
sergio-br2but it will be the default compositor in 14.10?00:05
sergio-br2ochosi, so if you install compton, it will come with this kind of config? http://duncanlock.net/blog/2013/06/07/how-to-switch-to-compton-for-beautiful-tear-free-compositing-in-xfce/00:09
bluesabresergio-br2, we're not shipping it as default00:27
bluesabrehaven't seen that particular config, but ours works quite well00:28
sergio-br2bluesabre, the config is like that?00:32
bluesabresergio-br2: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/xubuntu-default-settings/trunk/view/head:/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/compton.conf00:40
xubuntu087helo friends00:46
xubuntu087i'm Rafael, and i'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil...how are you?!00:47
xubuntu087sorry for my broken english..rss00:47
xubuntu087i'm new in linux, but i want learn this system...00:49
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:49
=== stiv2k_ is now known as stiv2k
petesterHi!  I'm having trouble with intermittent freezing/crashes02:16
petesterI'd like to figure out what the problem is so i can submit a proper bug report02:16
holsteinpetester: cool.. what would i do? i would try a live CD and see if the system seems the same.. if not, then, it could be something with my installed os, or the hard drive.. i would then, take time to test the memory from the live CD and then, look for and apply upgrades02:17
petesterI saw some people having trouble with video drivers so I'm using the latest one from NVIDIA and still having troubl02:17
holsteinif possible, i would try the hardware with  a supported operating system, to make sure its functioning properly02:17
petesterholstein, thank you for the response, i havent tried a memtest yet but i will now02:17
petesteralso windows worked fine before i put ubuntu on02:17
holsteinpetester: if i had an nvidia driver in the mix, i would try and remove it from the equation as well02:17
petesterHave you heard of people having problems due to their laptop trackpad?02:18
petesterit seems to not happen when i use a bluetooth mouse (weird, i know)02:18
holsteinpetester: i dont know what "windows worked fine before i put ubuntu on it" means, but, ubuntu wont break windows.. so, if both operatings systems are acting "funny", i would troubleshoot hardware issues, just to make sure02:18
petesterbut i don't know how to confirm that's the issue02:18
holsteinpetester: just choose something, and remove it from the equation, and test02:19
petesterholstein, thank you for the responses so far.  I'll run a memtest to try to rule that out, but I can play eve online for 2 hours with no crashes as long as i dont use the trackpad02:21
holsteinpetester: is the trackpad "bad" in windows?02:21
petesterbut then web browsing on chrome with a trackpad for ten minutes makes me have to hard reset02:21
holsteinif so, its bad...02:21
petesterholstein, i dont think so02:21
holsteinpetester: think?02:21
petesterThe trackpad worked great until i installed xubuntu02:21
holsteinpetester: you need to be like a detective, here.. you'll need to isolate these variables and see what it causing what02:21
petesterbut i don't know how to get a log of what is causing the crash02:22
holsteinpetester: a team of professionals were hired by the hardware vendor to provide you windows support.. you are taking that burden on yourself with the linux/ubuntu install02:22
petesterim 90% that this is the trackpad, i just don't know how to confirm it02:22
holsteinpetester: does the trackpad crash windows?02:22
petesterhang on02:23
petesteri don't have windows installed on the system anymore, just xubuntu02:23
holsteinpetester: ok.. then, i wouldnt assume its hardware related then.. i would, as i sugested, try a live CD, and se if you can make the machine crash using the trackpad02:23
petesterim reading that i can ssh in to look at the syslog after a crash occurs02:24
holsteinpetester: ok.. then, you cant say the trackpad isnt malfunctioning..02:24
holsteinpetester: you can try02:24
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)02:24
holsteinpetester: personally, the logs dont help me as much as isolating the variables and testing... but, you are welcome to try to ssh in to whatever and look at what you like02:24
petesterand if i can't get in that means that it's a hard kernel crash, not just a problem with the desktop environment, correct?02:25
holsteinpetester: i dont think you can assume anything.02:26
holsteinpetester: if i had the hardware in front of me, i would pull the hard drive so hard rebooting doenst hurt the hard drive, and i would get the unit to "break" with a live CD, and see what the issue is.. if its the trackpad, i would search about how folks deal with it02:26
holsteinpetester: if i dont find a way, i might just disable it..02:26
holsteinpetester: this is also quite simple.. are you up to date with upgrades?02:27
petesterholstein, thank you.  I found a thread where somebody had a similar issue and im trying to follow their guide now.02:27
petesterholstein, yes, I try to check daily02:27
holsteinpetester: it has to be the *same* hardware for the guide to matter02:27
petesteryeah ...02:28
holsteinpetester: i assure you, this is not a global xubuntu issue, but either something specific to your hardware, or hardware breakage02:28
holsteinpetester: you could literallly be the only person using xubuntu on that specific hardware.. since hardware can rev'd02:28
petesterI totally agree / understand.  I'll try to fix this myself if I can isolate the problem, but i have no experience writing drivers02:29
petesteri just have so little experience troubleshooting issues like this02:29
petesterwould linux-crashdump possibly help?02:29
petesteri'm at the point where I'm 90% sure that's the issue, but I don't know how to confirm02:30
holsteinpetester: ^ that should tell you how to install and run ssh02:32
holsteinshould be "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" or soemthing simple02:32
petesterholstein, ok thanks.  I'm familiar with ssh :)02:32
holsteinpetester: i would try the main ubuntu channel and ask what logs are needed02:32
petesterThank you.  I'll keep asking around02:32
holsteinsince, *if* this is driver support related for either the trackpad and/or nvidia, you may get a larger audience in #ubuntu02:33
holsteinand xubuntu *is* ubuntu, with the same kernel and hardware support02:33
petesteryeah, just xfce instead of unity, right?02:33
petesteri honestly like this version SO MUCH better02:33
petesterUbuntu had the same crashes when I was using it too though02:34
holsteinwell, theres a bit more to it than that, for sure.. but, its basically the same hardware support, which is helpful for you02:34
holsteinpetester: should be the exact same02:34
petesterok, thank you for giving me some pointers.02:34
holsteinpetester: tbh, i would even consider troubleshooting with main ubuntu on, just to take advantage of the larger community, if needed02:34
holsteinthis is a *great* team, and i personally *Really* like xubuntu.. and i would come right back after i learn how to "Fix" the issue.. but, it is a larger community upstream.. and the fixes will apply, assuming there are any02:35
petesterthere's no way i'm gonna switch from xubuntu anytime soon02:35
petestereventually i want to try contributing to the source but i have no idea what kind of help i could possibly be02:36
petesterim such a noob02:36
holsteinsure. i just have gotten "well, you are not runnig ubuntu, you need to go to #xubuntu" comments.. so, i'll just install main ubuntu, and get the support, and come back.. again, assuming there is support to recieve02:36
holsteincould be plausible that you just need to disable the touchpad as well.. which, i personally dont mind doing..02:37
petesterthat would certainly be the easiest option02:37
petesterbut it would be nice to get it working02:37
* ObrienDave can't stand touch pads or trackballs02:38
holsteinpetester: i say, if you can get in via ssh and "sudo halt" so that you are not causing potential damage to the hard drive, go for it02:38
petesterokay, that's my next test then02:39
petesterif you see me leave you'll know what happened :)02:39
petesterhonestly it could also be chrome now that i think about it02:39
petesterthat never dawned on me until now02:39
petesterbut it would be very weird02:40
pete__Hello!  this is petester.  The laptop crashed and I can talk to you through ssh02:43
pete__what's my next step again02:43
pete__(sorry, beer involved tonight)02:43
ObrienDavealways a good time for beer ;P02:43
pete__yeah haha02:44
holsteinpete__: thats good.. i mean, i would just do "sudo reboot" and keep trying to isolate what is causing the issue..02:44
holsteinpete__: you can try a log though, and see if it helps you02:44
pete__i'm thinking it could even be something with the pdf stuff, but then I wouldn't be the only one having this issue02:44
holsteinpete__: i would disable the touchpad, and rule it out.. then, try isolating the nvidia driver with the vesa driver or the open driver02:45
ObrienDavepete__, most important, isolate and solve one issue at a time02:46
pete__i had the problem with the non proprietary drivers02:46
pete__checking logs now02:47
holsteinpete__: i have forced the vesa driver to isolate the hardware as much as possible02:47
pete__doex xfce use xserver?02:47
holsteini would pull *all* hardware... all usb drives or hubs.. anything else plugged in02:47
pete__that's good advice, I'm looking for something obvious in the logs now02:48
pete__nothing in /var/log/syslog02:48
pete__I'm looking at this page: http://askubuntu.com/questions/461404/trackpad-causing-xubuntu-freeze02:50
holsteinpete__: is it the same hardware?02:50
pete__it says install gdm and use the trackpad in terminal, i'm not sure what he's saying02:50
pete__hold on let me google my laptop02:50
holstein!info gpm02:50
ubottugpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.4-6.1 (trusty), package size 204 kB, installed size 496 kB02:50
holsteinpete__: ^02:51
holsteinpete__: regardless, i like that for a test.. sudo apt-get install gpm, and they are saying you should see an error print if the trackpad is problematic02:51
pete__so install the software, keep the terminal open, and then just work as normal until a crash occurs?02:52
pete__and if it IS the trackpad, it will say so?02:52
holsteinpete__: i actually just like the idea.. i havent ever used gpm.. i'll install it here and see how it works in tty02:52
holsteinpete__: i would want to be in a tty02:52
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution02:52
holsteinpete__: do tty's work?02:53
pete__I'll see, just push ctrl alt f1?02:54
pete__ill be right back02:54
pete__ok new info02:54
pete__i didn't do the tty thing yet02:55
pete__but i went to my laptop and the display was off02:55
pete__(the settings are set so that doesnt happen when plugged in)02:55
pete__anyway I hit escape, the login screen came on, I typed my password and it was unfrozen02:55
holsteininteresting.. sounds like an x crash02:56
pete__I have not seen this happen before because I always do a hard reset before the screen sleeps out of frustration02:56
pete__I think I see something weird in the Xorg.0.log but im not sure02:56
pete__can i pastebin it?02:56
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com02:57
pete__ok hang on i'll post it from the other user02:57
pete__omg that app is amazing02:59
pete__god damn geniuses use linux03:00
pete__i saw where it says 'reporting number number number' over and over03:00
pete__at the end03:00
pete__not sure what that could mean03:00
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList03:01
pete__it doesn't say anything like that anywhere else in the log03:01
holsteinmight need a custom xorg.conf for your trackpad03:01
holsteinpete__: no worries.. its more a formality for the channels in general03:01
pete__i was just really excited by the pastebinit app03:01
holsteinpete__: its handy :)03:01
holsteinpete__: what is the hardware? the model #?03:01
holsteinpete__: you know what i think i would do.. nomodeset on a live CD. or adding the line manually to the kernel running there and see... just temporarily at boot03:03
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:03
pete__asus n56v03:04
pete__it could have any number of extra characters on the end depending on the vender, but they should all have the exact same hardware03:04
holsteinpete__: sure.. but thats actually an incorrect assumption03:04
pete__or so i was told by the guy i bought it from03:05
holsteinpete__: you can actually have 2 *identical* model numbers with different hardware in them03:05
holsteinpete__: as long as asus provides a windows driver for all the hardware, they can change chipsets, or revisions as needed on the product.. and many time they do03:05
pete__holstein: that's crazy03:06
holsteinpete__: thats why this is so challenging.. you really cant simply maintain a list of guranteed compatible hardware for linux03:06
pete__i'm studying engineering, and the idea of that mortifies me03:06
pete__holstein: yeah, in the end i'll just end up disabling the trackpad, but the satisfaction would be so great if i could fix it03:07
holsteinpete__: try nomodeset03:07
holsteinpete__: im not convinced its the trackpad.. i still think its nvidia03:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1220426 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "[nvidia-prime]Freeze while using touchpad" [Critical,Triaged]03:08
pete__this is it i bet03:08
pete__how can i check which nvidia i have?  i just did sudo-apt get install nvidia-current03:08
holsteini use lspci -v03:09
pete__the symptom is probably nvidia, i agree, but the cause is clearly the trackpad.  if you were using the laptop you would see03:09
holsteinpete__: i think, again, you are making an assumption03:10
holsteinpete__: try nomodeset.. and try a custom xorg.conf.. if you were using a vesa driver and cannot make the machine lockup, then, i would think the trackpad is just triggering something03:11
holsteincould totally be the trackpad, though... so dont leave that idea behind just yet03:11
pete__ok, i was trying to read the page i posted about the bug.  not sure if that is me, i agree03:13
pete__how do i do nomodeset03:13
holsteini would just add it manually to the grubline for my kernel in grub at boot03:13
holsteinyou can press shift to show it, if needed, and i think its "Tab" to edit03:14
pete__ok, i'm no grub veteren but i'll try it out.  this requires a reboot i believe03:14
pete__oh, you mean hold tab when the system comes up?03:14
holsteinyes.. you would reboot, and press shift, and add what is needed to the kernel modeline for your kernel03:14
pete__hold shift while it boots?03:15
holsteinpete__: no.. shift is what will bring grub up.. (i think) its tab that edits.. its printed what edits03:15
pete__okok i'll try now03:15
pete__goodbye for a couple minutes03:15
ObrienDave"e" iirc03:15
holsteinwell, i can share that when he comes back :)03:16
ObrienDavemaybe i'll just lurk, getting tired03:16
holsteinyeah.. me too..03:16
ObrienDaveAHA! it was "e" ;P03:17
holsteinObrienDave: for "edit" :)03:17
holsteinObrienDave: i only remembered that it was printed what to press on the screen03:17
ObrienDaveyea, i have to do that at every new kernel ;S03:18
ObrienDaveexcept i like grub-customizer03:18
holsteinObrienDave: what modeline to you have to add?03:18
holsteinpetester: BTW, http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu outlines the process in detail03:18
petesterdoes using efi change things03:18
petesterok ty03:18
holsteinpetester: AFAIK, efi can break everything and anything.. if it can be disabled, i would03:19
holsteinespecially since you are just using xubuntu and not windows anymore03:19
ObrienDavei get an Ubuntu entry. it does not like to update the kernel info. i do it manually in grub-customizer03:19
holsteinbut, i wouldnt bother with that now..03:19
holsteinObrienDave: oh, i see03:19
ObrienDaveit's just a copy/paste. takes 10 seconds03:20
petesterdon't see grub customizer in the repos03:21
holsteinpetester: thats not for you03:22
ObrienDavepetester, it's a PPA03:22
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge03:22
ObrienDavepetester, we'll leave those things for another day :)03:22
petesterbut if i'm using efi then i don't have grub, correct?03:22
holsteinpetester: i personally would just try nomodeset, and dont stray too far from stock til you get this issue worked out, or at least identified..03:22
ObrienDaveno, don't worry about EFI for now03:22
holsteinpetester: you should still have grub..03:23
petesteri want to try the nomodeset, but i don't know how because holding shift didnt work03:23
ObrienDavetry tapping shift, some have reported ctrl key03:23
petesterI'll try both.  brb03:23
holsteinyou can add it to grub manually, but, i would keep track of what you change and how03:23
petesterhaha I was about to pour my heart out to #ubunut03:26
ObrienDaveso we saw LOL03:26
petesterI can't get to the grub screen right now, but I'm gonna get some sleep and try fresh tomorrow03:26
holsteinyou can see how to edit the line manually there ^03:27
petesterI'm gonna write this nomodeset thing down and investigate further03:27
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:27
petesterseriouslt this community rocks, thanks for giving me so many pointers03:27
holsteinpetester: you can literallly try it from a live CD as well.. live usb stick.. whatever you installed from03:27
holsteinpetester: good luck!03:27
ObrienDavesee you tomorrow petester....... oh well, beer thirty ;P03:28
cfhowlettObrienDave, as you know, Ubuntustudio is built on xubuntu.  Seems that some things didn't make it to final release.07:30
cfhowlettObrienDave,  xscreensaver is still present = thought lightdm was the replacement.  menulibre is nowhere to be seen.07:32
cfhowlettwhiskermenu and mugshot are likewise missing07:32
ObrienDaveyea, i was shocked to see menulibre not there07:32
ObrienDavewhiskermenu can be installed07:33
cfhowlettObrienDave, easy enough to add, it's just that the 14.04 release notes state these are the new packages so ... where the hell did they go?07:33
ObrienDavemenulibre was crashing on me. not sure Unit193 might know07:34
ObrienDaveseems they were taken out of .107:34
ObrienDavei kind of liked menulibre, the little i got to use it LOL07:36
cfhowlettObrienDave, wait, what?  after all that work to add they yanked it?!07:37
ObrienDaveoops, it's still there07:38
ObrienDavewhat was the other menu editor?07:38
cfhowlettObrienDave, alacarte07:39
ObrienDavethat's the one i really liked07:39
cfhowlettObrienDave, sending the release notes via DCC07:39
alketHi , for the moment im using Kubuntu , i want to switch to xubuntu but without reinstall , is it possible ? I also don't want kde "things" to run in background since I won't need them. Thanks.09:13
ObrienDavealket, just install xubuntu-desktop09:14
ObrienDavethen select it at logon screen09:15
alketObrienDave: will kde debs run in background ?09:15
ObrienDaveyes unless you turn them off09:16
ObrienDavealket, all Ubuntu flavors use the same "core" just different DEs09:16
alketObrienDave: thanks09:16
kpelDo you know of any decent diff tool for 14.04 now that xxdiff isn't supported?10:05
ObrienDaveummm, diff?10:06
ObrienDave!info diff10:06
ubottuPackage diff does not exist in trusty10:06
ObrienDaveumm, what the hay10:06
kpelObrienDave: sorry, i didn't clarify. diff tool wuth a gui10:06
kpelused to work with xxdiff for yeards but now it seems only fldiff remains as supported (and it's horrible)10:07
Unit193I'm guessing fl = fltk, so yeah it would be.10:07
ObrienDave!info meld10:08
ubottumeld (source: meld): graphical tool to diff and merge files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.4-1 (trusty), package size 334 kB, installed size 2408 kB10:08
ObrienDavei would not know the diff anyway ;P10:08
kpellet's have a look10:09
kpelOMG no. it's for gnome :P10:09
kpeli'll use my freebsd box for noe. it has xxdiff installed :P10:10
kpelthanks ObrienDave10:10
ObrienDaveyou asked for a GUI. picky, picky ;P10:10
ObrienDavekpel, welcome, i think ;P10:11
kpelno gnomes in this box ;)10:11
ObrienDaveif it works......10:11
kpelyeah... i wonder what made the ubuntu guys drop xxdiff. it did work.10:12
ObrienDave!info xxdiff10:13
ubottuPackage xxdiff does not exist in trusty10:13
kpelmaybe some dependency on ancient libs. oh well10:13
ObrienDavei would not know the diff anyway ;P10:13
kpelno worries10:14
Unit193!info xxdiff precise10:14
Unit193!info xxdiff unstable10:14
ubottuxxdiff (source: xxdiff): graphical file/directory comparison and merge tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2-10 (precise), package size 392 kB, installed size 1140 kB10:15
ubottuxxdiff (source: xxdiff): graphical file/directory comparison and merge tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.0+hg437+dfsg-2 (unstable), package size 296 kB, installed size 874 kB10:15
* Unit193 scratches head.10:15
kpelso th esource is there...10:15
kpelmaybe somehow they forgot to build it? :P10:15
Unit193Normally things are sync'd from Unstable, and that's clearly a newer version...10:16
kpelI bit the bullet and installed meld and its legion of dependencies. I must admit it looks very nice and seems to be functional too. I'm not so picky after all ObrienDave ;)10:36
ObrienDaveok, well, there is hope for you yet ;p lol10:36
kpelObrienDave: but this little chat of ours got me thinking how simplicity is taken for granted. And then we end up installing half of gnome for a gui tool. Scary...10:37
ObrienDaveif it works......10:38
ObrienDavebut then again i have a 1TB partition dedicated for xubuntu LOL10:39
kpel"dependencies? bring 'em on!"10:44
ObrienDaveyup, not worrying too much about drive space LOL10:44
kpelit's not the drive space i'm worried about. the dependencies themselves are a weakness.10:45
kpeltoo many ways things can go wrong10:46
ObrienDavethis is true10:46
ObrienDaveyea, there have been a few times i had so much junk on here that it died and i had to reinstall the system. aggravating11:04
kpelI have a way of dealing with that: In install an LTS release and when the next one is out the update invaraibly trashes my system. So I'm forced to salvage my data (SSH ftw) and start from scratch ;)11:06
kpelI am impressed with the looks of 14.04. Almost Mac-like11:08
* ObrienDave digs out an old 11.04 install disk, no macs here ;P11:08
ObrienDavesadki_PL, greetings and welcome11:24
finrodIs there a terminal command to list all the files in my CD ROM?11:27
kpelfinrod: ls -Ral /path/to/cdrom11:28
kpelyou probably want to redirect the output to a file11:28
finrodI tried "ls cdrom" It was accepted, but produced no results11:29
ObrienDavefinrod, it does not work that way11:29
ObrienDavefinrod, kpel> finrod: ls -Ral /path/to/cdrom11:29
finrodI have a bunch of video files on the CD which show up in Windows, but nothing shows up in Xubuntu.  yeah, I'm trying that, thanks11:30
kpelfinrod: you need to find where the cdrom was mounted. try looking at the output of 'df -h'11:30
ObrienDavefinrod, and do they show up in the file manager?11:31
finrodls: cannot access /path/to/cdrom: No such file or directory11:31
finrodNo, I tried two file managers11:31
finrodbut when I typed "ls" one of  the files listed is cdrom11:32
ObrienDavefin that is an example /path/to/cdrom. you need to fill in the proper path LOL11:32
kpelfinrod: do you see any icons appearing on your desktop when you insert the cd?11:32
finrodNo, but my visual drive makes a lot of noise when I put it in11:33
finrodMy optical drive11:33
ObrienDavethen it's not mounting the disk11:33
finrodIt sonds like it's trying to read it over and over and can't11:33
ObrienDavehow old is the disk?11:34
finrod1 year old11:34
kpelfinrod: and if you try another disk it works ok?11:34
ObrienDaveis it clean? no scratches?11:34
finrodall DVDs work on VLC Media Player until I put in Supernatural11:35
kpelif other disks work ok then maybe there is some copy protection scheme that works on windows only11:35
finrodyeah, it must be related to copy protection11:35
kpelif it's  a dvd it's worth checking the region11:36
finrodIt's not an authentic DVD11:36
kpela long time ago I had to manually set the region of my dvd player in linux in order to match the region of my dvds11:36
kpel!info regionset11:36
ubotturegionset (source: regionset): view and modify the region code of DVD drives. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1-3 (trusty), package size 11 kB, installed size 72 kB11:36
finrodMy friend downloaded a bunch of TV shows and put them into a DVD, and gave me the DVD11:37
finrodthey are all the Supernatural TV show episodes from Season 7 on one DVD11:37
kpelI think we have established that the problem has to do with the specific dvd. so your friend is the best source for support from this point on. maybe he didn't finish properly the write session? maybe soem copy protection gets in the way? no idea.11:39
finrodI just got my DVD player working yesterday, after some problems downloading LibDVDcss, but I successfully installed LibDVDcss and VLC Media Player, and it works with all the regular DVDs I bought11:39
finrodI have no problems accessing the video files in Windows XP, and they play in VLC Media. but they don't work in Windows Media11:41
finrodso it must be related to copyrights.  I think Windows Media said that whenn I tried to play it.  I forgot, something about the codes.11:42
kpelthis whole thign screams copy protection11:42
finrodyeah, encryption, may be11:42
finrodthe supernatural DVDs I bought work fine11:43
finrodAlthough Parole Media Player still has problems with the GStreamer for my authentic bought DVDs11:44
finrodfor some of them11:44
finrodBut I am not concerned about Parole Media.  I prefer using VLC Media Player for all my DVDs in both Windows and Xubuntu platforms11:46
finroddf -h11:54
finrod/dev/sr0        6.9G  6.9G     0 100% /media/finrod13/BLADE_RUNNER_FINAL_CUT11:54
finrodDoes that help with the path name, kpel?11:54
kpelfinrod: yes, the path is /media/finrod13/BLADE_RUNNER_FINAL_CUT11:55
kpelso if you want to see the files do a ls -Ral /media/finrod13/BLADE_RUNNER_FINAL_CUT11:55
kpelnot sure why it's called blade runner instead of supernatural but that's none o fmy business11:56
finrodThat Blade Runner DVD works fine11:57
kpelah, you tried another disk11:57
kpelthere you have it then. it's a protection thing.11:57
finrodI thought it could help me find a similar path for the supernatural DVD, but when I typed df -h nothing similar showed up11:57
finrodIt's like the whole Supernatural DVD is not recognized at all by Xubuntu11:58
kpelmy limited knowledge of multimedia stops here I'm afraid.11:58
kpelthis is the end and all that :P11:59
finrodWell, I can still play all the videos in Windows, but I figured it was worth a try in xubuntu11:59
kpelsure, always worth an experiment11:59
finrodthanks for your help12:00
kpelyou are welcome12:00
finrodHey, I got a path name12:04
finrodVLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.12:04
finrodBut I can't find the log, still looking12:04
kpelfinrod: /dev/sr0 is a device name. The way it works is that this device has to be mounted on the filesystem so that its files can be accessed from a path like /media/finrod13/something12:19
kpelif you do a df -h you normally see the device name and path name on the same line12:20
kpele.g. /dev/sda1 could be mounted on / (the root directory)12:21
wrongplacehi, I bought this usb 3.0-SATS adapter http://www.ebay.com/itm/AKE-Laptop-Notebook-54mm-Express-USB3-0-3-port-5GB-s-HUB-T-Card-adapter-FL1100-/230787820999?pt=US_Internal_Port_Expansion_Cards&hash=item35bc06adc7 and i dont know how to install or where to get drivers for my xubuntu 124.04 64 bits. Drivers inclided in the cd are for windows12:56
kpelwrongplace: if it is supported, chances are that the drivers are already there12:59
wrongplacethere = cd or internet?13:00
kpelon your linux installation most likely13:01
kpelthe drivers are most likely already installed. all drivers come together with the linux kernel13:01
kpeltry booting with the adapter plugged in and then go through the output of dmesg13:02
wrongplace722 MB per second with usb 3.013:12
wrongplacenever seen13:12
kpelhappy customer?13:12
wrongplaceseems so13:12
kpelgood :)13:13
wrongplaceill test the thing for 2 weeks13:13
wrongplaceever bought a port usb 3.0 - sata that failed?13:13
kpelin a terminal window do a 'dmesg | grep -i usb' and see if it mentions usb 3.013:13
kpelit may even say which kernel module (i.e. driver) you are using13:13
kpelwrongplace: no, never bought such a thing13:14
wrongplaceusb 513:14
wrongplacewhats that?13:14
wrongplaceand the list is huge13:14
kpelprobably some brand name?13:14
kpelor a device number13:15
wrongplacethere are at lest 5 lines that name "usb 3"13:15
kpelyou can filter even further if you want, e.g. for manufacturers: dmesg | grep -i usb | grep Manuf13:16
wrongplacenot necessary kpel but thanks13:16
wrongplacefor all13:16
kpelno problem :)13:17
kpelhappy testing13:17
kpelas a rule of thumb all the device drivers are bundled with the default linux installation13:17
kpelsometimes you might need to do a bit of extra work but normally things work out of the box or aren't supported at all.13:18
kpelanyway, gotta go. bye all13:19
dmdIs there any way to monitor ALL valid channels in xfconf-query? A lot of times when I'm trying to find out what key to set to correspond to some GUI settings, I don't know what channel to monitor and I have to go through by trial and error.14:44
=== user_ is now known as akis_
akis_14.04.01 is already available for 12.04 users to upgrade using update manager. did any one of you proceed with an upgrade and did he face any issues?14:54
cfhowlettakis_, for some reason: sudo do-release-upgrade won't work.  sudo apt do-release-upgrade             does work14:55
akis_cfhowlett: will work the upgrade choise through update manager?14:57
cfhowlettakis_, if the manager is set for LTS upgrades only - yes.14:59
akis_cfhowlett: actually, i am writing about LTS. did you face any problems or issues after the upgrade?15:02
cfhowlettakis_, I only do LTS and I clean install.  Issues = 0.  In fact, it was actually smoother.  12.04 didn't support wifi without work.  14.04 wifi worked out of the box.15:05
akis_cfhowlett: i am looking for any issues after upgrade on 12.04 (not a clean installation). Do you run 14.04 on the same system's configuration and you found it smoother?15:07
brainwashakis_: you should also read http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-14-04-1-released/15:09
brainwashthere is a small section about known issues15:10
cfhowlettakis_, there were several changes between  12.04 and 14.04 PLUS I'm on Ubuntustudio so *not QUITE* pure xubuntu.  That said, I'm impressed and have had no issues worth mentioning.15:10
akis_brainwash: i am trying to avoid a new installation because it is hard for me to re-configure 3 systems from the beginning. Any idea on this? Upgrade on 12.04 or clean installation after a /home backup?15:13
cfhowlettakis_, clean install fixes a whole range of problems and is usually worth the extra effort IMHO15:15
brainwashand you should backup /home in both scenarios :)15:15
* cfhowlett thinks this goes without saying ...15:16
akis_cfhowlett: i know that but reconfiguration is very difficult for me15:16
cfhowlettakis_, if all machines are identical you could always image your system and install that15:17
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate15:17
akis_cfhowlett: they are not!15:18
* m3n3chm0 hi17:20
bennypr0faneHello, I ma in a bit of a pickle. I just installed 14.04, but I need Windows7 to be the default boot option (no UEFI). I found instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/ChangeDefaultOS but I can't find the menu.lst file in /boot/grub, it's not there.17:23
bennypr0faneand the second problem is, My Broadcom Wifi isn't working. When trying out  live from USB, it worked with the proprietary driver, but now I have no internet and the driver isn't there. apparently I'd have to download it, but I have no internet...17:27
ambuttsbennypr0fane: Get the package on a flash drive.17:32
ambuttsFor your non-free firmware.17:33
voidfireany ideas as to why greek keyboard  layouts no matter which one you choose xubuntu will deny putting tones above the letters?17:33
voidfirelike any special greek character you need to press the ';' key before the letter to get it with a tone above it like the i letter has a tone above it17:33
voidfireim using xubuntu 14.04 and ofc ive done the casual research on the matter but no solution17:33
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bennypr0faneambutts, how can I find it?17:41
ambuttsbennypr0fane: Which wireless adapter is it?17:42
ambuttsRun `lspci` to find out, I believe Ubuntu has that installed by default.17:42
ambuttsOne of the items should be a wireless adapater.17:42
bennypr0faneambutts: it's broadcom BCM4322717:43
bennypr0fanevoidfire: maybe your locale is not compleetly installed17:44
bennypr0fanevoidfire: that is always the case with the german one after installation. You usually have to load additional pkgs17:45
ambuttsbennypr0fane: Sorry, I'm a lazy PoS and got distracted. Do you have an Ethernet cable handy?17:51
ambuttsIf so: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_Internet_access17:51
ambuttsThese instructions should work.17:52
ambuttsbennypr0fane: My bad, scroll down to 'No Internet access'.17:55
bennypr0faneambutts: sorry, no cable available17:55
ambuttsThen do the No Internet access route.17:56
ambuttsIf you need to grab the kernel headers pop them on a flash drive or burn them to a CD or something.17:56
bennypr0faneambutts: then where do I get those? I gather my driver would be on the insatllation media?18:00
ambuttsbennypr0fane: Somebody else will help with this, I can't right now.18:17
ambuttsSorry bud, but re-read the wiki I linked and Google for the other info and if you can't find what you need somebody will help you out.18:17
csenger41anyone experiencing problem with Google services? they take minutes for me to load, but everything else works fine20:10
roninthank you guys, I love xubuntu20:26
Unit193csenger41: Working fine for me.20:27
Unit193ronin: Glad you like it.20:27
Unit193I sure do.20:27
csenger41Unit193: worked fine for me for the last 1 week, since I installed Xubuntu, it started donig this today when I got home from work20:28
Unit193csenger41: What browser?20:28
csenger41Unit193: both Chromium and Firefox20:30
csenger41Opera, too20:31
Unit193Tried clearing out the cache and cookies?  I don't see it helping, but could try the guest account and see how that goes.20:33
csenger41well thanks, I'll try that20:35
csenger41nope, still not working20:36
Unit193Is this at other locations/computers too?20:37
csenger41maybe I should try a restart?20:39
drccsenger41: Was the "nope, still not working" the cache/cookies or the guest account?20:39
Unit193Not really sure what to tell you, one thought would be something like DNS being slow so it'd come back slower, but that wouldn't be just Google.20:40
csenger41clearing cache20:40
drccsenger41: Try this 1) close FF, 2) rename ~/.mozilla, 3) open FF and see if it's still slow.20:41
csenger41drc: I use Chromium 99% of the time20:41
drcyou can rename the original ~/.mozilla back when you're done20:42
drcdo what you want then.20:42
Unit193csenger41: Same concept there, only with ~/.cache/chromium/ and ~/.config/chromium/20:42
drcIf the problems happens will FF/chromium and opera, this probably won't help...but it's good to eliminate one possible source of the problem :)20:44
Unit193Indeed, I'm not really sure what it would be, I've had no such problems and can't think of why.20:45
drcmay a quick change to another set of DNS servers to test...another possible problem source eliminated if it doesn't work.20:48
csenger41thanks for the tips, I'll keep them in mind, but I have to go to sleep now or else I fall on the keyboard :D20:50
csenger41bye, good night20:50
trekerhi I using dual monitor and the  default panel is on the wrong monitor, any way to move or copy the panel to my main monitor?20:57
trekermy monitor that I want the panel on is laready configured to be my primary monitor :/20:58
OstravanCZHi, I have a problem with Firefox. When you enter gmail.com will be redirected to the example http://poyzz.exclusiverewards.mysurveycenter-rules.com/?sov=173652&hid=dtplldlnrhldfdftd&&id=cGiveaways2 or http://hvrzz.exclusiverewards.mysurveycenter-rules.com/?sov=173652&hid=dltdhftlnfdftd&&id=cGiveaways2 .  I tried to restart Firefox, restore your router to factory settings, changed password but still nothing helped. I have FF vers20:59
OstravanCZI'll be glad for any advice.20:59
OstravanCZI find it quite strange. I have no extensions installed and it is a week old clean install of Xubuntu.21:07
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wrongplacethe usb3 to smartcard adapter I bought no longer recognizes HDD23:10
wrongplaceit worked perfectly for 6 hours23:10
wrongplaceI plugged the unit off and the thing stopped recognizing external hdds23:10
wrongplaceany tips?23:10

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