
rick_h_howdy back and all that jazz05:02
rick_h_cmaloney: :/ oh well05:02
rick_h_cmaloney: as to the peets closing05:02
rick_h_their stupid 8pm close made no sense05:03
cmaloneyyeah, I think that was a contributing factor17:32
cmaloneyBut ah well17:32
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, time moves on17:33
cmaloneySpeaking of time moving on, you back in MI-land yet?17:34
rick_h_yea, got in around midnight just in time for that lovely storm to blow through17:38
cmaloneyWe didn't get anything down here AFAICT.17:38
cmaloneyJust a lot of wind17:38
rick_h_oh, got rained on hard, road turned into a river for a bit17:38
rick_h_of course that bit was as we pulled in and tried to get a tired cranky boy into the house with all of our luggage :)17:38
rick_h_cmaloney: oh hey, what time is next weekend? Did we stick with 3pm? Or did we go back to 11?17:38
cmaloneywelcome back17:38
rick_h_ty much17:39
rick_h_glad to be home17:39
rick_h_had fun, but want to settle down for a bit now17:39
cmaloneyI've got 3-6pm17:39
rick_h_london, germnay, and CA all with one week in between and now I'm spent17:39
rick_h_cmaloney: ok, and that's sunday right?17:39
rick_h_or did we stick with sat?17:39
cmaloneyLMK if that needs changing17:40
rick_h_no, all good. Just trying to remember17:40
cmaloneyShould be on your calendar. :)17:40
cmaloneyI invited you. :)17:40
rick_h_yea, but I've got two of them there. The one from you is still sat at 11am17:40
cmaloneyhm, disregard the 11am one.17:41
rick_h_or maybe that's my old one17:41
cmaloneyI think that's your oold one.17:41
rick_h_ok, updated17:41
derekvif i divorced freeNas what should I try instead?18:11
rick_h_derekv: a synology NAS18:36
rick_h_derekv: there was someone in #bookie asking about building and working on the android app if you get time to catch him/her18:37
rick_h_derekv: that'd be awesome, he was trying to load it into android studio. I thought waf got it working with mrgoodcat at CHC and upated the docs but guess it wasn't working18:38
derekvyea if they can come to CHC or I can schedule a time to meet them if they are in the area18:39
derekvotherwise i'd totally schedule some time some afternoon/weekend18:39
derekvnot this weekend…18:39
rick_h_derekv: I think he was very international, though maybe I should ask you to walk me through it and bootstrap me on it18:39
derekveveryone seems to have trouble, I should update the docs18:40
rick_h_derekv: all good, just happened to see the conversation with brousch and him (Vandan) when I got into irc18:40
rick_h_updating to 1TB dropbox, yay18:41
derekvWTB: good UPS19:14
derekvnext kinesis advantage will replace the rubber function keys (confirmed) and have layershift (confirmed), everthing else is still hush20:33
derekvfor me, if its true split they can name their price20:33
derekvi'll send them a blank check20:33
rick_h_derekv: cool, love mine20:51
rick_h_don't use the function keys much, just f3 for find-next20:51
derekvi always wear out the ESC key20:54
rick_h_ah, I map jj to esc for vim/zsh and so don't use it much20:54
rick_h_it's too far away to use regularly imo20:54
brouschderekv: I failed to get bookie Android running under Android Studio20:59
brouschI think the final problem I had was with bookie parsr client20:59
rick_h_bwuhahaha https://plus.google.com/116120911388966791792/posts/a4rLb1NFbHn23:53
gamerchick02dude. i love those!!23:54

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