
hatchhaha no it's fine, it makes sense 00:00
huwshimiAlso the card "When constraints are hidden, they still show upon selecting the machine." is that bug you're seeing or do you want it to still show for the selected machine?00:00
rick_h_huwshimi: so if you hide containts from the list, but select a machine00:01
rick_h_they should show up, at least per the designs00:01
rick_h_it's a bug I'm seeing currently, hiding constraints will never show them even when you select a machine token00:01
huwshimiAh yes, I understand00:01
huwshimi"disable add container for anything but MAAS" is a massive, massive card00:02
rick_h_huwshimi: :) well it's a few cards there, but yes. It's one of the 2 big paths this week. 00:03
rick_h_that path and the ecs/data binding conflict path00:03
rick_h_and then qa/polish00:03
=== urulama-afk is now known as urulama
rick_h_morning party people11:12
=== urulama is now known as uru-bot
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
jrwrenany Canary users? might want to skip updates right now. Its unstable for me.12:55
rick_h_jrwren: thanks, good to now13:19
hatchjujugui I need one review (no qa needed) https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pulls13:30
rick_h_hatch: looking13:31
hatchrick_h_:  thanks - the code is pretty cryptic without the whole picture in your head unfortunately 13:31
rick_h_hatch: ok, I'll just wander around confused a bit and ask lots of questions :P13:31
hatchrick_h_:  you can remove a unit from a machine?13:42
rick_h_hatch: certainly13:43
hatchhmm I never tested that one13:43
hatchor made any changes to that...lemme see if it works13:43
rick_h_hatch: yea, sec let me get the visuals on that13:43
hatchhmm you can't remove uncommitted units 13:44
rick_h_does this work for you? https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/#folders/0Bzj8yHKHrx6pNkVUTkNPd3RWNTQ/0BwDPGKe0SiMbU0RfOXZIXzJlODg/0B7XG_QBXNwY1V3B3dDNvYXJGRE0/0B7XG_QBXNwY1NEtGaHJYZGM4enM/0B7XG_QBXNwY1aVh1cC0wU0JRaW813:44
rick_h_this was part of that talk around the more menu on each unit in the container view13:45
hatchhmm removing a unit via the inspector also removes the host machine in sandbox13:45
rick_h_yea, I can't drop another unit on the root container atm to get the two units listed and see if the more menu appears for each13:46
rick_h_but I'm guessing it's nothere, but yes, you can remove a unit from a container/machine via the container view 13:46
rick_h_hatch: so I'd suggest we get the root container thing fixed up so we can QA and identify any bungs around that 13:47
hatchI'd really like to get this landed - it's been conflicted 3 times already :)13:47
rick_h_hatch: understood :/ I guess it's progress and we need a couple of things worked on/fixed for the delete scenario13:47
rick_h_hatch: ok +1 on landing with follow up card created for 'updating machine token when unit is deleted from container  view'13:48
hatchyeah atm you can't delete a unit only the container13:50
hatchand you can't delete the container because the unit is assigned13:50
hatchremoving a unit via the inspector breaks the mv13:51
hatch*sigh* filing a bug13:51
mupBug #1364956: Removing a unit via the inspector creates a sticky remove unit command in the deployer bar <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1364956>13:57
rick_h_ty, updated13:58
hatchrick_h_:  testing this stuff in a real env is really difficult because it allows us to do things that aren't supported that put things into a funky state14:02
hatchlike creating lxc containers in ec2 for instance14:02
hatchit 'works' but then can't delete it because it can't communicate with it14:02
hatchso maybe we should make sure we have the proper functionalities enabled14:02
hatch / disabled14:02
rick_h_hatch: yes, agreed. frankban is working on that card now14:03
hatchoh, cool14:03
hatchrick_h_:  think we can get an orange box to test this on pre-release? 14:04
hatcheven if they just plugged it into the wall in London? :)14:04
rick_h_hatch: well luca is getting one but not sure when. 14:04
rick_h_hatch: but if I can get caught up I want to get my MAAS setup turned on which we could test it on14:04
hatchahh - I'm just thinking on how we can test the maas stuff14:04
hatchoh alright14:04
rick_h_hatch: yea, the idea is the maas setup I have at home. 14:05
hatchjcsackett:  you betta today?14:05
rick_h_but it's down for the count atm14:05
jcsacketthatch: "better" may be overstating the case, but i'm here. :p14:05
hatchjcsackett:  well then! drink lots of beer14:05
hatchthat's how you fix a cold right?14:05
jcsackettsomehow i doubt that would have the desired effect. :p14:06
hatchjcsackett: your card in review, did that land already?14:06
hatchand....did you want the card "unable to place a unit on a root container" it was caused by the "do not drop on deleted containers" branch 14:07
jcsacketthatch: yes, it landed, and sure.14:07
hatchok cool, I'm just trying to pick my next :)14:07
rick_h_jcsackett: the card there is important. If you need to run please ping and handoff. 14:08
rick_h_jcsackett: and glad you're feeling able to move14:08
jcsackettrick_h_: i don't anticipate crashing today, but if i feel like i'm going down for the count i'll let people know.14:08
rick_h_jcsackett: ty much14:08
jcsackettrick_h_: you talking about the card hatch just mentioned, or the one i'm sharing with brad at the top of the board (that's actually marked important?)14:09
rick_h_jcsackett: the one hatch mentioned, though I'm eager to hear about what's up with the one you're sharing with brad. 14:10
jcsackettrick_h_: i can catch you up on that now if you like, or in standup.14:10
rick_h_jcsackett: all good. Is that done and have a review? 14:10
rick_h_jcsackett: just waiting to land/deploy?14:11
jcsackettrick_h_: needs a review from marco (who i've just pinged in eco); then charmworld itself needs updating, then deployment.14:11
jcsackettthe charmworld update/deploy part is a second card.14:11
rick_h_jcsackett: there's no MP linked in the card external link or review tags. 14:11
rick_h_what's the charmworld update needed?14:12
rick_h_oh shoot I didn't send out my comment on that branch14:12
rick_h_damn LP -> github differences14:12
jcsackettrick_h_: i've updated the card, but to land we need review outside of this team. marco just acked.14:13
rick_h_jcsackett: cool14:13
jcsackettrick_h_: once charmworldlib is updated and the 0.4.2 release is made, then bac has an update to use that that i can review and land. then the deploy funtimes.14:13
rick_h_ic, so the charmworld update is the dep updated14:13
rick_h_jcsackett: gotcha ty for the catch up :)14:13
jcsackettrick_h_: yw.14:15
rick_h_jujugui it looks like a fresh utopic lxc only has python3 in it. So going to add some stuff to the board for checking on and updating quickstart and our charm. 14:26
rick_h_jujugui probably first with just addingn py2 as a dep and then looking at updating from there. 14:27
hatchwow that took a while....3's been out for what? 7 years? :P14:27
rick_h_mhilton: thanks for the pointer there on the changes. Glad quickstart seemed to get a ways into working before it broke in py314:27
rick_h_hatch: well there's a LOT of python code to update before the distro can change the default14:28
rick_h_hatch: but yea, it's been 5yr ish I think? 14:28
hatchit's actually because everyone changed to node14:28
rick_h_though everyone agrees py3 didn't really get usable until 3.214:28
hatchso there was noone to port the code14:28
mhiltonrick_h_: Except it isn't python 3, at least no on my machine 14:28
rick_h_mhilton: oh? I saw utopic and assumed it was a fresh-ish install with py314:29
rick_h_mhilton: ok, can you update the bug with the python version info as well please?14:29
rick_h_mhilton: doh, yea the traceback shows 2.7 14:29
mhiltonyeah sure. I installed it just before the utopic beta came out14:30
rick_h_mhilton: ok, will keep chasing after your bug there. 14:30
urulamajrwren: quick hangouts?14:30
jrwrenurulama: yes.14:30
urulamajrwren: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/jay-uros?authuser=0&hceid=dXJvcy5qb3Zhbm92aWNAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.228npoderqhjtlfek7mqq3a0p414:30
jrwrenand... chrome crashing.14:32
rick_h_Makyo: your card is in review right?14:33
urulamajrwren: :)14:33
jrwrenurulama: how I'm in this room with myself.14:33
urulamajrwren: khm. do use the link from the invite then :S14:33
* rick_h_ heads back to the house 14:42
frankbanrick_h_: quickstart depends on python2, so it should be ok in utopic. I am more concerned about the versions of the websocket-client and pyjuju-client14:47
frankbanrick_h_: also, I am not sure about the charm vs utopic. AFAIK we only support LTS releases for the charm (so precise and trusty)14:48
frankbanmhilton: can you add to the bug the versions of the quickstart dependencies? e.g.  python-websocket and python-jujuclient14:49
hatchluca__: I hate the container column....fix it plz :P14:50
hatchmaybe pictures of puppies can go there? :)14:50
hatchjujugui call in 1014:51
rick_h_frankban: +1, I've got a utopic lxc to tinker with and check it out. 14:54
luca__hatch: what do I need to fix? :D14:54
hatchluca__:  iunno it just sits there...empty....waiting...longing for someone to love it14:55
luca__hatch: well, it should never be empty…let me have a look14:55
luca__hatch: I think there is a bug for that somewhere14:55
hatchwell it's not "empty"14:56
hatchbut it has, say 2 containers14:56
hatchand about 1000x250px of whitespace14:56
hatch(if I shrink my browser) 14:56
luca__hatch: well, yeah but thats because you haven’t figured best pratice and nested all of your services in endless containers…. :P14:57
hatchit's not even possible!!!!14:57
luca__hatch: yeah, rick_h_ told me14:57
luca__hatch: I think if we had known that from the start we would of come up with a different solution14:57
kadams54guihelp: one thing I've noticed as I work on standardizing constraints is that we use the label "disk" in some places and "root-disk" in others… I'd like to change it all to one label, but that may require a data migration, which I've never dealt with in juju world.14:57
hatchanyways....I was just joking around, but it would be nice if something could go there - I have no idea what though 14:57
luca__hatch: good thing we didn’t go with the boxes model because you would of just had big boxes everywhere o.O14:58
luca__hatch: I’m +1 on the puppies14:58
hatchkadams54: data migration? the constraint key is root-disk isn't it?14:58
hatchso the stuff which says 'disk' would just be a label 14:58
urulamahatch: fluffy unicorns?14:58
frankbankadams54: we don't store that data, so no migration should be involved14:58
luca__urulama: haha14:58
hatchurulama: can unicorns be fluffy? 14:59
kadams54hatch: not everywhere. In some places it's "disk"14:59
luca__hatch: we can review it very quickly in brussels :)14:59
hatchI thought they were lean mean murdering machines 14:59
urulamahatch, luca__: Despicable me :) http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/8a/5d/f5/8a5df52b9773d53c1cc6a1d7ab6a827a.jpg14:59
hatchoh I love that show14:59
luca__hatch: urulama https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#q=fluffy%20unicorns&safe=off14:59
hatchthat part made me roar laughing on the plane....ppl looked at me funny14:59
urulamaluca__: :D :D :D15:00
urulamaluca__: so you're thinking about animated gifs for background, right :D15:00
frankbankadams54: the name of the constraint in juju is "root-disk", we should always send that. The label we show can be either "disk" or "root-disk" and I don't have a string opinion, but I agree it should be consistent in the GUI. I remember we had a map/array storing constraints keys and labels somewhere15:01
rick_h_frankban: call time15:01
kadams54guihelp: Looking for reviews and QA on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/528 - there's also a TODO in that code that's sort of an open question about hardware data vs. constraints.15:42
frankbankadams54: you are right, while constraints are something we request new instances to conform to, hardware characteristics are actual values (arch, mem, cpu-cores etc.) describing existing machines15:46
kadams54Yeah, it just got confusing with grepping through source and test code looking for instances of "disk" that needed to be changed to "root-disk".15:47
kadams54I accidentally changed a number of instances that dealt with hardware rather than constraints before I realized what was going on.15:47
frankbankadams54: yeah that's unfortunate15:48
kadams54Also the cpuPower vs. cpu-power just makes my obsessive-compulsive side twitch :-)15:48
hatch__Makyo: do you know why https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/master/app%2Fviews%2Ftopology%2Fservice.js#L1189 model here would be undefined but the bounding box still exist? 15:58
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
urulamajuju-gui: have fun, viva MV release ;)16:00
rick_h_kadams54: heh, well that's thanks to pyjuju vs go juju :)16:02
rick_h_uru-bot: night! :)16:03
Makyohatch, no, not quite sure why that would happen16:06
hatchMakyo:  hmm ok will keep digging16:07
hatchbreakpoints ahoy!!!16:07
* rick_h_ goes to nuke up some leftover lunchables16:07
hatchluca__: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/136505316:13
mupBug #1365053: Add units dialogue on pre deployment inspector is confusing <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1365053>16:13
luca__hatch: that is the correct behaviour. It should auto place that machine, I was going to talk to rick_h_ about it because it’s quite hard to explain.16:14
luca__hatch: it should have a 1 in the input field16:14
hatchok so it is broken now?16:15
luca__hatch: at the moment you can put 5 in the input field and click auto place and it will give you 5 units and you’ll be left with 1 unplaced unit16:15
kadams54rick_h_, hatch: Looking at the "Clicking on the inspector after closing shouldn't reset the help text" card - I remember this coming up in IRC after EOD for me.16:15
luca__hatch: yeah16:15
luca__hatch: the field should start with 1 unplaced unit which is the 1 listed.16:15
hatchluca__:  ok but that unplaced unit is already created so we can't auto place it because they scaled up...16:16
hatchthat's a separate interaction16:16
kadams54rick_h_, hatch: just to be sure… what this card means is the "Your service has been added. Configure using the tabs below." text, correct?16:16
luca__hatch: yeah, thats the problem that I’ve been trying to think through, I think it’s worth talking through because it’s pretty complex16:16
hatchluca__: I think my problem with it is that it looks like the add-unit dialogue is part of the inspector instead of a separate dialogue because it's pre-opened16:17
hatchmaybe just a colouring thing would fix that - make the bg lighter for that section...16:18
luca__hatch: are we talking about the same bug?16:18
hatchkadams54: yeah - if you click dismiss, it should stay dismissed even on subsequent openings 16:18
hatchmaybe? have time for a call?16:19
kadams54hatch: thanks16:19
luca__hatch: sure, got a link16:19
hatchrick_h_: care to joing?16:19
hatchluca__:  rick_h_ https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/daily-standup?authuser=116:19
jcsacketthatch: i was wrong, icons on the root container still seem to have some goofiness. they worked sometimes, not always.16:27
rick_h_kadams54: otp atm will catch up in a sec16:29
kadams54rick_h_: no worries, hatch answered my question16:29
rick_h_ah cool then16:31
kadams54heading out for a run, bbiab16:31
=== fabrice is now known as fabrice|dinner
hatchjcsackett:  ok we can investigate once your fix has landed - there appears to be a unit data race condition 16:38
hatchI created a bug.....16:38
hatchumm looking16:38
hatchahh I can't find it16:40
hatchanyways when you visit a /machine url it causes bustedness16:40
mupBug #1364622: Hardware information never becomes available when creating new machines on ec2 <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1364622>16:40
hatch^ jcsackett I think this is a symptom of the same issue16:40
frankbanhatch: what's the best way to wait for an event (e.g. an attribute change) before proceeding with the function in YUI?16:48
hatchfrankban: it depends what you have access too16:48
hatchdo you have the model?16:48
hatchor the class with the attribute on it?16:48
hatchif so...16:48
hatchmyClass.on('fooattrChange', function(e) { ... } );16:49
hatchwhere "fooattr" is what your attribute is called16:49
frankbanhatch: yes, but that's asynchronous16:49
hatchI think I need more context16:50
rick_h_frankban: can you noop if the function isn't passed the change event object? just verify it's bound or whatever?16:50
hatchfrankban: rick_h_ I'm in the standup room16:51
frankbanrick_h_, hatch: I am in a view initializer, and I can't proceed until a specific value is set to model attribute I have access to. So I have two options: 1) look at all the places the view is created and put the view instantiation in a callback (reacting to an event) or 2) sync wait without doing nothing in some way16:52
rick_h_frankban: so I'd init the view, do what can be done, and setup a watch on the model for the value if it doesn't exist yet16:53
frankbanrick_h_, hatch: to be clear, we have to wait for juju-core response to EnvironmentInfo before being able to use the machine view, because only at that time we know what containers are supported16:53
hatchjoining the call?16:54
rick_h_frankban: ok, so I'd go with a default of disabled, and only open it up once we had a value?16:54
hatchyeah that16:54
rick_h_the hope being that by the time the user deploys something, or goes through and creates a machine it would be done/back16:54
frankbanrick_h_: so, the machine view is disable until we have the value? what if the user reload the machine view? should we redirect to the service view?16:55
rick_h_not MV but just the add container buttons16:55
rick_h_frankban: the only thing we're trying to protect the user from doing is trying to create a container only to get an error or broken state back from juju. 16:57
hatchfrankban:  you can create a flag in the mv which says "enable container stuffs" on load it checks that flag to see if it should show it, if not, it attaches a listener for that flag to enable it in the future16:58
frankbanrick_h_: there are two ways to create a container: using the button and dragging a unit to an existing machine16:58
frankbanhatch: that's a possibility16:59
rick_h_frankban: so thinking this through, we talked about having a 'featured enbaled/disabled' object16:59
rick_h_frankban: and so we'd default to one that is not enabled in real environments, the create machine feature is disabled16:59
rick_h_frankban: and once we got the answer of provider back from juju, we'd need to be able to notify users that the provider (and thus features enabled/disabled) has changed and update their UX accordingly17:00
frankbanrick_h_: I think I have a plan, the UX will change from an initial state in which the header shows something like "checking sub-containers support" to the current one or a third one stating "sub-containers not supported"17:01
rick_h_frankban: oh that's interesting. I hadn't thought about expressing the 'checking' idea out to the user. 17:02
rick_h_frankban: I worry about a flashing message the user can't read/get back to but we can try that out17:02
hatchfrankban:  how long does it take for juju to respond with support?17:02
frankbanrick_h_: it's just a fast request/response17:03
frankbanrick_h_: so I'd expect that if the user lands to the service view, he will never see the message. if he refreshes the machine view he can see the "checking" message, but I am not sure it matters if it fastly disappears17:04
rick_h_frankban: sounds good to try out17:05
frankbanrick_h_, hatch: in theory it can still be racy, e.g.17:06
frankbanval = env.get('providerType')17:06
frankbanif(!val) {env.on('providerTypeChange', func...)}17:07
frankbanrick_h_, hatch: in theory the provider could be set between line 1 and 217:08
hatchno it can't17:08
hatchjs is still synchronous 17:08
hatchthe get call is synchronous, and so is the if check17:09
frankbanhatch: so it's asynchronous but YUI events bubbling is in the same thread, correct?17:09
frankbanhatch: so the event can be notified only after the current function completes, is it right?17:10
rick_h_I don't think it'll pause and change stacks mid-if statement like that. 17:10
hatchfrankban: correct17:10
rick_h_frankban: I think it's pretty safe to use17:10
frankbanhatch, rick_h_: good then, thank you17:10
hatchsomething needs to yield the thread for the async loop to run17:10
frankbandone for the day, have a good evening!17:13
rick_h_have a good evening frankban 17:13
Makyojujugui still need one QA/review on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/52717:16
hatchon it17:16
hatchMakyo:  one comment b4 I qa17:20
hatchon the pr17:21
MakyoOh, I thought that's what remove did. I can hunt down further.17:22
MakyoNew to widgets.17:22
hatchits' a view17:26
hatchMakyo:  you can call `this.destroy()` and it'll go through it's destroy cycle17:27
hatchbut I thought that we kept reference to these tokens somewhere in the mv as well17:27
hatchso something in the mv will need to listen for any token destroy events and then remove it from the list17:27
MakyoAh, lright.17:28
jcsackettjujugui: i need two reviews on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/52917:32
hatchjcsackett:  on it17:32
kadams54Makyo: FYI, there's code in the MV that will remove the token from the internal cache if the corresponding entity (machine, service unit) is deleted from the DB.17:33
kadams54Makyo: IIRC, there's already code to delete from the DB as part of your changes?17:34
Makyokadams54, okay, thanks. Will look into that.17:34
kadams54Then you can ignore hatch :-)17:34
MakyoBut he's so loud!17:35
Makyohatch, kadams54 I'll do a bit of research and ensure that's the case.17:35
kadams54Yeah, shouldn't be too hard to confirm with a breakpoint17:36
hatchjcsackett: one comment on pr before I qa17:36
kadams54Makyo: look at _removeUnit (called from _onUnitRemove) in machine-view-panel.js, line 40117:38
jcsacketthatch: given that parentId === selected when you drop on the container header as well, i think i prefer the explicit toggle.17:38
kadams54Makyo: it looks like it calls a destroy on the token in addition to removing it from the internal cache. This is all triggered on a DB delete, as setup on line 147.17:39
hatchok good point17:39
hatchqa'ing now17:39
kadams54Makyo: So I think you can also ignore hatch's comment in the PR :-)17:39
kadams54Makyo: I think the only places it needs to be removed from are the ECS and the DB.17:40
hatchMakyo: kadams54 in that case, the remove() call can be removed and a comment added to say where/what is happening17:40
MakyoYep, checking that now.17:40
kadams54jcsackett: I'll do the second review/QA on your PR17:41
jcsackettkadams54: awesome, thanks.17:44
jcsackettkadams54: you need reviewers for your PR, yes?17:47
kadams54jcsackett: correct17:47
jcsacketton it.17:47
Makyohatch, kadams54 PR updated with comment17:51
hatchMakyo:  looks good, qa'ing17:51
hatchMakyo: qa issue added to the pr17:53
MakyoAh hell.17:55
MakyoI thought that was managed by databinding.17:55
MakyoI knew this branch was too easy.17:56
hatchMakyo:  hah sorry - I didn't do that stuff in the inspector, I too thought it was databound17:56
kadams54guihelp: in order to make sure the help text stays dismissed, my first inclination is to use a cookie. That said, there doesn't seem to be much else in the app that is cookie-based, so not sure if that's a bad sign or if I'm just blazing new territory :-)18:10
kadams54On second pass, I may add a 'dismissed' class instead, but I'm still curious about the lack of cookies.18:11
jcsackettkadams54: qa notes on your PR.18:12
kadams54jcsackett: thanks18:18
Makyokadams54, don't we use cookies for hiding onboarding?18:25
kadams54Makyo: the only onboarding I've worked on is hidden/shown depending on the number of machines, not any express user preference.18:25
kadams54But the "Getting to Know You" onboarding might be a good place to look at.18:26
MakyoOh, that was in local storage.  There's an onboarding key and a force-onboarding key.18:26
hatchkadams54:  set a flag on the model for the service18:35
hatchinspector to model is a 1:1 relationship so it's the best place to put it18:35
hatchand really easy to implement :)18:36
rick_h_jcsackett: got a sec to chat?18:41
jcsackettrick_h_: sure, just a moment.18:41
jcsackettstandup room?18:41
rick_h_hatch: kadams54 what about just showing it on ghost/first run and not on any others?18:42
rick_h_hatch: kadams54 is there any way to tell a first auto launch from a 'I clicked on a service block' to launch the inspector?18:42
rick_h_hatch: kadams54 so it's more done off of the 'how' it was accessed vs tracking 'have you been seen before' kind of thing?18:42
hatchrick_h_:  yep there is18:42
hatchthat's a good idea 18:43
hatchreaaal easy to implement heh18:43
rick_h_tracking a flag on a model makes me :( at first glance18:43
rick_h_heh cool18:43
jcsackettrick_h_: i'm in the standup room.18:45
rick_h_jcsackett: joining18:45
marcoceppirick_h_: hey, if a bundle doesn't have specific versioned charm will the store injest it?19:04
marcoceppiin a personal branch19:04
rick_h_marcoceppi: yes, I think it should19:04
rick_h_marcoceppi: if proof doens't show an E then it should be good19:04
marcoceppirick_h_: awesome,t hanks19:05
hatchoo new humble bundle is a star trek comic book one https://www.humblebundle.com/books19:15
=== fabrice|dinner is now known as fabrice
* rick_h_ runs away for the day. I'll be back online later at coffee house time. 19:48
hatchmarcoceppi:  new review queue looks awesome - but why such a funky url? Shoudln't it be on jujucharms or juju.u.com?19:48
hatchcya rick_h_19:49
hatchjujugui anyone know how to force destroy a machine using local?20:03
marcoceppihatch: it's not prime time yet20:06
marcoceppihatch: we'll have it so the current url maps here, until then it's a "Google beta"20:06
hatchahhh haha :) 20:07
hatchI have a problem with my ghost charm on jujucharms.com but I can look into that later I suppose20:07
hatchit shows ghost-0 even though it definitely shoudln't be 020:07
hatchblarg I can't reliably reproduce this issue20:10
hatchlaptop sounds like it's going to take off.....realize I have 15 lxc instances running 20:25
hatchMOAR CONTAINERS!!!20:25
jrwren_it sounds light until I remember that is 15 juju's running.  No shared memory :(20:26
hatchhaha 20:31
hatchintermittent race condition errors are da-best-yo21:05
rick_h_jujugui https://github.com/blog/1884-introducing-split-diffs let there be light21:27
hatchrick_h_:  welcome to an hour ago https://twitter.com/FromAnEgg/status/50726388616557363221:27
rick_h_doh :P21:28
rick_h_hey, I was chopping tomatos for tacos :P21:28
kadams54It's Taco Tuesday!21:28
kadams54On a Wednesday.21:28
rick_h_oh this is so nice21:28
hatchyeah what took them so long hah21:31
rick_h_no kidding, works much smoother than the extension as well21:31
rick_h_the comment buttons always got messed up, I gave up on the chrome extension21:31
jcsackettthe ff extension just didn't work.21:32
hatchyeah same21:38
jcsackettrick_h_: does charmworld have a landing bot?21:48
jcsackettbeen so long since i've touched it i forgot how charmworlds review/land process looks, and i'm trying to marshal along brad's branch.21:49
jcsackettguihelp: ^21:53
hatchnoooo idea21:53
jcsackettsuddenly thinking this is a rietveld/lbox show.21:54
jcsackettb/c why have two websites to review code on when you can have three?21:54
hatchmorning huwshimi23:07
rick_h_huwshimi: morning23:32
rick_h_huwshimi: we talked about putting off the size sort for now until we can get constraints in order and better define it23:32
rick_h_huwshimi: does that unblock your branch from moving foward and landing?23:33
huwshimirick_h_: Ah yes, that's great23:34
hatchwow I just got an ec2 capacity not available warning when trying to bootstrap23:34
rick_h_hatch: whoops23:34
hatchI'm doing a dry run of getting my blog transfered to ghost 23:34
hatchmysql charm won't deploy on trusty though23:34
hatchnot sure what's up with that...23:34
hatchhoping that it's a lxc issue with mysql and not a mysql charm issue23:35
rick_h_I've seen some chatter around that23:35
rick_h_check the juju irc log, public #juju23:35
hatchI'm not sure where those are kept :)23:35
huwshimihatch: Hey, if you have a chance would you mind having a look at my updated code and my comments? https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/52623:37
hatchhuwshimi: sure, on it23:42
huwshimihatch: Thankyou!23:42
rick_h_and then hatch should get out of here :P23:43
hatchhaha I'm multi tasking, waiting for env's to spin up for ghost blog work23:43
rick_h_ah ok23:44
rick_h_got to be dinner time there soon23:44
hatchyeah we're going out for supper so waiting a bit for the rush to be over23:45
hatchI don't wait for restaurants23:45
rick_h_big day tomorrow, new Moto X :) and the moto 360. You going to watch hatch ?23:45
hatchhow did i miss this?23:46
rick_h_oh yea man, tomorrow is Motorola day, new phones and watch 23:46
hatchoooo 23:46
hatchdefinitely going to check that out23:46
rick_h_the one from asus looks cool23:46
rick_h_will want to check that out as well23:46
rick_h_I'm hoping to get my motox with the wood backing this time23:47
hatchI just hope their phones aren't like 6" like the new samsungs (and even the new htc one)23:48
hatcheven the m7 htc 1 was large23:48
hatchwas/is :)23:48
rick_h_They're saying 5.0" :(23:48
rick_h_I like my 4.5 or 4.7 23:48
rick_h_5+ is getting too big imo, but I love the motox. The voice stuff, auto detecting meetings/etc23:49
hatchyeah - as long as the outside dimensions of the phone don't exceed 5-3/8" x 2-3/4"23:50
hatch(see I used inches for you) :P23:50
hatchthose are the dimensions of my m7 which is as big as I want to go23:51
hatchit's a little too big 23:51
hatchhuwshimi:  code looks good23:53
huwshimihatch: I still have to remove the size option23:54
hatchrick_h_:  we should investigate the D&D issue in chrome/ubuntu before mv1 release....it's a real bummer 23:54
hatchnot horrible I suppose, but sucks heh23:54
huwshimihatch: Happy for me to shipit after I do that then?23:54
hatchhuwshimi:  do you like the changes? 23:58
hatchI think they are nicer23:58
huwshimihatch: Yeah, I think so, especially having the sorting on the model23:59

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