
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (DlDit,)02:34
sudormrfhi guys.  user DlDit is pmming users with very offensive messages02:37
sudormrfhe pmmed me with a few offensive messages and I set him to ignore02:37
waykool99was told in #ubuntu group to report these 2 for IM'ing very offensive language --  pushitdix -and- DLDit02:37
sudormrfwould like to request he/she be banned02:37
IdleOnesudormrf: and waykool99 We will keep and eye open, thanks for reporting.02:38
IdleOnesudormrf: can you PM me an example of the PM's you got02:38
waykool99your absolutely welcome02:38
sudormrfIdleOne: sure.  I already closed out of them, but they were just one liners02:38
waykool99i'll copy/paste to you. one sec......02:39
IdleOnewaykool99: ok02:39
IdleOnethey are banned now, if you get any more unsolicited offensive pm's please feel free to come back and help us keep the channel a welcoming place.02:43
cornellGood evening...  A user named DlDit pm'd me with "You stupid bastard".  I may not be the most experienced novice, but I do try to be polite and on topic.  I don't see that I deserved that.  I mentioned it in #ubuntu, and someone suggested that I report it here.03:21
rwwcornell: D1Dit was kicked out of #ubuntu about 40 minutes ago. Did you get the PM since then?03:23
cornellAt 10:27:07 EST... just under an hour ago.03:24
rwwAlrighty. Should be all sorted, then. Thanks for letting us know regardless; the more reports the better on this sort of thing :)03:25
cornellOk...  Never had to report anyone before... in a couple of decades of IRC use.03:25
cornellThank you03:28
Unit193stenchlarge: Anything we can assist you with?03:30
Tm_Telky: explains04:47
bazhang<yaowenrui> how can i use the nvidia gtx 750 on ubuntu , i found the man page but still not the download on my version12:00
bazhanghe asked12:00
ikoniayeah, I didn't see it12:00
ikoniaI just see him keep asking if anyone can help him12:00
k1li dont see a swap mandatory these days, too. i dont use hibernation (standby is fine or shutdown) and with 8gb ram i dont want to block that much ssd space for a "could be usefull once" usecase12:23
ikoniaI don't think it's mandatory12:23
ikoniaI think it's down to you to asses if/how you'd benifit from it and decide12:24
ubottuBen64 called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:12
DJonesAnd gone13:13
bazhangheads up the nooooo waaaaa guy is making the rounds Zordon18:14
rwwjust hit #ubuntu-offtopic then quit because we countertrolled him >:D18:16
bazhangthe power of ubuntu compels you!18:16
Alphafivenooooooo waaaaaaaaaa20:15
ubottuThanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently20:15
ubottuAlphafive called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()20:15
Alphafive!ops | idleone20:16
ubottuidleone: Thanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently20:16
ubottuAlphafive called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (idleone)20:16
CoreyAlphafive: Knock it off please.20:16
Alphafive!ops | Corey20:17
ubottuCorey: Thanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently20:17
ubottuAlphafive called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (Corey)20:17
Alphafiveban me20:17
ubottuAlphafive called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:20
ubottuAlphafive called the ops in #kubuntu ()20:20
ubottuAlphafive called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()20:20
ubottuAlphafive called the ops in #ubuntu-motu ()20:21
k1l_freenodewide problem now20:21
ubottuJFSTWO called the ops in #ubuntu-irc ()20:22
ubottuJFSTWO called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()20:22
ubottuIn #ubuntu, jvwjgames said: ubottu: i might just creat an iso of my current linux install is that possible20:50
=== Corey is now known as QuinnyPig
ubottuRidley5 called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:33

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