
ahoneybun_Riddell: apachelogger what are those bug fixes that the Google+ account was talking about?01:40
ScottKRiddell: If you could look at approving Bug #1364710 with your release team hat on, I'd appreciate it.04:03
ubottuError: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1364710 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1364710). The error has been logged04:04
lordievaderGood morning.07:36
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BluesKajHiyas all11:25
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soeehiho BluesKaj11:40
BluesKajhey soee11:40
soeesomeone said on main channel that cant upgrade kde-connect on trusty (backposrts enabled) due to lower priority of newer version ?11:47
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apacheloggerPPA exceeded its size limit (2165.00 of 2048.00 MiB)12:32
apachelogger     353 binary packages (2.0 GiB)12:33
apacheloggerwell that seems excessive12:33
apacheloggerand for some reason my system decided that my time should be UTC12:34
shadeslayerUTC is the best12:35
soee:) my laptop since few days from time to time sets my time in bios -2 hours :?12:37
yofelit shouldn't unless you use windows...12:39
apacheloggeryeah that's when one OS thinks the bios time should be UTC and the other thinks it should be local12:40
QuintasanI got keys to my new flat13:24
QuintasanThe walking distance to the uni is like 3 minutes13:24
QuintasanNo more annoying bus commutes 13:25
QuintasanMore time to waste sleeping or something 13:25
shadeslayerQuintasan: also, 3 mins back to your home .... 13:25
QuintasanSplendid 13:25
QuintasanNow I have no excuse not to come home after lectures and work on stuff 13:26
QuintasanI can even connect to campus wireless network from the room lol 13:27
QuintasanGreat success. 13:29
shadeslayerd_ed: pingly13:35
shadeslayermuch fun, ISO broke again because of ubiquity-dm13:36
shadeslayerd_ed: does sddm take into account already running X servers?13:36
d_ederm possibly not13:36
d_edthat might be the logind issue too.13:37
shadeslayernah can't be13:37
shadeslayerbecause there we just directly boot to sddm13:37
shadeslayerbut with ubiquity-dm in the picuture, X starts on VT713:38
shadeslayerand then when you hit "Try Kubuntu" it tries to start sddm13:38
shadeslayerI think13:38
d_edhmm, it does have code that searches for unused VTs13:38
d_edit'll be in the logs as:         qDebug() << "Adding new display" << displayId << "on vt" << terminalId << "...";13:39
shadeslayerI have no logs :S13:39
shadeslayerle empty file13:39
shadeslayerd_ed: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/pending/utopic-desktop-amd64.iso13:39
shadeslayerin case you want to check it out13:39
* shadeslayer looks at ubiquity-dm13:39
Riddellguten dias13:50
RiddellI can't speak german, it just comes out as Spanish!13:51
shadeslayerRiddell: fwiw ubiquity-dm broke plasma 5 ISO again13:54
shadeslayeridk how13:54
shadeslayerit doesn't make any sense13:54
shadeslayerit worked13:55
RiddellI know :(13:55
apacheloggertwas darth vader13:55
Riddellthis is just the sort of thing I'm worried about in canonical's move away from community made software, we'll get stuck on something fiddly like this13:55
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer: when u arrive in brno13:55
apacheloggeralso how13:55
apacheloggeralso spaceships13:55
shadeslayeron wheels13:55
Riddellapachelogger: in a few hours, I'm enjoying austria's finest cuisine just now13:56
shadeslayerI arrive on the 4th13:56
apacheloggeralso I don't think I have Riddell's catalunyan numba13:56
shadeslayerlunchish time13:56
Riddellapachelogger: jriddell.org/contact.html13:56
apacheloggerRiddell: ah, lovely13:56
apacheloggerRiddell: gracias13:56
* shadeslayer wonders if USN offers XML feeds13:56
kubotushadeslayer: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"13:57
Riddellthis Austrian Double Royal with criss cross fries is a paticular delight13:57
shadeslayerbugger off kubotu13:57
shadeslayeryes 13:57
shadeslayeryes it does13:57
apacheloggerRiddell: lol, u go to austria and eat at mcdo?13:57
shadeslayerI should totally write a neonBot plugin13:57
apacheloggerinformation leakage!!!!!!!!!13:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: what u got against kubotu?13:58
apacheloggerexcept the fact that I think the trello plugin still has a bug13:58
shadeslayerkubotu plugin then13:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: since it has a RSS feed, I can automate firefox shizzle a bit more13:58
shadeslayerinstead of having it on cron13:59
apacheloggerkubotu: yo good man, what's wrong with u13:59
kubotuhi, apachelogger13:59
shadeslayerhe's drunk13:59
apacheloggerwhy screw u kubotu13:59
apacheloggerI am reasonable certain it didn't work the other day13:59
Riddellapachelogger: where else could I find that great Austrian tradition the McSundae with karamell?13:59
apacheloggermaybe the time stamp stuff has a corner case bug13:59
apacheloggercuz the only way for kubotu not to get data is if the server doesn't return anything and that probably only happens if the timestamps are off by a bit14:00
Riddellshadeslayer: does it still fail if you stop and start sddm like I did in testing?14:00
apacheloggerRiddell: ....14:00
apacheloggerI am left without words14:00
apacheloggerI am arriving at the train station at 16:37 apparently14:01
shadeslayeryeah I'm arriving before you 14:02
shadeslayermeet you at the hostel14:02
apacheloggeralso apparently I am on the same train as krake, and maybe there'll even be a bistro, why it is entirely possible that I might be drunk14:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: not staying at the hostel, I am staying at the other place 5 minutes away :P14:02
apacheloggerbut yeah14:02
apacheloggerdinner we shall, I'll give someone a ring14:02
* shadeslayer does not like the new maroon 5 album14:02
* apachelogger does not like maroon 514:03
apacheloggerit's like every song is the same, like so much the same, like only the lyrics are different14:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: yep14:03
shadeslayertheir current album is quite alot like their last one14:04
shadeslayerRiddell: stopping ubiquity and restarting sddm works14:04
Riddellshadeslayer: bah, that explains why my testing worked14:04
shadeslayermakes me think ubiquity issue14:04
apacheloggermakes me think sddm issue14:04
apacheloggersddm is an issue.14:05
shadeslayeractually 14:05
shadeslayercould be14:05
shadeslayerI have 2 X's14:05
apacheloggerdoes it not insist on starting on tty1 yet?14:05
shadeslayerd_ed: so, sddm forces X on tty114:05
shadeslayerplz to fix14:05
apacheloggerbecause I actually think that is pretty jolly bad from a platform POV if we have some systems on tty1 and others on tty714:05
apacheloggeralso makes support harder than it needs to be14:05
shadeslayerit could very well be that ubiquity goes bonkers when it can't find X on tty7 14:06
* apachelogger is outraged by the austrian railways not being able to offer online ticketing from brno to austria14:06
shadeslayeryofel:  y u idle in #opensuse-kde :O14:16
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^14:16
* Riddell release dude for plasma and needs to coordinate with packagers14:16
yofelsyping on other distros? :P14:16
shadeslayer^ so who are you spying for :p14:17
yofelus? although I pay more attention to fedora than opensuse14:17
apacheloggerthe more interesting question is why shadeslayer is in opensuse-kde so he knows that yofel and Riddell are there.........14:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: I was looking for someone14:22
shadeslayerwhose nick I don't remember14:22
yofelnow that's very helpful, isn't it? :D14:23
shadeslayerwell, I know he idled in #opensuse-kde14:24
* apachelogger nods very slowly14:29
BluesKajthe opensuse chat was full of juveys when I tried the OS a few yrs back14:31
BluesKajwas no place to get help at the time.. totally hopeless14:32
BluesKajnot like the adult attitude I see in here everyday :)14:33
shadeslayerwhat adult attitude14:40
BluesKajso how is the plasma 5 iso. Is it stable and working ok ?14:40
shadeslayerwell, I broke it yesterday14:41
shadeslayerneeds me and d_ed to sit together and debug it I think14:42
BluesKajok shadeslayer , crashing freezing etc</14:42
shadeslayerthe occassional crash, yeah14:43
shadeslayerbut I think all of them were fixed in 5.114:43
BluesKajdidn't run too well on this intel gpu laptop or on the nvidiagpu desktop either14:44
shadeslayerI really should get a SSD on this thing14:53
shadeslayereven switching tabs in firefox is slow at times14:53
BluesKajff is becoming somewhat bloated again..noticed slow loading on  the desktop pc ...this laptop is fast with practically everything14:55
BluesKajstill 14:56
shadeslayerI switched to CFQ a few hours ago14:58
shadeslayerlets see what happens14:59
BluesKajshadeslayer,  CFQ?15:04
shadeslayera io scheduler that supports IO niceness15:05
shadeslayerd_ed: poke, mind looking at the end of http://paste.ubuntu.com/822424515:22
shadeslayerQt5 be crashering15:22
shadeslayermuch fun15:22
shadeslayercould the greeter be using kactivitymanager?15:23
apacheloggerwe have put activities in your greeter, so you can have a prn activity without login15:34
sneleshadeslayer: do you plan to backport scheduler changes to 14.04?15:44
shadeslayerI am unsure15:44
shadeslayersnele: I want to see what happens with 14.10 first15:45
sneleshadeslayer: ok15:45
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shadeslayerI am unsure if it would be wise to backport it for 14.04 though, need to check what would be the impact15:46
sneleshadeslayer: is there easy way to make a change to from deadline to CFQ? I can test it on 14.04 15:47
shadeslayerecho cfq > /sys/block/sdX/queue/scheduler15:47
shadeslayerfor a one time change15:47
sneleok thanks15:47
shadeslayerfor a permanent change, change your boot parameters to accept elevator=cfq15:48
shadeslayeror add this file : /etc/udev/rules.d/60-ssd-scheduler.rules15:48
shadeslayerwith this line : ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]", ATTR{queue/rotational}=="1",ATTR{queue/scheduler}="cfq"15:48
sneleheh just realised that first thing that I do when I install Kubuntu is to turn off nepomuk/baloo so probably I am not effected by this scheduler change15:50
BluesKajand not enable akonadi 15:54
BluesKajwhat pita those 2 apps are 15:55
apachelogger stop whining go fix it15:57
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BluesKajapachelogger, i did ...it's still a pain to have to deal with useless default apps that most home users don't need.16:04
BluesKajanyway stuff to do... bbl16:06
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shadeslayerapachelogger: ping16:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/183945400/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-i386.firefox_32.0%2Bbuild1-0ubuntu0.14.04.2~ppa1~trusty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: any clue where the redefinition is happening?16:29
shadeslayerthis makes no sense17:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: missing include guards?17:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: why does amd64 build then17:33
shadeslayerbuilding firefox is rocket science I tells ya17:34
apacheloggermaybe the second include is in a platform specific ifdef17:34
apachelogger                 from /build/buildd/firefox-32.0+build1/obj-i686-linux-gnu/uriloader/exthandler/Unified_cpp_uriloader_exthandler0.cpp:54: <- first include of nsKDERegistry.h17:34
apachelogger                 from /build/buildd/firefox-32.0+build1/obj-i686-linux-gnu/uriloader/exthandler/Unified_cpp_uriloader_exthandler0.cpp:80: <- second include17:34
apacheloggersecond causes redef because include guards don't work, are not there or whatever17:34
apacheloggerdoesn't quite explain why nsCommonRegistry gets redeffed though, doesn't like that is coming from the patch anyway17:35
shadeslayerthat file is generated17:35
apacheloggerthe header is not17:35
apacheloggerwhich is where the include guards would be missing or failing or whatever17:35
shadeslayerah well17:35
shadeslayerlets add header guards17:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: also, this builds on precise btw17:36
apacheloggeryou should be able to include the same file 30000000 times without a redef issue17:36
shadeslayersame patches17:36
apacheloggerthat means nutin17:36
apacheloggercould be ifdef gcc_version_balls && gcc_i38617:36
apacheloggersince it's autogen'd unless you make a local build we'll never know why it falls over dead only on trusty i386, but I am reasonable certain the ultimate cause is malfunctioning include guards17:37
apacheloggeryofel: did you really make this recipe a year ago https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/+recipe/project-neon5-plasmate18:04
apacheloggerI totally don't remember plasmate being in the package pool :O18:04
yofelI have a vague memory that I did... yes18:06
apacheloggermost peculiar18:06
apacheloggershadeslayer, yofel ^ any objections to axeing plasmate from neon?18:06
apacheloggerconsidering neon might get deprecated for the time being anyway18:07
apacheloggerdon't want to spend time adding new stuff ^^18:07
* apachelogger throws a ball at shadeslayer18:07
* apachelogger misplaced his bowtie18:08
shadeslayeryou have a what18:08
shadeslayernow I imagine you sitting with your suit on with your bowtie and a pipe in your hand18:09
* yofel can totally imagine that ^^18:09
apacheloggerthat's how I roll18:10
BluesKajdon't forget the suspenders :)18:13
apacheloggeryeah, can't find any good looking ones either18:16
apacheloggermy closet is a mess!18:16
shadeslayercan't be worse than me18:18
shadeslayermy entire room is a mess at the moment18:18
apacheloggertalking about suspenders...18:19
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soeewhat can be the reason that plasmahell sometimes do not start ?19:11
ScottKProbably apachelogger needs a new fez.19:13
apacheloggertrue that19:19
yofelI'm all for apachelogger brining Fezes for everyone at academy ^^19:20
apacheloggerwell that's a bit short term isn't it19:22
apacheloggeryofel: Riddell could probably find a shop for fezes in vienna19:22
apacheloggerall this sort of stuff is to be found in vienna19:22
yofelwell, we could also just some to Munich19:22
yofel*just bring19:22
Riddellapachelogger: too late, I'm in Brno19:22
apacheloggerah, shame19:23
yofelRiddell: how's the weather? Tolerable, or does one need Polar equipment?19:23
Riddellyofel: I'm in t-shirts and sandals and while it's hardly barcelona it's good enough for me19:23
yofelah, great19:24
Riddellbut probably best to bring socks and a shirt19:24
Riddellalso this hotel room only has ethernet, there's 1 cable supplied if you disconnect the phone19:24
Riddelldunno about the hostel19:24
* yofel notes to bring some cables19:26
Riddelland maybe a hub if you are sharing a room19:27
Riddellshadeslayer: ↑19:27
apacheloggercan't even find no fez shop19:28
apacheloggeryofel: how about one of these instead http://www.hut-online.at/doktorhut-schwarz.html19:29
ScottKRiddell: Did you see my earlier ping about approving Bug #1364710 with your release team hat on, I'd appreciate it.19:30
ubottubug 1364710 in clamtk (Ubuntu) "FFe - Update clamtk to 5.09-1" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136471019:30
yofelcan't say I like those :/19:30
yofelI would rather just wear a classic rain hat19:30
apacheloggerimpossibru to find fez19:31
RiddellScottK: no sorry looking shortly19:31
apacheloggermaybe one should consult a hatter19:31
apacheloggeroh fun story, apparently there used to be a fez production industry in brno actually19:32
RiddellScottK: from CHANGES file "Release proper version for Ubuntu legacy" what is ubuntu legacy?19:37
ScottKRiddell: It doesn't affect us.  It's the upstream packages they do for precise/lucid.19:37
apacheloggerfor each release done we get legacy points, if we have enough legacy points we can win new exciting things19:38
apacheloggersuch as fezes19:38
ScottKOnly if the Doctor is available to take you back in time to when Brno had a fez industry.19:47
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.20:08
shadeslayerRiddell: mmm ok20:10
Riddellshadeslayer: mm ok?20:13
Riddelloh cable, yes20:13
shadeslayerRiddell: re hub and cables20:13
RiddellI guess you can turn your laptop into a wifi hub20:13
Riddellso probably no physical one needed20:14
Riddellbut grab a cable just incase20:14
shadeslayermy laptop has shit hardware20:14
shadeslayeror software20:15
shadeslayerdepending on who you ask20:15
yofelhm, I might have an unused router lying around somewhere...20:16
yofelneed to search for it20:16
ScottKyofel: If you're at Akademy, isn't any router you have that you don't bring with you unused?20:17
yofelwell, there house won't be completely empty when I'm gone, so not quite20:18
yofel*the house20:18
ScottKAny of them technical enough to figure its missing?20:18
ScottKToo bad.  Otherwise you could just take it and "fix it" when you returned.20:19
shadeslayerI have a spare router I can bring20:24
shadeslayerI think it can handle like 10 people20:25
shadeslayerso 5 rooms :p20:25
shadeslayeror well20:26
shadeslayersince everyone will have 2 devices20:26
shadeslayer2 rooms20:27
apachelogger2 devices?20:38
apacheloggerwhy you are quite optimistic20:39
ScottKRiddell: mesa FFe likely to be approved soon.  We'll want to test against it prior to approval/upload so at least mgraesslin isn't surprised with his bugzilla exploads.20:40
Riddelloh meh not another late mesa upload20:42
yofelare we getting a new x too?20:43
apacheloggerwhile we are at it, can we also land a new kernel plz?20:43
ScottKyofel: Yes.  New X too.20:45
ScottKRiddell: Talk to infinity about it in #u-release.20:45

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