yang | http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-12573364 | 05:04 |
Pepelka13 | BBC News - Fox lived in the Shard skyscraper at London Bridge | 05:04 |
yang | .vreme lj | 05:04 |
Pepelka13 | »A fox is discovered living at the top of the UK's tallest building.« | 05:04 |
jabuk | ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 14°C @28.08.2014 6:00 CEST. | 05:04 |
jabuk | Vlažnost: 92% oblačno ploha | 05:04 |
jabuk | Sončni vzhod: 06:18:48, Kulminacija: 13:04:43, Sončni zahod: 19:50:39 | 05:04 |
jabuk | Dan je dolg: 13ur 31min 51s, Luna je v ščipu | 05:04 |
yang | .vreme lj | 06:26 |
jabuk | ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 14°C @28.08.2014 8:00 CEST. | 06:26 |
jabuk | Vlažnost: 90% delno oblačno | 06:26 |
jabuk | Sončni vzhod: 06:18:48, Kulminacija: 13:04:43, Sončni zahod: 19:50:39 | 06:26 |
jabuk | Dan je dolg: 13ur 31min 51s, Luna je v ščipu | 06:26 |
zdobersek | hoi | 06:30 |
Sky[x] | lp | 06:37 |
Sky[x] | sonce ane | 06:37 |
Sky[x] | a gremo mal lavfat zdj ? :) | 06:37 |
Sky[x] | ko je se sveze zunaj | 06:37 |
zdobersek | saso pocak | 06:47 |
sasa84 | juhu | 07:02 |
napsy | dan | 07:06 |
Sky[x] | ja nic ist sem redy za lavfat :D | 07:11 |
sasa84 | šibej sky, si že pozen :P | 07:19 |
idioterna | sasa84: kaj pa je bla guna slikca k si pejstnla | 07:27 |
napsy | jup | 07:29 |
lynxlynxlynx | idioterna: tits | 07:41 |
idioterna | not good enough da bi se mi dal unbase64jat | 07:41 |
lynxlynxlynx | nek celeb | 07:41 |
idioterna | aja to sm ze vidu | 07:42 |
lynxlynxlynx | sej je samo v css za skopirat | 07:42 |
idioterna | you've seen one you've seen them all | 07:42 |
lynxlynxlynx | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/08/28/reg_readers_sought_for_work_as_slave_to_town_packed_full_of_sexy_brazilian_hotties/ | 09:29 |
Pepelka13 | MEN WANTED to satisfy town full of yearning BRAZILIAN HOTNESS • The Register | 09:29 |
Pepelka13 | »'Prettier, better organised, more harmonious than if men were in charge'« | 09:29 |
lynxlynxlynx | it's a trap | 09:29 |
Pepelka13 | [Web Upd8] Andrew: DontWaitUp: Run Commands When Windows Are Closed, Resized Or On Title Change http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/3zPOZgQquR4/dontwaitup-run-commands-when-windows.html | 09:29 |
zdobersek | priblizno neki tazga kokr v dumb & dumber? | 09:32 |
lynxlynxlynx | po moje so ignoramusi še vedno boljši kot pa tirani | 09:40 |
lynxlynxlynx | je pa najbrž vse skupaj malo postrani poročano | 09:40 |
zdobersek | whaaat? naaaah | 09:43 |
zdobersek | http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/95987259835/adding-features-to-our-application | 09:49 |
Pepelka13 | Adding features to our application - DevOps Reactions | 09:49 |
Pepelka13 | »by Craigahertz« | 09:49 |
Pepelka13 | [Ubuntu.si] erbi: Ubuntu ali Kubuntu https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/42068/#p42068 | 10:22 |
orion1111 | http://www.indeed.com/jobanalytics/jobtrends?q=ruby%2C+rails%2C+python%2C+php%2C+javascript%2C&l= | 10:25 |
Pepelka13 | ruby, rails, python, php, javascript, Job Trends | Indeed.com | 10:25 |
Pepelka13 | »Research ruby, rails, python, php, javascript, job trends and the demand for ruby, rails, python, php, javascript, jobs at Indeed.com. Search all ruby, rails, python, php, javascript, jobs, and get ruby, rails, python, php, javascript, job alerts by email.« | 10:25 |
orion1111 | na eni drugi strani sm vidu da je node cist na dnu | 10:28 |
orion1111 | http://www.indeed.com/jobanalytics/jobtrends?q=ruby%2C+rails%2C+python%2C+php%2C+node&l= | 10:29 |
Pepelka13 | ruby, rails, python, php, node Job Trends | Indeed.com | 10:29 |
Pepelka13 | »Research ruby, rails, python, php, node job trends and the demand for ruby, rails, python, php, node jobs at Indeed.com. Search all ruby, rails, python, php, node jobs, and get ruby, rails, python, php, node job alerts by email.« | 10:29 |
upd | http://map.ipviking.com/ | 10:33 |
Pepelka13 | Norse - IPViking Live | 10:33 |
Pepelka13 | [Ubuntu.si] gregor3000: Re: Ubuntu ali Kubuntu https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/42069/#p42069 | 11:11 |
Pepelka13 | [Web Upd8] Andrew: Kazam Screencaster Gets Webcam And YouTube Live Support, On-Screen Mouse Click And Keyboard Indicator http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/O8PpWk11T3I/kazam-screencaster-gets-webcam-and.html | 12:04 |
Matthai | ooo, to je pa BigWhale avtor :-) | 12:09 |
idioterna | kantavtor | 12:12 |
Matthai | ne, to je pa Alex ... piše na koncu :-) | 12:12 |
Pepelka13 | [OMG! Ubuntu!] LibreOffice 4.3.1 Now Available to Download, Features 100 Bug Fixes http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/pPSEKVCUnS4/libreoffice-4-3-1-now-available-download-features-100-bug-fixes | 12:17 |
b4d | no vsaj retino so spet usposobili v 4.3.1 verziji :D | 12:29 |
Sky[x] | hehe :D | 12:29 |
Pepelka13 | [Ubuntu.si] erbi: Re: Ubuntu ali Kubuntu https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/42070/#p42070 | 12:37 |
yang | .vreme lj | 13:03 |
jabuk | ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 22°C @28.08.2014 14:00 CEST. | 13:03 |
jabuk | Vlažnost: 48% pretežno jasno | 13:03 |
jabuk | Sončni vzhod: 06:18:48, Kulminacija: 13:04:43, Sončni zahod: 19:50:39 | 13:03 |
jabuk | Dan je dolg: 13ur 31min 51s, Luna je v ščipu | 13:03 |
napsy | soncno | 13:06 |
Pepelka13 | [Web Upd8] Andrew: (Linux) Deepin 2014.1 Released With Bug Fixes And Minor Enhancements http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/_3qdIa7UlmA/linux-deepin-20141-released-with-bug.html | 14:29 |
zdobersek | ping | 14:38 |
jabuk | zdobersek: pong | 14:38 |
napsy | 3oh ja | 14:43 |
zdobersek | CrazyLemon: Vuelta! | 14:47 |
zdobersek | CrazyLemon: Uphill finish! | 14:47 |
idioterna | ma ksna vuelta dej | 14:49 |
zdobersek | ja kva pa nej, v LJ hodim amaterje gledat? | 14:53 |
idioterna | amaterje? | 14:54 |
idioterna | ljubljana je najlepse mesto na svetu, ne | 14:54 |
idioterna | sm jo sliku vceri | 14:54 |
idioterna | http://bou.si/pic/ljubljana-je-zaspana-z-javora.jpg | 14:54 |
idioterna | tam je. | 14:54 |
zdobersek | kaj jih je nacotu http://uwct.franja.org/rezultati.html | 14:56 |
Pepelka13 | UCI Amater Road World Championship - Rezultati | 14:56 |
Pepelka13 | »BELTINKA BELTINCI, Tovarna pletenin d.o.o.« | 14:56 |
idioterna | a to so kile :) | 14:59 |
idioterna | "Men 19-34" | 14:59 |
zdobersek | nope. | 15:08 |
yang | kva je blo dans v btcju, koles vec kot folka? franja? | 15:14 |
zdobersek | yang: http://uwct.franja.org/ | 15:15 |
Pepelka13 | UCI Amater Road World Championship - Domov | 15:15 |
Pepelka13 | »BELTINKA BELTINCI, Tovarna pletenin d.o.o.« | 15:15 |
yang | vse je blo zaprto | 15:18 |
yang | obvoz | 15:18 |
zdobersek | prekleti kolesarji. | 15:19 |
idioterna | ma te kolesarji so tok brezobzirni. | 15:25 |
Pepelka13 | [OMG! Ubuntu!] This Ubuntu Installer Bug Wipes Your Disk Without You Realising http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/YEQlL4U8XS4/ubuntu-installer-bug-wipes-partitions | 15:32 |
idioterna | hm | 15:32 |
idioterna | to se je pa zgodil enmu | 15:32 |
idioterna | na IJS se mi zdi | 15:32 |
Sky[x] | lej tele otroke jaoo https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=516994011759904 | 15:35 |
Pepelka13 | Caio Vinys - ; smeck ! | Facebook | 15:36 |
Pepelka13 | »-Me adicione para ser marcado nos próximos videos >> Caio Vinys !! '« | 15:36 |
zdobersek | http://liveuamap.com/e/2014/28-august-russian-army-tank-in-novoazovsk--httpswwwyoutubecomwatch | 15:42 |
Pepelka13 | Map of war in Ukraine #UkraineUnderAttack | 15:42 |
zdobersek | https://vine.co/v/Mlriw1VJeDn | 16:05 |
Pepelka13 | Another to share with you all of Winter the lamb 😘 he comes bouncing down the hall when called 😊 | 16:05 |
yang2 | http://www.telx.com/blog/behind-the-internet-curtain/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=blog | 16:32 |
Pepelka13 | Behind the Internet Curtain Infographic | Blog | Telx | 16:32 |
yang2 | http://bgr.com/2014/08/27/mozilla-firefox-os-smartphone-iphone/ | 17:35 |
Pepelka13 | Mozilla Firefox OS smartphone Intex Cloud FX compared to iPhone 1 | BGR | 17:35 |
Pepelka13 | »Earlier this week, Mozilla unveiled its first-ever low-end smartphone for customers in India: the Intex Cloud FX. At just $33, the Firefox OS device is one of the cheapest smartphones on the market...« | 17:35 |
dz0ny | http://manymanyadventures.com/articles/2014/8/3/15-photos-that-will-make-slovenia-your-next-destination-to-visit | 17:35 |
CrazyLemon | zdobersek sm mel uphill finish na obali :) | 17:36 |
Pepelka13 | 15 Photos That Will Make Slovenia Your Next Destination To Visit — Many Many Adventures | 17:36 |
Pepelka13 | »Sebastien Blond shows you why you must add Slovenia to your list of destinations to visit.« | 17:36 |
yang2 | nice photoshopping | 17:39 |
zdobersek | na vzhod ga se ni zaneslo | 17:43 |
yang2 | http://www.wired.com/2014/08/12-startups-in-12-months/ | 17:47 |
Pepelka13 | This Guy Is Launching 12 Startups in 12 Months | Business | WIRED | 17:47 |
Pepelka13 | »Can’t get enough of that animated GIF where Oprah unleashes a swarm of bees on her studio audience? Or the one where some guy gets hit in the face by a trashcan? You’re in luck. Soon, a new startup called Gifbook will sell you some flip books that recreate your favorite animated GIFs, so that…« | 17:47 |
jabuk | M 1.3 > 3.km S od DOMŽAL @28/08/2014 19:50:10 https://maps.google.com/?q=46.17+N,+14.62+E | 18:09 |
zdobersek | VER IZ D MONEY LEBAUSKI | 18:09 |
=== LorD_DDooM_ is now known as LorD_DDooM | ||
Pepelka13 | [OMG! Ubuntu!] First Beta for Ubuntu 14.10 Flavors Released http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/6i1GsfGtn2U/first-beta-ubuntu-14-10-flavors-released | 22:57 |
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