
ianorlinReplop: for the command line there is smbclient but I personally don't use samba01:19
ianorlinthe -i option would work for the ip adress01:20
holstein!info gigolo01:24
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-1 (trusty), package size 130 kB, installed size 1001 kB01:24
holsteinReplop: you can add gigolo, which is a nice GUI tool for mounting network shares01:25
ReplopI tried smb4k but didn't got any share mounted.01:32
Reploptrying gigolo now01:32
holsteinReplop: the trick is, you need to mount the share somewhere, or use samba01:33
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html01:33
Replopoh neat01:52
Reploptrying to mount the share lead to headaches , smb4k didn't work as well as advertised , but gigolo did it in 3 clics01:52
holsteinright.. its a nice GUI tool01:54
holsteinfor many network shares.. ssh, samba.. ftp.. sftp.. handy01:55
Replopit showed only one share , the one the file browser had already mounted by not made accessible to terminal02:02
holsteinReplop: you can cd to the location you tell gigolo to mount to..02:03
holsteinor, manually mount02:03
Replopcan't cd smb://host/share02:03
holsteinyou cant just "willy nilly" cd to "smb://someip/where-ever"02:03
holsteinReplop: correct02:03
holsteinReplop: you *mount* the share.. then, cd to the mount point02:03
ReplopPCManFM , the default file manager , mount shares to strange places02:04
Replopin the depths of /run02:04
holsteinReplop: mount where you like, friend02:05
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount02:05
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html02:05
holsteinReplop: the problem is not where things are mounting..if you want to mount them elsewhere, do so. the issue is that you are not cd-ing to the mounted location02:05
Replopmounting stuff could be a one clic process02:08
holsteinReplop: sure.. feel free and file a wishlist bug, if you like02:08
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.02:08
holsteinReplop: ideally, windows could integrate a tool into the windows operating system to make it easier. or just automatically work02:09
Replopwindows ?02:09
holsteinReplop: i use gigolo, and it seems to work pretty easily, considering, the windows shares never promised i could access them from anything but windows02:09
holsteinReplop: samba02:09
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html02:09
holstein^ note the "windows" share02:10
holsteinotherwise, there are many ways to mount network shares in native filesystems that you may find "easier".. though, typically with convinience comes the compromise in security02:11
Replopwell, those shares are actually on a nas running some flavor of linux and using cifs, so I presume I could have done that without samba at all, but this did seem the easiest02:11
Replopgigolo works great :)02:12
holsteinalso, main ubuntu may have tools that automatically try and integrate with windows shares like that "out of the box"02:14
Reploppossibly. but that is an older machine and the main ubuntu distrib was a bit slow02:19
holsteinReplop: sure.. these integrated tools that make it easy, such as providing a method for you to just 'click and mount shares' can be heavier02:20
holsteinReplop: those arguably advanced "nice-ities" are not usually in the ligher distros02:20
holsteinits usually a compromise, though.. between functionality and lightness02:21
Replopfor now, I'm starting from a light base and adding as needed, hoping to don't go too far02:21
Replopfor now, that's ok02:21
Replopgood night02:27
mojo706since lxle seems to be dead06:43
mojo706can I get help with booting options when net booting06:43
mojo706I meant the #lxle channel06:44
mojo706is there a way when netbooting I could set it not to use the graphical installer?06:44
Unit193As a rule, we don't support derivatives in here.06:48
mojo706ok tell me how you would do that in lubuntu06:55
mojo706Unit193, I will use the same when booting lxle06:56
Unit193Sounds like what I said.  And don't add 'ubiquity' to the boot options, by default it boots into a live env, not the installer.06:59
mojo706so telling me how to add boot options on lubuntu is supporting lxle? how07:03
mojo706btw its a net install07:04
Unit193So, not netbooting, but using the mini.iso?  That doesn't have a "graphical" installer exactly, but an ncurses one.07:05
mojo706no I am net booting07:08
mojo706I have a PXE server07:09
mojo706but it gets stuck when trying to load the gui07:09
mojo706I dont know why07:09
mojo706Unit193, can you help?07:11
switchtehbeathow do I change power settings in lubuntu on a laptop/netbook?12:13
switchtehbeatthe screen brightness won't go down for some reason :/12:13
switchtehbeatgoogle helped me sort it :)12:56
phillwswitchtehbeat: hi, it's always worth checking on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ if a solution is not there and you find, please do add it so others can more quickly solve thee issue that you had.13:56
phillwwe can tidy up an entry, just get the instructions on there :)13:57
mhldscant find steam in lubuntu software center :s16:41
testdrmhlds: maybe you try "synaptic" and search for steam16:43
geniiYou might need to add multiverse16:47
mhldsgenii how do i do that?17:09
mhldsthx :)17:15
mhldsbtw. is it any programs like powerdvd to linux? i want to play bluray iso files with the menus and all that17:16
geniiBluRay is problemmatic under linux, unfortunately17:17
mhldsi see :\17:17
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=== telecine is now known as mpmc
GatisWhy openbox-themes package was taken away from Ubuntu 14.04 repository?19:41
Unit193Gatis: https://packages.qa.debian.org/o/openbox-themes/news/20140217T130038Z.html19:42
GatisI want to download it how to do it?19:44
Gatishow to add it to repo19:48
wxl!info openbox-themes19:49
ubottuPackage openbox-themes does not exist in trusty19:49
wxl!info openbox-themes saucy19:49
ubottu'saucy' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed19:49
wxloh fooey19:49
Unit193wxl: Precise, man, it's old.19:49
wxl!info openbox-themes precise19:49
ubottuopenbox-themes (source: openbox-themes): Themes for the Openbox window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2 (precise), package size 218 kB, installed size 6132 kB19:49
wxlquite old indeed19:49
wxlwell there was a new maintainer in 1.0.2. so that might have been the problem :)19:52
GatisWhat now?19:52
Unit193The mail kind of said it, dead upstream.19:52
wxloh i didn't see said mail19:52
Gatisso i shouldn't install it?19:52
wxlsuffice it to say, Gatis, no one is maintaining it. like not for ubuntu. not for debian. not for ANYONE ANYWHERE.19:53
wxlperhaps a better way to put it is that you CAN'T install it19:53
Gatisbut why would you need to maintain themes?19:53
Gatisthat's pitty19:53
wxlyou could try to track down an old version and install it from source, but you're on your own19:53
geniiIt will eat your children and houseplants if you do19:53
wxlGatis: because the software the themes run on changes19:53
Gatisgenii, fool19:53
wxloh now be nice Gatis19:53
Gatiswxl, you be nice19:54
Gatisall of you19:54
geniiI guess i could have not been so snarky.19:54
wxlgenii: i laughed at your obviously not serious comment19:55
Unit193https://github.com/mulberry?tab=repositories has a couple.19:55
=== brendy is now known as ianorlindesktop

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