
lifelessmattrae: I didn't think that PXE BIOSes supported vlans - they'll DHCP on the native VLAN always00:00
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bigjoolslifeless: apparently his does00:13
lifelessbigjools: how verra verra verra odd00:14
bigjools dell r720s00:14
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=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
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dpb1hi there, a erlang upgrade just halted all maas operations on my box.  celery.log and maas.log are now just reporting the equivalent of 500s.  Expected or no?02:44
bigjoolsdid you restart maas processes?02:45
jtvdpb1: not expected, no.  It's corny, but have you tried a reboot?02:45
dpb1I'm sure that would fix it... no, I have not restarted anything.02:45
dpb1should I file a bug?  seems like a ticking time bomb. :)02:46
jtvTrue.  If this is on a maintained version, it'd be good to have a bug with all the relevant parts of the logs.02:46
* dpb1 has a special love for rabbit/erlang02:46
jtvbigjools: will you tell him or should I?02:46
bigjoolswell it's most likely a bug in celery quite frankly02:47
bigjoolsor rabbit02:47
dpb1looks like it tried to reconnect, then... didn't (celery)02:47
jtvRabbit, more likely, if it manifests in Erlang!02:47
bigjoolseither way a release coming your way RSN will have no celery or rabbit02:47
jtv  ^ is what we wanted to tell you.  :)02:47
bigjoolsdid you restart rabbitmq?02:47
dpb1yes, I've heard rumblings.  what is the replacement?02:48
bigjoolscustom code to do RPC between region and cluster02:48
jtvA lightweight RPC protocol called AMP.02:48
jtvBy the way, one thing that can upset rabbit is a change in server address.02:48
dpb1yes, that didn't happen here.02:48
bigjoolsrabbit is like that Cadburys chocolate bar02:48
dpb1the erlang package upgrade coincides02:48
dpb1you want to bite it's head off?02:49
bigjoolsit's Flakey02:49
dpb1ok, expect a bug.  I don't consider it a big deal, I'll make sure a service restart fixes things (I expect it will).02:49
dpb1there you go: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1361941  as expected, all fine after a restart of celery and apache203:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1361941 in MAAS "erlang upgrade makes maas angry" [Undecided,New]03:07
jtvNice naming there.03:18
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bigjoolsjtv: if you like self-flagellation in return for karma, you could review this somewhat mechanical branch03:48
jtvIt sounds like fun.03:53
jtvbigjools: done.04:02
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bigjoolsjtv: can I bug you fpr a review please https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/maas/download-service-exceptions/+merge/23235207:04
bigjoolsfor* that's *for07:04
bigjoolsoh missing some imports, but trivial07:07
bigjoolsjtv: oh arse, those tests should not have moved07:08
bigjoolsmy stupidity07:08
jtvI'll wait for the update then shall I?  :)07:08
bigjoolsjtv: well it'll just be minus the huge red and green bits07:09
jtvI was planning to focus on the red and green bits, to be honest.07:09
bigjoolsjtv: it's updated07:10
jtvRight ho.07:11
jtvThe yellow bit is gone.07:11
bigjoolsit stopped smoking07:11
jtvThat must be good for its health.  Review done.07:16
bigjoolsand landing, thanks07:33
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smss1995is JuJu free ? is Open Source?08:20
jtvsmss1995: yes, but for more detailed questions there's a separate #juju channel.08:39
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dimiternsmss1995, yes, juju is licensed with AGPL v3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html - if you have specific questions please join #juju (for general questions, charms, using juju) or #juju-dev (for development questions)08:50
smss1995Thanks jtv and dimitern :)09:20
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jtvAny reviewers in the house for https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/resolve_hostname/+merge/232372 ?10:02
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