
pittiGood morning03:27
thumperhi pitti03:30
thumperpitti: happy 10 years03:31
pittihey thumper; thanks!03:31
thumperpitti: I'm nearly at 803:31
pittithumper: crazy how fast that piles up, isn't it?03:31
thumperuh ha03:31
thumpermy daughters don't really remember me working away from home03:32
thumpereldest was 5 when I started03:32
thumperpitti: what are you doing up at 5:30am anyway?03:45
pittithumper: getting up and start working :)03:45
pittithumper: my wife needs to get up at 4:50, then it depends on how much I can still sleep03:46
pittisometimes not any more, sometimes until 6:3003:46
thumperugh... too early for me03:46
pittitook some time for me to get used to it, too03:47
sarnoldcareful pitti, at this rate, you'll be getting up before you go to bed..03:47
pittiheh; but I've been doing this for ~ 3 years now ;)03:47
sarnoldtwo years back, when I joined, it seemed early, but this seems -super- early, hehe ;)03:48
pittisarnold: yeah, certainly not the natural and recommended proper care for a hacker03:49
sarnoldpitti: well, certainly not -this- hacker.. :)03:50
seb128good morning desktopers07:07
didrocksmorning seb12807:08
seb128lut didrocks07:08
seb128robert_ancell, hey, how are you? what are you doing still online? ;-)07:22
robert_ancellseb128, bug fixing..07:22
robert_ancellseb128, yeah07:36
robert_ancellbug 136472507:36
ubot5bug 1364725 in lightdm (Ubuntu Trusty) "logind session ID not used due to race condition" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136472507:37
seb128yeah, saw that one in my emails07:40
seb128robert_ancell, btw Laney is on vac, so don't worry if you don't get much feedback on the gnome-desktop transition this week07:40
seb128I'm going to try to have a look, but it's not at the top of my list07:40
seb128would be nice if the Ubuntu GNOME team was helping reviewing/testing since they are the ones that need that upload to land07:41
darkxstseb128, robert_ancell, I am planning to take a look at the gnome-desktop branches, but been quite busy this week, will get to it in the next day or 208:10
robert_ancelldarkxst, ta08:11
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ubot5Ubuntu bug 1310788 in unity-gtk-module (Ubuntu) "Thunar exists with segfault when accessing the context menu a second time" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:23
ali1234this appears to be another crash caused by unity peeking into application menus11:23
larsuali1234: unity shouldn't look into context menus11:24
ali1234yeah, i know it *shouldn't*11:24
ali1234but apparently it is11:24
ali1234https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bug/1363975 seems to be the same crash11:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1310788 in unity-gtk-module (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1363975 Thunar exists with segfault when accessing the context menu a second time" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:24
ali1234e.u.c has a backtrace, it is definitely dying inside unity libs11:24
larsuali1234: interesting. I'll have a look, thanks for bringing it up11:25
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larsuali1234: does this happen on trusty for you? I can't seem to reproduce it here11:32
ali1234no, but then i don't have unity installed11:33
ali1234it certainly happens for someone somewhere at least once a day so it can't be that hard to reproduce11:33
larsusure, I was just trying to find out if this might have been fixed already and just needs a backport11:36
larsu(also, we do have quite some users. Just because it happens to someone somewhere doesn't mean it's easy to reproduce)11:36
ali1234thunar doesn't :)11:37
ali1234i can't reproduce it on a system with only unity and thunar installed11:48
larsuwhat else do you need?11:49
ali1234well the other possibility is xfce desktop while unity is also installed11:50
ali1234but i don't have a system like that immediately available11:50
larsuI guess this commit is supposed to fix that: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/unity-gtk-module/trunk.14.10/revision/33111:51
ali1234yes, indeed11:52
larsuI can't test with a xfce system right now either11:52
larsubackporting that commit should be easy11:53
ali1234yeah. of course that doesn't really fix the problem, it just prevents the conditions that trigger it :)11:54
ali1234it's also possible the user is running thunar in unity and some other condition that we don't have is causing the crash11:56
larsuya, backporting would be a first step to make the crash go away11:57
larsuI'll gladly debug it if you find a way to reproduce this in unity11:57
ali1234what's more, the error reports stopped on 21st august, so maybe it is already fixed11:57
larsuand I'll point attente to the problem (he's maintaining u-g-m)11:58
ali1234thanks. i'll see if we can reproduce it somehow or get more information from the reporter11:58
ali1234mterry: can we get XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP in the crash reports please?12:08
mterryali1234, hm?  Which crash reports?12:08
ali1234on errors.ubuntu.com12:08
seb128seems like you ping the wrong person there?12:09
seb128that would rather be a question for ev/bdmurray/pitti I would say12:10
ali1234ah, my mistake12:10
seb128we do include that info on apport report to launchpad12:10
seb128so could be a e.u.c side change12:11
Saviqhi all, having a problem with lightdm here, I'm on a dual-GPU (Optimus) system here, and lightdm just will not start X when I disable Optimus and run with only the nvidia card (proprietary driver)14:07
Saviqany ideas?14:07
SaviqI can startx and run the session just fine, it's just lightdm never even tries (no Xorg log or anything, nothing interesting in lightdm log...)14:08
willcookeSaviq, sounds like that could be a robert_ancell question.  I'll ask him and get back to you (unless someone else knows in the meantime...)14:27
Saviqwillcooke, yeah, I though to bug him, but not around14:28
Saviqwillcooke, thanks14:28
willcookeSaviq, it's about 2am for him :)14:28
SaviqI even reinstalled, thought I broke something after having removed nvidia + nouveau due to a hardware issue14:28
Saviqwillcooke, sclacker14:28
willcookeSaviq, I know right!14:28
willcookeSaviq, I've mailed him14:30
Saviqwillcooke, thanks14:30
seb128kenvandine, hey14:44
kenvandinehey seb12814:45
seb128kenvandine, going to do an u-s-s landing in the next days? ;-)14:45
kenvandineseb128, yes... been blocked by what's in silo 1014:45
kenvandinewhich they are working on landing now14:45
kenvandinei have a bunch of branches building in silo 20 now14:45
kenvandinewhich will need a respin after 10 lands and merges14:45
mvoseb128: hi, do you know what plans Laney has with the gobject intospection multiarch work? I would love to get it in for 14.10 and I know Laney wants to push it for experimental too14:46
mvoI'm curious about timeline etc14:46
seb128mvo, hey, he's on vac until the 1114:47
* mvo scratches head14:47
seb128mvo, but he uploaded https://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gobject-introspection/news/20140831T003420Z.html14:47
seb128he said gir needs rebuilds iirc14:47
seb128let me look at my irc logs14:47
mvoseb128: I wonder if I can simply go ahead in ubuntu, ideally prepare it all in a PPA and then mass-copy. but I would need a trusted ppa for that, right?14:57
seb128mvo, that seems like a transition/something that needs a ffe to me14:58
mvoseb128: hrm, that not like it was in the old days :P14:58
* mvo files one14:58
seb128mvo, indeed not!14:59
seb128mvo, oh, found back the log, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/09/02/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t18:0915:02
mvoseb128: not that much it seems :)15:03
seb128mvo, no, but basically it's "either take the hit and do the work, or wait for things to be tested in Debian and sync"15:03
seb128you can probably help in Debian and then sync15:03
mvoseb128: ok15:06
margaTrevinho, do you think there's any data that we could provide to help with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1311316 (input field missing from Unity's lockscreen)?15:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1311316 in Unity "After locking screen there is no input field to type password for unlock" [High,Triaged]15:13
Trevinhomarga: mh, not sure... I've a workaround in mind but it's probably something due to a race...15:14
margaTrevinho, I have quite a number of affected users that can reproduce this on a daily basis, so if there's any data to gather, I could do it.15:14
margaYes, I agree it's due to a race.  Reports state that it's much more likely to happen when on high load15:14
Trevinhomarga: ah, ok... I'm not getting that for a long time, but if you've some people affected it would be probably nice to give them a debug version through ppa, to understand more15:15
didrocksfginther: hey, did you received my email about the lost jenkins jobs?15:19
fgintherdidrocks, yes, the jobs were accidentally deleted. I have a backup of them, I just need to get them restored after dealing with a few other critical issues15:24
didrocksfginther: ok thanks! I hope you backed up the version which autologin/add sudoer and so on (for a reminder of what to check)15:24
didrocksfginther: I'll create the chaining jobs then15:24
fgintherdidrocks, yeah, in this case it was just the job configuration that was removed. the VMs should still be there15:25
didrocksgreat ;)15:25
* fginther will also check for that15:25
didrocksthanks a lot!15:25
araseb128, any idea why this xserver-xorg upload to trusty-proposed is not being reflected in the pending sru report? (http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru)15:48
seb128ara, it is listed?15:51
araseb128, no, that's my question. It is not listed in the trusty pending packages, and I don't know why :)15:52
seb128ara, well, I see it here15:52
araseb128, sorry, I see it now, my bad15:52
seb128want a screenshot of the page?15:52
seb128ara, no worry ;-)15:52
araseb128, thanks, and sorry :)15:53
margaTrevinho, I'm awfully jetlagged and so I'm not sure if I understood you correctly.  Is there a version that would help debugging already available? Are you going to make it available? Do you need anything from me?15:55
Trevinhomarga: I don't have it yet, but we could do it if you have someone that can easily reproduce the issue15:55
margaI have several someones15:58
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kenvandineseb128_, i have that folks change ready to upload, modified from yesterday based on my chat with bigon_16:53
kenvandineseb128_, it'll introduce a NEW binary16:53
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seb128kenvandine, k, I'm about to be away but I can new review that a bit later16:54
kenvandinei'm submitting it to debian too, but can't seem to get reportbug to work16:55
kenvandinethe locking bug...16:55
Laneymvo: I didn't plan on doing that for 14.10 but was rather going to do it in exp and fix things there as much as possible before next cycle17:07
Laneyis it urgent for you?17:07
bigon_18:03 < bigon> kenvandine: didn't you also forgot to move " usr/lib/*/libfolks-dummy.so.*" ?17:08
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kenvandinebigon, i didn't forget it, i left it since it's a lib... simpler to leave it there17:08
kenvandineit won't load without the backend plugin17:08
bigonthe for libfolks-eds the lib is in the same pkg as the module17:11
bigonI guess we should follow this here non?17:11
bigonneed to go now17:12
kenvandinebigon, ok, i'll do that17:12
mvoLaney: aha, ok. not really urgent, it would be nice as it would unblock ubuntu-sdk-libs:$arch but I just checked the rdepends and the amount if quite substantial, so I guess utopic is a bit too ambitious17:28
mvoLaney: I will play around a bit in a ppa and see how bad it is (or have you prepared stuff already?)17:33
robert_ancellSaviq, are you getting bug 1305006?20:06
ubot5bug 1305006 in Light Display Manager "Crashes running display server scripts for non X servers" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130500620:06
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Saviqrobert_ancell, reading21:03
Saviqrobert_ancell, I don't *think* it was crashing, let me find out again21:05
robert_ancellSaviq, do you have the lightdm.log?21:05
Saviqrobert_ancell, no, no crash, this is all that's left in /var/crash; /var/log after a "initctl start lightdm" with no X ever started http://paste.ubuntu.com/8226876/21:20
Saviqrobert_ancell, and I'm trying to run a standard ubuntu desktop session, no unity8 involved21:20
robert_ancellSaviq, oh interesting. What does "loginctl list-seats" give you?21:21
Saviqrobert_ancell, seat021:21
robert_ancellBecause LightDM appears to think there are no seats21:22
Saviqrobert_ancell, but I'm running a session through "startx" now, let me log into IRC from somewhere else21:22
robert_ancellAnd "loginctl show-seat seat0"21:22
Saviq_robert_ancell:ok, here from another pc, loginctl says seat0, 1 seats, no greeter21:24
robert_ancellI want to check if seat0 has CanGraphical=false21:25
robert_ancellThat's the issue. Why does it think that?21:26
Saviq_you tell me :)21:26
robert_ancellCan you file a bug with this info an we'll try and dig into loginds logic to determine what's going on21:27
robert_ancellI suspect that disabling Optimus is making logind think there's no video card21:28
Saviq_robert_ancell:this has worked for me Fri morning, btw21:30
Saviq_except I'm on a different mobo now, different BIOS, wonder if that affects things21:31
robert_ancellSaviq_, yeah, we changed to honoring what logind specifies, so before we just ignored CanGraphical as startx will also21:31
Saviq_ah, nice coincidence... could've saved me a reinstall this morning :)21:31
robert_ancellYeah, sorry. Was busy sleeping at 2am :P21:33
Saviq_robert_ancell:yeah, we already decided with willcooke you're a slacker21:33
Saviq_bug #136516521:33
ubot5bug 1365165 in systemd (Ubuntu) "logind says CanGraphical=no with Optimus disabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136516521:33
robert_ancellLucky we have such little overlap he's calmed down before I next see him and he doesn't fire me21:34
robert_ancellSaviq_, ta21:34
Saviq_robert_ancell:let me know if I can get you anything else, I'll try downgrading lightdm then21:34
robert_ancellSaviq_, you should be safe with lightdm <= 1.11.7. I'll start digging into how logind does the CanGraphical determination - currently have no knowledge there21:35
Saviq_robert_ancell:good enough, thanks a bunch21:35
robert_ancellSaviq_, can you add a lspci to the bug report?21:40
Saviq_robert_ancell:will do21:47
Saviqrobert_ancell, and yeah, downgraded lightdm works like a charm, thanks!21:52
* Saviq missed his second screen21:53
Saviqrobert_ancell, lspci uploaded21:55
robert_ancellSaviq, ta21:55
robert_ancellYour system is different to mine. Mine shows both an Intel and NVIDIA VGA controller on the PCI bus. Yours only seems to have NVIDIA21:58
robert_ancellBut you must have an Intel controller somewhere21:58
robert_ancellRAOF, ^ any insights into Optimus and where the Intel controller would be?21:59
RAOFSaviq: When you say “disable optimus” what do you mean? Do you mean flick a bios switch to “nvidia only” or somesuch?22:24
SaviqRAOF, yes22:39
SaviqRAOF, it literally says "Enable Optimus" and a checkbox22:39
Saviqrobert_ancell, ↑22:39
Saviqrobert_ancell, I explicitly disable the intel one in the BIOS to be able to use external monitors properly, otherwise I end up in hybrid/prime and stuff's not so great22:40
RAOFYou're using the binary nvidia drivers like all the UI heathens, aren't you?22:40
SaviqRAOF, not for long now ;)22:41
SaviqRAOF, but yeah, nouveau just doesn't cut it, and with intel alone I only get the VGA out22:42
RAOFI just wonder whether this bug is actually “logind doesn't understand that non-kms drivers can run X”.22:42
Saviqand with hybrid all hell breaks loose with multimonitor22:42
RAOFtselliot would be interested in your hybrid experiences, methinks.22:43
RAOFOn the basis that he's been doing much of the “can we make hybrid work” bits.22:44
robert_ancellRAOF, yeah, that's what I was thinking22:45
robert_ancellIs that solvable?22:45
RAOFNot really, no.22:46
RAOFlogind can't know if X will run without actually running X.22:47
RAOFWhich makes me wonder what CanGraphical is meant to be.22:47
robert_ancellCanGraphical means "has a graphical device associated with this seat:22:47
RAOFYeah, it's a barefaced lie.22:48
robert_ancellRAOF, is there an alternative method of telling if a binary driver device is present, i.e. can we just patch logind?22:48
RAOFWell, it *could* do that correctly, I guess. By doing pci/usb/whatever probing equivalent to what X does...22:48
RAOFSaviq: Hey, could you dump “udevadm info --export-db” output on that bug?22:49
SaviqRAOF, done22:50
RAOFrobert_ancell: We could, assuming that we have udev rules that appropriately tag all possible output devices with seats, and then logind can *distinguish* all possible output devices...22:51
robert_ancellRAOF, so it might just be a missing udev rule?22:52
RAOFSo, I'm not sure what logind checks, but Saviq's udev output shows that there's nothing with an appropriate seat tag.22:55
robert_ancellRAOF, but there is a device that could/should be tagged?22:56
robert_ancelli.e. udev at least knows about the device22:56
RAOFNot sure. There's both a drm device and P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0 with DRIVER=nvidia, so at least in this case there's options.22:57
RAOFBut I'm not sure if logind is (for example) looking for a framebuffer or something.22:58

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