=== nik90__ is now known as nik90_ [21:24] hi, how do you accomplish selecting an object not loaded yet in e.g. a listview? [21:25] one strategy is to populate the list by dragging scrolling up and down, but that is fragile [21:32] jgdx: why are you trying to selecting something that doesn't exist yet? [21:34] veebers, right now, instead of mocking the whole language settings infrastructure, my test cleanup is using the UI. [21:35] veebers, so, when cleaning up, I am trying to select an object representing the original 'clean' state [21:38] jgdx: I don't understand sorry, do you have code or an example I can see? [21:39] what are you trying to test (which application). [21:39] Are you saying that you have a listview on screen that you would like to select an item from but you need to scroll it to see it (and click it) [21:40] veebers, sure. Testing USS. https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/fix-1240875/+merge/233054#diff-line-365 [21:40] veebers, yes [21:43] jgdx: if you're interacting with an sdk component elopio has done a bunch of work with helpers etc. to ease that. He might be able to help you with your 'selecting from listview problem'. I wouldn't know off the top of my head though [21:46] veebers, can't find the helper in the docs. Thanks though [21:49] jgdx, veebers: this might help: [21:49] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit/_custom_proxy_objects/_qquicklistview.py#L30 [21:52] well hello [21:52] elopio, that's what I had in mind :) [22:03] elopio, maybe a page like http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.10/python/autopilot/api/autopilot.introspection.types.html would be a nice home for that info? [22:04] http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.10/python/autopilot-emulator/ubuntuuitoolkit.html [22:04] right [22:04] * jgdx hides [22:05] jgdx, :-) If you know sphinx, the toolkit helpers could really use some love to make that page look a bit nicer [22:05] jgdx: well, that one is outdated. The emulators namespace is deprecated, so it's on the TODO to improve the dos. [22:05] *docs [22:08] balloons, :) would css powers help? [22:08] elopio, oO shoot.. that's right, it doesn't autosync does it? [22:09] it can't because they removed it from uitk source right? [22:09] crazy ... [22:10] balloons: I'm not sure. Anyway, it would be now pointing to the wrong package [22:10] anyway, it just needs a little love. After RTM, there will be more time. [22:15] elopio, I'll note it and ask dpm to do another sync when he returns