[00:46] help, my wifi icon/applet is missing from xfce top bar [00:46] i can start it manually by typing sudo nm-applet but it give this message: nm-applet-Message: using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon === lderan_ is now known as lderan === lderan_ is now known as lderan === torstehu_ is now known as torstehu === lighta is now known as Guest44125 [02:41] hola [02:41] !es | xubuntu442 [02:41] xubuntu442: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [02:41] join #ubuntu-es [02:42] hello [02:42] i need help [02:43] with openoffice installation [02:47] !libreoffice [02:47] LibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice. [03:52] Regarding Xubuntu 14.04 installed from CD. Screen keeps blanking after about 10-15 minutes (haven't timed it yet) .. Xscreensaver not installed.. after adjusting the settings to leave screen on.. and turned off all screen blanking and power management features.. not change. uninstalled light-locker package.. no change. any ideas? suggestions? [04:04] Can anyone explain why I'm getting this result? I have two vga cards in my system running 2 X Displays, one one each monitor. I open a terminal on X display 0 and start `top`. Then I switch to X display 1 and start another terminal and it kills the terminal on X Display 0, why? [04:26] KaibutsuX_home: let me find what i followed up with last time you were here.. [04:26] KaibutsuX_home: only the terminal? what do you mean by "it kills".. you mean, the terminal process? or top? is that all that crashes that way? is it just one terminal emulator? [04:27] it's the native ubuntu terminal. I have it running on X Display 1, when I open a new terminal on X Display 0, the one on display 1 disappears [04:28] it doesn't actually kill the running processes though, if I start them in a tmux session, the tmux session is still there, it just gets removed from the other x display [04:36] can i root my phone from xubuntu somehow? [04:36] zacwalls: nothing about xubuntu is preventing that.. but, its likely not able to faciliate that. i would start with the phone manufacturer, and then a community such as cyanogenmod [04:37] KaibutsuX_home: when you literally just open it? or when its running top? [04:37] just opening it [04:37] tmux will keep the process running [04:37] KaibutsuX_home: why are you mentioning tmux and top? im not sure how/why that is relevant? [04:38] ok forget both of those, 1) open a terminal on display 0. 2) Open a terminal on display 1 and see that the terminal on display 0 has now disappeared [04:38] KaibutsuX_home: is this the case? you open *any* application on one display? and thenn on the other, and the first one is killed? or crashes? is this nvidia? why are you running seperate x sessions? can you just run one? and test? [04:38] yes, nvidia and I can't apparently run a single x session across two gpus [04:38] KaibutsuX_home: ok. forgetting both of those.. just "terminal"? what terminal? [04:39] as said, native ubuntu terminal [04:39] KaibutsuX_home: you mean, xubuntu terminal? [04:39] xfce4-terminal 0.6.3 [04:39] KaibutsuX_home: is *only* the terminal doing it? if so, i would install and use another terminal emulator [04:39] !info terminator [04:39] terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97-2ubuntu0.1 (trusty), package size 233 kB, installed size 2049 kB [04:40] yeah, im not a fan of terminator [04:40] KaibutsuX_home: please try terminator, and see if the behavior is the same.. tmux is not a good test, since it is keeping the session running [04:40] KaibutsuX_home: please try *any* other terminal, and see [04:40] otherwise.. just file a bug for it.. [04:40] !bug [04:40] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [04:40] it appears to only be the terminal displaying the behavior [04:41] its tricky, since its likely relalted to your nvidia driver and 2 x sessions.. which im sure you are in the minority for [04:41] !info gnome-terminal [04:41] gnome-terminal (source: gnome-terminal): GNOME terminal emulator application. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.2-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 105 kB, installed size 719 kB [04:41] !info xterm [04:41] xterm (source: xterm): X terminal emulator. In component main, is optional. Version 297-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 636 kB, installed size 1611 kB [04:45] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-terminal/+bug/1243354 [04:45] Launchpad bug 1243354 in xfce4-terminal "Xfce4-terminal cannot run on more than one X screen at a time" [Medium,Confirmed] [04:46] KaibutsuX_home: there you go.. you can join that bug, and use another terminal that *does* run on multiple x sessions [05:08] http://www.whitehorseblackmountain.com/ is where i am on the 6th of october [05:08] sorry. folks.. wrong channel.. disregard ^ [05:56] how can i set a proxy via terminal? === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang === bekks_ is now known as bekks [08:53] hi, someone know if xfce4 in xubuntu is catching the "strg+space" keycombination so that in libreoffice the hotkey for insert of "secured space"(=strg+shift+space) is not working? [08:59] hi ! please do anybody know where can i get linux drivers for my graphic card AMD Radeon R5 M230 ? [09:00] pls :( [09:00] looks like its found: strg+space hotkey-combination seems to be used bei the ibus-tool - so this has to be modified for a working strg+shift+space in libreoffice or the hotkey in office itself. [09:01] guest123456: you should ask in the +ubuntu channel, because this looks like a basic configuration/setup question [10:31] Hi all! I'm a newbie to Ubuntu (old machine refurbished with this system) and have a first problem reading a simple DVD: the OS says that GStreamer has a problem or may lack a plugin, although the piracy disclaimer is correctly dispalyed. Any clue? [10:31] Thx in advance! [10:34] bluesabre: ^ [10:34] Hi brainwash! What is bluesabre? [10:35] I am bluesabre :) [10:35] !libdvdcss [10:35] Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [10:36] OK! So it means that xubuntu cannot read commercial DVD by default, I have to update some libs, am I right? [10:37] Yes, just follow the instructions on that first link and you'll make some progress [10:38] Thanks a lot bluesabre! This is really helpful! Have a nice day! [10:38] you too! === azeam_afk is now known as azeam === ochosi_ is now known as ochosi === ochosi__ is now known as ochosi === azeam_afk is now known as azeam === torstehu_ is now known as torstehu === lderan_ is now known as lderan === azeam_afk is now known as azeam === balkamos_ is now known as balkamos === ponbiki is now known as Guest11308 === Guest11308 is now known as ponpon === zoktar_ is now known as zoktar === WebDawgII is now known as WebDawg === dkessel_ is now known as dkessel === zoktar_ is now known as zoktar [15:16] Hi i just installed Xubuntu. Great job! [15:18] Looks nice! [15:18] Allon, Xfce-4.10 is the best ever .:. Yes, we like to party! [15:21] Is this by intenton? Why there are only 2 things under System? http://i60.tinypic.com/e9t9ig.jpg [15:26] Allon, thats what mine looks like too === Pici` is now known as Pici === kenlee_ is now known as kenlee [18:31] hey, pls help! internet from wi-fi disconnected for power on xubuntu. wtf? [18:33] i have router dlink dir320 [18:39] Am I here alone? [18:42] no, you are not === baizon_ is now known as baizon === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [22:44] monitor is black after I simply toggle power by on/off. I'm confused - why hasn't this been fixed yet? it seems to have been an issue from 14.04 release. [23:11] I need someone with teamviewer to help me follow this guide:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1383708 I have done everything til "Then at the top of your screen, go to System/Administration/Windows Wireless Drivers (install it if you don't have it)." Its not hard but i'm a noob at linux at the moment. [23:14] pestboy: that's an old guide, are you sure that it still works for xubuntu 14.04? [23:14] brainwash: Looks like it still needs ndis: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/archive/index.php/t-65674.html [23:15] ancient stuff :/ [23:15] June 2014? [23:16] ndis [23:16] Yeah, lucky me, always avoided it. [23:17] I'm not exactly sure... but I was hoping for it to. if you could find another way to do it that'd be cool. I just can not do anything with ndis [23:18] I've gotten so used to the gui of windows and know close to nothing about using terminal to do anything [23:21] your case is somewhat special, I'm not sure if I can assist you to get it working [23:22] (or anyone else here) [23:23] you could try to ask in #ubuntu also [23:23] getting the driver/firmware installed is not a xubuntu specific task [23:26] Where do you think i would be able to find help? [23:37] pestboy: maybe #ubuntu -> /join #ubuntu