
DalekSecOvenWerks: lingot wasn't so bad, fmit was interesting too.06:51
cubOvenWerks, I haven't tried any software for tuning since I always use my pedal. I just noticed that Lingot hasn't been updated since 2011. Gxtuner seems to be pulled out fron Guitarix, which is included if I don't remember wrong. I haven't used that either though. Guitarix is at least maintained.07:10
zequenceOvenWerks: We should really try to make additions before feature freeze (and that said, I haven't yet synced us with Xubuntu, as I was supposed to)16:04
zequenceNot a big deal to add a tuner though16:04
zequenceI could do that while I make the other changes to seeds16:04
zequenceJust a thought: how would it be if we just released once every year?16:08
zequenceThese 9 month issues don't seem worth putting up, especially when they are so close to a LTS16:08
zequenceWouldn't save an awful amount of work though. We still need to keep our package up to date16:09
zequenceThe only thing we don't need to do is QA on the ISO. And we still need to respect the release schedule.16:10
zequenceUsers would still be able to upgrade to a newer version of Ubuntu from which ever release they are on.16:14
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