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DJones | bazhang: Actually, there is a +b on gatis in #ubuntu ban number 63698 | 07:43 |
DJones | Looks like his ip had changed since the ban was set | 07:44 |
DJones | That was set as +b for 7 days on 22/8/14 | 07:44 |
bazhang | DJones, thanks for the info | 08:34 |
DJones | I had seen him in the channel since with the new ip, but as he wasn't causing an issue at the time, I'd let it go | 08:35 |
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=== chu is now known as mwsb | ||
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ubottu | TJ- called the ops in #ubuntu (fork-bomb from mq|chromebook) | 14:21 |
k1l_ | wow, a 9.10. that is the highscore for the last months, iirc | 16:02 |
k1l_ | doesnt mint link in their irc programs to their channel? | 16:33 |
IdleOne | probably not | 16:33 |
IdleOne | it didn't used to. I don't know if they fixed it | 16:34 |
k1l_ | well, it would help their community if their users get directed to their channels in the first place, imho | 16:35 |
ikonia | he knows what he's doing | 16:36 |
ikonia | he's just been told to go away from the mint channels and use #winehq on freenode | 16:36 |
ikonia | he basically said he's trick the ubuntu channel as there are more people | 16:36 |
ikonia | and timeviruus has just joined in now | 16:36 |
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