
bluesabreUnit193: I'd say, do xfce4-panel | lxpanel01:06
bluesabrethe package is useless otherwise01:07
Unit193Sounds fine to me, then.  Versioned of course, just like the configure script is.01:09
pleia2can haz b1 image candidate soon01:19
skellatHow many hours until meeting?01:26
Unit193Crap, xfce4-panel (>= 4.11), xfce4-panel (<< 4.13) is added by debhelper.  bluesabre: For sure punting to you. :P01:26
Unit193bluesabre: I confirmed it shows up in the panel (more or less) in a VM, good enough to go?01:40
bluesabreSounds good to me01:41
Unit193OK, I'll file the lxpanel side of things to take some off you at least.01:41
pleia2skellat: 8 I think01:42
bluesabreUnit193: great, thanks01:45
bluesabreUnit193: but right, I do not have pkg-xfce01:51
Unit193Noskcaj: ^01:51
Unit193Bug #1361459 01:56
ubottubug 1361459 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "lxpanel is missing the development files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136145901:56
bluesabreUnit193: lxpanel or lxpanel-dev?02:04
Unit193bluesabre: There is no lxpanel-dev yet, and my proposed patch does not create one.02:05
Unit193Velociraptor might get one though.02:05
bluesabrewe'll cross that bridge when we HOLY CRAP DINOSAURS02:06
bluesabreUnit193: pulling your apt-offline now02:11
bluesabreUnit193: and just because I don't fully understand the issue, assuming this fixes it?02:26
skellatbluesabre: The version in archive makes a call to apt with a flag that doesn't exist anymore.  Unit193's version cherrypicks the upstream fix that avoids the now non-existent flag to apt.02:28
bluesabreexcellent, thanks for the explanation skellat02:28
Unit193bluesabre: I did extensive testing since the line offset was so far, it works.02:28
bluesabrethanks guys02:28
Unit193bluesabre: http://sigma.unit193.net/source/apt-offline_1.3.1ubuntu1.debdiff if that helps, I uploaded it last night too.02:28
Unit193Sure thing, doc.02:28
bluesabreok, pushing now02:29
skellatUnit193, bluesabre: After the updated version marinates a couple days I'll probably have to get started with the SRU paperwork to get that to go back to 14.0402:30
bluesabresounds good02:31
Unit193What he said, I wasn't planning on SRU'ing, so thanks.02:31
bluesabreyou guys have anything to add to the meeting agenda for tomorrow?02:33
bluesabreI'll add something after the wiki times out a few times and I am logged in02:33
Unit193Looks short.02:36
skellatWe have the gksu discussion02:42
skellatWe get to discuss how verily borken gksu is02:42
Unit193That'll be fun...02:42
Unit193Meh, it's not that broken.02:42
skellatUnit193: Debian's got some "fun" bugs with it: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?repeatmerged=no&src=gksu02:43
bluesabrethankfully most of our discussion is "we removed that things ages ago, and now we have pkexec policies, yay!"02:44
skellatWhich is EXCELLENT!02:45
Unit193Meh, still not helpful, but I'm on the "losing side" anyway.02:45
skellatThis is scary: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gksu/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=002:46
Unit193bluesabre: BTW, for future uploads, dsc is fine?  You want both a dsc and debdiff?  Just debdiff?03:18
bluesabreUnit193: dsc is fine, I usually debdiff anyway03:26
elfyskellat: I'm pleased you're so happy that gksu is gone - perhaps team should have spent more time in the last 2 years dealing with the fact it's gone AND the fact that team left users with no option but to reinstall it as no-one bothered with actually dealing with pkexec - excellent06:20
Unit193pkexec feels like a bandaid and we've fixed packages we ship, but that's it.  The "fix" is not even as useful as what it's fixing, seems like it'd be like switching to wayland now, too early and undercooked.06:24
elfyyep I agree06:25
elfynto quite sure why we're just following ubuntu along to be honest06:26
Unit193Using pkexec: "gtk.GtkWarning: could not open display" and a crash dialog, "Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:" but at least no crash dialog this time!  Yeah, if that's the case may as well use Mir too.06:27
Unit193But anyway, Ubuntu (or Xubuntu) changes things, I revert them.  Nothing new really and means I can actually launch applications.06:28
elfyyep - I use gksu here 06:29
elfyand will continue to tell people to install it06:29
Unit193Want a fun game?06:31
Unit193!find /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.ubuntu.pkexec utopic06:31
ubottuFile /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.ubuntu.pkexec found in gparted, gufw, synaptic, xubuntu-default-settings06:31
Unit193apt-cache rdepends gksu | wc -l: 4206:32
elfyI guess for pkexec to be any real use it should be able to work like gksu does - for anything that someone wants06:36
elfyI've lost interest now06:36
Unit193OK, sounds fine to me.06:36
knomebrainwash, there won't be a xubuntu 12.04.5, we didn't participate (no HWE, no new worthy enough stuff from us)08:59
brainwashbut there are daily build for it08:59
brainwashok, people should switch to 14.04 anyway :)09:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
knomecan't see any daily builds in the ISO tracker; if there are other, they are probably built automatically09:05
brainwashso it's just the usual daily build09:09
brainwashlabeled "Xubuntu 12.04.5 LTS"09:09
slickymasterWorkmorning everyone09:24
knomehello slickymasterWork 09:25
slickymasterWorkhi knome :)09:25
slickymasterWorkstill flooded with work?09:25
knomea bit less, but still a bit :)09:25
knomeand waiting for the next wave09:25
slickymasterWorkwaiting for waves is cool09:26
* slickymasterWork does it a lot09:26
knomei believe you're talking about different kind of waves here ;)09:26
slickymasterWorkyes, I am. knome, we still have the docs side of including pkexec policy files in favor of gksu action item open09:27
knomei might actually be able to sit down with the issue today, depending what the client who tried to call me earlier needs from me..09:28
slickymasterWorkI'm here :)09:28
slickymasterWorkit's going to be brought up in today's meeting, for sure09:28
knomethough i already forgot we had a meeting :P09:29
knomeand so soon now too!09:29
slickymasterWorkmornings meetings09:29
brainwashbluesabre: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9672#c5 makes we wonder.. I need to find more information about why thunar does not support desktop actions (anymore)09:48
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9672 in General "Add desktop actions to parole.desktop" [Enhancement,Resolved: wontfix]09:48
ochosimorning everyone09:50
brainwashhi ochosi 09:50
bluesabremorning guys09:53
ochosisorry, i might need an extra 5-10mins...09:54
ochosi(if you wanna start the meeting feel free to)09:55
bluesabrebrainwash: let me know if you find anything, but my comment basically sums up my thoughts on the matter09:55
bluesabreelfy: I really expected to see utopic beta on this list http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/09:57
bluesabretonight probably?09:58
knomepoke balloons09:59
bluesabre... and they pop10:00
bluesabrehey skellat10:03
skellatDid I miss the meeting?10:04
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bluesabreochosi running late, and we're all patient folks10:05
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Aug 26 10:05:42 2014 UTC.  The chair is ochosi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.10:05
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick10:05
ochosihey !team10:05
ochosi!team | hey everyone, meeting time10:05
ubottuhey everyone, meeting time: bluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19310:05
bluesabrehey ochosi10:05
ochosijust as a disclaimer, i might get a phone-call during the meeting that i'll have to take10:06
ochosiso don't worry if i'm suddenly mute :)10:06
ochosi(i didn't die in front of my computer in that case)10:06
bluesabreas far as we'll know10:07
ochosisoo, who's here apart from bluesabre and skellat?10:07
ochosiright, so let's get on with it10:08
ochosi#topic gksu/do versus pkexec10:09
ochosiwe still have that on our agenda10:09
ochosibluesabre: wanna #info something on that?10:09
bluesabre#info we now have pkexec policy files for thunar and mousepad10:09
bluesabrethey, among other things, need translations https://translations.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings10:10
ochosiwhat's the doc-status on this?10:10
slickymasterWorkon what ochosi? pkexec?10:10
ochosibluesabre: so a call for translations to the ML maybe?10:11
slickymasterWorkwell, knome and I haven't started working on that10:11
ochosibut you have it on the radar10:11
slickymasterWorkbut we're planning to do it shortly10:11
ochosi#info slickymaster and knome will work on docs for pkexec10:11
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: INFO10:12
ochosi#action slickymaster and knome will work on docs for pkexec10:12
meetingologyACTION: slickymaster and knome will work on docs for pkexec10:12
bluesabreochosi: yeah, need to do a call for all of our projects10:12
bluesabrethough, I think there was one already recently10:12
ochosibluesabre: mind doing that (since you seem to have the overview)?10:12
bluesabresure thing10:12
slickymasterWorkbluesabre: have upload the new strings for menulibre?10:12
slickymasterWork+ you10:12
ochosi#action bluesabre will send a call for translations for all our projects to the mailinglist10:12
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre will send a call for translations for all our projects to the mailinglist10:12
bluesabreslickymasterWork, not yet, to do shortly10:13
bluesabrewas going to do it sunday with other translation releases, got derailed by gtk-theme-config10:13
ochosiso, anything else on pkexec?10:13
bluesabreWe have thunar and mousepad policies, need anything else?10:14
knomeslickymasterWork, looks like i'll have some time today10:14
knomebluesabre, tell me, why does mousepad need it?10:14
ochosibluesabre: well we've asked around (also on the ML), and that's what ppl came up with10:14
slickymasterWorkgreat knome. I'll ready whenever you are10:14
knomebecause it can save files to system locations?10:14
slickymasterWork+ be10:14
ochosiknome: ppl might want an editor for config files? (e.g. lightdm config)10:14
bluesabreknome: dunno, I did what the others told me :)10:14
ochosior logind policies or whatever10:15
knomeochosi, right, so wouldn't any app that saves files potentially need a policy, like transmission10:15
bluesabreedit != save10:15
knomewhat about abiword/gnumeric?10:15
skellatknome: In general you would not be using transmission to land a file straight to /var/apt/cache10:15
ochosii'd do this on an on-demand basis, tbh10:15
skellatFor example10:15
slickymasterWorkbluesabre, what about for xfce4-terminal?10:16
bluesabreanyway, I see this going down the wrong trail :)10:16
knomei'm just asking10:16
knomeargument accepted.10:16
ochosislickymasterWork: the terminal really doesn't need one10:16
knomeso we're covering the "sensible" use cases that might need policies10:16
ochosiyou can execute super-user commands in a terminal anyway10:16
knomeskellat, thank you sherlock ;)10:16
slickymasterWorkochosi, yes, I agree with you. was just asking because it was included in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Utopic/Pkexec10:17
skellatknome: If memory serves, there actually is an apt transport package for using bittorrent if you really wanted to for some reason10:17
ochosislickymasterWork: yeah, that was a place set up for suggestions (incl. some from the community)10:17
slickymasterWorkok, got it10:17
knomeskellat, sure. and some people might want to download torrents to system directories, like sharing an ISO with all the users but not let them touch it.10:17
ochosiso we took thunar and mousepad cause they made some sense, but not the terminal10:17
ochosiok, let's get back on the topic10:18
ochosianything else on pkexec?10:18
bluesabrenot from me10:18
ochosiok, moving along10:18
ochosi#topic Open Action Items10:18
ochosifrom last time there are a few open action items10:18
ochosiknome: any clue whether pleia2 started with the marketing support for the xfce bounty programme?10:19
ochosior shall we carry that along to the next meeting?10:19
knomei imagine not.10:19
knomelet's carry it on10:19
ochosi#action marketing team to support xfce's bug bounty programme by informing people on website and social media 10:19
meetingologyACTION: marketing team to support xfce's bug bounty programme by informing people on website and social media10:19
ochosibluesabre: what about your action items?10:19
bluesabre#info DONE: bluesabre to put list of xubuntu packageset packages on wiki (somebody beat me to it by adding the link)10:20
bluesabre#info DONE: bluesabre to upload new xubuntu-default-settings 10:20
bluesabre#info DONE: bluesabre to enable clutter in parole, set as default in xubuntu-default-settings 10:20
ochosioh, where is that page?10:21
knomebluesabre, #done too :P10:21
knomei want and added that link :)10:21
skellat#info DONE: skellat to mail list to see if anyone wishes to identify specific low-hanging fruit tasks for the Global Jam 10:21
bluesabre06:05 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick10:21
knomebluesabre, sorry for taking your item..10:21
knomebluesabre, that's broken. lderan!10:21
bluesabreknome: somebody had to do them, and I was dragging my feet ;)10:22
ochosiknome: i guess we already carried your item forward...10:22
knomeochosi, yep, that's fine.10:22
ochosi#topic Team Updates10:22
ochosi#info ochosi did a new release of the icon theme that adds support for the new power-manager amongst others10:22
bluesabre#info new versions of catfish, lightdm-gtk-greeter, xfce4-power-settings, xfce4-settings, light-locker-settings have landed10:23
ochosinice work bluesabre 10:24
ochosi(even though i'm not sure what xfce4-power-settings is, must be a new project ;))10:24
bluesabrewhatever that thing is, obviously not my project ;)10:24
bluesabreer not10:24
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: INFO10:25
ochosibluesabre: now feel free to go again ;)10:25
ochosi#chair bluesabre 10:25
meetingologyCurrent chairs: bluesabre ochosi10:25
bluesabre#info new versions of catfish, lightdm-gtk-greeter, xfce4-power-manager, xfce4-settings, light-locker-settings have landed10:25
ochosi#info ochosi talked to ubuntu devs about gtk3.12 affecting our default applications like evince. they will all remain in their gtk3.10 versions for 14.10, so we have nothing to worry about with headerbars and client-side decorations10:26
ochosiif anyone spots problems with that ^ though, be sure to let me know10:26
bluesabre#info outside of that, headerbars and CSD work well enough with xubuntu... with compositor on they are fine, with it off, they have an extra xfwm titlebar on top10:27
* bluesabre did some testing on the side10:27
ochosisaw the screenshots, it's okay10:27
ochosieven if it isn't pretyt10:27
bluesabreyup, not broken = yay10:28
ochosiany other updates..?10:28
bluesabreoh yeah10:29
bluesabre#info apt-offline is fixed in utopic, courtesy of Unit19310:29
ochosiok, moving along...10:30
ochosi#topic Announcements10:30
ochosi#info Beta1 freeze is in effect10:30
knome#info Beta1 releas on Thursday10:30
knomereleas releas!10:31
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: INFO10:31
ochosi#chair knome 10:31
meetingologyCurrent chairs: bluesabre knome ochosi10:31
knome#info Beta1 release on Thursday10:31
bluesabre#info Feature freeze is also in effect10:31
ochosii guess we're in bugfix mode then10:31
knome#info Following freezes: UI freeze Sept 11, Doc string freeze Sept 18 ...10:31
ochosiare there any blockers any of you have been seeing? (those of you who have been testing utopic i mean)10:31
bluesabreso far, we're pretty clear... things have stabilized a lot in the past week or so10:32
ochosigood to hear10:32
ochosii'm actually just running updates on my utopic VM now10:33
knomeif i have any time and motivation, i'll try to set up my old laptop for testing10:33
ochosiok, any other announcements?10:33
ochosiknome: that'd be nice!10:33
knomeotherwise i guess i'll just have to do VM testing at some point (again)10:33
* slickymasterWork will continue with VM testing10:34
bluesabre#info Beta 1 is Thursday, we'll need iso testing, see elfy's mail: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-August/010387.html10:34
ochosia bit offtopic, but i have to admit i really enjoy the way whiskermenu works in utopic. with all the settings dialogs there, it's quite the universal launcher10:35
ochosiyeah, i'll try to do a test this week10:35
ochosiwould be great if others could join in too10:35
ochosimore announcements?10:35
knomei'll try to squeeze some testing in, but tbh, schedule looks meh10:35
bluesabreyeah, was going to do one this morning, beta1 is not on the list yet it seems10:36
slickymasterWorkI'll do some10:36
bluesabregreat :D10:37
ochosiyup, elfy will be happy to see those flowing in :)10:37
ochosi#topic Discussion10:37
ochosi#subtopic Incentives to get more people to help with QA and testing10:37
ochosii've discussed this with elfy and knome in this channel previously10:38
ochosibut i thought we might want to consider throwing some of the leftover resources we have at people who help with testing10:38
ochosielfy has had a bit of a hard time this cycle finding and motivating folks to run the tests10:38
ochosiwhich is probably partially due to this being LTS+1, partially due to testing not being the most exciting task in the world10:39
ochosi(and maybe there are other factors i'm not thinking of now)10:39
ochosibe that as it may, i think testing and QA is really important for us and we've had a great run in 14.04 with it10:39
bluesabrepartially due to virtualbox seeming to fail on start10:39
ochosiwe should try to maintain that somehow and try to get new folks involved in that department10:39
ochosiso one idea was to set up a sort of "incentive programme" where e.g. the "tester of the month" gets a xubuntu-sticker in the mail10:40
ochosiand the "tester of the cycle" gets a t-shirt10:40
ochosijust as examples10:40
bluesabreI think that'd be cool10:40
ochosii'd like to hear some opinions on that from you guys10:40
ochosi(fwiw, i see a beneficial side-effect in this, we might be able to attract more people to contributing. testing is a good first step of getting familiar with xubuntu and the procedures around it)10:41
ochosislickymasterWork, skellat: opinions on ^ ?10:42
ochosiknome: btw, how does that work with the stickers now, can we just order a single one on behalf of somebody else, i.e. get it mailed directly to someone's house?10:43
bluesabrethe stickers from unixstickers are pretty nice10:43
slickymasterWorkwell, I believe that there are people testing, thing is that most of the people don't report their tests10:43
knomeochosi, you'll have to ask pleia2 who set it all up10:44
ochosiis what pleia2 set up unixstickers?10:44
ochosislickymasterWork: right, so we might need more incentive to get people to report their tests then i guess10:44
slickymasterWorkbut the incentive program seems a good idea10:44
bluesabreyeah, there are definitely people testing, got lots of feedback when I broke shimmer-themes ;)10:45
knometo me, it doesn't seem to have any difference if we get completely new testers, or those who just don't report, to actually report tests10:45
slickymasterWorkyes, the only way they would get rewarded would be measured but the number of reported tests10:45
skellatI agree with knome.  Reporting is the key.10:46
ochosiok, i suggest we let elfy come up with some ideas and vote on it in the next meeting?10:46
ochosi(we might also have to review those options in terms of how much work it actually is to get a sticker sent to someone's house every month)10:47
* slickymasterWork is aiming for the t-shirt :P10:47
bluesabreon a slightly related note, just wondering if there was any progress on this:10:47
bluesabrexubutrello: card 22 link10:48
xubutrelloCouldn't find any card with id: 22. Aborting.10:48
bluesabrethat never works for me10:48
ochosi#action elfy shall set up a page for the QA incentive programme, collecting proposals/ideas for rewards and a general outline of it10:48
meetingologyACTION: elfy shall set up a page for the QA incentive programme, collecting proposals/ideas for rewards and a general outline of it10:48
knomemaybe team members should be not allowed to win :P10:48
ochosiawwwwh :)10:48
slickymasterWorkI want one with xub icon surfing knome 10:49
ochosiwe can discuss that once elfy has set up that page i guess10:49
knomewell, it doesn't motivate new contributors..10:49
ochosiok, let's carry on10:49
ochosi#subtopic Jenkins for image testing10:49
ochosisince bluesabre just brought it up, any idea what that idea was all about? :)10:49
skellatJenkins is a "continuous integration" system but that's all I know about it10:50
ochosii've seen jenkins in action for xfce10:50
ochosiand it seems quite good in terms of catching build-time errors10:50
ochosinot sure what else it can do10:51
ochosialright, one last topic from my side...10:53
ochosi#subtopic Trello and launchpad blueprints (again)10:53
ochosiwhile elfy has synced the two, i really think that for the next cycle we should decide on which one we want to carry on with10:54
ochosiusing both is tedious and even more annoying than using launchpad during 14.04 was10:54
ochosiand i appreciate that knome did put a lot of effort into getting the blueprint system running10:54
ochosiso yeah, it's probably too early now, but i'd like us to have this discussion again towards the end of the cycle10:55
ochosiand hear how team members felt it went10:55
bluesabresounds good to me10:56
ochosii've personally disliked launchpad for its slowness, but the integration of the bugs and branches etc is quite good10:57
ochosimaybe it can be improved somehow10:58
ochosialrighty, from my side, that's it10:58
ochosiany other topics for discussion?10:58
ochosigo ahead :)10:58
bluesabre#subtopic UI Updates10:59
bluesabre#info lightdm-gtk-greeter no longer supports proper centering, wondering if you guys think we should keep the "kinda-centered" layout, or consider others10:59
bluesabreexamples, http://imgur.com/a/aSj6W#011:00
bluesabreand not sure if this is info-worthy, but do we want to stick with the desktop icon sizes, or adjust? http://imgur.com/tsLjypk11:01
ochosiah right11:01
ochosiyeah, thanks for bringing that up again11:01
bluesabrethis all comes from xubuntu-default-settings, so changes are quick and easy, but wanted to discuss before UIF11:01
* slickymasterWork likes the power on right option11:02
ochosii'm leaning towards "clock, power on right" as long as the clock isn't really centered11:02
slickymasterWorkI'm with you ochosi 11:02
slickymasterWorkalso, IMO we would stick with the desktop icon sizes11:03
knomeyep, that seems like the best one11:03
ochosiit's close to our default panel layout and "clock on right" somehow looks wrong11:03
bluesabreand with the icons, you can click the image to make it not tiny11:03
bluesabreyeah, I agree with the clock, power on right11:03
knomere: desktop 48/64 is ymy favorite11:03
ochosiyeah, i somewhat agree with knome on that11:04
knomeor could be that 32/64 was even better11:04
knomeanything >64 on tooltip just looks way too huge11:04
ochosialso from a technical side, we have a lot of icons for 64px, but not so many for 96px yet11:04
ochosiso lotsa potential fuzziness11:04
bluesabreMy complaint is that with 32, File Syst... is cut off, though I realize this probably happens a lot for other locales11:04
* slickymasterWork also prefers desktop 48/6411:05
ochosibluesabre: so let's set the tooltip to 64px and see how that looks11:05
ochosii don't mind bumping the size of the icons back to 48px11:06
ochosi(call, brb)11:06
ochosisorry about that11:12
ochosibluesabre: so if you don't mind let's start with only the tooltips and if we dislike the 32px then, we bump that too11:12
ochosino need to discuss that in a meeting though11:12
ochosisidenote: i was also considering to make the top panel 26 instead of 24px11:12
bluesabrejust good to get multiple inputs :)11:12
bluesabreyes please11:13
ochosionly problem atm with that is that the power-manager icon doesn't support it yet11:13
ochosiwill have to pull a few strings again11:13
ochosiwrapping it up11:13
ochosithanks everyone for the meeting!11:13
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Aug 26 11:14:18 2014 UTC.  11:14
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-08-26-10.05.moin.txt11:14
bluesabrewoot, thanks ochosi11:14
ochosithis ^ is how it looks with 26px11:14
* skellat goes back to bed11:14
bluesabreactually. looks fine for me at 26px11:14
ochosinight skellat 11:14
bluesabreare you using png or svg theme?11:15
ochosii'm using whatever is in utopic now11:15
ochosihm, i guess i know why11:16
ochosii'll fix that...11:17
ochosiok done11:18
ochosiargh, someone removed the "we are here" part in the meeting page comments11:29
ochosii guess we're back at the beginning11:30
knomei did!11:31
knomeyes, we are at the beginning11:31
knomereason i removed it: it wasn't kept up-to-date...11:32
ochosihm :/11:32
ochosii added it back now11:32
ochosijust so *i* remember :)11:32
knomejust poke your leaders to update it as well ;)11:32
knomeat least you can determine where in the list we are based on when *you* last held a meeting ;)11:32
ochosiexactly :)11:33
knomehmm... i just scored validation rights for the finnish translation of wordpress11:33
knome(disclaimer: i've translated 0 strings in wordpress to finnish)11:33
elfy<bluesabre> elfy: I really expected to see utopic beta on this list http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ - as soon as I do see something about it I'll ping the m/l with the real url - but from memory on the last alpha - it was all really late and I don't expect it to be different this time11:47
ochosihey elfy 11:49
elfyhi 11:50
elfylunchtime - not here much :)11:50
ochosii hope you're fine with us discussing the QA incentive idea despite your absence11:50
elfyof course :)11:50
ochosi(and assigning a task to you :p)11:50
elfyyea saw that11:51
elfyI see you're going to be setting the next meeting - so if it's the same sort of time - expect me to not be there :)11:51
ochosiwell i'm fairly open to different times11:52
ochosiso if there is a time that works better for everyone i'm fine with that11:52
ochosibut it looks like we don't have a single time11:52
elfymoving times about makes it good to get different people to at least get to meetings - I've no problem with that at all :)11:53
ochosiyup, actually i think the meeting cycling has been working well this cycle11:53
elfyfor people that work with computers if it's worktime they've got more chance of attending - if I attend when I'm working I'm likely to crash the van and die :p11:54
elfyI like you all - just not that much :D11:54
ochosiUnit193: would you happen to know whether lubuntu folks plan to land lxde panel 0.7 in 14.10? i'm mostly wondering because it breaks the xfpm plugin for them13:25
brainwashwill we remove indicator-power from the seed?13:26
brainwashalready gone13:27
brainwashochosi: will installations upgraded to 14.10 show two battery indicators?14:05
ochosithe user's panel layout isn't touched14:06
ochosiso the xfpm plugin won't be there14:06
brainwashah right14:06
brainwashbut new user accounts will14:06
ochosiyeah, i guess so14:07
ochosibut it's easy enough to remove either14:07
brainwashluckily :)14:07
ochosiwouldn't consider that a huge problem14:07
elfyochosi: they're adding you and me to the contact list for -release stuff14:07
brainwashno, just a small annoyance14:07
ochosielfy: yup, noticed. thanks!14:07
elfyI thought you would :)14:07
elfyand we're all sorted for beta 14:08
ochosithanks a bunch, looking forward to it14:08
elfyno need to mail the release list re that14:08
elfyunignoring queuebot till I see it built for us :p14:09
slickymasterWorkthe queuebot is starting to spit the builds14:44
elfyours failed to build ... 14:44
elfy<stgraber> Unpacking xubuntu-live-settings (14.10.4) ...14:44
elfy<stgraber> dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/xubuntu-live-settings_14.10.4_all.deb (--unpack):14:44
elfy<stgraber>  trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/autostart/light-locker.desktop', which is also in package xubuntu-default-settings 14.10.414:44
knomeoops :)14:56
knomeslickymasterWork, want to get on the doc issue soonish?14:58
* slickymasterWork is at knome's disposal14:59
elfyknome: yea -somewhat an oops :)14:59
slickymasterWorklet me just start my xubuntu box14:59
knomelet me also make some coffee...15:00
* slickymasterWork goes to have a smoke while knome makes his coffee15:11
knomesure, ping me when you're back15:11
* knome eats yoghurt meanwhile15:11
* elfy does both and sits back to watch 15:11
knomeslickymasterWork, there are two occurrences we need to look at:15:18
knomewait, three...15:18
slickymasterWorklet me just build the docs quickly knome 15:19
slickymasterWorkyes, those were the ones from where I removed gksu and add sudo -i to replace it15:22
knomeis the new way to do it just: pkexec mousepad /file?15:23
slickymasterWorkI'm migrating those files from another computer to this one15:23
slickymasterWorkok, I have the files here15:24
knomei think the latter two are the easy ones15:25
knomeif "pkexec app parameters" is the right syntax to use, that is15:25
* slickymasterWork doesn't have a clue of the correct syntax re: pkexec15:26
knomeyep, that's the right syntax15:27
knomeso just revert it to almost what it was, but s/gksudo/pkexec/15:27
slickymasterWorkknome: in migrating-upgrading:80 it refers to xfce4-terminal and there's no policy file for that15:28
knomei have no idea why, but the coffee tastes crap..15:28
slickymasterWorkbad beans, maybe?15:28
knomeno, the same coffee from the same package has been okay before15:28
knomedo i have a different version of the file?15:28
geniiProbably stale coffee15:29
knomein my file, it only talks about running update-manager15:29
slickymasterWorkI've just branched15:29
knomegenii, like, the one i just brewed? :P15:29
slickymasterWorkwait, you're right, I didn't read the entire string :P15:29
* genii sips and contemplates15:29
knomeslickymasterWork, there you go ;(15:29
* knome pours genii some more15:30
geniiHeh, thanks15:30
knomeslickymasterWork, so, those tho are easy, but what about command-line:30 ?15:31
slickymasterWorkso something like this knome: "If you would like to install and test the latest development version of Xubuntu before it is released, run <userinput>pkexec update-manager -c -d</userinput> at the command line. This will allow you to upgrade to the current development release.</para>15:32
knomethat's perfect15:32
knomewe should mention the correct syntax obviously15:32
knomebut we might want to have another "note" box15:32
slickymasterWorkthat's what I was going to ask you15:32
knometo note that the application they will be running might not have a policy file15:32
knome^ last two comments re: command-line:3015:33
slickymasterWorklet me see how it's now15:33
slickymasterWorkthat string has to be completely re-written 15:34
knomelet's put it in a pad15:34
slickymasterWorkwould you do the honors please?15:35
knomesure ;)15:35
slickymasterWorkaccessing it15:35
slickymasterWorkknome: I think it's good15:39
knomeit's a bit too verbose15:39
slickymasterWorkI don't, tbh15:40
slickymasterWorkI think it's quite concise and to the point15:40
slickymasterWorkone thing though, if we're going to add the note in the command-line.xml:30 chapter, there's no need to do it againf in the other two chapters15:41
knomenot at all15:42
knomethe other two are fine with as they are with pkexec instead of sudo -i15:42
slickymasterWorkbut you still don't feel comfortable with the command-line.xml:30 reword15:43
knomeit's better now15:44
knomeit's much shorter, and avoids saying things twice15:44
slickymasterWorkI can do a MP tonight, or do you want to do it?15:45
knomei can do it, but in that case, paste the other changes to the pad too so i don't have to rethink them ;)15:45
slickymasterWorkwill do it in five minutes15:46
slickymasterWorkknome: instead of "...run <userinput>pkexec update-manager -c -d</userinput> at the command line..." why not "...run <userinput>pkexec update-manager -c -d</userinput> at a terminal window..."?15:50
knomebecause it might be a real command line ;)15:51
slickymasterWorkhmmm... okay15:51
knomethere is no such thing as "terminal window" if we are literal15:51
knomeit's just a window of a terminal emulator application15:51
slickymasterWorkyeah, I know, just if you're really down to earth like15:52
knomewell the whole section is called "The command line" not "the terminal (window)"15:52
knomeso it's consistent to keep referring to the command line as well15:53
slickymasterWorkjust putting you on :P15:53
slickymasterWorkadded those other two to the pad15:54
slickymasterWorkknome: ^ยช15:54
slickymasterWorkwhy did you strike them?15:56
knome"done locally"15:56
* slickymasterWork for a minute there got scared15:57
slickymasterWorkas we're already with our hands dirty knome, what about taking a look at "Update the docs networking section for the new NetworkManager"15:58
knomedo you have access to a utopic system?15:59
elfydon't want to interfere here - but has anyone checked pkexec update-manager -c -d at all16:00
slickymasterWorkknome: did check the syntax elfy 16:00
knomebut that's the pkexec synta16:00
elfyI'd not just replace gksu with pekexec without checking16:01
knomei'm PRETTY sure update-manager has a policy file16:01
knomei'll check when i run utopic :)16:01
knomewonder if it's part of release-upgrader :)16:02
knomei can't think of any reason why it wouldn't have a policy file.16:03
slickymasterWorkknome, elfy, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-release-upgrader/pkexec16:03
elfyno idea - not too worried either tbh - I just install gksu 16:03
slickymasterWorkknome: can we postponed the NetworkManager item? something came up here and I'll have to solve it16:11
knomeyep, i don't have access to a utopic system anyway at least :)16:12
knomepushed changes to main branch16:12
slickymasterWorkthanks, I'll mark the item as done, both in trello and the blueprint16:13
elfyso - looks dodgy for any beta for us then for the moment 16:53
elfyalso appears that we've not had a daily since the 24th16:53
pleia2elfy: ah, was just going to ask about that17:39
pleia2was hoping to do some beta preimage tests before I go away again tomorrow17:40
elfyyep - looking decidedly dodgy pleia2 17:41
elfyeven if we get it dealt with - then you've got to wait for the rebuild, then hope that we get time to test it - I'm going to go to bed assuming we'll not be testing beta 117:41
knomeor we'll release b1 late17:42
elfybut will it be a beta - we'll be back testing dailies, or not - by that point17:43
knomewe can ask to keep the beta images, up, sure17:44
elfywell - I guess it depends on how many results we're likely to see imo17:45
elfyall moot until it gets fixed 17:47
Unit193ochosi: No.19:05
elfybluesabre: just noticed what your trello comment was about - jenkins, that always runs - but it's no replacement for people 19:20
elfyI didn't see that there were no results for us from the 24th for instance - we've had no builds since then - probably the same thing that's causing the beta build to fail19:21
Unit193Right, file upgrade test.19:29
Unit193Bah, no report to file.19:32
elfywhat are you talking about lol19:33
Unit193http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/322/builds at least for me has no upgrade tests.19:34
elfybeta is not building Unit193 19:36
elfystgraber> elfy: xubuntu-live-settings and xubuntu-default-settings both ship the same file, so you get a conflict at install time and dpkg fails19:36
Unit193It's an upgrade, it doesn't build.19:36
Unit193Reported against daily, since that's marked "testing"19:36
elfydaily is days behind too - same reason I'd guess19:37
Unit193Sure, but I'm not using an ISO, and I did the test, so it should be "reported" somewhere. :P19:38
elfysomeone has to - so thanks :)19:39
elfyshall catch up in the morning on -release20:31
Unit193ochosi: Looks like a no, and no FFe.20:48
Unit193brainwash: The fella the does the indicator-plugin has commit access to thunar, IIRC.  Also, we ship two patches in Xubuntu, and have for a bit, so I'd hope/think they're tested enough to commit upstream.21:12
brainwashthat's andrzej21:13
Unit193Yep, just couldn't remember the nick.21:14
brainwashmaintaining something like thunar is not easy, things can break easily if one adds new stuff or rewrites parts of the code21:18
Unit193http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/utopic/thunar/utopic/files/head:/debian/patches/ a couple in there could go upstream, though.21:50
brainwashsome are already included upstream21:51
brainwashbut not my messy menu-icon-tweaks.patch21:52
Unit193Oh, gtk3-bookmarks did make it?  Nice.21:52
brainwashso we could drop most of the debian patches when a new upstream release is available21:55
ochosibluesabre: i guess we need to look into the conflict of light-locker.desktop and x-d-s22:06
Unit193You "guess"? :)22:07
brainwashinteresting -> https://github.com/PCMan/gtk3-nocsd22:13
ochosiisn't that the same thing ali1234 hacked together?22:14
ali1234similar but different implementation22:15
ali1234looks a bit safer than my version22:16
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ochosiali1234: the close button still being there is a bit annoying though22:51
bluesabreochosi: I'll fix x-d-s now23:13
bluesabresince we no longer auto-lock, we can probably drop the desktop from live-settings23:13
ochosithanks bluesabre 23:14
bluesabreochosi: what's up?23:28
bluesabreochosi: updated package pushed to ubuntu 23:37
bluesabrehopefully with less breakiness now :)23:38
bluesabrewhen that is built in the archive, I'll poke stgraber23:39
ochosisounds good23:41
bluesabreglad I poked before23:50
brainwashbluesabre: can you commit https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10740 to trunk?23:56
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10740 in Settings Manager "Add support for versioned help desktop files" [Normal,New]23:57
bluesabreochosi ^ sounds familiar23:58

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