
=== tlyu_ is now known as tlyu
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=== catbus1 is now known as catbus1-afk
hallynso, when i set up my thinkpad on unity 2 weeks ago, contrast and volume buttons brought up the little icons showing the values going up/down.  then i installed lubuntu-desktop just for a test, but those went away.  removed lubuntu-desktop, they stayed away.  anyone know what package i need to get those back?02:26
hallynsorry shouldn't ask that here02:28
pittiGood morning03:44
pittiwgrant: hm, is message sharing still working between upstream and distro POTs?04:37
pittiwgrant: https://translations.launchpad.net/messaging-app/ is fairly complete, but https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/messaging-app/+pots/messaging-app is very poorly covered04:37
wgrantpitti: Message sharing is so hilariously buggy you wouldn't believe.04:43
pittiwgrant: hmm, that's a bit of a bummer for touch langpacks04:43
wgrantpitti: Changes that were deployed yesterday make it possible to fix most cases, though.04:43
wgrantAnd another that will be deployed this afternoon make it possible for things to actually not be completely inconsistent.04:44
pittiwgrant: I have a hack in langpack-o-matic for now; it checks out the upstream bzr trees, and directly copies their po files into the langpacks, short-circuiting LP import/export04:44
pittibut I hoped it would be temporary04:44
pittiwgrant: that sounds positive :) will that apply to existing pots?04:44
wgrantI'll need to inspect the database to work out how messaging-app's are broken.04:44
wgrantBut, in general, if anyone has ever removed a link between a project and a package things will be woefully broken.04:45
pittie. g. https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/dialer-app/+pots/dialer-app looks quite a bit better (but still not on par to upstream)04:45
wgrantLet's see if I can convince it to remerge them.04:46
pittiwgrant: most of the touch projects got an x-ubuntu-use-langpack: a few days ago, and only yesterday I approved all the pots for import04:46
pittiso perhaps it's also still just catching up04:47
wgrantThis has taken a lot longer to sort out than I'd hoped, because I'd been operating under the assumption that message sharing between projects and distros wasn't horribly broken.04:47
pittiheh, everyone was, I suppose04:47
wgrantpitti: Hm, I think those templates were mostly shared properly, and they're totally shared now. But they're very different.05:05
wgranthttps://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/messaging-app/+pots/messaging-app/am/+translate 65 strings05:05
wgranthttps://translations.launchpad.net/messaging-app/trunk/+pots/messaging-app/am/+translate 31 strings05:05
pittihow odd05:06
pittiperhaps the pot gets rebuilt during package build, and messaging-app's pot in trunk is just totally outdated?05:06
* pitti checks05:06
wgrantThat could well be the case.05:07
wgrantThe Ubuntu side looks correct to me.05:07
pittiin that case this would even be good05:07
pittihttps://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/messaging-app/+pots/messaging-app/de/+translate?show=untranslated looks reasonable indeed05:08
pittiwgrant: because it would expose untranslated messages at least on the ubuntu side; upstreams pathologically forget to update their pots :/05:09
pittiyep, I see the i18n.tr("Attachment.. stuff in the code05:10
wgrantRight, so the upstream side needs to regenerate their POT, I guess.05:10
pitti+msgid " "05:10
* pitti weeps05:11
pittibut yes, that helped05:11
pittipushed to lp:messaging-app05:11
pittiwgrant: sorry for blaming LP then! thanks for pointing out05:11
wgrantpitti: This case turns out to be simple and the merge job only fixed up five strings.05:12
wgrantIt was slightly LP's fault, but not most of it :)05:12
=== achernya_ is now known as achernya
pittiwgrant: hah, and there we go -- https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/messaging-app/+pots/messaging-app/de/+translate?show=untranslated05:15
wgrantpitti: What do you mean?05:18
pittiwgrant: the missing strings were imported, and are now shown as "untranslated" (was previously empty)05:19
wgrantpitti: But that's the Ubuntu template. Wasn't it always correct05:20
pittierr, argh; -ETOOMANYTABS05:20
pittiwell, I translated a few missing ones; let's see, they ought to get propagated to the upstream one05:20
pittiso apparently the new pot wasn't imported yet; I'll check later05:21
wgrantpitti: The upstream one is already fully translated.05:21
wgrantBecause the POT isn't there yet.05:21
wgrantAh, just entered the queue 90 seconds ago05:21
wgrant2014-08-28 05:21:36 INFO    Import requests completed.05:22
wgrant31 untranslated upstream now05:22
wgrantWhich matches Ubuntu.05:22
wgrantThere were 46 untranslated in Ubuntu before. Did you translate 15?05:22
wgrantEr, no, not 46, wrong language.05:23
pittiwgrant: 15 sounds about right05:24
pittihttps://translations.launchpad.net/messaging-app/trunk/+pots/messaging-app/de/+translate?show=untranslated now has 31 untrasnlated German things05:24
pittiAttachment: %1 contact05:24
pittibut I did translate those in Ubuntu already05:24
pittiseems they were silently eaten05:25
pittiit got the second (multiple) case, but not the singular05:26
pittiI think there's something wrong: the singular uses %1, the plural uses %s05:27
wgrant"(no translation yet) Translated and reviewed by Martin Pitt 3 minutes ago"05:27
pittisrc/qml/ThreadDelegate.qml:            return i18n.tr("Attachment: %1 image", "Attachments: %s images").arg(imageCount)05:27
wgrantThat doesn't look right.05:28
wgrantIt's possible it is, I suppose, but it seems weird.05:29
wgrantAll the strings with %1 appear translated but untranslated.05:29
pittiwgrant: I sent https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/messaging-app/i18n-fixes/+merge/232507 now05:36
Bluefoxicyoh for.05:38
Bluefoxicyapt-get update consistently picks the same mirror with a mirrors:// url.  Wonderful.  I'm filing that as a bug because "constantly chooses stupid slow mirror, and killing apt and restarting doesn't get me a different mirror"05:39
sarnoldBluefoxicy: are you using a sortlist in resolv.conf?05:42
Bluefoxicysarnold: no.05:43
Bluefoxicysarnold:  apt is constantly picking mirrors.xmission.com.  Constantly.05:43
Bluefoxicyoh that's hilarious.05:48
Bluefoxicyskype-4.3.0-37 installs ... skype 4.205:48
Unit193skype --version05:50
Bluefoxicyjohn@icebox:~$ skype --version05:51
BluefoxicySkypeTM 4.2 for Linux05:52
Bluefoxicy(!) Skype can't connect05:52
BluefoxicyUnit193:  does yours give a Skype 4.2 for Linux title?05:52
Unit193Mine has no problems connecting, by all signs it is 4.3.  Partner repos.05:53
Bluefoxicymine came from partner05:53
Bluefoxicybthe title bar says Skype 4.2 for Linux05:53
Unit193`which skype`05:53
Bluefoxicy~$ sudo apt-get remove --purge skype-bin skype05:54
BluefoxicyRemoving skype (
* Bluefoxicy squints05:54
Bluefoxicybash: /usr/bin/skype: No such file or directory05:55
Bluefoxicydongs: command not found05:55
* Bluefoxicy squints very hard.05:55
* Unit193 waves to sarnold.05:56
sarnoldbash 'hashes' the paths to executables that it looks up via the PATH; if you remove one path, running shells might not see a different location..05:56
sarnoldevening Unit193 :)05:56
BluefoxicyI had to killall skype05:58
sarnoldhaha, typical MS..05:59
sarnold"of course you want this thing running all the time to shave .5 seconds off the 'startup time'"05:59
Unit193It...has problems closing.05:59
Unit193sarnold: It's not actually a daemon mode, just kind of fails to exit, like remmina. :P06:00
Unit193sarnold: You should see the windows one, so my sister tells me, it really makes sure you want to exit, a few times. :P  (Since when did the X mean minimize?)06:00
sarnoldUnit193: cripes. hooray for killall :)06:02
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dholbachgood morning06:24
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darkxstpitti, seems I was already using /dev/shm ;) must be set by default with the launchpad sbuild helpers08:05
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alive4everHello. I'm on trusty. I have a problem with certtool from gnutls-bin package. I cannot generate an ecc privkey using certtool, using command `certtool --generate-privkey --ecc`. Certtool says that ecc is invalid option. Any workaround to enable ecc support for gnutls on trusty?09:31
alive4ev1Hello. I'm on trusty. I have a problem with certtool from gnutls-bin package. I cannot generate an ecc privkey using certtool, using command `certtool --generate-privkey --ecc`. Certtool says that ecc is invalid option. Any workaround to enable ecc support for gnutls on trusty?09:35
alive4everExcuse me. Any workaround for trusty gnutls that I explained earlier?09:41
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Saviqpitti, hum, is there a way to apport-bug from an rtm phone?12:52
pittiSaviq: I'm glad you asked -- the base-files fix for that just landed in RTM like 10 mins ago :)12:52
pittibug 136249612:52
ubottubug 1362496 in base-files (Ubuntu-rtm 14.09) "LSB release and /etc/os-release still say "Utopic", needs to be RTM" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136249612:52
Saviqpitti, yay, will upgrade12:52
pittiSaviq: might not be published yet, could still take some minutes; but you can of course snatch the deb from LP12:53
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arges@pilot in13:04
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: "., arges
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Saviqpitti, the bug was filed against ubuntu (not rtm) anyway, that expected? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/136261913:56
ubottuError: launchpad bug 1362619 not found13:56
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Saviq(I added the rtm tasks manually)13:57
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sil2100wgrant: hey! Is there currently a way to create an ubuntu-rtm PPA?14:10
sil2100wgrant: through LP, for instance?14:10
wgrantsil2100: There's no UI for it, to avoid confusing the rest of the world. but you can say lp.load(lp.me.self_link).createPPA(distribution=lp.distros['ubuntu-rtm'], name='whatever') in lp-shell14:23
sil2100wgrant: thanks! Do you know if I can use the same API for creating a PPA for a selected team? Didn't really use the API for PPA creation before ;)14:50
wgrantsil2100: Sure. You need to be a team admin, but lp.people['some-team'].createPPA(blah blah blah).14:53
sil2100Thanks again :)14:54
pittiSaviq: yes; I did a quick strawpoll in #u-touch this morning, and people leaned towards filing them against ubuntu14:56
Saviqpitti, ok14:57
pittiSaviq: ubuntu-rtm  would be more correct, but it's one more place to check bugs, so some people said it's easier to keep them against one distro and just treat it as a different release14:57
pittiSaviq: DistroRelease: Ubuntu RTM 14.0914:57
pittiSaviq: but that's good; I set up apport retracers for RTM this morning, let's see what they do about this :)14:57
pittiSaviq: oh well -- *did*, it already is retraced :)14:58
pittilooks quite reasonable14:58
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Saviqpitti, yeah, dealt just fine15:07
Saviqcyphermox, hey, I tried testing krillin with my car kit, but it will only work in reverse pairing mode (meaning it's the phone that needs to made discoverable and you need select it in the car UI and provide the code on the phone when the kit connects)15:58
Saviqcyphermox, and that doesn't seem to be supported by us yet is it?15:58
Saviqis there a bug already? should I file one? what data can I provide to be helpful?15:58
cjwatsonpitti: I've noticed a few publishing entries in ubuntu-rtm where you seem to have copied things into 14.09 directly (e.g. cgmanager).  Could you please remember to copy things into 14.09-proposed instead?  You're an archive admin, so you *can* copy directly to 14.09, but doing so bypasses proposed-migration.15:59
cyphermoxSaviq: yeah please file one16:13
cyphermoxSaviq: that said, I would expect that reverse pairing should work too16:13
cyphermoxfor instance, the phone can already be made discoverable, and should be detected by the car, but I do know that it's not exposing itself in the right mode.16:14
cyphermoxI still need to figure out the best way to ship these different configurations for bluez16:14
Saviqcyphermox, so yeah, the part that fails is pairing itself16:19
Saviqcyphermox, the car displays a code on the dash16:19
Saviqcyphermox, and I'm supposed to type it in16:19
Saviqcyphermox, on the phone, but before I see anything, the car goes back saying there was an error16:20
Saviqcyphermox, btw, it feels wrong if settings is the only thing capable of that... we need a long running service that will handle PIN/connection requests, because those might happen without the need to even open settings16:21
Saviqindicator-bluetooth sounds like a valid candidate16:22
cyphermoxin that case, could you file a bug against bluez, and attach /var/log/syslog?16:22
Saviqcyphermox, doing16:22
cyphermoxI'd think if settings is open you should still be able to get the request to pop up16:23
cyphermoxbut to make sure, we must check whether bluez is actually requesting anything16:23
Saviqcyphermox, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/136269416:29
ubottuError: launchpad bug 1362694 not found16:29
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pitticjwatson: ah, good point; yes, will do that17:32
pitticjwatson: today we went via a silo (for base-files), those were the first trials17:32
pitticjwatson: but I think I'll still keep copying langpacsk directly from ubuntu to 14.09-proposed (no need for the silo overhead)17:33
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sergiusenspitti: you still around? do you have a flo? can you see why UDISK_SYSTEM is ignored by flo in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc-android-config/0.193 ? ogra_ and myself couldn't figure it out18:09
sergiusensit's low priority though18:09
cjwatsonpitti: right, makes sense18:14
cjwatsonbdrung: could you please merge gnustep-back?  gnustep-gui is currently mid-transition and that appears to be part of it18:14
* cjwatson is doing the obvious rebuilds there18:15
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muntigerhow do i get started with ubuntu-sdk?19:10
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roadmrmuntiger: did you read http://developer.ubuntu.com/ ?20:00
arges@pilot out20:07
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ".
ionHello, ".20:08
=== SkyLizard is now known as DrSkyLizard
stgrabercjwatson, slangasek: can one of you moderate my beta-1 announcement on ubuntu-devel-announce? thanks21:05
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
cjwatsonstgraber: done21:12
stgrabercjwatson: thanks21:12
Noskcajjtaylor, Could you look at my infernal merge?21:29
jaminIs there a better place than a Launchpad report, to surface a regression report for an LTS release that has identified the problem, RCA'd it, provided a patch, and located the offending upstream commit21:29
Noskcajjamin, not really. link me the bug?21:35
jaminNoskcaj, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oem-config/+bug/136159521:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1361595 in oem-config (Ubuntu) "OSError: [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device" [Undecided,New]21:37
jaminNoskcaj, it completely breaks oem-config for server installations21:37
jaminultimately leaving the system with no accounts that have a password for login21:37
Noskcajlink the bug in #ubuntu-installer , they maintain it21:39
Noskcajand cjwatson, you're listed as the maintainer of the package, can you take a look21:39
bdrungcjwatson: i won't find the time to do it in the next days. so please feel free to do the merge yourself.21:42
cjwatsonxnox: ^- do you have a minute to look at 1361595 as referenced above, since that says it was your commit? :)21:49
cjwatsonbdrung: will do, thanks21:52
cjwatsonbdrung: oh, in fact it's a sync, as 0.20.1-2.1 fixed the root cause of our remaining delta in what looks like a better way22:01
* cjwatson syncs22:01
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cjwatsonpitti: inspired by a comment at debconf: do you think it might ever be feasible to run autopkgtests as buildd jobs?  anything obvious blocking that?22:04
cjwatsonpitti: obviously launchpad-buildd would need to gain support for it in the same kind of way that it gained support for livefs builds22:05
infinityzyga: What's the story with cert testing for linux/precise (LP: #1355387)?22:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1355387 in Kernel SRU Workflow certification-testing "linux: 3.2.0-68.102 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135538722:08
infinityzyga: Looks like the task has been assigned to you for 9 days.22:09
infinitycjwatson: That was my hope when they first built up this parallel infra.  IMO, every one-off build job could/should run through the same cloud, and our build job cloud of choice is lp-buildd.22:11
infinitycjwatson: Might be stickier for breaks-testbed jobs, but some thinking between lp-buildd/buildd-manager/scalingstack could probably find an elegant solution.22:12
cjwatsoninfinity: breaks-testbed is a PPA guest :)22:19
cjwatsonvirtualised builder, rather22:19
ogra_cjwatson, i need to roll back pittis change of base-files ... how can i upload directly to rtm ?22:20
cjwatsonogra_: new dput.cf stanza, s/ubuntu/ubuntu-rtm/22:20
ogra_(it breaks CI/smoke testing)22:20
cjwatsonwell, not in fqdn :)22:21
cjwatsonfqdn = upload.ubuntu.com22:21
cjwatsonmethod = ftp22:21
cjwatsonincoming = /ubuntu-rtm22:21
cjwatsonlogin = anonymous22:21
infinityogra_: Which base-files upload is that?22:22
ogra_infinity, to rtm ... https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/rtm-14.09-changes/2014-August/000212.html22:22
infinityAhh.  Silly me, I was looking in ubuntu.22:23
ogra_that was a true rtm upload actually :)22:23
ogra_(rare species)22:23
infinityHe shouldn't have changed codename/release stuff.22:23
infinityThat way lies madness.22:24
infinityThe pretty names, sure.22:24
ogra_well, he needed it for apport/whoopsie he said22:24
infinityA lot more tooling (for better or worse) depends on those versions.22:24
Neo31hello folks :)22:29
sergiusensinfinity:  lool- cjwatson ogra_ need something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8173047/22:36
sergiusensused the best options I could without breaking backwards22:37
ogra_sergiusens, yes, that helps with one tool22:37
sergiusenssome of the tooling22:37
ogra_but as infinity said, there might be more stuff that relies on /etc/{os,lsb}-release22:37
sergiusensa bunch I bet22:38
ogra_and assumes some ubuntuish name22:38
ogra_hmpf ... rejected ...22:40
lool-sergiusens: it'd seem we shoudl start with updateing distro_info22:42
xnoxcjwatson: yeap. sorry about that. Will upload after the talk22:45
ogra_yay, that worked22:45
ogra_base-files (7.2ubuntu6rtm2) 14.09; urgency=medium22:45
cyphermoxI just noticed a bad translation for the package description of libhybris, in French. Where are these translations if I wanted to fix the strings?22:55
* ogra_ blames rsalveti's french knowledge 22:56
* rsalveti has nothing to do with that23:09

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