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venkyI am venky02:45
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m-b-odpm popey: hi!07:51
m-b-ocan one of you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/1355822, MR attached. The Sheet is replaced with Page now07:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1355822 in Ubuntu Weather App "Buttons untranslated in add/edit location dialog" [High,In progress]07:51
dholbachgood morning07:52
popeym-b-o: will do08:27
m-b-opopey: thanks!08:27
davidcalleMorning all08:31
justCarakasgood morning all, happy bust your face on the asphalt day :p08:33
dholbachsalut davidcalle - ça va?08:48
davidcalledholbach, bien merci, et toi?08:49
dholbachtrès bien, merci :-)08:49
popeydaker: do you know of an easy way I can tell which apps are using webkit (as opposed to oxide)? If I have them installed, I can grep through the code in /opt/click.ubuntu.com, but not sure what to look for..08:51
dholbachdavidcalle, let me know when you have a bit of time later on and we can have a quick call to catch up08:54
dholbach(or we can chat on IRC as well - that works for me too)08:54
davidcalledholbach, either IRC this morning, or call this afternoon, as you prefer08:55
dholbachdavidcalle, ok cool08:56
dholbachpopey, do we have a guest or two for tonight?08:57
popeyoh, it's tuesday08:59
popeyhehe, silly bank holiday threw me off08:59
dholbachah, ok - that makes sense :)08:59
dakerpopey: HTML5 apps are still using qtwebkit09:01
popeydholbach: no, I don't have anyone.09:01
dholbachpopey, maybe we can both try to coerce somebody to join us :)09:01
dholbach... into joining us09:02
justCarakasdholbach: maybe an update on oxide and the HTML5 ui stuff ? :p09:02
dholbachjustCarakas, so we should invite Chris Coulson, David Barth and Alex Abreu maybe? :)09:02
justCarakassounds very interesting :D09:03
dholbachmhall119, unfortunately the wordpress export does not have a last_modified date, which makes it a bit useless to find out what changed last :)09:21
dholbachmhall119, the only option would be to diff between exports09:22
dakerpopey: on my way to the office...09:51
DanChapman|afkybon, ping09:57
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ybonDanChapman: pong10:00
ogra_DanChapman, hmm, new dekko doesnt start for me (i removed all odl dirs, it creates a new config but then crashes and never starts again)10:02
ogra_http://paste.ubuntu.com/8148627/ has the log of setting up the account and trying to start it again after crashing10:03
ogra_looks like it crashes in "Reloading account listmodel" after it created the config10:04
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mihirnik90: did you get a time to comment on MR?10:05
nik90mihir: Do you want me to comment on the UI or the code itself?10:05
mihirnik90: on MR , just comment your inputs so I can incorporate in next push10:05
nik90mihir: ack. give me 5 mins10:06
mihirnik90: no issues, will check once i go back home10:06
DanChapmanybon ogra_ quick question does your username contain @domain. ?10:06
ybonDanChapman: not for me10:06
ogra_for smtp i use google ... so yeah for that ... for my imap server i have a normal username with no @10:07
DanChapmanybon ogra_ great thanks. That seems to be the issue, when deciding on the account icon it assumes there is a domain in the username and it's crashing trying to split on the @. Fix is in progress now10:08
ybongreat :)10:08
ogra_awesome !10:09
ogra_well, removing all @'s manually from the config file doesnt change behavior ...10:12
ybonogra_: I understand it wants one10:13
ogra_yeah, adding  random @ helps10:16
ybonbut then I guess you imap auth doesn't work anymore?10:16
ogra_indeed :)10:16
ogra_just wanted to confirm the app starts when adding it10:16
ogra_which it does fine indeed :)10:16
popeymzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/fixForReload/+merge/230775 look good to you?10:25
mzanettipopey: would need to test... haven't managed yet10:26
dakerpopey: hi10:33
popeydaker: yo10:34
popeyi was trying to figure out a way to see which apps use webkit, which aren't necessarily html5/cordova apps10:34
dakerpopey: are you going to make a script ?10:42
popeydaker: yeah, was going to just grep, I've done this before but can't recall what I did10:43
popeyI have a device with every single app from the store installed10:43
dakerpopey: maybe look for "template": "ubuntu-webapp" in the apparmor file10:47
popeyI'm not looking for webapps though, but apps which use webit in them..10:48
nik90popey: you have every single app from the store installed! You are going to have a tough time when that number increases to an unbearable amount ;)10:51
popeyphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ click list | wc -l10:52
popeyit's bareable now10:52
ogra_488 versions of the same app ?10:53
popeywell, a good few of them are webapps10:53
* ogra_ cant really cpe with that 10:54
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ click list|wc -l10:54
popeyits a good way to test the update mechanism, especially if I leave it a couple of weeks10:54
popeyactually it's possible that's not every app, some are geo-locked and I'm in the UK.10:55
ogra_it is painful if you get a full upgrade though ... the apparmor re-caching must be awful10:55
popeyyes, yes it is.10:55
popeysee my bug about this ☻10:55
ogra_for my 56 apps it takes about 3-4min10:55
popey~20 mins boot time10:55
DanChapmanybon ogra_ http://people.ubuntu.com/~dpniel/dekko/click/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko_0.2.5_armhf.click any chance you could give it a try. Seems to be working ok now without the domain. I will get it uploaded to the store later with a few other small fixes10:55
popeyI am a super hero whose name is "Captain Edge Case" though.10:56
* ogra_ wants to see the cape 10:56
nik90popey: how well does the unity dash handle them10:56
popeysame as with small numbers of apps10:56
popeyscroll fast and the icons don't load in quickly enough10:56
nik90I am guessing search will become more powerful than before10:56
popeyit's a nexus 7, so plenty of vertical room for pinning apps too10:57
nik90ya the icon loading issue is a bit annoying..i hope they fix it soon10:57
popeythe whole frame rate of the dash is poor, but I dont know where that issue lies10:57
dholbachmhall119, do I need to clarify 1361276 somewhat?10:58
dholbachballoons and I talked about it yesterday10:58
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nik90popey: A quick update on the clock app replacement. I have been getting several bug reports from QA that I had to mark duplicate or invalid since they have been fixed in the new clock app for ages. Also with the current confusion about which distro to focus, it is hard to say if a promoted image is possible this week.10:58
ybonDanChapman: working! :)10:59
ogra_DanChapman, works fine :)10:59
DanChapman\o/ thanks for testing and the logs :-)10:59
nik90popey: I talked to sil2100 about this, and he said he will discuss with QA if the replacement can be done despite the SDK fix not landing yet for the current promoted image users10:59
ybonDanChapman: thank *you* :)10:59
ogra_DanChapman, oh, while yyou are here ... did you do anything about QRESYNC ? do i still need to specify it in the blacklist ?10:59
nik90popey: if he says go ahead, I think we should do the replacement since we need to move the translation focus from the old clock app to the new one.11:00
nik90popey: would I have to change the development focus of clock app to the utopic-3.0 (reboot) branch so that the new clock app code can be obtained from lp:ubuntu-clock-app instead of lp:ubuntu-clock-app/reboot ?11:01
popeyI am not an expert on that bit of launchpad, but I believe so.11:01
nik90popey: if yes, I hope it means that all existing MR will have to be resubmitted11:01
nik90I do not hope*11:01
popeythats a question for #launchpad perhaps?11:02
ogra_DanChapman, oh, that HTML/plaintext toggle is cute !11:02
popeyor maybe dholbach ☻11:02
nik90popey: ok we can do that bit of the launchpad change after the replacement11:02
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dholbachpopey, what is a question for me?11:02
DanChapmanogra_, for now yes still add it to the blacklist if it's still deciding it's not working. I still need to dig into it.11:02
nik90dholbach: 1:01 PM <nik90> popey: would I have to change the development focus of clock app to the utopic-3.0 (reboot) branch so that the new clock app code can be obtained from lp:ubuntu-clock-app instead of lp:ubuntu-clock-app/reboot ?11:02
ogra_DanChapman, thanks +11:03
DanChapmanogra_, yes i like it :-) i've had to hold back viewing of attachments the=ough as the webview was crashing the phone :-/11:03
dholbachnik90, I guess - I'm not 100% sure - you can just try it out :)11:03
DanChapmanbut it should land soonish11:03
ogra_oh, it worked for me in the last iterations11:03
nik90DanChapman: hey I am waiting for my HTML/plaintext toggle update :P11:03
nik90dholbach: I am afraid it might break the existing MRs11:03
ogra_i did always switch it on ... doesnt download the pics yet though11:03
nik90dholbach: also I need to point the new clock app manifest file to lp:ubuntu-clock-app first11:04
popeyogra_: do you know of an upstart incantation to stop a user service?11:04
popey(e.g. mediascanner)11:04
ogra_you just call "stop <servicename>"11:05
ogra_as the respective user11:05
popeyi was doing service foo stop11:05
dholbachnik90, I can't imagine it'd break existing entries in LP11:05
* popey gets his IO back11:05
nik90dholbach: ok, let me do that now11:06
DanChapmanogra_, yeah the only attachments that work are html/plaintext any other attached text documents or images are causing the issues you will see them at the bottom of some messages but you can't open them just yet.11:08
ogra_ah, k11:08
DanChapmannik90, the toggle has just landed yesterday you should be able to switch between them at the top of the message view11:09
nik90DanChapman: oh. updating now11:10
nik90I stopped at image 204 due to the click authentication issue and forgot to update apps as well11:11
popeyi think the click auth issue is fixed now11:12
nik90in 208?11:12
popeyyeah, think so, new click landed11:12
nik90ooh then I might update the phone11:12
ogra_popey, nope, rolled back though11:12
popeywant me to confirm first?11:12
popeyso you still can't pkcon install-local foo?11:12
ogra_we'll do way faster rollback action in the futrue11:13
ogra_you can11:13
ogra_we went back to the working version11:13
popeyah okay11:13
* popey gets out the delorean11:13
ogra_it will only land again if all issues are fixed11:13
nik90ogra_: ah awesome..unable to run apps on phone through qtc would be a disaster for me.11:13
popeyso yeah, looks like it's safe to upgrade nik9011:14
nik90yup updating.11:14
ogra_nik90, not only you ... bzoltan would haunt me in my sleep if we left it broken for to long11:14
popeythere's an image nobody wanted11:14
nik90ogra_: lol11:15
nik90ogra_: well I would haunt bzoltan if it was broken for me for too long11:15
bzoltanand that we do not want, do we ogra_? :D11:15
ogra_haha, nope11:15
popeypondering upgrading to 14.1011:15
popeydone the desktop, considering the laptop11:15
nik90I thought u already did11:15
* popey gets coffee11:19
popey20 packages are going to be removed. 224 new packages are going to be11:19
popeyinstalled. 1856 packages are going to be upgraded.11:19
nik90sergiusens: quick question, If I were to change the bzr branch focus to lp:ubuntu-clock-app for clock reboot, the only small change I need to do would be https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/update-branch-focus/+merge/232197 ?11:23
nik90sergiusens: its a 2 line change11:23
sergiusensnik90: quick questions rarely lead to quick answers ;-)11:24
sergiusensnik90: so you decided to change it after all?11:25
sergiusensnik90: that is the only change (unless it's hardcoded elsewhere)11:25
sergiusensnik90: which I think it isn't11:25
nik90sergiusens: yeah I decided to change it11:25
nik90sergiusens: I dont think we used the bzr_source variable anywhere else nor hardcode it11:25
sergiusensx-source just needs to point to the right location which is defined by BZR_SOURCE11:25
sergiusensthere is no other use for it11:25
sergiusenslooks good on my side11:26
nik90cool thnx11:26
nik90sergiusens: see quick question -> quick answer :D11:26
sergiusensnik90: yeah, rarely, not never :-P11:26
sergiusensit's usually a trap11:27
nik90you can trust me :P11:27
popeyalso a trap11:27
sergiusensnik90: http://memegenerator.net/instance/5378808411:28
* sergiusens thinks it's the most useful thing he's done today11:29
ogra_creating that meme ?11:34
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nik90woop woop lp:ubuntu-clock-app now points to reboot11:42
nik90dholbach: it worked nicely ^^11:43
mihirnik90: congrats :D12:02
nik90mihir: :) still need to do the replacement on the phone, but we are damn close to that as well12:03
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mhall119dholbach: I re-worded your bug summary12:23
mihirtwstddev: ping12:25
twstddevmihir: pong12:26
mihirtwstddev: i have commented on your MR12:26
mihirjust one small tweeks, otherwise it looks good to me.12:27
mihirtwstddev: i would suggest that label text should be altered based on the condition and button should be visible if there are no calendars, hope that make sense.12:27
twstddevsure. I'm at work right now, will do a commit later then :)12:27
pmcgowanoSoMoN, is our Webview api very similar to the qtwebkit api?12:30
nerochiarooSoMoN: i fixed the last failing test on this MR, and since both you and bill tested it already, could you please make sure we get it into the release process ? wait_select_single12:30
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pmcgowanand have we written any tutorial comparing the two or telling folks how to migrate to ours?12:30
nerochiarooSoMoN: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-restrict-pick-content-type/+merge/23077612:30
nik90mzanetti: in a qml test, can I define a tag as Repeat: [0,1,2,3] where these number refer to the locale indexes and translate to "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday" ?12:31
nik90mzanetti: I tried it, but when I console output data.Repeat, it comes out as undefined12:31
appdev41anyone got a sec ?12:36
popeyappdev41: wassup12:38
dholbachmhall119, thanks!12:39
appdev41i messed with unix 20 yrs ago and i'm not a dummy but i cannot get necessitas installer to load12:39
appdev41ive tried everything on wiki12:40
appdev41anyone else got a sec ?12:44
mzanettinik90: not following12:48
mzanettinik90: please paste your data() and test function and output somewhere12:48
nik90mzanetti: sry, I just saw that I didn't pass the data variable to my test function12:48
nik90mzanetti: that was the issue, it seems fixed now12:49
mzanettinik90: I think you shouldn't use the "tag" in your tests12:49
mzanettinik90: that's just for printing the current test run12:49
mzanettiwell, I guess you can... but we consider it bad practice, in unity8 at least12:49
nik90mzanetti: you mean this http://paste.ubuntu.com/8149696/12:49
mzanettinik90: this looks good12:50
mzanettinik90: but not using "data.tag" inside the test12:50
mzanettiwhich is what I understood from your question.12:50
mzanettibut I guess I misunderstood12:50
nik90mzanetti: yeah pass the data as argument to test as tst_createAlarm(data), and then refer to them as data.name, data.repeat etc12:50
nik90I pass*12:50
mzanettiyep. that's fine12:51
nik90ah ok :)12:51
oSoMoNpmcgowan, as similar as can be where it makes sense13:05
nik90fginther, balloons: Hi, is there any update on running QML tests as part of the jenkins job?13:05
fginthernik90, not yet, it was on my plan for this week13:06
nik90fginther, balloons: As of now (with a current MP), the QML unit tests coverage of clock app is more than the AP coverage :)13:06
nik90fginther: ack13:06
nik90fginther: let me know when you start on it, I can help wherever possible13:06
fginthernik90, that's definitely a good thing :-). And thanks for the offer of help13:06
appdev41anyone got a sec ?13:07
pmcgowanoSoMoN, mhall119 does it make sense for us to document the diffs, with a guide on how to port from one to the other?13:07
oSoMoNpmcgowan, do we have numbers on how many apps use a QtWebKit webview?13:07
pmcgowanoSoMoN, yes, 2813:08
pmcgowanquite a few it seems13:08
t1mpkalikiana, nik90  https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/sourceOverflow/+merge/229960 merged in staging :)13:08
oSoMoNpmcgowan, 28 apps that import QtWebKit in qml code? if you can get me the list, I’d like to look into how advanced their usage of QtWebKit is13:09
pmcgowanoSoMoN, I will forward you the search popey made13:09
oSoMoNpmcgowan, thanks13:09
nik90t1mp: cool13:11
mhall119pmcgowan: if somebody can write that up, we can put it on d.u.c as a QML Guide13:22
mhall119pmcgowan: I responded to your email about dekko, which won't be able to use Ubuntu.Web.WebView13:22
mhall119DanChapman: ^^ that is still the case, right?13:22
pmcgowanmhall119, the main issue that lead u to drop webkit was really security, so its not a sanctioned api for us13:24
pmcgowanapps could provide it, but its big aiui13:24
mhall119yeah it is13:24
pmcgowanmhall119, also, is he using stuff in the 3.0 api? the old stuff was deprecated upstream13:25
mhall119but if we don't support the APIs needed to switch to Oxide, there's going to be a need for it still13:25
pmcgowanI still see 1.0 references13:25
mhall119all the 1.0 seems to be QtWebKit.experimental13:26
DanChapmanmhall119, well atm yes unless bug 1260016 can be fixed. Does the Ubuntu Webview have a loadHtml() method now? I should be able to fetch and load through that if it's available and not need to bridge the custom url scheme with the webview. I'd need to test that though13:26
ubot5bug 1260016 in Oxide "Add an API to allow defining custom URL scheme delegates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126001613:26
mhall119so maybe we just need to implement those .experimental APIs?13:26
mhall119DanChapman: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Web.WebView/#loadHtml-method13:27
DanChapmanmhall119, cool last i looked it wasn't available. Great well I will see what I can do with it. Thanks13:28
mhall119pmcgowan: it looks like many apps are using some QtWebKit.experimental APIs13:28
pmcgowanmhall119, yes, oSoMoN said he would see in what ways13:29
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oSoMoNmhall119, from popey’s e-mail I’m seeing 5 different apps importing QtWebKit.experimental (not confirmed they’re actually using it yet), I wouldn’t call that "many"13:36
DanChapmanmhall119, I don't see any way to block/catch navigation requests with the Ubuntu webview api :-/ Let's see if there is a bug for it13:36
mhall119oSoMoN: anything more than 4 is "many" for me :)13:37
oSoMoNDanChapman, it’s not documented, but the Ubuntu WebView has a navigationRequested signal that you can connect to to handle navigation requests13:39
nik90mzanetti: hey you asked for a big test, https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/10-add-more-qmltests/view/head:/tests/unit/tst_alarm.qml :)13:41
nik90mzanetti: in total 12 units tests and 1 user feature test13:41
nik90not bad still takes only 6.35 secs13:42
mzanettimivoligo: hi, what's funny?13:46
mivoligomzanetti: nothing13:46
mivoligomzanetti: just joined13:47
mzanettiah :)13:47
mzanettimivoligo: I didn't do anything on the game in the last few days13:48
mzanettimivoligo: thought I wait for some level backgrounds then start creating some real levels13:48
mzanettiand then start fixing the remaining things as part of the polishing/bugfixing13:48
mivoligomzanetti: I guessed so13:48
mzanettiI think feature-wise it supports now everything we wanted for a first version13:48
mzanettiprobably more :D13:49
mivoligomzanetti: I have a level concept for you: https://spideroak.com/browse/share/michal-here/1n3k34izs8asdfjazjkdas89e03/mix/13:49
mivoligomzanetti: the part surrounded by the blue rectangle is the playable area13:50
mzanettimivoligo: looks great!13:51
mivoligomzanetti: it's 10 squares wide and 5 high13:51
mzanettimivoligo: but it would cut off parts of the space ship13:51
mzanettiis that intended?13:51
mzanettior would you shrink the playable area to have some "dead" space around it?13:51
mivoligomzanetti: yes, the spaceship will be visible for some screen ratios13:52
mzanettiI c13:52
mzanettiok. works for me13:52
mzanettiI still would like to have some decorations around :)13:52
mivoligomzanetti: that's my next step13:53
mzanettimivoligo: oh, I realize, we don't support such things atm13:53
mzanettimivoligo: the game would allow to place towers onto the space ship13:53
mzanettibut IIRC we already talked about marking fields as non-tower-compatible13:53
mzanettibut I haven't done that yet13:54
mivoligomzanetti: that's right13:54
mzanettimind filing a bug about that task?13:54
mivoligomzanetti: will do13:54
mzanetticool, thanks13:54
mivoligomzanetti: so far I have 5 levels with this style. I mean grass and some vehicle for enemies.13:56
mivoligomzanetti: I think  it'll be enough to do 5 similar background13:57
mzanettimivoligo: yes, I think so too13:58
mzanettimivoligo: just some variations how the path goes13:58
mivoligomzanetti: that and different rocket13:58
mzanettimivoligo: maybe we should group it a bit though...13:59
mzanettiso that the first/easiest levels look similar13:59
mivoligomzanetti: I thought the same13:59
nerochiarooSoMoN: did you see my previous message about https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-restrict-pick-content-type/+merge/230776 ?13:59
mzanettimivoligo: also only putting some types of enemies there13:59
mzanettimivoligo: then the next one gets harder, having harder enemies etc13:59
balloonsnik90, so what's up with https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot/+translations? I still don't see anything to translate, but I see an import was done14:00
oSoMoNnerochiaro, can you please coordinate with bfiller on this one?14:00
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok14:00
mivoligomzanetti: exactly14:00
nik90balloons: that's what I meant earlier, I am not sure why the translation don't appear there. Neither can I add any translations to it.14:00
nik90balloons: dpm said he already configured it. popey and I had a look at it during my meeting last week14:01
popeyballoons: i asked in #launchpad but got no reply, dunno why it's not working14:01
mivoligomzanetti: ok, I have to go to my „real live” work, just wonted to let you know I'm doing some graphics for the game :D14:02
mzanettimivoligo: ok. have a great day! see you around.14:03
mzanettithanks for the update14:03
mivoligomzanetti: thanks, enjoy your time!14:03
nik90popey, balloons: I notice that the pot template still reads com.ubuntu.clock.devel. The devel part shouldn't be there.14:04
nik90popey, balloons: Let me try to update the pot file14:04
nik90popey: can you approve https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/update-potfile-aug26/+merge/23222614:09
nerochiarokenvandine: do you know if there are emulators in the sdk to access the content picker peer in AP tests ?14:10
kenvandinenerochiaro, not that i've seen14:11
nerochiarokenvandine: ok, because i noticed that some tests were failing because before i was looking for the peer with ContentPeerPicker, but it's now ContentPeerPicker1014:13
nerochiarokenvandine: and it seems the kind of thing that an emulator should prevent14:13
nerochiarokenvandine: for now i just fixed the test to look at the new name14:14
popeynik90: not a fan of that boilerplate14:15
popeynik90: the comments could at least have a year/name in them?14:15
nik90popey: It seems to be generated by the cmakelist list in the po folder14:15
popeyok, lets fix it later then.14:16
nik90popey: yeah we need someone who know gettext to add specific cmake variable values like title, date etc.14:16
kenvandinenerochiaro, oh... the objectName?14:17
nerochiarokenvandine: the object name is ok, the class has changed14:18
kenvandineyeah, based on the import14:18
kenvandineso i guess the test is checking that14:18
nerochiarokenvandine: the test is checking both name and class. i fixed the class, and it's found correctly14:27
nerochiarokenvandine: but i'm having another problem now. on my device tests area ok, but in jenkins i get an issue where the picker should be visible but it isn't.14:28
nerochiarokenvandine: see end of this log: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-autopilot-runner-mako/427/testReport/junit/gallery_app.tests.test_photo_viewer/TestPhotoViewer/test_share_button/14:28
kenvandinenerochiaro, looking14:29
balloonsnik90, ping14:48
nik90balloons: pong14:48
balloonsnik90, so you made reboot series trunk :-)14:49
nik90balloons: just an hour ago :-)14:49
balloonsnik90, in doing so, it actually breaks things for the old clock app, as the manifest reads the bzr revno to match up tests14:49
nik90balloons: oh yeah. crap :/14:49
nik90balloons: I can fix that asap14:49
balloonsnik90, so we need to push the reboot click as the clock, or tweak the manifest and reupload the old clock click14:50
balloonseither one is fine14:50
nik90balloons: we will be doing the replacement tonite if QA approves14:50
nik90balloons: I am waiting on sil2100's response14:50
balloonsnik90, so replacing clock is your preferred solution. So I guess I'll toss it back14:55
nik90balloons: yup, thnx14:55
dholbachCommunity Q&A starting on http://ubuntuonair.com in about 5m. Today we'll have David Barth talking about HTML5 in Ubuntu.14:55
rickspencer3hi all, is their sdk support for that little tab at the bottom of apps?15:05
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nik90rickspencer3: not like the one you see at the bottom of apps. Those are custom implementations atm.15:17
nik90rickspencer3: I was told the popular ones will be integrated into the SDK after RTM15:18
rickspencer3thanks nik9015:18
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mzanettirpadovani: hey, can't join tomorrow's meeting16:51
mzanettiwe can have it on Thu if you want16:51
elopioballoons, nik90: how do I install the new clock on the phone?16:53
elopioI tried with click-buddy and pkcon, but the app doesn't open.16:53
balloonselopio, it's in the store actually as clock-reboot16:53
nik90balloons: the one in the store is outdated by a week or two.16:54
nik90elopio: have you tried rebooting?16:54
balloonsbzr branch lp:ubuntu-clock-app/reboot yes?16:54
nik90balloons: no bzr branch lp:ubuntu-clock-app16:55
elopionik90, balloons: yes, I tried rebooting and I'm branching lp:ubuntu-clock-app16:56
nik90elopio: one sec, let me try16:56
elopioit has a com.ubuntu.clock_3.1.68_armhf.click, that's what I pushed into the device and did16:57
elopiopkcon instal-local16:57
balloonselopio, ohh, you need armhf my friend16:58
balloonsnvm, I see you built it as such16:58
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nik90I am rebooting phone16:59
nik90balloons: it doesn't open for me either17:00
nik90balloons: is there any way to see the log of what happens when you try to open it?17:00
elopioI can't find anything useful on ~/.cache17:05
nik90elopio, balloons: If I install the new clock app using qtcreator, I can open it on the phone correctly17:05
nik90elopio: if I do using pkcon install-local, it doesnt open17:05
elopioI'll try that.17:05
ybonhumm, if I type "ok :)" from the notification bar to answer an SMS, only "ok" is sent, is the new version depressive? ;)17:07
balloonsare you sure you are executing the right binary.. btw, I get a sig verification error tryuing to install17:08
nik90balloons: which image?17:09
nik90balloons: sig verification error shouldn't be there with image 20817:09
balloonsi have 20717:09
nik90balloons: yeah they added click signing and only the store can do that17:10
nik90balloons: you cannot install unsigned click packages on the phone17:10
balloonsright, but how do I do a one-off?17:10
nik90balloons: they added a temporary fix in 20817:10
nik90balloons: you can't17:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1360582 in click "Can't manually install clicks "Signature verification error" since #205" [Medium,Confirmed]17:11
nik90balloons: install-local will provide a --allow-unauthenticated argument, but that is a wip I believe17:11
nik90elopio: had any luck? (also hope you are running 208)17:13
balloonsnik90, elopio my binary works fine after bumping to 20817:17
elopioI'm on the rtm branch.17:17
nik90elopio: rtm branch shouldn17:18
elopioI also don't really know how to use qtcreator, but I think it didn't work.17:18
nik90shouldn't have that issue17:18
elopioI'll reflash.17:18
nik90elopio: since the click signature signing was only introduced in devel-proposed I think17:18
balloonselopio, you need a device for each branch :-)17:19
mihirnik90: ping17:21
nik90mihir: pong17:21
mihirnik90: in your MR comment , point no 3 , is trying to match to google event calender17:22
mihirnik90: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/revamp-repetition-deisgn/+merge/231967/comments/56548417:22
nik90mihir: as in the current way it is implemented is trying to match google calendar? or what I suggested?17:23
mihirnik90: the current system17:23
nik90mihir: I dont see that in google calendar (on Android). I see only "Repeat daily, weekly, monthly and yearly". Below that I can set the days of the week I want to repeat on17:24
nik90mihir: I see the current implementation only on the web google calendar version17:25
mihirnik90: yup  it is to match web calendar as well , becasue we had bug for that17:25
nik90either way it seems rather random to me. Or you know why they choose those specific days?17:25
balloonsnik90, elopio also trying now on the rtm branch17:26
mihirnik90: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/129773917:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297739 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Event repeat options should match google calendar." [High,Fix released]17:26
mihirnik90: it was reported by popey17:27
mihirpopey: ^^17:27
nik90popey: ^^17:27
mihirnik90: :D17:27
nik90balloons: how do you flash the rtm branch?17:28
* nik90 is not sure which branch to target.17:28
balloonsnik90, elopio wfm there as well17:29
elopioballoons: how are you deploying it?17:29
balloonsnik90, ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed17:29
balloonselopio, built inside my pbuilder armhf chroot, built with click-buddy. adb push to device, install with pkcon17:30
rpadovanimzanetti, unfortunately on thu I'm busy all day, maybe on Fri?17:34
rpadovanimzanetti, or, Thu morning17:34
mihirnik90: balloons, i am not sure it is bug or not , but when you go to calendars and enable them , you have to restart calendar for showing events ?17:36
mzanettirpadovani: well, however you want17:36
mzanettirpadovani: you just ping me when you want a chat17:36
rpadovaniwill be done :-)17:36
balloonsmihir, so you fixed the page to allow all the options google allows? Are you pulling in the repeat data when you sync google calendar?17:37
mihirballoons: it should be pulling , but I am not sure regarding sync mointer data, need to check17:38
elopionow my device is stuck on the white screen ¬¬17:40
mihirballoons: i believe you are refering to the Repeat question , not the one I asked you last.17:40
nik90elopio: hmm17:41
mihirnik90: did you face issue like this , when you pop the page the values are not refreshing all the time17:42
nik90mihir: yeah I do17:43
mihirnik90: any trick ?17:43
nik90mihir: nope, just restart17:43
mihirbecause if i select daily , it works great for first time17:43
nik90mihir: although honestly I don't use calendar much on ubuntu touch yet17:44
nik90mihir: I use trello and google calendar on android phone17:44
mihirnik90: i am talking about qml stuffs ,17:44
nik90mihir: oh17:44
nik90mihir: nope never had that issue17:45
mihirnik90: okay ,  it works great first time , but second time it doesn't change value.17:45
nik90elopio: so you are unable to launch both in rtm and devel-proposed?17:51
elopionik90: I'm currently repartitioning my device because I broke it.17:51
nik90elopio: oh17:51
elopioI haven't booted on devel-proposed yet.17:51
nik90elopio: let me reflash to rtm and try using pkcon and clickbuddy as you did17:52
nik90elopio: oh I cannot flash the rtm images on mako17:53
elopionik90: I haven't tried on mako yet, but I think it should work18:08
elopioare you getting any errors?18:08
nik90elopio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8152047/18:08
nik90channel not found on server18:09
nik90elopio: it seems I put a space between channel= and the image name18:09
nik90elopio: it works now18:09
elopioI started from scratch, and now I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8152068/18:11
elopionik90, balloons: any idea what that means?18:12
balloonselopio, ohh, fine using schroot18:12
nik90elopio: wouldnt "click-buddy --dir ." suffice?18:12
balloonselopio, I believe the issue is the schroot is missing a full sdk install18:13
balloonsI would maintain it and add ubuntu-sdk metapackage18:13
elopionik90: dunno18:13
elopioballoons: installing.18:13
nik90balloons: so is the order of landing, devel-proposed -> devel -> rtm-proposed -> rtm-stable ?18:15
elopioyou are entering a dangerous area :)18:16
* elopio listens for balloons reply18:16
balloonsnik90, I would not say that's the order. I would say it's parallel tracks18:17
elopioit's confusing. I didn't know there was an rtm-stable.18:18
balloonseverything in rtm-proposed is in devel-proposed, but not everything in devel-proposed is in rtm-proposed.18:18
nik90elopio: i was guessing since i am currently booting rtm-proposed18:18
balloonsheck, I may even be lying at the first part18:18
balloonsbut it should be true18:18
elopioI think everything in rtm-proposed should be in devel-proposed, but it's not automatic.18:19
nik90I was asking since i need to know which channel to test my MPs before pushing out a new clock click package for instnace18:20
elopionik90: I don't know.18:21
elopioballoons: ?18:21
nik90balloons: so on installing on rtm image using "click-buddy --dir ." and "pkcon install-local com.ubuntu.clock-3.1.68.armhf.click" the clock doesnt open any more for me. I see the loading screen and then it immediately returns to the dash.18:32
nik90I am going to see if any other apps installed like this works18:33
balloonsnik90, wild18:41
nik90balloons: it works if I install it via qtc18:41
balloonsI wouldn't hold that, as it wfm, and I get to play gatekeeper :p18:41
nik90balloons: yuup strange world18:41
nik90balloons: well elopio needs to give +1 for the replacement18:42
nik90he is our QA guy :P18:42
elopioI'm installing dependencies on my chroot. It's proving difficult18:44
elopiotrying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/upstart/sessions/scope-registry.conf', which is different from other instances of package libunity-scopes3:amd6418:44
nik90elopio, balloons: I may have found the issue18:53
nik90When I use qtcreator, it places the lib files in /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ which is correct18:53
nik90but when I do click-buddy, it places the lib files in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/. The arch is wrong here18:54
nik90balloons: what command do you use to create the clickbuddy for armhf ?18:56
balloonsnik90, my click is correct18:56
balloonsclick contents *.click18:57
nik90balloons: I know18:57
balloonsnik90, are you following http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/sdk/tutorials/building-cross-architecture-click-applications/? If so, then that's a problem18:57
nik90strangely my click I create using click-buddy has armhf in the name. Weird18:58
* nik90 reads18:58
balloonselopio, you also; http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/sdk/tutorials/building-cross-architecture-click-applications/18:58
balloonsthat's the official way to do it, so if it's failing somewhere let's fix it. otherwise, do it that way :-)18:59
balloonsit even shows you validating the click at the end, how cute18:59
elopioballoons: I'm on it. I deleted the one I created with chroot and I'm creating one with qtcreator18:59
elopioI hope it will have all the deps.18:59
nik90elopio: it should18:59
nik90balloons: lol19:00
balloonselopio, yes if you follow that guide it should just work19:00
balloonsanyways, so I think everything should be fine once you are able to run a valid click.19:00
nik90balloons: the click package I create using the publish tab in qtc doesn't have the bzr revision number in the click package name.19:00
nik90balloons: so it is named 3.1._armhf...19:01
nik90balloons: while if I create using click-buddy it has 3.1.6919:01
nik90anyways I get that issue with the old clock app click package as well19:11
nik90so we are good19:11
ahayzenpopey, looks like ms2's db structure has changed...so FYI we may explode in the next CI tests...but we should be able to sort it19:13
ahayzenyeah \o/19:13
ahayzen_popey, we have bug 1361824 tracking it :)19:30
ubot5bug 1361824 in Ubuntu Music App "Music app needs to step up to new Mediascanner 2 API" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136182419:30
popeynice one19:31
nik90elopio: any luck?19:53
nik90woohoo just figured out a performance bug that affects the startup animation19:57
elopionik90: yes!19:59
elopioI've just gotten the .click and installed it.19:59
nik90elopio: woohoo...lets see if it opens correctly this time20:00
elopionik90: how am I supposed to change the location?20:00
elopioit just has a pin and says "Location"20:00
nik90elopio: you can't. It is supposed to take it from GPS which I am working on atm.20:00
nik90elopio: I removed that feature from the old clock app since it was horribly buggy20:00
nik90elopio: for some people it shows a location several cities away from them20:01
elopionik90: so, while it's not working wouldn't it be better to hide the label?20:01
nik90elopio: I could but it was there to allow the designer to check if everything is implemented as expected20:02
nik90elopio: once my branch lands, it will just replace that string with the actual location or something like "retrieving location.." etc.20:02
elopionik90: if your branch might take longer than the next promotion, I would prefer to first do a quick branch to hide it.20:04
elopiobut not a big deal. It's up to you.20:04
nik90elopio: as of image #203, the location services dont start up. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/location-service/+bug/135986620:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1359866 in location-service (Ubuntu) "Location trust service is not started on image 203" [Critical,Confirmed]20:04
nik90elopio: my branch is blocked on that :/20:04
nik90elopio: so sure I can get a branch ready in 5 mins which hides that string20:04
elopioyes, location issues are not likely to go away soon :)20:05
elopioI like this very much.20:05
elopionik90: I don't get why you use two periods on the bottom label.20:05
elopioNext alarm in ..20:05
elopioshouldn't it be with three dots?20:06
nik90elopio: it is actually supposed to be "Next Alarm in 3h 20m".. However I was waiting to discuss with the designer about a particular issue about the bottom edge.20:06
nik90elopio: I will change that string to "Alarms" for now20:07
elopionik90: +1.20:07
elopionik90: do you want bugs for those two things?20:07
nik90elopio: no we are already tracking them20:08
elopionik90: cool. Another question: Is it possible to open system settings on the date & time page?20:08
nik90elopio: it already does20:08
elopiohum, I wonder why it didn't work the first time.20:10
nik90elopio: was system settings already open?20:10
elopioit might be. But even if it's open now it takes me to date & time.20:11
nik90may try rebooting clock app and see if you can reproduce it20:11
elopioyes, seems to work fine. I don't know, I'll try some more times.20:13
nik90go ahead20:13
elopionik90: when I click the checkbox to enable an alarm, the animation happens twice.20:17
nik90elopio: but does it stay in the state you want it to?20:17
elopionik90: it does.20:17
nik90elopio: it happens because the listview is being reinitialised. This is a known issue which requires a SDK fix. It is currently in silo-009.20:18
nik90elopio: so waiting on next promotion image.20:18
nik90elopio: with regards to that, there is also another bug20:18
nik90elopio: if you edit an alarm, save it and then try toggling the alarm status, it will be set only when you do it the second time.20:19
nik90elopio: so if you edit an alarm 2 times, only on the 3rd time will it change.20:19
elopionik90: yes, lukas told me about that one.20:19
nik90elopio: so next promotion image this should all be fixed20:20
elopionik90: when the phone is locked and the screen is black, the alarm starts and I click on the Show button20:22
elopionothing happens. I guess the app will be opened behind the lock screen.20:23
elopioshould it unlock the phone or something?20:23
nik90elopio: no. We are planning to change those options to "Snooze, Ok".20:23
nik90elopio: "Ok" should dismiss the alarm and turn the screen of. Snooze will well snooze20:23
nik90elopio: its being worked on in the indicator-datetime by charles20:24
elopionik90: I'm not sure how was it working on the old clock. Was it the same?20:24
nik90elopio: can you check if clicking on an alarm in the indicator-datetime opens the new clock app20:25
nik90elopio: they both should be related20:25
charlesnik90, elopio, it's next on my list after some indicator-transfer work, so the Snooze work should happen either today or tomorrow :)20:25
nik90charles: yup. elopio is evaluating the new clock app for the replacement. So checking against the old clock app for regression.20:26
elopionik90: it opens the clock app, but not on the alarms page.20:26
nik90elopio: that was the same with the old clock app as well?20:27
elopioyes, it's the same on the old clock.20:29
nik90elopio: I hid the location string and changed the bottom edge hint to "Alarms" in https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/temp-fixes/+merge/23231520:32
elopiorobru, popey, plars, nik90: The new clock looks good to me. There are a couple of weird things that nik90 already is tracking and will fix soon.20:38
elopioI tested all the UI buttons and widgets, the integration with indicators, the sound, the volume, the recurrence, the notification, phone locked and unlocked.20:38
elopioI send the message on the wrong channel :)20:39
elopionik90: we need to write a manual test plan for the clock.20:41
elopiolet me know just when you are done with all this urgent features and I'll help you with that.20:41
nik90elopio: could you take a look at jenkins failure..it couldnt find the test reports20:42
elopiowe need at least a checklist of what to test that's not yet automated, like the integration with the indicator and the notification.20:42
nik90elopio: ah ok20:43
nik90elopio: is there any sample manual test plans that I could look at?20:43
elopionik90: not one I would copy :)20:44
elopionik90: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/20:44
nik90elopio: :)20:44
elopiobut don't worry about it know.20:45
popeyelopio: nik90 ok, we need a balloons to do the upload.20:48
nik90popey: one sec. we need https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/temp-fixes/+merge/232315 to go in based on elopio's review20:48
popeyvitimiti: hello20:49
Bruce_hello all. mabye a quick question. I'm trying to create an ubuntu emulated device in the ubuntu SDK, and it seems like it's working, but it's taking a real long time now.20:49
elopionik90: I think the error on that branch is because it's trying py320:49
Bruce_it's been like 1 hour now20:50
elopioUsing python: python220:50
elopiocould not import package ubuntu_clock_app: No module named ubuntu_clock_app20:50
nik90elopio: oh20:50
vitimitiI have two pages that are loaded in the mainview at the same time, but page1 is set to visible and page2 set to not visible. When I press a button, page2 should be visible and page1 should not. Each page has it's own toolbar, with different buttons but, when the pages change, the toolbar of the first page stays and the toolbar of the second one does not appear. How can I fix this?20:50
nik90fginther: ^^ can you change jenkins to use python3 for above ^^20:51
nik90fginther: lp:ubuntu-clock-app20:51
nik90fginther: lp:ubuntu-clock-app (lp:~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0)20:53
vitimitiHi, did my question make it through it or...?20:55
popeyvitimiti: yes, guess everyone is a bit busy, maybe ask on the ubuntu phone list?20:55
vitimitiNah, it was because of my lag, I thought it might not have gone through20:56
vitimitiI'll wait, thanks, popey :)20:56
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balloonsso we want https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/temp-fixes/+merge/232315 before the upload yes?21:13
balloonsnik90, ^^21:13
nik90balloons: yes21:13
nik90balloons: its a two line fix which unfortunately is blocked due to the lp:ubuntu-clock-app change I did in the afternoon I guess21:14
nik90balloons: we need fginther to enable py3 for that branch21:14
fginthernik90, I'm looking at it21:14
fginthernik90, I was confused at first since lp:~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0 is already using the python3 test runner21:15
nik90fginther: yes21:16
fgintherbut you're asking for lp:ubuntu-clock-app, right?21:16
nik90fginther: but this afternoon we changed the development focus to that branch. May be that could have done something21:16
nik90fginther: lp:ubuntu-clock-app points to utopic-3.021:16
fginthernik90, yep, that would do it, it all makes sense now21:17
fgintherone moment21:17
popeythanks fginther21:18
fginthernik90, I update the job and retriggered the tests for https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/temp-fixes/+merge/23231521:22
nik90fginther: awesome as always. thxn. I will keep track of it and merge if it passes21:22
nik90Bruce_: which emulator did you create? the arm or i386?21:40
nik90Bruce_: also which image?21:40
nik90Bruce_: it shouldn't take long. For me it is done in less than 1min.21:40
nik90balloons: you are good to go.21:46
nik90balloons: the branch has been merged. You can grab trunk and create a click package for it to upload to store21:46
twstddevpopey, ping21:58
twstddevI'm trying to start script from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-geonames22:00
twstddevbut there is a syntax error and I cannot find sphinxapi inteface for python, not even in ppa:~ev22:00
twstddevhas it been removed?22:00
popeyi bootstrapped that on my digitalocean vps22:01
popeylemme see what I did there22:01
twstddevsure. thanks22:01
popeytwstddev: my vps has python-sphinxapi and sphinxsearch22:21
popeyi think i manually did a dpkg -i python-sphinxapi_0.9.9-6ubuntu1~ev1_all.deb22:22
popeywhich I grabbed from ev's ppa22:22
popeyseems to work22:22
twstddevis that the ppa? https://launchpad.net/~ev/+archive/ubuntu/ppa22:23
popeyare you on utopic?22:24
twstddevI develop in vagrant, precise 64 %)22:25
twstddevpopey, i used pip to install this package https://github.com/jsocol/sphinxapi22:27
twstddevbut probably that's not the one22:27
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nik90balloons: Were you able to upload it to store?23:32
popeynik90: i see no click upload in the store...23:38
nik90popey: ok, I wanted to send out an email after the click upload.23:39
nik90guess I might sent it tomorrow23:39
popeynik90: mirv can upload in the morning UK/EU time23:40
nik90popey: ah ok. I will follow with him tomorrow morning then23:40
* nik90 goes to sleep23:41

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