
derek-gdoes anyone else still having this issue when I toggle monitor power button on and off -  desktop doesn't come back on again?00:33
derek-gso I have to "sudo service lightdm restart" to get desktop back...00:34
derek-gwhere would I see active xubuntu bugs?00:38
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derek-gca anyone help with this issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/464600/cant-get-monitor-image-back-on-after-toggling-monitor-power-button00:55
alketis there a Clean Looks theme for xubuntu01:02
brainwashderek-g: looks like bug 131353901:10
ubottubug 1313539 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "monitor shows black screen and "no input signal" after turning the monitor off and on manually" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131353901:10
derek-gbrainwash, thanks. I've one-upped that ticket. Not sure wtf. is this happening.01:22
brainwashwell, it's obviously a bug :/01:23
brainwash(which affects a larger amount of people)01:24
holsteinluks1: how may we help you?02:42
luks1i have dug myself into a deep hole...02:42
cfhowlett!details | luks102:42
ubottuluks1: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)02:42
holsteinallow me to describe some scnenarios where you can dig yourself out.. whats going on?02:42
luks1I recently installed xubuntu on my desktop and i selected the option for whole disk encryption02:43
holsteini would have backups for the data *outside* that encryption area02:43
luks1i cant remember my passphrase but i do have the key that it said could be used to recover the disk manually02:44
holsteinluks1: the key has a passphrase, AFAIK.. its in the design that you need the passphrase02:44
holsteinluks1: its designed to lock you out..02:44
holsteinluks1: whats the issue? data loss?02:44
holsteinotherwise, reinstall, and dont use encryption02:45
luks1data loss. i thought that with the incredibly long code it said to write down that i could recover the data02:45
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory02:46
luks1it isnt a directory that is encrypted, its the entire hard disk02:46
holsteinluks1: i understand that, friend02:47
holsteinregardless, you need to in the future have backups outside this enctyption area02:48
luks1so basically even though i have the key i cant do anything without the actual passphrase?02:48
holsteinluks1: im linking data for you to read and see if that is the case02:49
luks1ok, thanks02:49
holsteinluks1: you are saying, basically, as i read it, "i have one part of the puzzle i need"02:49
holsteinluks1: the passphrase is needed as far as i know.. if you want to reasearch it further, go for it.. i would just revert to my backups and resintall and either not encypt or maintain the credentials better02:50
holsteinyou may not have that luxury..02:50
luks1from what i have read on my own before coming here, and from the links you sent my data is gone forever02:50
holsteinluks1: thats what i think..02:51
luks1that comforts me knowing that if anyone else had my disk that it would be useless02:51
holsteinluks1: but, feel free and ask around. and read.. you can try the main #ubuntu channel02:51
luks1but it is very frustrating because i didnt make any backups. this install was less than a week old02:52
luks1thanks for all your help holstein.02:52
holsteinwell, you need backups, regardless.. *all* drives fail02:52
holsteinif nothing else, its just that lesson you can take, i suppose.. better only a week in, i say02:52
luks1of course if i had a backup, i wouldve wanted that encrypted also02:53
luks1lesson learned02:53
luks1encryption works. remember your passwords02:53
holsteini would have a backup in an open location02:53
luks1wouldnt an unencrypted backup defeat the purpose of having the original encrypted?02:54
holsteindepends on why what is encrypted and how02:54
luks1from a privacy standpoint at least?02:54
holsteinits all a trade off02:55
holsteini choose to trade having an open disk around locked in a box that is not encypted02:55
holsteini want it that way, so im not locked out of important data i may need..02:55
holsteinbut, i need the data worse than i need you not to have it.. if it were the other way around, i might prefer something else02:56
luks1the way i see it, if big brother gets posession of my desktop, they could just as easily have any other disks no matter where i store them02:56
holsteini choose not to address big brother that way02:56
luks1care to elaborate?02:57
holsteini say, its my rights to have things and not have others touch them.. and i'll still vote that way, and try my best.. otherwise, its a lot of a race as i see it02:57
luks1i see, well thank you so much holstein.02:57
holsteinwe race to better enctypt, they race to crack whatever.. its not legal.. and im just saying, its my personal property is all.. i mean, i have it online, thats one thing.. but, my hard drive is a different story02:58
luks1goodbye it has been nice chatting with you02:58
holsteinbut, as i said, i want the data worse than i want you not to have it. its important that i access it. thats *more* important to me than making sure "big brother" cant02:58
holsteinsure.. cheers02:59
deddokatanaanyone on?03:59
cfhowlettdeddokatana, ask your ubuntu questions04:00
HedgeMagededdokatana: Please just ask your real question.04:00
deddokatananah, im on as tech support04:00
deddokatanaquiet at this time?04:00
HedgeMageat the moment, yes04:01
cfhowlettstrange behavior in 14.04 xubuntu/ubuntustudio : notifications are set to disappear after 10 seconds.  they remain until I manually click.04:37
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knives2886hey can anypone help me05:01
knives2886does anyone know if they fixed the msi am2 apu boot issues?05:02
finrodIs this the correct terminal command to run ACPI?        /tmp/acl$ acpi -V06:15
finrodIs there a simpler terminal command to run ACPI?06:16
MediaBoxanyone know a good way to share folders between a pc with xubuntu and a windows 8 pc?07:07
MediaBoxi'm trying with samba.... but i'm new to linux and still figuring this out.07:07
baizonMediaBox: samba?07:07
MediaBoxi can see the windows pc on the xubuntu pc, but when i try opening it, the password doesnt let me in07:08
finrodI have been asking in the ##hardware and the #ubuntu rooms questions about installing lm-sensors for the last hour or two, and no one seems to know if it is worth the risk to probe my I2C/SMBus adapters for connected hardware08:15
segfinrod, i've never had a problem08:31
segfinrod, over many years and hundreds of sensor-detects08:31
finrodI'm at the last stage of installation for lm-sensors08:32
finrodI'm stuck on /etc/modules, not sure how to load them for lm-sensors08:32
segwhy not allow sensors-detect to add it for you?08:32
segat end of detection it will offer to.08:33
finrodYes, it is telling me that, but there's a problem08:33
segwhat problem, finrod?08:34
finrodhere is a screenshot...http://imgur.com/0TTCsN108:34
segwhat's the problem?08:35
finrodI have no idea if I have drivers built into my kernel08:35
segthere is only one module in the list, you'll be okay08:36
finrodok, good, I'll just say yes08:37
finrodthanks, seg08:37
segno problem. make sure to restart08:37
segor otherwise load what you'll need08:37
finrodlm-sensors told me this...Monitoring programs won't work until the needed modules are08:40
finrodloaded. You may want to run 'service kmod start' to load them.08:40
segdid you restart or add the module otherwise before trying to run it after adding the module to /etc/modules?08:40
finrodI have done nothing.  I am still waiting at the command prompt08:41
segok. after having said yes to the prompt, restart or use 'sudo modprobe <modulename>' to add it08:41
seglet me check your screenshot for the name08:42
finrodI don't know if I need to run "service kmod start" since my plan is to install Psensor after rebooting08:42
segwhy not give it a shot?08:42
segyou'd likely do it as an admin, so 'sudo service kmod start'08:42
segto manually load the driver that you added in /etc/modules with sensors-detect, type 'sudo modprobe smsc47b397'08:43
segthat string at the end is the module you added in the screenshot08:43
segtype 'sudo service kmod start'08:48
finrodShould I reboot first?08:49
segor the modprobe string I typed above08:49
segif you reboot there shouldn't be a need to do it.08:49
segit'll accomplish the same thing a different way08:49
segall you're doing is reloading the /etc/modules file, which is done at reboot anywho08:50
finrodgood, so I can just type 'sudo service kmod start' without rebooting?08:50
segand if that doesn't work, modprobe the driver you added08:50
segand if THAT doesn't work, reboot08:50
finrodok, then I can install Psensor?08:51
=== bekks_ is now known as bekks
segshould be08:51
finrodthanks, seg08:52
segfinrod, also try typing 'sensors' to see if you get a valid temperature08:53
segthat's what lm-sensors is reporting to Psensor08:53
finrodoh yeah, I do that to test it before I install Psensor?08:53
segits optional, but easy08:54
finrodI ran the service kmod start command and got this.....kmod stop/waiting08:56
finrodthen the command prompt08:56
segyup that's expected08:56
segnow try 'sensors'08:56
segand you should see some temp data08:56
finrodBut first I need to run this command......sudo sensors-detect08:57
segnah, that's done08:57
segyou did that earlier  with the module adding08:57
finrodok, I'll try 'sensors'08:57
segif you see some data, you're all good with lm-sensors08:57
finrodIt's working08:58
finrodthanks a lot, seg08:58
segnow onwards to Psensor or whatever other frontend you'd like to play with08:58
segno problem08:58
finrodthere's only two temperatures, but may be Psensor will show more08:59
segshouldn't, as the data is being read from lm-sensors. Do you have a lot more temperatures you're trying to monitor?08:59
segif you want GPU stuff, that's elsewhere09:00
finrodFan speed09:00
finrodCPU and hard drive09:00
seghmm that's more complicated. on laptops that stuff is usually done via specific acpi packages.09:01
segfor example, thinkpads have a specific package that exposes that stuff09:01
segI know that some modules expose it on lm-sensors09:02
segbut I don't know which ones exactly09:02
seghave you checked this article out? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/fan_speed_control09:02
segit may have some pertinent info for you.09:02
finrodthese are my results from lm-sensors:     http://pastebin.com/g9djxz5Y09:03
segokay, one sec09:03
segcan you please try 'lsmod | grep acpi' and tell me if you get results?09:04
finrodok, hold on......09:05
finrodpata_acpi              13038  009:06
seghm ok09:06
finrodI just installed acpi two hours ago09:06
segthat doesn't help. one sec, let me see what'd be appropriate for you09:06
finrodusing the ubuntu software centre09:06
segaye, but we need a specific acpi module thats applicable to you to get loaded so we can get the fan speed and such exposed09:07
segneed to investigate what that module is09:07
segwhen doing sensors-detect, you answered yes to everything?09:08
finrodEverything except for the last question09:08
segok. it's reporting k8 when you do sensors, right?09:09
segyeah k8temp, foudn the pastebin09:09
finrodI said yes to everything except for the probe of my I2C/SMBus adapters for connected hardware, seg09:10
bekksthe k8 sensors module is known to be broken, and unreliable.09:11
segbekks, I knew the temp values are sometimes bogus, but his fan speeds aren't getting exposed; is that a known issue?09:12
finrodMy fan is loud, and only seems to  go on when I am playing YouTube videos full screen09:13
bekksThats amongst the issues of the broken k8 module, as far as I remeber - I hab a k8 a decade ago. And unfortunately, the k8 module hasnt been fixed.09:13
segdoh. that sucks. finrod, what kind of computer is it?09:14
finrodWell, I think the fan goes on pretty frequently, actually, whenever the PC is doing something demanding09:14
finrodHP dx5150 SFF desktop PC09:14
finrodIt was already used when I got it in 201009:15
segfor kicks, why not try sudo sensors-detect with yes to all options?09:16
segand then 'sudo service kmod start'09:16
segand 'sensors'09:16
segto recheck09:16
finrodlm-sensors warned me that last probe is risky09:16
segyeah, but oldre computers are more likely to use ISA stuff.09:16
finrodoh yeah, sorry09:17
segrisky means system stability09:17
segnot failure, as far as I know09:17
finrodI thought you said I don't need to run sensors-detect09:17
segit's just to try the unexplored option of yes to all parameters09:18
segyou don't, as the temp module was loaded -- this is an attempt to get fan speed09:18
finrodgood idea, I'll try it09:18
finrodI got stuck again.....check this out seg.....http://pastebin.com/S41Lqb7G09:27
bekksAnswer yes if you want to scan it, no if you dont want to do that.09:28
finrodShould I also scan that SMBus PIIX4 adapter at 0500 (i2c-0)?09:28
finrodis it safe to scan it?09:28
bekkslmsensors is "safe" to use, it will not break your hardware.09:29
finrodok, thanks09:29
bekksThe modules might not work or might be buggy - but they dont break your box.09:29
segby safe they mean that it may temporarily affect system stability, not to be used on enterprise hardware, that kind of thing09:30
finrodenterprise hardware?09:30
seglike a server running a tv channel09:30
segsomething that CAN NEVER FAIL09:30
segotherwise people lose millions09:30
finrodIt found a lot of stuff with the last probe09:31
segafter you've done your 'sudo service kmod start' , try 'sensors' to see if there is a difference09:31
finrodNow it wants to probe my Radeon i2c bit bus DVI_DDC (i2c-1)09:31
finrodis that ok?09:32
finrodto scan09:32
segyes down the line for the largest amount of possible info from lm-sensors09:32
segalthough that shouldn't be read from lm-sensors anyway09:32
finrodWow, it found sth09:34
finrod`SPD EEPROM'09:34
segshowing up in sensors?09:35
finrodfrom the sensors detect in the SMBus PIIX4 adapter at 0500 (i2c-0)09:36
finrodProbing for `SPD EEPROM'...                                 Yes09:37
finrod    (confidence 8, not a hardware monitoring chip)09:37
segfinrod, gotta run for a little bit. good luck on the fan control hunt, hopefully you can wrangle the k8 module. be back in a bit09:39
finrodok, seg09:39
bekksfinrod: you can probe everything, it will not break your box.09:54
m3n3chm0hello, i'm getting this error since 2 days ago on xubuntu 14.04 >> lightdm-gtk-greeter crashed with SIGSEGV in gdk_window_focus10:08
brainwashm3n3chm0: did you follow the instructions and send a bug report?10:20
=== rustyraptor_zz is now known as rustyraptor
brainwashm3n3chm0: thanks, the devs of lightdm-gtk-greeter will hopefully take a look at your report10:25
brainwashthe package was update on 2014-08-2610:25
brainwashso it could be indeed a new bug10:26
m3n3chm0:) ok10:32
finrodshould I just install hddtemp using the Ubuntu Software Centre?11:17
james0rif Ubuntu software center was a tangible object i would burn it and then quickly dispose of the remaining ashes.11:22
james0ryou could use though it though. it'll do the job11:22
deshipujames0r: it's better than yum ;)11:25
james0ris that fedora? good god i'd never want to exp yum then11:25
james0ri havn't been on linux all that long really but i quickly didn't see the point of using often disfunctional software centers. i prefer synaptic or terminal. i'd rather see what's going on.11:27
james0rif i need to search for software i just use google.11:27
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james0rto each their own though. glad there are options.11:28
finrodI just installed hddtemp, but when I ran this command, hddtemp /dev/sda /dev/sdb, I got these results....11:32
finrod...../dev/sda: open: Permission denied11:33
finrod......./dev/sdb: open: No such file or directory11:33
finrodshould I run the same command, and just add 'sudo' at the beginning?11:34
garandilWhen I try to update, the system tells me that I do not have enough space on /boot.. is there any way to clean out old iterations of the kernels?12:08
deshipuuninstall them12:08
deshipujust leave the most recent one12:08
garandilok, I'll have a go12:09
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gcdshello, guys maybe someone tried to make global menu work on 14.04?14:23
akishi. i am on 12.4. can anyone help to find and manage the system's password's manager where are stored infos about the applications which are using passwords (thunderbird, chrome etc)?14:24
brainwashgcds: how did you make it work before 14.04? any guide?14:29
gcdsI have seen many guides for older versions but then i try to build source on 14.04 many dependencies are just too old for 14.0414:31
gcdslike gtk2...14:31
brainwashyou can try to contact the developer of this panel plugin(?)14:34
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akishi all. i am trying to start kwallet but i am getting the following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/8197906/ . Any idea to make this application to be strated and loaded on 12.04? I googled this issue already but i didnt find any appropriate answer.15:35
mkgyrehello all.  I just did an update to my 14.04 system and it seems the screen is randomly flickering now.  Also, it seems the hzt. rate is set to 59.9 instead of 60.  Any ideas?16:26
brainwashmkgyre: does it flicker when the login screen is active/visible?16:32
mkgyreyep....from the boot splash screen onward16:32
brainwashthat's bad I guess16:33
mkgyreI am pretty sure the issue lies in the htz set at 59.9 instead of 6016:33
brainwashand not easy to debug16:33
mkgyreno simple way to manipulate the settings in the terminal?16:33
brainwashusually it's auto-detected16:33
mkgyredoing some reading on another tab as we speak16:33
mkgyreyeah....I have no other drop down options but 59.9 and I tried to re autodetect to no avail.16:34
brainwashdid you install any driver for your graphics card?16:34
brainwashwhich gpu?16:34
mkgyrejust let the system to its usual update16:34
mkgyrethis an older laptop....I believe Radeon x120016:35
mkgyrewas fine until todays update then whamo16:35
mkgyrewas going to use this PC later today to do a fantasy draft but now....I dont want to have a seizure!16:35
brainwashah I see, so your options are limited anyway16:36
brainwashand you can only use the open source driver16:36
brainwashwhich is pre-installed16:36
mkgyrehonestly, I am sure that there will be an update to patch out soon as I am sure I am not alone but I would be nice to fix now!16:36
brainwashit could hardware specific16:36
brainwashit could be16:37
mkgyrewell...whatever the latest "fix" was, it dropped my refresh rate and that would have to be a universal bug from what I am thinking....looks like it has happened in the past as well16:38
mkgyrebased on some googling!16:38
brainwash59.9 could be the result of saving the value as floating point16:39
brainwashcan you boot the live iso of xubuntu 14.04?16:40
mkgyreunsure....now are speaking Chinese and out of my realm.16:40
mkgyreActually....not a bad idea16:40
mkgyreI could do that, yes.  I have a live boot of regular ubuntu 14.04 on a flash here too I could use16:40
mkgyrefor now.  It would be interesting to go in and see what the refresh rate is on the live boot16:41
mkgyreit should be 6016:41
brainwashyou can query some information in the terminal via "xrandr -q"16:41
brainwash-> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/xrandr16:43
brainwashit's a universal tool, not distro or desktop specific16:44
mkgyrebeen toying in that the last few minutes16:44
mkgyrewill post settings momentarily16:45
mkgyrekgyre@kgyre-laptop:~$ xrandr -q Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 800, maximum 8192 x 8192 VGA-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) LVDS connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 331mm x 207mm    1280x800       59.9*+    1280x720       59.9      1152x768       59.8      1024x768       59.9      800x600        59.9      848x480        59.7      720x480        59.7      640x480   16:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:46
brainwashI guess we need to wait for your live iso results16:49
xubuntu838is anybody here?16:49
xubuntu838i am so tired16:49
baizon!ask | xubuntu83816:49
ubottuxubuntu838: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:49
mkgyreThanks for the help all.....will do a live boot and see where we land.16:50
xubuntu838i have no idea what happened,but after i reboot system,my xfce panel appearse for several seconds and then disappearse16:50
xubuntu838also,if i add some command in autostart,it behaves the same way16:51
kgyrewell....interesting gents.  I am speaking to you all now via a 14.04 live boot, not a flicker one.  refresh is set at 59.9 so that must not be the issue17:01
kgyrealso, I wish I would have notated more of the line but when I did the update, I noticed the ALSA driver said something as I did the restart to finish the update.  I dont recall what that driver is for but it could be graphical17:05
kgyrenope...that would be sound. nevermind that17:05
kgyreso says google17:05
Engine234i want to think like a computer hacker17:45
Engine234i want to learn linux and forget windows, windows filled with distractions17:45
Engine234games? movies? c'mon. no more apps. no more neverending flood of media17:45
Engine234i want to have total control of all information that comes in and out17:45
bazhang!ot | Engine23417:45
ubottuEngine234: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:45
Engine234god i really dont like you bazhang17:46
Engine234please shut up17:46
scottxrichmonddoes anyone by chance have some time to assist me in trying to get a wireless adapter working in my 14.04 LTS installation? Sorry, linux newb here. I can provide whatever information is needed. I took this box from ubuntu server to xubuntu-desktop using apt-get and I think the issue may be related to a network-manager/ifupdown conflict, but I'm not sure.18:16
scottxrichmondJust as a note I have tried installing the b43 installer and using ndiswrapper. lsusb shows the device, but it doesnt show as an available interface18:17
Quantibilityhey where are the output files for the start upsequence? ya know the ones that show the process then wether it is ok or not? <ok> or <fail> things?18:35
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:37
chrisinthedarkhelp me please19:16
Jasonborneeim installing xubuntu on an oold laptop and it's stuck at 75% for the past 2 hours21:11
Jasonborneeis this normal21:11
Jasonbornee"configuring bcmwl-kernel source(amd64)21:12
Jasonborneethat's the stage i'm at21:12
bekksSo how old is that laptop, and which processor does it have?21:12
Jasonborneeamd turion 64, like 10 years old21:12
Jasonborneegreat support channel21:25
knomeJasonbornee, please remember we are all volunteers and that answers are not always available.21:30
Unit193But I can say, 2 hours isn't normal.21:39
Unit193500MHz celeron didn't take that long a couple years ago.21:39
Wlsonjl3heya, how do i hook my samsung galaxy ace 2x up to my laptop using bluetooth? when i search for it with the bluetooth thing already installed it can't pick it up21:44
lderanare both things set to be discoverable?21:47
Wlsonjl3was thinking maybe there is a driver or something like that i'm missing?21:48
Wlsonjl3cant connect to my LG nexus, either21:53
lderanis it a dell laptop by any chance?21:55
lderanah okay21:55
lderansome dells are a bit finicky with bluetooth from what I can recall21:55
Wlsonjl3no never had problems before when i was running windows21:55
Wlsonjl3cant see it when its plugged in either22:01
Wlsonjl3it keeps sayin "failure to mount "android""22:02
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