
xubuntu477Hi, I'm a first time xubuntu user trying to get help installing v14.04 from a USB drive.  Can someone answer a few questions?00:13
knomexubuntu477, just ask, and if somebody knows the answer, they'll most likely reply00:14
xubuntu477when I'm installing I set up root, swap, and home partitions.  10 GB,6gb, and remaining space in that order.  When I go to install I get an error message with just question marks.  What should I do first to try to fix this00:17
holsteinxubuntu477: if you are a first time user, i say, let the installer automatically set up the partitions for you.. also, test the hard drive to make sure its not malfunctioning00:18
xubuntu477 I tried to let it set it up itself and the same thing happened.  I checked the disk for errors from the xubuntu startup menu and there was 1.  how do I check what that error was00:23
holsteinxubuntu477: i use gsmartcontrol from a live CD.. i run the long tests00:23
holstein!info gsmartcontrol00:24
ubottugsmartcontrol (source: gsmartcontrol): graphical user interface for smartctl. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.7-1 (trusty), package size 692 kB, installed size 1938 kB00:24
holsteinif the drive has an error, and is bad, xubuntu wont fix it, and the device should likely just be replaced00:25
holsteina file system error is different... since you are wiping that00:25
jc_Hello, first time here.00:35
holsteinjc_: welcome00:35
jc_Hi, I have a question abuut upgrading to 14.04.00:36
jc_have not found a clear ansere online.00:37
jc_ I am running xubuntu 12.04 on an old IBM thinkpad.  It does not support PAE.  Xubuntu suggests I upgrade to v14.04.00:37
jc_I don't want to risk a non-bootable system...00:37
jc_Is it safe to upgrade?00:38
jc_ie: how smart is the system upgrade notification?  Smart enough to be 100% sure that the system can support the new version?00:40
holsteinjc_: no.. if it were me, i would run the 14.04 live cd on my system and check for compatibility first-hand00:42
holsteinjc_: 12.04 is still supported, so, if its working, and i dont need anything newer, i would just keep it00:42
Unit193As far as I know it isn't smart enough to know that, but if you grab a livecd you can test with the forcepae option.00:42
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info00:42
jc_I on;ly have 2GB or ram...00:47
holsteinjc_: try the focepae option from a 14.04 live CD as Unit193 suggests. then, you'll know if 14.04 supports your hardware00:48
Unit193They switched to pae kernels so it's less to maintain, Pentium Ms had some sort of (perhaps experimental) pae support that was never exposed in the CPU flags.00:49
jc_Okay, sounds good.  I believe I have one of those Pentium M systems with unexposed PAE.00:50
holsteinjc_: id just try the default live CD.. if it fails try the forcepae option..00:51
jc_Cool, thanks Everyone!01:11
jc_Just downloaded, will give it a try.01:12
Unit193Good luck.01:12
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Quantibilityhi, how do i load my os into a USB stick on startup so that basically my user runtime is on the stick instead of the disk? is this even possible?07:17
ObrienDaveXubuntu can be installed to a usb stick, no problem07:18
cfhowlettQuantibility, very possible.07:18
Quantibilitythats not what im saying07:18
ObrienDaveyou want to move your user to the USB07:19
Quantibilitywill that also allow the programs that i start up run directly off the usb?07:19
ObrienDavenot sure, easier to make a complete system on USB07:21
QuantibilityObrienDave so if i put my use on the stick,  would that free up my RAM?07:22
Quantibilitymy user07:23
ObrienDavenot necessarily07:23
Quantibilityok i got a better question ObrienDave, how do i install an already installed system onto my usb?07:44
Quantibilityoh wait07:45
Quantibilityyeah how do i do that?07:47
ObrienDavenot 100% sure. i would think, install to USB, check to see if it boots. copy contents of / and /home to USB. if that's how you have it partitioned.07:51
ObrienDaveyou might have to do something with directory permissions. i.e. copy in sudo mode, root terminal. not sure07:52
knomeObrienDave, did you mean: "i don't know" ?07:53
ObrienDavenot sure means almost the same thing07:54
knomeexcept it doesn't; i've told you about guessing before07:56
knomeif you don't know, hold back07:56
ObrienDavethat's why i put the disclaimer in, "not sure"07:57
garandilKeeping 4 kernels might be overkill, how is the cleanup policy set?08:39
xubuntu104hi im new to xubuntu, i just installed it on my virtualbox everythings seems working fine, but i cant get Alt Gr to work08:40
garandilxubuntu104, keypress forwarding08:41
xubuntu104thx for quick response but please explain08:43
garandilWith all hypervisors you need to forward things, it can be like vmware that you have to let it assume control08:43
xubuntu104thank you08:44
xubuntu104i  will try that08:44
garandilalso, make sure that you have the correct characterset selected08:45
slickymasterWork!hi | xubuntu22608:50
ubottuxubuntu226: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!08:50
xubuntu104thx alot now it works @@@@@@@@@@@@@ =)08:53
slickymasterWork!hi | eyc31411:10
ubottueyc314: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:10
eyc314Yay! I'm dual-booting Windows 8 with Xubuntu!11:12
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.12:05
akishello dear friends. i am faced with a serious problem after a newly fresh clean install of 14.04. Both Firefox & Midori are very slow when they download web pages. It takes minutes to download the first page after a google search or after a bookmark's prompt. Later they seem to be faster but still are very slow. The mean time another machine next to this one with the problem connect it to the same wireless router downloads very fast all the web12:17
akispages. My internet connection seems to be OK as you can see the tests i made using firefox on this machine with the problem http://imgur.com/1scrZYO,Y187Huj,tyN2sKP . Does anyone has any idea what is happening with my system and it is so slow browsing the internet? I have to mention that 14.04 is running smoothly and pretty fast on this machine with 1,5 ghz intel celeron and 1,5 gb ram and under 12.04 until 2 days ago and for years browsing was12:17
akis fast and smooth.12:17
akisany help plz?12:22
akisany help plz?12:37
knome!patience | akis12:38
ubottuakis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:38
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
akishello dear friends. i am faced with a serious problem after a newly fresh clean install of 14.04. Both Firefox & Midori are very slow when they download web pages. It takes minutes to download the first page after a google search or after a bookmark's prompt. Later they seem to be faster but still are very slow. The mean time another machine next to this one with the problem connect it to the same wireless router downloads very fast all the web14:06
akispages. My internet connection seems to be OK as you can see the tests i made using firefox on this machine with the problem http://imgur.com/1scrZYO,Y187Huj,tyN2sKP . Does anyone has any idea what is happening with my system and it is so slow browsing the internet? I have to mention that 14.04 is running smoothly and pretty fast on this machine with 1,5 ghz intel celeron and 1,5 gb ram and under 12.04 until 2 days ago and for years browsing was14:06
akis fast and smooth.14:06
holsteinakis: when "they download a web page"?14:07
holsteinakis: you mean, when visiting web pages normally? what web pages? flash?14:07
holsteinakis: i would look at the content on the pages, and i would try, for testing purposes, the chrome browser, which has its own flash integrated..14:08
holsteinif you find that, in chrome, performance is "better", you can get the flash from chrome working in the chromium browser14:08
akisholstein, hello friend ! for example i just now wrote in address bar xubuntu to force google to show me results and took almost 2 minutes to get the answer!14:08
holsteinakis: and, how is it in the google browser?14:10
akisholstein, i worked with chromium for years and is my favorite one (under 12.04 and older versions) but the last one version of chromium is heavy and i decided to work with mozilla which is provided by 14.04 as default browser.14:11
holsteinif it were me, i would try and isolate a few things.. i would wire the machine up and test.. try and remove the network drivers and connections from the equation14:11
akisi wire it already. the same results.14:12
holsteinakis: sure.. and im *not* suggesting you swtich, or that chrome is better.. i am offering chrome becuase flash *is* newer there14:12
holsteinakis: this is a plausbible troubleshooting step14:12
akiswait for long time to get the result14:12
holsteinakis: how about in chrome?14:12
akisno extension, no add ons, no nothing14:12
holsteinakis: ok.. please try in chrome, from above. you can remove it later..14:13
akisi didnt downloaded. last version is heavy. nothing to do with older vers14:13
akisand it doesnt support flash14:13
akisi need to download alternatives14:13
holsteinakis: its no heavier, friend.. chrome ships with flash integrated, and i would like for you to test it, and remove this from the equation14:13
akisthat's why i try midora.14:14
akisbut the same result.14:14
akisand i can say worse!!!14:14
holsteinakis: i would remove variables, and test.. and be willing to try tests suggested by volunteers here14:14
akislast chromium was already heavy enough on 12.0414:15
akisi am disappoint ! i am thinking to downgrade to 12.04 !14:16
holsteinakis: sure.. its still supported, go for it14:16
holsteinakis: you will need to be *very8 cooporative with volunteers here to figure out what is going on with your installation14:16
holsteinakis: otherwise, just downgrade, and support the xubuntu stuff on your own when the support cycle is up soon14:16
akisi know it is, but it took me 36 hours to re-configure by scratch my system and now i dont have a speedy internet access14:17
holsteinakis: it shouldnt. you shouldnt re-configure from scratch anything when installing lubuntu.. if you did, then, i would look into what you configured, and look for error there that is causing your issue14:17
akisi am no just cooporative but i am searching alone for any solution.14:17
holsteinakis: how is your internet responding in google chrome's browser?14:18
akisi tried lubuntu. i looked me oldfashioned and has the same issue with firefox speed.14:18
holsteinakis: i meant xubuntu, friend.. all of them *are* ubuntu14:18
ubottu!Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.14:18
holsteinakis: they are all the same version of firefox and kernels.. and driver supprot14:19
holsteinakis: you shouldnt need to "configure from scratch" anything when installing xubuntu.. if you did, look at what you configured for the error14:19
holsteini would try the stock xubuntu live CD and see how the network is..14:20
akisand dont forget the other big bug many users faced it and 14.04.1 doesnt solve it. i solve it manulally thanks to other users. i am talking about "The disk drive for14:21
akis/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present" So plz dont write that i am not cooporative. i am faced with many bugs and i am trying to fix them alone, to make my system works properly!14:21
akisi tried already an hour ago live cd. it goes slowly. maybe i little bit better because it carries FF28 not 3114:21
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:21
holsteinakis: you may prefer to contribute your "fixes" into the community..14:22
holsteinotherwise, i would try a *stock* stimple installation.. no encryption.. that can slow down a system on older hardware14:22
akisi had encryption on my 12.04 made it manulally, no problem there. now i choosed auto during installation and ops...voila le probleme. but i fix it. almost. i have swap but not encrypt swap. i prefer it from no swap at all!14:24
holsteinakis: ok.. so, thats a "no" to the chrome browser test? and a no to not using encryption, then?14:24
holsteinakis: i suggest you go upstream, since none of these issues you are dealing with are xubuntu or xfce specific.. and try and be more open to trying things suggested by volunteers..14:25
holsteinakis: you can use the main ubuntu users mailing list.. thats a large community with more folks there that may have "better" advice14:26
akiswhy you thing chrome will run smoothly and download fast? why midora which is a xfce project's program doesnt??14:26
holsteinakis: i dont think that, friend.. i think testing with chrome will give a data point, as i said..14:26
holsteinakis: *if* its faster in chrome, then we know something.. if not.. we know something as well.. but, im leaning more toward whatever you have dont to "fix" whateverr bug you refernce as the culprit for your issue14:27
akiswell if so why 14.04 provides ff as default browser and not chromium? i wrote already i am fun of it. last ver under 12.04 make it to heavy for me.14:27
akiswe are writing around the matter and not in the fact!14:28
holsteinakis: i am only suggesting troubleshooting steps, friend.. not fixes..14:28
holsteinakis: sure.. try #ubuntu14:28
holsteinakis: also, try the stock xubuntu install or live CD with no enctyption.. if you say the live CD is "faster", you are assuming its related to the firefox version.. its also not containing your "Fixes"14:28
akisand the fact is that ff is pretty slow. it takes 2 min to download a page on fresh install system with a fast adsl connection although it is wired connected and when in the mean time another machine running 12.04 goes very fast.14:29
holsteinakis: i understand 12.04 works better for you14:29
knomeakis, please stop insisting; if X works better than Y for you, just use it then14:30
holsteinakis: 12.04 is *still* supported.. so, it may be "easier" for you to just downgrade..14:30
akis14.04 works fine and smoothly. no differences with 12.0414:30
akisbut no internet browsing!14:30
holsteinakis: otherwise, i would try 14.04 live, and stock.. and see that your configuration changes are not causing the issue with the hard drive encrtyption14:30
akislook how speedy i am writing here for example.14:31
knomeakis, what is it you are trying to prove?14:31
holsteinakis: i agree, your typing speed seems to be pretty good.. have you tried the live 14.04 ?14:31
akislive 14.04 shows the same problem. maybe not 2 min to download a google's search but 1 min isnt a long time at 2014?14:31
holsteinakis: if the internet speed is "better" on the live 14.04, dont assume its because of an older firefox version. that is *not* the only difference14:32
holsteinakis: my internet access speed time is *fine* here in 14.04.. this is *not* an ubuntu or xubuntu 14.04 wide issue, i promise14:32
akisi am not trying to pove anything. plz....i am a very old linux user since ubuntu wasnt in sky.14:33
knomeakis, so what's the answer you want from us?14:33
akisi just report my big problem with ff browsing14:33
holsteinakis: let me ask again.. so, using the 14.04 live CD, is the speed "better" ?14:33
akisisnt fair to report it and to ask for ideas to fix it?14:33
holsteinakis: this is *not* where you report firefox bugs14:33
knomeakis, "firefox is slower than chrome" is not a useful "report"14:33
akison my opinion it is not a solution to change browser.14:34
holsteinakis: firefox is not slow here, friend.. its not slow in 14.04 globally..14:34
akisotherwise it is a solution to change OS !!!14:34
holsteinakis: you have only tried firefox and midori, correct?14:34
knomeakis, you are free to use any OS or browser you wish to14:34
akissure, and as i am a fun of xubuntu i am trying to find solutions with some friend's help14:35
akisi dont give up so easily.14:35
holsteinakis: try xubuntu, though.. stock14:35
knomeso, if you find the reason or any traces of why firefox is slower than chromium, file a bug14:36
cfhowlettakis, file a bug. *file* a bug.  cuz it really sounds like a firefox/mozilla issue .. NOT an ubuntu issue.14:36
holsteinakis: since, i am using the *same* firefox and midori here on 14.04, and not having speed issues14:36
akisthe facto for me is what i report already.14:36
knomeakis, do you have another support question?14:36
cfhowlettakis, same here.  firefox and I get along great with audio, video, all kinds of things.14:36
holsteinakis: where is the bug #?14:36
holsteinakis: link me to where you filed, and i'll try and confirm it, assuming i can make the issue happen here14:37
akiswhat you mean. i wrote already. when i start browsing with ff asking for ex to search anything using google , writng on address bar i amgetting the result after almost 2 min.14:39
akisthe same happens in midori.14:39
knomeakis, please understand that this is not the place to report bugs in firefox, or midori14:39
cfhowlett!bug | akis,14:39
ubottuakis,: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:39
akisthe same machine, the same connection on 12.04 didnt have the same problem.14:39
akisthat is whta i can see and i am wondering. maybe a hidden configuration will solve the problem, but what?14:40
knomeakis, we don't know the answer to your question.14:40
akisok. thats  clear!14:41
knomeakis, we can't even reproduce the issue you are describing.14:41
akisi dont want to be reproduced anything.14:41
knomeright, then do you have another support question?14:41
akisi just report an issue and maybe an expert or not has a nice idea.14:42
cfhowlettakis, for firefox support = http://support.mozilla.org/14:42
akisi read these already14:42
akisi searching fro about 36 hours continiously14:42
holsteinakis: where is the bug report? for your issue?14:43
akisno good answer (as for example on encrypted swaps)14:43
cfhowlettakis, and there answer is not HERE because ubuntu doesn't develop mozilla.  when you finish reading, I'm sure mozilla wold welcome your feedback = send them the information.14:43
akiswhat you mean friend?14:43
holsteinakis: i personally dont share that issue with you.. you must understand, firefox is working fire here for  me, and for most..14:43
holsteinakis: so, you will need to be *very* cooperative, to figure out why this is *only* happening for you.. have you reported the bug?14:44
akisok, guys i am not here to fight with no body. i am trying to setup my new system and i realized the problem described above. this is my problem not the way to report it etc etc etc.14:45
holsteinakis: cool.. just share the bug # when you report it, and i'll try and reproduce it here.. thanks!14:46
akisdear friend i report a problem. you say it bug! for me is a problem, nothing more or less. if somebody has an idea (for example maybe his knows that flash make this) it could be help me.14:47
akisthe fact that both browsers has the same behavior on my system something means but i cannot trace it and i just asked more experts if maybe have ideas on it. 14.04 runs pretty smooth on my system so i cannot imagine that my hardware has the problem although it is not a new laptop (1,5 ghz celeron with 1,5 gb ram).14:51
knomeakis, please stop repeating14:52
holsteinakis: i could imagine the tweaks you do could be the problem.. have you tried without disk enryption?14:52
cfhowlettakis, this is a laptop or desktop?14:52
akislaptop, i didnt tried without encryption, unless using live cd.14:53
akisknome, i am writing my thoughts!14:53
cfhowlettakis, I suggest you try a different internet connection.14:53
holsteinakis: you say the live CD speed is "better".. try not assuming what is causing that improvement, and isolate and test14:53
akiscfhowlett, the same conncetion is shared (not at the same time) with iPad, another netbook running 12.04 and mobile phone and none of them have problem on downloading.14:54
akisbetter=1 min instead of 2. for me is still a problem. live cd runs older ver of ff so i cannot compare them.14:55
holsteinakis: have you tried another connect? as cfhowlett suggested? if not, consider trying one to isolate that variable.. that is all that is being suggested.. isolation techniques.. be willing to try volunteers suggestions14:56
holsteinakis: you cant compare the firefox versions.. but, also, the live CD doesnt have your changes14:57
akison my opinion if there is nothing to do with the encryption, there something to do with the redrawing of web pages and the first time the browser access them because then it still slow but smoother14:57
holsteinakis: sure.. but *test* for that, and it will be a fact.. no ones opinion14:57
holsteinakis: if you think its redrawing of a web page.. test for that..14:57
cfhowlettakis, nice theory.  OR you could test things, troubleshoot and have hard data.14:57
akisholstein, thenk you for you help, i understand that you are trying to think what is happens but it is not easy to try another connection right now.14:58
holsteinakis: who said "easy" ?14:59
akiscfhowlett, i am not an expert on "redrwing etc" but some months ago another browser had similar problems and reported on the net and anyone could find them googling. next updates solve the problem15:00
holsteinakis:  may i help you find a channel or community that is in your native langauge? i feel we are going around and around a bit, with your, for some reason, refusing to do anything being suggested... i cant imagine that is intentional.. maybe its a misunderstanding15:01
holsteinakis: you had "a browser with similar problems reported on" ? what browser? where are the reports?15:01
cfhowlettakis, understood15:02
holsteinakis: if you are the *only* person with the issue, you wont google and find others with the issue..15:02
akisi dont think that the solution is to downgrade. i upgrade it to stay and as 14.04 runs smoothly i will search for solutions. maybe on a next update i will solve the problem that only my machine has. is it possible?15:05
GridCubeif you report it and people know the problem exists, maybe15:06
knomeakis, it is possible, but since nobody else has the same issue as you, it's unlikely15:06
akisknome, i am reading searching with google about ff and slow browsing but i didnt find something exactly similar. on your opinion what is going on, maybe?15:08
knomeakis, do you think you would be better of with support on your native language as holstein suggested?15:09
knomeakis, there is some kind of misunderstanding of communication problem here, so maybe that'd be better15:09
akisok dear friend thank you for your help, i ll try to solve it reading and searching.15:11
knome!gr | akis15:12
ubottuakis: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes15:12
akisdo you maybe know an easy way to install flash for midori too? i read some articles but i am not sure about the procedure.15:12
jcigToday, after doing an update, when I plugged in my usb flash drive, Xubu asked for my password. Never did that before. Is that a new thing?15:59
GridCubejcig, nope17:17
GridCubeit shouldnt do that17:17
akisgood evening dear friends. i confirm that in my case and after i googled enough to finf a solution for my problem (slow internet on both FF & Midori under 14.04 [which i haven't on 12.04]) worked this : http://www.noobslab.com/2012/05/disable-ipv6-if-your-internet-is.html. I am very huppy that i can enjoy fast internet on both FF and Midori and keep my newly clean install 14.04 without be obliged for a downgrade. thank you anyway for your time18:13
akisalthough i didnt get a help. 14.04 still run smoothly on y system enjoying fast internet on the same way i did it with 12.04. happy2solve it!18:13
nomicwhat should I use to make live usb key (14.04) -- have been using "usb-creator-gtk" .. seems to be getting stuck on "creating ext2 in the persistance file"18:22
nomicim upgrading to 14.04 from 12.04 because chrome appears to be hanging the system18:22
latehi all. does any know if midori updates come automatically from canonical or do i have to add  ppa:midori/ppa . i downloaded from ubuntu software center ver. 0.4.3 but as far as i can see in official site it is available 0.5.8. any opinion on this?19:01
holsteinlate: *all* packages are locked.. ubuntu's are not a rolling release.. so, you *do* get updates.. but, you dont get version updates.. now, *some* applications get version updates, such as firefox19:02
holsteinlate: otherwise, for example, 14.04 ships with midori at a version..19:02
holstein!info midori19:02
ubottumidori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3+dfsg-0.1 (trusty), package size 1104 kB, installed size 3408 kB19:02
holstein^ that version gets maintenance and security updates automatically.. if you want newer versions, you can use ppa's. .. which are unsupported19:03
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:03
lateso, what to you suggest to me. do i have to add this ppa on my system?19:03
holsteinlate: im trying my best to only state the facts, and not suggest either.. if you want a newer version, you can use a PPA, or whatever other method you would like, or the midori team suggests. otherwise, security updates are provided automatically19:04
holsteinlate: usually, the answer to this can be found when you ask yourself, "do i need a newer version? or funcitonality a newer version provides?" if the answer is no, then just use the default repo version. if yes, then ppa's are an easy way to try and add that functionality19:05
lateok, if security updates are already provided from canonical that is fine for me. thank you for your help. i am reading about newer version functionality and i will see what i will do.19:06
wrongplaceis it possible to make you own drivers for an usb to express card adapter?19:40
knomewrongplace, everything is possible.19:45
KekaiIs it possible to make apps out of webpages?20:11
holsteinKekai: not really... but, there are many ways to make things seem like native applications that are web sites20:11
KekaiI know you can make apps via the whisker menu and give them their own icons20:12
holsteinKekai: thats how i would do it20:12
KekaiI think it would be trying to get the browser to open at that specific link or something20:12
holsteinKekai: right.. thats what is happening.. though, many ways to make that look slick20:12
KekaiAnyway I can do that with palemoon?20:13
holsteinKekai: sure.. i would start with making a shortcut in the menu that opens a webpage that you want20:14
holsteinKekai: then, you can read about more elaborate ways to do that.. like how it happens in unity upstream20:14
KekaiI know how to make apps accessible with the whisker menu I had to do it for palemoon20:15
knomeKekai, note that what you are describing is menu launchers for websites, not "apps"20:17
xubuntu886hello what do you think of latest XFCE interface ?21:20
xanguado you have a support question¿21:30
deshipuhe's gone21:30
pestboyWhat is a wireless adapter that works with the newest version of xubuntu?22:27
xubuntu693Anyone here ? have some questions to ask22:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:38
holsteinpestboy: it would be "better" to ask the creators of the devices if they support xubuntu, but, most devices should "just work" these days, and any adapter that works with ubuntu works with xubuntu since they share the same kernel22:40
holsteinpestboy: i personally have always had mixed results with broadcaom.. but, you may not have the luxury of knowing the chipset before purchasing a wireless device22:41
xubuntu693ok, I am a new user of linux. I had an old desktop pc (512 RAM, 150 GB, 3Ghz) running over windows xp. I have installed xubuntu instead, deleting the windows and all data, without defragmantaion. I usd the VLM option when installing, so no partiotionning. I was wondering whether it was a good choice and is it better to partition my hard disk now, after installation.22:51
xubuntu693If so, do I have to install the OS again? thks22:52
Unit193"Used the VLM option when installing"  Come again?  Perhaps LVM?  If so, you're just using the Logical Volume Manager.22:54
xubuntu693yes sorry that was LVM. so is it better for the system to make the partition now ?23:02
holsteinxubuntu693: if you need lvm, use it23:02
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:02
holsteinxubuntu693: if i had hardware of those specs, i would do a default installation.. and try my best to max the ram out physically ASAP23:03
holsteinif i had trouble installing..23:03
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:03
xubuntu693ok, thanks I am going to install it again23:06
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