
kickinz1cjwatson, infinity: Hi!07:04
kickinz1cjwatson or infinity: I'm ready to work on +1, if you can help me to do so...07:04
Beldarkickinz1, No one here with those nicks.07:09
kickinz1Thanks, wrong channel ;)07:09
lordievaderGood morning.07:37
BluesKajHiyas all11:25
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
rgouveiahello ... in 14.10 after grub i get a black screen until some messages about swap appear then i get the graphical login. this is an acer laptop with intel gpu. any thoughts ?16:08
rgouveiathis already happened in 14.04 but i installed 14.10 to test the new release with the hopes that this can fixed16:09
Ampelbeinrgouveia: So, you get a graphical login and then you can't continue?16:09
rgouveiaI can continue normally after reaching the graphical login16:10
rgouveiait's just after grub and before that16:10
=== hachre_ is now known as hachre
rgouveiai still get a few console messages in between16:11
rgouveiabut before those i get a black screen for some seconds16:11
rgouveiaaround 10-20s16:11
=== SP33D_ is now known as SP33D
Ampelbeinrgouveia: You could look at the output of "dmesg" if you see any errors, or check /var/log/syslog. You could also edit the command line at the grub prompt to exclude "quiet" so you can see more messages during system start which might give a clue on what the holdup is.16:14
=== popey_ is now known as popey
rgouveiaAmpelbein: i c ... so the default quiet only hides messages with a black screen or I was supposed to see something else instead ?16:18
Ampelbeinrgouveia: It suppresses most of the kernel messages during boot.16:20
AmpelbeinI have to go now16:21
AmpelbeinWill be back in an hour or so.16:21
rgouveiaAmpelbein: ok, thanks! ttyl16:21
rgouveiaI think that instead of the black screen I should see something from plymouth16:58
rgouveiaok, got it! i add removed splash but left quiet from grub on a previous install, duh! sorry for the noise :-)17:09
=== DGJones is now known as DJones
=== rww_ is now known as rww
SP33Doh ubunt gods tell me plz wilthe folder that exists and has content called /usr23:49
SP33Dwill get deleted when i mount a normal block device to /usr?23:49
penguin42it doesn't get deleted, it just gets hidden23:58
penguin42however, mounting over /usr is probably a bad idea it's probably going to confuse the heck out of a lot of things23:58
SP33Dok i need more space there23:59
SP33Dso i will ln -s folders in there23:59
penguin42it's a little dangerous, you'll probably confuse package stuff maybe23:59
penguin42but if you're careful you might cope23:59

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