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[13:40] Good morning Juju. Question. Where does the bash function ch_get_file live?
[13:41] marcoceppi ^ ?
[13:42] mbruzek: that's a name I've not heard in a long long time
[13:42] One of the lesser used charms is failing to find this function, I vaguely remember it.
[13:43] It uses wget and checks the hash value.
[13:43] http://i.imgur.com/YO0lXro.gif
[13:43] marcoceppi, the charm liferay is FAILING to find it actually.
[13:43] mbruzek: yeah, that's charmhelpers 1.0
[13:44] the charm will likely need to add a PPA to continue to function on precise
[13:44] Does it no longer exist in the latest CH version?
[13:45] no
[13:46] current charmhelpers is only python
[13:46] atm
[13:46] this is when charmhelpers lived in charmtools
[13:46] pre charm-tool 1.0.0
[13:46] Well it looks like it tries to install charm-helper-sh which can not be found.
[13:46] right
[13:46] the charm needs a ppa
[13:47] Add a ppa or change the code to use wget?
[13:47] https://launchpad.net/~charmers/+archive/ubuntu/charm-helpers
[13:47] add a ppa, this also does the verification
[13:47] will only work on precise
[13:47] the ppa is to enable those older charm to continue working
[13:47] Ok thanks.
[13:51] marcoceppi, is today new queue day?
[13:51] jcastro: open your eyes and seeee
[13:52] I still see the old queue
[13:52] JoshStrobl: I do actually, i'll send it to you in a pm.
[13:52] oh, should I get the gui guys to fix the URL?
[13:52] jcastro: well, yeah
[13:52] jcastro: http://review.juju.solutions/
[13:53] jcastro: but not right now
[13:53] there's still things to be sorted in new rev queue
[13:53] well
=== jcastro changed the topic of #juju to: Welcome to Juju! || Docs: http://juju.ubuntu.com/docs || FAQ: http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Review Queue: http://review.juju.solutions || Unanswered Questions: http://goo.gl/dNj8CP || News and stuff: http://reddit.com/r/juju
[13:53] do what you think is right
[13:53] well, we're the only ones who use the link
[13:53] so let's go all in
[13:53] sounds good to me
[14:02] marcoceppi: looks sharp man! Nice work on applying the design bits
[14:30] heya lazyPower
[14:30] did we ever get logstash on trusty? I can't seem to find it
[14:30] it needed tests
[14:30] and i was having a big issue with amulet / sentries blocking the tests
[14:30] ack
[14:30] but baseline - is no, its not in trusty yet.
[14:30] which is the most current one
[14:30] logstash-agent or logstash-indexer?
[14:35] lazyPower, ^
[14:35] https://code.launchpad.net/~lazypower/charms/trusty/logstash/trunk
[14:36] this is a port of the indexer, feature 2 landing would be adding the agent - its a unified deliverable now
[14:36] ready for the kickass part? this woudl also include kibana with feature 2
[14:36] *an up to date kibana
[14:36] ok I'll just link to your personal branch then
[14:37] it's a subordinate right?
[14:39] Nope. its a stand alone charm
[14:39] ahhh so the agent would need to be a sub. ok - i follow where you're going with this.
[14:39] I think one of the old ones was a sub
[14:40] yeah, the agent would have been a sub.
[14:41] bummer I wasn't thinking about that, but upgrading the sub will be fairly straight forward with the work that went into the agent.
[14:41] s/into the agent/into the indexer/
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[16:36] mbruzek, have you come across any charms with source behind a "free registration" wall?
[16:37] i'm charming db2 express -- there's an older version in the partners ppa (which is super easy), but the latest version isn't very programatically accessible from ibm.com.
[16:38] kwmonroe no I have not but I could take a look
[16:39] so i think the options are either update the partners ppa, or stash the tar.gz someplace more accessible (assuming the fine print says that's ok)
[16:39] kwmonroe, could you get the required info (I suspect email, name,etc) and send an HTTP PUT ?
[16:39] kwmonroe, can you link me to the wall?
[16:40] mbruzek, here's the wall: https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/preLogin.do?source=swg-db2expressc&S_PKG=dllinux64
[16:42] kwmonroe, this one looks particularly hard with the user having to register.
[16:43] yeah mbruzek - i'll take a look at the form behind "proceed without an ibmid" and see if i can PUT it.
[16:44] but even so, that seems a fragile way to get the source :/
[16:44] kmonroe talk with arosales about getting it added to the partner ppa
[16:44] kwmonroe, that is likely the path of least resistance.
[16:47] ack mbruzek - thx
[16:48] kwmonroe: adding to the partner PPA I think is a longer term solution that we should take a look at. For that we just need to go through the ubuntu dev process
[16:48] kwmonroe: ther other is putting the DB2 binary local to the charm
[16:48] kwmonroe: you need to have an EULA in the charm and a config set for the charm user to accept. mbruzek did this for the websphere liberty lite charm.
[16:49] kwmonroe: and the third option is building a .deb on lp in a custom PPA
[16:50] kwmonroe: putting the binary locally may be your fastest option with an EULA config set
[16:50] in parrallel we can work on updating the partner ppa
[16:50] locally to the charm that is.
[16:50] gotcha arosales - thanks for the options.. i'm gonna put my legal cap on and make sure this is "free to deploy" like the marketing flyer says.
[16:50] kwmonroe: ping mbruzek and check out what he did for the websphere liberty charm
[16:51] arosales, IIRC the websphere charm downloaded the code, but yeah there was an "accept-ibm-license" configuration option in there.
[16:51] mbruzek: ya and I think the "accept-ibm-license" portion is the part kwmonroe is intersted in.
[16:52] mbruzek: given kwmonroe puts the db2 binary locally to the charm for now.
[16:53] yeah, i'll take a look at liberty and bug mbruzek
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[19:57] hey marcoceppi, loving the new review queue! great work man!
[20:00] is there a way to force destroy a machine on a local deployment? 1.20.6-trusty-amd64
[20:01] it appears to be stuck in pending
[20:04] help says to use --force but using it says that it's not defined
[20:04] oh well, hulk smashing :)
[20:05] * arosales geting some review queue time in.
[20:05] marcoceppi +1 JoshStrobl's comments on the review queue
[20:06] hatch: is there a service on the machine?
[20:06] hatch: use terminate-machine with force
[20:06] should work
[20:06] arosales: nope it was just hangin out in pending
[20:06] marcoceppi: ok I'll remember that for next time
[20:07] destroy-unit and service don't have a force
[20:08] JoshStrobl taking a look at https://github.com/juju/docs/pull/156 now
[20:08] mbruzek: ^
[20:08] I will take a look
[20:09] mbruzek: you already commented. This is in regards to the Charm Review Process doc
[20:13] arosales, warming up some food now, will review after :P
[20:15] back
[20:15] arosales, oh, I misread
[20:15] JoshStrobl: no action from you atm. I was just stating I was going to review
[20:15] arosales, I thought you said "take a look"
[20:15] fail :D
[20:16] ah. My IRC grammer is horrible so I thought it may have been that
[20:16] and my message was kind of vague
[20:16] arosales, no no, I just misread, thats all
[20:16] in any case taking a look now
[20:16] seriously my fault
[20:16] alrighty
[20:17] marcoceppi: congratulations on the new revq, looks awesome!
[20:19] mbruzek, sorry I haven't gotten around to working on the reference-reviewers doc yet, been busy with failing tests on some unrelated stuff today. will get around to it tomorrow morning and have something for you to review then.
[20:20] marcoceppi: just fyi - I somehow ended up in the same state and terminate worked thanks
[20:20] No worries JoshStrobl I am up to my ears in work too.
[20:20] mbruzek, yea I imagine a lot of crunching even before the sprint!
[20:21] * mbruzek nods
[20:26] arosales, going to be afk to help the wife clean our newly rescued old cat, just fyi
[20:27] JoshStrobl: ack, I'll post comment in the git pull request
[20:40] marcoceppi, bah crap
[20:40] we forgot something, where to report bugs on the new queue
[20:41] want them on issues?
[21:31] arosales, has the storm ended? my email is finally quiet :P
[21:31] arosales, writing a lengthy response via the comment section in GH ;)
[21:32] jcastro: on gh
[21:33] JoshStrobl: storm ended :-)
[21:33] \o/
[21:33] Thanks for all the great feedback.
[21:36] JoshStrobl: np. I errored on being more verbose hopeully you filter mail ;-)
[21:36] arosales, yea, it all goes to a Juju folder in Thunderbird :P
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