=== lderan_ is now known as lderan === lderan_ is now known as lderan === torstehu_ is now known as torstehu === mhall119_ is now known as mhall119 [07:46] bluesabre: we might wanna set better default values for the blank/DPMS timeouts in xfpm. the current ones seem really low (iirc 1min on battery, 10mins on ac) [08:25] morning peeps [08:25] morning elfy [08:25] hi ochosi [08:28] broken nvidia here with the combination of nouveau being like molasses and I'm in trusty for a while :p [08:33] that's sorta what it's there for :) [08:33] so nouveau is broken for you? [08:35] dog slow - changing workspaces - I end up with everything on one untill it sorts itself out [08:36] though it could be something else - I've not got the patience today to find out - all I can say is that a clean install acts the same way :p [08:39] right [08:39] and nvidia doesn't really work either? [08:39] nope [08:39] :/ [08:39] install nvidia - it uses nouveau [08:40] that's odd [08:40] yep [08:40] tried to create xorg.conf with the nvidia settings dialog yet? [08:40] there is an issue - I've seen chatter about it [08:40] no - but pretty sure it's not going to work - nvidia broke with yesterday's kernel update for some [08:42] right, let's hope it'll get sorted until the release [08:42] I'm sure it will :) [08:44] might try one of the other nvidia options later - was using the -updates one [08:45] hello ochosi and elfy [08:45] morning brainwash [08:45] hey [08:47] elfy: did you forward bug 1358361 upstream? [08:47] bug 1358361 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar needs a pkexec policy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1358361 [08:48] brainwash: no, ochosi and I talked about that at the time - I did do mousepad - which got a confused "what am I supposed to do with this" comment so I really forgot about doing the same for thunar ;) [08:49] makes sense really - pkexec should be a distro thing logically [08:50] we might need it - does anyone else? [08:50] I guess so, shouldn't hurt to ship the policy file, so every distro gets it [08:53] the other thing I guess is that while *we* forwarded the LP bug upstream - mousepad probably wasn't the place to do it [08:53] so, a mailing list discussion is needed here [08:53] and I've no idea *where* it should be reported [08:54] brainwash: sorry - I'm not going to get involved in any pkexec discussion - I use gksu - and will continue to do so untill it's not available [08:54] not shipping gksu with a suitable replacement for however long we did was short-sighted at best [08:54] and I don't use any apps which would require gksu or pkexec :) [08:55] maybe should reassign the 2 bug reports to xubu default settings then? [08:55] and keep things downstream [08:56] I'd guess so [08:57] agreed - and done [08:57] thanks [08:58] no idea what to do with the upstream bug xfce 11088 [08:58] xfce bug 11088 in General "Pkexec policy needed for OS using pkexec" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11088 [08:58] probably needs to be marked invalid or something [08:59] they've both been released I believe [08:59] leave it open, maybe it will start a discussion on how to include/install the policy file [09:02] the two LP bugs are all sorted now, right package and marked as released [09:04] nice [09:04] next report [09:04] bug 1363223 [09:04] bug 1363223 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xfce4-power-manager outdated on-line help" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1363223 [09:04] on-line help [09:05] that's the xfce wiki page, right? [09:05] that'll be right [09:05] yea - so I think I'd be right in assuming that none of that has been updated for the new version [09:06] I remember that someone worked on the wiki page for xfdesktop 4.11 [09:06] slickymaster? [09:06] would have been at least him - possibly jjfrv8 too [09:06] bluesabre, Can you please sync libxfce4util? [09:07] brainwash: and whoever else got corralled into help with it :) [09:09] elfy: should we link the report the right 14.10 blueprint? [09:09] yea [09:12] elfy: xubuntu-u-docs? [09:12] I'd say so [09:12] bluesabre, Corsac removed the delta in an upload about 30 min ago [09:12] but it's actually the xfce wiki page [09:12] so upstream work [09:12] also will need adding to trello [09:12] brainwash: yes - but we still need to track it [09:13] right [09:13] we can always unlink it - better to at least have it visible [09:13] yea :) [09:14] done trello [09:15] ok - added a todo to -docs as well [09:25] brainwash: so - mailing list discussion - did you mean xfce mailing list? [09:25] commented on the xfpm docs bug [09:25] yes, it should be discussed upstream [09:26] ochosi: ah, makes sense, 1.3 is just a dev release and things will change slightly [09:27] well, not anymore i hope [09:27] but if you compare the 1.3 releases, the settings dialog always looked a tad different [09:27] (and it might change again after 1.4) [09:28] i'm happy to coordinate ppl, if anyone wants to help with that [09:29] I was thinking that the person responsible for the awesome xfdesktop 4.11 wiki page could be interested in doing the same for xfpm [09:30] right, that was jjfrv8 and slickymaster (and me a bit) [09:33] jjfrv8 is away and busy afaik lately, if we need help and I can I will [09:39] shame that Toz doesn't get involved more here - he spends most of his time on the forum chasing down xubuntu issues [09:40] true [09:42] elfy: well you could always try to motivate him... [09:43] i'm not on the forums anymore, so i never get in touch with him [09:43] he comes here most weekends ;) [09:43] right [09:43] never notized [09:43] noticed [09:45] or at least when he's on freenode he comes here as well as the forum staff channel [09:46] right - well I'm off to get the day going and getting out dad's taxi ... cya later :) [10:00] elfy: support for xfsm-shutdown to work with pkexec has been added upstream [10:00] including the file org.xfce.session.policy [10:25] morning everybody [10:25] morning bluesabre [10:26] brainwash: nice [10:26] hey elfy [10:26] avoid kernel updates for nvidia... done [10:27] lol [10:29] hey bluesabre [10:30] elfy: now I'm trying to get eric involved, maybe he is able to get the policy files in (upstream) [10:31] hello bluesabre [10:31] hey ochosi, brainwash === J21_ is now known as J21 [11:00] Debian #690339 may be quite important to Xfce... [11:00] Debian bug 690339 in libxfce4util4 "Don't use double forking when launching applications since it breaks pkexec" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/690339 [11:01] Ah, xfce 9373 [11:01] xfce bug 9373 in General "double fork breaks desktop files containing pkexec" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9373 [11:03] do we need to patch our package in ubuntu? [11:07] http://git.xfce.org/xfce/libxfce4ui/log/ unreleased at least. Filed incorrectly? Since we start policykit auth agent, it seems that works for now. [11:15] we don't ship any "pkexec " .desktop files either [11:16] Doesn't mean they aren't installed. [11:17] or created manually by the user [11:17] Exec=synaptic-pkexec seems they use a different method in general though. [11:17] that's a simple wrapper script [11:17] Hah, very. [11:22] ochosi: re: Better default values in xfpm, any suggestions? [11:23] bluesabre: hmyeah, maybe like this [11:23] on battery: blank: 10, dpms sleep: 15, dpms off: 30 [11:23] on ac: blank: 15, dpms sleep: 20, dpms off: 60 [11:24] alrighty, that sounds reasonable [11:28] might also end up setting those times upstream [11:28] but it might be a good idea to carry that in x-d-s anyway === Punna is now known as Pwnna [11:30] why different values for dpms sleep and off? [11:31] having 3 steps is somewhat confusing [11:31] blank -> sleep -> off [11:33] I think its because of monitor power states [11:33] on, black -> sleep -> off [11:36] Standby: 0 Suspend: 0 Off: 600 [11:36] there is also suspend (dpms) [11:37] now it's getting really confusing [11:37] or is suspend = sleep? [11:37] oh right [11:38] off takes longer than suspend for coming back/waking up [11:38] and uses less power === ochosi_ is now known as ochosi [11:39] and standby does what? [11:39] standby and suspend are two different modes that also have slightly different power-usages and wakeup-times [11:39] might differ depending on hardware [11:39] in xfpm we only offer one "sleep mode" [11:40] that can be configured via a hidden option [11:40] since yet another slider or combobox would be kinda over the top [11:40] default is suspend iirc [11:40] yea, keep it simple [11:40] ochosi: found another setting that we were missing for suspend-locking [11:40] complete diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8187072/ [11:41] * bluesabre should alphabetize [11:41] bluesabre: right, possible that this wasn't explicitely needed, since we set that in xfce4-session, no? [11:41] (and xfpm syncs with session) [11:41] anyway, the rest looks nice! thanks! [11:42] actually, not defined in our default session either [11:42] applying [11:44] maybe it's a default value [11:44] http://paste.ubuntu.com/8187098/ [11:46] ^ mainly comparing with my current xml [11:48] so many places with same or similar settings [11:56] ochosi__: spotty internet today? [11:56] not sure it's me or freenode [11:56] http://paste.ubuntu.com/8187098/ in case you lost it [11:56] the rest of my connection is always up [11:56] yup, said it looks good before [11:57] but maybe that didn't reach you anymore :) [11:57] new paste === ochosi__ is now known as ochosi [11:57] netsplits [11:57] yeah, saw that one before [11:57] ok [11:58] just to verify, we do want dpms-enabled, right? [11:59] busy busy busy you lot :) [11:59] quick question ochosi - why is it that everyone gets the battery icon now? [12:00] bluesabre: yup [12:00] elfy: because it is a plugin, not a trayicon that can be shown/hidden conditionally [12:00] elfy: should be a lightning bolt for desktop folks [12:01] or, I thought so [12:01] bluesabre: not anymore ;) [12:01] bluesabre: possibly [12:01] it's a plug now [12:01] anyway, the thing is that it shows more stuff, like connected devices [12:01] ochosi messes with me [12:01] bluesabre: no way, i showed the icon to you before pushing it! [12:01] mmm - not really answering why - just what :p [12:02] oh right, *that* icon [12:02] :D [12:02] elfy: i did answer your question [12:03] 14:00 ochosi$ elfy: because it is a plugin, not a trayicon that can be shown/hidden conditionally [12:03] that's the simple reason [12:03] ok - so why was it added - regardless of whether it's a plugin or trayicon ;) [12:03] wasn't there before in desktop [12:04] right [12:04] not that it's important - just something else I remove [12:04] well as i said... [12:04] it's a plugin [12:04] lol [12:04] you cannot add/remove it conditionally [12:05] oic - so desktop HAS to have it because it might be useful in laptop ? [12:05] yup [12:05] okey doke - thanks :) [12:05] we can only put it there or not put it there (for everyone) [12:05] its not just for laptop power though [12:06] and since it's important for laptops and by far not useless for desktops... [12:06] it shows wireless mice charge, has presentation mdoe, etc [12:06] yup, what he ^ says :) [12:06] yep noticed the pointless presentation mode for elfy :p [12:07] :) [12:07] but I agree we'd not be wanting to NOT have it for laptops :) [12:07] actually, that might be handy for vnc users as well [12:08] hehe, good [12:08] just got to ask the questions :) === Punna is now known as Pwnna === cojennin___ is now known as cojennin__ === torstehu_ is now known as torstehu === lderan_ is now known as lderan === meetingology` is now known as meetingology === dkessel_ is now known as dkessel [15:39] fr.po 71.8978% getting close! [17:28] someone does not like to uninstall re-installed packages on every release upgrade [17:28] bug 1314153 [17:28] bug 1314153 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "XUbuntu reinstalls all default packages on release update" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1314153 [17:29] but what can we actually do resolve this? [17:29] do we even want to -> invalid? [17:30] Here's a useful hint, right before you do an upgrade, sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install xubuntu-desktop. You'll at least get a little less (or a lot) than before. I had thought about this before, but only tried it on the last two upgrades and am happier with the result. [17:30] so, no actual bug here [17:31] There will be a bug in the future, but I don't want to try and address it now. :P [17:31] it's the expected behavior to pull in recommended packages [17:31] Yep. [17:31] I'd comment mentioning --no-install-recommends, but that's not really a bug. [17:31] and the user is free to disable recommends in apt (config) [17:31] alright [17:31] Mhmm, but also not recommended. [17:32] no? [17:32] No, can cause issues. Lubuntu did that by default, it caused issues there. [17:33] maybe, but this particular user does not like to have those packages on his system [17:33] The problem will be when someone installs using mini.iso and then the Xubuntu-core task, then on upgrade gets xubuntu-desktop. :P [17:34] oh mmh [17:34] :) [17:34] I think I'm going to regret mentioning that. [17:34] not a huge problem though, i mean folks using xubuntu-core are supposed to be semi-experts at least anyway [17:39] ochosi: Yeah, but I believe if xubuntu-artwork, xubuntu-default-settings, and xfwm4 are installed, you get xubuntu-desktop on upgrade... [17:40] you mean if all of them or one of them is installed? [17:40] All. [17:40] right [17:40] * ochosi shrugs [17:40] So, do we want to fix this? It would include talking to :other people:. [17:40] well, how can it be fixed? [17:41] (if it can be, i guess we should) [17:41] tell us :D [17:41] yeah, but come on, it's not *actual* talking [17:41] Change the priority in DistUpgrade.cfg so that if those and xubuntu-core is installed, it gets us xubuntu-core. [17:44] The concept of upgrades with -core isn't fun. :P [17:45] KeyDependencies: Dependencies that are considered "key" dependencies of the meta-pkg to detect if it was installed but later removed by the user [17:50] But I don't see a good, simple fix to this either. [17:50] hmm [17:50] well i'm no expert on this, so you better to to someone "who knows" [17:50] s/to to/talk to/ [17:52] Hence, telking to creepers, mhmm. [18:05] bluesabre: since we disabled all workspace features in xfwm4 by default, i guess we should disable the "wrap workspaces when reaching the screen edge" too [18:05] bluesabre: from what i saw in 14.10 "with a dragged window" is still activated [18:05] bluesabre: the other thing in x-d-s is adding a keyboard shortcut for whiskermenu (super+space) [18:08] ochosi: what's the matter with ctrl+esc [18:08] which is what it is atm [18:16] elfy: just an additional shortcut that mirrors what many other DEs have [18:16] (at least unity does) [18:16] (and if memory serves, gnome3 too) [18:22] g2g [18:22] have a nice evening everyone! [18:30] ochosi: good point [18:31] just noticed cause tested the live session of 14.10 with a friend [21:13] ochosi: you should read the last comment on bug 1287171 [21:13] bug 1287171 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "light-locker breaks x11vnc as service" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1287171 [21:14] some people just are not able to read all the previous comments before adding yet another comment :/ === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash