated with KDE by it's oxygen looks.09:02
ropeistHowever, the 64bit installation is not that nice. That is also the case for normal Ubuntu installations, and users are recommended to install gtk2-engines-murrine:i386 gtk2-engines-pixbuf:i386. That makes Skype look prettier, however, it's still not as nice as the 32bit OS version, it does not look like a native Qt application.09:02
ropeistDoes anyone have a suggestion this? I suppose I need to install some GUI libs' 32bit version besides the 64bit ones.09:02
unopasteropeist you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted09:02
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BluesKaj'Morning folks09:50
OssidoGood morning BluesKaj09:52
OssidoI have found a workaround for my problem with gtk fonts, which was actually the composition of two different problems, it seems09:53
BluesKaj'Morning Ossido09:53
Ossidofor starters, if I set the theme to oxygen-gtk, I can't change the font, which is set to Ubuntu 909:54
Ossidobut if the theme is Oxygen-Molecule, then it obeys the settings09:54
Ossidoon top of this, there seems to be a problem in the way the fonts are rendered, but only in some applications (not Firefox, for example)09:55
hateballTime to ditch non-qt apps! ;D09:55
Ossidoso that all fonts show up more or less randomly as one of four options (that look like Free mono, Free Sans, Free Serif and some variations of boldness and italics)09:56
Ossidoas a temporary workaround, I have set up a font that looks good and also shows up as a different but not hideous font in the faulty programs09:56
Ossidobut there is something wrong in all this09:57
hateballOssido: have you tried livebooting 14.04? I find it strange that I have things by default that you could not even install09:58
hateballjust to check if things like kde-config-gtk etc are on the liveboot09:58
BluesKajsounds like you received a partial install of the fonts, qt and gtk09:58
Ossidowhat could I do about it?09:59
BluesKajalmost as if you upgraded the OS without upgrading the packages first10:00
Ossidobut I did10:00
BluesKajso it's too late now10:00
Ossidothe upgrade was plagued by a problem with one of the latex packages, though10:01
BluesKajyou may have updated , but forgot to upgrade and dist-upgrade , a common mistake10:01
OssidoI did everything from muon10:02
Ossidofirst upgraded the packages10:02
Ossidothen clicked on the notice that offered the installation of the 14.0410:03
Ossidodo you think I should purge some part of the gtk/fonts and reinstall it, BluesKaj?10:05
MoonUnit`nasty DMA problem it your using ubuntu kernels 3.16 and 3.17, alloc_contig_range kernel errors.10:07
MoonUnit`hopefully cma=0 in grub will solve it for now, it's been plaguing in for ages.10:07
Ossidoin any case, forgetting the fonts for now. The wireless connection sometimes forgets to auto-connect to my home wifi10:08
Ossidobut this is a bit random10:08
OssidoI have set it to autoconnect, but it does so only some times10:09
BluesKaji have never trusted a package manager to upgrade my OS since 2006, when adept messed things up .. Ossido personally I would back all my data to another drive if possible and do a toyal clean install ..think you will continue to have problems otherwise10:09
Ossidowell, I suspect you are right, but I won't do it now10:09
OssidoI need my computer tomorrow for work, and I'll do this only with the guidance of somebody who knows better than me10:10
Ossidoone thing. How do I export all my settings and preferences to a clean install?10:11
BluesKajOssido, and create a / and /home partitions before installing cleam10:11
BluesKajerr clean10:11
OssidoI've always found that kde lacks a good tool to export settings10:11
BluesKajwhenever you have the time of course10:12
Ossidocan I just brutally copy my ~/.conf, ~/.kde and such, and paste them on a clean install?10:12
Ossidoor would it mess up?10:12
OssidoI've lots of things I don't want to lose, here. years of mail and calendars in Kontact, logs in Kopete and Quassel...10:13
Ossidowell, I'll try in a couple of months. I'm too busy for now10:15
Ossidoand I've already lost 3 full days of my holidays going after this10:15
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lordievaderOssido: All of your settings should be in your kde profile, however to be sure I'd simply backup the entire /home.10:18
Ossidoyes, that is what I would do. Backup /home, format everything, reinstall fresh, and plug back my old /home10:19
Ossidoyou say this would work?10:19
BluesKajwell maybe an upgrade to 14.10 when it's released in Oct will solve your problems if you use the terminal rather then muon os the software package manager to upgrade10:19
Ossidothat's a possibility10:20
Ossidomaybe I'll try that one, before10:20
Ossidoso, you say never to upgrade with muon?10:20
kbroulikI don't10:21
OssidoI'll remember it10:21
BluesKajit may work for some setups but my perdoanal experience wasn't a good one10:21
kbroulikBluesKaj: same here10:21
kbroulikIf I need to search for packages I use Apper. Everything else (especially updates/upgrades) I do on the terminal10:22
OssidoI've upgraded many times with Kubuntu. I've used it continuously since Feisty (not on the same computer)10:23
Ossidoalmost every upgrade has given me some little problem, but this one is the worst by far10:23
BluesKajpackag managers are a good reference for info about packages and individual packages usually install fine , I just wouldn't use it to upgrade to a new OS10:24
kbroulikthe first upgrade I did was when I switched to kubuntu from jaunty to karmic which broke everything (I used the gui tool). since then I never had issues when upgrading using the terminal. Even from production to alpha releases and the like10:25
trew_100hi all10:39
trew_100i need help10:39
BluesKajhi trew_100, just ask your question10:40
trew_100i'm on kubuntu 14.04.01 and my mic not work10:40
hateballWhat sort of mic is it, how is it connected, and what application are you using to test?10:41
trew_100i search in google but i d'ont find somesing wrk for me10:41
trew_100hateball: amm build in computer10:42
trew_100i try with skype and audacity10:43
hateballtrew_100: Does the device not show at all, or does it behave like it is muted?10:45
hateballtrew_100: What audio chipset is this?10:46
BluesKajtrew_100, do the other audio sources work ok ?10:47
okerohello !11:01
trew_100BluesKaj: no11:02
lordievaderokero: o/11:03
trew_100Just what token embedded into computer11:03
okerohow i can change dl speed on ktorrent ?11:03
trew_100okero: for one torrent?11:04
okeroyes and all11:04
okerolimit for dl and up11:04
BluesKajtrew_100, open a terminal and type alsamixer, make sure automute is disabled and your mic input and volume ctrls are turned up11:05
trew_100okero: settings >> configuare ktorrent >> network11:06
trew_100BluesKaj: in turn up11:06
BluesKajokero, ktorrent settings>configure ktorrent >network11:07
trew_100BluesKaj: but automute is enabled and i can't to chenge it11:08
BluesKajtrew_100, use the up down arrow keys11:08
trew_100BluesKaj: ok changed11:09
okerothx BluesKaj11:09
okero& trew_10011:09
BluesKajokero, yw11:10
okerois there a better client than ktorrent to limit each up like µtorrent ?11:11
trew_100BluesKaj: still mic don't work11:11
hateballyou can do that in ktorrent as well okero11:11
hateballokero: or you can try qbittorrent11:12
hateballor even transmission, which has a qt frontend11:12
trew_100okero: or µtorrent for linux11:12
BluesKajtrew_100, but you have to run utorrent in wine11:13
BluesKajI mean okero11:14
BluesKajtrew_100, I'll ask again, do any other audio sources work ?11:17
trew_100BluesKaj: Headphones11:18
BluesKajwhat about web audio and music from files etc over your speakers11:19
BluesKajtrew_100, and is the mic on the headset?11:21
jubo2I wish there was a "bring all windows of this program to the top of the window stack"-button in the GUI.. It'd be really handy that one could get all terminal windows to front with 2 clicks11:22
trew_100BluesKaj: There is music from the web, the computer plays music headphones not speakers11:22
jubo2instead of clicking each one separately11:22
hateballjubo2: If you group them I think you can achieve that11:33
hateballalso you can set rules for automatic grouping11:33
jubo2hateball: where do I group them ?11:38
hateballjubo2: well it's more tabbing than "grouping", not sure what you need :)11:45
bipulHello I was trying to install Kubuntu , through USB pendrive, but when i try to install i went inside tty mode. how to get GUI Mode11:54
bipulcan anyone help me?11:54
hateballbipul: ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to X, if thats your problem11:55
lordievaderbipul: Press ctrl + alt + f711:55
bipulhateball:  lordievader Yes i know this command, but it's not working at all.11:56
hateballor if that doesnt work, you could "sudo service lightdm restart"11:56
lordievaderHas X crashed???11:59
bipulseems though11:59
hateballIt happens rather often for me when livebooting12:00
bipulGUI pop out for a second then again it drop me into shell (tty)12:00
bipulYes i am booting it live12:00
bipulvia pendrive. Is it a bug? should i report this issue?12:00
hateballbipul: Restarting lightdm makes it pop up and die?12:00
bipulhateball: I think it's bug?12:01
hateballyou could try booting with nomodeset and such options12:01
bipulhateball: so it's bug? then let me report it12:03
bipulI can't even report this issue too12:07
bipulI don't know what to do? anyidea?12:08
BluesKajbipul, did you use unetbootin to create the image ?12:09
BluesKajor startup disk ?12:10
bipulBluesKaj: I used startup disk from my ubuntu 14.0412:14
hateballbipul: When you boot, press F6 and try using the nomodeset option, as well remove "quiet splash" from the bootline12:16
bipulok let me try12:17
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mirtyhi, is it possible to develop against neon iso in a VM?12:40
lordievadermirty: Develop against, what do you mean exactly?12:40
ikoniamirty: neo iso ?12:40
mirtyneon iso12:40
ikoniawhat's neon iso ?12:41
mirtyuse the iso for developing apps12:41
lordievaderikonia: I suppose he is talking about the plasma5 iso.12:41
ikonialordievader: I have  no idea12:41
mirtyis it possible to install the devel packages in the VM?12:41
ikoniamirty: running from an iso will be hard to develop against as all the file systems are in ram12:41
lordievadermirty: But yes, I suppose you can develop inside a vm.12:42
ikoniamirty:an iso is not a vm12:42
ikoniamirty: an iso runs in ram12:42
mirtyiso is not a vm that's right12:42
lordievadermirty: IMO, it would be better to set up a dedicated development machine.12:42
ikoniamirty: where does this question fit into kubuntu ?12:42
mirtyikonia: project neon is from kubuntu12:43
mirtysorry if it's not12:43
ikonianeon is kde not kubuntu12:43
mirtyso I should not enquire further here?12:44
ikoniamaybe worth talking to #kde as that iso is provided by kde not kubuntu12:44
lordievaderikonia: Project Neon is maintained by the Kubuntu team: https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ubuntu/ppa12:45
ikonialordievader: I'm sure it's maintained12:46
ikoniabut it's not kubuntu12:46
mirtyI thought it was though12:46
ikoniamaybe I'm wrong then12:46
ikoniaI thought it was part of the KDE project, not kubuntu12:46
mirtyKDE does not package12:47
mirtyonly provides tarballs12:47
ikoniamirty: you've just linked to an iso from the kde website....12:47
ikoniathat is kde12:47
mirtyyes so?12:47
ikoniaso youu're using a source/instance provided by the kde project12:47
lordievaderI've just asked in #kubuntu-devel, lets see what they say ;)12:47
ikonianot something provided by kubuntu12:47
ikonialordievader: good call12:47
mirtyprovided by kubuntu on a kde host12:48
ikoniamirty: no12:48
mirtyanyway, just tell me to leave12:48
ikoniano no, thats not the intention at all12:48
mirtyalthough the ISO is KUbuntu desktop12:48
mirtyhence the right to ask questions here12:49
bipulit's not working.12:51
ikoniadamn, he's gone12:52
rostamhi I would like to download a debian package with all its dependencies to a particular directory(without installation). How could I do this? thanks12:56
BluesKajthinks when there isn't alot of activity in here a question slightly offtopic is acceptable12:56
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline12:58
ikoniarostam: just to be clear a debian package designed for kubuntu ?12:58
tsimpsonrostam: there's ^ that or you can do it manually12:58
ikoniarostam: or a debian package that is generic/for debian12:58
rostamikonia, generic packages which also included kubuntu (I think...)13:00
ikoniarostam: this sounds questionable13:00
ikoniarostam: where are you trying to get these packages from ?13:01
rostamikonia, I am trying to create my own private repo.13:01
ikoniarostam: right, but you're obviously putting debs in it13:02
ikoniawhere are you getting the debs ?13:02
rostamyes debs13:02
rostamoh sorry I missed your question.13:02
BluesKajthink aptitude download would be the method to use13:02
rostamI get the debs from us.archive.ubuntu13:03
ikoniarostam: ok, cool, so they are ubuntu debs13:03
rostamikonia, yes they are ubuntu13:04
ikoniajust checking13:04
ikoniadidin't want you to download things that can cause a problem13:04
rostamikonia, so what is your recommendation ?13:04
ikoniarostam: for what ?13:04
rostamikonia, my original question was to download deb packages with its dependencies.13:05
ikoniarostam: you've been given 2 good options13:05
odinhello guys. I have Kubuntu 14.04. I want to disable the top left hotspot. But the Screen Edges application doesn't work13:07
BluesKajjust read that apt-get download works too13:07
rostamikonia,  I think one was suggested is: aptitude download,  can not find the one..13:07
tsimpson'apt-get --download-only install ...' works too13:08
tsimpsoneverything gets downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives/ in that case13:08
rostamokay great thank you for your great suggestions.13:08
ikoniait you're building a mirror why not apt-mirror or rerepo13:09
odinthe problem is althougth I have disabled actions for this corner  the applications are minimized when I put the mouse in this corner13:10
rostamikonia, apt-mirror creates a big volume which i do not have space for it in the field. I need a subset which satisfy the packages I need.13:10
odinthe only workaround  I have found is to disable desktop effects13:15
odinDoes anyone have a suggestion to fix it?13:16
mcstr__any YAD experts here?13:19
BluesKajYAD ?13:26
odinIs there people with the same problem?13:30
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:38
odin Another question. How can I activate HDMI sound?13:42
odinI don't know the reason but output audio via HDMI sound doesn't work. Can anyone help me with this problem?13:49
hateballodin: iirc I had to activate display out over hdmi for audio to work on an intel chipset I had13:54
BluesKajodin, which graphics ?13:54
hateballthat is ootb, without hacking around with pulseaudio manually13:54
odinGeForce GT 525M13:55
odinAudio device: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)13:56
hateballodin: Are you using nvidia driver or noeuvau?13:56
odinnvidia driver13:56
odinthe default in kubuntu 14.04 LTS13:56
odinthe volume is activated in kmix13:56
BluesKajyeah pulse should have a settings option for hdmi audio out in pavucontrol , installing pavucontrol will help with that13:57
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=== steel is now known as steel`afk
MichaelPkubuntu 14.10 kde 4.14 plasma 5... after installed plasma 5 power management configuration module not be loaded... The power management service apears not to be running... ..system seetting startup and shutdown.. background services.. says power management is running...  but under power management it is gray out15:25
lordievader!crosspost | MichaelP15:25
ubottuMichaelP: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.15:25
lordievaderMichaelP: Is dbus running?15:26
MichaelPlordievader: how do i tell15:29
lordievaderMichaelP: "service dbus status"15:30
MichaelPlordievader: dbus start/running, process 77715:31
lordievaderMichaelP: Is upower installed? (Not sure if it is needed, don't have a kubuntu machine within reach)15:36
MichaelPps -e | grep upower    1505 ?        00:00:00 upowerd15:38
lordievaderMichaelP: apt-cache policy upower15:39
MichaelPIs there a config file where i can control the screen shutting off15:39
lordievader!paste | MichaelP15:39
ubottuMichaelP: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:39
* genii sips and ponders /etc/UPower/UPower.conf15:42
BluesKajMichaelP, if you'd like you can test a new plasma5 image here  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/   .... no guarantees iut will be better than the last one15:42
MichaelPBluesKaj: is that the Project Neon15:45
TBotNikAll: Have networking problem documented at: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?66222-Networking&p=356977#post35697715:46
TBotNikNeed some help on this please!15:46
lordievaderMichaelP: Is the powermanagement service running?15:46
BluesKajMichaelP, no15:46
lordievaderMichaelP: Wait, are you on 14.10?15:46
BluesKajMichaelP, report the results here http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/322/builds15:47
lordievaderMichaelP: 14.10 support is in #ubuntu+1.15:48
BluesKajMichaelP, you really should join #kubuntu-devel if you're testing Kubuntu 14.1015:49
TBotNikNo one available to help on a non-connected networking problem?15:59
lordievaderTBotNik: Your networking got corrupted, what do you mean with that?16:02
TBotNiklordievader: Did you read the forum post?16:11
geniiWell, your first problem was using the sysvinit networking startup call instead of the upstart one, that's why you never got any response from it.16:14
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD16:14
lordievaderTBotNik: Yes, and to be honest I didn't really understand it, hence the question.16:31
TBotNiklordievader: Guess my explaination of "corrupted" where it quit working, always came back "FAILED" but nothing in the logs to be able to diagnose from, wasn't complete?16:35
lordievaderTBotNik: Well nevermind. Do you use the network manger or do you configure your interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces?16:36
geniiTBotNik: As I explained just earlier, you were doing: /etc/init.d/networking restart      which is incorrect.16:36
TBotNiklordievader: Since I have no log entries or errors, knew the code was corrupt because logs would not be blank!  That's why I purged it and now, without connection has to re-install.  As for NM vs manual, have done both, since NM does not support iwlwifi6 driver!16:37
lordievaderTBotNik: Can you pastebin your current config?16:38
geniiWhen any daemon has things in both /etc/init and /etc/init.d  the /etc/init  one gets executed first and the /etc/init.d one never gets run. So if it's already running from upstart trying to start it from directly running the sysvinit script in /etc/init.d cannot work16:39
TBotNikLet me see will have to copy anything to flash to upload to PB, with purge not sure if files are gone!16:39
TBotNiklordievader: you mean the /etc/network/interfaces file?16:43
TBotNiklordievader: That is still there, so can copy to flash etc!16:43
lordievaderTBotNik: What is it exactly that you nuked with your 'purge'?16:44
TBotNiklordievader: Not sure!16:45
lordievaderTBotNik: Ok, what did you do exactly when you 'purged' things?16:46
TBotNiklordievader: Dang found the problem and working again over there on laptop again.  Purge did nothing but bad config for CloneZilla was knocking it out.  Commented that out, restarted networking and now going.  Still have to test WiFi, but hopeful on that also!16:58
TBotNikObviously purge did not yank all networking as I thought!16:59
TBotNiklordievader: Still wonder why no log entries at all?16:59
lordievaderI still have no idea what you have done to cause it, or fix it for that matter.17:00
TBotNiklordievader: You probably don't care anymore but interfaces file posted at: http://pastebin.com/hEGiS6A917:00
TBotNiklordievader: Kudos for making me go back over it one more time, finding the error and fixing it!17:01
TBotNiklordievader: Still having "localhost" issues but should be on Apache side or should post at #httpd17:03
lordievaderTBotNik: Localhost issues?17:03
TBotNiklordievader: Yeah internet working but dev side under "localhost" not working.  The interfaces file says "auto lo: iface lo inet loopback" do I need to change this to "auto localhost: iface localhost inet loopback"?17:06
TBotNiklordievader: OK ran "service apache2 restart" and getting "Fail" from that! Gotta start looking at logs17:10
lordievaderTBotNik: To your first question, as it was in the paste is correct.17:15
lordievaderTBotNik: Is apache listening on
TBotNiklordievader: OK ran "service apache2 restart" and getting "Fail" from that! Gotta start looking at logs.  Have no log file entries running "tail /var/log/apache2/error.log"  Latest log entries in error.log.1 from Mon Aug 1817:18
TBotNiklordievader: Did not have "listen" installed, so installing!17:21
lordievaderTBotNik: That ain't strange, apache fails to start ;)17:21
lordievaderIt usually tells you why.17:21
lordievaderTBotNik: Listen is not a command. Daemons listen to ports (and interfaces).17:22
TBotNiklordievader: While listen is installing ran ping on and it pings just fine17:23
lordievaderTBotNik: Maybe you should read up on how TCP works.17:23
TBotNiklordievader: BRB have to take care of something, maybe 1/2 hour!17:24
=== steel`afk is now known as steel
TBotNik_lordievader: Put "listen 80" results at: http://pastebin.com/mJnmCMG517:47
TBotNiklordievader: Crap this is some kind of music listener!17:49
TBotNik_lordievader: netstat dump at: http://pastebin.com/1Uz4zpPA  show no listen on port 80, 8000 or 8080 which are the normal "localhost" ports18:09
TBotNiklordievader: What do I do to fix this?18:11
lordievaderTBotNik: Could you pastebin your apache config.18:13
TBotNik_lordievader: Think it is already out there.  Let me check!18:14
TBotNik_lordievader: The last 3 files posted at: http://pastebin.com/835Fd2JF are the apache config files, but this does not include the phpmyadmin.conf file!18:18
lordievaderTBotNik_: Seems allright, so what was the error again when you start apache?18:20
TBotNik_checking logs again!18:20
lordievaderTBotNik_: I'm not talking about logs...18:21
lordievaderTBotNik_: Run "sudo service apache2 start" and copy all the output to pastebin.18:21
TBotNik_lordievader: Got msg:=> service apache2 restart18:28
TBotNik_Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/nano.save:18:28
TBotNik_Invalid command '1', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration18:28
TBotNik_Action 'configtest' failed.18:28
TBotNik_The Apache error log may have more information.18:28
TBotNik_   ...fail!18:28
unopasteTBotNik_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted18:28
lordievader!paste | TBotNik_18:28
ubottuTBotNik_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:28
lordievaderTBotNik_: Yeah, you probably want to remove that nano swap file.18:29
TBotNiklordievader: All: progress, got wired networking going, had localhost issues, now localhost see and works phpMyAdmin, but "localhost" itself give "Not Found" msg in browser.  Still debugging and need help!18:31
lordievaderTBotNik: Apache works again?18:32
TBotNiklordievader: Sorta, for development have to have the default "localhost" and the aliases working, since working files which have to be correct on LH before FTP to online dirs.18:33
lordievaderTBotNik: I take that as a yes. Now you can go and look in the apache error log why it is giving 404's.18:34
TBotNiklordievader: Only aliases/dir working is phpMyAdmin18:34
lordievaderSo it is likely that your site definition are faulty.18:35
TBotNik_lordievader: Still no listen on, which is why no browser display at localhost root18:36
lordievaderTBotNik_: Please post the ports.conf config file.18:36
=== steel is now known as steel`afk
=== steel`afk is now known as steel
=== kevin is now known as Guest63323
TBotNiklordievader: Kept having issues with network dropping out on laptop, so since ports.conf is same on this DT posted at:  http://pastebin.com/KDC6Ccjv20:21
TBotNiklordievader: Also fixed issue with /etc/hosts file20:22
TBotNiklordievader: In my aliases.conf only the /files alias works.  Check this out at: http://pastebin.com/835Fd2JF  Aliases.conf is last file in that post!20:32
lordievaderTBotNik: Your ports.conf looks ok, what is the output of: netstat -tulpn|grep apache20:34
TBotNiklordievader: PB: http://pastebin.com/ZdidkkK820:39
TBotNiklordievader: Definitely not listening on
lordievaderTBotNik: Actually it is.20:43
lordievaderTBotNik: What do you get when you go to Timeout?20:44
TBotNiklordievader: Browser?20:44
lordievaderTBotNik: Yes.20:44
TBotNiklordievader: Immediate 404 "Not Found" msg20:45
lordievaderTBotNik: Fix your vhost definitions ;)20:46
TBotNiklordievader: Whatever is pointing it to instead of seems to be the problem.  Looking up HOWTOs to get this set right!20:47
lordievaderTBotNik: No, mean every interface it can find.20:48
lordievaderTBotNik: Don't jump to conclusions.20:48
TBotNiklordievader: Was just reading that HOWTO want run of "lsof -i :80" so going to see what I get!20:49
lordievaderTBotNik: Are you even reading what I'm typing?20:49
lordievaderGuess not, ok I'm done.20:51
TBotNik_lordievader: PB at: http://pastebin.com/Kw8993sF20:51
TBotNiklordievader: Yes, but having to go between machines, so can not respond immediately, at least not always20:57
TBotNiklordievader: "Fix your vhost definitions"  I only use the default "*:80", I do not run anyother Vhosts, since I'm not hosting.  I only run aliases, so the dev dirs/folders can run under localhost!20:59
TBotNiklordievader: All aliases were working before, and never knew what changed when a.) localhost, b.) apache aliases, c.) Networking all stopped one day about a month ago.  Been fighting to recover since.  Need my laptop on site at job, as no machine there has the full development toolset!  There are 3 parts to this problem: a.) Wired networking, b.) Apache/localhost, c.) WiFi.  We got # a fixed, now working #b, then have to fix wifi!21:03
=== dimitris is now known as Guest73731
Guest73731hello guys...i just updated to KDE 4.14 and ark is no longer working,what can i do?21:33
Guest73731it doesn't extract zip files21:34
Guest73731which is weird21:34
geniiGuest73731: Does: apt-cache policy zip      ...show that the zip package is installed? ( it also provides the unzip app)21:38
Guest73731yes version 3-0.821:39
geniiI might try reinstalling ark with sudo apt-get install --reinstall ark21:45
geniiBleh, left21:45
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CruX|Maximized windows can be moved in maximized state22:06
CruX|how can I fix that ?22:06
Exagone313CruX|: it's not a good thing for you?22:12
CruX|i would like to disable it22:14
CruX|there was an option for that but seems in current kde it is disabled22:15
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