
jdstrandhallyn: you shouldn't need uvt-- my instructions in the bug give the steps uvt does02:16
jdstrandhallyn: uvt stop -rf will do a virsh destroy followed by a revert to pristine snapshot02:16
hallynjdstrand: sigh, no, your instructions still don't seem to reproduce for me.  GAH03:00
hallynjust to be clear, 1.5 was good and 1.7 was bad right?  I'll downgrade to 1.7 and try a few more times03:01
hallynor, no, we never knew about 1.7 did we.03:02
hallynoh phew, we did03:03
thumperanyone know who is the owner of gcc (or just gccgo) for ubuntu?03:15
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lordievaderGood morning.09:17
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Kunzem1984good day people. I'm rather new on Ubuntu server. I have two ubuntu servers one has backuppc and other is gateway,dhcp etc for gateway to my network. i've setup the backuppc to run using rsync and have succesfully backed up a text file from my gateway server to my backupserver. I know i'm not supposed to backup /proc dir as it has files in use ( or so ) which dir should i not backup on the live gateway server ? hope i explained correctly.10:07
AbhijitKunzem1984, as per him, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087 he includes mnt sys and proc10:08
Abhijitand lost found10:08
Abhijitand the target .tgz itself! <-- the most important!10:09
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Kunzem1984Thanks Abhijit :)10:10
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zartooshhi I am trying to understand an issue with packet conflict versioing.  The command "apt-get install <pkgname>" fails. The failure is due to one of the <pkgname> dependencies are at higher version than <pkgname>  requires.  So my question is where "apt-get"  gets the depency information?   thanks10:38
caribouzartoosh: the information is built into each package and then this info is made available in the archives10:40
caribouzartoosh: you may have archive inconsistencies in your /etc/apt/sources.list10:41
caribouzartoosh: or from a package that has been installed manually directly from the .deb file and not from an archive10:42
zartooshcaribou, The repo was made by me, I basically collected the required packages in a directory and ran : dpkg-scanpackage,10:44
WilliamDotATim using 14.04 and changed the network card in my server10:45
WilliamDotATso it has no network as the MAC changed10:45
WilliamDotAT14.04 has no more /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net-rules10:45
WilliamDotATso what do i need to change?10:45
caribouzartoosh: sorry, I'm not familiar with dpkg-scanpackage10:46
zartooshcaribou, thanks10:48
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Vladimir_I setup a tftp server, so when I try to send a file from the same machine it works fine, but when trying to send a switch I get an error on the switch (sending to a windows machine works fine)11:44
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sfixhi guys, is SELinux practical to use on Ubuntu 14.04 ?12:02
sfixI heard Ubuntus support for SELinux was pretty poor12:03
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Beliq_How to choose good hostname for a internet enabled server ?12:03
Beliq_(subdomain ? )12:03
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pmatulisBeliq: it doesn't matter13:34
croephaIs there a way to have apt-get not restart database engines when you upgrade?14:16
cfhowlettcroepha, don't update --- it'll use the last recorded data14:18
cfhowlettcroepha, wait, you mean upgrade from distro or within distro , i.e 12.04 > 14.04 or 14.04 > 14.04.114:18
croephaWhat I mean, is when I do an apt-get upgrade postgresql and then it decides that that is the best time to restart the postgres service14:19
cfhowlettcroepha, if you have the service running prior to upgrade, after upgrade it should restart the service.  if the service is NOT running before upgrade ...14:21
croephaok, I’ll just save the apt-get upgrade for when I can schedule downtime14:26
cfhowlettcroepha, you might wish to do dist-upgrade14:26
croephaill check it out, thanks14:29
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webgeekHi everyone17:19
webgeekI need to learn ubuntu server fast17:20
webgeeklike really fast17:20
webgeekfor web development purposes17:20
patdk-wknothing to learn :)17:20
patdk-wkyou just need to learn what you are going use17:20
patdk-wkyour sysadmin would be the one to learn ubuntu server17:21
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zartooshHI I have created ubuntu mirror, In /etc/apt/sources.list I have created this entry: "deb http://eng-lab/ubuntu  UbuntuMirror"  When I ran apt-get update I get the following error: "E: Malformed line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)"17:37
streulmahello, I run a script at boot in rc2.d/S19boot but it says Unable to reopen stdin. Is it bad?17:38
tewardzartoosh, that's because it's a malformed sources.list entry.  A 'mirror' of the archives is always going to be accepting the same request(s) as the standard repositories, assuming it is indeed a mirror of the repositories17:40
tewardzartoosh, so you would use a line similar to the default ones but point it to your mirror instead of the main archives17:41
tewardassuming it's an archive mirror17:41
zartooshteward,  okay so please help me to understand this better. I can access to the site: http://eng-lab/ubuntu   under this I can dists, pool and project subdirectories.  This mirror is archive of 14.04  main.17:44
tewardzartoosh, do you still have your original sources.list entries in there?17:45
zartooshyes I do17:45
zartooshteward, yes i do17:45
tewardzartoosh, use those as the template.  then edit the HTTP address17:45
tewardbut leave *everything else* the same17:46
tewardthen it shouldn't throw those errors.  (it will still error if, say, your mirror is improperly configured, but that's a different issue entirely)17:47
zartooshteward,  okay here is what the template is: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main      So I will change this to: deb http://eng-lab/ubuntu  trusty main17:48
zartooshteward, one moment please17:48
tewardzartoosh, i would comment out the main line though17:48
tewardand then use the new one as a separate line17:48
tewardso you can always easily revert17:48
zartooshteward, thank you so much it worked as you suggested.17:51
streulmawhat is STDIN ?17:52
tewardzartoosh, you're welcome.  ALWAYS REMEMBER you can use the default entries as templates, just change the URL instead17:52
zartooshteward, will do thanks again.17:54
sarnoldstreulma: man 3 stdin   for decent overview :)17:58
zulhallyn: when you get a test can you run the libvirt tests on my libvirt-testing ppa18:02
hallynzul: is it ok if i fire those off on monday?18:03
zulhallyn: yep18:03
hallynk, making a note to do so18:03
hallyn(i suppose maybe it'd be better if i run them today i ncaes there are blockers)18:04
hallynyeah i better fire them of fnow18:05
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zartooshHi all I have create private mirror from ubuntu 14.04  main.  That is about 11 GB.   Is there any way I can create a mirror with subset of packages? thanks18:09
sarnoldzartoosh: squid-deb-proxy is a nice half-way point18:13
zartooshsarnold, great thanks I will give it a try.18:14
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StolenToastif I'm running 12.04 are there any good things I would get by upgrading to 14.04?20:00
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dobi_hello guys. I'm trying to connect my smarttv (lg) to a media server using a crossover cable but the wizard attempts to connect to internet to verify that all is correct so the connection is not established. Is it posible to give the tv access to the internet using the wlan adapter on the media server?20:06
qmandobi_: if your media server supports routing, yes20:12
dobi_qman: how do I know that?20:13
qmanWell, if its ubuntu it does20:13
dobi_qman: its ubuntu server, yep20:14
qmanYou will need to enable ip forwarding and configure masquerafing most likely20:14
dobi_qman: can you help me with the process? any help would be welcome20:15
qmandobi_: edit /etc/sysctl.conf, uncomment the line for net.ipv4.ip_forward=120:16
dobi_qman: done20:17
qmanYou will then need to configure a static ip network on the crossover segment, I assume you are already doing that20:17
qmanTo apply the sysctl change: echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward20:18
dobi_qman: yup http://pastebin.com/9UpLUtp120:18
dobi_qman: is that correct?20:19
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dobi_qman: anything else?20:19
qmanNext you need to apply two iptables rules20:19
dobi_qman: ok20:19
qmaniptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE20:20
dobi_qman: done20:21
qmaniptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -j ACCEPT20:21
qmanThen, configure a dns server on the tv, and it should work20:21
dobi_are they permanent or do I have to do anything else?20:21
qmanThey are not permanent20:22
dobi_qman: and what should I do to make them permanent?20:22
qmanTo make them permanent I suggest adding as a script in /etc/network/if-up.d20:22
qmanAlso with these two lines above those20:22
qmaniptables -F20:22
qmaniptables -t nat -F20:23
dobi_which file? a new one?20:23
qmanYes, a new one20:23
dobi_and do I have to put sudo in front?20:23
qmanWhat that does is clear out the rules and recreate them whenever an interface comes online20:23
qmanNo, in the script, it already runs as root20:23
dobi_are this file executed automatically?20:24
qmanEvery time an interface is brought up20:24
dobi_qman: ok, let me try in this computer. Ill disconnect for a moment20:24
qmanForgot, you may have to chmod +x that script you created20:27
dobi__qman: its working! thank you man20:28
qmanGlad it works, I'm on a phone so I was worried about typos20:29
dobi__qman: no, all perfect. At least on the computer. Ill try later on the tv. Thanks!20:30
dobi__qman: something is wrong with iptables. After restart I have no rules20:39
dobi__qman: buuuuut, the connection on the tv is working perfectly!20:39
dobi__qman: (after adding the rules)20:39
qmandobi__: try sudo chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/yourscript20:40
dobi__qman: ok20:40
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dobi__qman: nope, the same, no rules20:44
qmandobi__: ok, if you manually run that script, does it work? I.e. sudo /etc/network/if-up.d/yourscript20:45
dobi__qman: yep20:46
qmanAnd creates the rules?20:46
dobi__qman: yeah, I get this ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere on iptables --list20:46
qmanTry replacing "iptables" with "/sbin/iptables"20:47
dobi__qman: on the script?20:47
qmanIt might not have adequate $PATH20:47
dobi__qman: nothing, the same20:49
dobi__qman: maybe anything else is flushing the rules? maybe the file is not executed?20:50
qmanCould be something else interfering20:50
dobi__qman: is a clean install if that helps20:50
qmanTry moving the script to if-post-up.d20:50
qmanSo it runs later20:50
dobi__qman: that dir doesn't exist20:51
dobi__should I create it?20:51
tewardhave any of you considered iptables-persistent?20:51
* teward runs20:51
qmanMy mistake, going from memory20:51
tewardiptables-persistent is a package which actually makes the iptables rules persistent20:51
user_Hi guys, I need help to get a font. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 with xorg and i3 as window manager. I'm using Firefox as my default web-browser, which contains the font "sans-serif". This font is however not present elsewhere. I would like to use this font outside Firefox.20:51
tewardfor both iptables and ip6tables20:51
tewardi have yet to do extensive MASQUERADE testing but in theory it should work SO LONG AS the rule is included in an iptables-save20:52
dobi__teward: I prefer not to use that package but if it is needed...20:52
qmandobi__: if you haven't already, try adding shebang line at the top of the script: #/bin/sh20:52
qmanAlso which version of ubuntu?20:53
dobi__qman: 14.0420:53
tewarddobi__, may I ask why you don't want to use that package?20:53
dobi__teward: nothing in particular. Its only that if qman solution works without the need of any package I prefer that solution20:55
tewarddobi__, for what it's worth the least painful solution is to use iptables-persistent.  Of the three things listed here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Configuration_on_startup) it was the only thing that would do what i needed it to do20:55
tewardon my VPSes and my actual Ubuntu machines (not servers)20:55
qmandobi__: if its not the shebang line, it might be an issue with whatever is doing the wireless config20:55
dobi__qman: was that. Its working now20:56
dobi__qman: thanks!20:56
qmandobi__: great20:57
qmanI much prefer this method to iptables-save because it is dynamic and easily changes20:57
dobi__qman: exactly20:57
qmanYou can add variables and do other scripting tricks if needed20:58
dobi__qman: thanks again for your help ;)20:58
jdstrandhallyn: ok, I'm grabbing the forhallyn image and going to verify for myself that distro qemu can still break it21:28
jdstrandhallyn: once I do that, I'll try your build21:28
hallynjdstrand: thx.  pushing 27..29 now, so probably just look for and fetch the latest one;  if it doesn't reproduce then i can stop buliding :)21:30
jdstrandhallyn: so, you want me to test 29?21:43
hallynjdstrand: how about 3221:44
hallynor actually, i'm pushing up to 37 right now, how about in 30 secs you download 3421:44
hallyn(i'ts done so you can grab now)21:45
jdstrandok, so literally, the latest one that isn't 36 or higher21:45
hallynthere are 69 commits, so 34 should be perfect (we start at 0)21:46
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* hallyn sits on pins and needles awaiting results21:57
hallyn(i suppose i should move off of those)21:57
hallynjdstrand: well up to 59 pushed;  i guess i may finish the set before dinner, so you should be able to properly bisect22:28
jdstrandhallyn: ack, I'm all setup now, but still trying going through my first (massive) dist-upgrade on the forhallyn image22:29
jdstrandwith 2.022:30
hallynpessimist in me says it's going to work fine22:31
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hallynsarnold: jdstrand: binaries.0..binaries.68 all pushed.22:59
sarnoldhallyn: nice :)22:59
jdstrandhallyn: thanks23:01
jdstrandhallyn: of course, the first try failed (meaning, it booted fine)23:02
jdstrandso I need to script this23:02
jdstrandhallyn: I'll try bisecting as much as I can over the weekend23:03
hallynjdstrand: awesome.  i'm guessing even after the first 4 steps rharper  will have a good idea of what it is23:06
hallynthanks for testing!  have a good weekend - i'm off to dinner, ttyl23:09

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