[01:56] better [02:19] is it morning yet? [02:21] nope [02:21] grr [02:24] perfect time to work on your doomsday device :-) [02:24] does ubuntu-touch count? [02:25] no, that's just a weapon of mass distraction [02:25] but if you get os/2 working on a phone... [02:27] at the very least it would annoy the buggery out of ms as it becomes more popular than winphone :-p [02:41] well wouldn't my one install achieve the "more popular than winphone" milestone? [02:41] I just had a rant on the ubuntu-phone mailing list :-p [02:42] https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg09629.html [02:56] nah, it needs a few million and you should never underestimate the os/2 holdouts [02:56] i have fond memories of it and if someone got one working i'd be seriously tempted [02:56] till thenm, waiting for firefoxos to make it to ireland [03:01] and it would set the nsa back decades trying to write malware for it :-) === deegee__ is now known as drussell === msm is now known as Guest51867 === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [09:29] ................................\o/ [09:30] ................................ | [09:30] ................................/ \ === deegee is now known as drussell [09:44] morning boys and girls. === jpds_ is now known as jpds [09:48] my missis got to play occulus while i wasn't there [09:48] :( [09:51] as in, VR oculus rift ? [09:54] yep [09:55] :( [09:55] Ooh, shiny [09:55] brother in law makes games for EA [09:55] Did she get to play Elite Dangerous on Rift? [09:55] Or just EA games? [09:55] i think she was running around in a cartoon [09:55] they have it at their house [09:56] The only thing stopping me getting a DK2 is the inevitable prospect of buyers remorse when the CV1 is released [09:57] I built one of those DIY headtrackers from an Arduino and it adds some very pleasing immersion to the game [10:04] Good morning peeps :) === davmor2_ is now known as davmor2 [10:05] mornign bigcalm [10:05] are you feeling calm today? [10:05] yo [10:06] Having had Monday off, quite calm. Except we went to IKEA yesterday for 4+ hours [10:06] We are quite mad [10:23] Morning all :D [10:23] is it? [10:28] For a little longer [10:28] I think we need a bank holiweek [10:45] ☹ desktop swap-death [10:46] Swap file dead? [10:46] Swapped a desktop and it's dead? [10:46] no, 8GB RAM, 2.8GB swap consumed [10:46] now it's completely unresponsive [10:46] disk light on# [10:47] * popey REISUBS [10:47] Is REISUB more reliable on PS/2 or USB? [10:47] swap is so useless on modern systems [10:48] if you don't plan on using suspend-to-disk (hibernate) it's more harmful than helpful [10:48] I tend to agree, although I do occasionally run processes that benefit from it (even with 8GB of RAM) [10:48] Things like repacking certain Git repos with large files in them [10:52] Myrtti: wife's first output from the spinning wheel was 2 large cushions for the kids to watch TV. they are natural colours, undyed. http://i.imgur.com/fUWDG72.jpg [10:53] nice [10:53] very warm === cking_ is now known as cking === deegee is now known as drussell [11:51] * smittix yawns [12:00] monsoon has started === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [12:37] http://www.buzzfeed.com/greggdd69/15-orangutans-that-look-like-london-mayor-boris-jo-5v0w === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [13:04] foobarry: how dare you suggest that humans are somehow related to apes! [13:05] actually i realised that link was a bit racist [13:06] I hadn't noticed that [13:06] I was just trying to stir a little something :P [13:15] Grrrrarrgh Windows Powershell - an entirely true statement [13:15] (Windows Powers hell) [13:15] at least powershell has an "ls" command [13:15] A shell where you have to mess around for over an hour to get it to pass arguments to another program... not worthy of being called a "shell". [13:15] Still not worked out the convolutions it wants [13:16] The "ls" command is an alias for `get-childitem` [13:16] They removed the alias for "grep" being "select-string" [13:17] surely it's a shell so you can add it back [13:17] Yes [13:17] But it's making me very cross [13:18] Why is it so hard to pass arguments to another program from it [13:18] So hard, that someone has created a debug tool that echoes the arguments to STDOUT [13:18] So you can debug it [13:19] lawl [13:19] Currently I can get the first three args then it smushes the rest all together into one arg, for some unknown reason only it is privy to [13:31] awilkins: have you tried turning it off and on again? [13:34] Ok, it's something to do with using variables in argument lists [13:34] If you replace one with a literal that isn't smushed into the list any more [13:35] >-< [13:35] If you insert a literal into the middle of the list of variables... it writes the variables as a single smushed arg ... then it writes the literal at the end [14:00] Apparently it was my tragic conviction that doStuff(1, 2, 3) was a reasonable way to call a function [14:00] Powershell assumes you mean an array if you use commas so doStuff(1,2, 3) == doStuff new Array { 1, 2, 3 } [14:01] And doesn't throw an error if you pass an array to a parameter set as [String], just casts the array to a string and ignores that the other two params are empty [14:01] doStuff 1 2 3 # is of course the correct way and I am chastened [15:03] awilkins, bash does functions that way too [15:04] Guess I don't do functions in shell scripts enough [15:04] I mostly pipe and look an [15:04] loop [15:04] And set variables [15:35] ugh what a failure [15:37] why does any small electronics device manufacturer ever bother with power sources with the round plug? [15:45] Because you need something to power your USB hub with that isn't a USB hub? [15:45] (Ok, you could power it with a USB charger) [15:47] Sorry, I'm just disappointed at the Gramofon, which comes with a EU powersource and a weird ass looking adapter. [15:47] because someone is still making those power adapters and selling them cheap? [15:47] *sigh* [15:51] because not everything runs off 3.3V [15:55] so gramofon is a chromecast with line out instead of HDMI... [15:55] (in case anyone was wondering) [15:55] and it costs $60 if you pre-order it, or $100 if you want until it is actually finished [15:59] http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ex-Pro%C2%AE-AV-Pro-Audio-Extractor-3-5mm/dp/B00ATRH2WS/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1409068681&sr=8-4&keywords=hdmi+audio+splitter [15:59] combine with a chromecast and you get the same thing, for less, and it runs off USB power [15:59] and you can actually buy it today [16:00] I bought it mainly as a Fonera [16:00] we already have a Belkin Bluetooth thing [16:01] bluetooth audio thing? [16:02] songstream? [16:07] http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00DSNWM2K/ [16:08] 1st world problems: you see a nice blue tooth headphones but then realise the radio on your phone needs the wire as an aerial :-) === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD === hamitron_ is now known as hamitron === MonsterKiller_ is now known as MonsterKiller === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away