[00:00] netlar, i dont know, try askubuntu.com === Madkiss_ is now known as Madkiss [00:00] netlar: what's the package name? (dpkg -l | grep -i chrome) [00:01] havarka: See, this is what I still get after uninstalling Google Chrome http://imgur.com/hvonYjr === corey_ is now known as Guest98499 === Monotoko is now known as Guest4682 [00:03] netlar, i understand but cannot help you [00:03] http://pastebin.com/2r5KYkNf this it what I get when I run dpkg [00:03] arooni-mobile: you good? [00:05] netlar, that openchrome driver has nothing to do with chrome browser, that is oke [00:05] he just unninstaled chrome, so that command its not gonna show anything [00:05] join #America [00:05] OerHeks: Great, but that is all I get when I run the dpkg command [00:06] I just seems like some kind of application shortcut [00:06] How can I find that [00:06] but you just removed chrome, not logged out yet, so the folder cache still gives you an icon, what leads to nothing as you already found out === hxm is now known as Guest53837 === Jason__ is now known as JasonH [00:07] ok, let me log out === Tzunamii_ is now known as Tzunamii === felipealmeida_ is now known as felipealmeida === Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale === Sickki_ is now known as Sickki === chris_sg is now known as chrissg === inaddy is now known as tinoco [00:07] eeee, i need ot eat something [00:07] ill let u know [00:07] when i get back [00:07] in any case [00:07] thanks for all the help === Plas is now known as Plasmastar [00:08] ok, np === kairos_ is now known as kairos === ryanhellyer_ is now known as ryanhellyer [00:10] Alrighty guys, I'm still having trouble: http://paste.ee/p/BRovI. The requested URL /support/setup/ was not found on this server. [00:10] Ok, that worked, the empty link is no longer there === grepory_ is now known as grepory [00:11] So the purge command removes the PPA also? === maZtah_ is now known as maZtah [00:13] heyyy [00:13] Thanks guys for all your help [00:15] Maybe I just needed to log out in the first place [00:18] no, purge remove config files as well not only app itself [00:28] xscreensaver and minidlna wont autostart at boot, and manage launcher will make launchers but you cant edit them in the app, any clues on these problems in 14.04? [00:31] hello [00:31] what would I use to monitor every command a user executes? [00:31] fyi: I am root [00:31] minidlna starts on login, afaik [00:31] no it doesnt thats the problem [00:32] whenever it is supposed to autostart, it doesnt [00:32] boot<>login [00:32] look, be technical all you want pretty sure after my last comment you know what i meant [00:32] walshbot...dude...welcome back! [00:33] ¿Public que? [00:33] ¿Public que? [00:33] ¿Public que? [00:33] CrazyEddy...dude...welcome back! [00:33] did you really chime in with 0 constructive information to be anal about boot or login? [00:33] I need to share a 3G internet connection with a wifi adhoc network, how do I do this? [00:33] ¿Public que? [00:33] ¿Public que? [00:34] ok... [00:36] apparently so [00:38] hello. I'm getting random crashes which completely freeze my desktop. My guess is that compiz+nvidia 340 drivers do not work well together [00:39] since I'm stuck with 340 for cuda tools, what are my options ? [00:39] What? [00:39] qwerkus: what ?! [00:41] What what ? Which part do you want me to further explain ? === lalalalalalalani is now known as lala|afk [00:42] qwerkus: Are you using Unity? (If yes, have you tried resetting unity?) === lala|afk is now known as lala [00:42] Snake2k: till now yes. But to have this chat running smoothly, I had to kill compiz, which also kills unity [00:43] how can i use my swap partition ? [00:43] !lmsensors [00:43] To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions. [00:43] kristenbb: by use you mean...? === superspring_ is now known as superspring [00:44] eeee: i mean I have created a swap partition, but free still shows 0 swap [00:44] swapon [00:44] qwerkus: Damn :| I personally would try resetting unity ("dconf reset -f /org/compiz/" [provided that you have dconf-tools and you have ubuntu 13.04+]) [00:44] mkswap [00:44] kristenbb, open 100 webpages [00:44] hold on [00:44] eeee: swapon works, but i don't want to have to manually set it [00:44] you have to add to fstab [00:45] eeee: i already have an entry there, but i think it's not enough [00:45] qwerkus: That resets unity and compiz [00:45] ok, go for a reset [00:45] eeee: the entry says /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0 [00:45] restarting x, see ya in a min [00:46] qwerkus: Alright [00:46] kristenbb: sudo update-initramfs -u [00:47] ah hold on [00:47] that's for using the swap for hibernation [00:47] no sure the reset worked: i still have my custom launchers on the bar [00:48] qwerkus: I'd also take a look at logs like /var/log/xorg.whatever.it.is and /var/log/daemon.whatever [00:48] qwerkus: What custom launchers? -_- [00:48] qwerkus: lol [00:48] you're supposed to modify /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume with RESUME=UUID= , then update-initramfs [00:49] Snake2k: blender launcher :) xorg logs a lot of nvidia errors [00:49] kristenbb: when you reboot free -m doesn't show anything? [00:49] qwerkus: favorites use a different set of keys in dconf [00:49] qwerkus: Aaahhhh, could you post the logs for me? [00:49] ^^^ [00:49] eeee: well it does show something, but no swap ;) [00:49] * update-initramfs -u [00:50] kristenbb: i guess it's to do with that it's encrypted [00:50] thanks, that means the reset might have worked [00:51] eeee: the home is encrypted, yes. but so what should I do ? [00:51] since the restart, I have no errors to report. If it crashes again, I will post them [00:51] qwerkus: Well, that's good news... I guess... lol [00:51] ola [00:52] * Snake2k hugs haosul_nebun. [00:52] hola [00:52] soy nuevo en ubuntum y acabo de instalar el so [00:52] alquien me podiar aconsejar... [00:52] haosul_nebun: I have no idea what you just said... [00:52] !es | haosul_nebun [00:52] haosul_nebun: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [00:52] dunno. Yesterday, all seemed fine when I finally got blender to recon my cuda gpu. And today, bam: random crashes [00:53] qwerkus: It could be blender... Custom launchers used to make my life hell. [00:53] eeee: so what should I do to be able to use my swap ? [00:53] nah. This is basically just a console showing up, with blender in debug mode [00:53] Hmmmm weird [00:54] Let me know if you get hit by another crash, the logs could help pin point the problem. === justinS_ is now known as jhsimpson [00:55] !es [00:55] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [00:55] !sk [00:55] Žiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz. [00:55] kristenbb, seen this wiki ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnableHibernateWithEncryptedSwap [00:55] !sk [00:55] !sl [00:55] OerHeks: my question is not about hibernate, it's just about using swap [00:56] sure. Crossing fingers here. I even launched some flash vids, which used to be a good crash trigger. What I definitely don't get, is why an X crash would freeze the entire comp. ctrl+alt+f1 tty just wouldn't respond anymore. === lala is now known as lalala|afk [00:56] kristenbb: http://askubuntu.com/questions/463661/encrypted-swap-partition-for-14-04 [00:56] qwerkus: That doesn't even respond? :| [00:56] qwerkus: Weird++ :| [00:57] ah: here we go. Firefox just crashed again. [00:57] Hmmmmm [00:57] impossible [00:57] no complete freeze though this time [00:58] mattxtn: i had seen this link but i wasn't sure what to do after reading it ?! [00:58] . [00:58] http://paste.ubuntu.com/8201689/ [00:58] xorg didn't log any error this time [01:00] hello hello [01:00] hello hello [01:02] qwerkus: Well, Firefox crashing shouldn't be Xorg === greeng is now known as cobracommand [01:07] ok, while we're at it, next question: I keep having this notification "an error has occured when checking for updates"; yet console apt-get update works fine [01:08] qwerkus: that's it? [01:08] qwerkus, post commands and errors in a pastebin [01:08] the whole terminal session === owner is now known as Guest76413 [01:09] Beldar: no command error. As stated, apt-get update works just fine. Yet I get this notification in the toolbar. What command is invoked there ? [01:10] qwerkus, a popup? [01:11] yet, red one way sign [01:11] qwerkus: try to launch it from the terminal, software-properties-gtk [01:11] So this machine has been setup for quite a few years, and Ubuntu hides a lot of details from me. How can I tell if I'm using FDE or not? === hewhomust is now known as rannonga [01:11] ha: works, and now it's gone. [01:13] cool [01:13] greetings all === Rez is now known as LoRez [01:14] Oh my; all this fancy gui things. I do love automation, and preset config and all that shiny stuff. But sometimes I just miss my fluxbox. === kerosene is now known as BarkChudson [01:15] : hi [01:15] qwerkus, 14.01? [01:15] I think I broke my system :| [01:15] Snake2k, ? [01:16] Well... I was setting my desktop up (different system) [01:16] I used usermod to change my username from old to new and change the /home/old to /home/new [01:16] Now when I log in to that new user [01:16] No windows... [01:16] I mean the terminal and etc open but no window systems etc... [01:17] It's Xubuntu 14.04, just so you guys know :| [01:17] Snake2k, next time use the backup tool its way easier XD [01:17] blackangelpr: Lmao I know, I guess it's just a problem with the DE (xfce) and compiz not starting up or something [01:18] maybe just delete the .xsession file in .config ? [01:18] XD [01:19] Ha! Yes... Genius :| [01:19] I have a xubuntu machine, and every dist upgrade messes things up [01:19] xfwm4 --replace fixed it lol [01:19] qwerkus: I'll probably do that or something :| [01:20] brb [01:20] iirc there is an annoying option in xfce, which saves your current desktop settings at each session [01:21] Snake2k: i think you're supposed to soft link your new home to your old home [01:21] qwerkus: Yea it's all xfce here [01:21] Snake2k: did you ln -s /home/new /home/old ? [01:21] anyone here know vlc pretty good? [01:21] I am having issues getting it to play a video, it will however play sound. [01:22] eeee: Well, everything is fine really, xfwm and xfce aren't starting up like they should [01:22] have been using it since bet 0.9 [01:22] Red_X: coded issue.... VLC will do most everything, but some stuff is still so foreign that you will need to find the EXACT codec for that specific video.. [01:22] brb all [01:22] codec** not Coded... [01:22] ahh, well its MP4 [01:23] It says its MP4 [01:23] i downloaded the stuff I had to go into sudo for [01:23] the extra stuff, were i had to agree to winblows stuff [01:23] I run into this all the time with asian security DVR's for camera systems... [01:23] but i had a wmv file i try to play, and I do have the same issue [01:23] Sheriff's all the time calling b/c they need me to find the right codec... VLC gets a lot of them, but still not all.. [01:24] it was working fine for a while, then it just stoped [01:24] hmmm... thats a horse of a different color... [01:24] Might you have processed some updates recently? [01:24] If so, I recommend uninstall/reinstall VLC completely.. that might help.. [01:24] yes, like 3 days ago someone, i forget who helped me download some codecs and stuff [01:24] isn't there a simple option in ubuntu allowing you to install proprietary codecs. I remember having selected something like this [01:24] i have done that === Tsunami is now known as Guest70791 [01:25] then a lib that VLC is using must be busted.. [01:25] and you are sure the vid is not broken ? [01:25] yes [01:25] its not just one file, its every file i have [01:25] When I enable discrete nvidia card, powertop reports lower power usage than if I only have Intel card enabled (seems odd to me). The issue is that resuming from standby fails if I have nvidia card enabled. [01:25] sometimes I have luck starting the file in terminal and seeing what the output says about the failures to render.. [01:26] tigrang: we should be so lucky... [01:26] Red_X: you tried to launch vlc in a console, and see what it logs ? [01:26] no [01:26] dustinspringman, what do you mean? [01:26] I am not sure how to do that either, to be honest. [01:26] tigrang: nvidia card using lower power than the intel.. =D [01:26] you use nautilus as file browser ? [01:27] dustinspringman, seems odd right? Intel only its 11W, with discrete enabled through BIOS its 7-8W [01:27] qwerks, i have no idea what you are talking about [01:27] tigrang: I've given up trying to get optimus or bumblebee, or whatever to work with my laptop.. I just run intel.. it does pretty well.. though I don't game anymore.. (no time).. [01:27] Red_X, delete the vlc in ~/.config and see if it works better [01:27] dustinspringman, I dont care about the performance lol, I just want the battery life [01:28] I am not sure how to do a lot of things on here, I figured I would try ubuntu, so, I am not sure how to do stuff beldar [01:28] I got tired of winblows always crashing [01:28] tigrang: yea, that's why I stuck with the intel.. whenever I enabled the nvidia, my machine would heat up and chew up the battery.. =/ [01:28] ok, I can walk you through the basics [01:28] Red_X: Nautilus is the default file manager.. [01:28] ok [01:28] dustinspringman, on mine its the opposite tho heh [01:29] Red_X: when you open "home" or "downloads" or anything like that, its the "windows explorer" of Ubuntu [01:29] Red_X, Go to home hit ctrl-h to unhide files go to .config open it and delete the vlc config [01:29] tigrang: what kind of laptop and optimus card(s) you got? === dayangkun is now known as dayangkun_pto [01:29] Hello [01:29] tigrang: I have an Intel HD7000 and Geforce M555 [01:29] dustinspringman, lenovo Z50, intel 4400 and nvidia 820 [01:30] beldar, delete the file vlc in the .config folder? [01:30] Red_M, yes [01:30] hehe [01:30] tigrang: I guess its possible that the nvidia in your machine is simply a more efficient GPU.. I've never seen that before tho.. and I've had about 6 optimus enabled laptops now.. [01:30] M [01:30] =p [01:31] ok beldar, i moved it to trash [01:31] and now its emptied, what now? [01:31] Red_X, is vlc closed? [01:31] dustinspringman, I dont think its even in use - I dont have bumblebee or whatever it is, I just enable discrete card in the BIOS and power usage somehow goes down [01:31] I'm back humans [01:31] yes [01:32] Red_X, So now vlc is the same as it would be when installed, see if it works for what you need with it. [01:32] Red_X: something to remember with Ubuntu.. most .config files will rebuild themselves with default values whenever you delete them and then restart the application.. It's a handy trick when you mangle things or bunk updates break things.. [01:32] dustinspringman, glxinfo shows OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Mobile === peter is now known as Guest58667 [01:33] now its not doing anything bahaha [01:33] and in the video player that comes with ubuntu [01:33] i get no sound, but it plays the video [01:33] weird, no? [01:34] Red_X, Have you installed the restricted-extras? What are you trying to play, we need details. [01:34] yes i have [01:34] that is what i did like 3 days ago, do i need to do it again now? [01:35] tigrang: sounds right.... what FPS you getting? [01:35] two questions Red_M read carefully and answer [01:35] dustinspringman, im not gaming [01:35] oh [01:35] tigrang: than you are the luckiest optimus owner I've met! XD [01:35] Red_X, two questions, read carefully and answer [01:35] yes i did, and its a mp4 flie [01:36] dustinspringman, well if I can get standby to work then I'll agree with you [01:36] tigrang: ....hmmm... what was the problem again? Locks up when resuming? === tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson [01:36] dustinspringman, yup [01:36] tigrang: 14.04? [01:37] dustinspringman, screen turns on, but capslock/numlock dont toggle (the light for them), and cursor doesnt move [01:37] yea [01:37] tigrang: you get anything on the screen at all? or just blank? Yea to 14.04? [01:38] Yes to 14.04, and screen does turn on, I can see my DE, but its just locked up [01:38] I had excatly the same error yesterday. Are you using nvidia proprietary drivers ? [01:39] qwerkus, nope, opensource one [01:39] well, turns out I had to purge nouveau (foss), and install the 340 bin version from nvidia [01:39] tigrang: I found a forum post.. people are sayign to use the proprietary.. fixes your issue [01:39] tigrang: http://askubuntu.com/questions/455639/ubuntu-14-04-system-freezes-on-wakeup-from-suspended-state [01:40] dustinspringman, ok I'll give it a shot, thanks [01:40] tigrang: qwerkus is on the money.. its a bug in the mesa driver.. install proprietary and hope it doesn't eat your batt, or deal with the resume.. [01:41] yes but beware: as told earlier, I got random crashes here, using the very same prop. drivers [01:42] dustinspringman, whered you see the info about it being a bug in mesa? [01:44] tigrang: i read the post wrong, that was from 2010.. sorry.. Not a confirmed "bug"... [01:46] np [01:47] Will ubuntu touch release on newer phones when utopic comes out? [01:47] or is there any news rummors etc of when they will look at newer hardware? [01:48] tigrang: but it does look like a recurring problem with the mesa drivers and nvidia hardware.. [01:48] dustinspringman, im going to try mesa git packages first [01:48] qwerkus, I'll report back if that helps ;) [01:49] tigrang: probably a good idea.. as I said.. I've not had luck with nvidia prop drives on my optimus cards... even with bumblebee and all that, never really worked as desired... the only times I could get the FPS, I was frying my hardware..... [01:50] good idea. Yet I need the nvidia bin anyway for blender [01:50] dustinspringman, you got a laptop and a frying pan for the price of one - think thats a sweeet deal :P [01:51] tigrang: pretty expensive frying pan.. luckily I was aware of the potential and only let it run like that for a couple minutes.. when psensor started talking 187deg F', I said "nope" [01:53] hmm, sensors shows N/a for nvidia card [01:53] anybody here ever used pwauth for apache? [01:54] doesn't matter. Psensors calls nvidia-smi to get the temp [01:55] tigrang: that's not unusual either.. psensors will give you a close enough number.. even though it doesn't report directly from the GPU [01:56] ok [01:56] qwerkus: you've got psensors getting GPU temp on nvidia cards? [01:57] sure. I use the latest build. [01:57] qwerkus: what card do you have? [01:57] Does any one know hoto remove this awful nouveau driver [01:57] ive tried everything [01:57] qwerkus: I've tried and tried but on optimus enabled laptops, I've never been successful at getting true GPU temp in psensors... [01:57] blacklist? [01:58] wmantly: how about using ubuntu-drivers ? [01:58] Im server, and yes ive black listed === ee is now known as Guest68023 === Guest68023 is now known as eeee [01:59] qwerkus: is that the package name for addition drivers [01:59] dustinspringman> what do you mean by "true GPU temp" ? [01:59] wmantly, you have to sudo update-initramfs -u [02:00] qwerkus: as in, the GPU reports N/A for temp.. I only get ambient system temps and CPU core temps.. [02:00] Neldogz: no, what does that doo [02:01] sudo apt-get --purge remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau [02:01] works ? [02:01] i have for less than 1 week ago installed xubuntu 14.04, now i have finally fixed the wired internet connection and updated and even upgraded all program package but wifi does still not work, can someone help me to fix the wifi? [02:01] Does any one know the package name for "additional drivers" [02:01] qwerkus: tried that too [02:01] wmantly, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Initramfs [02:01] what does nvidia-settings say ? can you see the temp there ? [02:02] wmantly, The initramfs carries the modules needed for mounting your rootfs [02:02] if you dont update it after your changes.. you aren't loading the new modules.. [02:02] like i sad i have xubuntu version 14.04? [02:02] qwerkus: negative.. nvidia-settings won't even work on my current laptop.. .being a lame software based optimus setup, I don't even have the "discrete" option in my bios.... Are you using an optimus laptop or a desktop with a real Nvidia card? [02:03] you tried nvidia-smi ? [02:03] dustinspringman, use bumblebee [02:03] nah: I have a desktop card [02:03] Neldogz: I've tried bumblebee many many times.. when I can get it to work, it runs the temp WAY WAY up.... [02:04] qwerkus: now I understand.. my desktop nvidia card works as expected... the Optimus laptop fakey setup is where I've lost hope... I just leave it with the intel sandybridge drivers now and it's good enough for basic compute.. [02:04] if you purged nouveau, maybe you can just install the proprietary bin ? [02:04] brb* [02:05] wmantly, any luck? [02:06] my install is ubuntu server 12.04, im am trying to use this box to mine, i put a Nvvidia card in there and tried to install there driver, but it wont install from nouveau being there [02:06] dustinspringman, is bumblebee switching on your discreet graphics only when you game? or is it always on? [02:06] qwerkus: no, still says no, even after root [02:07] what about the GUI to install drivers, whats the name of that [02:07] i want to try from there [02:07] so its complaining about noveau existing and wont let you install the nvidia modules/ [02:07] ? [02:08] Neldogz: yea, being loaded [02:08] ive blacklisted, removed packages, it always there [02:09] i have for less than 1 week ago installed xubuntu 14.04, now i have finally fixed the wired internet connection and updated and even upgraded all program package but wifi does still not work, can someone help me to fix the wifi? [02:09] software-properties-gtk [02:09] like i sad i have xubuntu version 14.04? [02:09] wmantly [02:09] qwerkus: thnx [02:09] last tab on the right, may take up to half a minute to load the different drivers options [02:10] qwerkus: no dice, last tab is statics === rrrre445534 is now known as the_mighty_bogan [02:12] ?? I got 5 tabs there, first one being "Ubuntu Software", the last being "Additional Drivers" [02:13] qwerkus: what ubuntu version [02:13] 14.04 [02:13] qwerkus: im on ubuntu 12.04 lts [02:13] in 12.04, you can use jockey-text --list [02:14] the gui is jockey-gtx [02:14] i have for less than 1 week ago installed xubuntu 14.04, now i have finally fixed the wired internet connection and updated and even upgraded all program package but wifi does still not work, can someone help me to fix the wifi? [02:14] *gtk [02:14] like i sad i have xubuntu version 14.04? [02:15] what's wrong with the wifi ? [02:15] ibm: lspci |grep ireless #What does that say? [02:15] qwerkus it does not work [02:16] you tried usr13 command ? What does it say ? [02:16] I ruined my desktop :D [02:17] usr13 no output [02:17] I love linux :| [02:17] again ? [02:17] "does not work" is super informative. It will be very difficult for people to help you with that sort of response.... [02:17] qwerkus: Yea but I did something worse lol [02:17] qwerkus: I just had the "What does this button do?" moment and I removed initramf-tools [02:17] ibm: lspci |grep #Find the line that looks like the WiFi interface and show us. [02:17] ibm: does it not detect the card at all? does it not connect to wifi networks it can see? [02:17] like sudo rm -rf * [02:17] qwerkus usr13 ibm@IBM-ThinkPad-R51e:~$ lspci |grep ireless [02:17] ibm@IBM-ThinkPad-R51e:~$ [02:17] qwerkus: All I have now is a mem test on that shit lol [02:17] ibm: lspci #Find the line that looks like the WiFi interface and show us. [02:18] ibm: you forgot the W in wireless.... [02:18] if you grep for ireless, your not going to find much.. [02:18] ibm: iwconfig |pastebinit #Send us the URL [02:18] qwerkus: Anyways, I'll catch you later, peace! [02:18] qwerkus: i think thats was it, thanx [02:18] dustinspringman: Not true [02:18] np [02:18] dustinspringman: Don't need the W [02:18] ibm@IBM-ThinkPad-R51e:~$ lspci |grep [02:18] Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]... [02:18] Try 'grep --help' for more information. [02:18] ibm@IBM-ThinkPad-R51e:~$ [02:19] usr13: that's odd... without the w, I don't get results... with the w I do.. [02:19] wmantly, how did you fix it [02:19] witch page to pastebinit? [02:19] lspci lists your devices, | is a tunneling/redirection, and grep is a filter - [02:20] I have a question!! anyone here installed wine on 14.04? I've got two machines stuck on "applying changes" for like 2hrs now.... [02:20] Neldogz: Did not fixed it yet, found the command to the GUI for installing drivers [02:21] ok [02:21] !details | dustinspringman, [02:21] dustinspringman,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) [02:21] cfhowlett: really.... [02:21] ubuntu or wine repos ? [02:22] Okay.. I'm installing WINE via the Ubuntu Software Center.... Its' sitting on "applying changes" for 2hrs now... [02:22] wmantly, may not be a good idea to install the proprietary drivers from nvidia [02:22] Neldogz: its a server install with a minimal gnome classic install for x11 forwarding [02:22] usr13 qwerkus witch page to pastebinit? [02:22] dustinspringman: Strange :-/ [02:22] so, there was not menu option, i have like no menu links [02:22] dustinspringman: Can you cancel it yet? [02:22] Welp, I just force quit one of them... [02:22] Which is better mysql or mongodb? [02:23] and it now shows its "installed"... [02:23] dustinspringman, see wilt alt-tab if there is an hidden dialog window waiting [02:23] ibm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ [02:23] wmantly, ok [02:23] OerHeks: I did that.. nothing in the background I could find.. [02:23] wmantly, in that case do you really need to install the driver? [02:23] Force Quit and re-opening Ubuntu Software Center appears to have got it done.. I'm gonna test some stuff.. BRB [02:24] Neldogz: coin mining [02:24] usr13 qwerkus http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202174/ [02:25] wmantly: its a headless server, it didnt even have a gfx card 1hr ago [02:25] ibm: nice little atheros wlan chip you got yourself here. Should work under ubuntu [02:25] Neldogz: its a headless server, it didnt even have a gfx card 1hr ago [02:25] Yep! Its' working... Just seemed odd that both of these fresh 14.04.1 loads hung on "applying changes" on the WINE install, but it actually finished the wine and even got the second download "microsoft windows compatibility layer" as well.. even tho the USC was stuck.. [02:26] wmantly, ah well for coin mining it will be necessary [02:26] qwerkus i use xubuntu 14.04 [02:26] qwerkus not ubuntu but it should be the same [02:26] yes [02:27] Neldogz: yea, i have several linux installs on a few boxes, mint and ubuntu have been head aches, debian and windows didnt give me an issue [02:27] can you manually set the connection with iwconfig ? [02:29] qwerkus: sweet, that worked perfect, gave me the newest drive with just a few clicks [02:30] one other question can i mix and NVidia install and an ADM install? [02:30] qwerkus i do not have the wifi network settings like i should between the time clock? [02:30] qwerkus how can i get that [02:31] wmantly, amd? [02:31] Neldogz: yes amd [02:31] you have 2 video cards, one amd and one nvidia on the same box? [02:31] ibm: the desktop applet is caled nm-applet [02:31] yea [02:32] thats what was left for this box [02:32] of what GFX cards i had [02:32] i am not sure , never tried that actually [02:32] i think i can [02:32] you should be able to ... [02:32] qwerkus i do not now how to wifi connect text based [02:32] since im not using them for graphics [02:32] it's a struggle to sometimes get one graphics card to work properly.. you are goign for gold [02:32] ibm: http://docs.xubuntu.org/1304/internet-networks.html [02:32] :) [02:33] on my xubuntu box, when autoconfig fails during boot, the xfce won't load the network-manager. I have to load it manually, and than it works just fine [02:34] ibm: sorry, 1404 not 1304 in the link [02:34] wmantly, i did some quick googling around and it appears that no [02:35] wmantly, if you can in fact mix both.. it will be with great difficulty [02:35] qwerkus i am using the wired connection [02:35] qwerkus but i want the wifi connection [02:36] im going to give it a shot, remember im not using them graphics or monitors [02:36] did you enable wi-fi ? [02:36] qwerkus how? [02:37] qwerkus i do not now how? [02:37] it's in the network-manager menu, as explained in the documentation link I sent you [02:37] qwerkus i missed it [02:38] Should install mysql or mariadb? [02:38] qwerkus can you send it again [02:38] http://docs.xubuntu.org/1404/internet-networks.html#network-troubleshooting [02:38] ok folks [02:38] that's it for tonight [02:38] see ya [02:39] Qwk: [02:39] terminator, the one your most comfortable with [02:39] i have a problem in my ubuntu system, and i'm not able to install any new package [02:40] terminator, what are you trying to do? [02:40] Just learning sql rdbms [02:41] well.. you cant go wrong with mysql [02:41] oaulakh: what happens [02:41] i second mysql, used for 10years [02:42] I used mysql in windows but i want to install something else in linux. [02:42] Very basic graphics driver question - http://pastebin.com/w4yLC7dE [02:43] hello [02:43] ? [02:43] I am confused with two mariadb and mongodb [02:44] o do [02:44] I am unable to see files on the desktop [02:44] terminator: what do u want to do [02:45] i downloaded a file to desktop and unable to see the file on the desktop [02:45] please help.. [02:45] I also want to install LNMP bundle too because most cms these days are switching from mysql to mariadb. [02:45] Siesmaxer, What ubuntu release? [02:45] boggle, [02:45] qwerkus i can not see if it is enabled or not http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [02:45] boggle, does your card use optimus? [02:46] Neldogz: sorry, i don't know what that is [02:46] it's a power saving feature.. basically optimus kicks in when it senses a game or an application that makes use of the GPU === jack is now known as Guest88669 [02:47] on a laptop for example, on my MSI the power button glows amber when the system is using the GPU.. for example when i launch a game [02:47] why does ubuntu use more battery than windows on my laptop? [02:47] when its not using the GPU it goes back to white.. but all laptops are diffrent [02:47] Because it is linux. [02:47] Siesmaxer, You have to turn on show files on desktop. [02:48] Linux is server os. [02:48] Beldar, it s the latest 14.0.3 [02:48] terminator: could it be perhaps the ACPI drivers are generic? [02:48] Beldar, How do I turn on/ [02:48] ? [02:48] Beldar, I am new here.. [02:48] Siesmaxer, Install unity-tweak I believe there is a control there. [02:48] Yeah pc generally are build for windows. [02:49] i have a problem in my ubuntu 14.04 system, and i'm not able to install any new package [02:49] terminator: i wanted to reverse engineer an ACPI driver from the toshiba windows driver [02:49] i have a problem in my ubuntu 14.04 system, and i'm not able to install any new package http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202309/ [02:49] boggle, so in order to enable optimus in Ubuntu you have to install bumblebee [02:49] terminator: I dont know where to start tbh [02:50] boggle, so if you havent then that means that the GPU is always enagaged that is of course if you have optimus [02:50] Intel and microsoft work together for building acpi it impossible to reverse enginee. [02:50] is it a bad idea to host my own vpn on a maching in my living room? using openvpn? [02:50] Beldar, Unable to install tweak [02:50] phat4life, no its a good idea [02:50] How bad are ppa's. I see so many sites that have interesting applications, but you need to add a ppa to get them [02:50] phat4life, but i would recommend pfsense [02:51] !info unity-tweak [02:51] Package unity-tweak does not exist in trusty [02:51] what about hosting it in the cloud [02:51] !info tweak [02:51] terminator: i'm pretty sure I could use a kvm and read the packets coming from guest to host? [02:51] like, if i ran opensvn on a linux instance [02:51] tweak (source: tweak): Efficient text-mode hex editor. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.01-8 (trusty), package size 45 kB, installed size 148 kB [02:51] terminator: guest being windows host being ubuntu [02:51] phat4life, yes thats good too [02:51] i have a problem in my ubuntu 14.04 system, and i'm not able to install any new package http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202309/ [02:51] Siesmaxer, I'm not a unity user so others will have to get you to the on switch for it. [02:51] phat4life, you have to ask yourself whats the purpose of the VPN [02:52] Virtual machine right? [02:52] oaulakh, Run sudo apt-get update ans pastebin it. [02:52] and* [02:53] oaulakh: try using synaptic package manager to get the required depenancies it's much eaier [02:53] oaulakh, looks like you downloaded a .deb and cant install it because of dependencies? [02:53] So my touch pad just stopped working all of a sudden and I plugged in a usb mouse and it works. How do I get my touchpad to work again? running ubuntu 14.04 [02:53] Neldogz: this is mostly just a learning exercise [02:53] command not found === Zachary_DuBois is now known as themacproguy [02:54] Ha ha === themacproguy is now known as Zachary_DuBois [02:54] qwerkus i can not see if it is enabled or not http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [02:54] qwerkus i can not see if it is enabled or not http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [02:54] Neldogz: and then convert to a chef recicpe [02:54] oaulakh, use nicks here, what command? [02:55] Is it true of 1 gets alot of Traffic into there website would they be able to be searched on Google? [02:55] darkangel, Not a ubuntu support issue. [02:55] k [02:56] EternalScholar, don't you have a touchpad Fn button? [02:56] yeah, but it doesn't do anything? [02:56] oaulakh, install gdebi then install the .deb file using gdebi instead.. this will resolve all the dependencies for you. sudo gdebi package.deb [02:57] EternalScholar, then maybe someone else could help you. [02:57] phat4life, yes then at home that would work as long as you have a way to test it [02:57] alright yeah. [02:58] phat4life, test it inbound from outside [02:58] EternalScholar, Preface with nicks please. Have you just tried a reboot or logout? [02:59] i have not any .deb installation problem [02:59] i just cant install softwares from apt [02:59] oaulakh, whats the error you get? [02:59] nicks, It's a problem that happens randomly and repeatedly, despite my reboots and logouts, with seemingly no logic as to when it does or does not occur [03:00] http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202309/ [03:00] !who | EternalScholar [03:00] EternalScholar: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [03:00] oaulakh, that error is a dependency problem [03:00] i can not see if the wifi is enabled or not someone who nows http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [03:00] EternalScholar, You have a nick that is a oxymoron. ;) [03:00] Neldogz : yeah right [03:00] Neldogz : how to make it work [03:00] how to i re-enable wifi after a reinstall of ubuntu 14.04 desktop [03:00] Beldar, So should I do it licke this hten? [03:01] oaulakh, where is urar-free .. is that on your computer? [03:01] I think it's unrar, Neldogz [03:01] ubottu: i tried to remove broken packages complete from synaptic package [03:01] oaulakh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [03:02] teololtoy, yes you are correct [03:02] Neldogz : no [03:02] Neldogz, if you're talking about the compression package. [03:02] html maybe the same problem as you for me it was after installing xubuntu 14.04 [03:02] Neldogz : i was trying to install it [03:02] Neldogz : but this is what i'm facing [03:03] html it is always problem with wifi [03:03] oaulakh, apt-get -f install unrar-free [03:03] oaulakh, sudo apt-get -f install unrar-free [03:03] Neldogz : not working [03:03] EternalScholar, yes "licke this hten?" heh...heh. [03:03] Neldogz : i tried it before [03:03] oaulakh, Neldogz, I believe the package is called unrar , and nothing else [03:04] whats the error you get when you try with the -f [03:04] Beldar, Yeah, I have some typing issues sometimes, trying to balance multiple things. + I am new to ubuntu [03:04] html see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [03:04] teololtoy, oaulakh http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/trusty/multiverse/base/unrar [03:05] Neldogz : command not found [03:05] oaulakh, try just unrar === ubuntu is now known as Guest93740 [03:05] html can you see if it is enabled or not when you type the same thing http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [03:05] Neldogz : still same command not found [03:05] ibm, i got it to work [03:05] show us what you are typing [03:06] ibm, i can help you if you want [03:06] html how [03:06] oaulakh, show us what you are typing [03:06] html i can not see if it is enabled or not http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [03:06] really all i need now though is to setup secure ssh to my box [03:06] ibm, enable the drivers it the addittion driver menu [03:07] Neldogz : this is what what i'm getting "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [03:07] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [03:07] " [03:07] is there anything more i should do for ssh other than ssh keys to make it more secure? [03:07] and passwords [03:08] looks like oaulakh gave up [03:09] Is there a way to make a Client for Ubuntu that is Linked to a website? or something like that [03:09] wait am i going to have to get a dyndns server to be able to ssh into my home ubuntu machine? [03:09] Is there info in Wiki for it? [03:09] for any ip basically [03:09] html i do not have any wifi settings between the clock [03:10] html how to enable http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [03:11] html i can not see if the wifi is enabled or not http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [03:12] i can not see if the wifi is enabled or not someone who? nows http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [03:13] i can not see if the wifi is enabled or not someone who nows? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [03:13] ibm [03:13] ibm: iwconfig [03:14] Beldar, are you still there? [03:14] EternalScholar, yes [03:15] Beldar, I am having problems with rdesktop, are you able to help with that? [03:15] http://willwarren.com/2014/07/03/roll-dynamic-dns-service-using-amazon-route53/ [03:15] interesting [03:15] wmantly http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202443/ [03:15] EternalScholar, You have to just state the issue, if we know or think we do, generally we answer. [03:16] !display [03:16] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [03:16] Sigh, damned eee pc 900hd wifi card, just cant get it working === zzz_Ridley is now known as Ridley5 [03:16] wmantly how to enable wifi [03:16] wmantly how to enable wifi [03:16] wmantly http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202443/ [03:16] I am having a problem with Rdekstop in which I am getting an error connecting to a friend's computer with no other indication of what went wrong other than "unable to connect" [03:16] ibm: it is on [03:16] sex [03:16] sec [03:17] I've been working on it, I downloaded a package that forums said would work, but I got invalid character in version number or such [03:17] qwerkus i can not see if it is enabled or not http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [03:17] qwerkus i can not see if it is enabled or not http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202288/ [03:17] wmantly but i can not chose any wifi connections [03:17] ibm: iwlist wlan0 scan [03:18] Langly, look at lspci in the terminal identify the wifi hardware and include it in your inquiries. [03:19] this is probably a stupid question: you can ssh to a domain right? like, ssh mydomain.com [03:19] wmantly i do not have any wifi connection settings between the system clock [03:19] rtl8187se [03:19] Hello all. So, I'm having problems with Suspend/Hibernate in Ubuntu. When I suspend, my screens go black and my computer slows down, however my left (main) monitor remains on but with a blinking white cursor in the top right corner. Ubuntu never fully suspends. I also cannot wake it up / resume it without hard-rebooting my PC [03:19] ibm: thats what it said? [03:19] goes* [03:19] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MsiWind top google hit has a dead link [03:20] https://forums.eukhost.com/f15/have-realtek-rtl8187se-wireless-ubuntu-will-work-7093/ package throws an invalid character in version error [03:20] I just keep running into dead ends [03:21] phat4life: no, you ssh to a server, with a username. like ssh user@domain.com [03:21] wmantly http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202454/ [03:21] right thanks [03:21] Any ideas, anyone? [03:21] Langly, That link is really old, what ubuntu release is this? [03:22] I downloaded Lubuntu last night, what ever is latest [03:22] hang on [03:22] !who | Langly [03:22] Langly: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [03:23] !who | EternalScholar [03:23] EternalScholar, please see my private message [03:23] heh. [03:23] ibm: rfkill [03:23] anyone use this? http://duckdns.org/faqs.jsp [03:23] i could roll my own dnyanmic dns in aws [03:24] Langly, try this thread. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2226134 [03:24] wmantly http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202471/ [03:24] Beldar should be Lubuntu 14.04 [03:25] ibm: sorry, doing a few things at once, rfkill list [03:25] Beldar trying to find where LiLi USB creator stashed the ISO [03:25] Beldar yeah its Lubuntu 14.04 [03:26] I forgot my btsync password. I'm on Ubuntu, on the actual server. Not sure what to do. I don't mind completely uninstalling. But sudo apt-get remove btsync && sudo apt-get install btsync is not doing it for me. [03:26] Langly, Try the thread I gave yoo. [03:26] you* [03:26] Beldar, will do, thanks [03:27] wmantly http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202492/ [03:28] Very basic graphics driver question - http://pastebin.com/w4yLC7dE [03:28] ibm: its driver issue, the card is powered and on [03:29] ibm: do u know what chipset you use [03:29] wmantly no [03:30] wmantly the processor is from intel [03:30] ibm: try less two [03:30] lspci | grep -i intel [03:30] lspci | grep -i wireless [03:31] Hello, can someone please help me changing my computer name? (ubuntu 14.04) I am kinda new to ubuntu === demon_spork is now known as demonspork [03:31] Hello, can someone please help me changing my computer name? (ubuntu 14.04) I am kinda new to ubuntu [03:32] PrinceKhaled, The user name? [03:32] Beldar, can you answer one of my question please? [03:33] Sorry about this, but how can i send a pm? [03:33] terminator, None that are clear or within my pay grade. ;) [03:34] Beldar, how can I send you a private message? [03:34] boggle: Hybrid graphics > see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics , http://rudrageek.com/linux-now-supports-hybrid-graphics-systems-ubuntu-13-10/ , https://wiki.debian.org/Bumblebee , http://www.webupd8.org/2013/08/using-nvidia-graphics-drivers-with.html . [03:34] wmantly http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202518/ [03:34] !pm | PrinceKhaled [03:34] PrinceKhaled: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [03:35] lspci [03:35] Okay, so my problem is I need to change my computer name on ubuntu 14.04 [03:35] ibm: lspci [03:35] PrinceKhaled, define computer name. [03:36] PrinceKhaled, tell us what it is I would suppose, changing the use name is not a click and run thing. [03:37] I'm trying to figure out where idle session timeout is defined in 14.04. Another words I want to limit/edit idle login session for users. Google search results are not helpful; it points me to timeoutd (/etc/timeouts) which seems to be not included in 14.04. [03:37] when you open the terminal for example, you have your computer name. I am trying to change it [03:37] wmantly http://paste.ubuntu.com/8202537/ [03:37] lol i still have ubuntu 12.05 [03:37] 12.04 [03:38] when you open the terminal for example, you have your computer name. I am trying to change it (@beldar) [03:38] ibm: 04:02.0 Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01) [03:38] ibm: thats ur wifi card [03:38] PrinceKhaled, This 14.04? [03:38] yes [03:39] ibm: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2166532&p=12751685#post12751685 [03:39] PrinceKhaled: Edit two files: etc/hosts , /etc/hostname . replace the old name with the new one. [03:40] PrinceKhaled, All I could do is give you links, however this is not something I have done and is not beginners stuff, you want a sure helper with this. Personally I would live with it [03:41] ok ty Beldar. I will live with it :) [03:41] PrinceKhaled, this follows Bashing-om's advice. http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/change-hostname-ubuntu1404/ [03:41] !hostname | PrinceKhaled [03:41] PrinceKhaled: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. [03:42] does anyone know how to remotely access a 14.04 computer using an andriod phone? [03:42] PrinceKhaled: what is it you exactly want to do [03:42] wmantly will this work? [03:43] wmantly because i have xubuntu 14.04? [03:43] ibm: thats what others have done to get ur card to work [03:44] wmantly xubuntu 14.04 should be the same as ubuntu? [03:44] hey guys one of my hdds isnt showing up on the bar on the left or in nautilus, it was yesterday. it shows up in fdisk -l though. any ideas [03:45] PrinceKhaled: type the following "sudo su" then "echo yourcomputername > /etc/hostname" [03:45] I will try this [03:45] ibm: it should [03:46] <_unreal_> any one big on doing ubuntu howto post's? [03:46] wmantly ibm@IBM-ThinkPad-R51e:~$ sudo gedit /etc/default/grub [03:46] sudo: gedit: command not found [03:46] ibm@IBM-ThinkPad-R51e:~$ [03:46] kz, could you pastebin a sudo parted -l and identify the missing HD [03:46] shuduo: don't suggest "sudo su" use "sudo -i" instead! PrinceKhaled be warned, following just what shudho suggested with the hostname will break sudo! [03:46] I have installed SUSE in one partition and installed XEN hypervisor in another. Also i use ubuntu as live cd but i want to install it in my hard disk inside XEN as VPS . Where can i start, either via suse yast or from installcd without hampering windows 98,xp,and 7 which is booted via different bootloaders, beldar? [03:46] ok [03:46] PrinceKhaled: you have to reboot after this for changes to take effect [03:46] wmantly it is already not working why [03:46] replace gedit with nano [03:46] terminator, No idea. ;) [03:47] ibm: gedit is test edit program for gnome, use nano [03:47] ibm: text edit === ShapeShifter499 is now known as Doge7666 [03:48] wmantly witch one text edit or nano [03:48] nano [03:50] Ok, I changed the computer name in a poped up file (etc/hostname). Anything else I should do before restarting? [03:51] Okay, I am going to restart my computer. [03:54] changing computername, shouldn't that be done in 2 places? [03:54] #arduino [03:54] wmantly the last one does not work [03:54] PrinceKhaled: I only see you changed the name in 1 file, need to be changed in both prior to rebooting. [03:54] wmantly ibm@IBM-ThinkPad-R51e:~$ service network-manager restart [03:54] stop: Unknown job: network-manager [03:54] start: Unknown job: network-manager [03:54] ibm@IBM-ThinkPad-R51e:~$ [03:55] Hello room, I have an Intel i5 CPU and I only see 2 core's in Ubuntu 14. Is there a drivers pack I can download to help with this? Right now when I apply a little stress to the system it will max out my CPU. [03:55] Thank you guys I think it worked, using this command I found online gksudo gedit /etc/hostname. [03:56] ibm: just reboot, xfce might all it something else [03:56] hey guys, I have a PC with no keyboard/mouse, but I use it for xbmc. It looks like xbmc crashed. How can I start it up again through ssh? [03:56] wmantly are you sure [03:56] anyone know what the binary is called for the mint installer on the live usb [03:56] server irc.rizon.net [03:56] or vnc... in which case i need to get the vnc server connecting to the same x session [03:57] Riplok, please paste your lscpu on paste.ubuntu.com to be sure , not all i5 are quadcores [03:57] ibm: pretty sure, ive been doing this for a while [03:58] hexacode, Mint has there own channel. ;) [03:58] their* [03:58] can I reinstall ubuntu keeping my home folder intact? [03:58] it all one partition [03:58] OerKeks, you are right it is only 2 core :(. I must have grabbed the wrong one out of the pile of parts. [03:58] cheeseboy, It all what the home or the OS? [03:58] wmantly if i do not typ anything else instead will that not damage the system [03:58] Sorry for that oversight on my part [03:59] Beldar, what? [03:59] ibm, the system should come back fine, and it will work or still be broke [03:59] theres 1 partition [03:59] i didnt do seperate /home partition [03:59] cheeseboy, read your statement and my question. [04:00] cheeseboy, you can make one, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving [04:00] Riplok, it is still a little beast, have fun with it [04:00] cheeseboy, I would be backed up no matter what. [04:01] holy fuck this is the most popular channel on snoonet? [04:01] RIP my virginity [04:01] Oerheks, oo i will I have been stress testing the system by running Everquest 2, Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on it lol [04:02] Made a rig out of spare parts i had put away. [04:03] I have kubuntu 14.04 installed and want to switch to xubuntu 14.04. Do I have to reformat and install or is there an easier way? [04:03] (I'm getting tired of KDE and want a change :P) [04:03] coolstar, sudo apt-get install xubuntu and choose it from the log in. [04:04] Beldar: but the kubuntu apps and all would still be there though, right? [04:04] I'm running ubuntu live off a flash drive, does anyone have recommendations for applications I should keep on it? [04:05] coolstar, Some yes, a desktop is a meta package so be careful if you want to remove kubuntu. [04:05] EternalScholar, what do you want to use it for? [04:05] Beldar: hmm, ok [04:06] Riplock, I'm new to the whole Linux scene, and almost completely inexperienced, although generally tech savvy. I'm not really sure what direction I want to go with this, but I've just been using it as a personal computer that I can plug into public computers. [04:06] coolstar, Many of us have multiple desktops so it is your choice really. [04:07] wtf [04:07] wmantly it did not work [04:07] also, I have another laptop I installed xubuntu 14.04 on, but after upgrading some "linux-image" package, the trackpad stopped working [04:07] #defocus is full of nazis [04:07] do not join [04:07] it's the Acer C720 === MattJ is now known as Guest31688 [04:07] wmantly i can not see the wifi connection settings [04:09] wmantly any other things to do maybe? [04:09] wmantly other ides? [04:11] EternalScholar, I'm not sure one what apps to tell you about. There are a ton of them, i like wireshark, gimp, blender, eclipse and SVN. But i play around with game design [04:14] EternalScholar: and you have persistence on the drive? [04:14] My software updater keeps trying to install updates to /boot but i dont want that, how do i make it install onto / ? [04:14] SchrodingersScat, I have 4 GB total, around 2 used up already. [04:15] wait can i talk or no [04:15] dia__, not possible with a mouseclick. [04:15] OerHeks, yeah i dont care if it's with a mouse or not [04:15] EternalScholar: sometimes I throw clamav on there, just in case i'm near a windows machine and want to run clamav from *buntu [04:15] * dia__ former gentoo user [04:16] SchrodingersScat, what is clamav? [04:16] i just dont know this system and it feels clunky but im getting along with it [04:16] What does clamav do? [04:16] can someone help me to fix my wifi? [04:16] !info clamav | EternalScholar [04:16] EternalScholar: clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.1+dfsg-4ubuntu1.1 (trusty), package size 78 kB, installed size 599 kB [04:16] dia__, just remove old kernel packages, and you'll be fine [04:16] Can you elaborate === quem_ is now known as quem [04:17] i am using xubuntu version 14.04 [04:17] dia__, all you need is the current kernel and the one before that, you can easily remove them in softwarecenter/synaptic [04:17] OerHeks, oh so you mean remove the kernels themselves [04:18] EternalScholar: although it probably takes up more space once you update it via freshclam [04:18] SchrodingersScat, ubbottu is aweosme. How do I install? just sudo apt-get clamav? Also: What is freshclam? [04:19] Thanks for the Anti-virus app :) [04:19] EternalScholar: iirc it updates clamav, and you're missing an 'install' there, sudo apt-get install clamav [04:19] ibm: what has happened to your wifi ? [04:19] wait OerHeks [04:19] does that just free up /boot or does it switch the update directory [04:20] dia__, updates do not land in /boot, only kernels AFAIK [04:20] OerHeks, then why is it trying to install updates into my /boot [04:20] and grub ? [04:21] shubho i have installed xubuntu version 14.04 but the wifi does not work i can not see any settings options between the clock === Guest31688 is now known as TheFearow [04:22] ibm: in unity type "additional drivers" [04:22] ibm: you may have to install additional drivers in order to run Wifi [04:23] SchrodingersScat, anything else you rec'mend? [04:23] ibm: was it working when you booted it up using live cd ?? [04:23] EternalScholar: what do you normally do on computers? [04:23] shubho where is the unity [04:23] shubho i have installed it from live usb [04:24] EternalScholar: or do you mean more live maintenance stuff, like gparted, although I think that's default live.. [04:24] ibm:that round icon in the top left corner which is used to launch programs [04:24] SchrodingersScat, Well, at home I game, but that's really more for windows. I was looking into learning more about programming, networking, and cyber-sec, so maybe something up that alley? [04:25] dustinspringman, well newer mesa didnt help [04:25] shubho and it was working fine so i tried to install it again if i did something wrong but it was the same problem [04:25] EternalScholar: nope, not really, there's #ubuntu-offtopic + others where you could probably get some ideas. [04:25] Is there a command to scan the harddrive for Clamav ? [04:26] dustinspringman, but, I got bbswitch, and made a suspend hook which turns nvidia on/off which solves my resume issue :D [04:26] clamscan ??? [04:26] !clam [04:26] !clamav [04:26] shubho so wat do you want me to do? [04:26] dustinspringman, Im going to enjoy my extra hour of battery life now [04:26] Riplok: right, should be clamscan, it has a recursive option, probably -r, should probably read through the manual man clamscan [04:27] ibm: please open up "additional drivers" select the driver [04:27] hi [04:27] Riplok, no man, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV [04:28] I run into a strange bug, maybe someone can help me... [04:28] ibm: please see this link and proceed http://askubuntu.com/questions/47506/how-do-i-install-additional-drivers [04:28] Cool thanks :) [04:28] shubho there is non wifi [04:28] hi can anyone read this? [04:28] gil, state the issue for help [04:28] ok [04:29] when I run: gksudo sh todo.sh [04:29] and todo.sh is: [04:29] ibm: please use the same computer which you are using right now to open up the link [04:29] ibm: and proceed [04:29] why would they pipe clamscan -r /foo/bar/ | grep -i found >> /foo/list when they could clamscan -ir -l /foo/list /foo/bar/ ?? [04:29] wget http://https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb [04:29] it does not work [04:29] why? [04:30] can anyone help me? [04:31] gil, you have http://https:// ... it should be just https:// [04:31] wait, copy paste mistake [04:32] it is wget http://https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb [04:32] wait [04:32] gil, I tried wget https:// and was able to get the file [04:32] I mean with gksudo [04:33] gil: Confusing ....what is your end goal here with 3 sepatate uses/issies ??? what is the relationships you want to establish ? [04:33] gil, that I dont know [04:33] issues* [04:33] they're not separate issues [04:33] gil: I assure you they are .. what is you goal ? [04:34] I need help to fix this problem [04:34] There is no stated problem .. I ask again what is ypur goal ? [04:34] shubho there is non wifi additional drivers [04:35] when I run gksudo wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb it doesnt work [04:35] this is the problem [04:35] the goal is to download google chrome [04:35] just the .deb [04:35] why would you gksudo that? [04:36] because I need to in a script [04:36] shubho there is not any additional drivers [04:36] but when I run it with sudo it works [04:36] but I need gksudo [04:36] gil: do other gksudo commands work? [04:36] yes [04:37] shubho there is only for a sl-modem [04:37] shubho not wifi [04:38] can anyone help me? [04:38] gil: output of ps aux | grep wget ? [04:39] Beldar well Ive got the adapter being seen now, but it always fails authentication, other machines can connect to the AP just fine [04:39] SchrodingerScat, one second pls [04:39] connection failed: bad password [04:39] I will log in in the computer [04:39] 2nd computer [04:39] gil: Yep I can believe that .. 1) wget does not need to be run as any thing other than 'wget", 2) 'gksudo' is a graphical applifier that does not apply in this instance, 3) never use elevated priveleges in your home directory ( where is gksudo sh todo.sh being run from ?) ..:D [04:39] gil: well, do you see any wget processes there? [04:40] yes [04:40] wait a sec, logging on 2nd pc [04:41] I will paste the output of ps aux [04:41] ok this is my second pc [04:41] gil: I think Bashing-om explained it. === sergio is now known as Guest71240 [04:42] root 1837 0.0 0.2 8604 2684 ? S 02:56 0:09 wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb -O playbrowsergooglechrome32.deb [04:42] root 12024 0.2 0.2 8604 2692 ? S 04:54 0:07 wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb -O googlechrome32.deb [04:42] root 12303 0.0 0.2 9488 2192 ? S 04:59 0:00 su -c cd /play/playrepo/data; wget ftp://play-repo8714143:play145782014@ftp.play-linux.com/scripts/googlechrome.bash -O googlechrome.bash; bash googlechrome.bash; [04:42] root 12311 0.0 0.1 6512 1308 ? Ss 04:59 0:00 bash -c cd /play/playrepo/data; wget ftp://play-repo8714143:play145782014@ftp.play-linux.com/scripts/googlechrome.bash -O googlechrome.bash; bash googlechrome.bash; [04:42] root 12317 0.3 0.2 8604 2688 ? S 04:59 0:08 wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb -O googlechrome32.deb [04:42] root 12408 0.0 0.2 9488 2188 ? S 05:01 0:00 su -c cd /play/playrepo/data; wget ftp://play-repo8714143:play145782014@ftp.play-linux.com/scripts/googlechrome.bash -O googlechrome.bash; bash googlechrome.bash; [04:42] gil2 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted [04:42] here [04:43] I need to use gksudo [04:43] so what's the problem? [04:43] hey guys im having trouble connecting to my university wifi [04:43] it keeps asking me the password and user over and over [04:43] and im sure it's right [04:44] gil: I think we disagree, unless you can give a reason that you need to use gksudo for a non-graphical command. [04:44] I am developing a script [04:44] to put in a distro [04:44] and it needs to be gksudo [04:44] easier [04:44] In /etc/fstab, can someone describe to me how to read this line? [04:44] "/dev/sdb1 /srv/node/node3/sdb1 xfs noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8 1 2" [04:45] especially the "1" and "2" at the very end. [04:45] sudo is not graphical [04:45] yet other wifi's like my home one work [04:45] and it needs to be graphical [04:45] what their significance is. [04:45] wget is inside a zenity progress [04:45] , what they mean. [04:45] so that's why I need gksudo [04:45] Beldar tried no security and got a kernel panic [04:46] Did anyone [04:46] did Ubuntu 14.04 has stopped the support of adding ssh keys on login. I have to do ssh-add after login. This was not happening in older Ubuntu versions [04:46] Does anyone know my issue* [04:47] !fstab | developer____ , hopefully this explains: [04:47] developer____ , hopefully this explains:: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [04:47] !pm | gil [04:48] gil: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [04:48] Langly, Not sure myself to be honest. [04:49] I've had enough problems with realtek devices over the years Id like to bonk the devs for that crap on the nose with a rolled up newspaper [04:50] does anyone know why i cant connect to my university wifi? i can usually connect to other wifi's but this one keeps asking me for the user and pass over and over and im sure it's right [04:50] batzy, I would ask their IT dept. [04:51] ugh [04:51] gil: We are here to help, but your stating a non-true event/issue is only confusing us. Break this down in small pieces, As 'gksudo" will not be used to start a script, period. if the script resides in user space, using elevated privileges will have undesired side effects. SO where are we at ?? [04:52] Beldar, its asking about a CA cert [04:52] I'm stating a true event/issue!!!!!!!! I need to run gksudo in a script ok? [04:52] I know what I am doing [04:52] I just need some help [04:52] batzy, no idea here. [04:52] don't worry about the side effects [04:53] also gksudo worked with wget in ftp server [04:53] but https is not working [04:54] Beldar, i think i found the solution [04:56] I have a Conky question, am I in the right channel tho? [04:57] SchrodingersScat were you about to say something to the question I was asking? [04:57] developer____: I was just pointing you to !fstab [04:57] SchrodingersScat were you about to say something to the question I was asking? [04:58] I have a Conky question, am I in the right channel tho? [04:58] gil, I added -q in the wget ... that seems to work for me [04:59] :o really? [04:59] I'm going to try it [04:59] gil, -q is quiet so it does not output to STOUT [04:59] I know [05:00] :o [05:00] it is working [05:00] thank you pavlos [05:00] thank you so much [05:00] gil, np [05:02] Hi all, can someone recommend a good pdfeditor, LibreOffice Draw messes with kerning big time [05:02] thank you pavlos [05:02] gil2, you're welcome [05:03] testing it now on my gui [05:03] this program says my network daemon isnt running [05:03] but it's obviously running.. [05:03] it worked [05:03] what do [05:04] :) [05:04] bye === hari is now known as Guest78203 [05:05] WHY U SAY MY NETWORK DAEMON ISNT RUNNING [05:05] i can’t ssh into my ubuntu box [05:05] i added the id_rsa.pub to my mac [05:06] i call ssh -i id_rsa.pub myuser@myubuntuhost [05:06] and i get permissions denied public key [05:06] wtf [05:07] hi [05:07] hi all, I am just now trying kubuntu 14.04 [05:07] can i ask doubts here?? [05:07] can someone help me out [05:08] maybe [05:08] im using cloudpath to connect to my university network [05:08] but [05:08] ok [05:08] it's saying my network daemon isnt running [05:08] doesnt it have to be running for me to be connected? [05:08] or does ubuntu disable it and use something else [05:08] phat4life: -i refers tot he private key. the public key goes on the target machine [05:09] so i transfer my private key from my ubuntu server to my mac? [05:09] phat4life: no. [05:09] can someone halllp [05:09] I am trying to connect my 3g usb dongle to ubuntu14.04. Os detected the usb but couldnt configure the network connection [05:09] !ask | gregory [05:09] gregory: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [05:09] phat4life: you need to clarify what you are trying to do [05:09] the ssh server is running my ubuntu, i generated the id_rsa.pub on the ubuntu machine, transfered it to my mac [05:09] I am amazed that kubuntu works so well [05:09] how to i ssh into ubuntu now [05:09] Roadhog11_, how's kubuntu? [05:10] I love it [05:10] should i ask #networking/ [05:10] ? [05:10] phat4life: if you insist on using the keypair generated on ubuntu, you should transfer the private key to the mac and use that in ssh -i [05:10] I am trying to connect my 3g usb dongle to ubuntu14.04. Os detected the usb but couldnt configure the network connection [05:11] the desktop is a little different but it works great [05:11] Roadhog11_, ok [05:11] so the server is supposed to have the .pub and my mac is supposed to have the id_rsa? [05:11] i am confused [05:11] i am new to terminal . so if you please gimme step by step procedure , it would be great [05:12] phat4life: a keypair should identify a user on a server. The user is on the mac. You should have created a keypair on that and copied the pub to ubuntu. You've done it backwards. [05:12] I am trying to connect my 3g usb dongle to ubuntu14.04. Os detected the usb but couldnt configure the network connection [05:12] the official doucmentation on ubuntu wasn’t clear on this === ubuntu is now known as Guest61407 [05:12] phat4life: link? === amir_ is now known as Guest73271 [05:13] I have trie 5 or 6 ditros in 2 weeks, zorin is a good one but kubuntu rocks [05:13] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys [05:13] #linuxhelp [05:13] phat4life: perfectly clear " The private key is kept on the computer you log in from....etc" [05:13] gregory: I know litteel of WIFI, patience, for those who do know to respond. [05:14] SchrodingersScat You pointed me to !fstab for my inquiry, but how do I access it? [05:14] new to IRC [05:14] bashing-om: Of course [05:15] !fstab | developer____ [05:15] developer____: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [05:15] cant get a good download of mint 17 not sure why but don't need it now. [05:18] any one please help [05:18] how do i go to linux help channel [05:18] type /join #linux [05:18] !xattr | developer____ [05:19] SchrodingersScat It looks like they don't have one for xattr, like they do for fstab? === owner is now known as Guest49734 [05:20] !info xattr [05:20] Package xattr does not exist in trusty [05:21] !info xfs [05:21] Package xfs does not exist in trusty [05:22] !xfs | developer____ [05:22] developer____, please see my private message [05:23] well ill be damned [05:27] ok so i generated the id_rsa and id_rsa.pub on my mac, added the id_rsa.pub to the authorized_keys find on the ubuntu machine [05:27] then i restarted ssh [05:27] now, i purposefully deleted my id_rsa on mac, but i can still ssh into the ubuntu box [05:28] hi all , probably the wrong channel to ask. anyone know a channel for infosec topics please? thank you. [05:28] !alis | purpockets [05:28] purpockets: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* [05:28] how is it that i can ssh wtf is going on? [05:29] thanks somsi [05:29] phat4life me guesses the ssh agent loaded it in memory [05:29] how do you clear that [05:30] killall ssh-agent does it here [05:30] mac is probably similar but I'm not sure, phat4life [05:31] ssh-add -D is what clears it in mac [05:31] which is odd [05:31] but ok [05:31] yes ssh-add -D works too [05:33] is there a terminal command for Flash player? [05:34] EternalScholar: die -f flash html5 is the future [05:35] help please [05:35] !ask | gregorydas1326 [05:35] gregorydas1326: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [05:35] my usb dongle isnt working [05:35] gregorydas1326: pxe boot [05:36] gregorydas1326: that's not a question, and it doesn't give any details. You won't get help if you can't explain the problem [05:36] my windows7 bootloader and stupid uief bios forced me to pxe boot [05:36] er netboot [05:36] it is detected. but couldnt create network connection [05:36] ok i will explain [05:38] I have a 3g usb dongle which i had used with my windows os. Now i installed ubuntu 14.04. plugged in the usb modem. OS detected the usb modem as a pendrive. I created a network connection (mobile broadband) but it still not connecting.. [05:39] I am not familiar with terminal commands.. but i tried some while searching in the internet. [05:39] @somsip I have a 3g usb dongle which i had used with my windows os. Now i installed ubuntu 14.04. plugged in the usb modem. OS detected the usb modem as a pendrive. I created a network connection (mobile broadband) but it still not connecting.. [05:40] UGH [05:40] gregorydas1326: not worth addressing this to me. I know nothing about USB dongles [05:40] Swapped out the realtek wifi card with an Athros, most annoying card ive ever changed, not even seen in LSPCI now [05:40] ok [05:41] anybody can help with 3g usb dongles?? [05:44] !hcl | gregorydas1326 [05:44] gregorydas1326: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [05:44] !wifi | and this gregorydas1326 [05:44] and this gregorydas1326: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [05:47] Beldar I swapped out the wifi card, put in an Atheros, had to competely pull the system apart even take out the motherboard to get at it, now thats not even seen by lspci what the derp [05:54] Is there a bios lock for wifi card models on the EEE PC 900HD, I know some lenovo laptops have one forcing a reflash of the bios to change the main internal card [05:56] ey guys, this isn't a specific ubuntu query, but i have a device that shoots out snmp, what would you recommend i use to trap and display the logs on ubuntu? [05:59] anyone want to make some money who has windows pc, PM me === jack is now known as Guest86252 [05:59] lol. what do you need tofutin [05:59] damiwork: not here, thanks. Take it private [06:00] ... [06:11] "Asus have locked out BIOS to spesific parts, which means you simply can't upgrade to whatever part you want." [06:11] * Langly bangs head on desk [06:11] All that time to swap the card, then that [06:11] I want to smack people some days === Guest53837 is now known as HackeMate [06:22] Anybody know why Brasero refuses to burn .bin/.cue images? === abdul is now known as Guest92049 === [1]bonusdz is now known as bonusdz === corey_ is now known as Guest95369 [06:35] why my second kernel in ubuntustudio(generic kernel) start without mouse and net and start like recovery mode? === ferret___ is now known as ferret_ === _ruben_ is now known as _ruben [06:41] hamidreza, get to a command line and be sure you have no broken installs with sudo apt-get -f install [06:43] hamidreza, You know the difference from a kernel and recovery line in grub right? [06:50] hi [06:50] HI [06:51] I am just testing irc its the first time I made it work === lewq_ is now known as lewq [06:54] find! jenkisn [06:54] !find jenkins [06:54] Found: jenkins-crypto-util, jenkins-crypto-util-doc, jenkins-executable-war, jenkins-executable-war-doc, jenkins-job-builder, jenkins-memory-monitor, jenkins-memory-monitor-doc, jenkins-task-reactor, jenkins-task-reactor-doc, jenkins-test-annotations (and 24 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=jenkins&searchon=names&suite=trusty§ion=all [06:55] bipul: though it is not good form to recommend unsupported PPAs on here, you might find the Jenkins PPA is updated much more regularly than the official package. [06:55] Hey guys, I'm trying to wget a zip file from a link, but it gets stuck [06:55] Snake2k: how are you getting it? [06:56] somsip: I'm trying to download the zip file from "http://traumad91.deviantart.com/art/LibreOffice-Icons-476103608" [06:56] somsip: which is the download button on the right with the addr "http://www.deviantart.com/download/476103608/libreoffice_icons_by_traumad91-d7vgjw8.zip?token=ce962272d14ecd4c66763b3da3ecd86ddef03070&ts=1409554958" [06:57] wget? [06:57] use wget [06:57] somsip: when I wget the button's addr, it freezes :| [06:57] Deddokatana: You're scaring me :'( [06:57] Snake2k: it uses a token which will probably be problematic with wget [06:57] sorry :D [06:58] somsip: Yea :| I noticed that but i've been trying to bypass it for a long time, any ideas how I can bypass it? [06:58] Deddokatana: No problem <_< === Joshua^Dunamis is now known as Joshua^Dunamis_i [06:58] the download button is on the right [06:59] unless your using a pprogramming language [06:59] Deddokatana: just Bash itself [06:59] Deddokatana: I mean, the task is simple... but the token is causing problems [07:00] looking up bash download rederections [07:00] Snake2k: maybe this helps? http://superuser.com/questions/771015/trace-web-redirection-in-bash-script [07:00] Snake2k: actually, the answer doesn't look great. No upvotes [07:00] somsip: we need jenkins in trusty repository. [07:01] bipul: use the official repo version then [07:01] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20030148/wget-doesnt-download-recursively-after-following-a-redirect [07:01] somsip: I'll check it out, thanks :) [07:02] somsip: Yes I am using it. [07:02] But I am using Kubuntu. [07:02] bipul: so what's your actual issue? [07:03] somsip: I don't find inside apt-get install jenkins. [07:03] bipul: jenkins-ci from memory [07:04] !info jenkins-ci [07:04] Package jenkins-ci does not exist in trusty [07:04] or not... [07:04] !info jenkins-cli [07:04] Package jenkins-cli does not exist in trusty [07:04] !info jenkins [07:04] Package jenkins does not exist in trusty === dk_ is now known as Guest78830 [07:05] somsip: so can i report this [07:05] bipul: no, just have patience and find the right package [07:05] to the developer in order to ask them to add in trusty repository. [07:05] somsip: how? [07:06] bipul: unless it has been pulled entirely in which see my previous advice about the PPA [07:06] Yes. [07:09] wats a good webpage email server [07:09] hi everyone! [07:09] Old0neEye: what do you mean by that? [07:09] gmail [07:09] gmail is open [07:10] Hey, I have a pretty serious problem. I forced shutdown my Ubuntu 12.10 LTS and now I can't login through the account that I force shutdown. [07:10] hey anybody using sublime which can help me? im trying to setup sublimelinter-jshint, where do i put the jshint_options? [07:10] i mean the smtp server is [07:10] a email server that people can log into v web browser [07:10] It gives "could not write bytes broken pipes starting the winbind daemon winbind" error [07:10] !info squirrelmail | Old0neEye (seems to be the official one) [07:10] Old0neEye (seems to be the official one): squirrelmail (source: squirrelmail): Webmail for nuts. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.4.23~svn20120406-2 (trusty), package size 584 kB, installed size 2709 kB [07:11] Old0neEye: probably others though [07:11] Any help? [07:11] thanx [07:11] indn1234, That is an eol release, you might get what yo can with a live and install a supported release. [07:11] what would i search for [07:12] Old0neEye: I searched for webmail ubuntu [07:12] hi [07:13] Beldar: apologies, I am actually on a 12.04LTS. [07:14] howhi fellas how can i install theme manually? [07:15] i just downloaded a few but when i copy it in /usr/share/icons or themes they will not shown in the tweak tool === peter is now known as Guest51076 [07:34] Hi can anyone tell me why my Ubuntu computer won't accept my windows workgroup password [07:34] Guest51076: in what way are you expecting it to accept it? [07:35] so that I can share files on the network [07:35] Guest51076: workgroup passwordss are local to the machine [07:35] Guest51076: so...samba?...nfs? [07:35] samba [07:35] Guest51076: if you set your workgroup password on the windows machine, it will need to auth against that windows machine [07:36] windows provides a printed password for the workgroup but when I type that into samba it does not accept it [07:36] Guest51076: where is it authenticating against ? [07:36] Guest51076: that is the key password === __prefect is now known as nha [07:37] sorry the key question [07:37] sorry but I don't understand [07:37] Guest51076: workgroup passwords are specific to each machine [07:38] in the process of re tasking a computer from XP to ubutu but im stuck at this point [07:38] Guest51076: so if your password is set on the windows machine, your linux machine will need to authenticate againist that windows machine [07:39] true but how does that work === berend is now known as Guest64608 [07:40] normally the host that you are trying to mount FROM will act as the authentication service [07:41] I agree but everytime I try to connect to the workgroup and it asks for the password it wont accept the password that windows has provided. [07:42] Guest51076: first thing to do is, use smbclient to query the windows host to see what it's offering from you [07:42] ok [07:44] !info ansible [07:44] ansible (source: ansible): Configuration management, deployment, and task execution system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.4+dfsg-1 (trusty), package size 408 kB, installed size 2693 kB [07:47] Query: Is the kernel used in Ubuntu compressed by default? [07:47] Sachiru: yes [07:48] Thanks. The compression algorithm used is lz4 right? [07:48] I thought it was just bz2 [07:48] looks like a standard bz2 image === _morphis is now known as morphis [07:56] Hmm. [07:56] Why not use something more efficient like lz4? [07:57] not really an ubuntu issue [07:57] take it up with the kernal developers and grub developers [07:57] i need create a alias ->alias finde= "find . -type d \( -path ./.cache -o -path ./.gvfs -o -path ./.dbus -o -path ./Palaver-master \) -prune -o -name 'outfile' -print" , how to put the string 'outfile' in when i put in command line -->finde 'output'? [08:01] Hi, how can I update the time of the computer from the internet? [08:01] It is wrong right now [08:02] !ntp | volkan [08:02] volkan: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) === ross is now known as Guest97252 [08:04] ubottu, thanks [08:04] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) === the_ktosiek is now known as ktosiek === root is now known as Guest26834 [08:17] f === Guest26834 is now known as Cyneric === vayan2 is now known as vayan [08:21] hi [08:22] i get problem on Fetching update on my Ubuntu version.. i got 10.10 now.. [08:22] 10.10 is end of life [08:22] the repos are gone, hence why it's failing [08:23] any solution i have tried some solutions i found but noone worked.. [08:23] solution to what ? [08:23] you're using a dead repo [08:23] the solution is to upgrade to a supported version [08:23] i cant even upgrade... === mange is now known as Guest33868 [08:23] but from 10.10 I'd suggest a clean install [08:23] ive tried to upgrade [08:23] !eolupgrade > Descriptioned [08:23] Descriptioned, please see my private message [08:23] Descriptioned: check the pm ubottu just sent you [08:24] thanls [08:24] thanks* [08:24] Descriptioned: again, I'd strongly recommend against an upgrade [08:24] Descriptioned: I'd suggest a clean install if you are on 10.10 now [08:24] What you mean by "clean install" ? [08:25] Descriptioned: you have to wash your laptop ;) [08:25] Descriptioned: backup your data, download a current supported version of ubuntu, wipe the machine and install the new version [08:26] ikonia: i dont think i wanna do that.. :P [08:26] "wipe the machine" [08:26] any other solution ? [08:26] Descriptioned: that is the soluution I strongly advise [08:27] :/ [08:27] It's not that difficult of a task Descriptioned [08:27] yeah. we can do it for you for a small fee. [08:27] :-p [08:28] Well i have plenty free time so.. let it be that way.. [08:29] dd if=/dev/sda1 | nc backupserver 8282 : on backup server nc -l 8282 | dd of=backup.img [08:29] ?? [08:29] full disk backup using DD and nc [08:29] don't try on WAN [08:30] dd is useless [08:30] no need Backup i don't want any of the stuff i got here :) btw can i do an installation from USB ? [08:30] hi guys [08:30] ikonia: uhhhh [08:30] ikonia: dd is amazing for so many things [08:30] extracting data out of binary files. DD [08:30] shufflebot: it is useless for his situation [08:30] I suggested he backup files for a clean image - you take a block level backup of his drive = useless [08:30] ikonia: can i do new fresh installation of Ubuntu via USB flash drive? [08:31] !install | Descriptioned [08:31] Descriptioned: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [08:31] Descriptioned: check those links [08:31] can I ask a question? [08:31] Thanks [08:31] ikonia: why? if you have tons of blcok storage you can always mount and grab later [08:31] ikonia: plus then you have a snapshot of everything as it was [08:31] shufflebot: a.) you don't know what he's got b.) taking a block level backup of the whole drive to backup specific key files = bad [08:31] when i do --> sudo su - user1 [08:31] it will ask me for password [08:31] eralph_: you don't do that [08:32] ikonia: he doesn't know what he needs or does't apparently [08:32] shufflebot: again so a block level backup of a drive is pointless === jack is now known as Guest68212 [08:32] ikonia, do what? [08:32] ikonia: how is it pointless? [08:33] ikonia: key files are as simple as scp/rsync but if you don't know what you want to keep [08:33] shufflebot: enough, please apply thought to actually providing solutions, rather than just random stuff with no knowledge of what the user has/hasn't got [08:33] eralph_: sudo su - $user [08:33] eralph_: you do'nt do that [08:33] how should I do it? [08:34] eralph_: what user are you trying to become ? [08:35] im trying to be root user and perform command using that user [08:35] eralph_: ok - so that's not what you do [08:35] eralph_: what command do you wawnt to run ? [08:35] want to run [08:35] !sudo > eralph_ [08:35] eralph_, please see my private message [08:37] please can anyone fix this problem [08:37] root@home-G31M-ES2L:/home/home# service ssh restart [08:37] stop: Unknown job: ssh [08:37] start: Unknown job: ssh [08:38] ignerious: do you have the package "openssh-server" installed ? [08:38] yeah i have installed it [08:38] ignerious: how are you checking ? [08:39] dpkg -l openssh-server [08:39] is sshd currently running ? [08:39] root@home-G31M-ES2L:/home/home# ps -A | grep ssh [08:39] 876 ? 00:00:00 sshd [08:39] 2125 ? 00:00:00 ssh-agent [08:39] ignerious: what version of ubuntu is this ? [08:40] ikonia, how do i chain commands in terminal? [08:40] 14.04.1 [08:40] eralph_: depends on what you are doing [08:40] ignerious: seems odd [08:40] cannot open wireshark, Gtk-WARNING: cannot open display [08:40] yeah [08:40] it's not changed to sshd as a serice name has it ? [08:40] ignerious: (not got a 14.04 box to check) [08:40] i tried but unable to fix it [08:40] Vladimir: let me guess, you're trying to run it as root [08:41] yep [08:41] can you help me please [08:41] Vladimir: then don't [08:41] I can't? [08:41] ok [08:41] ikonia: ignerious it is ssh (not sshd). Try just starting it instead of restart? [08:41] ignerious: the service name hasn't changed to sshd has it [08:41] somsip: thank you [08:41] hmm [08:41] right [08:41] I'd suggest "stop" before start [08:41] as it's currently running [08:41] ikonia: do I have to reinstall it? cause I get the same error as another user [08:42] but i could not able to start or stop it [08:42] Vladimir: nope [08:42] Vladimir: quit the terminal and launch it from a new terminal [08:42] I suspect you've broken your current terminal environment trying to run it as root [08:42] tried that too [08:42] ikonia: oh okej [08:42] ikonia: you need to run it as a privilage user else you cannot capture packets on an interface [08:43] I haven't changed the terminal for a week [08:43] cynicallemon: depends what you're doing [08:43] ikonia: wireshark isnt much use unless you need to capture packets [08:43] cynicallemon: it's a great analysis tool [08:44] hopefully I can analyze my error=) [08:44] ikonia: yes true but how do you get the material for analysis usually [08:44] and based on the fact that Vladimir is trying to setup a broken tftp server I suspect he maybe trying to review his previous attempts to tftp a file [08:44] cynicallemon: many ways, such as the switch he's been monitoring [08:45] ikonia: I started a new terminal session but get same error :/ [08:45] Vladimir: echo $DISPLAY === zz_ming2k is now known as ming2k [08:45] still same error ikonia [08:45] what error ? [08:46] I asked you to do "echo $DISPLAY" [08:46] ikonia: (wireshark:8986): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: [08:46] how are you getting gtk errors on that error [08:46] on that command [08:46] ikonia: yeah I understood, I did that [08:46] right, so what is the output [08:46] nothing [08:46] empty [08:46] thats why ti's failing [08:46] you're environment is screwed [08:46] your [08:46] what [08:46] how do I fix it? [08:47] Vladimir: depends what you've done to break it [08:47] How do I know that [08:47] very strange [08:47] maybe that's why my tftp server not working [08:47] Vladimir: did totally exit the terminal and start a new one [08:47] yeah I believe so, I go with Putty from a windows server [08:47] Vladimir: this will not have any impact on your tftp server [08:47] I can reboot the linux machine [08:47] Vladimir: thats why then [08:47] hey everyone what should I do [08:47] Vladimir: you can't run X11 to a windows desktop [08:47] please help [08:47] Vladimir: you need an X11 server [08:48] oh ok [08:48] ignerious: what happens if you do "sudo service ssh stop" [08:48] Vladimir: you appear to be approaching this wrong [08:48] I have cut/paste a directory listing, I have also posted the error when trying to access index.php here: http://paste.ee/p/Eu4hk . Why can't I see anything? [08:48] hmm ok ikonia [08:48] Vladimir: you've not done any basic debugging on your tftp server and yet you're trying to sniff an interface to find out why it's not working with no real understanding of the tool [08:48] ikonia: you can, [08:48] Is there any release notes for 14.10? [08:48] Vladimir: I would suggest working it through [08:49] shufflebot: no, you can't [08:49] ikonia: You can do X11 forwarding with windows [08:49] anyone have experience with flashrom? [08:49] shufflebot: no you can't [08:49] with xming? [08:49] shufflebot: again READ the problem and read what's said [08:49] shufflebot: thats an X11 server [08:49] shufflebot: again READ the problem and read what's said [08:49] 09:47 < ikonia> Vladimir: you need an X11 server [08:50] ikonia: well I have tried to debugg the problem last week, I can't send files to this linux machine nor a windows tftp server from a specific device [08:50] I have cut/paste a directory listing, I have also posted the error when trying to access index.php here: http://paste.ee/p/Eu4hk . I still get the default Apache2 page. [08:50] Vladimir: I'm aware of this, but you've n ot debugged the problem, you've just tried random things [08:50] x11 was likely installed by installing wireshark just out of apt dependencies ikonia [08:50] ikonia: how do I debug then? [08:50] Vladimir: I'd suggest approaching it properly [08:50] if there's no display connected you just need to forward to the client [08:50] stop: Unknown job: ssh [08:51] guys, in vmware, i have ubuntu guest, and i want to extend my primary partiontion (root), is this scenario looks ok: i boot from my ubuntu cd (live mode), start gparted, resize it and then boot with my ubuntu ? [08:51] Here is a paste of the directory listing, error, and apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf files: http://paste.ee/p/i37b2. I still get the default apache2 page. [08:52] shufflebot: can I forward to a putty window? [08:52] ignerious: have you done anything to the upstart job configuration ? [08:53] Vladimir: no [08:53] Vladimir: you are approaching this wrong [08:53] ikonia: no [08:53] anyone? [08:53] Vladimir: forget sniffing network packets - get it working locally first [08:53] ignerious: this is a physical machine with a full ubuntu install on it ? [08:54] ikonia: well I look in the syslog but there's no meaningful logs :/ [08:54] Vladimir: this may help you - http://engineering.oregonstate.edu/computing/personal/134 [08:54] Vladimir: get it working locally [08:54] Vladimir: use the loopback interface [08:54] Vladimir: think about what I told you about it using UDP and the local firewall [08:55] Vladimir: forget sniffing network packages - that's 100 steps down thhe line [08:55] ikonia: yeah [08:55] ignerious: most odd, check the upstart job configuration file [08:55] ignerious: check it's there [08:55] Here is a paste of the directory listing, error, and apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf files: http://paste.ee/p/i37b2. I still get the default apache2 page. What can I check to try to fix this problem? [08:56] What information can I share to get help? [08:59] SthNotTaken: try putting it in the html dir === ballock_ is now known as ballock [08:59] at /var/www/html# ls shows index.html, but going to {ip}/html/index.html shows nothing [09:00] is there a ppa for the newest version of git? [09:00] SthNotTaken: that's because /var/www/html is the root [09:00] tortib: neither {ip}/index.html or {ip}/html/index.html work. Where should it be if it's root? [09:01] SthNotTaken: check /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf [09:01] it should tell you in there what the root is. [09:01] SthNotTaken: so http://locahost/index.html [09:01] ikonia: can you give me your ssh_config file [09:02] Can I add another document root? [09:02] ignerious: no, as I said I'm not on ubuntu at the moment [09:02] or should I start placing everything in /var/www/html/ as good practice? [09:02] ignerious: and ssh_config ( in terms of /etc/ssh) should have nothing to do with it [09:02] SthNotTaken: the default root is /var/www [09:03] I have DocumentRoot /var/www/html [09:03] I've never changed it [09:03] SthNotTaken: there is your answer then [09:03] SthNotTaken: did you install php? [09:03] Yes, I did [09:03] apt-get install php5 ? [09:03] SthNotTaken: if thats whats configured then use it [09:03] Yes, that's how I did it [09:04] SthNotTaken: then put the php file IN the /var/www/html dir [09:04] i can't open png with framebuffer :/ i use fbi ... there is no problem with jpeg [09:04] Oh, I restarted apache2, now I see my own var/www/index.php [09:04] how can fix this? [09:04] after changing document root [09:04] SthNotTaken: k [09:04] Is it better to just move everything to var/www/html ? [09:04] SthNotTaken: you could have just moved the files over and not restarted apache2, but whatever works for you. [09:04] SthNotTaken: depends on what you're trying to accomplish really. [09:05] tortib: I'm not the brightest guy. I just want osTicket [09:05] if you're going to have more than one vhost it's better to keep them into separate dirs [09:05] tortib: are you talking about 'virtual hosts' ? [09:05] yes. [09:05] I have 4 domains. I can point each of them to var/www/domain$X/public_html/ right? [09:05] I'm reading about this, but I haven't finished. I wanted to get a single page working first. [09:05] SthNotTaken: yes as long as you use document root [09:06] tortib: thanks a lot for your help [09:06] SthNotTaken: so you would create a new file like so touch /etc/apache2/sites-available/vhost1.conf [09:06] ln -sf /etc/apache2/sites-available/vhost1.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/vhost1.conf [09:06] tortib: I'mf following https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-apache-virtual-hosts-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts . I think it should work [09:07] then you would specify the ServerName and DocumentRoot in vhost1.conf [09:07] i had problems in connecting my 3g usb dongle to my ubuntu 14.04 [09:07] SthNotTaken: they usually have good tutorials i would go with that. [09:07] Just seems 14.04 has a different DocumentRoot than 12.04, and that's why I got stuck. [09:07] Anyways, thank you again, tortib [09:07] np [09:08] i can't open png with framebuffer :/ i use fbi ... there is no problem with jpeg, how can fix this? [09:08] i followed instructions froma video from yt (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkxNaMnafzo) [09:10] i had problems in connecting my 3g usb dongle to my ubuntu 14.04. i followed instructions froma video from yt (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkxNaMnafzo) it says how to install the driver from the usb dongle drive. i did as it says but stuck at " unbind and bind option" (see paste bin : http://pastebin.com/f4hZcaPE) [09:10] hello? anybody can help [09:10] ?? [09:10] whatdoes this bind and unbind means [09:11] following random guides on the net/youtube seems to be a big mistake [09:18] how can I automatically set the system to use the swap partition ? [09:18] kristenbb: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-on-ubuntu-14-04 [09:19] kristenbb: or basicly sudo swapon -s if you have a partition ready [09:19] kristenbb: if you made a swap partition on installing it will do so out of the bix [09:19] *box === dratone_ is now known as dratone [09:23] salah: swapon works, but i wondered if i could set this to automatic when the system starts [09:24] k1l: I created the partition after, and it's not working out of the box [09:24] kristenbb: is that a new swap partition? [09:24] kristenbb: so write it into your fstab [09:24] k1l: yes. I now have 2 swap partitions for the two 14.04 ubuntus running in dual boot. [09:25] k1l: one system has its swap working, the other hasn't. That's why i tried to create a second partition for the second system, but it's not picking it up either [09:26] it will not be picked up if its not in fstab [09:27] k1l: so what can I do ? [09:27] put it into fstab? [09:28] k1l: I already have an entry there, but it's not enough, apparently. the file says /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0 [09:28] kristenbb: you have to add it to crypttab so it's decrypted before fstab is read [09:28] kristenbb, does the crypt create it on reboot (do you get asked to enter password on reboot)? [09:28] ( i think ) [09:29] well yes, its first time you mention encryption. [09:29] kristenbb, the fstab looks fine, now you need crypttab [09:30] iptable: i'm sorry i'm not sure I understand your question. Do you mean to ask whether I have to enter my password before entering into my session ? If so, then yes, I didn't change the default settings. [09:30] iptable: can you please guide me through it, I don't know what this is? [09:31] hello [09:31] kristenbb, no, do you have to enter password before the system manages to boot? like, before the standard login screen [09:31] kristenbb, you have setup swap encryption, that's why. [09:31] iptable: no, it's just home encryption, not full disk encryption [09:31] kristenbb: I advise you not to do this [09:32] kristenbb, no, you also have setup swap encryption [09:32] kristenbb: based on what you said yesterday you have no no need for enrypted swap and your actual needs work against encypted swap [09:32] kristenbb, that's why you get /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 in fstab [09:32] kristenbb: also having 2 seperate encyptions for 2 different systems on one disk is likley to cause you problems [09:32] kristenbb: so I advise you again to not use encypted swap - as your expectation show you have no need and will make a problem using it [09:33] ikonia, you could just settle for 1 unencrypted swap to be shared between the 2 ubuntu systems [09:33] iptable: sure you could, but this is not something I felt a.) was needed at all b.) going to be maintainable by kristenbb [09:33] iptable: yes sorry, I was answering to your previous question, I don't need to give any password before the standard login screen [09:33] iptable: I strongly advise against encypted swap for kristenbb's needs an expectations [09:34] ikonia: thanks for your help, but i'd like to proceed anyway, i do want an encrypted swap, and I do need it [09:34] iptable: a single swap shared by both systems would by ideal, but as I understand it kristenbb will not consider this, hence my again suggesting he kristenbb reconsideres [09:34] ikonia, that's what I just advised. "unencrypted swap". I meant, without encryption. sorry, wrong English there [09:34] kristenbb: you don't need it as you stated earlier your expectation is that it's just a block duumping ground an dyou where happy for both to share it [09:34] iptable: not a problem, we are in agreement [09:35] kristenbb, you have encrypted swap and are not decrypting it. I would advise, just format one of the swaps (dev/sdXY) as swap space, then add it as UUID swap entry to your fstab on both ubuntu systems. Do not use encrypted swap. [09:35] iptable: can you please guide me to making it work with /etc/cryptab, as you mentioned earlier ? [09:36] i know have 2 entries there, maybe this is the issue ? [09:36] kristenbb, if you do need an encrypted swap, unencrypting it is something that would need to happen during boot. Before the login screen you would need to enter the swap encryption password, swap would get unencrypted and mounted and the boot would finish then (and ask you to login). === derk0pf is now known as derk0pf|NA [09:38] hello all! how can I add sudo permission for a specific user for a specific command? [09:38] iptable: when I only had one system in this computer, I had an encrypted swap and was not required to input any password before the login screen. this was all set automatically during the installation process though (i just asked for an encrypted home, it did the rest), so i don't know how it works, unfortunately. but i'd like the same configuration for the second system i just added [09:38] !dpkg sudo [09:38] kristenbb, a good short manual is here, this will show you how these files should more or less look like. https://we.riseup.net/debian/encrypted-swap [09:39] antivirtel: sudo visudo , then add user ALL=(ALL:ALL) /path/to/bin [09:40] *then add the user by ALL .... [09:40] kristenbb, the command to setup encrypted swap is ecryptfs-setup-swap [09:41] iptable: when has this command to be entered ? after the swap is successfully in use ? [09:41] ( /path/to/bin is the path to the executable you want him to run with privileges ) [09:42] kristenbb, I suggest you cleanup your partitioning first. boot the other ubuntu, make sure the swap is still working, make sure you know WHICH swap it's using and which is free. boot into the ubuntu where swap is not working, and then reformat the free swap as not encrypted, make sure it works (including after reboot) ,and then run the command I told you to. [09:42] kristenbb, as I said, you system is currently in a bit of a mess [09:43] kristenbb, why dual boot? [09:43] iptable: ok let me do just that, thanks; i'll reboot and be right back [09:43] I have an old installation of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I can't remember if I during installation selected "unantented updates". Is there a way to check if that functionallity is enabled atm ? [09:43] kristenbb, well, I'm off to have breakfast [09:43] iptable: it's ok, i'll hope to be able to catch you again :). i'll do just what you said, and pray it works :) [09:44] kristenbb, why dual boot? [09:46] GlemSom, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades [09:46] GlemSom, it's an actual package that you need as well [09:46] iptable, That package is not installed... Was the installer supposed to install that ? (It's the server version of Ubuntu) [09:47] GlemSom, if it's not installed, then unattended-upgrades are not installed [09:47] iptable [09:48] voidfire_ [09:48] I like your handle :3 do you know of any way to get you managed? :3 something like ruby/python frameworks? [09:48] voidfire_, bash scripts [09:48] iptable, Ok, thanks ! I was unsure if the installer might have choosen another method of securing unattented updates... [09:49] voidfire_, look at ufw and see how it manages me ;) All managements are made by calling iptables binary [09:49] Im talking for easy generation scripts [09:50] cos Im about to fit you into wrt routers and use you to manage a remote distributed network of embedded devices [09:50] voidfire_, still not with you. what's an easy-generation script? [09:50] voidfire_, iptables-save and iptables-restore does just that [09:50] ugh... I just woke up dont make it hrd for me :3 [09:51] GlemSom: did you dpkg -l | grep unattended ? [09:51] yeah gonna use those in the form of on liners to apply a set of rules [09:51] voidfire_, or apart from iptables-(save|restore), you can use your own scripts inthe startup section of /etc/network/if-up.d etc. [09:51] thank you eeee [09:51] -m string match rocks for pattern matching and blocking facebook and such ssl packets [09:51] np [09:51] voidfire_, but yes, you can create rules on one system and iptables-save and iptables-restore to copy them over and apply them === derk0pf|NA is now known as derk0pf [09:53] voidfire_, the string module, although simple, does a fair work filtering packets based on contents (layer 7 filter) although it is somewhat lacking in content filtering for SSL/TLS encrypted packets. [09:54] I was kind of amazed to see that you can actually deny /drop ssl connections with the string match/conntrack modules [09:54] hi guys, im trying to understand the output of "sensors", can anyone tell what is AVCC voltage? [09:54] because there's some fuzz on the internet like its v00d00 magic === MohammadAG_ is now known as MohammadAG [09:56] voidfire_, no, iptables does make everything very simple [09:56] darksider, depends on your motherboard [09:57] yea , I know. planning to abuse them along with reverse ssh tunnels and python's fabric [09:57] darksider, atmega? [09:58] darksider, AVCC is the supply voltage pin for the A/D Converter, Port C (3..0), and ADC (7..6). It should be externally connected to VCC, even if the ADC is not used. If the ADC is used, it should be connected to VCC through a low-pass filter. Note that Port C (5..4) use digital supply voltage, VCC. [09:59] iptable: this is the info that I found, just trying to figure out how critical it is :) [09:59] darksider, never failed for anyone. do not monitor. [10:00] iptable: OK :) [10:00] thanks [10:00] darksider, in lamans terms, it's voltage required for the converters that convert the analogue signal to digital (and vice-versa) [10:01] darksider, for example GPU=>VGA port, jack audio output and input, etc. [10:01] iptable: such as sound output, VGA output, etc. right? [10:02] darksider, sound output on jack, yes. sound output on HDMI no. Your computer is digital, HDMI is so too, so no conversion needed. For jack output, audio is analogue, so yes. [10:03] hello how do i create a command and wait it to finish before leave the screen [10:03] for example: [10:03] iptable: jack output is what i meant, even tho jack output can technically have digital output too :) [10:03] darksider, AVCC is needed to timing on conversion (think of it as "needed to power the chip"). I wouldn't bother monitoring it. You WILL know if it failed. the equipment will no longer work. [10:03] darksider, yes, technically, but standard jack to headphones is analogue [10:03] screen -dmS screen$1 sh -c "echo $1; sudo -u www-data -H ./console.php run $1 -fs & echo 'done' & sleep 30;" [10:03] it only keeps the screen for the sleep period [10:04] i want it to waitfor the php command [10:04] && instead of & ? [10:04] voidfire_ was to me ? [10:04] iptable: just trying to make a python script to monitor the vitals of the server, and remotely notify me in case of issues [10:04] JoshLopes, yes. use && [10:04] yea [10:04] voidfire_ does it make differece okay gona try === ming2k is now known as zz_ming2k [10:04] thank you [10:05] JoshLopes, & means "backgorun it and run another command", && means "and do the next command if the previous one finished SUCCESFULLY. a semicolon instead ";" means, and once previous command finished, successfully or not, execute the next one [10:06] JoshLopes, so if you ALWAYS want sleep to execute, use semicolon (;). If you want sleep to execute only if the previous command was a succcess, execute && [10:06] iptable thanks for the explanation, whatsoever the php exceptions are not part of successfull commands [10:06] iptable if i ran a php goingtoThrowException.php && echo "Success" [10:06] it always go into success right ? [10:06] darksider, the voltage will be there or not. there is not much to it. normally if it's not there, your power supply is off anyways, so I wouldn't worry too much. [10:07] JoshLopes, depends what your "goingtothrowexception" does. if it exits with an error (return with non-zero code), then echo success will NOT be executed [10:07] JoshLopes, if you want to always go into success, use a semicolon instead. I'm not sure how to make this any clearer [10:07] throw new exception on php not sure if it returns a non zero [10:07] going to scheck [10:08] JoshLopes, consult php manuals, they state that clearly. [10:09] JoshLopes, just run a simple php code that throws an exception and run it as php ./exception.php; echo $? [10:09] JoshLopes, $? in bash gives you return code. === zz_ming2k is now known as ming2k [10:11] * iptable finally goes for breakfast. BloodSugar critical === amir_ is now known as Guest75004 [10:15] I see handbreak ,but I can't install it says The following packages have unmet dependencies and list of bunch of packages it need to install === popl_ is now known as popl [10:17] tarelerulz I assume you're getting this from a PPA [10:17] Well, how do you tell the source? I only remember installing ppa for chrome and xbmc. [10:18] apt-cache policy $package [10:19] however I suspect the xbmc PPA is probably going to create conflicts with packages that handbrake want anyway [10:20] This might sound dumb ,but how do you get around that? Do installing one and not the other ? [10:21] tarelerulz: this sounds lazy - but you don't [10:21] tarelerulz: the PPA maintainers have a responsiblity to make sure they either a.) meet dependencies in a safe location b.) don't create conflicts [10:21] very few PPA maintainers do this - which is why using PPA's is often a bad move [10:21] the xmbc one, I see create problems a "fair" ammount [10:22] Do Ubuntu have xbmc in it default repositories? [10:23] no idea [10:23] check pakages.ubuntu.com === derk0pf is now known as derk0pf|NA === pascal is now known as Guest17 === WillMoogle is now known as WillMoogle_ === WillMoogle_ is now known as WillMoogle [10:45] Hi everyone. I've just installed LUbuntu on my computer, and I've got some problem with my internet connection. (Perfectly working before on XUbuntu). First, it asks me sometimes two or three times the wifi password. And secondly, the connection is SLOW ! Less than 1ko/s. It's impossible to do a "sudo apt-get update". [10:45] Could someone help me please ? [10:45] geekstay: what wifi chip are you using? [10:46] geekstay: is the system a laptop? [10:46] ActionParnsip : bcw 4313. [10:46] ActionParnsip : yes. And I can't connect with the ethernet cable. [10:47] And it's not my wifi connection, because others computers work fine. [10:47] geekstay: if you run: sudo iwlist scan do you see a lot of networks? Are they on the same channel? [10:47] I get this when I try to install handbrake http://pastebin.com/9CxTvnWW [10:47] geekstay: why cant you connect via Ethernet? [10:47] tarelerulz: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue [10:47] No, there's just me. [10:48] tarelerulz: its a single line, so no need to pastebin :) [10:48] geekstay: why cant you connect via Ethernet? [10:48] When I plug my cable, nothing happen. [10:48] Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l [10:49] tarelerulz: what is the output of: apt-cache policy handbrake [10:49] geekstay: is the Ethernet visible when you run: sudo lshw -C network [10:50] ActionParsnip : It's visible but it outputs that nothing it's connected. I got this problem on XUbuntu. [10:50] geekstay: if you move closer to the router, is it better? [10:50] Nop. [10:51] http://pastebin.com/VXtaG2G2 [10:51] Hey Guys it seems my wifi won't work with the current driver. [10:51] ActionParnsip : One time, just after install linux-firmware-nonfree, connection was fast, but just while 3 seconds. [10:51] so I'd like some help [10:51] geekstay: what is the driver in use by the wifi? [10:52] ActionParsnip : How can I know it ? [10:52] geekstay: its in the lshw output from earlier. [10:52] geekstay: look for 'driver=' [10:52] tarelerulz: are there any bugs reported? [10:53] ActionParsnip: Could you help me with my wifi issues too? [10:53] You mean for the version I tried to install ? [10:53] lonefireblossom: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue [10:53] tarelerulz: yes [10:53] I'm using an Atheros AR9485 [10:54] And it won't detect that's its even there [10:54] Like in the Network settings [10:54] geekstay: maybe http://askubuntu.com/questions/450049/extremely-slow-connection-with-a-broadcom-bcm4313-wireless-card [10:54] geekstay: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2217358 [10:54] But when I do a lspci it pops up [10:54] lonefireblossom: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue [10:54] how do i open a port for the server via ssh [10:55] lonefireblossom: the wifi adapter shoming in lspci doesnt mean its configured to work [10:55] lonefireblossom: thats like saying when a device shows in device manager it is working, even if its got a yellow exclamation mark next to it as there is no driver [10:56] ActionParsnip: I know that much and the command says Ubuntu 14.04 [10:56] html: all ports are open by default in Ubuntu, or do you mean in your router [10:56] ActionParsnip : brcmsmac or r8169 [10:56] And I know the driver is working for it I tried a wireless script thing I found on the forums would you like it's out put? [10:56] ActionParsnip : I've got in the line of r8169 speed : 10Mbit/s [10:56] geekstay: brcsmac will be the wifi driver [10:56] ActionParsnip, no its for a minecraft running on aws virtual server [10:57] lonefireblossom: so why is "[11:53] But when I do a lspci it pops up" a thing, if you know it doesnt mean its configured...? [10:57] html: is it in virtualbox? [10:57] html: you dont open the port. the service opens the port if its needed [10:57] It's configured, look at this please http://paste.ubuntu.com/8205200/ [10:57] geekstay: r8169 is your Ethernet driver [10:57] It says kernel driver in use is ath9k [10:57] ActionParsnip, i am running amazon cloud vm [10:58] ActionParsnip : Oh okey. [10:58] ActionParsnip, 25565 is the minecraft port i need open [10:58] lonefireblossom: try: sudo modprobe -r ath9k; sleep 2; sudo modprobe ath9k nohwcrypt=1 [10:59] Hello [10:59] lonefireblossom: is it ok then? [10:59] lonefireblossom: if it is, we can make it permanent [11:00] So what does that pastbin page I showed you mean ? http://pastebin.com/Y6RzY5BS . [11:01] tarelerulz: it means that dependancies in the package cannot be met, so it will not be installed [11:01] tarelerulz: I explained this to you earlier giving you (a) and (b) examples [11:01] tarelerulz: I also explained why you may hit problems using a ppa [11:02] Sorry, my browser died. [11:02] lonefireblossom: try: sudo modprobe -r ath9k; sleep 2; sudo modprobe ath9k nohwcrypt=1 [11:03] If I removed the ppa that should mean the app is no longer there ? [11:03] ActionParsnip: No response. [11:03] LonefireBlossom_: there won't be [11:03] LonefireBlossom_: is the wifi better? [11:03] let me check. [11:03] Hello fellow ubuntees I have following question: When I start up my ubuntu 14.04 just after the foot logo has disappeared I get an error, the error says: starting crash report submission daemon, asking for cache data failed, then next line says: assuming drive cache: write through. I checked the docu and it says that it is mostly related to a usb flash drive situation. in my case I don't have a usb stick connected so I don't know why it [11:03] any help? [11:04] ActionParsnip: Still unable to do anything, no recog that there is any wifi at all [11:05] in the docu many people bring commands from the terminal to help out but I can't even access the terminal, it jams in the startup process [11:05] lucax: keep reporting the bug, it will get things fixe [11:05] ActionParsnip : I don't avec bcwl-kernel source installed, so I can't purge it. [11:05] Geek Action's gone. [11:05] ActionParsnip : And the output of "sudo modprobe -rv wl is Module wl not found. [11:05] Geek. [11:06] is it an active bug? something that is being solved as we speak? [11:06] Geekstay: ActionParsnip isn't on RN. [11:07] lucax: That warning message comes from "whoopsie", the error-reporting package, but it shouldn't be the cause of a hang during boot, the message should just be informational [11:07] best way to debug a tftp server? [11:08] I need help with my wireless [11:08] Someone help. [11:08] lucax: Try starting the system in Advanced > Recovery mode from the GRUB boot menu [11:08] thank you TJ [11:08] so f11 or something then [11:09] lucax: As the system starts hold down the Shift key until the GRUB boot menu appears [11:09] TJ: Would you know anything about why I am unable to access a wifi menu when I am trying to connect via my wifi? I ran a wireless script and here is what came out. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8205200/ [11:09] thanks tj [11:10] LonefireBlossom_: I'm not sure I understand what " unable to access a wifi menu" means - do you mean the Network Manager applet's icon is not in the task tray? [11:10] should I tap shift repeatedly? [11:11] TJ: I mean, I can't connect to a wifi network. Even when I use the manager. And yeah, no Applet. [11:11] hi, i'm using a vps and my WP suddenly stopped working (without me doing anything). what's the correct way to troubleshoot something like this? [11:11] lucax: No, hold it down. At the moment that the PC's BIOS/firmware loads the GRUB boot-loader, GRUB tests whether the Shift key is down, and if so, it stops at the boot menu rather than booting the default entry [11:12] LonefireBlossom_: Sounds like network manager might not have a connection configured [11:13] TJ: I tried one but no dice. [11:13] LonefireBlossom_: show us "nmcli con list | pastebinit" please (assuming the wired network is connected!) [11:13] Yeah it is [11:15] LonefireBlossom_: after that, paste the result if this command in the channel here (its only one line): "nmcli nm | tail -1" [11:15] TJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8205353/ [11:15] Oh another one? [11:15] I did the one you gave me before. [11:15] LonefireBlossom_: this is another command, tells us something different [11:16] TJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8205358/ [11:17] LonefireBlossom_: So, there is a WiFi connection called "WiFi connection 1" ... lets find out more about it: "nmcli con list uuid 8f16c1b9-4caa-4c93-88ac-5c27210f1ead | pastebinit" [11:18] good morning all [11:18] TJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8205371/ [11:19] i have a machine that i not going to be connected to the network im creating a custom ubuntu installation cd my question is there a way to download the patches/updates and put them on the cdrom ? [11:21] LonefireBlossom_: OK, that all looks good. Now lets find out why nm-applet isn't showing. First lets find out if it is running: "pgrep nm-applet" should report a process ID if nm-applet is running, otherwise you'll get nothing [11:21] TJ: No reponse [11:22] LonefireBlossom_: You're using Live Desktop ISO right now? [11:22] TJ: Yeah. [11:23] TJ: I thought I would check if everything worked before I installed [11:24] TJ: I found this :O http://askubuntu.com/questions/451593/lubuntu-nm-applet-wifi-icon-missing Would this help? [11:25] TJ: I.E if I log in/out will it fix? [11:25] LonefireBlossom_: Looking at the original Wireless-Info report, under the "nm-tool" output, I'd suspect that the problem is due to all those other Access Points operating on the same channel frequency of 2412MHz (I see 6, many with stronger signals) [11:26] TJ: I can't tell them to change their frequencies o.o [11:26] LonefireBlossom_: That would explain the failure for NM to connect. The nm-applet is only a user GUI tool, it doesn't affect whether NM tries to connect to the network or not [11:26] heyt guys, my conf file /etc/zpanel/configs/apache/httpd-vhosts.conf got modified by itself. how could this be? [11:27] LonefireBlossom_: Let's just force nm-applet to run in the background and see how you go: "nm-applet&" [11:28] TJ: *hug* It worked <3 [11:28] TJ: The GUI popped up! [11:28] TJ: And the thing seems to be working [11:29] TJ: Hello? [11:30] LonefireBlossom_: :) [11:30] TJ: So do I have to force it every time? [11:31] LonefireBlossom_: No, it should be in the list of programs that are run automatically when you log-in [11:32] TJ: So that means by entering that command, I am set? [11:32] LonefireBlossom_: The link to askubuntu you gave me shows how to ensure that the autostart entry is in place [11:32] Holowaychuck? [11:33] I need help [11:33] :P [11:33] TJ: So use what the link says, basically? [11:33] [11:33] ubottu, hello! [11:33] LonefireBlossom_: Yes, use it as a guide to check the Autostart list. If nm-applet is missing, re-add it [11:33] Tanks TJ, TYVM [11:33] I'll be back after install [11:33] ubottu, help [11:33] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [11:33] And maybe help some folks around here. [11:33] :D [11:34] !patience [11:34] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [11:34] TJ: I'm a little rusty with Ubuntu but I might be able to help someone, Be back after the install === quem_ is now known as quem [11:40] i have files in /home/bong/VirtualBox VMs/Windows XP.... but i do not use this anymore bcoz i have a new install can i delete this folder? [11:41] !windows [11:41] For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [11:41] !computers [11:41] m_anish: please stop [11:41] bong1: if you don't need it - delete it [11:41] ikonia, i'm sorry. I was just showing somebody around. is there a sandbox channel? [11:42] m_anish: make one [11:42] m_anish, /join m_anish [11:44] !windows [11:44] For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [11:44] ikonia, ^^ [11:44] m_anish: what ? [11:45] ikonia, another "irc irritant" [11:45] m_anish: no, he's just used the bot once [11:45] thats fine [11:47] ikonia, sorry to be creating noise. I wanted to show a beginner his way around IRC, while acting like a ... beginner :-) i'll search if there's an #ubuntu-noobs channel. [11:48] m_anish: there is nothing wrong with this channel for new users [11:48] m_anish: you just don't neeed to keep hitting the bot blindly [11:48] m_anish: send the bot info in a pm [11:48] ikonia, sounds good [11:52] Hey guys, got a n00b question. I saw in my ~/.bashrc that I can add my own aliases to a new file ~/.bash_aliases ... well, I created the file, dropped in there a short alias la="ls -alhcF" logged out, back in, yet it's not "aliased" [11:52] Am I missing something basic? [11:52] knob: Check ~/.bashrc again to make sure that line/section isn't commented out. [11:52] The .bashrc has a if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then .... [11:53] lazers, thanks! It's not commented out, just checked. [11:53] Odd... the .bashrc is as installed (running 14.04 [11:54] knob: alias la="blah blah blah" or la="blah blah" ? [11:54] lazers, damn dude... you da man. [11:54] :) [11:54] going to test it out... forgot the "alias" [11:55] knob: blah :) [11:55] w00t! :) [11:55] Thanks man... little by little I learn more. [11:55] I love computers... they do EXACTLY what you tell them to do. 99.999% of the time, you messed up in something, not her. [11:55] assalamu'alaikum... [11:55] Greetings, we have an java app running on a headless server without X11. I would like to redirect the X11 to my local ubuntu pc using X11 forwarding. How to i redirect the X and allow my machine to display the server application? thanks [11:56] agriyudhizt, http://www.sabily.org/website/ [11:56] thanksss... [11:56] agriyudhizt, happy2help [11:57] cfhowlett, where do you comfrom??? [11:58] agriyudhizt, kronos [11:58] woww... [12:02] ainx, malemmm om masterrr... [12:13] How do I see why apt-get wants to install something? === DeviantSOP is now known as Killeroid [12:16] hey guys [12:16] ever seen the is error when trying to networking still Ubuntu 14.04 on server? [12:16] │ Loading apt-mirror-setup failed for unknown reasons. Aborting. │ [12:17] MatthewsFace: trying to network still ubuntu 14.04 ? [12:17] MatthewsFace: thaat looks like you're trying to setup apt-mirror [12:17] gmm [12:17] we'll [12:17] well* [12:17] I have been coding for almost 12 hours [12:18] MatthewsFace: plesasea just explain on 1 line without hitting enter after every few words [12:18] maybe I "clicked" yes on a step I shouldn't have [12:18] lol [12:18] kk [12:18] Sorry Ikonia, I'll do that from now on [12:19] I'm trying to install mercurial with apt-get install mercurial. It wants to pull in fontconfig, xterm, and a bunch of other stuff [12:20] tsp, run a terminal: apt-cache show mecurial read the output [12:21] tsp: Do you have apt configured to also install the Suggests packages? [12:21] How do I check? [12:21] Hey! I'm unable to set SRWare Iron as my main browser through regular settings. [12:21] So can I get some help? [12:22] I've tried scouring the forums but no luck. === Joshua^Dunamis is now known as Joshua^Dunamis_i [12:24] Can I get some help with setting SRWare Iron As my default internet Browser. [12:24] *? [12:24] GreenDragon: how have you tried to set it? [12:25] trijntje_: Through the Preferred Programs [12:25] TJ-: Thanks, you got me on the right track. apt-get --no-install-recommends turned out to be the answer [12:25] TJ-: It's me Lone Fire! All's well! [12:26] GreenDragon: and what goes wrong? [12:26] trijntje_: I also tried a Terminal command which didn't show SRWare as an option. They don't show SRWare as options [12:27] GreenDragon: I guess you have to specify the location of SRWare yourself [12:27] GreenDragon: Good to hear :) [12:27] Here is a sentence in APUE_2ed:"Instead, the kernel keeps information about the directory, such as a pointer to the directory's v-node." [12:27] trijntje_: How do I do that? I'm running Lubuntu. [12:28] Does it mean that I can only get the directory name from the kernel? [12:28] GreenDragon: that depends on how you installed it, I don't know that browser myself [12:28] GreenDragon: Why not just "apt-get install chromium-browser" ? [12:28] I ran a wget and dpkg'd it [12:28] dpkg -L SRWare shows all files that belong to the package SRWare, the binary should be listed there as well [12:28] TJ-: Chromium mines your data. [12:29] TJ-: SRWare Iron doesn't [12:29] GreenDragon: chromium-browser is the open-source package, *not* Google's Chrome browser [12:29] TJ-: The tracking feature is in both [12:30] GreenDragon: what "feature" is that? [12:30] On the API is there anyway to retrieve some identifying information about the customers bank account? for example the last 4 digits of their account number use to setup the pre-auth? [12:31] TJ-: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/chromium-discuss/V0x5LyOrL_0 [12:32] trijntje_: Nothing came up [12:32] GreenDragon: no, you have to use the name of the package you installed [12:32] trijntje_: I did [12:33] but its bad practice to install software from outside the repositories, you wont get any security updates [12:33] trijntje_: I found it :D === gnu is now known as Guest37490 [12:33] trijntje_: now what do I do? [12:34] GreenDragon: The discussion you reference, and the bug, were fixed *four* years ago [12:34] Hi all. I've just install Ubuntu 14.04.1 and it turned out that Layout swiching doesn't work as expected. I used to use modal switching i.e. Caps for the first layout and Shift+Caps for the second, but this is not an option in Ubutnu 14.04. Any ideas? [12:34] GreenDragon: can you put the list on pastebin.com? Usually the one you want is in /bin [12:34] I wish to migrate to Ubuntu 14.04 but this is inability to swithc layouts is a show-stopper [12:35] This is MOST critical thing and I wonder why releasers are so irresponsive [12:35] trijntje_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8205872/ === trijntje_ is now known as trijntje [12:35] GreenDragon: capitol L [12:36] oh. [12:36] Any workaround/fix for Ubuntu 14.04.1 for layouts? [12:36] OnkelTem: have you looked at existing bug repports? [12:36] trijntje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8205875/ [12:37] hi, pulseaudio sometimes hangs completely. i can't even kill -9 it. autospawn is disabled. any ideas? [12:37] GreenDragon: I dont think thats the full output [12:37] i'm using an usb soundcard [12:37] Nightwolf: What do you mean it hangs? [12:38] Nightwolf: What are the symptoms? [12:38] trijntje: it is... [12:38] usr13: no sound, pavucontrol can't connect [12:38] Nightwolf: What version of Ubuntu are you on? [12:39] 14.04 [12:39] trijntje: didn't find any on this. Looks like I'm the only man on the Earth who needs this. About 6 months ago I tried 14.04 with the same result - they just borke everything [12:39] GreenDragon: in that case I dont know, I don't see anything that would be the binary [12:39] Nightwolf: Fully updated? [12:39] trijntje: I wonder is there any workaround [12:39] yes [12:39] OnkelTem: did you report a bug? Otherwise its no surprise it didn't get fixed [12:39] trijntje: ill try it again with sudo [12:39] trijntje: what is the best place to report? [12:39] usr13: i have the problem for 2 years or so, i just sometimes try to solve it again xD [12:39] Nightwolf: Do you really have a need for pulseaudio? (You might just uninstall it for now, re-install it later on.) [12:40] !bug [12:40] i don't know, i think i also already tried that xD [12:40] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [12:40] Nightwolf: Are you a skype user? [12:40] yes [12:40] Nightwolf: Ok, well skype needs it. [12:40] trijntje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8205908/ === boob is now known as ziggy_client2 === ziggy_client2 is now known as ziggy_client3 [12:41] GreenDragon: still the same, I guess you'll have to ask the people who create the browser [12:42] trijntje: I can go looking for it, what is a typical binary .ext? [12:42] linux usually doesnt work with extensions for binaries [12:43] Nightwolf: A problem I've found with pulseaudio is that it seems to reserve or hold sound for a particular app, like a flash video on the broser, or a call on skype or video player like mplayer. So closing other apps seems to free it up. Like closing the browser or closing the terminal that I played the video from etc. etc. Have you tried that? [12:43] trijntje: I think I found it [12:44] trijntje: Yeah I'm pretty sure I have [12:44] Nightwolf: And have you told the pulseaudio team about your problems? [12:44] trijntje: Now how do I get it to default browser status? [12:44] Nightwolf: (They are the ones that will fix it, they are the ones that need to know.) [12:45] GreenDragon: I'm not sure on lubuntu, isn't there an option to manually add a program? [12:45] trijntje: Not that I know of, is there one in terminal? [12:45] #lubuntu [12:45] Nightwolf: Also, there is #pulseaudio channel. [12:46] I'm not sure, maybe someone else knows [12:46] Nightwolf: /join #pulseaudio [12:46] usr13: thanks [12:46] trijntje: Isn't there a command that I could use to do that? [12:46] NP [12:47] Nightwolf: There is also a mail-list === ross is now known as scienceiscoolyes [12:47] Hello. Can anyone point me to ubunt-gnome gnome/mutter repo? [12:47] Hello, if I sha1sum, sha256sum and md5sum the ubuntu iso one after the other. Will it reduce the quality of the ISO [12:47] Nightwolf: pulseaudio-discuss@lists.freedesktop.org [12:47] i.e, break it [12:48] scienceiscoolyes: no, you can read files as many times as you like [12:48] I am unable to purge the package linux-image-3.8.0-44-generic from my system. I have already installed linux-image-3.13.0-32-generic . [12:48] alright, cheers [12:49] Nightwolf: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/options/pulseaudio-discuss/ [12:50] Subscribe option ^^^^^ [12:51] here is the error pastebin : http://txt.krow.me/ppcsmvdt7 [12:51] usr13: ok, great. thanks a lot! [12:52] hey guys, I was wondering if there is an easy guide to setting up email services on a dedicated server with Ubuntu 14.04 installation [12:52] Aaruni: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-3.8* [12:52] usr13: i think it may have something to do with usb, because now lsusb doesn't even work any more.. === YamakasY is now known as RandomGuy [12:53] Nightwolf: Ok, there you go.... you are on the right track,for sure. === RandomGuy is now known as YamakasY [12:53] probably ... [12:53] usr13: http://txt.krow.me/prra9hetv [12:54] Aaruni: apt-get removepkg linux-image-3.8.0-29-generic [12:54] Aaruni: sudo apt-get removepkg linux-image-3.8.0-29-generic [12:54] usr13: 3.8.0-29 ? [12:54] but don't I want to remove 3.8.0-44, usr13 ? [12:54] Aaruni: Oh, well, you do not have 3.8.0-29 === daemon_erebus is now known as DaemonErebus [12:55] Aaruni: My mistake. But you do not have linux-image-3.8.0-29 [12:55] Aaruni: You are trying to remove something you don't have. [12:56] usr13: but apt throws me an error "1 not fully installed or removed" [12:57] Aaruni: Show me... [12:57] Aaruni: Show me the full output [12:57] wait [12:57] usr13: right now, I get E: Invalid operation removepkg [12:57] Aaruni: ls /boot/vmlinuz-3.8* [12:58] Aaruni: removepkg is a slackware command (not used in Ubuntu). [12:58] usr13: so, purge ? [12:58] usr13: http://txt.krow.me/pg0pw3utr [12:59] hi, sorry I have a problem with ubuntu end a new netgear modem, the connection work, but it fall down every 2 or 3 minutes [12:59] somebody can help me please [12:59] Aaruni: You have only 3.8.0-44 You do not have 3.8.0-29 [13:00] ok.... [13:00] !ask | actarus [13:00] actarus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [13:00] so, usr13, what do I do ? [13:00] Aaruni: So, show me the apt-get error. (The full output) [13:00] Aaruni: sudo apt-get update [13:00] !patience [13:00] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [13:00] Aaruni: Tell me if you get errors.... [13:01] usr13: no errors in apt-get update [13:01] usr13: http://txt.krow.me/puhwd0j9j [13:01] Aaruni: Ok. So what is the problem? (Do you really have a problem?) [13:02] Aaruni: (I do not see an error there.) [13:03] usr13: the error can be seen here : http://txt.krow.me/pirtusptf [13:03] Can somebody tell me which package displays the "Welcome to Trusty Tahr.. [cancel] [Upgrade]" notifications I'm seeing every now and then in Precise? I'd like to disable that, but don't know which package/script is handling it. It's the ones that look like this: http://cdn2.itzgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Ubuntu-14.04-Release-Notes.jpg [13:05] Aaruni, usr13: line 18: usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). [13:05] Aaruni: dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-3.8.0-44-generic [13:05] geirha: Oh, let me look again... [13:05] pdw;~ check your settings in software sources [13:05] usr13: http://txt.krow.me/pwsqg9yyq [13:06] geirha: but everything else works (just also installed linux-generic-lts-trusty) [13:06] Aaruni: uname -a [13:06] usr13: Linux aaruni-HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC 3.13.0-32-generic #57~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:51:20 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [13:07] pdw;~ from system settings > software & updates [13:07] Aaruni: mount #What does that say? [13:07] philinux: thanks - got that one, but it doesn't quite do what I need. [13:08] philinux: I'm trying to push out a config update to all laptops on our network. [13:08] usr13: http://txt.krow.me/piq45mgrq [13:08] philinux: Do you know if that dropdown is tied to some config file in /etc or /var? [13:08] Aaruni: So why not just uninstall the 3.8.0-44 kernel? [13:09] usr13: that is the original problem : http://txt.krow.me/pzhq2us5t [13:09] philinux: (I'm not too bothered by the notification myself, but I want to avoid one of my users accidentally triggering an upgrade. :] ) [13:10] Aaruni: Did you also send this?: http://txt.krow.me/prra9hetv [13:10] Hi guys, I am getting a system error because I have a package 'linux-image-3.13.0-35-generic" problem type "kernelOops"... anyone know how to fix? [13:11] usr13: yeah [13:12] Aaruni: cat /etc/issue #Tell me what that says === derk0pf|NA is now known as derk0pf [13:12] usr13: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS \n \l [13:12] Aaruni: have you modified any grub config? does running update-grub work? [13:13] geirha: root@aaruni-HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC:/etc/apt# update-grub [13:13] /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). [13:13] (didn't use pastebin, only two lines) [13:13] hi, sorry I have a problem with ubuntu end a new netgear modem, the connection work, but it fall down every 2 or 3 minutes [13:13] right, so that's what dpkg (and apt-get in turn) is failing on === bzf- is now known as bzf === pinnen_ is now known as pinnen [13:15] geirha: does it matter, if I tell you that I'm doing all that on uck ? making an ubuntu precise iso jam packed with my favourite applications ? [13:15] Aaruni: oh hang on, you ARE missing /dev [13:16] geirha: ? [13:16] Aaruni: But is this a running system? [13:16] err no, sorry. line 8 has it. udev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755) [13:16] usr13: nope. still configuring stuff via the package manager [13:16] I plan to build it by tonight === browntown is now known as Guest65453 [13:17] Aaruni: dpkg -r linux-image-3.8.0-29-generic [13:17] Aaruni: Tell us what that does? [13:18] usr13, geirha : http://txt.krow.me/pebmkzoav [13:20] Aaruni: dpkg -r remove-essential linux-image-3.8.0-29-generic [13:20] usr13: same error [13:22] Aaruni: dpkg --configure -a [13:22] usr13: dpkg: error: unknown option --configure-a [13:22] ohwait [13:22] sorry [13:23] usr13: no errors [13:23] Aaruni: maybe it is dpkg -a --configure [13:23] usr13: no errors [13:23] in fact, no output at all [13:23] Aaruni: apt-get clean [13:23] usr13: done [13:24] Aaruni: apt-get update [13:24] usr13, would install/reinstall the kernel then allow for removal?? [13:24] usr13: done with no errors [13:24] Aaruni: apt-get install -f [13:24] cfhowlett: it doesn't let me install either [13:25] usr13: same as the original error [13:25] you know what, nevermind [13:25] Aaruni: What is it? [13:25] I'll just build it, see if it still runs. ignore the error [13:26] Aaruni: Well, really, I just don't know. Not really sure that the problem is... [13:26] thanks anyways, guys [13:26] Aaruni: Ok. sorry we couldn't help [13:26] or sorry *I* couldn't help. [13:27] usr13: its OK. I think it has something to do with it not being a running OS, just uck. [13:33] hello [13:33] how can list hidden files ? [13:33] netameta: ls -la === derp is now known as olivierrr [13:33] using kunbutu 14.04 and i have this problem: apt get update when reading package list very slow (aprox 15 minutes). any leads ? === olivierrr is now known as ziggy_client1 [13:34] Thanks [13:34] somsip thanks [13:35] netameta: np. It's common to add an 'alias ll="ls -la"' to .bash_aliases for that one [13:38] I see - i dont really use / need to see hidden files too much really but thanks somisp === gnu is now known as Guest71736 === export_ is now known as export === tonythomas|exams is now known as tonythomas [13:44] hi all. [13:50] hi! any known issues with 3.16.1 and hostapd? no luck with wpa=1 or wpa=2 anymore, only wpa=0 setting results in working wifi === JC_SoCal_ is now known as JC_SoCal [13:52] How do enter the root password on the guest session? [13:52] I can not get root account on the logon screen. [13:52] ftl, logon screen? you need to use the terminal type su [13:52] then will ask for super user password [13:53] dont know if possible from guest account [13:53] guest-e8eZ84@Linux:~$ su Parola: setgid: İşleme izin verilmedi guest-e8eZ84@Linux:~$ [13:53] do not make sense to use it from guest account :P you can use tty1 [13:53] use turkish ubuntu, entered true pass [13:53] .. [13:53] :) [13:54] :) === AEM` is now known as aem` [13:59] i have installed xubuntu 14.04 less than 1 week ago my wifi does not work can someone help me to fix the wifi connection? [13:59] i am using xubuntu version 14.04? [14:00] Where can I find the md5sum for a particular file, say, in this case, /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so [14:01] jsn: you can calculate MD5 checksums with the md5sum command. Just give the filename as argument, like md5sum /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so [14:02] pdw: Yes. I want to know what ubuntu thinks it _should_ be. [14:02] jsn: thought you might ask that next. Sorry! [14:03] I’d also accept knowing the last day the package, in this case, libc, was updated. [14:04] jsn: so, according to the search engine at package.ubuntu.com, that file appears to be in libc6-dbg in trusty. [14:04] i have installed xubuntu 14.04 less than 1 week ago my wifi does not work can someone help me to fix the wifi connection? [14:04] i am using xubuntu version 14.04? [14:04] jsn: *packages.ubuntu.com, sorry [14:05] Where is the macro major and minor defined? [14:05] I apologize for my lack of google-fu, but is there an Ubuntu equivelent to Debian Sid? [14:05] pdw: No, it is in package libc6. It’s the main library for an entire operating system, the GNU C library. [14:05] ActionParsnip, can you help me [14:05] jsn: Try having a look to see if you have /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6*md5sums on your system. [14:05] specifically, a rolling testing repo that I can track for the latest updates [14:06] pdw: An md5sum on my system could be compromised just as easily as the file itself. I need somewhere _else_ to look at it. [14:06] miyako: no - ubuntu is released at fixed intervals. You can use the beta, or the latest. [14:06] jsn: in which case, I'd download a fresh copy of the package to a trusted host, and compare to the files in that. Do you know how to unpack a deb archive? [14:07] somsip: can I just update my /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the next release and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ? [14:07] miyako: no idea. You should probably ask in #ubuntu+1 [14:07] pdw: For sake of argument, let’s assume I don’t have another host. And, yes, I can use dpkg. [14:07] somsip: okay, I didn't know about that channel, I ask there, thanks :) [14:07] hey somsip do you know how to make a repo with launchpad [14:08] when i connect my cannon camera ubuntu freezes up on loading thumbnails °! please help! [14:08] Basketball: no. Just ask your question to the channel and wait to see if anyone replies. Don't ask people unsolicited please. [14:08] miyako: I know dist-upgrade won’t push you to anything like sid. They have a new command, something like do-release-upgrade, and that can only be run, I think, when there is a release upgrade. [14:08] there are also avi movies on the cam could that be the problem ? [14:09] so i wrote a script that sets up all my programs and icons right. So i ran into a problem where the script is saving the zip file from the wget of the file to a .html file. how can i make my own repo and add the zips to it so i can do it from the repo not wget [14:10] Basketball: A .deb file repo? [14:10] jsn, no i want to upload the zips to it [14:10] jsn: hmm, it sounds like I might just want to install debian on my laptop at this point rather than trying to turn Ubuntu into debian [14:10] Where can I find what Ubuntu thinks the md5sum for a particular file, say, in this case, /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so [14:11] jsn: just run md5sum against it [14:11] jsn: I'm not myself aware of somewhere that lists MD5 checksums by package. However, downloading the deb to my machine here, comparing the deb's SHA256 sum against the one on the https: download page, and extracting the files gives me this: [14:11] jsn: the fact that it's installed means it's passed the internal checksums that it installs [14:11] ikonia: That shows what the md5sum is on _my_ system. I want to know what the official repository says it should be. [14:11] ikonia: It coud be changed after it was installed. [14:11] Basketball: what is the issue? [14:11] jsn: $ md5sum libc-2.19.so [14:11] jsn: I'm not sure that's held on a file by file basis [14:11] jsn: 7b6bbcea6627deace906d80edaefc631 libc-2.19.so [14:11] ActionParsnip, [14:11] ActionParsnip, [14:11] so i wrote a script that sets up all my programs and icons right. So i ran into a problem where the script is saving the zip file from the wget of the file to a .html file. how can i make my own repo and add the zips to it so i can do it from the repo not wget [14:12] Basketball: wget -O filename.zip http://www.whatever.com/filename [14:12] Basketball: you can use the -O option to set the resulting filename [14:12] pdw: Well, we have the same one. That’s something. But I can’t always rely on you being there for me. [14:12] ActionParsnip, can you come here please http://collabedit.com/m9yng [14:13] jsn: could always extract the deb [14:13] jsn: you might want to have a look at debsums too. [14:13] ikonia: I wanted to know if there was an official source I could check. In the limits of the imagination, a downloaded .deb could corrupt the one file right away. [14:14] pdw: I have that installed. debsums could be corrupted just as easily as the original file. [14:14] jsn: no it couldn't as when it installs it checksums itself === hari is now known as Guest2708 [14:14] ikonia: And nothing on Earth could ever happen after that? [14:14] jsn: the package integrity is checked against the cache [14:14] jsn: no, it couldn't [14:14] jsn: If there is doubt over a system file, you *never* try to verify the checksum on the possibly compromised installed system. Use a live ISO boot and generate the checksum of the suspect file to compare against the checksum of the same file from the same package version [14:14] jsn: I guess the question is, what's your threat model? [14:14] ikonia: My machine couldn’t be hacked? How odd. I thought it, hypothetically, could, and, once hacked, any binaries could be changed, including debsums. [14:15] jsn: if it's hacked how can you trust md5sum [14:15] TJ-: Thanks, good advice. [14:15] jsn: md5sum may be compromised also.... [14:15] ikonia: good point [14:15] Looks like I am OK, or pdw is in on it and giving me a bad checksum. ;) [14:15] jsn: heh, no comment. :) [14:16] ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/5K5311TD [14:16] jsn: Check the build logs for the package to confirm the expected package hashes: e.g. very end of: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/183374320/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.eglibc_2.19-0ubuntu6.3_UPLOADING.txt.gz [14:16] TJ-: that's useful [14:17] Basketball: if you set the top line to: #!/bin/bash and mark the file as executable, it will be a script. The file extension does nothing at all [14:17] jsn: Those are the same hashes copied into the archive pocket "Release" files, that are in turn signed and a detached signature placed in "Release.gpg" [14:17] Basketball: Elementary is also not supported here [14:17] Basketball: this is Ubuntu support. Ask in #elementaryos [14:17] ActionParsnip, it is a bash script [14:18] scripts work on anyos [14:18] Basketball: Ask in #elementaryos [14:18] Basketball: yes, but you are using Elementary, not ubuntu, so not supported here [14:18] One last paranoid question? Does anyone else have a date around August 28th for their /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so ? [14:19] jsn: do you suspect your machine has been compromised ? [14:20] ikonia: Or maybe that library got corrupted. I can no longer build a package which I update with each update to libc6. Seems to be the only difference. I do have one other option, but, like I said, I built this all the time without that other option. [14:21] jsn: do you mean point release update to libc6 or actual version changes [14:21] jsn: this does not sound like a corruption, more a change in the packages behaviour [14:22] jsn: Did you not read the build log? "-rwxr-xr-x root/root 1845024 2014-08-28 06:02 ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so" [14:22] ikonia: Could be, just wondering. [14:22] TJ-: I was looking for the changelog, honestly. [14:22] TJ-: So, no, I did not. [14:22] jsn: I think you're taking a random stab at solving a build problem [14:22] jsn: have you actually analyised the error of the build ? [14:22] jsn: did you update the headers with libc6-dev ?? [14:23] ikonia: I was taking a random stab, because the other fix will take a couple hours. This wasn’t the likely situation, but I simply wanted to rule it out. [14:23] TJ-: libc6-dev is up to date. [14:23] jsn: analyising corruption/compromised system would take hours, [14:24] Can anyone confirm that setting 'Prompt=never' in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is sufficient to prevent the "Welcome to Trusty Tahr [cancel] [Upgrade]" notification popups from appearing? [14:24] I mean the one that looks like http://cdn2.itzgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Ubuntu-14.04-Release-Notes.jpg. I need to push a config update out via Puppet to avoid my users accidentally upgrading their systems. [14:24] ikonia: Actually, I think, between pdw and TJ-, we’ve ruled out compromised in about 10-15 minutes. [14:24] jsn: So, ask us about the build error rather than one of many possibilities and we might know the cause :) [14:24] I don't believe so [14:24] Hi TJ- just wanna ask if you help a bit, I dnt really understand why i cannot do command " cat " anymore, it says i need to do apt-get install coreutils , when i do apt-get install coreutils , doesnt work neither. [14:25] ThreadKiLL: Sounds like you killed the system [14:25] and when i do netstat it says cannot run binary [14:25] I am, as of a couple days ago, having problems building mod_perl from source. make is fine, but make test yields a few errors. [14:25] I think I am just going to add the apr-iconv package. [14:25] jsn: build log? [14:25] jsn: have you cheked if those tests are applicable to your system [14:25] jsn: not all tests are for all platforms/builds [14:26] TJ- , really? bt when i do whereis cat , output is very clear, it's already installed. [14:26] ikonia: FYI, I used to work in the build group for some of the largest software in the world. We filed bugs against ld because it couldn’t handle 4G binaries very well. [14:26] is there any alternative way or maybe isntall cat command manually? [14:26] Let me just do the apr-iconv solution for now. It’s probably not a bad idea, anyway. [14:27] jsn: not sure how that has anything to do with anything [14:27] ThreadKiLL: To get such errors you've seriously messed up the system in some way [14:27] Thanks, folks! [14:28] ikonia: You asked if I knew that all tests weren’t for all platforms. I mean, it even _says_ “skipped: not VMS” on a lot of tests like that, and I’ve spent years in a build group. [14:28] Ciao! [14:28] jsn: and yet your randomly guessing your machine is hacked [14:28] hi [14:28] TJ- , maybe one of my dedicated server users trolling around and messed up things , do i need to resetup ubuntu etc.? or if you have better advice please do tell. [14:29] china [14:29] !zh | star_ [14:29] star_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [14:30] ThreadKiLL: It sounds like some core system libraries have been compromised, unless you've simply mangled the evironment PATH === root is now known as Guest14901 [14:31] TJ- core system indeed, is there any way to restore it from the default system? [14:33] ThreadKiLL: Reinstall the packages [14:33] TJ-, PS: this is dedicted server btw. [14:33] ThreadKiLL: And don't give users access to privileged functionality [14:34] the only problem i have is the compilation " cat " command. [14:35] sounds like you have a lot more problems than that === html is now known as johnny_number_5 [14:36] thanks ikania , bt apt-get update doesnt work anymore too. [14:36] ThreadKiLL: >>> It sounds like some core system libraries have been compromised <<<, unless you've simply mangled the evironment PATH [14:37] hey guys i'm having a bit of troube with X [14:37] anyone here that can help? [14:39] TJ- what are the basic solution if the error is cannot run binary file. [14:39] ThreadKiLL: it sounds like you are missing a key libraries [14:39] I'd guess libc [14:39] or something as important [14:39] which means your machine is in a huge mess [14:40] I suspect if you reboot now it would not come back up [14:40] yes i already rebooted my vps , Omg [14:40] hey guys, i think i'm havi9ng problems with X. every once in a while my screen just freezes and blacks out and i have to REISUB to rescue it [14:40] I thnk i should re-install the wholething [14:40] i'm on the latest nvidia stable drivers 340 [14:40] and it's not hardware [14:41] any ideas? [14:42] Aeo: no obvious suggestions (and I'm not an expert) but it might be worth checking that you're using a release that's more recent than your hardware. [14:43] pdw: the gfx card is a 780ti, athe only old bits are the mobo and CPU [14:43] Aeo: Any useful info in the system logs? [14:44] TJ-: i'm not sure where to look. .xsession-erros? [14:44] Aeo: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" and "/var/log/kern.log" [14:45] Aeo: you could check /var/log/syslog, /var/log/Xorg.*.log, and dmesg output. [14:45] want a pastebin? [14:45] they're fairly random, and based on how i have to restart they might not have gotten logged [14:46] Aeo: no harm in trying a pastebin. Yes, random crashes could lock up the system before it has chance to log anything. [14:46] if i fire up a game, it's a coin toss wheter they happen or not [14:46] and even idling at the desktop [14:46] it's weird [14:47] pdw: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/JhEFQmap [14:48] pdw my .xsession-errors http://pastebin.com/dJNgpwQN [14:48] Aeo: This "[mi] Increasing EQ size to 512 to prevent dropped events." is an indication of internal X server problems [14:48] any other log you an think of? [14:48] TJ-: what can ti do to fix it? [14:48] best recovery tool on ubuntu ? [14:48] *i [14:48] kesavan: there is no best anything in any OS [14:48] @ActionParsnip: Yes! [14:48] kesavan: if there was, nobpdy would use the others as one is outright better [14:49] I've to research and find the best for my requiremnet [14:49] kesavan: this is not the case, and all options exists [14:49] kesavan: recovery of what? [14:49] Aeo: Also, in .xsessoin_errors you have "(cinnamon:2398): Cogl-WARNING **: Failed to compile GLSL program:" [14:49] Problem is my files are not shown in the USB pen drive [14:49] but the data is there [14:50] GParted and others report 11GB data is there [14:50] kesavan: you could use foremost, you will lose filename and folder location but you may get the data [14:50] kesavan: what file system is the usb using> [14:50] Hi [14:51] Gparted report it as FAT32 [14:51] Aeo: The only thing I see that's at all out of the ordinary is that entry at 23.239, where some detail is filled in with ???. [14:51] kesavan: have you ran an fsck on it? [14:51] TJ-: so what's the root cause and how cani fix it? [14:51] I did it [14:51] Aeo: That looks to me (though I'm no expert here) like something might not be entirely supported. [14:52] Aeo: I realise that's not too useful though. [14:52] ext2fs_open2: Bad magic number in super-block [14:52] pdw: it's all good :) === basketpc is now known as jjprieto [14:52] Aeo: I'd suspect Cinnamon; as far as I'm aware that isn't part of Ubuntu, either [14:53] TJ-: well, TBH it's linux mint. that channel ran out of ideas though :/ [14:53] kesavan: you said it's its fat32 [14:53] yes [14:53] Aeo: Well, there you go "not supported here" [14:53] Aeo: I don't know if there's any mileage in turning off the stereo support (since I can imagine that being less well-tested). [14:53] kesavan: you may find that foremost will help, you will need as much space as the USB's capacity. You will use filename and location data but files may be revovered [14:54] kesavan: why is the data not backed up? [14:54] pdw: screen dosen't support, and i'm not sure how to anyways [14:54] TJ-: well, thanks :P [14:54] Aeo: np. Have you tried falling back to a simpler desktop (mate rather than cinnamon)? [14:54] yes... no backup tken from USB pendrive [14:55] pdw: i tried awesome, but no i cant get used to a twm. ani reccommendations? [14:56] Aeo: just try something without 3D acceleration on the desktop as a start. [14:56] pdw: fair enough, thanks [14:56] kesavan: then why are you trying to get the data back, it is worthless [14:56] Aeo: on Ubuntu 12.04, I'd suggest falling back to the 2D desktop (without visual effects). [14:56] Aeo: Not sure how that translates to a current Mint install. ;) [14:56] pdw: i think 17 is based off 14.043 [14:57] *14.04 [14:57] Aeo: try installing the lubuntu-desktop package in that case. [14:57] pdw: thanks [14:57] Aeo: another approach is to launch a separate X server just to handle the game, but that's a bit involved... :) [14:58] Aeo: np [14:58] pdw: it's not game specific. i can be idling on the desktop and it can happen [14:58] hi, all, I am willing to change a net_dev's name on the fly, is this possible? [14:58] I know, it is possible to change a net_dev name by add a rule in udev [14:58] [Logs] http://paste.ubuntu.com/8206950/ [14:59] Aeo: good point. Yes, see how the lubuntu or xubuntu desktops suit you, see of that helps any. [14:59] while this would take effect after reboot? [14:59] sounds good [14:59] thanks TJ- and pdw [14:59] Aeo: welcome :) [15:00] install lubuntu is very hard [15:02] yaowenrui: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop :P [15:03] just desktop or hole system? [15:03] <__zug__> I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a older machine (upgrading to 12.x slows this machine down). Anyway I can get Chrome to update so that I can install some extensions/apps I want? I keep getting "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: gconf-service" trying to install the google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb package. [15:03] My ThinkPad has a camera built-in. What app(s) could I use to record video with? [15:03] __zug__, desktop??? [15:03] <__zug__> yes [15:03] SuperLag, cheese [15:03] SuperLag: cheese [15:03] __zug__, end of life = no longer supporte [15:04] <__zug__> ugh, ok [15:04] isn't it still in support on the server [15:04] 5 years ? [15:05] ikonia, it is. he's on desktop [15:05] __zug__: Try Xubuntu or Lubuntu [15:05] yes [15:05] ahh the desktop packages have not been updated [15:05] ah [15:05] hence why it's not met [15:05] __zug__: Ubuntu 12.04 using Unity2D will run ok, or try Lubuntu or Xubuntu 14.04 :) [15:06] __zug__, lubuntu is optimized for older machines. xubuntu is also legacy friendly [15:06] hi there, i've bought a caddy to put an HDD (the one i used before) and installed a new SSD, but my CPU first core is allways at 100, i've tracked it down to "/sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe12" and i've noticed that if i remove the HDD and leave the SSD it don't get that problem, what could it be? my HDD i've re-formated to ext4, but i still get the same...the main problem is overheating (and probably some performance issues) [15:06] <__zug__> MannerMan: I've played with Xubuntu so might try that. I'll look at Lubuntu as well. Thanks guys. [15:08] __zug__: You're welcome, in theory you could do something like upgrading to 12.04, install xubuntu-desktop, and uninstall ubuntu-desktop, but I would recommend fresh install. === n13z_ is now known as n13z [15:10] G-night.... [15:13] TeraJL: You might improve the situation by installing the package "irqbalance" [15:13] http://vividsx.com/double-timing-wifeava-addams-bill-baileykeiran-lee-lizzie-tucker-fucked-while-playing-console-gamesamantha-saint-madison-ivy-two-hottie-bff-threesomedillion-harper-penetrating-the-pus/ [15:15] seems legit [15:15] !ops | beid7712 porn [15:15] beid7712 porn: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang [15:18] TJ-: that will just make the high amount of CPU usage to be shared to all other cores? the problem is, it is using 100% of one core, with an huge number of interrupts even if it's not mounted [15:21] #winehq [15:21] TeraJL: Check out the caddy, but surely if there a lots of IRQs that might suggests the file-systems on the device are being fscked? [15:23] TJ-: sorry, but by fscked you mean that the OS is checking the device? because i've been like this for almost a month and never stopped... only if i turn off that interrupt but that does not seem ?healthy? [15:25] TeraJL: That does sound ... *wrong* [15:25] TeraJL: What's the caddy, what interface and how is it connected to the PC, what interfaces does it use internally to the drive? === [1]Bootstrapper0 is now known as Bootstrapper_03 === Bootstrapper_03 is now known as BootstrapperMelb === BootstrapperMelb is now known as Entrepreneur03 === Entrepreneur03 is now known as ConsciousBootstr === ConsciousBootstr is now known as ConsciousCat === ConsciousCat is now known as Consciousness03 === Consciousness03 is now known as Bootstrapper [15:29] TJ-: the caddy is a serial ATA ( http://www.dx.com/p/designer-s-2-5-sata-to-sata-hdd-ssd-caddy-for-12-7mm-optical-drive-122075 ) and its on a laptop to use the HDD instead of the CD drive [15:31] TeraJL: Does it have any active electronics on-board? If not, then it would look to be an issue with the SSD and controller it is connected to [15:36] TJ-: ? the SSD seems to be working fine (atleast without the HDD), the HDD is on the caddy, and the SSD is inside the pc.... the caddy does not seem to have any active electronics === khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth [15:39] TeraJL: Ahh, sorry, I did mean to type "HDD" not "SSD". Have you done a SMART check on the drive? Have you looked at "kern.log" for clues? [15:44] what does "enable base mosaic" mean in the nvidia X-Server settings? [15:45] rustyraptor: it's a religious thing [15:45] j/k [15:45] lol [15:45] hola a todos [15:45] !es | caelinux [15:45] caelinux: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [15:46] ahh ok thx [15:46] np [15:46] I also can speak english [15:46] this is my first time here [15:46] it's up to you [15:46] i dont know how this program works [15:46] i need help configuring postfix [15:46] what is this [15:46] this is an IRC channel [15:46] caelinux: do you have a support question [15:47] no im trying this distro of caelinux and i just saw this software [15:47] caelinux, you should go to caelinux for support - we only do ubuntu official flavors here. [15:47] TJ-: http://pastebin.com/6CJsTdGt there are some warnings but i don't know what to search for [15:48] TJ-: what's the best way to do a smart check? [15:57] hey guys, need help quite urgently [15:57] trying to upgrade 12.04 to 14.04, but when I run 'do-release'upgrade' i get "No view can be imported, aborting" error [15:58] please help [15:58] SimonJai: "do-release-upgrade" is the commans [15:58] *command === khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth [15:59] sorry typo, yes I typed 'do-release-upgrade' [15:59] SimonJai: please make sure you run a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" first to make sure you are up to date [15:59] k1l_: I did and they are [16:00] SimonJai: are you running ubuntu server> [16:00] yes [16:00] well as far as I can tell [16:00] there's no GUI [16:00] SimonJai: Have you tried force-updating? [16:00] SimonJai: what does "lsb_release -d" give you? [16:01] Description: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS [16:01] how do i force updating? [16:02] SimonJai: add in -d switch [16:02] same thing [16:02] >< [16:02] So The Bug Squad is now merging into the Ubuntu Quality Team? [16:03] https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2ukxg8hpoyypzg/ubuntu_err.JPG [16:04] SimonJai: is this a regular setup? or some hoster stuff? [16:04] what is inside sources.list? [16:04] anyone familiar with postfix?myhostname directive is not working [16:04] I am having an issue with iscsitarget; my NAS has stopped working after the upgrade to the latest hardware enablement stack. reinstalling iscsitarget-dkms fails to compile the driver, and it results in an error like such: http://askubuntu.com/questions/511990/iscsitarget-suddenly-broken-after-upgrade-of-the-12-04-hardware-stack [16:05] k1l_: repositories [16:05] can anybody lend some advice? thank you [16:05] AVDA: ? [16:05] AVDA: i know. i wanted to know what is inside his sources.list (if standard repos or hoster stuff etc) [16:06] eeee: ? [16:06] t0ad-mini: yo [16:07] SimonJai: did you update manager -core? [16:07] yes i did [16:07] SimonJai: maybe you got a locales issue, try to set your locales with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" [16:07] i'll try that, thanks k1l_ === olivierrrrr is now known as olivierrr [16:08] k1l_: no good :( [16:08] hello [16:08] *ubuntu 10.10**kernel 2.6* *refuses to upgrade* [16:08] k1l_: en_GB.ISO-8859-1... up-to-date [16:09] if i make a new user does it have all the default stuff or does it have the repos and programs from current user [16:09] SimonJai: Run as normal user? [16:10] iso locales? usually you have utf-8 locales on ubuntu machines [16:10] Basketball: apps are shared [16:10] Basketball: repos are systemwide (since they need sudo rights to be set, right?) [16:11] basketball: sys wide. [16:11] SimonJai: what gives "locales -a"? [16:11] SimonJai: "locale -a" [16:11] AVDA, is there a way yo do a reset so EVERY THING is default again [16:11] k1l_: C, POSIX, en_GB, en_GB.iso88591 [16:12] !10.10 | AVDA [16:12] AVDA: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details. [16:12] no wonder mysql is freaking out about utf8 aswell [16:14] i'm having a CPU problem, the first core is allways at 100% can someone check if my kern.log if there is any problem http://pastebin.com/6CJsTdGt ? === Mike_____ is now known as Mike__ [16:15] SimonJai: "apt-get install language-pack-en" then "locale-gen" and then again "dpkg-reconfigure locales" and choose a supported locale [16:15] TeraJL: type top and see what's using the cpu [16:16] eeee: it's an interrupt related to my HDD caddy [16:18] Basketball: you can backup your /home and fresh install [16:18] k1l_: how do I choose a local? [16:18] Hi there, i have an Trusty installation and i was just intalling mjpegtools. But it seems yuvscaler is missing. At least the Manpage is shipped with the package :). [16:18] eeee, but i dont have a ethernet cable and i have a broadcom card so i have to run a few commands to get wifi working which i cant do without ethernet [16:19] SimonJai: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale [16:19] why can't you run the commands without the ethernet? [16:20] Basketball: you mean you need to install software to get it working? [16:20] eeee, you need internet to run these [16:20] 1. sudo apt-get update [16:20] 2. sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer [16:20] 3. sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source [16:20] 4. sudo reboot [16:22] k1l_: no good, same error >< [16:22] SimonJai: what locales did you use now? [16:22] postfix anyone? [16:22] en_AU.UTF8 [16:23] en_AU.UTF-8 **** [16:23] en_GB.UTF-8 **** [16:23] TeraJL: Nothing in the kernel log gives a clue. What do you see with "cat /proc/interrupts" ? [16:24] SimonJai: what error do you get now? [16:24] the same [16:24] https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2ukxg8hpoyypzg/ubuntu_err.JPG [16:24] real same error? should be another error in some places now [16:25] Basketball: i think you can install offline using the live usb [16:25] Basketball: http://linuxforums.org.uk/index.php?topic=5842.0 [16:25] k1l_: what's the error rn? [16:25] i'll check syslog [16:25] Basketball: look into it more if you want to try it out === kat is now known as Guest6155 [16:25] Hi, guys, how do i upgrade synaptic package? === ineedarobot_ is now known as ineedarobot [16:26] SimonJai: please "pastebin" the output. and pastebin the sources.list [16:26] Hello [16:26] Guest6155: sudo apt-get upgrade , upgrades all packages [16:26] Guest6155: can you rephrase? [16:26] thanks [16:26] shouldn't you do dist-upgrade? since major changes cannot be made via upgrade? [16:27] dist-upgrade is needed for new package installs, like the new kernel packages when updating the kernel [16:27] Hello i an trying to install bundler, An error occurred while installing rugged (0.21.0), and Bundler cannot continue. [16:28] SimonJai: On 12.04: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install update-manager-core" [16:29] k1l_: http://pastebin.com/hRfr1bTe [16:29] TJ-: that didn't work :( [16:30] SimonJai: try sudo do-release upgrade -p [16:30] nope, same [16:30] SimonJai: Do you have a non-standard Python installation, or PATH? Those modules are Python, so any Python changes could impact it [16:30] SimonJai: try sudo do-release-upgrade -m server [16:30] SimonJai: did you make a unclean upgrade to 12.04 with editing the sources.list? [16:31] k1l_: i didn't edit the sources.list [16:31] i inherited this server, it's running some turnkeylinux crap on it? [16:31] but base is ubuntu [16:32] hmm. seems like they broke the python then. [16:32] SimonJai: That's probably the issue then; If it isn't standard Ubuntu then tools can't be expected to work in the expected manner [16:32] how do i fix it? [16:32] sigh...... [16:32] SimonJai: what does lsb_release -c say? [16:33] Codename: precise [16:33] I upgraded from 10.04.1 LTS === ming2k is now known as zz_ming2k [16:33] SimonJai: using do-release-upgrade? [16:33] yep [16:34] SimonJai: interesting. I would edit sources.list and remove any lucid lines, and then run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-minimal" [16:34] Hi [16:35] Correction: remove the lucid lines, run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and then run the install command [16:35] Results logged to /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rugged-0.21.0/ext/rugged/gem_make.out [16:35] An error occurred while installing rugged (0.21.0), and Bundler cannot continue. [16:35] Make sure that `gem install rugged -v '0.21.0'` succeeds before bundling. [16:35] saiarcot895: what will that do? [16:35] saiarcot895: There are no "lucid" entries enabled [16:35] what the hell to do now? [16:35] Oh, they're comments. Didn't see that [16:35] yeah... >< [16:36] SimonJai: Google yo [16:36] google doesn't return anything >< [16:36] The ubuntu-minimal part makes sure you have the very-basic ubuntu system [16:36] SimonJai: What does this report? "dpkg -S DistUpgradeView" [16:36] SimonJai: when searching for exact phrases, use "" [16:36] heya folks, any suggestions how i can setup a mail server on ubuntu 14.04 server edition [16:36] eeee, i only have one pc [16:37] i bet the turnkeylinux stuff brakes the python setup. [16:37] SimonJai: "[error]" [16:37] eeee, the reason why i want to do this is because when i when i run apt-get update i get these errors http://pastebin.com/ikaJusbU [16:37] Basketball: the file is found on the ubuntu iso in /pool/main/b/ i confirmed on 14.04 iso that i have [16:37] TJ-: try sudo do-release-upgrade -m server [16:37] MonkeyDrone: "sudo apt-get install mail-server" (or something close to that) [16:37] ooooooops [16:38] TJ-: pastebin.com/qGw1knWt [16:38] MonkeyDrone: "sudo apt-get install mail-server^" [16:38] sairacot895 , thank you [16:38] SimonJai: Is this a server installation? No X server? [16:38] not sure, it's an old server I inherited [16:39] ohhhh wait.... [16:39] does Ubuntu 14.04 support 32bit? [16:39] SimonJai: Yes [16:39] that's not it then [16:39] how do i list all processes that are starting up when 12.04 starts? i have a process that im trying to "STOP" from running [16:39] SimonJai: If there's no X server we can rule out the GUI frontends and concentrate on the Text frontend [16:39] SimonJai: uname -a for the running kernel, which will tell you the architecture you're on [16:39] saiarcot895: Linux wordpress 3.2.0-68-virtual #102-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 12 22:44:35 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux [16:40] mmmmm that doesn't look like a standard ubuntu release =/ [16:40] Basketball: change the mirror in software-properties-gtk [16:40] in name of state of jesus christus, JS not the IS, i ask for help [16:40] TJ-: I'm deifnitely trying to concentrate ont he Text frontend, there's no GUI [16:40] guardianpwr08: ps -aux === zz_ming2k is now known as ming2k [16:41] SimonJai: looks standard to me. The server's hostname is "wordpress". [16:41] sweeet [16:41] eeee, steo by step please [16:41] then upgrade is broken =/ [16:41] for some reason [16:41] AVDA: how do i remove a process from running during startup? i see the one i want to stop on the list [16:41] SimonJai: There's been bug reports. [16:41] SimonJai: "python -c 'import sys; print sys.path' " [16:42] Basketball: type software-properties-gtk in the terminal, then where it says Download from, select the Main server, then click close and select reload === ryan is now known as Guest34790 [16:42] TJ-: http://pastebin.com/ePS8MynJ [16:42] guardianpwr08: what is the process? [16:42] ./ts3server_linux_x86 [16:43] W:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise-updates/main/source/Sources 403 Forbidden [Mirror: http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/ubuntu/] [16:43] , W:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise-updates/restricted/source/Sources 403 Forbidden [Mirror: http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/ubuntu/] [16:43] , W:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise-updates/universe/source/Sources 403 Forbidden [Mirror: http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/ubuntu/] [16:43] , W:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise-updates/multiverse/source/Sources 403 Forbidden [Mirror: http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/ubuntu/] [16:43] , W:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages 403 Forbidden [Mirror: http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/ubuntu/] [16:43] , W:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise-updates/restricted/binary-i386/Packages 403 Forbidden [Mirror: http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/ubuntu/] [16:43] Basketball you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted === brainproxy_ is now known as brainproxy [16:44] SimonJai and TJ-: The error on the do-release-upgrade side seems to be "unsupported locale setting". Perhaps a run of locale-gen will help? [16:44] , W:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise-proposed/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages 403 Forbidden [Mirror: http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/ubuntu/] [16:44] , W:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise-backports/main/source/Sources 403 Forbidden [Mirror: http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/ubuntu/] [16:44] , W:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise-backports/restricted/source/Sources 403 Forbidden [Mirror: http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/ubuntu/] [16:44] saiarcot895: just tried, no good [16:44] , W:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise-backports/universe/source/Sources 403 Forbidden [Mirror: http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/ubuntu/] [16:45] , W:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise-backports/multiverse/source/Sources 403 Forbidden [Mirror: http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/ubuntu/] [16:45] Basketball: stop pasting please [16:45] saiarcot895: I believe SimonJai already did that with several locales [16:45] eeee, [16:46] Basketball: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list [16:46] Basketball : use pastebin XD [16:46] http://pastebin.com/ZW6V3U6T [16:47] what locale does this DistUpgradeViewText support...... dammit! >< [16:49] SimonJai: what does "echo $LANG; echo $LANGUAGE" say? [16:50] saiarcot895: echo $LANG > en_GB [16:50] i've ran " cat /proc/interrupts" and i get http://pastebin.com/XuwefL5C [16:51] TJ-: [16:51] SimonJai: that seems...lacking. My $LANG is en_US.UTF-8 [16:51] eeee, http://pastebin.com/ZW6V3U6T [16:51] how do i change it? [16:53] SimonJai: you can just do "export LANG=en_GB.UTF8" as a temporary change. Make sure the locale generator command said that the en_GB.UTF8 was generated or up-to-date. [16:53] SimonJai: s/en_GB.UTF8/en_GB.UTF-8/g [16:53] saiarcot895: no good, still not working [16:53] let me try reboot [16:55] no good =/ [16:57] SimonJai: I've been playing about with manually launching the Python components here [16:57] oh? :O [16:57] TJ-: http://pastebin.com/dWqNfBU5 after running for a little more time, because i had to reboot to re-insert the HDD [16:58] Basketball: 1 sec [17:00] SimonJai: Try "sudo do-release-upgrade --frontend DistUpgradeViewText" - in theory it should only try that frontend, but the same fault might occur, but that helps narrow it down [17:01] TJ-: nope, same error [17:01] TJ-: i've been disabling and enabling by "echo 'disable' > /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe12 " and the '9' stops, the "LOC" slows down [17:01] TeraJL: That looks like the i8042 is the culprit [17:01] Basketball: use this sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/8207826/ [17:02] SimonJai: You mean it lists all the View* types as being attempted? [17:02] yep [17:02] Basketball: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup; gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [17:02] DIstUpgradeViewText (unsupported locale setting) [17:03] Basketball: delete what you have and paste that there and save [17:03] SimonJai: OK, so it only sets that as the primary preference [17:03] Basketball: then sudo apt-get update [17:03] what "i8042" means? [17:04] eeee, do i download that paste [17:04] BINGO!!!!!!!!! [17:04] hold on [17:04] SimonJai: what does "ls /usr/share/locale/ubuntu-release-upgrader" report? [17:05] TeraJL: old keyboard controllr [17:05] Basketball: yeah copy it and paste into gedit [17:05] Basketball: delete what's in sources.list first [17:05] ( in gedit, after you've run the cp command ) [17:05] TeraJL: Try adding to the kernel command line: "i8042.nomux=1" [17:05] TJ-: I've worked out the problem [17:05] let me confirm [17:05] AVDA: i have a new laptop [17:06] hey, quick question about XFCE is that OK in here [17:06] eeee, great did i do something wrong in my script http://collabedit.com/m9yng to cause that [17:06] TJ-: i'll try [17:07] hello! Im having some problems with cron today. I'm running a script which sends sms and calls the person on-call using gnokii. The problem I have is that i migrated to a new host (and newer ubuntu) and now it wont run beyond sending AT\r\n. [17:07] hello! Im having some problems with cron today. I'm running a script which sends sms and calls the person on-call using gnokii. The problem I have is that i migrated to a new host (and newer ubuntu) and now it wont run beyond sending AT\r\n. [17:07] !patience | Dvarjen [17:07] Dvarjen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [17:07] whoops, sry for spamming. [17:08] this wasn't my terminal :P [17:08] Dvarjen: we're busy as well [17:08] Dvarjen: try running it not as a cron first, from your ordinary term [17:09] expunge: yeah that works flawlessly. [17:09] TJ-: just to be sure, to add the "i8042.nomux=1" option, can i just add it to "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT" on "/etc/default/grub"? [17:09] Dvarjen: exact same command? [17:09] TeraJL: Yes [17:10] expunge: Yes. Even got it running with env -i /path/to/script. [17:10] Dvarjen: Does the cron script owner have permissions for dialout ? [17:11] expunge: TJ- : yes. Im actually running it as root right now. [17:12] root has all permissions, though =P [17:12] I said ordinary term [17:12] Basketball: yes, your script is modifying the sources.list === totimkop1 is now known as totimkopf [17:12] yeah so it should work right? Even if i run it from roots crontab? [17:12] TJ-, saiarcot895, k1l_: It's because for some reason in my /etc/default/locale, LC_ALL is set as POSIX [17:12] changed it to en_GB.UTF-8, all good now [17:12] SimonJai: Aha [17:13] Dvarjen: running it as root is irrelevant unless you're going to tell cron to do that, too [17:13] Dvarjen: you need to run it as non-root, or as whatever user cron will use [17:13] >< [17:13] SimonJai: someone or something was in the wrong decade :) [17:13] hahahaha [17:14] the machines are taking over !!! [17:14] Is it possible to get persistence running on Maverick? [17:14] Wake up, Neo. [17:14] expunge: I'm running it through roots crontab so it should work. [17:14] SimonJai: I'd suggest finding out why ... else after the upgrade something that depends on that custom setting might break [17:15] Dvarjen: okay, what've you got in cron? [17:15] TJ-: true that sir [17:15] TJ-: i get the same problem... i tried with windows on my pc i got the same problem on the first core [17:16] TeraJL: Does it continue to happen if you remove that caddy? [17:16] TJ-: not [17:16] expunge:" */5 * * * * /tmp/test.sh >> /tmp/test.log 2>&1" [17:16] TJ-: that is actually that only thing that indicated me that the problem is the caddy [17:16] TeraJL: OK, then the caddy is causing it, replace it with a decent one! [17:17] TeraJL: It looks like the caddy isn't passive, or else the pass-through circuit board is not correct for that system [17:18] expunge: http://pastebin.com/WU2RPf3z here is my test-script. [17:18] Dvarjen: sure you don't want 2>&1 >> /tmp/test.log ? [17:18] TJ-: it's weird because if i disable the GPE12 interrupt i did not found any problem with the disk, and i can use it... i was just afraid that i may find some problem [17:19] Basketball: not sure how good the script is in terms of installing all those ppa's and whatnot, but you could replace the repositories with the pastebin ones if you wanted to use it [17:19] thanks for your help guys ! [17:19] SimonJai: you're welcome [17:20] I can't get plymouth to work properly unless i set GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX in grub conf. But it seems to load vesafb driver and it cause random freezes. [17:20] TJ-: but problem it's just the caddy... thanks for all the help, you helped me allot :D [17:20] *probably [17:20] expunge: what difference does that make? I'll try it though. [17:21] Dvarjen: expunge: Redirects order is correct [17:21] is there a stable ppa for gcc 4.9? [17:22] Dvarjen: it won't run like that, you have to do sh /tmp/test.sh [17:22] eeee, i am going to run the script again to see if that is what caudsed the problem [17:22] Basketball: no, i'm sure it is [17:22] lol [17:23] eutheria what's new in gcc 4.9 ? [17:23] MonkeyDust: better error reporting, i wanted to check it out [17:23] eeee, well can you help me find what line it is so i can use my script i have spent like 12 hours on it [17:23] lines 40 to 54 [17:23] remove them and put the ones from pastebin [17:24] TJ-: expunge: when i changed the order i dont get the strace text in the /tmp/test.log file. Instead i get it as a mail from cron. [17:24] Dvarjen: That would be expected; you had it correct already [17:25] eeee: it runs the script though. As the actual appplication gnokii starts and seems to hang. [17:25] Dvarjen: so what does the strace log reveal? [17:25] weird, i get a permission denied if i run that [17:26] TJ-: I'll force a new logfile. Been testing loads on the old one. === hacker is now known as Guest88302 [17:29] Night all. [17:29] adios [17:29] hey so at school we use synergy student vue for grades. It has a feature where it puts all assignments into calander tab. Is there a way to sync this calander with one on ubuntu [17:30] Basketball: probably [17:30] expunge, how [17:30] !caldav [17:30] S?/&%¤. I just started upgrade of Ubuntu without backup or panick PC. This is scary. [17:30] Basketball: what's the calendar format? [17:31] Nickwiz: you can always use the live OS in a pinch [17:31] Three “two fingers whiskey's” straight down, a pack of cigarettes and a panic fund for a night on the town if it goes bad. [17:31] hah [17:31] you could put little packets of that into bottles and sell it as vitamins [17:31] idk [17:31] f [17:32] hi guys i reset my password [17:32] Yes, but if this goes bad, I'm so screwed. Tons of things to do, but have to do the, so long prolonged, upgrade. [17:32] baako: neat [17:32] hi guys i reset my password. [17:33] but when i try to log in [17:33] Nothing happens [17:33] i dont get any error message. Why? [17:33] AndChat|505161 next time, ask questions in one single line [17:33] AndChat|505161: nothing happens meaning? [17:34] i get thr log in screen again [17:34] *the [17:34] not error message to say if the password is wrong like it normally do [17:34] AndChat|505161: encryption? [17:35] what encryption? [17:35] expunge, idk [17:35] do you use encrypted /home or full system encryption? [17:35] Basketball: dk what? [17:35] expunge: I have a stack of empty Underberg bottles. Perhaps I should tap them and re-label as upgrade vitamins. [17:35] i when to the root. and did 1) ls /home 2) mount -rw -o remount / [17:35] passwd baako [17:35] " Basketball: what's the calendar format?" [17:35] Nickwiz: =) === utlemmin` is now known as utlemming [17:35] then i sent a new password [17:36] Basketball: what type of file can you get it as? [17:36] shit wtf.... [17:36] upgrade didn't install grub [17:36] expunge, i cant download it it is embeded into site [17:36] i then try to log in with it but nothing happens. no error to say thr password is wrong [17:36] Nickwiz: that good? [17:36] Basketball: websites are downloaded information =) [17:36] Underberg? [17:36] AndChat|505161: Are you able to log-in at a VT? [17:37] expunge, well idk how to get it it syncs with the gradebook to add all assignments to the calander [17:37] TJ VT? please use full name i am still new to ubuntu ans linux in general [17:37] Basketball: see if you can wget it [17:38] AndChat|505161: Virtual Terminal; press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to tty #1 and try logging in there [17:38] Is there any link explains how to configure adminer on 14.04 (and why in the hell there's no httpd.conf ??) [17:38] expunge, /home/harris/PXP_Calendar.aspx?AGU=0 [17:39] oii [17:39] someone can help me out with 'xmllint' ? [17:39] hello, After comeback from suspend on Macbook Pro 13 inch 2012, the screen flickers immediatly on Ubuntu 14.04.1. Fix? [17:39] a [17:39] b [17:39] c [17:39] lol [17:39] TJ what am i looking for? [17:40] This screen flicker bug is already there on other Macbooks too. By releases before... big problem [17:40] last login: sun apr 13 19:52:44 BST 2014 on tty2 [17:41] baako: So you're able to log-in on tty2, so the log-in works. do you see all your user files and directories if you do "ls" [17:41] als MiniDisplay Port to HDMI adapter is not working good... [17:41] expunge, please [17:42] TJ-: expunge: Here is the strace log from gnokii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8208159/ [17:42] TJ Access your private data desktop readme.txt [17:42] TJ thats when i type in ls [17:42] baako: If you see a few files that have "ecrypt" or similar in their names, you've got an encrypted home directory, and changing the password of the user account the way you did has prevented the ecryptfs tools from decrypting your home directory [17:43] TJ :( what do i do? [17:44] baako: The way ecryptfs home-directory encryption works is a random master passphrase is used to encrypt files with, and that passphrase is cryptographically wrapped using the user password as the key. If you change the user password without also changing the wrapper key, then the system can no longer access the user's encrypted files automatically [17:45] TJ so will the old password still work if i manage to remember it? [17:45] sooooo after my do-release-upgrade, it boots up into GNU GRUB =( [17:45] baako: When the encrypted home was created the system will have recommended you securely back-up the unwrapped passphrase for just this kind of situation. Without that unwrapped passphrase, it can't be decrypted [17:45] i dont remember doing that [17:45] baako: Yes; if you can recall the old password there is a tool to change the wrapper [17:46] what is the tool [17:46] TJ how do i get back to the GUI by the way? [17:46] baako: ctrl + alt + F7 [17:47] Thanks [17:47] baako: If you can recall the old password, you use "ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase" to change the wrapper [17:48] TJ is they anyway i can back up all my videos and picture? i need to reinstall ubuntu again [17:49] baako: Everything is encrypted and stored under "/home/.ecryptfs/" [17:50] baako: why do you need to reinstall? [17:50] expunge because i can remember the password to log in [17:50] baako: you don't need to, you can simply change it [17:50] hi Everybody [17:50] baako: If you can recall the old password, you use "ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase" to change the wrapper [17:51] oh and if it's encryption, reinstalling still won't help you [17:51] Mussolini: hi [17:51] TJ-: expunge: Here is the strace log from gnokii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8208159/ === banister is now known as banisterfiend [17:52] TJ by using ecryptfs *** what do i put at the end [17:52] Anybody here, already installed the program reaver on ubuntu ? === ubuntu is now known as Guest86693 [17:53] baako: just run the command and follow the instructions [17:53] Dvarjen: No clues there [17:53] TJ-: yeah, same here. =( [17:53] TJ i run it and it says [file] [17:54] MushroomNZ: probably someone has [17:54] encryptfs-rewrap-passphrase[file] [17:55] TJ please help [17:55] when i use gpart to partion flashdrive as fat32 it says file usded by system not making file or something like that [17:56] Basketball: is the flashdrive mounted? [17:56] Basketball: 'mount' [17:56] does 14.04 already run over mir? or you need to do something to enable that? [17:57] expunge, how can i tell Dvarjen [17:57] Basketball: just run "mount" [17:57] hi [17:57] hi [17:57] !hi | zertyui [17:57] !hello | zertyui [17:57] welp [17:57] Dvarjen, http://pastebin.com/EULaT1s6 [17:58] Basketball: /dev/sdb on /media/5D10-3800 type vfat this seems like the one. [17:58] Raven [17:58] just use "umount /media/5D10-3800" and try again [17:58] Basketball: ^^ === daniel__ is now known as Raven === Raven is now known as Raven-1 [17:59] So why is it that gnome just sucks for multi monitors? [18:00] Raven-1: they abandoned a lot of multimonitor code for version 3 [18:00] i got an ssh public key [18:00] so now all the code is immature [18:00] i got an ssh private key also [18:00] i would like to connect to my server using that private key [18:00] how to do ? [18:00] I did a fresh install of Ubuntu Gnome because no matter what I did, the monitor order would get jumbled up on boot and I'd have to rearrange it. And it does the same thing with the fresh install. No matter what. [18:01] On my xfce desktop I have lost the frames around my application windows so that I cannot move them nor raise one window above another. How can I fix this? [18:01] zertyui: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys [18:01] expunge they did? [18:01] expunge so would you suggest I just use unity [18:02] Raven-1: Unity is GNOME 3, mostly [18:02] expunge but unity seems to work flawlessly in contrast [18:02] Raven-1: mmm, different wm [18:02] compiz has pretty good multimonitor support [18:02] you could also use GNOME with compiz, if you wanted [18:03] ryan_46: nohup xfwm4 --replace > /dev/null & [18:03] gnome with compiz? [18:03] how do I do that? [18:04] Hi guys. I check my password because i forgot the one i used to log in. i can log in in terminal crtl+art+f1 but when i try it with the GUI i doesn't let me log in and i domt get any error message. I am new to Ubuntu please help me [18:04] expunge: OK I will try that. Thanks. === olivierrrrr is now known as olivierr [18:06] expunge: I got back [1] 1570. Does that mean anything to you? [18:06] Raven-1: just run compiz --replace from in GNOME, and save your session [18:07] ryan_46: you get window borders? [18:07] how can i disable the screen saver so i dont have to log in for being idle? [18:07] expunge: I will have to log out to find out. [18:07] SecretFire: probably look for 'screen' or 'saver' or 'lock' in system settings [18:07] ryan_46: no... [18:08] ryan_46: you'd have to log out to be sure it persists across logins, but not to see if the borders came back [18:09] baako: I've already told you why you can't log-in [18:09] TJ I understand but i dont understand what i need to do [18:09] how do i find out which kernel module controls cpu timer frequency, i can access it through make menuconfig but i want to access it outside of that so I dont have to reinstall a new kernel [18:09] Would someone please recommend a good, free, liteweight VNC server for Android? [18:09] HelloWorld321: #android [18:10] expunge: I am not in xfce now. I will log out. Thanks. [18:10] good call. tx. [18:10] baako: remember the old password, so the user files can be decrypted that the log-in process needs to complete the session start. Other than that, I'd suggest creating a new user account and using that until you can remember the password [18:11] TJ i think i remember the old password but what do i do? [18:11] try logging with it? [18:12] baako: No, use the virtual terminal and run "ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase" [18:13] TJ i ran that but what do i do after? === ryan is now known as Guest67030 [18:14] i have a process that keeps starting up with the server, but im not sure how to stop it.... any ideas? [18:15] its "ts3server_linux" === iunvdntzlrwlrnoo is now known as gdttiyrrdxpdnrdg === gdttiyrrdxpdnrdg is now known as sepero [18:15] This application is my first app [18:16] baako: It tells you what it needs; in this case it needs to know the file containing the wrapped passphrase. I told you earlier that the encrypted files are stored under "/home/.ecryptfs/". In that directory will be a directory with the username, and in *that* directory an ".ecryptfs/" directory containing the wrapped file. So you might do "ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase" [18:16] expunge: I was the one (ryan_46) with the xfce frame loss. You got my frames back. Many Thanks. [18:17] hello people, have been trying all day to pair my brand new wii motion plus with ubuntu, according to this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CWiiD [18:17] the problem is that it fails at wminput [18:17] command [18:17] Guest67030: well done [18:17] can someone [18:17] help [18:17] littlebit start with a question [18:18] TJ thanks [18:18] MonkeyDust: ok, can someone help me with assisting of setting up my wii motion plus with ubuntu === utlemming_away is now known as utlemming [18:23] can someone help me with GRUB? I'm not too familair with it [18:23] someone can, yup [18:23] !ask [18:23] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience === usTrUcX_ is now known as usTrUcX [18:23] SimonJai: Sure [18:23] did an do-release-upgrade to 14.04 LTS, said to reboot to complete upgrade [18:24] mmhmm? [18:24] i rebooted and it takes me to GRUB screen, not sure how to get it too boot into ubuntu? [18:24] SimonJai hit enter [18:24] it's a command prompt screen? [18:24] SimonJai: See my guide: https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/ [18:24] cexit [18:25] TJ-: hahahah [18:25] TJ- i noticed a misplaced comma [18:25] MonkeyDust: You would :p [18:25] TJ-: the real question is whether you chose that nick after you got the domain =P [18:25] expunge: It's my name [18:26] that's what they all say =) [18:26] export: hence the domain name because people try to tell my it can't be my name, and I say "I *am* TJ" ! [18:26] SimonJai: what do you see at the grub screen? [18:26] grub> [18:26] do any of you back up your files in s3 directly using cron + aws cli? I just setup a samba server in ubuntu and i am trying to figure out the best way to auto sync to aws certain directories on my numbers internal harddrives [18:26] it's liek the grub configs are gone [18:26] *numerous [18:27] SimonJai: That suggests that the grub.cfg didn't get migrated... Precise probably had GRUB v1 whereas Trusty has GRUB v2 - the upgrade scripts are supposed to deal with that [18:27] phat4life: could ask #aws [18:27] TJ-: i assume it didn't..... so what should i do? [18:27] i am more looking like something similar to arq (which is mac only) for ubuntu [18:27] SimonJai: type "set" and tell me what "root" is [18:28] it spat our ALOT of text [18:28] phat4life: the ordinary ways to preserve data are by copying it (with rsync) or tar'ing it up [18:28] SimonJai: "set pager=1" then try again: "set" [18:28] 1 secv [18:28] sec* [18:29] expunge: nah, i want to maintain the fiestructure [18:29] expunge: aws s3 is key value store [18:29] root=hd0,1 [18:29] phat4life: rsync and tar do maintain [18:29] TJ-: set > root=hd0,1 [18:29] SimonJai: OK now lets check what files you can see: "ls (hd0,msdos1)/" [18:30] hi, my headphones are not working. Is there anybody to help me? [18:30] SimonJai: I'm expecting you'll see some vmlinuz* and initrd.img* and config* [18:30] yep correct [18:30] voiceee: laptop? [18:30] yes [18:30] asus s550cm touchscreen [18:31] expunge: aws storage is soo cheap there is no point to archiving [18:31] SimonJai: OK, In a few steps time we'll be manually booting one of those kernel/initrd.img pairs, but first we need to find the root file-system [18:31] voiceee: intel audio? [18:31] phat4life: archiving isn't compressing [18:31] yes intel [18:31] alc270 [18:31] voiceee: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto#Choosing_Your_Model [18:31] expunge: comprjessing i mean [18:31] phat4life: I know that's what you meant, but I didn't ever mention compressing [18:31] ah i see [18:32] what did you mean by tar do maintain [18:32] SimonJai: type "ls" and you should get a list of all partitions in the form (hd0, X) where X is a number. If you already know which partition contains the root file-system, use that in place of X to do "ls (hd0, msdosX)/" and look for the root filesystem [18:32] herumflausch [18:32] i only see (hd0), (hd0,2), (hd0,1) === utlemming_away is now known as utlemming [18:33] phat4life: everything [18:33] Has anyone a solution for this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2229904 [18:33] TJ-: if I use (hd0,msdosX)/ it says no such partition [18:34] (hd0,1) contains the files you listed up [18:34] (hd0,2) says unknown filesystem === L4bR4Rat is now known as L4bR4t [18:35] hi expunge I couldnt find alc270 on that file /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz [18:35] what you reckon TJ-? === L4bR4t is now known as luckyphuq [18:36] at the first step from the link you have sent [18:36] SimonJai: I'm thinking the root file-system is the same as the GRUB root! [18:36] oh it may be, yes [18:37] "./ ../ vmlinuz* and initrd.img* and config*" [18:37] what next? [18:37] SimonJai: check again, this "ls (hd0,msdos1)/" should show all the regular root file-system directories. If not, it's someplace else - it might be LVM for example [18:38] SimonJai: If all you're seeing is the contents of "/boot/" when its mounted, then the OS root file-system is someplace else [18:38] SimonJai: you'll have to bear with me; I'm juggling this and making dinner here :) [18:38] if i use msdos, it says no such partition [18:38] SimonJai: Hmmm, that sounds like its GRUB 1 shell you're in [18:38] SimonJai: OK, ignore the "msdos" bit [18:39] SimonJai: In GRUB 2 it can read GPT and MBR partition tables, so it uses the prefix "msdos" for MBR and "gpt" for GPT [18:39] ahhhh [18:40] SimonJai: So, let's check that. Id there is a "grub.lst" it is GRUB v1; if there is a "grub.cfg" it is GRUB v2: "ls (hd0,1)/grub/" [18:40] GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu9 [18:41] SimonJai: Hmmph! that's supposed to be either "grub 0.97-29ubuntu66" or grub2 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1" [18:41] grub.cfg [18:41] SimonJai: OK ... let's try loading it in case it'll fix it quick [18:42] sweeeet [18:42] SimonJai: "insmod normal" then "normal" - if that works it'll load and run the grub menu [18:42] SimonJai: I've been assuming you got the GRUB shell because grub.cfg wasn't complete, or was broken somehow [18:42] a lot of syntax error, incorrect command, unknown command 'hwmatch'. [18:43] SimonJai: OK, so this sounds like you've got a mix of GRUB v1 and GRUB v2! [18:43] awesome [18:43] that sounds awesome [18:43] End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not [18:43] a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the [18:43] latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on [18:43] the last disk(s) of this archive. [18:43] unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/harris/Downloads/LibreIcons.zip or [18:43] /home/harris/Downloads/LibreIcons.zip.zip, and cannot find /home/harris/Downloads/LibreIcons.zip.ZIP, period. [18:43] Basketball you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted [18:44] SimonJai: I'm not sure how easy it'll be to fix this, but lets take a punt and get you into an initrd shell at least, that'll let you figure out where the root file-system is [18:44] how is that a flood [18:44] i hace an issue with my screen in xubuntu 14.04 [18:44] have [18:44] TJ-: look i took a snapshot before the reboot kicked me into GNU GRUB [18:44] i can get back into the OS [18:44] would that be easier to fix? [18:44] SimonJai: "ls (hd0,1)/" and tell me what the latest kernel (vmlinuz-*) version is, *exactly*, so I can compose commands for you [18:45] SimonJai: Well we only need to type 3 lines to get into initrd - its up to you [18:45] Basketball: stop pasting stuff in here if you are not able to see the amount of text you are going to paste. use a pasteservice [18:45] alright [18:45] vmlinuz-3.13.0.-35-generic [18:45] when i scroll up and down pages or watch movie or anything where only part of screen nerds to be updated(dirty region) i get some artifacts [18:46] needs* sorrt for typos [18:46] vmlinuz-3.13.0-35-generic *** [18:46] k1l_, ok [18:46] SimonJai: OK: "linux vmlinuz-3.13.0-35-generic ro break=mountroot" [18:46] SimonJai: "initrd initrd.img-3.13.0-35-generic" [18:47] SimonJai: "boot" and fingers crossed [18:47] i think i missed something [18:47] when i type "linux vmlinuz-3.13.0-35-generic ro break=mountroot" [18:47] it says invalid file name [18:48] SimonJai: Hmmm.... it will look for that file wherever "root" points to, which was (hd0,1)/ wasn't it? [18:48] SimonJai: Did either of us mistype the filename? [18:48] root=hd0,1 [18:48] nope we didn't [18:48] prefix=(hd0,1)/grub [18:48] when i type `set` [18:49] SimonJai: The is weird === sudormrf- is now known as zz_sudormrf- [18:49] is vmlinuz not corrupted? [18:49] it was for me [18:50] SimonJai: Hmmm, you might be better off trying the back-up - I have to go eat now and it looks like there's something fundamentally messed up there, especially if GRUB v1 and v2 have got co-mingled on the boot drive. [18:50] i just needed to add "(hd0,1)/" infront of the files [18:50] it booted into BusyBox v1.21.1 [18:50] SimonJai: Yay! [18:50] i need to get this back up online.... >< [18:50] noooooo [18:50] don't leave me [18:51] do file /path....//vmlinuz.efi n see wghat it says [18:51] TJ-: not sure what to do in here [18:51] oh nvm [18:51] SimonJai: OK, you now have some Linux tools available to figure out where the root file-system is, once you've done that, you should reboot and go through this process again, but add "root=/path/to/root-filesystem" to the "linux ..." line and remove "break=XXXX" from it [18:51] alright [18:52] SimonJai: someone else here ought to be able to help you at this point, but refer back to my PC boot guide - the flowchart goes into detail about the initrd process [18:53] to be honest, i'm not sure how to find the root path [18:53] >< [18:53] might have to do a rollback >< [18:53] how can i change the cpu frequency without having to reinstall the kernel? [18:54] cpufreq [18:54] but anyone familiar with intel hd graphics on linux giving a simular issue? coz i have no idea what to google to get meaningfull informatio [18:54] n [18:57] !details | Nectur we don't read your mind here [18:57] Nectur we don't read your mind here: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) === zz_sudormrf- is now known as zz_zz_sudormrf- [19:00] hi, how to point bin to a directory? === zz_zz_sudormrf- is now known as zz_zz_zz_sudormr [19:01] cool_boy: what are you trying to do? [19:01] mount maybe === zz_zz_zz_sudormr is now known as zz_zz_zz_zz_sudo [19:03] SchrodingersScat: I have ~/bin directory, I want to point ~/bin to a directory in my system , on 'll' command it should look like " bin -> /home/ubuntu/workspace/Scripts" [19:03] cool_boy: you might be looking for symbolic links? ln -s ? [19:04] SchrodingersScat: yes but bin directory should point to /Scripts directory [19:05] ln -s /home/ubuntu/workspace/Scripts bin #? [19:08] maybe its the other way around [19:09] . === Liam_ is now known as Guest18225 [19:09] SchrodingersScat: doesnt work [19:09] : [19:10] maybe it's the other way around then [19:11] SchrodingersScat: with this method , I got a directory named Scripts inside ~/bin and that directory points to where I want ;) [19:11] question: I want to log in on irc using my ubuntu account specifically instead of a randomised guest handle. How do I do it? [19:12] Guest18225: /nick nickname [19:12] !register | Guest18225 [19:12] Guest18225: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [19:12] I had my main system drive fail, so I've got a replacement and am upgrading to 14.04, I have a few drives which were configured with mdadm in RAID1, what will I have to do to get it setup under the new install? [19:12] Guest18225: but if that is already used by another one you get renamed to the guest nick [19:12] Thank you ubottu [19:13] !botsnack [19:13] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [19:13] can someone give me a hand with GRUB and LVM? [19:14] my root partition is /dev/mapper/root, not sure how I set that in GRUB === Guest18225 is now known as Frank_Leach [19:16] /msg nickserv register bornagain liam.kilmartin01@gmail.com [19:17] Frank_Leach: /msg nickserv register bornagain liam.kilmartin01@gmail.com were we to see it? :) [19:18] nice [19:18] When I'm installing an OpenSSH server in a machine I have, but that isn't just for me, but for a group of people, should I just create a user called "mygroup" (or something) or is it better to just install with root? [19:18] an user * [19:19] Frank_Leach: You'll want to do that again without the leading space, and change your password (because you just said it to the entire channel) [19:19] ah [19:19] thanks flannel [19:20] dustinspringman, hey [19:20] tigrang: sup [19:20] SimonJai: Back. Are you in GRUB shell now? [19:21] /msg nickserv register foolsgold liam.kilmartin01@gmail.com [19:21] hi, why on Ubuntu after suspend on a Macbook Pro 2012 starts the screen flashing? [19:21] i can be [19:21] Does 802.11ac work with Linux at full speeds, or do you still get bumped down to lower speeds, as if you only had a .11n interface? [19:21] dustinspringman, so I just realized what was going on. When I set to UMA Only in BIOS, it just prevented the OS from seeing the nvidia card, it didnt actually power it down. When I enabled discrete from BIOS, Linux saw it and power it down I guess [19:22] i often need to have many diferent sources of information active at single time, so i need many windows next to each other insead of being alt+tabed throught them, i curently cant afford many monitors, is there any way to create huge vritual 8k x 4k something desktop area that i can scroll? or maybe is there some specialised window manager out there for such tasks. [19:22] tigrang: that makes a lot more sense! === zz_zz_zz_zz_sudo is now known as zz_zz_zz_zz_zz_s [19:22] SimonJai: In GRUB, for it to find file-systems on LVM, you'll need to "insmod lvm" ... if the module is found and loaded, then doing "ls" should list LVM LVs in addition to the raw MSDOS partitions [19:22] dustinspringman, and I use bbswitch to power it up before I standby and then power it down after I resume which fixes the hang [19:22] mmmmm [19:22] if i do that, and it boots fine [19:23] how do i create the config file so it will boot everytime? [19:23] tigrang: awesome! are you able to automate that or do you have to manually enter that command anytime you want to suspend? [19:23] What is correct? "some --thing=test" vs. "some --thing test" [19:23] SimonJai: But, you likely don't need that in order to boot. All you need is the "linux ..." line I gave you earlier, with "break=XXX" removed and add "root=/dev/mapper/root" [19:23] not sure it knows how to find /dev/mapper? [19:23] or does it [19:23] dustinspringman, automated [19:24] nice [19:24] brb, afk for a few [19:24] k [19:24] SimonJai: Once it has booted, you can do "sudo grub-install /dev/sdX" where 'X' is the boot device, e.g. sda, then do "sudo update-grub" to rewrite grub.cfg [19:24] ahhhh [19:24] SimonJai: The LVM stuff is inside the initrd.img, that doesn't need GRUB to understand to LVM [19:25] TJ-: my boot partition is /dev/sda1 [19:25] SimonJai: And, once the updates are done you can manually review the boot configuration before rebooting to ensure it appears sane [19:25] so do i still do "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"? === zz_zz_zz_zz_zz_s is now known as sudormrf === ming2k is now known as zz_ming2k [19:26] SimonJai: Yes, because "grub-install /dev/sda" is installing the boot-strap code into sector 0 of the boot disk, as well as GRUB's core.img into the spare sectors from sector 1 up to the beginning of partition 1 [19:27] SimonJai: If you did "grub-install /dev/sda1" the device wouldn't boot and probably the install would fail since you'd be asking GRUB to insert itself into a file-system, and the only way it can do that is via blocklists of sectors [19:27] TJ-: wow! thanks for that === josh is now known as Guest35741 [19:27] if i did it to both /dev/sda and /dev/sda1, would there be issues? [19:27] SimonJai: The latter would likely fail, its pointless ;) [19:27] no one saw my password again right? [19:28] you could do --boot-directory [19:28] SimonJai: provided /boot/ is listed in fstab and mounted, grub-install will install its modules into /boot/grub/i386-pc/ without any problems [19:28] Frank_Leach, If you have a space before the post it shows [19:29] it should be, yes [19:29] mmmmm will have to confirm [19:29] SimonJai: As this is a 12.04>14.04 upgrade, everything was in place already so this seems just to be an upgrade glitch [19:29] lucky i cloned the VM, and can do tests in parallel [19:29] SimonJai: /dev/sda means physical hard disk (sdb,sdc,etc), sdXn (n is a number, Xletter) means partition of the disk [19:29] damn!! [19:30] Frank_Leach, there is a showing at 12:16:20 when you do a correct msg to the server it shows as [19:30] quick question during a kickstart install of ubuntu does ubuntu read the preseed file first or does it just read the kickstart fikle [19:31] yeah frank it still shows [19:32] did someone respond to me i missed it? [19:32] SimonJai: This should make the process clearer: https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/#a_grub_install [19:32] Nectur: I think someone asked for details on what your problem is. [19:33] sorry i cant read back very far n ubuntu logsarent up to date [19:33] my problem its hard to explain [19:33] 19:46 when i scroll up and down pages or watch movie or anything where only part of screen nerds to be updated(dirty region) i get some artifacts [19:34] safasfas [19:34] when you scroll for instance down a page only part of the screen needs to be update and someone this gives some minor screen tearing [19:35] sometimes* [19:35] i dont know if this a driver issue or something else [19:36] and thats my issue hop it makes senae [19:37] only it affects everything not just webpages [19:41] how do i get networking setup when installing ubuntu from a flash drive on my mac? [19:41] thanks for all your help TJ- [19:41] it doesn't seem to find any wireless networks [19:41] I've been up for like 26 hours now, time to get some rest [19:41] SimonJai: Ouch, I know that feeling. Hope its mostly sorted out now [19:42] rolled back to 12.04, it'll have to do for now [19:42] get some rest and tackle it when i wake up [19:42] SimonJai: It sounds like the customised stuff is not compatible with standard Ubuntu upgrades [19:44] TJ-: oh with GRUB, do you have to specify the initrd? [19:45] quick question during a kickstart install of ubuntu does ubuntu read the preseed file first or does it just read the kickstart fikle [19:49] any ideas? i need to figure out how to get networking working while i install ubuntu on my mac, but it won't show any wifi networks. seems like it doesn't have the right drivers for my networking hardware [19:50] 1 [19:52] whomp: You are installing Ubuntu directly, not in a VM? [19:52] Busserl, corret [19:52] correct [19:52] hey i just booted up and am seeing 100% disk usage.. how do i use `du` to explore just 1 level deep at a time? [19:53] tworkin: what says 100% disk usage? === Kilya is now known as merqucio [19:53] hey , i'm lookig for a small help , if anyone can help me would be really nice, (it is for a small project) [19:54] YLL: What is your issue? [19:54] YLL: just ask your question, friend. [19:54] tworkin not sure how to do it with du, but this helps too... change 500M to whatever size you want : find / -size +500M -exec ls -lh {} \; 2>/dev/null [19:54] sorry if this is a dumb question, is XFS support built into 14.04.01 LTS? I can't seem to mount an XFS partition I made elsewhere, but I'm not sure if that is because of 14.04, or something I did elsewhere. [19:55] tworkin: I like to start with "du -shc /*" and then move my way through the largest directories, doing "du -shc /dev/*" next, etc. [19:55] I installed the xfsprogs === ee is now known as eeee [19:56] i need to write a small shell command that would list each letter from A to Z from a file, (only once per line) and see the result in shell, [19:57] du --max-depth=1 is what i was looking for [19:57] thanks all [19:58] Busserl, any ideas? [20:00] no one can help ? [20:00] YLL: do what? [20:00] whomp my advice: use a cable during installation, worry about wifi after ubuntu is installed [20:00] MonkeyDust, i don't have that cable === mcl0vin_ is now known as mcl0vin [20:00] whomp: sorry no, just thought it should be clarified. [20:01] YLL: You want the letter frequency reporting, or just which letters appear? [20:01] whomp somehow get one, it's faster, easier and more stable than wifi [20:02] LIST [20:02] QUIT [20:03] YLL: "grep -o . | sort -f | uniq -ic" [20:03] <_1_Ridiculous> qw [20:03] the letter frequency (once per line in case it appears many times) and if possible showing all letters from a to z without writing 32 times the commad for each letter, EX : A - 224 (times) appears in file [20:04] /list [20:05] !test > godbod [20:05] godbod, please see my private message [20:05] oh sorry [20:05] :) [20:05] I am sorry about all my weird messages [20:07] "grep -o . | sort -f | uniq -ic" is what i look for with the exception that it doesn't filter the numbers of times the letter appears (once per word must) the format is looking good; i tried with a grep -c it does count only once, but i do not have the same output format as with -o + sort ; [20:07] apt-cache searches for packages installed on my computer or for the available packages? [20:08] nutzz: available packages, as of last "sudo apt-get update" [20:08] saiarcot895: thanks [20:08] nutzz both [20:09] MonkeyDust: if they are on my computer they are also available in the repository :D [20:10] nutzz true.. apt-cache policy shows their status... apt-cache show shows more information [20:10] MonkeyDust: thanks [20:14] hey guys, i'm trying to get the flash plugin for chromium so i went on the forums and saw that there's a plugin in the repos called pepperflash but it doesn't exist in the repos [20:15] t0ad-mini: What version of Ubuntu are you using? [20:15] t0ad-mini: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#Installing_Pepper_Flash_for_Chromium [20:15] t0ad-mini: I use the ubuntu software center and search "flash".. installs in a couple mins.. [20:15] Linux ubuntu 3.2.0-23-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 20:39:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [20:16] t0ad-mini: That would be Precise. You'll need to use a PPA. [20:16] !info pepperflashplugin-nonfree | t0ad-mini [20:16] t0ad-mini: pepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.3ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 9 kB, installed size 65 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) [20:16] dustinspringman, i tried that and it wont find it [20:16] t0ad-mini: what's the output of "lsb_release -sc"? [20:16] 3.2 is 12.04 [20:16] t0ad-mini: See http://askubuntu.com/a/449266/241580 [20:17] t0ad-mini what's the output of: cat /etc/issue [20:18] Hello, I need to find out why linux account usually gets disabled. We use likewise to login in the system, and sometimes, even with the correct password, my account gets disabled (after 3 attemps). Is there anyway to log somewhere the login attemps including the password being used? [20:18] ubuntu 12.04 [20:18] matiasmm are you in ubuntu? [20:18] yes [20:19] matiasmm and what's likewise? [20:20] I have a question that is kind of subjective.... when you download a new program, do you softlink the executable into the bin folder (so that you can run the app from shell), add the path or the exe, or something else? [20:20] lol... what do most people do? [20:20] tyrick: put it in bin in your home folder, that should be in the default PATH [20:21] !software | trijntje [20:21] trijntje: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents [20:21] MonkeyDust: it's a way to authenticate in linux using an Active directory Domain. [20:21] tyrick: That's pretty much it. [20:22] matiasmm are you using ubuntu server? [20:22] nope, I'm on a client ubuntu desktop [20:23] tyrick: Well, not just /bin but several options, see $PATH [20:23] "grep -o . | sort -f | uniq -ic" can anyone give me a tip how i can have the same result as of this command but witch a grep -c ( i need to have counted only once per line letter ,( thnx ) === ximian_ is now known as ximian [20:25] tyrick: as trijntje points out, your home directory's /bin/ is also in your path by default, so... [20:26] I need a little bit of help - lightdm won't start and let me login after an update. I'm running 14.10 (perhaps by accident I thought it was released when in fact it's a development version but whatever). Here is the relevant dmesg http://dpaste.com/2AE8NBX [20:26] YLL: what is it you want to determine? [20:26] What bug trackers are in the ubuntu repos? I am having not much luck searching by category. I really don't fancy installing bugzilla manually. [20:26] btw logging into a terminal and doing "startx" works fine... [20:27] Zer000: re-install with 14.04 then [20:27] sakamop: bugzilla is [20:27] !14.10 | Zer000 [20:27] Zer000: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1363 [20:27] the number of times each letters appears on each line (only once per line in case it does appear many times) in a specific file (sorted from the most present to the less) and show it on shell [20:27] expunge: I am not seeing it. [20:28] sakamop: use this then: https://code.launchpad.net/~tamersaadeh/+archive/ubuntu/bugzilla [20:28] expunge: Looks like it was in lucid, but not trusty. [20:28] Dvarjen: Thank you. [20:28] the command i've posted it is pretty close to what i need , with the exception that it does count many times each letter, and with grep -c i can't have a globat result ,(at least i haven't figured out yet) [20:28] Zer000: But, I'm curious how you could be on the development release by accident. Can you explain? [20:29] YLL: what do you need, though? [20:29] oh you said [20:29] Ubuntu > Life === Eric^ is now known as EriC^^ [20:30] Zer000: sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm [20:31] question: how easy is it to make one's own .deb from source in ubuntu? [20:31] quite hard and requires experience to do it properly [20:31] I need to install a very specific configuration of nagios on my machines and installing directly from source on each box seems like a bad idea [20:31] to do it blindly using tools - easy [20:32] akurilin: boxes aren't identical installs? [20:32] Zer000: ls -l /etc/init.d/lightdm #What does that say? (Does it have executable bit?) [20:32] they are, I just don't want to necessarily download/build/install on each one of them individually because it's going to make upgrading/maintaining/uninstalling a pain down the line [20:32] hello, since I updated to 14.04, I keep getting these errors on every boot, can somebody explain the error and guide to a way for solving it? The errors are: http://pastebin.com/vKKkbVzW [20:32] I use ansible myself, it makes it pretty easy to work with debs or ppas [20:33] usr13, there's a file called that ya [20:33] Zer000: try to reinstall lightdm, sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm [20:33] couldent you write a script to automate install ? [20:33] Ansible is very nice :) [20:33] Zer000: Yea but does it have the executable bit set on it? [20:33] ikonia,expunge: what is the biggest issue I would have in making my own deb? [20:33] akurilin: making it [20:33] usr13, yes it does [20:34] akurilin: making a deb is something you do to help other people, not yourself [20:34] akurilin: if you just want to copy an install of an app onto many systems, there are simpler ways [20:34] Zer000: Is there a symlink to /lib/init/upstart-job ? [20:34] expunge: what do you have in mind? [20:34] akurilin: basically you just copy the files to each system [20:34] akurilin: helping yourself is fine [20:34] akurilin: checkinstall can help you keep track of them [20:35] Zer000: /etc/init.d/lightdm: symbolic link to `/lib/init/upstart-job' [20:35] expunge do you have an idea, how i could do the cmd i've asked for few mins ago ? [20:36] usr13, no /etc/init.d/lightdm is a script by itself, not a symlink [20:36] YLL: if you specify an example of the input you have and output you want [20:36] so ubuntu uses upstart, not systemd? [20:36] Zer000: That's interesting... [20:36] are those different? [20:36] Zer000: Oh, you know what.... 14.10 is more-than-likely systemd [20:37] Zer000: But, as EriC^^ points out, reinstalling it will probably fix your problem. [20:37] Zer000: sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm #Will probably fix it [20:38] ok well something like 2544 (times) - A in file.txt for exemple, (and this for each letter from a to Z) [20:38] Ok i'm gonna reboot then bye and thanks in advance if it works [20:41] I'm updating from Ubuntu 12.04LTS to 14.04LTS, and the update seems to have frozen on libnepomukcore4abi1. Is there any way to recover from this "freeze"? [20:42] It is only the updater that froze. The system itself is not frozen. [20:43] SO i disconnected a few times so I'll repaste the dmesg log http://dpaste.com/2AE8NBX but it looks like 14.10 is systemd based and it can't find a unit file. Maybe I can copy over someone else's? [20:44] also reinstalling lightdm didn't help... [20:45] I also don't understand why journalctl (as root) says no journal files found :( [20:45] Zer000: You might ask #ubuntu+1 [20:46] oh i didn't know that existed. [20:46] thanks [20:47] no chances with the cmd ? grep thing; [20:48] YLL: you're counting letters per line? [20:48] YLL: do you really need to use grep? [20:50] I'm upgrading from Ubuntu 12.04LTS to 14.04LTS, and the update seems to have stopped on libnepomukcore4abi1. I would like this package to be skipped. I have both gnome and kde installed. Is there any way to recover the upgrade? === lbaway is now known as luckybunny [20:51] hello, since I updated to 14.04, I keep getting these errors on every boot, can somebody explain the error and guide to a way for solving it? The errors are: http://pastebin.com/vKKkbVzW [20:55] MonkeyDust, i just realized i don't have an ethernet port on this mac pro :( [20:56] maksimka: http://serverfault.com/questions/494468/error-at-booting-server-ata1-00-exception-emask-0x0-sact-0x0-serr-0x0-action === Snake2k is now known as Oblivion [20:58] usr13: I do not think the comment on that question is valid in my case.. the laptop is working great for 2 years and got errors only after ubuntu 14.04 installation.. === Oblivion is now known as Snake2k [20:58] whomp: http://store.apple.com/us/product/MD463ZM/A/thunderbolt-to-gigabit-ethernet-adapter [20:59] jarray52: look in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/dpkg.log - are there messages there that might explain the hang? [20:59] maksimka: Maybe it is looking for a raid controller that does not exist? [20:59] thanks for the help guys [21:00] maksimka: it could be a coincidence, but it sounds like a hardware problem [21:05] hello to all! I am not getting any sound from the video player, though the music player doesnt have this problem. how can I fix it? [21:05] yeats: it boots fine with OpenBSD and Fedora, not sure if it is a hardware thing... [21:06] moyilla: Could be that another player is still using audio and it's not being released to the other player yet. [21:06] I'm creating a new 100gb ubuntu partition on my mac. Should I create a logical or primary partition? Should I create one for /home and one for /? [21:06] I'm just very new to this :) [21:06] whomp: It is up to you. [21:06] usr13, no, it is the only player that is on [21:06] whomp: We create partitions for our own particular needs. [21:07] I tested the two players one after another [21:07] moyilla: You would have to be more specific [21:07] usr13: Should it be logical or primary? [21:08] And do I need a swap partition? Why can't it just store swap on the / partition? [21:08] whomp: You would have to show us what you have now, and what your end goal is. [21:08] usr13: What info do you need? [21:08] whomp: You should have a swap pertition. [21:08] whomp: Is this a new install? [21:08] usr13: It's being installed alongside my existing os x [21:09] usr13, sure. I wanted to play a video on totem player, and the sound is not coming. though I checked system and player sounds. [21:09] Should the swap be primary or logical? I have 16gb ram, how big should swap be? [21:09] there is no change [21:09] whomp: Are you preparing for a Ubuntu install? Or are you trying to create more space for an existing system. [21:09] I also checked the sound button of the computer [21:09] usr13: I'm preparing for an install [21:09] and, as I said, the music player works [21:10] whomp: Ok. So you are preparing for a Ubuntu install. Got it. So, how big is your HD? [21:10] 500gb, 100 of which is free [21:10] The other 400 is for os x === Maras is now known as Marasgeon [21:11] whomp: So you have 100g of free space? (100g unpartitioned, free space on the one single hard drive) [21:11] usr13: Yes [21:12] whomp: Ok, then just start the Ubuntu install and the Ubuntu installer will create partitions for you. [21:12] whomp: Just leave it as free space [21:12] whomp: (100g will be enough) [21:13] usr13: I select "something else" instead of "erase disk..." [21:13] whomp: Yes [21:13] Then if I just hit "install now", it says, "no root file system is defined" [21:13] hey guys, is there any way to place the close and minimize buttons of the windows right, in Ubuntu 14.04? [21:14] usr13: So idk how to get past that [21:14] whomp: You will find the option there some place to create the partititions. I usually create 3 [21:14] Marasgeon: did you look into unity-tweak-tool? [21:14] whomp: How much RAM do you have? [21:14] k1l: yeap [21:14] nothing [21:14] usr13: I answered this stuff above and asked a series of questions about how to create the partitions [21:15] anyone automating ubuntu 12.04 with kickstary [21:15] anyone automating ubuntu 12.04 with kickstart [21:15] ? [21:15] k1l: the system automatically change it to left [21:15] I feel like we're going in circles [21:15] whomp: 30G for / 8G for swap The rest for /home/ [21:15] Marasgeon: so you did see the option and tried it? [21:15] k1l: yeap [21:15] Great, and which ones should be primary? [21:15] whomp: I am not going in circles, you may be. I just asked a question, (and you refused to answer it). [21:15] It's 16gb as I said above [21:16] whomp: It does not matter. [21:16] whomp: You have 16G of RAM? [21:16] So what do you pick, primary or logical? [21:16] Yes [21:16] Marasgeon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-tweak-tool/+bug/1310056 [21:16] Launchpad bug 1310056 in unity-tweak-tool (Ubuntu) "unity-tweak-tool cant move window buttons to the right in 14.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] [21:16] whomp: It does not matter. [21:16] Ok [21:16] ubottu: that's right [21:17] And still 8G for swap given 16G of ram? [21:17] yeats: I'm not sure what to look for in dpkg.log. The last thing I see is status half-configured kdm:amd64. [21:17] Marasgeon: see the bug report and read it with comments [21:17] whomp: logical [21:17] yeats: If I fresh install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, can I still save my home folder? [21:17] whomp: 16G for swap [21:17] For all 3? [21:18] (That is why I asked you!) [21:18] I really did respond earlier lol [21:18] But so all 3 partitions should be logical? [21:18] jarray52: have you backed your data up? [21:18] yeats: No. [21:19] And why do I want a separate partition for / and for /home? Seems like it risks running out of space in one when I have space in the other partition [21:19] whomp: Yes, they *can* be logical partitions *if* you have an extended partition for them to go in. [21:19] jarray52: okay - first thing, then - back up your data to external media before doing anything else === fritz is now known as Guest3264 [21:19] usr13: How would I know? [21:19] whomp: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning [21:19] #leon [21:19] jarray52: if your /home directory is on a separate partition, you can just re-use it during the partitioning step of installation [21:20] usr13: Is 3 partitions required? Could I not just do one and have it use a swap file? [21:20] whomp: If you choose logical, the ubuntu installer will create an extended partition for them. [21:20] jarray52: otherwise you have to backup, then restore [21:20] !home | jarray52 - also this [21:20] jarray52 - also this: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving [21:21] whomp: Yes, you can use a swap file, but I do not recommend it. (It is better to have a swap partition.) [21:21] k1l_: yeah i already know that, i'm asking if someone came with some solution [21:21] whomp: It is also better to have a separate partition for /home/ [21:22] yeats: It appears that I only have a / partition. [21:23] I only want to save /home/myuser. Can the Ubuntu 14.04LTS preserve this one directory when doing a fresh install? [21:24] whomp: I like to have at least 3 partitions. 1) swap (as large as RAM) 2) 30G+ for / (root directory) 3) /home/ (The largest which will contain all your personal files) [21:24] whomp: These are just my suggestions. You can do it as you see fit. [21:26] Thx for the suggestions and all of the help. Im just going to create a single 100gb logical partition [21:26] whomp: At the least, two partitions. 1) swap (as large as RAM) 2) / (root) [21:26] usr13: I'm reading that swap partitions no longer have performance benefits [21:27] whomp: Yes, you can believe everything you see on the internet. You can believe everything you see on TV. ;) [21:27] whomp, link to actiual [21:28] johnny_number_5: It's not use. People only believe what they *want* to believe. [21:28] to n ews [21:28] johnny_number_5: What? [21:28] johnny_number_5: sorry, I meant to say "It's no use." ;) [21:28] who wheres the link [21:29] rrr. om too tired to type [21:29] unix.stackexchange.com/questions/20301/where-to-put-swap-space-at-beginning-or-end-and-other-swap-questions [21:29] Mentioned in the top answer [21:30] has anyone gotten static ip to work in preseed [21:30] Also here: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1617750 [21:30] whomp: Take my advise, create a swap partition. [21:30] whomp: YOu have a 500G HD. (Are you really worried about 16G?) [21:30] hi, is there a trusty way to install bitcoin-qt in ubuntu? [21:31] because seriously, if I happen to trust the wrong PPA, my entire wallet is gone [21:31] yeah swap is good [21:31] usr13: I only have 100for ubuntu [21:32] whomp: Really? You have a 500G drive and you will only allow 100G for Ubuntu? (Ok, well, it is up to you.) But even if you have 100G, that is enough. 100-16=84 [21:32] Hi i have a quick question, i have some redirects in my apache.conf like thios "Redirect /pma https://xxx.eu/phpmyadmin" how can i do this in nignx ? [21:32] Hola [21:33] usr13: The rest is for blu-Ray Martha Stewart dvds [21:33] whomp: haha.. that is good! :) [21:33] actual swap that is installed on a differnent hdd when you install does matter. i have done it, and it works. whomp usr13 [21:34] whomp: But really.... if you only look for reasons not to have a swap partition, that is only what you will find. [21:34] well seems like there is no such way [21:34] Well anyways, I allocated 17gb for swap and 83 for / [21:34] Thx for the help :) [21:34] whomp: Good. (You can thank us later.) [21:34] I guess ubuntu is unsuitable for security-critical stuff like this... [21:35] How do i edit/save a file with vi ? [21:35] mic_e: Really? [21:35] there is a noticeable performance gain with it. whomp usr13 [21:36] mic_e: Any Linux system is as secure as it's administrator. [21:36] That is good. I hate a stuttering Martha Stewart experience [21:36] mic_e, what are you talking about? [21:36] whomp: That is what external drives are for. [21:36] I asked for a secure way to install bitcoin-qt [21:37] without risking to actually install a fake version that will steal my wallet [21:37] mic_e: Use a ppa [21:37] usr13, have the infos been specific enough? [21:37] so how do I know the guys who made the ppa didn't make it to steal my wallet? [21:37] mic_e: Find one y ou trust. [21:37] whomp, yeap. the heavier the load the smoother the prefomce. [21:37] moyilla: What? === SUPEROGT is now known as Sverdar [21:38] usr13 ? [21:38] usr13 we've been talking, if you remember [21:39] moyilla: Did not see the specific information [21:40] moyilla: Totem played sound, ______________ did not. [21:40] usr13, then why dont you respond to me? and how can it be more specific there? and how can I know it? [21:40] mic_e, have a test bed pc to install your stuff . so your not screwed out of coins [21:40] usr13, this level of information is enough for other people to be rather helpful [21:41] moyilla: You got sound from totem. Right? What player did you *not* get sound from? [21:41] usr13m you didnt even read what I wrote. and you ask me to be specific? [21:41] usr13, why are you using totem when vlc has what you need and more? [21:42] usr13 you didnt even read what I wrote. and you ask me to be specific? [21:42] johnny_number_5: I don't know. [21:42] 'more specific' [21:42] usr13, are you need or something?? [21:43] johnny_number_5: moyilla is having problems with audio output for a particular player, (which remains a secret). [21:43] is there anyone else here from whom I can get some serious and sociable help please? [21:43] !ask | moyilla [21:43] moyilla: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [21:43] moyilla, what do you need [21:43] XD [21:44] usr13 just ignore anything I write. I dont ask anything else of you from now on [21:44] !bot | moyilla [21:44] moyilla: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone [21:44] pm the bot [21:44] dont know why some assume the role of helper here. sure not for helping really [21:44] !sound | moyilla [21:44] moyilla: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [21:45] johnny_number_5 I have a totem player from which I dont get sound when playing videos [21:45] johnny_number_5 I did all of these [21:45] moyilla: Did you try rebooting your computer? [21:45] Did you try turning up the volume? [21:46] moyilla: Are you sure the video you are playing has audio? [21:46] moyilla: Are you sure your speakers are still plugged in? [21:46] * eeee rofls [21:46] usr13, did you try giving a blow job to a policeman? [21:46] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install vlc -y [21:47] moyilla: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [21:47] agree usr13 [21:47] johnny_number_5 is this a known problem to totem? [21:48] !vlc | moyilla [21:48] moyilla: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [21:48] vlc in like the best media players around. moyilla - [21:49] moyilla, it has everything self contained. tomtom needs codecs installed [21:50] moyilla: If totem doesn't work for you, try another. (How about mplayer?) [21:50] mpv is king [21:50] johnny_number_5 , tomtom?! [21:51] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras -y [21:51] run this command [21:52] one consults to channel for sound problem. solution: install another one. [21:52] spelling is not so good when you have been awake for a long time [21:52] if ubuntu has problem, install debian. [21:52] moyilla, your missing the codcs for the player [21:53] totem is not a great player, mplayer2 is fantastic, vlc is good [21:53] you will have the same problem their yet still. [21:53] moyilla: Totem was written by Bastien Nocera [21:53] moyilla: (from the man file) [21:54] he got kicked? [21:54] why? [21:55] johnny_number_5: not a nice person, [21:55] Ben64, hes mplayer good update to the point that its gotting better. [21:55] agreed [21:55] I agree [21:56] johnny_number_5: Get some sleep [21:56] ikonia, yeah, even so when he comes back we can say we where trying to do all we can and he was being a jerk about it. [21:56] johnny_number_5, never sleeps,i am a rebot [21:56] XD robot [21:57] I think even totem is good [21:57] rebot xD [21:57] john-mcaleely: really though, its hard to follow what you're saying. spend more time typing and less time hitting "enter" [21:57] on my ubuntu box, it seems that vlc is buggy [21:57] johnny_number_5: Usually not helpful. Best to just ignore the rude behaviour [21:57] ... or kick'em [21:57] hun? [21:57] Ben64, i guess your taling to me [21:59] hello people, I have been trying to setup my wiimote onto my xubuntu. without any wiimote tools I'm able to detect the wiimote and partially map the keymaps (automatically) the arrow keys as well as the right- / leftclick, but no accelerator input that is supposed to move the mouse. Can someone help? [22:00] hello [22:00] ohai [22:00] normal pairing with wminput doesn't work [22:00] hi cyclonis [22:00] littlebit, hi [22:00] does any one have experience with preseed [22:00] ? [22:00] everything appears in dmesg even [22:00] johnny_number_5: hi [22:01] !preseed | johnny_number_5 [22:01] what is preseed? [22:02] johnny_number_5: don't know what you mean? [22:03] Hi. There doesn't seem to be an ubuntu image listed at GCE. Is anyone aware of one? [22:03] jblack: what's GCE? [22:03] google compute. [22:04] Google's version of aws [22:05] There's instructions out there on how to hand build a private one, but if I can avoid the effort... [22:07] ##windows-de [22:08] weis jemand, wie ich in den windows irc chat komme? xD [22:08] iu [22:08] shisha: /join #channel [22:08] oi [22:08] spricht du deutsch shisha ? [22:08] ja voll [22:08] :D [22:09] sehr gut ! [22:09] bin aber im falschen chat, sorry :) [22:10] hi [22:10] okay [22:10] hi [22:10] does updatedb follow directory symlinks? [22:10] bist du ein linux benutzer? okay! [22:10] verbraucht das weniger [22:10] bwz [22:10] hab eben nur 4gb [22:10] meinste mit linux lauft es besser [22:10] shisha, #ubuntu.de [22:11] ops [22:11] es gibt ein irc auf deutsch ? [22:11] anscheinend :D [22:11] maybe #ubuntu-de [22:11] indeed [22:11] shisha: hier ist die sprache englisch. #ubuntu-de wäre der deutsche channel. aber zum quatschen auch direkt da eher in den #ubuntu-de-offtopic kanal gehen [22:12] danke k11_ [22:12] I have to speak English here? [22:12] shisha: yes [22:12] yes [22:12] :-) [22:12] I forget whats De stand for? [22:12] :-) [22:13] pa: no [22:13] ubuntu-de then ? [22:13] Daryl: deutsch? [22:13] de is the TLD for germany. [22:13] Oh ok [22:14] well it's the iso 639-1 abbreviation for the language =) [22:14] long live linux =D [22:14] cyclonis, i dont but it would be nice to know more about preseed- [22:16] pa: update will index and search for all files on your system regardless of ownership. It uses incremental encoding to compress its database to make searching faster. Permissions and ownership are not stored in the database. [22:16] *updatedb* [22:17] usr13, so lets say that i have some file in /foo/bar/* [22:17] and a link /local/bar -> /foo/bar [22:17] files in /foo/bar/* are not indexed twice [22:18] thnaks [22:20] pa: Actually it *will* show the synlink, (just as if it were a regular file). (I just tested it.) [22:20] pa: I stand corrected.... [22:21] pa: I probably knew that already, just couldn't bring my self to give you the correct information. (Not sure why.) [22:21] cyclonis, did you get it to work? [22:22] usr13, that's ok === brad_ is now known as Guest53085 [22:22] as long as it does not follow it [22:24] (window [22:24] how do you set the desired launcher for ubuntu? [22:24] ubuntu won't boot unless i boot it with recover mode [22:24] what should i do? [22:25] pa: Not sure what you mean about following it. (Doesn't sound like it is within the scope of updatedb) [22:26] how do I rerun the disk configuration stuff that originally ran at install? [22:26] It detected my raid device, but I didn't want to install the OS there [22:27] so I installed it on my plain drive [22:27] pa: This is all I know about it: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8210262/ [22:27] and now I want to go back and configure the raid (partition and filesystem) === xubuntu is now known as Guest35972 [22:28] Can we install Ubuntu on a raspberry pi ? [22:28] hi [22:28] usr13, thanks [22:28] Wasn't there an ubuntu version for the pi? Or am I mistaking it with the debian one? [22:28] Does anybody know how to install Gnewsense or other distro on a usb drive?? or at least provide me a link..? not a live medium, a normal instalation.. [22:29] ntu :nebian version [22:29] godbod: no, since the rpi got too old SoC [22:29] it's a Arm 11 [22:29] whats so special about Linux Mint? Can someone explain why someone would choose Mint over Ubuntu? [22:29] that's not quite a old soC [22:29] e3roll: ask in ##linux [22:29] !details | LucasTT [22:29] LucasTT: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) [22:29] godbod 380 people in #raspberrypi [22:30] im not voiced there! k1l_ [22:30] godbod: it is. you are mixing version numbering with marketing numbering [22:30] ok [22:30] I want to dual boot between os x and ubuntu. However, I've tried installing both refit and refind on os x and neither has worked. Any ideas? [22:30] right [22:30] e3roll: then its still offtopic in here. [22:30] Bashing-om, when I boot, my machin freezes on the splash screen [22:30] from there, i can't do anything, not even ctrl command f2 [22:30] ok thx anyway.. [22:31] but, if i boot from recovery mode, it will work fine [22:31] Seromania: #ubuntu-arm [22:31] usr13: Any ideas? [22:31] LucasTT: Graphics driver ? What results ( ATI, Nvidia) booting with the "nomodeset" parameter ? [22:32] how do i do that? [22:32] !mac | whomp_ [22:32] whomp_: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages [22:32] also my mouse is invisible unless i move it [22:33] whomp_: My guess is that you failed to install grub bootloader properly. === sins-_h is now known as sins- [22:34] LucasTT: At the grub boot menu: 'e' key for edit mode -> boot options screen; arrow down and across to "quiet splash" and add the term "nomodeset"; key combo ctl+x to continue the boot process. [22:34] godbod: /join #ubuntu-arm [22:34] Bashing-om, my graphic card is from intel, it's on-board [22:34] ok, i'll try that [22:35] LucasTT: Nope " nomodeset is for ATI, Nvidia .. Intel should just work, lemme hunt up a boot parameter to "try" . [22:35] whomp_: (You failed to write grub to MBR) [22:35] ok [22:36] LucasTT: Just as a maybe, to see what results; Boot parameter "i915.i915_enable_rc6=1" . [22:41] Bashing-om, i did some googling after i try what you said, and found this [22:41] https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads [22:42] LucasTT: Look'n . [22:42] also, i meant before, not after [22:43] that problem came out of nowhere [22:43] LucasTT: That is a means of last resort, and we do not have the problem identifies as grahics related ( and if there is a need/desire for other drivers, there are easier ways !). [22:44] ok, i'm going to try booting with that parameter [22:44] LucasTT: K [22:45] See you guys! [22:45] LucasTT: Did you recently add a network file-system mount to fstab? Long hangs during service start are very often caused by NFS or SMB/CIFs mounts that don't have the "_netdev" option specified [22:45] usr13, what should i do to fix this? [22:45] LucasTT, hi [22:45] bye [22:45] bye [22:46] for an install guide, i'm linked to a rambling 47-page forum thread [22:47] Bashing-om, i tried running it without recovery mode for the last time and it worked [22:47] probably because of a package i removed [22:47] but now Steam is telling me to install two packages [22:48] LucasTT, what games you play ? [22:48] huh, is that related to my problem samthewildone ? [22:49] I encountered a serious accidental problem just a minute ago... I have ubuntu 14.04 dual booted on my windows 8 hp-(something or other...) and its been running great considering this is my first time EVER even looking at something with Linux on it let alone successfully configuring everything. [22:49] LucasTT, what happen ? what you need help with? [22:49] :| [22:49] My problem I just encountered was while I was in ubuntu [22:50] like??? [22:51] I plugged in a flash drive to erase everything and fill it up with random stuff and upon plugging it in suddenly my drives appeared on my desktop [22:51] johnny_number_5, scroll up if you have been in the channel [22:51] if not, i had some issues that have been fixed [22:51] but now steam is telling me that it needs some packages to run [22:51] LucasTT: what packages? [22:51] "libl1-mesa-dri-lts-raring:i386 and libl1-mesa-glx-lts-raring:i [22:51] i was like uhh okay wtf and restarted my computer to boot it in windows 8 and my password didnt work upon input [22:52] usr13, i am very stuck :( [22:52] LucasTT: so you are on 12.04? [22:52] I restarted again and then ubuntu wouldnt boot up [22:52] yes k1l_ [22:52] sorry if i forgot to say it [22:52] LucasTT: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" [22:52] what will that do? [22:52] that will first make sure you got the latest updates [22:53] it will still stay at 12.04 [22:53] after some bios stuff Im back in here and looked at my partitions menu and apparently the flash drive i plugged in was a bootable drive for windows 7 and is as of right now currently mounted in my /boot/efi [22:55] k1l_, is the updates manager the gui of that? [22:55] LucasTT: yes [22:55] i just wanted to ask before I do something i really know nothing about... Im pretty sure my computer is still thinking that it is supposed to load form the flash drive (even though its not plugged in) and so am I right in thinking that i need to just delete the (already should be missing) flash drive partition and mount my windows 8 hard drive to /bbo/efi instead? [22:55] wafflejock, [22:55] right, there's a few things to update [22:55] sajan: hey what's up [22:55] LucasTT: run that first [22:55] inclduing a hardware support update [22:55] the gui one? [22:56] no the apt-get one [22:56] so we see errors etc [22:56] oh ok, i did it already [22:56] everything went fine on that command but something regardind syspeek [22:56] but i don't think that's related [22:56] is it? [22:57] LucasTT: yes the update manager is the GUI of the terminal commands, we prefer terminal commands as we can actually check under the hood and see at what exact step something may have gone wrong. [22:57] LucasTT: If we do not have a clean "update", then that takes priority . [22:57] !paste | LucasTT [22:57] LucasTT: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [22:58] is there a way to make the command print in english instead of my language? [22:58] the command was run before i ran the gui option [22:59] it's installing the hardware support update right now [23:00] LucasTT: "LANG=C " [23:01] did anybody even read my question?? because I am literally stuck until I do something about this... i just need to know if my primary partition for windows 8 is supposed to be mounted while I have ubuntu mounted and running and if so does it need to boot from /boot/efi or some other location? [23:02] jayvi: On UEFI systems, when it boots in EFI mode, Linux will mount the EFI System Partition at "/boot/efi/" [23:02] jayvi: Yeah, sratching heads, UEFI is a whole new ball game .. And where/how/partitioned/installed is a guessing game ! [23:04] well the only reason i have a problem with it is because i plugged in a flash drive (thought it was empty) and it turned out to be a bootbale windows 7 drive and it messed with my configuration settings [23:04] If you find UEFI confusing, this may help: https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/ [23:04] jayvi: Plugged it in when? Messed up what settings? [23:05] apparently that hardware support update is because i removed it earlier [23:05] jayvi: Best case scenerio is that Windows8 boot code is still present in the efi boot partition. And IF you set in the EFI bootup to boot the hard drive, what results ? [23:05] i plugged it in about ten minutes ago (ive had ubuntu running great for the last few days great!) and when i plugged it in suddenly my disk drives appeared on the desktop [23:05] LucasTT: the raring lts backports kernel lost support since some time now. [23:06] and upon rebooting i couldnt load windows OR ubuntu I was trippin at that point [23:06] what' is this? [23:06] i removed the package linux-image-(version)-generic [23:06] jayvi: You left the USB flash device plugged in whilst you rebooted? [23:07] oh no no no sorry if im vague im just trying to not take all your time >.< [23:07] jayvi: If the flash device was left plugged in, it is possible that the system tried to boot from it instead of the usual device. If so, just disconnect it and boot again [23:08] i plugged it in for just some routine file swapping but since it was a boot drive i think some form of (autoplay???) mounted it and connected it to /boot/efi [23:09] i took it out once i remembered what was on the flash drive and as of right now it still says it is mounted and booting from /boot/efi while my original windows 8 partition is NOT mounted or booting from anywhere now === Alexander_ is now known as Alex_ander [23:11] my only thing is i never really checked before to see where my primary windows 8 partition was mounted or booted from before i installed ubuntu (didnt think id ever have to >.M) [23:12] jayvi: I'm not sure what you mean by "original Windows 8 partition". Show us "pastebinit <(sudo blkid && cat /proc/mounts)" [23:13] fotos [23:14] I'm not seeing any break-in attempts in my logs.... I'm concerned. [23:14] im still VERY new to linux so im sorry i dont really understand what that function is that you're asking for... but what i mean is the C:/ drive from windows. I had windows 8 on my laptop and then installed ubuntu from a flash drive so now all ive had to do for the last few days is just hit escape upon startup and choose which OS i want to run and theyve both worked great! [23:14] LucasTT: How are you looking "upgrade" wise ? all done ? [23:14] yes Bashing-om [23:15] right now i'm just trying to fix Steam === dask is now known as daskdt [23:15] Are there any plans to develop ubuntu distro for iphones? [23:16] what? [23:16] jayvi: Your question is really a windows question, but I think you should be safe to reboot without the flash drive). [23:16] i don't think you can develop a distro for iphone [23:16] LucasTT: I am a CLI type guy, what now results in -> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , sudo apt-get -f install <- . then look at what steam may then need . [23:17] jayvi: Most of ius are not at all familiar with what a bootable windows 7 drive might do on a system, let alone what the specific one you used did. [23:17] i just had issues with a windows 7 bootloader [23:17] but i think it was bios related [23:17] jayvi: We can tell you how to fix grub if that's what the problem is, but it's not clear what's going on and seem like mostly a windows thing.. [23:17] Bashing-om, none installed, none removed and none updated [23:18] jayvi: There is also #windows [23:18] yeah the flash drive isnt the problem its just that upon plugging it in it unmounted what was already my perfectly running windows 8 drive [23:18] LucasTT: Good so far and '-f' ?? [23:18] uefi bios prefvented me from pxe booting [23:18] or the windows 7 boot manager prevented pxe booting [23:18] same results Bashing-om [23:18] i love coreboot [23:19] but for real i can understand ubuntu is all foreign to me haha this is the only place i have figured out where to ask a live person :) [23:19] Does 802.11ac work with Linux at full speeds, or do you still get bumped down to lower speeds, as if you only had a .11n interface? [23:19] LucasTT: Great again, steam then should run ! [23:19] lemme try [23:20] not really [23:20] it is asking me again to install the same packages [23:20] LucasTT: Show the channel that output. [23:21] SuperLag: Depends on your interface. [23:21] LucasTT: In 'pastebinit" !! [23:21] what is that? [23:21] http://pastie.org/9520306 [23:22] SuperLag: It depends on your WiFi adapter and RF propagation. [23:23] LucasTT: one canot do multi posting in IRC, so we use an ofline site for that purpose. see the topic for this channel.install 'pastebin" -> sudo apt-get install pastebinit <- . [23:23] multi posting?, offline site? [23:24] LucasTT: if you post the output of your terminal it will be gumbled up as it sends into the channel [23:24] by using a pastebin website, you can provide us exactly what is going on without us missing lines [23:24] and flooding the channel etc [23:24] ik [23:25] Hi everybody [23:25] anybody here, there is the commands of "vi" [23:25] ? [23:26] Mussolini: What do you need? [23:26] LucasTT: Got it ! .. 'ligl1' files should not be a big deal, // what though is " /vicox/syspeek/ " .. not found is not good ! [23:26] if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then -> [ 1: command not found Whyyyy???? [23:26] i so hate bash [23:27] i have the spaces, i have everything.. on the shell it works.. in a script it doesnt! [23:27] Bashing-om, i don't really get what you said [23:27] Mussolini: i to get to edit mode. Esc for command, :wq to write and quit [23:27] pa: command not found implies a PATH issue. [23:28] but it's in a test expression [23:28] what command should an integer be? [23:28] pa: escape spaces with \ [23:28] pa: it looks like it's evaluating $? ( and running 1 as a command) [23:28] LucasTT: In that pastie is the results of the update process, and an advisory that certain repositories were unavalable, "/vicox/syspeek/" beiong one of them. What is this application ? [23:29] actually [ 1 -eq 0 ] fails also in shell === Pici` is now known as Pici [23:29] Bashing-om, i think that's the System Monitor app [23:29] but /usr/bin/\[ 1 -eq 0 ] works [23:30] pa: what does the shebang line say? [23:30] #!/bin/bash [23:30] i never never get these bloody tests right in bash [23:31] pa: does this work? "echo hello; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo bye; fi" [23:31] pa: your strings keep having \xa0 instead of a space character after the [ [23:31] LucasTT: I looked at the PPA, and there is no support for it in precise as far as I can tell. disable that one in "software sources" . [23:31] Tks usr13 [23:31] hello [23:31] TJ-, it does [23:31] trism, is a gnome-terminal issue then? [23:31] i cannot find a wysiwyg html editor [23:31] pa: what editor are you using to create the script? [23:31] any idea? [23:31] mcedit in a gnome termnal [23:32] disable what and how exactly Bashing-om ? [23:33] it seems that rewriting it in xterm fixed the problem [23:34] you mean disabling the software source of syspeek? [23:34] done [23:34] pa: As trism pointed out, it is possible the locale setting, or the editor you use, is using the wrong character code for the space [23:34] I'm trying how to use korn shell (KSH), whats diference between KSH and shell default ? [23:35] hey there, is it possible to replace the ubuntu unity dock icon while an application is running? [23:36] I want a notification to appear on the dock icon when the user receives a message, but I have no idea how to do that on linux [23:36] pretty sure gnome has a module for that. [23:36] LucasTT: Our present focus is to make the package manager happy, Then deal with "E: Impossível corrigir problemas, você manteve (hold) pacotes quebrados." Ok in the Software Center -> software sources -> other software; uncheck any ference to the ppa "/ppa.launchpad.net/vicox/syspeek/". Let us know when that is done, and we do all the update routines once more, the update/upgrade MUST run clean, before anything else can be done. [23:36] steam is now working, rebooting to see if everything is okay [23:36] it even shows floating dialogs. [23:37] wRayden: I did the floating dialogs thing, it's called python-notify [23:37] but I don't know whether this actually makes the app icon on the dock light up when a notification arrives [23:37] does it? [23:38] Hey, my taskbar isn't working... [23:39] hallo, brauche hilfe [23:39] Can any assist with a rather strange mdadm RAID5 issue? [23:40] ah [23:40] rolleiflex, you did it as in you coded it? [23:40] The default shell is bash(Bourne Again Shell), Korn can be faster. -Mussolini [23:40] or just use it? [23:40] Can anyone assist with a rather strange mdadm RAID5 issue? Sorry forgot the link: http://askubuntu.com/questions/518860/degraded-mdadm-raid5-array-array-uuids-mismatch-ubuntu-14-04-1 [23:42] wRayden: yeah [23:42] All bash scripts will work will Korn also -Mussolini [23:42] the commands are the same on korn shell (KSH) [23:42] wRayden: I am using that library to raise notifications with text [23:42] work with* [23:42] [23:42] Thanks CalebW [23:42] rolleiflex, "yeah" didn't really answered the question, xD [23:42] pensacola, I was just in Pensacola, Fl [23:42] I however don't know when I package the app, this will make the app icon (the app which raises notifications) light up [23:43] but if that's the case you probably know a lot more about it than me, so I can't really help you. Sorry. [23:43] I did not create python-notify, it's a package that already exists [23:43] ah alright [23:43] thanks anyway [23:43] also I don't have it at hand right now, otherwise I'd test it :/ [23:43] Can someone help me with my taskbar? It's still there, but it's unresponsive... [23:43] mrichael: It looks like the array was created using a mix of whole devices and partitions [23:43] !Windows XP [23:43] it's already installed, comes with ubuntu === Alex_ander is now known as bananalexander [23:44] !Windows [23:44] For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [23:45] Does anyone know of any recent UUCP sites! [23:45] TJ-, the array is currently rebuilding and my data is still available, i saw the array was using the whole disks and so I added the third drive back with mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdc What is strange is that mdadm --examine --scan shows TWO /dev/md0's with two differnt UUIDs [23:45] Does anyone know of any recent UUCP sites? [23:46] mrichael: That info comes from the metadata on the devices [23:47] TJ-, to prevent from losing 1.6 TB of data, what do you recommend I do to get the array rebuild using the partition tables that are there? [23:49] TJ-, it looks like one UUID is coming from the two partitions of the 'working drives' and one UUID is coming from the 'whole' disk of the third added drive [23:49] mrichael: Is the array supposed to use the partition, or the entire drive? the array that is in recovery is the whole devices, which is the same one as is in mdadm.conf [23:50] TJ-, these are supposed to have one partition on them /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdd1 and joined to the array /dev/md0 [23:50] mrichael: "sudo mdadm --examine /dev/sd[bcd] | egrep 'UUID|dev'" shows all three whole devices with the same UUID as the one in mdadm.conf. It looks to me as if the whole device array is the correct one [23:51] mrichael: Withouth knowing how the arrays got into that state, it's hard to recommend a solution. Whatever you do runs the risk of losing data. I'd be rebuilding the array from a valid back-up [23:55] TJ-, yeah this was configured a long time ago by another user and I am nervous to make any big changes [23:55] TJ-, I do see both UUIDs in the /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf file but one is commented out... not sure whats going on with that [23:56] TJ-, How hard would it be to remove one drive at a time and re-add a bigger drive and using partitions to create the array? [23:56] mrichael: Are there other partitions on the drives? === Sleepnbum is now known as Guest66222 [23:57] can I checkinstall an application that has multiple make install steps? e.g. nagios requires: make all, make install, make install-commandmode, make install-init, make install-config etc? [23:57] TJ-, only one partition per drive, but it appears the drive sdc lost its partition [23:57] TJ-, will the re-syncing rebuild the partition on drive sdc? [23:57] mrichael: So, unless they're used to boot from, there's no reason to need partition tables [23:58] TJ-, they are only used for storage networking and everywhere I have read people recommend using partitions to create your arrays [23:59] mrichael: I've never really understand that for data-only drives. It might be needed for amateurs messing about with drives and accidentally over-writing metadata, but for solid storage arrays there is no benefit.