=== Adam_ActiveState is now known as Adam_IRCCloud [01:06] help [01:08] i need help === xubuntu is now known as Guest4026 [08:39] hi, there is no 12.04.5 for xubuntu why? [08:45] Guest4026: looks like it has not been released yet [08:47] brainwash, thanks [09:47] i am trying to create a xubuntu custom live cd, with uck-gui and i was wondering how could i change the default wallpaper users get when they first login into there account [09:55] Proshot, that's a lightdm or lightlocker setting [10:10] Would the following command lines work for Xubuntu 14.04? [10:10] 1. sudo apt-get install vlc ubuntu-restricted-extras libdvdread4 [10:10] 2. sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh [10:11] finrod: use xubuntu-restricted-extras [10:11] finrod, livdvdread4 is included in restricted extras 14.04 [10:11] finrod: else, yes [10:12] thanks [10:24] What is the simplest terminal command to determine if I have already installed ubuntu-restricted-extras? [10:24] finrod, apt-cache policy ubuntu-restricted-extras [10:25] If I have already installed those restricted extras, what should the results be, cfhowlett? [10:26] finrod, a version after Installed, not (none) [10:27] thanks [10:27] finrod, "installed" [10:27] cfhowlett, no, "Installed:" will appear anyway. [10:28] knome, beg to differ. Installed: 60 Candidate: 60 if not installed it'll show nothing [10:28] finrod, and as you're using xubuntu, I trust you installed the xubuntu-restricted-extras [10:28] cfhowlett, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8148776/ [10:29] knome, exactly. the candidate and the installed version match. you do not have gnome-terminal installed so (none) [10:30] * knome shrugs [10:41] How do I install xubuntu-restricted-extras? [10:42] finrod, sudo apt-get-install xubuntu-restricted-extras [10:46] thanks [10:47] finrod, happy2help [10:48] it looks like I don't need that third command line. Those first two command lines I gave already should install the restricted extras [10:48] 1. apt-get install vlc ubuntu-restricted-extras libdvdread4 [10:49] 2. sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh [10:49] finrod, libdvdread4 is in the extras [10:49] I got them from iptable in the ##linux channel [10:51] iptable said I need those two command lines, but you are saying I only need the first command line? [10:52] its redundant [10:52] Oh, the second command line gives me an instruction manual, right? [10:53] manual for what? [10:53] it looks like command line 2 is just giving me a doc [10:57] Which of the two command lines gives me LibDVDcss? [10:57] I am trying to install VLC Media Player and LibDVDcss [10:58] iptable told me those two command lines will do that [10:59] 1. apt-get install vlc ubuntu-restricted-extras libdvdread4 [10:59] 2. sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh [11:00] sorry sudo at beginning of LIne 1 [11:07] I found another up-to-date way to install LibDVDcss for Ubuntu 14.04, but iptable told me not to use it, because it is risky [11:08] Here it is anyway: [11:08] http://pastebin.com/UJEwSkyY [11:08] But I am not sure if Line 1 & 2 actually comprise only one huge line, or if I was right to split them up into two command lines [11:15] finrod, line 2 is a new command [11:16] Would all four of those command lines work, cfhowlett? [11:17] finrod, sorry, can't see = great Chinese firewall [11:17] they make more sense to me, than iptable's two command lines [11:17] finrod, do what works [11:17] 1. [11:17] wget ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/debian/videolan-apt.asc | sudo apt-key add - [11:17] 2. [11:17] echo "deb ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/debian/stable ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/libdvdcss.list [11:17] 3. [11:17] sudo apt-get update [11:17] 4. [11:17] sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 [11:18] finrod, update first. then do the next 3 [11:18] ok, so 3, then 1, 2, 4 ? [11:19] finrod, that'll do [11:19] thank you, cfhowlett [11:19] finrod, OR sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 [11:19] finrod, && combines 2 commands [11:21] I forgot about the restricted updates, need to do that first? [11:28] CFHowlett, is this right? ........ [11:28] 1. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [11:28] 2. sudo apt-get update [11:28] 3. wget ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/debian/videolan-apt.asc | sudo apt-key add - [11:28] 4. [11:28] echo "deb ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/debian/stable ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/libdvdcss.list [11:28] 5. sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 [11:34] finrod, I always run update first just to refresh the archive list. and you should get XUBUNTU-restricted-extras if you are running xubuntu. [11:37] ok, so will all five command lines above work, cfhowlett ? [11:38] finrod, yep [11:39] thanks a lot, cfhowlett [11:44] is there a good way to integrate webapps into xubuntu? [11:45] like google calendar etc [11:46] chrome has that option of running a web app without the browser chrome, if that's what you mean [11:55] deshipu: yeah, that's about half of it. I think I also need to work out a way to do things like set webapps as the default programs for certain actions [11:56] like sending files as attachments through gmail from the thunar right click menu etc [12:01] I probably just have do a bunch of scripting [12:01] I would use the power of google, I'm sure someone did it already [12:02] well, you can use the web browser with an url as the command [12:02] the question is how to tell gmail what to do in the url [12:02] but I suppose they documented it somewhere [12:03] deshipu: yeah that's the trick, is sending intents to the webapps [12:10] i should really probably be turning to unity. i like the webapps integration and zeitgeist. but unity is just so ugly [12:39] I ran the following command.... [12:39] wget ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/debian/videolan-apt.asc | sudo apt-key add - [12:39] Everything worked [12:39] Except the last line says .....gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. [12:40] Is that a problem? [12:51] cfhowlett, I ran the following third command line.... [12:51] ? [12:51] wget ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/debian/videolan-apt.asc | sudo apt-key add - [12:52] Everything worked [12:52] Except the last line says .....gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. [12:52] then I ran the fourth command line anyway [12:52] echo "deb ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/debian/stable ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/libdvdcss.list [12:53] and it did not work [12:53] I should not have closed the terminal after that [12:54] finrod, I don't understand half of what you're doing. videoplayer is in the repos and that's the installation method. your method is measures of magnitude more complicated - and unnecessary IMHO [12:54] I should have just used the two lines that iptable gave me [12:55] :) [12:55] !info vlcplayer [12:55] Package vlcplayer does not exist in trusty [12:55] !vlc | finrod [12:55] finrod: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [12:55] is it too late to execute those two command lines he gave me? [12:56] finrod, not too late, no. [12:56] 1. sudo apt-get install vlc libdvdread4 [12:56] 2. sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh [12:57] Will those still work? [12:58] I want to install VLC Media player and LibDVDcss [12:59] finrod, READ THIS!!! [12:59] finrod, libdvd4 is included with xubuntu-restricted-extras [13:01] finrod, and VLC player can be installed via ubuntu software center [13:02] I already know the latter [13:05] I should have trusted Svetlana's four command lines [13:06] 1. sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://download.videolan.org/pub/debian/stable/ /" [13:06] 2. sudo add-apt repository "deb-src http://download.videolan.org/pub/debian/stable/ /" [13:06] 3. wget -O - http://download.videolan.org/pub/debian/videolan-apt.asc | sudo apt-key add -; sudo apt-get update [13:06] 4. apt-cache search libdvdcss [13:07] Should I try them now? [13:16] What should happen after I excute the following command.... [13:16] sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://download.videolan.org/pub/debian/stable/ /" [13:17] I did it, xubuntu asked for my password, then I got the command prompt [13:17] But nothing happened after that [13:17] Does that mean I need to re-execute the command, or just go to the second command? [13:23] The first command line worked [13:23] The second command line did not [13:38] Svetlana's second command line did not work [13:38] Would this work: [13:38] 1. sudo apt-get update [13:38] 2. sudo apt-get install vlc [13:38] 3. sudo apt-get update [13:38] 2. sudo apt-get install libdvdcss [13:48] !ppa | finrod [13:48] finrod: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [13:50] finrod: there really is no "should" in this scenario.. depends on what you are trying to do.. you can easily install vlc from the default repositories, and i suggest you try it first [13:50] !restricted [13:50] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [13:50] you can read there about how to add dvd support, which, also doesnt require adding a PPA [13:50] I knew I never should have installed it using the Ubuntu Software Centre [13:51] It's not working because of libdvdcss2 is not authenticated [13:51] finrod: you can use the package manager of your chioce.. using the software center reaches the same result, basically [13:51] It's keeps getting stuck on Libdvdcss2 [13:51] finrod: i follow the instructions above that i linked, and it works fine, when i choose to enable dvd playback [13:52] Repairing LibDVDcss2 does not work either [13:52] finrod: as i read it, you are trying to repair a ppa version [13:53] ... and old ppa as I understand it. libvdvdread4 is now included in restricted extras. [13:53] software centre just says it is repairing libdvdcss2, and keeps doing it over and over [13:53] finrod: software center is *not* the issue here, friend [13:53] finrod: if you added a PPA, those packages are maintained by the 3rd party who creates them.. and, you dont need to add it to get dvd support [13:54] Ok, I'll wait a few hours and see what happens, may be after the 20 or 30th loop, it will resolve itself [13:54] finrod: what do i suggest? purge the ppa's you added, and read the link above and try the supported repo packages [13:54] I never installed libdvdcss2. I am only installing vlc in the software centre [13:54] finrod: the software center is not designed to properly add those keys for the 3rd party sources [13:55] finrod: that is *not* what i read.. i read that you added a souce [13:55] source* [13:55] finrod: 08:39 < finrod> I ran the following command.... [13:55] 08:39 < finrod> wget ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/debian/videolan-apt.asc | sudo apt-key add - [13:55] yes [13:55] ^ that means you have tried to add a source, and an old one, as cfhowlett states [13:56] finrod: thats what im saying is both uneccessary, and unsupported [13:57] finrod: i would undo and remove and purge that source, and any files installed from it.. then, try the supported methods in the link i gave for playing dvd's [14:00] there were a lot of files installed from those two commands and I never screenshot the results from the terminal, so I don't know where they all are [14:03] The Ubuntu Software centre won't let me exit the installation of VLC Media Player [14:04] finrod, cat /var/log/dpkg* will give you the list of package additions by date/time [14:04] should I just close the entire ubuntu software centre, even though the VLC installation is not complete? [14:05] finrod: you should consider removing the unsupported sources, and try the supported method of adding dvd support [14:06] finrod: i have no idea what is getting hung up and how, but, the software center is just reading sources, and youu have added unsupported ones.. which is not all bad in any way, but, has risks, outlined in the link above [14:07] ok, what if I not change anything, and just install the LibDVDcss2 the software centre wants in the terminal? [14:08] that should stop the loops and not require me to expell anything? [14:08] and let me complete the VlC installation? [14:08] finrod: what loops? [14:08] finrod: if you add sources that are broken, they will be broken, in *all* software managers [14:09] finrod, ^^^ and this will confuse all attemtps to upgrade/install [14:09] the software centre keeps looping on the untrusted package libdvdcss2 [14:09] finrod: friend, the software center is *not* the issue here [14:10] finrod: the source you added is causing the issue.. you need to clear out the source you added [14:10] I am looking for the commands to clear everything out [14:11] finrod, software center is the pretty pictures at the front. the real grunt work takes place out of sight normally at the command line. You have introduced outdated and contradictory sources so ... confusion/malfunctions are inevitable [14:12] finrod: this is what i would do.. i would close *everything*.. i would reboot if im not comfortable checking for processes and killing things that are running with a lock on my package system.. i would then run in a terminal "sudo apt-get update" and troubleshoot errors there [14:12] I know, iptable warned me this would happen [14:12] finrod: the source its self "warned" you this can happen.. that is irrelevant.. you can remove the source, and the packages added [14:13] finrod: you should, in the future, not add sources casually... come here *before* adding sources. you dont need to add anything to enable dvd playback [14:13] * cfhowlett bites down on tongue firm to resist saying "I TOLD ..." [14:14] finrod: in the menu, you will see a "software sources" entry.. you can try looking there in that list of sources, and untick boxes for the source you have added.. that would be the "easy" way to try and remove the source.. i would try that first [14:14] should I reboot first? [14:14] finrod: as i stated above, i would reboot if that is the only way i can stop processes [14:15] finrod: again, close everything, and try running, in a terminal" sudo apt-get update" [14:15] !paste [14:15] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [14:15] finrod: you can share the output there ^^ and we can make suggestions to help you with the problem [14:15] ok [14:16] finrod: what can happen is, you get a "package manager cant run due to lock on /var" or whatever.. becuase a process is still running in the background.. an "easy" way to address this is to simply reboot.. if you have no such errors, then, you dont need to bother [14:18] so you want me to try exiting software centre first? [14:18] to see if I need to reboot? [14:19] finrod: fact: you can only have one package manager running at a time.. and, the softare center is a package manager [14:20] Hi [14:20] finrod: close the software center, please, and open a terminal, and run the command "sudo apt-get update".. and use !paste to share the output [14:21] ok [14:21] is there a setting/option to make multiple cmdline invocations of mousepad to open in tabs, rather than separate windows? [14:22] o/ [14:22] webusr45: you could write a short script with "for" [14:27] http://pastebin.com/4sQvAZ5p [14:28] finrod: you must read the commands given, and do them *exactly* [14:28] finrod: you can see that the issue is, the capital "S" [14:29] finrod: No command 'Sudo' found, did you mean: Command 'sudo' from package 'sudo' (main) [14:29] finrod: ^ that basically states you are runing "Sudo" instead of "sudo".. please run "sudo apt-get update".. no capital letters [14:29] ok [14:30] finrod: also, keep in mind, none of these steps so far are a "Fix".. this is just to help me determine what kind of damage you have done to the system [14:30] Holy cow, that's a lot of info, took 10 sec to show it all [14:35] http://pastebin.com/MjmhTwHi [14:36] finrod: you can clearly read the error you are getting there.. what would i do? i would just disable the source for vlc, since, i dont need the source for anything [14:37] finrod: you can either address the missing key with the creators of the source you added, or by searching for the key, or just remove the source in the gui i mentioned [14:38] finrod: in the menu, there is a "software sources" gui.. please run it, and remove the unsupported source by un-ticking the checkbox there [14:38] http://blog.mrpau.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/ubuntu-software-sources-before-mercurial-and-tortoisehg.png ,finrod .. it will look a lot like this [14:39] holstein, karmic? [14:39] finrod: you will see "other software" tab where you should see the vlc source you added improperly.. please untick the box to disable the source.. then, close that, and run "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal again, and paste the results [14:39] cfhowlett: it looks the same.. [14:40] Software Sources is an application separate from Software Centre? [14:40] finrod: correct.. you should find it in the menu [14:41] I can't find it [14:41] Software Center > Edit > Software Sources [14:42] http://docs.xubuntu.org/1404/managing-applications.html#software-repositories outlines the many ways to remove what you added improperly, finrod [14:45] hello [14:45] !hello [14:45] Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [14:46] i have one question: ubuntu lts has 5 years support - xubuntu desktop three years. what happens after end of live of xubuntu lts? [14:46] should I also remove them after unchecking them? [14:46] another LTS will be released xubuntu248 [14:46] xubuntu248: xubuntu specific issues are not specifically addressed or supported [14:46] xubuntu248, 3 year support is tied to xfce LTS. the next xubuntu LTS will be 16.04 [14:47] xubuntu248: the 14.04 repos are up still, and the main "trunk" or whatever you want to call it, the "core" is still up and getting patches.. but, xubuntu is not supporting anything at that point [14:47] Nothing happens after I uncheck the untrusted sources from videolan [14:48] finrod: sure, friend.. you *Then* , as i said, close the software sources GUI, and open a terminal and again run "sudo apt-get update" and share via !paste.. [14:48] would you recommend xubuntu or mint with xfce? [14:48] What does the Revert do in the "Other sources"? [14:48] xubuntu248: this is the xubuntu channel.. [14:48] xubuntu248, ^^^ do the math .. [14:48] ^^^^ [14:48] xubuntu248: i recommend trying them both, and using what fits your needs [14:48] ok ;) [14:49] May be I should not "remove" because it may remove the checked ones and leave the untrusted ones that are not checked [14:49] finrod: thats why i specifically stated to "un-tick" the box beside the ones you added improperly [14:49] finrod: i didnt suggest to "remove" anything, personally.. though, if you want to read up on exactly what you are doing, and prefer "remove", go for it [14:50] I'm used to hearing a bell or seeing a result to confirm the unchecked ones are out [14:50] but I will just close it and go to terminal as you said [14:51] finrod: you are adding sources that are not supported.. they are not part of xubuntu or ubuntu, so, there are no "bells" in place to maintain the adding of them or removing [14:52] finrod, no bells when you added, no bells when you remove. [14:52] ok [14:55] http://pastebin.com/3WZN5gc9 [14:56] finrod: have you already tried to delete the lock file? [14:57] No [14:57] finrod: please try in terminal: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock [14:57] You may also need to delete the lock file in the cache directory -> sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock [14:58] I will try the first command [14:58] it worked [14:59] Do I need to execute the second "sudo rm" command ? [14:59] once it worked finrod, there's no need [15:00] or, close what is causing the lock [15:01] Should I run this command: sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock ? [15:01] finrod: you should understand why you are getting the error message [15:02] finrod: you are trying to run multiple package managers.. you need to run them one at a time.. close the software sources application *then* run the commmand i gave [15:02] finrod: the command above will remove the lock, as slickymasterWork suggests.. [15:03] ok [15:04] it worked [15:04] finrod: please run "sudo apt-get update" and share the output via !paste [15:04] ok [15:08] http://pastebin.com/EE3TjRgy [15:09] finrod: ok.. what would i do? issues this command before moving on to anything else.. "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" then, after that is complete, what are you trying to do? add dvd playback? [15:10] I was trying to install VLC Media Player and LibDVDcss [15:10] latest updated versions [15:12] finrod: the command i gave updates your system.. have you ran it, friend? "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" [15:12] look, there's an error [15:12] finrod: look where, at what, friend? [15:12] unable to lock the administration directory [15:13] in my last paste [15:13] finrod, aptlock [15:13] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [15:13] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [15:14] finrod, is software center still open? [15:14] no [15:14] finrod: correct. thats what the command you were given addresses.. i had suggested you can reboot if you dont understand how to deal with that.. [15:14] finrod: regardless, this is because the software center still has a lock, because you were trying to get it to do something it is not intended to do [15:15] finrod, reboot. seriously [15:15] finrod: please open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and share via !paste any errors [15:15] what about "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"? Should I do that before I reboot? [15:16] finrod: when you run it, do you get an error about the lock? [15:17] it worked, no errors [15:17] I have still not rebooted [15:18] finrod: so, you are trying to enable dvd playback? correct? [15:18] My DVD player has not worked since 2010 [15:18] it only can read files, not play anything [15:19] finrod: ubuntu wont "fix" a broken dvd player.. but, if you are trying to enable dvd playback, i can help you.. is that the case? [15:19] finrod: are you trying to enable dvd playback? [15:19] the problem is encryption [15:19] finrod: are you trying to enable dvd playback? [15:19] Yes, trying to play DVDs [15:19] finrod: please open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install libdvdread4" [15:20] finrod: let me know that that completes with no error.. [15:20] I think I ran that already [15:20] finrod: sure.. run it again, and let me know that it completes without error.. we do not "think", we confirm [15:20] it should have run when I installed the restricted extras [15:21] ok [15:21] finrod: we are not "thinking" and "should"ing.. open a terminal and run the command i gave, and let me know when it completes without error [15:21] uh oh [15:21] finrod: use !Paste to share errors [15:21] the last command did not complete [15:22] finrod: ok.. please use !paste to share *Exact* errors [15:22] I have to say "Y" to continue [15:22] finrod: correct.. that is part of the process.. to allow it to complete [15:23] finrod: that is *not* an error.. you press "y" to let the command complete.. let me know that it completes without error [15:23] it worked without errors [15:24] Do yo need the results? [15:24] finrod: next step, again in the terminal.. "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh" [15:24] finrod: i only want error messages.. if there are any [15:24] finrod: let me know that that completes without error [15:24] ok [15:26] Uh oh [15:26] Not errors, but I better paste this [15:29] http://pastebin.com/suDUbcrX [15:30] finrod: next, i would run "sudo apt-get vlc".. same deal.. let me know that it completes with no error [15:31] good, ok [15:32] finrod: i would then, reboot the machine, and test a dvd in vlc [15:32] damn [15:32] E: Invalid operation vlc [15:32] finrod: sorry [15:33] finrod: "sudo apt-get install vlc" [15:33] ok [15:36] vlc installed without any errors, thank you, holstein [15:36] I will reboot [15:36] !cookies | holstein and a frothy, frosty, tasty beverage to wash it down [15:36] holstein and a frothy, frosty, tasty beverage to wash it down: Cookies are delicious delicacies. [15:37] I owe holstein a 12 pack of beer [15:37] cfhowlett: :) we'll see. i'll take a cookie when a DVD is playing... [15:37] rebooting [15:46] Success! [15:46] I can play DVDs in VLC Media Player for the first time in four years [15:46] finrod: enjoy.. keep in mind, the main issues you were having were adding sources that are not supported.. and not following the official documentation [15:47] finrod: for furture reference, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs is all i used [15:47] I read that entire document 4 days ago [15:47] finrod: sure, but likely *after* breaking your sources [15:48] No [15:48] finrod: that document assumes you are using xubuntu, which, is what we did in the beginning.. get you back to using xubuntu/ubuntu [15:49] finrod: those 2 commands i gave you are at that link i just gave.. is you take stock ubuntu/xubuntu/*other-official-flavor*, thats how you add dvd playback [15:49] if you take* [15:50] Note the version is 13.10 [15:50] it makes no note of newer versions. My version is 14.04 [15:50] finrod: sure... those are publically editable if you would like to get involved and help with the documenation [15:51] finrod: *i* used that for 14.04.. *we* just used that for your system [15:51] finrod: its what you used just now that worked.. i knew it would work since i have tested it.. [15:52] thanks for your help, holstein [15:52] finrod: i'll update the guide to include and reference 14.04.. please make a note of it for your future installs [15:53] ok [15:54] already have a record in ChatZilla [15:54] thanks for your patience and time, holstein [15:55] the video and sound is good [15:56] finrod: http://www.fluendo.com/ is also an easy way to get proper legal support for the playboack of restricted formats [15:57] Wow, all that stuff is free? [15:58] Yes, there are still some lawyers around that believe in working pro bono [15:58] finrod: no.. the creators of "dvd" do not provide free or open access to play what they create.. so, you either, as the guide states "Break the law", or buy support for playing the DVD's [15:59] finrod: using the fluendo codecs pays that "tax" for dvd support.. in other commercial operating systems this "tax" is paid by paying for the product.. since ubuntu is free/open, dvd support cannot be included with it [16:00] I paid for my DVDs [16:01] finrod: sure.. but, the dvds do not include a player that is paid for [16:01] finrod: much like mp3's.. mp3's, paid for or not, do not change the fact that mp3 formats themselves are not "Free" or "open" [16:02] finrod: you own the DVD it self.. not the right to view the video.. the video creator has provided the product for you in DVD format.. playing dvd format is another thing seperate from the ownership of rights to the information [16:03] These are legal issues I need to consider before I install K3B and consider using Torrent downloads [16:04] finrod: torrents are just that.. ways to share files and share the load of hosting.. its *all* about the content as to if its legal or not [16:04] k3b is just a burner.. [16:04] finrod: Not necessarily, there are absolutely legal uses for K3B and torrents, what you need to consider is your actions using them, what you want to use them for. [16:05] I think there is software you can install onto Xubuntu that allows you to download movies using Torrent, but I have not looked into that yet [16:05] yup ^ what files are getting, how, and why.. and what you do with them [16:06] finrod: there are many applications that you can install in ubuntu/xubuntu/linux that allow you to download things such as movies.. the question is always about the content [16:06] finrod: either you have "Rights" to the content, or not.. and if you are not interested in participating in the model in that way, go with creative commons/free/open content [16:09] brainwash, bluesabre: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/menulibre/+bug/1361351 [16:09] Launchpad bug 1310662 in menulibre (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1361351 Menulibre crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message()" [Medium,Confirmed] [16:09] My biggest issue is Netflix [16:09] I'm paying for it monthly [16:10] finrod: good luck with that...netflix and linux go together like oil and water...it IS possible, but a real pain. [16:11] yeah, I tried Wine and that messed up my Xubuntu OS [16:12] They say PlayOnLinux works better, so I may try it on another PC running Kubuntu 14.04 [16:12] finrod: please let the company netflix know you would like them to support you [16:12] !netflix [16:12] If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop [16:13] Phone them now? [16:13] finrod: i personally use netflix players.. but, keep in mind, nothing about xubuntu/ubuntu/linux is preventing netflix from running on it.. its quite the other way around [16:14] I'll look for the Netflix phone number [16:14] finrod: i do a casual email, personally.. stating my interest in native linux support for the operating system im using [16:15] finrod: you are not going to call up netflix and in a casual phone call, leave the call in 2 minutes with netflix support for ubuntu.. its a matter of letting the company know that the support is important, and potentially lucrative for them [16:16] We should all email Netflix. May be if they get enough emails or phone calls, they will support Ubuntu. I could post it on my Facebook. [16:18] How much is Netflix per month? [16:18] do you have a link to an email pastebin template, so we can read it, sign it, then send it to Netflix? [16:18] finrod, umm, no, and this is not the channel to discuss that. [16:19] finrod: no.. please use the #xubuntu-offtopic to discuss netflix.. and share whatever template you like [16:19] ok [16:19] thanks again, for your help, holstein === Kris1 is now known as Kriss545545 [17:56] hello [17:56] anyone active, please help me with software center problem [18:02] please :( [18:07] yes? [18:08] my software center is not starting up, I have terminal message about the problem [18:08] http://pastebin.com/wRbbVDJ6 [18:10] why are you starting it from terminal? [18:10] because if I click on it, nothing happens [18:10] tried complete removal and install again from synaptics [18:11] logout, restart too before it [18:11] this was the message in terminal all the time [18:11] you should see the error messages i get when i run it from terminal ;P [18:12] XD [18:12] nevertheless it's not starting up for me at all [18:12] why use it then? synaptics works just as good [18:13] i know, it's just a more user-friendly way [18:13] and I can show off with it to my windows user friends, how easy it's on Linux :D [18:14] csenger41: reinstall gir1.2-gtk-3.0 [18:14] well, in that case, we MUST try to help you fix it :)) [18:14] haha thanks [18:15] btw how to send private message like brainwash in xchat? [18:15] forgot it :( [18:15] that's wasn't a private message, just a nick highlight [18:16] ikr, don't know how it's called in IRC [18:16] how to do? [18:16] csenger41, if you add the user name it highlights [18:16] reinstall done, still nothing, need relog? [18:16] ObrienDave: ohh cool :D [18:17] start typign and hit tab [18:17] well, you should not need to relog [18:17] brainwash: same errormessage [18:17] it this a clean installation of xubuntu? [18:18] if no, when did software stop to start properly? [18:18] software-center [18:18] uhm [18:19] installed some dependencies yesterday from configure make make install [18:19] one was m4 [18:19] it made a folder in my home folder, deleted it [18:19] though I haven't used software-center for like 3 days [18:19] (installed Xubuntu back a week ago) [18:20] ok, so it worked fine at some point [18:20] yup [18:21] maybe any alternatives? [18:22] you can test lubuntu-software-center [18:22] it a minimal version of the software center [18:24] but still, there is something broken.. package wise I mean, or maybe something is messed up with your installed python libs [18:24] so the (ubuntu) software center refuses to start [18:36] sorry, had to go afk in a hurry [18:37] I installed many python stuff, but removed nothing :S [18:45] okay guys, FML, but it gives the same error too :D [18:46] I mean, lubuntu-software-center [19:43] how could i disable automount in xubuntu [19:48] why would you want to do that? [19:49] mbwe: you mean, in the filemanager? automatically mounting usb sticks? for example? [19:50] yes [19:52] mbwe: do you see anything useful in "thunar-settings" ? [19:54] mbwe: there are other safety mechanisms in place, if you are doing this for safety reasons.. at the risk of repeating a question, why are you trying to disable? [19:58] sorry, my girlfriend needed my attention, anyway let me look in the thunar-settings [19:59] oh oke i want to disable it since i want to create a copy station for images for a big party, where people can put there flash cards in the cardreader of the computer and then i want automatically without user interaction that the images get downloaded to the computer [20:00] and i want the automount point in a different place holstein [20:10] it seems like you could disable it but it does not work holstein === bazhang is now known as Guest13330 === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [22:21] how do i login as admin in 13.10? === AntiSpamMeta_ is now known as AntiSpamMeta [22:23] xubuntu801, there is no root account. [22:23] xubuntu801, you can use sudo (CLI) or gksudo (GUI) to run programs with administrative rights [22:23] so how do i get root permissions for the file manager? [22:23] run 'gksudo thunar' [22:24] note that your user will have to be in the 'sudo' group; the first user always is [22:24] thanks [22:28] how would i go about marking a .jar file as an executeable [22:30] xubuntu801, you can set the executable bit from terminal with: chmod +x /path/to/file [22:31] thanks === Punna is now known as Pwnna === mnepton is now known as mneptok === therealnanotube is now known as nanotube