
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
dholbachgood morning06:24
dev_I'm trying to put a function for expanding the window to a larger size and going back to its original size in my notetoolbar component in qt and wanted to know is there a way to do that in QML or should I find a javascript solution07:13
nik90zsombi: another alarm related bug 1362341, It was there since the old clock app times, but just surfaces when I was implementing the single alarm feature.08:50
ubot5bug 1362341 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "OneTime alarms are not automatically dismissed or delete after they are triggered" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136234108:50
zsombinik90: so, if you dismiss the alarm and open the app, do you see the one time alarm just triggered enabled?08:52
nik90zsombi: yup08:53
nik90zsombi: but it doesn't show up in the indicator-datetime08:53
zsombinik90: then EDS or the notification did not remove the alarm's visual & audible attachments08:53
nik90zsombi: if ^^ that's the case, then it would show up in indicator-datetime, no?08:54
zsombinik90: Alarm does not save the enabled state, it builds up based on these two reminders existence08:54
zsombinik90: not necessarily, if the date is old, then won't right?08:55
nik90zsombi: hmm, could be. I will check with charles08:55
zsombinik90: otoh, SDK alarm services do not run when teh clock app si not running08:56
nik90zsombi: which should remove the visual & audible attchments, EDS or Indicator-dattime?08:56
zsombinik90: indicator-datetime should initiate the cleanup using EDS08:56
nik90zsombi: ack. I will then see if charles can fix this on his end08:57
zsombinik90: if the alarm must disappear *which shouldn't be the case IMO, then indicator must remove the alarm, otherwise shoudl remove audio&visual reminder from it08:57
nik90zsombi: say a one-time alarm is triggered and then disabled, then when the alarm enables it again in the clock app, I presume clock app will have to check the date and set the correct one08:58
nik90when the user enableds it again*08:58
zsombinik90: sure08:58
zsombinik90: and adjust the date, not the time08:59
popeyzsombi: I'm setting up sdk from clean on my machine after updating to 14.10.. I setup kits and an emulator using the wizard, but i cannot run a project I checked out from lp08:59
popeyoops zsombi sorry08:59
popeyzbenjamin: ^08:59
zsombipopey: :)09:00
nik90zsombi: well, if the alarm time is 09:00 and the current time is 11:00, then the alarm should be set not for today but tomorrow which clock app doesn't allow. So in those cases, the time must be adjusted09:00
zbenjaminpopey: what happens?09:00
popeyzbenjamin: lp:~flscogna/ubuntu-terminal-app/ubuntu-terminal-app branch that, open the cmakelist with sdk and if I try and run I get "[CMakeFile/com.ubuntu.terminal.desktop] Error 127"09:00
nik90zsombi: according to the designer, all one-times alarm can only be set for today (from the clock app)09:00
nik90zsombi: any one-time alarm for other days must go via calendar-app09:00
popeyzbenjamin: https://imgur.com/lAFjn8s09:01
zsombinik90: ok, but still, if the alarm cannot be set for the current day, that should happen next day, right?09:01
zbenjaminpopey: yeah core apps are not really SDK friendly09:01
zbenjaminpopey: its on my todo list to fix and create MRs for the coreapps but i'm busy with other things atm09:02
nik90zsombi: yes, but then there would be no indication of that in the UI since for single time alarms we do not show the day since it is set for today.09:02
zbenjaminpopey: but i can have a look at the terminal app if you want to hack on it using the SDK09:02
nik90zsombi: but anyways this I can check with designer and fix accordingly09:02
nik90zsombi: one last question, In the date-time picker can I set the minimum to be the current Date() for one-time alarms so that the user doesn't choose an earlier time?09:03
popeyzbenjamin: well, I'd like to review a bunch of merges, but I'm kinda blocked because I can't even run them ☹09:03
popey(not just that app)09:03
zbenjaminpopey: let me check09:03
zsombinik90: yes, you can09:03
zsombinik90: however, not teh seconds :(09:03
nik90zsombi: that's ok, we don't show seconds anyway09:04
zsombinik90: so, fine then ;)09:04
nik90zsombi: I remember trying the minimum yesterday nite, but ran into looping issues with datetime picker date.09:04
nik90zsombi: will try again now09:04
zsombinik90: ahh, that can be... I'll have to "rework" that DatePicker a bit, it is too slow...09:05
zbenjaminpopey: go to your projects settings, and put -DCLICK_MODE=on into the cmake arguments09:05
nik90zsombi: oh, I run into that issue again, I will report a bug and ping you the bug number09:05
nik90if I run into that isseu*09:06
zbenjaminpopey: after that it just works :)09:06
zsombinik90: fine09:06
popeyzbenjamin: nope, it doesn't09:06
zbenjaminpopey: the problem is , all core apps assume debian packaging by default, thats why you have to manually set -DCLICK_MODE=off in every build setting09:06
zbenjaminpopey: huh for me it worked fine09:06
popeyah, now it's building for desktop09:07
zbenjaminpopey: np, i guess you are the guy to ask for reviews when i hack on the core apps projectfiles?09:08
zbenjaminpopey: ok :)09:08
popeyzbenjamin: ok, next problem - I get the same 127 error when trying to run on device. I have an armhf kit..09:16
popey(and have set the CLICK_MODE=on09:16
zbenjaminpopey: what does the compile output say?09:17
popey:-1: error: [CMakeFiles/com.ubuntu.terminal.desktop] Error 12709:18
zbenjaminpopey: nothing to scroll up?09:19
popeyzbenjamin: https://imgur.com/DFY4VSO09:19
rmescandonquestion: does anybody knows which slot should i implement in qml for listening this event -> UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true) ?09:21
rmescandoni've tried onFocusChanged() into MainWindow but it doesn't seem to be working09:21
popeyzbenjamin: thats the only output I have09:21
zbenjaminpopey: let me try again09:23
zbenjaminpopey: what you can do is to delete the build directory and try again09:23
nik90popey: wow the latest devel-proposed provides support for favouriting scopes and provides more granular control over what you want to show in the scope :) it is awesome09:26
* nik90 cant bear to run devel or rtm, when devel-proposed has all the new goodies09:27
zbenjaminnik90: hehe ;)09:28
davidcallenik90, yes, which means the TWC scope will be able to have C/F settings and we will stop having to cross locale, country and a fair dice roll to guess the unit \o/09:28
zbenjaminnik90: btw i saw your video for the UbuntuSDK , great tutorial09:28
nik90davidcalle: yes indeed :D09:28
nik90zbenjamin: ah thnx :)09:29
zbenjaminpopey: i started from scratch but i cannot reproduce it09:29
popeyzbenjamin: now I get qmake: could not find a Qt installation of ''09:29
popeypaste error...09:29
popey":-1: error: No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop."09:29
* popey closes and re-opens09:29
popeyi clearly ned more coffee, i just searched for zb in the dash rather than sdk09:30
popeyzbenjamin: nope, just doesn't work ☹09:30
brendandpopey, you also can't spell need09:30
* brendand gives popey coffee09:31
zbenjaminpopey: you are opening a cmake project right?09:34
zbenjaminpopey: ok nevermind, there is no pro file ;)09:34
zbenjaminpopey: it fails for all your 3 targets?09:35
popeyzbenjamin: more detail found when right click and expand! http://paste.ubuntu.com/8167419/09:37
popey(sorry, power went off for a moment)09:37
popeyI am able to build and run for desktop, not device09:37
zbenjaminpopey: ok i know the problem now09:37
zbenjaminpopey: intltool is not installed in click chroots09:37
zbenjaminpopey: go to Tools->options->ubuntu->click and use the maintain button on every target, apt-get install intltool there09:38
popeythat fails - i get a terminal with "unable to find shell" in it09:38
zbenjaminpopey: arghs, check if the terminal emulator that is set in your qtcreator config is correct09:39
popeyzbenjamin: https://imgur.com/RK4aFVT09:39
popeyzbenjamin: it was blank09:40
zbenjaminpopey: check in tools->environment->General Tab->Terminal09:40
zbenjaminpopey: /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator -e is selected for me09:40
popeythat fails here09:40
popeyxterm works09:40
popeythanks for the help zbenjamin, sorry to interrupt you09:42
zbenjaminpopey: np, anytime09:42
nik90fginther: hey, in https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/onetime-alarms/+merge/232519 which link am I supposed to see to check the test results?09:42
nik90fginther: all the links in the jenkins comment don't show the test results09:42
nik90zbenjamin: hey any cool new features we can look forward to in the upcoming update?09:43
zbenjaminnik90: yeah scopes support :)09:43
nik90zbenjamin: cool :)09:44
zbenjaminnik90: when you are on trusty then you need a device for it, because scopes can not be executed on trusty anymore09:44
zbenjaminnik90: on utopic desktop + device will be supported09:44
nik90zbenjamin: assuming device also includes emulator in which case trusty should still be fine09:45
zbenjaminnik90: of course09:45
popeyzbenjamin: [10:45:01]  /!\ transfer failed /!\09:47
* popey manually transfers09:47
zbenjaminpopey: transfer failed?? you explore totally new problems ;)09:48
zbenjaminpopey: reattaching the device might help09:48
popeycheck me out!09:48
nik90zbenjamin: that's normal for popey09:48
popeyhe's right ☻09:48
popeyhttps://imgur.com/nRzCzUN \o/ (just need a VT100 keyboard skin for this..) /cc Elleo ㋛09:55
nik90popey:  ========  Testing required =============> https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/onetime-alarms/+merge/232519 (Click provided in dropbox)09:59
* nik90 grabs something to eat (brb in 5 mins)10:00
popeynik90: will do!10:00
nik90popey: I wrote a manual testsuite in the MP10:00
Elleopopey: heh, nice10:02
nik90popey: the issue with the OSK not appearing is not a clock app issue since I did not make any changes that could affect that. Must be a random bug you might have hit with OSK.10:26
popeyexpect so10:27
popeyzbenjamin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8167734/ can't install any click on device from sdk10:27
nik90popey: as for setting an alarm for midnight, I was told by the designer that clock app single alarms should only target today.10:27
popeyhow do you set a non-repeating alarm for tomorrow morning then?10:28
zbenjaminpopey: how old is your SDK?10:28
nik90popey: so not sure if setting a one-time alarm for midnite 00:00 can be set10:28
nik90popey: you can't10:28
nik90popey: you need to use the calendar app for that10:28
popeythats a really common use case, surely?10:28
zbenjaminpopey: are you on trusty and use the sdk team ppa? or on utopic?10:28
popeyzbenjamin: latest utopic10:29
popeyzbenjamin: which package should I give you the version number of?10:29
nik90popey: yeah so one-time in the clock app target only today while calendar app should target one-time alarms on any day as an event10:29
zbenjaminpopey: how do you start your apps? with the green run button10:30
popeyzbenjamin: Build -> Ubuntu -> Install application on device10:30
zbenjaminpopey: ok, it works for me , can you go to the device page and open a SSH connection to the device?10:32
zbenjaminpopey: its on the advanced tab10:32
popeyUnable to find a shell10:32
zbenjaminwtf, is your setting empty again?10:32
popey/usr/bin/xterm -e10:33
zbenjaminpopey: ok seems this is a old script and uses x-terminal-emulator directly10:36
zbenjaminpopey: i wonder why that does not exist for you10:36
popey$ which x-terminal-emulator10:36
popeyvia various symlinks it eventually ends up at /usr/bin/terminator10:37
zbenjaminsudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator10:37
zbenjaminfor me it says /usr/bin/gnome-terminal.wrapper10:37
popeyi use terminator as my terminal10:37
popeyand if I change it to the same as yours it breaks differently10:38
popeyalan@deep-thought:~$ x-terminal-emulator -e10:38
popeyUse of uninitialized value $args[1] in exec at /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator line 81.10:38
popeyFailed to parse arguments: Argument to "--command/-e" is not a valid command: Text was empty (or contained only whitespace)10:38
zbenjaminpopey: seems terminator is not compatible with the -e switch10:40
vitimitiIs there a place I should go to if I wanted some examples of good QML applications to learn from them?10:40
popeyzbenjamin: no, i changed it to match yours10:40
popey* 1            /usr/bin/gnome-terminal.wrapper   40        manual mode10:41
zbenjaminpopey: without a argument it fails for me too10:41
zbenjaminx-terminal-emulator -e sleep 1010:42
popeyi get a window appear doing that10:42
zbenjaminexactly what you want10:42
zbenjaminjust in the case of our script it runs a ssh shell instead of sleep10:43
popeyso i changed the setting in the sdk from xterm to x-terminal-emulator -e10:43
popeyand still can't ssh to the device10:43
zbenjamindid you also change what x-terminal-emulator is using?10:45
popeyyes, to match yours10:45
zbenjaminstill same error?10:45
popeyterminal window pops up then disappears10:45
popeywhen i press the ssh button in devices10:45
popeyi have a pin code set on my phone btw10:46
zbenjaminadb forward --list10:46
zbenjaminthere should be a line that looks like: 0182ffb256cd4354 tcp:10000 tcp:2210:46
zbenjaminssh phablet@localhost:1000010:47
popeyssh: Could not resolve hostname localhost:10000: Name or service not known10:47
popeyperhaps you mean ssh -p 10000 phablet@localhost10:47
popeybecause that works10:47
zbenjaminpopey:   ssh -i ~/.config/ubuntu-sdk/ubuntudevice_id_rsa  -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p10000 phablet@localhost10:48
popeyWarning: Permanently added '[localhost]:10000' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.10:48
popeyReceived disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for phablet10:48
zbenjaminpopey: please clean up all ubuntudevice_ keys in your .ssh directory10:49
zbenjaminpopey: then reboot :/, restarting ssh agent alone does not seem to be enough10:49
popeyclean up as in delete them all?10:49
zbenjaminpopey: all ubuntudevice keys can go away in .ssh , we store them now in ~/.config/ubuntu-sdk and we have just one10:49
* popey reboots10:49
zbenjaminpopey: works?10:51
* zbenjamin can't take the pressure ;)10:51
nik90popey: bug 136254810:55
ubot5bug 1362548 in Ubuntu Clock App "Alarms take several seconds to save (~5seconds) which is quite long compared to existing solutions" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136254810:55
popeyzbenjamin: i can ssh to device now!10:58
zbenjaminpopey: awesome!10:58
zbenjaminpopey: so try again if the SDK now works :)10:58
popeyhmm, install on device seems to not be giving me a log of it actually doing that11:00
zbenjaminpopey: its in the general messages tab11:00
mihirpopey: is there any way to test MR with different locale ?11:00
popeyzbenjamin: nope11:00
popeyzbenjamin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8167995/11:01
zbenjaminpopey: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8167998/ thats what i get11:01
popeymihir: good question.. other than setting the device to a different locale..11:01
mihirpopey: yup11:01
popeyzbenjamin: i have a meeting, I'll have to come back to this after, thanks.11:01
popeymihir: don't think so.11:02
zbenjaminpopey: sure11:02
mihirpopey: okay , no issues.11:02
mihirnik90: ping11:04
mihirnik90: i am using this code, and it triggers the text property function only once , after that it is not triggring , any idea , http://paste.ubuntu.com/8168022/ ?11:05
twstddevmihir: probably http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qlocale.html#setDefault11:05
mihirtwstddev: hmm let me check11:07
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twstddevmihir: or try setting a locale locally http://archive09.linux.com/feature/5378111:19
nik90mihir: That's right. If you want it to call that function automatically, call it whenever "rule" changes. So onRuleChanged: thishappens.text = eventUtils.getRecurrenceString(rule)11:27
nik90mihir: otherwise that function will only be called once11:27
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mihirnik90: got it11:47
davmor2DanChapman: Sorry it's taken so long but this was the first time I was able to install dekko again http://paste.ubuntu.com/8168459/12:10
DanChapmandavmor2, hey that's cool. It's failing at the same point it was for ogra_ and ybon. I presume your username doesn't have your domain name in it either? :)12:12
davmor2DanChapman: No just davmor212:14
DanChapmandavmor2, if so http://people.ubuntu.com/~dpniel/dekko/click/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko_0.2.5_armhf.click should get it back up and running, I'm just fixing an SMTP issue before i upload it to the store12:14
davmor2DanChapman: I'll give it a go after Lunch12:15
nik90zbenjamin: actually when running an app on device, I notice that the output shown in the "Application Output" is sparse and missing all the output lines. I see a few of them but they are intermittent. Is this a known issue?12:16
zbenjaminnik90: yeah, the new release should fix that12:18
DanChapmandavmor2, The issue was it was trying to decide on an account icon based on the domain in the username. And trying to split on the non-existent @ causes an assert fail. Anyway that click fixes it :-)12:18
zbenjaminnik90: its not so easy to get the output out of confinement to qtcreator, so i had to write a execution wrapper that dups the stderr and stdout to names pipes i can read from the launcher application12:19
sergiusenscan someone tell me if we are moving away for qmlproject for core apps?12:22
WellarkDanChapman: you missed me?12:31
nik90zbenjamin: ah ok12:34
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DanChapmanWellark, missed you? I just filed bug 1362592. Sorry i forgot last week. While your here i've been having issues getting libconnectivity-qt1-dev to install in my click chroot loads of missing deps.... ahh i see you just changed the bug status12:45
ubot5bug 1362592 in Network Menu "bandwidth limitation detection not functioning in the connectivity-api" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136259212:45
* DanChapman goes to read12:45
mihirnik90: you've couple of mins ?12:47
WellarkDanChapman: missing deps of libconnectivity-qt1-dev package declaration or the declared packages being missing from your chroot archives?12:51
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WellarkDanChapman: thanks for the bug report12:56
DanChapmanWellark, well it's saying unmet depends libconnectivity-qt1-dev : Depends: qtbase5-dev. I'm just building a new chroot so will try again to get the exact issue12:56
WellarkMirv: is that depend correct?12:57
WellarkDanChapman: try to apt-get install qtbase5-dev12:57
Wellarkto see if there are some deps missing for that in the archive12:57
DanChapmanWellark, sure i'll give it a try12:58
MirvWellark: nothing wrong specifically with qtbase5-dev13:00
DanChapmanWellark ok so i now have unmet depends for libgl1-mesa-dev, libgles2-mesa-dev,libglu1-mesa-dev and qt5-qmake13:02
nik90mihir: yeah13:02
WellarkMirv: can you help DanChapman --^ ?13:05
Wellarkhe is trying to build inside chroot13:05
Wellarkso seems archives not configured properly13:06
Wellarkor we have some bigger issues somewhere13:06
mihirnik90: i have pushed the changes :)13:13
mihirlet me know we can try to merge our branch13:13
nik90mihir: anything I need to look out for? Or does everything work as expected?13:14
mihirnik90: it workes file, i am still testing multiple scenarios and will make fix if it breaks.13:14
mihirnik90: i did , create/edit event but still testing more13:14
mihirnik90: i have added slider :D13:14
nik90mihir: cool :D13:14
MirvWellark: DanChapman: it's hard to say what's wrong if apt install doesn't work. check /etc/apt/sources.list and ensure it has "main universe" at least on the line starting "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu utopic", after that part?13:18
Mirvand apt update to update the repos. to find out more about the error, you can try installing individual packages like apt install libgl1-mesa-dev and see what that complains13:18
nik90popey: oh man, terminator is freaking awesome...(got to try it while you were discussing it with zbenjamin) :P13:37
zbenjaminnik90: now you got me curious too13:37
nik90zbenjamin: hehe13:38
zbenjaminnik90: popey: isn't that similar to what tmux does?13:40
popeyyeah, kinda13:40
aquariusmhall119, ping13:41
* nik90 looks up tmux13:41
zbenjaminnik90: popey: i saw some pretty awesome terminal emulators that gave you much more functionality than just terminal. Autocompletion of commands and much more, but i always forget the names ;). All still in early development though13:43
zbenjaminnik90: tmux is basically the other way around, it runs in the shell, so you can use it over ssh for example. Its basically a more awesome screen replacement13:44
nik90zbenjamin: final term?13:44
nik90zbenjamin: ah13:44
zbenjaminnik90: yeah that was one13:44
zbenjaminnik90: there is also a project that turns any editor into a shell13:45
nik90zbenjamin: yeah I tried that one but it still needs some work...its not that fast as a normal terminal or terminator13:45
popeyhttps://i.imgur.com/TVSqlQu.png thats how mine looks most of the time13:45
zbenjaminnik90: which makes it possible for you to move the curser around13:45
nik90popey: why u have the normal terminal open as well?13:46
popeyi close that frequently13:46
popeyi use a normal non-byobu one for lengthy things that I need to scroll back in13:46
popeybecause scrolling in byobu/tmux/screen sucks13:46
zbenjaminpopey: why does scrolling in tmux suck for you?  Ctrl+B, Page Up13:51
popeyzbenjamin: imagine you want to capture the whole screen to paste in a pastebin?13:51
zbenjaminpopey: hmpf ok ;)13:52
zbenjaminpopey: we should have a ubuntu pastebin tool :  dmesg > ubuntu-pastebin13:52
popeyyeah, we do ☻13:53
popeyI'm usually trying to capture the output of a command that already ran though13:53
popeynik90: did you say you're running the rtm channel on your mako?14:01
nik90popey: I was running rtm-proposed. I just switched to devel-proposed few hours back14:02
popeyah okay14:02
nik90popey: I presume I need to test on devel-proposed for daily merges. And before pushing to store, I will test against rtm-proposed14:02
popeythis is why I asked, I have two devices and could have one on devel-proposed and one on rtm14:03
popeyif you need any testing, to save you having to keep flashing14:03
nik90ah ok14:03
nik90in that case, I will stick to devel-proposed and when we decide to push an update to store, you can test the latest-trunk on rtm and see if it works as expected14:04
popeyI'll flash my other device then14:04
mihirnik90: i am comuting to home will be back after 2 hours or so ,then we can merge and fix our branches , is that okay for you ?14:16
davmor2DanChapman: I hit another issue, if I add a folder for sent mail, in my case Sent it blanks that field I get errors and the to address is blanked :(  but I'm assuming this is down to the fact that the user setup got screwed over.  Is there a way I can blow away my settings and try and setup from the start using the fixed click?14:18
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dakerpopey: do you know how can ask about the click not cleaning up things ?14:19
davmor2DanChapman: ogra_: also see the comedy mail I sent to the phone mailing list as a test mail you'll love I'm sure :)14:20
DanChapmandavmor2, do you mean you get an error when sending? like an APPEND Failed and that cause the recipients to be removed?14:20
davmor2DanChapman: yeap14:20
davmor2DanChapman: also when I goto smtp settings the add to folder is selected but the field is blank, even though I set it to be Sent14:21
nik90mihir: yup14:21
dakerdavmor2: yo, have you ever see bug 1265250 ?14:22
ubot5bug 1265250 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Storage shows same app multiple times" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126525014:22
DanChapmanRight well the APPEND failed probably means you didn't give the correct folder path. It's not very clever at the moment :-( If you open your Sent folder and take a note of the page title (So for me it's INBOX.Sent or [Gmail]/Sent Mail) which you have to use that title valueas the sent folder name14:23
DanChapmandavmor2, yeah I noticed that earlier. The value should still be what you saved it's just not getting reloaded to the UI. I'll fix that now14:23
davmor2daker: nope14:23
mihirnik90: the text in subtitle are too light, will it be like that only or we can change14:24
popeydaker: i think that's one for cjwatson, but he's afk AIUI14:30
popeydaker: i have seen this conversation elsewhere though, related14:30
popeywhich talks about cleaning up when we uninstall apps14:31
fginthernik90, I see the problem and should be able to fix it soon. Until then if you go to the master job, you can find the link to the test job via the console link. for example:
aquariusmhall119, ping?14:37
mhall119aquarius: was that a question?14:42
aquariusmhall119, have you got a few mins for a chat at some point?14:43
aquariusmhall119, when's good for you?14:44
mhall119anytime is good for IRC14:44
aquariushangout would prolly be easier14:45
mhall119then give me 15 minutes :)14:45
aquariusno rush :)14:45
popeyballoons: morning!14:47
popeyballoons: any idea why fails? (via https://code.launchpad.net/~flscogna/ubuntu-terminal-app/ubuntu-terminal-app/+merge/23221514:47
popeywatched the video and it seems to work fine14:47
* balloons looks14:47
balloonsahh, yea, I think I see the issue14:49
rigvedhi everyone14:54
balloonspopey, I'll push a quick fix to trunk14:54
rigveddholbach: have you finished updating UGJ related material on the wiki?14:55
dholbachrigved, the wiki should be up to date - the materials for running an app dev school are not 100% there yet14:56
popeyballoons: thanks, ping me a link to review if you need it14:56
rigveddholbach: ok. i have got an app dev school event setup. also, one person will be bringing a nexus 7 (2013) and maybe a nexus 4 as well for demoing apps.14:59
dholbachI'll let you know asap when things are ready14:59
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popeynik90: thought I'd re-visit https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-desktop-i18n/+merge/230582 - seems fine here15:21
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popeynik90: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/onetime-alarms/+merge/232519 also looks good to merge?15:28
mhall119aquarius: available now?15:30
aquariussho am15:30
nik90popey: I want to spend the rest of day testing it and making sure the code is clean and good to go. But mostly I also require someone to do a code review of it. ->https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/onetime-alarms/+merge/23251915:38
nik90popey: as for https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-desktop-i18n/+merge/230582, I will take a look. I need to merge trunk into it and see if it is still ok.15:38
nik90renatu: hey, do you know if it would be possible to do some optimizations to the alarms save process in EDS for bug 136254815:49
ubot5bug 1362548 in Ubuntu Clock App "Alarms take several seconds to save (~5seconds) which is quite long compared to existing solutions" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136254815:49
nik90renatu: when the alarm.save() operation is called in the Alarms SDK, it seems it takes ages to save the alarm. Is this due to EDS or the Alarms API?15:50
renatunik90, I do not know I need to investigate it15:50
renatunik90, if you find some time you can create a small example using the SDK alarm API and a QtOrganizer QML api15:52
renatuand see if still the same problem15:52
renatuthis will help me to find the problem15:52
nik90hmm I have never used the QtOrganizer QML API. I will try15:53
renatuyou can take a look on calendar app code15:53
renatuyou can ping me if you need help15:54
renatunik90, but is the alarm.save() a sync function?15:54
nik90no its async15:54
nik90but the issue is still visible since the user waits on the alarm page to see the alarm he created15:55
renatunik90, btw my alarm is not working15:55
renatuis that expected?15:55
nik90as in it doesn't ring?15:56
renatuI can see the alarm on the clock app but it never rings15:56
nik90do you see it in the indicator-datetime?15:56
nik90one-time alarm or repeating alarms?15:56
renaturepeat every weekday15:57
nik90that's strange, I have never reproduced that issue15:57
renatuthe alarm never works for me :D15:57
nik90I have been waking up to it for the past month :/15:57
renatuI thought that was a problem of the old app15:57
renatubut still not working after install the new image15:58
nik90did you clean out the old EDS alarms database file?15:58
renatunormally not15:58
renatunormally I just install the new image15:58
nik90can you delete that file and create a new alarm now and check?15:59
renatuI will try15:59
nik90the alarms experience for me has being quite stable for me to the point where I am happy at where it is15:59
mhall119aquarius: your demo doesn't like getting a json array with a single item16:04
aquariusmhall119, it does not16:05
aquariusmhall119, I discovered that.16:05
aquariusmhall119, the actual generic scope will need to actually code defensively about that sort of thing :)16:05
jhodappnik90, ping16:05
aquariusmhall119, demos don't get defensive coding.16:05
aquariusAlso, a pox on people who write an API which returns a list of objects if there are multiple hits and just an object if there's only one hit.16:06
aquariusit's still a list! it's just a list with one item in it! grrr!16:06
jhodappnik90, just talking through the alarm volume scenario with rsalveti...we decided that we need a volume slider for alarms in system settings and not in the clock app, but you can leave that for now until we land the backend pulse support for volume roles16:06
mhall119aquarius: http://loco.ubuntu.com/services/teams/?lp_name__contains=florida returns a list of a single item, your demo doesn't handle that though16:06
mhall119it appears to treat the single item's keys as a list of results16:07
nik90jhodapp: pong16:07
nik90jhodapp: ack. I will have to check with designer though.16:07
aquariusmhall119, hrm. that might be wrong usage of jsonpath by me...16:07
jhodappnik90, we were talking with mpt about this as well16:07
nik90jhodapp: i think what we might do is show a button in the alarm settings which takes the user directly the system settings app where you can set the alarm volume. But yeah let's first what mpt thinks and go from there.16:08
aquariusmhall119, jsonpath.js seems to always return a list of one item, where that one item is the list you wanted16:09
jhodappnik90, that might be reasonable...I know that iOS users are used to looking for settings like that that apply more to a system context instead of just an app context would always be in system settings16:09
aquariusmhall119, so if you do jsonPath({results: [1,2,3]}, "$.results") you get back [[1,2,3]], not [1,2,3]. So I always just take the first item in the returned list and treat *that* as the result list. But that might be wrong, and this is a symptom of it16:10
nik90jhodapp: ok16:11
jhodappnik90, talk to mpt about it for clock app, but don't worry anymore about it until we land the backend16:11
jhodappnik90, that should be in the next few days16:12
balloonspopey, https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-terminal-app/ap-cleanup/+merge/23259016:12
nik90jhodapp: ok. I will also have to check with the clock app designers about this. Once the backend has landed, I wil try to organize a hangout with mpt and the clock designers16:12
jhodappnik90, sounds good, thanks16:12
dholbachpopey, you're too fast16:13
popeyballoons: thanks, just got the lp mail ☻16:13
popeydholbach: sorry ☻16:13
dholbachthat's all right :)16:13
balloonspopey, if you can, please also approve https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-filemanager-app/add-lxml-depends/+merge/23145716:24
popeyballoons: done and top approved16:25
popeyballoons: just reviewing your other ap one16:25
popeyballoons: why is jenkins not picking up https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-terminal-app/ap-cleanup/+merge/232590  ?16:31
popeyam i just impatient?16:36
balloonspopey, yes I believe so16:37
popeyhah, just finished16:38
* popey pours red bull into jenkins16:38
popeytop approved16:39
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rpadovanimzanetti, o/ If you want I have ~30 minutes right now for the hangout17:15
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aquariusmhall119, OK, have fixed the issue that was stopping the loco team thing from working17:38
popeyhey balloons any idea what's going on here ? via https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/updateStrings/+merge/23112517:40
balloonscommon question today . ..17:41
mhall119aquarius: cool, I've got a lead on a way to re-use an existing binary that I think will work17:41
aquariusmhall119, oh? do tell17:41
balloonsthoughts of cpp warnings17:42
aquariusmhall119, note that the real problem with the web demo is that it doesn't hit the URL itself; it fetches it through YQL, to avoid cross-domain problems, and that's what was causing the issue :)17:42
nik90popey: https://imgur.com/w9j8DIY17:42
popeynik90: are you showing me that for the hilariously named town? ☻17:43
mhall119aquarius: Unity evidently supports multiple "scope runners", the current one looks for and loads a .so, but there's going to be another that supports Go scopes, and we can have a GenericJsonScopeRunner that only looks for .ini files and launched a .so from the system17:43
aquarius mhall119, aha! sneaky!17:43
nik90popey: :P the location detected is about 4KM away from where I live which is not bad17:43
nik90popey: it should become more accurate with AGPS17:44
mhall119so we'll need an actual scope binary .so, and also a new scope runner, but that will do what we wanted17:44
mhall119aquarius: so the first order of business is to write the generic scope17:44
aquariusmhall119, brilliant. And one will select which scope runner one's scope requires with a key in the ini file?17:44
aquariusOr is this done with a click hook?17:44
balloonspopey, the output is pretty wild. Let's see if we can repeat it. Currently the account fakery isn't working so well with reminders. Leo is looking at it, as you know17:44
balloonsit appears it's coming to bear on those results17:45
mhall119aquarius: the click hook I think17:47
mhall119I'm still trying to find out how that works, since htere's only one kind of scope in use today I'm not sure that implementation detail has been worked out yet17:47
aquariusmhall119, fair enough. The scope creator can give you a little downloadable zip which you can unpack with the relevant files in17:48
aquariusit could actually give you a whole click package reasonably easily, but getting the icons into it might be annoying.17:48
aquariusstep 3 is that it uploads the click package to the store for you ;)17:48
mhall119aquarius: I'm thinking we just make it a new template in QtCreator and let that handle the rest of the steps17:51
alecupopey: hi, I got this comment from you in the review of an app: "'ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev3' is not a supported framework"17:52
popeyalecu: adb shell ls -l /usr/share/click/frameworks17:52
alecupopey: but when I upload the click to the store, I didn't get any error17:53
aquariuss'pose. I rather liked the idea that one could create a scope without having to install all the SDK stuff and be at an Ubuntu machine -- you could do it from your phone. But fair enough :)17:53
popeyalecu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8170972/17:53
popeythose are valid17:53
aquariusmhall119, ^17:53
popeyalecu: you would have if you'd waited, it was the store that gave that error, not me17:53
aquariusmhall119, not sure if qtcreator can show the "mockup" of a dash and a preview in a template, though17:53
aquariusmhall119, and "type stuff into these boxes, which is dead easy" stops being dead easy if your "did it work" cycle is "compile a click package, install it, go to the dash, search"...?17:54
aquariusmhall119, possible integration with unity-scope-tool, though?17:54
alecupopey: hmm.... the very latest framework in your paste looks like the one that got me rejected17:54
alecupopey: I got the same list installed on my device17:55
popeyalecu: hmm17:56
mhall119aquarius: the unity-scope-tool could maybe do the "mockup" stuff17:56
mhall119I'm not sure if it's compatible with alternate scope runners though17:56
aquariusmhall119, yeah, if it can be integrated into a qt creator template17:56
popeyalecu: lemme download it and test locally17:57
aquariusmhall119, I really do want it to be as easy as "type something in the box, instantly see the results of doing that". That instant feedback loop is what makes it fast to use.17:57
mhall119first things first, I need to see if I can get this metadata from the scope17:57
popeyalecu: hah, passes here!17:57
popeyalecu: passed it..17:57
popeybeuno: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/1045/ - fails automated test (erroneously)17:58
alecupopey: why do you say that "it was the store that gave that error, not me"? The comment I got in the review had your name :-) http://pasteboard.co/2CPj7UTd.png17:59
alecuanyway, it says "Ready to publish" now.17:59
nik90popey: ======== Testing required ========== > https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/implement-location-finding/+merge/231793 (testing instructions in the MP)18:01
* nik90 goes to prepare dinner18:01
beunopopey, automated reviews landed just now18:01
beunopopey, the scripts seems out of date18:02
beunowill fix soon and keep in sync18:02
popeyalecu: because the store says "failed" and gives me the error message which I paste in and give to you.18:07
popeyalecu: if it passed, I'd download the click and confirm locally, but on this occasion I didn't because it failed in the store, no point me locally checking (hah) if it fails in the store18:07
popeynik90: ok!18:09
popeynik90: i didnt get a request for authorisation for location18:18
popeynik90: but it does say "Retrieving location"18:18
nik90popey: Did you start the location services?18:25
nik90manually that is18:25
popeyah, hang on18:25
popeylooks like it dies18:25
popeyphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ start ubuntu-location-service-trust-stored18:25
popeyubuntu-location-service-trust-stored start/running, process 342618:25
popeyoh no, its there18:25
popeyphablet   3426  0.0  0.2  52988  3828 ?        Ssl  19:15   0:00 /usr/bin/trust-stored-skeleton --remote-agent DBusRemoteAgent --bus=system --local-agent MirAgent --trusted-mir-socket=/var/run/user/32011/mir_socket_trusted --for-service UbuntuLocationService --store-bus session18:25
nik90was this a clean wiped phone?18:26
popeyno, not by a long shot18:26
nik90I am just wondering if you gave clock app location permission when I asked you test this MP few days back18:26
popeyquite possibly18:26
mihirnik90: hi18:27
nik90just leave the phone near the window or something and come back to it in a few minutes18:27
nik90you might want to turn the screen on every 30 secs.18:27
popeyhang on...18:27
nik90mihir: hi18:27
mihirnik90: can we merge branch ? so that we can work on that together ?18:28
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8171258/ is the full log18:28
nik90popey: I have already included location in the manifest file18:28
nik90mihir: yes18:28
nik90mihir: I already added afew commits to your branch. did you look at it/18:28
* mihir looks at nik90's commits18:29
nik90popey: let me check if i got those as well18:29
nik90popey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8171286/18:31
mihirnik90: if i do , bzr update it should get me a latest version of my branch right?18:33
nik90mihir: do you have any local changes in your branch?18:33
mihirnik90: nope18:33
mihirnik90: it says , Tree is up to date at revision 422 of branch /home/mihir/Documents/apps/revamp-newevent-page18:33
nik90mihir: then yeah I think so18:34
nik90bzr update should do it18:34
mihirit is not doing it , let me try with branch name18:34
nik90mihir: try bzr pull18:34
nik90mihir: just a tip, make sure your code is well indented. Also I cleaned your code a bit to follow qml code conventions at http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qml-coding-conventions.html18:35
nik90I generally group id and objectName together18:35
mihirnik90: yup, i forgot to indent that , thanks for that18:35
mihirnik90: i'll take care , it was messy, i'll take care now18:35
nik90mihir: oh btw kunal posted a comment in the MR. Check if is fixed in your code or not18:36
mihirnik90: bzr pull didn't work18:36
popeynik90: I'll reboot and put my phone on the windowsill while I make dinner18:37
mihirnik90: worked18:38
nik90popey: :)18:38
nik90popey: btw do you have a script to keep the screen on, if not the clock app might get suspended18:38
nik90mihir: cool18:38
nik90mihir: if all fails, then delete your local copy and the just branch the MP to get your work18:39
popeynik90: i think you can poke powerd18:40
mihirnik90: don't you think we should make font little darker ?18:40
mihirnik90: specially , the subText of This Happens18:41
nik90mihir: on the phone it looks alright. Its just on the desktop it looks a bit faint18:41
nik90mihir: the only way of changing the font color would be to use our own custom component18:41
nik90mihir: let me share a screenshot of it running on the phone18:42
nik90mihir: http://imgur.com/HRkOkNo18:44
mihirnik90: (y)18:44
mihirnik90: can you test one thing on phone ,18:44
mihirnik90: create and event , put recurrcens after certain date , and then check if ends after that date.18:44
nik90sure, 2 mins18:45
mihiri am not sure, i have messed up with my system , or i have some wrong logic18:45
popeynik90: powerd-cli display on18:46
nik90popey: that's it?18:46
nik90popey: wow18:46
* nik90 looks silly since he kept looking at his phone every 15 secs few meters away :P18:46
popeydon't worry, nobody knows, it's not like you said it in a logged channel18:47
nik90mihir: wow it doesn't18:49
nik90mihir: it is created infinite number of times (all days)18:49
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nik90Guest73069: renato did you check if clearing the alarm database worked for you?18:51
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renatunik90, not yet18:51
renatuI will do it later18:51
nik90renatu: but do keep nagging me if it doesn't work since it is critical if it doesnt work for you.18:52
* mihir wonders what's an issue 18:52
nik90mihir: so yeah I set the event to end on sep 09th. But it keeps going until dec and further.18:53
nik90mihir: the "after x occurrences" works as expected18:53
mihirnik90: yup, it happened with me too.18:53
mihirnik90: the irony is , if i get limit value, it will be 9th Sept18:54
mihirnik90: check event details18:54
nik90mihir: yup. When I edit the series, it shows the correct end date18:54
mihirnik90: :(18:54
mihirnik90: i face same with trunk too18:56
nik90mihir: oh18:56
mihiri just run, calendar-app from terminal18:56
mihirit did the same18:56
nik90mihir: ok in that case we merge and then ask kunal to fix the issue in trunk18:56
nik90mihir: since it isn't a regression18:56
mihirnik90: yup , lets get it merged,18:57
mihirrenatu: any idea on this ?18:57
mihirnik90: i did some more cleaning18:57
nik90mihir: did you push?18:57
mihiri just did18:58
mihirver 42718:58
mihir__nik90: it seems we got some updates in Qt organizor19:17
mihir__nik90: did you propose merge ?19:18
mihir__popey: are you facing that issue in latest image ?19:18
nik90mihir__: erm no not yet19:24
nik90mihir__: one sec19:24
mihir__nik90: no issues19:24
twstddevnik90, ping19:31
nik90twstddev: pong19:31
twstddevnik90, have you got time to check location search?19:32
nik90twstddev: the url isn't active though rite?19:32
twstddevoh yes19:32
twstddevit's dead since yesterday19:32
nik90I checked this morning19:32
twstddevI closed the connection19:33
nik90twstddev: also I am trying to merge 3-4 other branches, so too busy to make the necessary changes19:33
twstddevI'm going away for couple of days, so I can just propose a branch and probably popey can take a look when he has time19:33
nik90twstddev: Once I get the branch rdy, I can ask popey to test it locally on his comp with your branch as well19:35
twstddevnik90, ok19:35
nik90mihir_: I merged your branch19:41
mihir__nik90: great.19:42
mihir__nik90: i am trying to move the remmber option to another page19:42
nik90mihir__: cool19:47
pmcgowannik90, beautiful clock19:52
nik90pmcgowan: thnx :D19:54
pmcgowannik90, there should be a daily repeat no?19:54
twstddevnik90, mihir__ , do you need any help?19:55
nik90pmcgowan: you mean as an option in the repeat page?19:55
nik90pmcgowan: Saviq was requesting for Weekend and Weekday option :)..19:55
mihir__twstddev: i feel we have bugs listed , you can take any of them19:56
pmcgowannik90, yeah that makes sense19:56
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Saviqbug #136208919:56
ubot5bug 1362089 in Ubuntu Clock App "Should have shortcuts for "Weekdays", "Weekends" for Repeat" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136208919:56
twstddevmihir__, sure19:56
nik90pmcgowan: 136208919:56
nik90Saviq: too quick19:56
Saviqnik90, that's my middle name19:56
pmcgowanhe's everywhere19:56
nik90pmcgowan: Can you add the daily option into that bug report. I will have to ask the designer about it19:57
pmcgowannik90, I defer to the better suggestion you have19:57
popeynik90: no location ☹19:59
nik90popey: still says "retrieving location" ?19:59
popeynothing location related in the log20:00
popeynothing location related in dmesg either20:00
nik90popey: you got a spare freshly wiped device? I am using QtPosition which is a standard widget + it worked on my device.20:00
nik90popey: what I could do is do a clean wipe of my phone and try again.20:00
popeynik90: i can try that on my other phone20:01
nik90popey: pls do. I will keep testing this on my phone as well. This branch requires more testing than a code review.20:02
popeyok, will do20:02
popeywhich channel would you prefer I test on?20:03
Saviqpopey, one thing you might try is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/location-service/+bug/1362769/comments/220:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1362769 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Location trust store causes dash to hang" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:03
popeywill try Saviq thanks20:03
nik90jdstrand: ping (bug 1362779)20:03
ubot5bug 1362779 in Ubuntu Clock App "Please support concept of one time alarm in clock reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136277920:03
Saviqpopey, the location prompt seems to be a bit moody20:03
jdstrandnik90: hey20:04
nik90jdstrand: hi, so I have a branch already which adds one-time alarms :D20:04
nik90jdstrand: however with one caveat20:04
jdstrandnice! :)20:04
nik90jdstrand: you can only set oone-time alarms for today20:05
jdstrandnik90: by 'today' do you mean within the next 24 hours?20:05
nik90jdstrand: i was told by design that if you want to create one-time alarms for other days of the week then it is an event and should be done via the calendar app20:05
jdstrandor literally, today20:05
nik90jdstrand: yes20:05
nik90jdstrand: as in literally today20:05
jdstrandI meant 2014-08-2820:06
* jdstrand is kidding20:06
nik90jdstrand: so the time for me is 10:05 PM here. I cannot create an alarm for 08:00 AM tomorrow since it is the next day.20:06
rpadovanipopey, https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1357983/+merge/23263020:06
jdstrandnik90: so, if it is 10pm, and I want to set an alarm for 7am tomorrow, just this one time, I cannot?20:06
nik90jdstrand: you cannot20:06
rpadovanipopey, I talked with gang65, no way to have in Javascript precision > 30 digits, more than 5 calcs in history and speed20:06
jdstrandnik90: that doesn't seem weird?20:07
nik90jdstrand: it does. I didnt personally agree with the design decision.20:07
popeyrpadovani: understood.20:07
jdstrandnik90: I shouldn't have to wait until after midnight to set my alarm clock20:07
nik90jdstrand: I will create a bug report now, and then you, popey and the rest can confirm it.20:07
popeyrpadovani: thanks for working on that.20:07
popeyjdstrand: +120:07
jdstrandand I shouldn't have to go to my calendar to set my alarm for tomorrow morning20:07
popeyadd ubuntu-ux20:07
jdstrandnik90: sounds good20:08
nik90give me 1 min20:08
popeyif I set an alarm for any time up to now-1 it should allow me to20:08
popeyfrom now to 23:59 is today, 00:00 to now-1 is tomorrow20:08
jdstrandthe calendar and the clock have similar functionality but are thought of differently. if I open the clock and see I can add an alarm, I think of it as an alarm clock20:09
jdstrandthe calendar has my appointments20:09
popeyyeah, two apps for alarms is ludicrous20:09
jdstrandnot when I wake up20:09
popey(I realise this was not your decision nik90 ) ☻20:09
* jdstrand does too20:09
rpadovanipopey, also, https://code.launchpad.net/~gang65/ubuntu-calculator-app/ubuntu-calculator-app-slowdownfix/+merge/23263120:10
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rpadovanipopey, tonight calculator app will have some performance improvements ;-)20:10
nik90so clock should be able to create one-time alarms for any day of the week (obviously not like calendar on any day of the month but just the current week)20:10
jdstrandyeah, that makes sense to me20:11
jdstrandI personally found android alarm fairly easy to use and understand quickly20:11
nik90same here20:12
popeyrpadovani: woop woop!20:14
jdstrandnik90: I like the new clock btw. it is pretty :)20:15
mihirrpadovani: :D20:15
nik90jdstrand: thnx. more to come :)20:15
nik90bug 136280320:18
nik90popey, jdstrand ^^20:19
ubot5bug 1362803 in Ubuntu UX "Clock should support creating one-time alarms on any day of the current week" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136280320:19
nik90erm ubuntu bot20:19
nik90there you go20:19
renaturpadovani, popey any luck on the bug #135798320:31
ubot5bug 1357983 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Continuos calculation doesn't work with irrational results" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135798320:31
popeyrenatu: yeah, there's a merge in flight20:31
renatupopey, thanks20:31
rpadovanirenatu, ops, I didn't linked it, sorry20:32
mihirnik90: is there anything you could point out on new event design ?20:49
nik90mihir: ?20:50
popeytwstddev: you about?20:54
twstddevpopey, yup20:54
popeytwstddev: I am testing https://code.launchpad.net/~twstd-dev/ubuntu-geonames/search-by-coordinates/+merge/232626 on my server20:54
popeyexisting functionality isn't returning results.20:55
popeywondering what I broke20:55
twstddevhave you reindexed data?20:55
twstddevpopey, sorry for a silly question, but what command did you run?20:57
popeyi followed the readme..20:58
twstddevsudo indexer --all --rotate20:58
popeymy server already had this setup20:58
popeysudo indexer geonames20:58
twstddevyou need to refresh index20:58
twstddevthere should be to indexed lists20:58
popeyok, running20:58
popeyoh, sphinx not running either20:59
popeyi had to fudge the conf file because my vps is utopic20:59
popeyand the pid file moved20:59
twstddevmake sure it has permission to write in /var/run20:59
twstddevrun again, happens sometimes21:01
twstddevhave you given permission to write in /var/run?21:02
popeywell i had this running previously21:02
popeydrwxr-xr-x 2 sphinxsearch sphinxsearch   60 Aug 28 21:52 sphinxsearch21:02
popeythats /var/run/sphinxsearch21:03
popeyeverying in /var/lib/sphinxsearch is owned by root21:03
popeythat can't be right21:03
popeyok, got it21:05
popeystill no results from the web21:05
twstddevso you changed permissions and reran indexer?21:06
popeychanged permissions and restarted sphinx21:06
popeyso stop, re run indexer, chown, restart?21:07
twstddevwhen you run indexer it will restart sphinx21:07
popeyit doesnt here21:07
twstddevjust give permissions before running indexer21:07
twstddevif you put --rotate it should21:07
popeyok, reindexed, restarted21:07
popeywell, it was stopped when i indexed21:08
popeyso guess it leaves it in that state21:08
twstddevit restarts for me21:08
popeystill no results for me.21:08
popeyWARNING: index 'geonamescoordinates': preload: failed to open /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data/geonamescoordinates.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING21:08
popeythat looks bad21:08
twstddevindexer have not completed21:09
twstddevlet's try again :)21:09
twstddevmake sure that permissions are right21:09
twstddevthen run sudo indexer --all --rotate21:09
twstddevand that should be it21:09
rpadovanipopey, what about https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/updateStrings/+merge/231125/comments/56698021:10
rpadovanien_us or en_gb ? :D21:10
* rpadovani takes popcorn21:11
popeyhe's right21:11
popeyour default is en_US21:11
popeywe then translate it21:11
nik90popey: why not fight for en_gb?21:11
twstddevpopey, it should index "geonamescoordinates" after21:12
popeytwstddev: do i need to re-create, as geonamescoordinates has never been an index before?21:12
popeynik90: because we have a company and project default of en_US, have had for years21:13
popeyI can't win that one21:13
popeyeven if everyone else is wrong21:13
twstddevpopey, I don't think so. I did not have to21:13
twstddevit should pick it up automatically21:13
popeythe problem is I am going to have to ask IS to deploy this, and I need to be sure I can make it work first.21:13
popeywhich I am failing at ☻21:14
twstddevpopey, absolutely21:14
twstddevso you ran indexer, what was the output?21:14
popeytwstddev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8172520/21:15
twstddevthat's all? is still hanging?21:15
twstddev*is it21:16
popeyit finishes21:16
popeythats the end of the output21:17
popeyoh hang on!21:17
popey[Thu Aug 28 22:10:23 2014] Out of memory: Kill process 7556 (indexer) score 436 or sacrifice child21:17
popey[Thu Aug 28 22:10:23 2014] Killed process 7556 (indexer) total-vm:356084kB, anon-rss:224960kB, file-rss:0kB21:17
popeymy poor vps!21:17
twstddevi run it in vm with 384MB of RAM21:18
* popey adds a bit of swap21:19
popey256MB swap not enough, gave it 1GB21:21
popeywhich is mad21:21
popeyindexer eats it all up21:21
twstddevi have no swap enabled o.O21:21
twstddevit's not event mounted21:22
popeyits got up to 500MB RAM and 700MB swap now21:22
popey(this is utopic)21:22
popeywhich needs updating, so could be a bug21:22
twstddevi run precise21:22
popeyok, its moved on to geonamescoordinates now21:23
popeyfuf indeed!21:23
popeyboom, done21:24
popeyhttp:// still broken ☹21:24
twstddevif i try searching by coordinates it feels like it doesn't event process it21:25
twstddevwould be silly of me to ask again21:25
popeydoes apache need a restart?21:25
twstddevif geoname-modpython.py is where it should be ;)21:26
popeyheh, reasonable question21:26
popeyi directly replaced the one i previously had21:26
popeylet me put back the old one21:26
popeyright, old one back21:27
popeyhttp:// works21:27
twstddevthat's not even funny21:27
twstddevCould you put PythonDebug on into your virtualhost file21:28
popeysure, where does that go?21:28
twstddevwhere did you specify path to the script in apache?21:29
twstddevin ubuntu it should be in sites-enabled21:29
twstddevprobably default21:29
twstddevunless you created your own21:30
popeyoh, its in my default apache conf21:30
popeylike that21:30
twstddevadd PythonDebug on21:30
twstddevinto that element <Directory>21:30
twstddevthen restart apache21:31
twstddevand check if it throws anything21:31
twstddevpython script, not apache21:32
popeyput your new one in place21:32
popeywhere does the log go?21:33
ahayzenpopey, what does....'with the music-app failures on krillin still staying a mystery'... in the landing mail mean?21:36
ahayzenpopey, what is 'krillin' ?21:36
popeyexcellent question21:36
popeyits a device21:37
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ahayzenballoons, ping22:08
Akiva-Thinkpadhey all22:17
aquariusrpadovani, popey, you can have high precision with JavaScript for the calculator. Just use a BigNumber library, rather than native JS numbers. See http://stuartlangridge.github.io/webutils-calculator/ for an example calculator I built which does exactly that (and should work on Ubuntu phones too); code is at https://github.com/stuartlangridge/webutils-calculator and it uses https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumbe22:20
aquariusr.js as its bignumber library22:20
rpadovaniaquarius, we use a bignumber library yet, the problem is a bit more complicated....22:22
aquariusrpadovani, oh! My apologies, then -- I was a bit surprised :) What's the issue?22:22
rpadovaniaquarius, sorry, playing dota right now, I'll explain in ~30 minutes :-)22:23
* aquarius reads the bug22:25
aquariusRight, first, 5/3 is not irrational -- irrational means "can't be expressed as a fraction" ;-)22:25
aquariusbut I see the issue; if I do "1/3" on my calculator I get 0.33333333, but if I then do "x3" I get 0.999999..., not 1.22:26
aquariusI wonder if anyone's written a better bignum lib? I just used the first sensible-looking one I found :)22:27
rpadovaniaquarius, tbh, calculator needs someone who is good with code design. I mean,  I could write code, but I have no idea on how develop a calculator - I'm not the original authour22:27
ahayzenballoons, ah no worries fixed it found field.write(text) instead of keyboard.type(text)22:32
* aquarius asks a question about actually-infinite-precision libraries on G+ :)22:52
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