
=== Cimi_ is now known as Cimi
=== irsol_ is now known as irsol
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
=== asac` is now known as asac
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
=== karni is now known as Guest27128
=== Zhenech_ is now known as Zhenech
=== karni is now known as Guest35996
=== irsol_ is now known as irsol
=== zoktar_ is now known as zoktar
cm-tHi, what is the best channel to talk about the unity8-desktop-session?  here, #ubuntu-iso, #ubuntu-touch, … ?15:02
=== zoktar_ is now known as zoktar
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== me4oslav_ is now known as me4oslav
=== larsu_ is now known as larsu
Saviqcm-t, here is good, but weekends are rather quiet here19:57
cm-tSaviq: thanks, I'v updated my post :) http://redd.it/2f0ywo21:03
YokoZarWhat's the name of the indicator that shows apt warnings like broken packages on system?  (looks like a red circle with a white minus sign when there's an issue)22:30
YokoZar(Want to report a bug)22:30

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